#it's 10pm it's my bed time. i should pick an outfit and pack a lunch for work tomorrow
daddy-socrates · 5 months
gotta talk it over with my manager tomorrow but i think i have a defense date!!
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diabeticgirl4 · 3 years
One thing I've realized I really struggle with is completing my bedtime routine (ie making lunch and choosing my outfit for the next day, taking care of my birds, washing my face and brushing my teeth, etc) and going to bed on time (ideally 9-10pm, the earlier the better).
So I've started setting alarms on my phone to help remind me of all my assorted tasks and to keep me focused so I can get to bed at a reasonable hour, thinking that should help?
And uhh it's kinda backfired lol! Instead of seeing my "get ready for tomorrow" or w/e alarm and like, doing that task, I've become very good at seeing it and, not only ignoring it, but also becoming more anxious about the fact that "every minute I'm putting this off I'm falling more and more behind schedule and I'm gonna end up going to bed late Again and I'll be tired all day tomorrow Again and I just know the same thing will happen tomorrow bc I never learn" paired w the multiple alarms going off like every ten minutes or so 🙃
Semi-serious question, how do yall just Do stuff??? Can you actually be like "I gotta pack lunch for tomorrow, pick out what I'm gonna wear, then wash my face and brush my teeth" without any prompt and actually follow thru in a timely matter?? Or do you have some neat cheat codes that help you stay in line and get stuff done (if so pls share ur secrets)?? How do u do it I need to know
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shift-shaping · 7 years
dwc: 📚 library sex for Solas and Surana :)
Glimpses: A Quiet Evening Alone
Rating: M
Genre: Romance
Verse: Confessions of a Teacher’s Pet
Pairing: Solas x Surana
Warnings: Teacher x student, age gap
Lonely, emotionally conflicted, and chronically anxious, Eirwen hides away deep in the recesses of her school’s library. But her own thoughts invade her privacy, and she finds herself unable to resist testing the boundaries of her relationship with the professor she’s pining over. 
Eirwen stretched back over the armrest of the old leather chair and yawned deeply. The arms were too high for her to sit on it naturally, so she laid across it lengthwise like a bed. As her back straightened, the pile of books and papers in her lap fell to the floor in a heap. She groaned and sank back into the chair, glaring at her fallen study material as if it had betrayed her.
She’d been reading for hours, trying to get as much information into her brain as possible before her test in two days. It seemed so close, uncomfortably close, and her quiz grades left her feeling unprepared. As a mage and an elf, she was on a short leash at the university, and her athletic scholarship was dependent on her maintaining a 3.7 GPA or above -essentially all As, with only a few very minor mistakes allowed.
As of last semester she had a 3.9, but doing poorly in her Genetics class could put her in serious jeopardy. She was an excellent student, she knew that, but every good grade she had was earned after dealing with anti-mage and anti-elf prejudice from almost every professor she had. 
It had been a long time since she took a break, though. She sat in the depths of the library, tucked away into a corner she was confident few knew about. If she could muster up the motivation she could go get something to eat, but she was too anxious and too tired for that.
With a soft grunt she reached down and pulled her phone from her pile of things on the floor. The little blue light blinked incessantly, and when she woke it up she saw she had a new text. 
[4:14pm] Hahren: I prefer bodyweight work. It requires little space and minimal equipment.
She raised an eyebrow, scrolling up briefly to remember how they got on to this discussion. That naturally made her recall what she’d been thinking about before she buried herself in her work: her philosophy professor’s incredible arms. 
Earlier that day he’d worn a button-down shirt and pulled up the sleeves, revealing his tight, well-muscled forearms. Eirwen couldn’t take her eyes off them, thoroughly distracting her from whatever the lesson was supposed to be. They were already more than just a teacher and student -they messaged each other frequently, spent over an hour in his office most afternoons, and often went out for lunch or coffee together. He even helped her calm down when she was having a panic or anxiety attack. 
Whatever they were, it only made her attraction to him worse.
She shifted in her seat and looked around, a horrible idea worming its way into her head. She really was alone here, and it was so quiet in the library. Maybe she could use a quick distraction, just something to satiate her mind for a couple of minutes before returning to work.
