#it's also with [asc spoilers] where ppl are like how can x love y if they did bad thing
the-owl-tree · 10 months
Mapleshade hate is often just misogyny. The baby trap argument, comparing her to Ashfur, and saying she didn't really care about her kits is just absurd.
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it really does depend on the argument, because i don't blame a lot people for not liking the character for how she's treated as undeniably in the right for killing and what not....but it's when people start making up shit that i raise a brow. that she's emotionally manipulative, that she baby trapped appledusk, and so on and so on. it's like....is the murder not bad enough. is murder not good enough to point out she might not be a good person. is the actual child she manipulated not good enough proof that maybe she's not a good person, we have to pretend appledusk is her poor hapless victim. come on now, let's not be sillay about it
i also dont understand the "doesn't love her kits thing". like i think there's a bad trend of equating love = moral goodness, that to love something means that it erases the bad, and i think it's just a bad way to view these dynamics. i say this as someone who likes idea that mapleshade loved her kits as extensions of what they could do for her lol
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