#it's just damn funny and a surreal pastiche of every E3 presentation since 1996. if you liked Spamton Sweepstakes you will love Gameclam
blacktobackmesa · 1 year
are there any streamers/types of streams you think any of the science team would enjoy watching besides gordon? benry strikes me as a jerma type fellow...
see, my scope for this is limited, as most of the streamers I watch are in RTVS, and I'm not gonna open up the question of whether they can exist here :P
Jerma's an easy answer. I think anybody can watch Jerma, Benrey included. Vinesauce, too-- Vinesauce is a big influence for when Bubby streams with Benrey. I've alluded to Bubby watching a couple vtubers, though I don't have any real life ones in mind. He's been mistaken for one before, and when he looked to see what all the fuss what about, he found it pretty fun. And, of course, Bubby watches speedruns.
Benrey probably knows a bunch of avant garde (read: fuckin weird) channels to tune into. I know that I love when the RTVS crew does stranger concept streams, like Scorpy's take on Chronicles of Benry (which I could write a fucking essay about) or that time Wayne had a stream that was like thirty minutes of him sitting in frustrated silence, leaving the field of view, and returning with a Little Caesars order that he devoured like a beast while music played like a French romance film. That one was Wayne, right? Changed my life. I refer to this group as an artist collective without a hint of irony. I may not be willing to confirm the existence of RTVS inside the canon of HLVRAI and/or my fanfiction but I like to think that somehow Gameclam still exists.
Despite his earlier claims that watching people play video games isn't interesting, Tommy enjoys Pokemon streams, as does Darnold. Shiny Hunting streams are the right balance of idle and exciting, and Tommy has been emotionally devastated by Nuzlockes. Not in the way that makes him avoid them, though. The man likes TV dramas, he knows his emotional limits. Darnold, on the other hand, sometimes gets caught up in the philosophical question of how much he can emotionally distance himself from a pixelated RPG monster when they themselves are made of computer code. He's mostly okay. Probably.
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