Since realizing her attraction to him, Eirwen had developed a neat and tidy string of content for her horribly inappropriate mind. First there were pictures, mostly men in dress shirts and women in schoolgirl outfits. Stupid, but it helped. She had a folder of pictures on her phone that went from vaguely sexual to fully nude and definitively pornography. This time she only intended to look at the less explicit shots, the ones that could hopefully feed her curiosity without requiring her to take action. 
If only she had pictures of him. That would be creepy, super creepy, but Maker she would love being able to look at him whenever she wanted. He was so handsome, so frustratingly kind and wise and sweet that she found herself longing for him far more often than she should. She could almost picture him right now, walking toward her, finding her in this quiet corner of the library and just kissing her when she least expected it.
Thinking about him like that was so wrong. So inappropriate. No matter how much time they spent together, no matter how many times he complimented her hair or gulped when he saw her in a short skirt or held her gaze for just a second too long, he was still ultimately her teacher.
But he was so handsome. And his arms looked so strong. She imagined him pinning her to her seat, muscles flexing as he looked deep into her eyes. Then he would crash his lips into hers, his free hand moving under her back to hold her close to him. 
She imagined his fingers, soft and strong, sliding up her back to unhook her bra. His lips looked so kissable, so warm and inviting, and feeling them on the bare skin of her neck would surely drive her wild. She’d have to be quiet, even as he slipped his tongue against her neck, his voice low and teasing as he reminded her where they were.
She squeezed her eyes shut and let her head roll back, feeling her nipples harden in her shirt and wetness surge between her legs. Damn her imagination. She couldn’t do this here, not where someone could theoretically walk in on her. 
She covered her warm face and groaned inwardly, her ears drooping in frustration. This was a disaster -she was a disaster. She had to decide whether she wanted to do something or nothing, whether she would let this burn or fade away. No matter what, it couldn’t simmer like this.
So she took a deep breath and made a bad decision.
[7:38pm] Me: Are you busy tonight?
[7:43pm] Hahren: Is something wrong?
She frowned -why did he have to be so sweet all the time?
[7:44pm] Me: Not exactly. I could just use some company and a study break. Have you eaten dinner yet?
[7:45pm] Hahren: No. Why?
[7:46pm] Me: Want to get something quick with me? I can buy it.
It was a long time before he answered her, long enough that she put her phone down and, defeated, went back to her work. She could hardly concentrate though, and only got through two sentences before her phone buzzed again. Naturally, she picked it up so fast she almost dropped her books again.
[8:03pm] Hahren: No need. They don’t pay us so little I cannot afford a meal. Should we meet somewhere?
Her heart almost stopped, and she had to read the message at least three times before she could process it. She didn’t know what she was expecting with that, but it definitely wasn’t this. If she had to bet on this exchange she would have expected a shaky no, something that suggested he wanted to but also knew he couldn’t. 
But this was entirely out of her realm of possibility. She had to answer him; she didn’t think she’d get this far. 
[8:06pm] Me: How close are you to campus? I’m at the library.
[8:08pm] Hahren: Not far. I can pick you up. Do you have a restaurant in mind?
She wracked her brain for an answer that wasn’t embarrassing. Most of the places she ate at were mostly vegetarian, if not entirely, and they were probably pretentious enough for him.
[8:10pm] Me: There’s a place on Piroette that makes incredible veggie burgers. They put eggplant in them. Any interest?
[8:11pm] Hahren: Sure, sounds good. I’ll be outside the library in about twenty minutes. Will you be ready by then?
[8:11pm] Me: Mind if I bring my books?
[8:12pm] Hahren: Hah, what kind of teacher would I be if I did?
Her heart skipped and she sank down in her chair again, eyes wide. This was really happening. She swallowed hard and typed up a quick response, trying to keep herself from panicking.
[8:13pm] Me: A shit one. I’ll see you soon then, hahren.
[8:14pm] Hahren: See you soon, Ms. Surana.
With a slow, deliberate movement, Eirwen put the phone down on top of her backpack and crossed her arms over her lap. This was really happening. It was just a quick dinner, just burgers and fries, but it was still dinner and he was going to pick her up. 
As she shifted to pack her things, she realized with an annoyed frown that her fantasies earlier had made her far more aroused than intended. Fantastic. She was meeting her professor for dinner while absolutely drenched from thoughts of him making out with her. This could only go well. 
if you enjoyed this fic, please hit the reblog button on this post. comments are cool but not necessary -you can leave no tags, a keysmash, or even just 'nice' if you'd like! thanks for your support -arden
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missylou22 · 7 years
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Bear with me 😉 it’s going to be a while. But its pretty aMooseing, SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!
While I’m sure most of you dream of your tropical vacations, believe me, I do too… But this year I decided it was time to venture further North. To America’s tophat.
To be honest, My Canadian up there had been whining at me to visit for almost 3 years so it was only fair I let her plan the whole trip and just hand over my credit card. So she planned more than I ever expected, and we found two more blondes to round out the group for the week. I jokingly requested an itinerary, but really didn’t care. I was pretty much flying up there and not making any decisions- just put me in the car and let me be amazed!
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I had NO idea what I was in for… sure I knew I was going to the Rocky Mountains…. our hashtags for the trip were #rockyroadgirls2017 and #fourgirlsoneporsche2017 🙂 and I knew we’d be hiking so I made sure to buy some practical cold weather boots… the day before I left… whoops!
I flew WestJet from Charlotte, through Toronto and on to Edmonton. I’ve never actually flown into Canada before. We visited Niagra Falls when I was little, but I don’t remember too much about it, other than purchasing an awesome tiny red backpack with a polar bear holding a Canadian Flag… I wanted to try to find it the last time I was home, but other things were more important.
So I jetted off to Canada and arrived in Edmonton around 10pm Mountain time… meaning midnight EST and Tanya introduced me to her cat Cooper, gave me the quick run-down and put me to bed. The next morning I finally met her husband (after 3 years) and we all drove to the largest Mall in North America, West Edmonton Mall!
Seriously, this place is a one stop shop… you could live here and be perfectly happy! Hotel, Amusement Park, Indoor waterpark, mini golf, pirate ship, sea lion show… For reals. yes, we rode the rollercoaster 🙂
I made sure to outfit myself in some authentic Canadian gear, no, not the cowboy hat… but with some Roots Sweats! And I wore them every night. We wandered around a bit more before deciding another stop in Edmonton was the Fort Edmonton Park – we rode a train!
With our tummys grumbling it was time for a favorite food spot (because of the menu descriptions – “Russian dolls are so full of themselves”) and Canadian delicacies – Caesars and POUTINE! Lucky for us, it was also right downtown, so the perfect snack before an extra bonus concert; Lionel Richie and Mariah Carey!
Mariah was pretty terrible… Lionel was AMAZING.
Another late night, and we crawled into our beds before the real adventure started.
Saturday we picked up another Rocky Road girl and the 3 of us threw our stuff into the Porsche for a 3.5 hour drive to Jasper, AB. While there wasn’t a set itinerary, we did have hotels already in place for each stop along the ride  – so we enjoyed a fattening breakfast with REAL Canadian Bacon (its better), and stopped for whatever sign we thought could be fun along the way. That meant, the Beaver Boardwalk for Adventure #1.
We giggled the whole way around the boardwalk, and came to the conclusion that we should probably stock up on the essential alcohol before getting into Jasper where prices would most definitely be inflated. Getting into Jasper we stopped along the way for all the photo opportunities.
I’ll be honest with you, this “hotel” was my absolute favorite acommodation this whole trip. We got a whole cabin to ourselves!!!
Adorable 🙂
We basically dropped our stuff and went off to continue the Jasper Adventure! Up to the Sky Tram! Yes, a giant enclosed ski lift to the top of Whistlers Mountain, well…. almost the top, I was coherced to hike up as far as we could. What a trek that was, I have not trained enough for this kind of physical exertion!
We got our first real glimpse of Canadian wildlife – a mama black bear and her 2 cubs which definitely earned us our Beers and Canadian beef.
Because we started drinking at dinner, we just continued a little to heavily throughout the evening. It was probably not the brightest idea as we had to be up early for a quick drive up to a GLACIER the next morning!!
I got to also finally experience another Canadian tradition…. Tim Horton’s! Breakfast & coffee, with a minor Gatorade mishap and we were off to experience a real life Glacier at Columbia Icefield Glacier Adventure! Yes, it was cold. No, I did not care. Due to the wildfires happening up north, the views had been a little hazy but lucky for us it had rained the night before and we had the clearest day in weeks! I even tried the glacier water, but weirdly enough it tasted smoky!
But the Adventure doesn’t end there!! The other half took us to a skywalk off the side of one of the cliffs! I still can’t seem to find a fear of heights, so I sauntered right out onto the clear glass.
Super fun experience, we helped K out onto the walk (serious fear of heights) and all got our fabulous photos. By now I’m sure you’re following that we’re not a 1 or 2 Adventures a day type of crowd, so our drive back to Jasper took us to Athabasca Falls (in the only rain that came down during the day) .
Since we skipped lunchtime (again), we took a little jaunt through downtown Jasper for Greek & Pizza (the restaurant was a hodgepodge of everything). Once we were re-nourished we hiked around Pyramid Lake, visited the Jasper Park Lodge, and saw a few of the bridges on our 3rd hike of the day at Maligne Canyon (Jasper National Park).
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A more leisurely morning followed with cold pizza for breakfast and took us back through the glaicers (for a pee break) and a few roadside photo opps before we hit Banff and picked up another Blonde!!
And there we were… #fourgirlsoneporsche2017 ! Finally! Although I was the only Brunette, and American, I held my own 🙂 More hiking around Bow Falls and up about a million stairs to Waldhaus for, well, we weren’t really sure what – but you can’t ever go wrong with a Pub!
All this hiking, I again earned my beers. We joked to Jojo about not wanting whipped cream on her coffee and they brought us a side cup of whip. They’re pretty serious about their whipped cream! We wouldn’t let it go after that, and yes, we all shared the whip. I also had a giant skillet of poutine which really needed to be shared.
Could we stop there with my blisters screaming at me through my converse? noooooo, we shopped around downtown Banff, I got my fix of Canadian lawn mowers (spoiler alert, its Elk) had to go see the Fairmont Banff Springs who apparently houses these mystical mineral pools that we would most definitely come back to when the pricing was only $35 instead of $70 🙂 It was gorgeously refreshing.
We had to drop K off at the airport in Calgary  the next day (work always gets in the way) which left T, Jo and I to continue on to Drumheller! or…. DINOLAND!!
I was so excited to be here!! ALL THE DINOSAUR THINGS! The Largest dinosaur in North America and yes, our third stop (after the sign & t-rex) was the Royal Tyrrell Museum to get our learn on 🙂
Crazy thing about that photo of the T-rex hip… it’s TOO HEAVY TO ACTUALLY USE IN THE SKELETON. The one they actually use is a cast! I will never again make excuses for my hips. I’M A FREAKING T-REX. 🙂
Wouldn’t you know it, THIS PLACE has a hike attached to it too!! By this point I had stolen K’s flip flops before she hopped on her plane home. My feet thank her.
The hike was short, not too much to see – just incredible to think dinosaurs actually roamed around here millions of years ago! On our way back to the hotel we stopped at the neighborhood saloon. It was sufficently awkward. We needed slurpees after to feel normal again. And I made T and Jo stop and take photos of me with Batman Dinosaur.
I was also introduced to a new super entree (and they say American’s have terrible obesity feeding foods)… my dinner was a cheeseburger wrapped in a pepperoni PIZZA.
That ensured an early bedtime for us all, after testing out the waterslide and hot tub at our hotel.
Our last full day was a day of randoms. We drove by a sign for a suspension bridge, so we walked across it.
Adventure two was the Hoodoos, where we hiked more (surprise) and I learned what an Inukshuk is! So we left our own.
And then we got our heart rate up by hiking down into Horseshoe Canyon. I did have to flip off the shoes at one point, I was slipping straight out of them anyway so it was just easier to walk in the dirt barefoot. We searched for fossils down there too but came away empty handed.
I lost track of the days during this Vacation, which is hard for me to do. A full reset for my brain. I didn’t even check my email!! Our day wrapped up with the search for flip flops to wear home and pedicures to round it out before we said farewell to Jojo. My blister is happy for backless shoes. Although I did pop it before I got on the plane. It squirted across the bathtub. Grossly satisfying.
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My flight back from Calgary to Toronto to Charlotte left before lunch and I was able to pack my Canadian purchases into my suitcase and still come in underweight! T drove the 3ish hours back home to Edmonton and I was happily eating dinner on my couch by 11pm. I had Friday to answer all those emails before I jump another plane to Jamaica.
The Journey never ends!
  Canada, eh? Bear with me 😉 it's going to be a while. But its pretty aMooseing, SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!
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