#it's an hilarious masterpiece
blackthornluce · 3 months
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F.R.I.E.N.D.S (1994-2004) S08E18 - The One In Massapequa
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Yin (of YinWar) is PETTY
And I have 29 pictures to prove it!
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Background info: Yin and War have their vlog where they upload videos of them doing . . . well, whatever they want, so today's adventure was going to be of them eating at a restaurant that Yin wanted to go to, but War demanded they go to a different restaurant with chickens roaming around, even though he wanted to eat fish at the restaurant.
Yin abided and found a restaurant that fit War's criteria. He called War when he got there THREE TIMES but War didn't answer. Yin was bothered because he thought his buddy had gotten in an accident or something. Finally, someone answered War's phone and said they had kidnapped him. Yin thought it was a joke, until the exact moment he didn't think it was joke.
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Then, we get the dumbest flashback to War leaving his house in the most ridiculous outfit to meet Yin only to get hit over the head and dragged back into his house.
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The kidnappers tell Yin they will start cutting War's fingers if he doesn't give into their demands. After looking very stressed and upset, Yin finally figures out that this is War's version of the early 2000s American show Punk'd and decides to get petty.
He tells the waiter to box up War's food, but to bring him his plate. Then, the man eats stating that "[War] is a survivor. He can survive."
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Then, Yin decides to get dessert.
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Mind you that this entire time, War is still tied up.
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And he is getting pissy waiting around, so the kidnappers remind him who is in charge and to stfu.
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They put him in the cage (dunk tank with blocks of ice in the water), and wait for Yin to figure out where War is. Yin must answer questions to figure out the location and his first question is about an animal, which Yin incorrectly answers is a chicken since he is being PETTY and upset that War made him go to that restaurant for chickens that he didn't even wanna eat.
War gets dunked.
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Next, Yin is told to go to a place where he refills his energy when he is down, and once he gets there, he needs to dance for the angel. He asks for clues, so he gets hit with a riddle - How many dwarves are in Cinderella. He answers "seven" even though there are no dwarves in Cinderella.
War gets dunked again.
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Yin keeps getting more questions, and keeps getting them wrong showing this is a Pinky and the Brain relationship with him and War, and clearly, Yin is not The Brain.
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The kidnappers start taunting War about how much Yin doesn't love him since Yin can't seem to answer one damn question correctly when Google is literally at his fingertips.
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But then War starts to embrace the cold, which is good since his ass is getting dunked a shit ton because of Yin's pettiness.
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War is resigned to his fate with each passing moment as he slowly comes to the conclusion that Yin is dumb.
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But thankfully, Yin has finally figured out the place with the clue to where War is being held which just happens to be War's mom's house since that is a place Yin goes to when he is down (awwww!). He has to dance for the angel, who is War's mom (awwww x2!), but the whole family is there and it takes a minute for Yin to get over his shyness to dance for the location where War is being held (which, if you remember, is War's house).
Meanwhile, War has a light bulb moment, and puts 2 and 2 together.
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Yin is fucking smart! He graduated WITH HONORS in computer engineering. How the fuck does he keep getting these fucking easy ass questions wrong?!
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Pettiness is the answer
But before War can get properly upset, Yin rushes in to rescue him screaming "P! P'War!" and in an Oscar-worthy performance, War puts on the softest voice begging Yin to get him out.
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While Yin records the entire thing claiming he is too dumb to get War out.
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War tells him that to get out, Yin has to solve another riddle, so Yin (being petty) hands a shivering War the camera while telling him not to drop it in the water. War's smart mouth tells Yin to not worry about him only the camera since he is already addicted to the pain of the water.
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Because of that, Yin decides to stay on his bullshit and takes forever with the riddle while War is FREEZING!
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Finally, War snaps and starts yelling answers at Yin.
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But he fucks up and says that Star Wars has only six movies instead of nine, so Yin takes a moment to berate War for that since WAR is the big Star Wars fan.
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Finally, it's time to get War out, but instead of using the key that would release the water from the tub, Yin says "fuck this kid" (even though War is older) and pushes the button so War falls one more time as War is screaming for him not to.
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War is upset and starts questioning Yin even while Yin is helping him out of the tank because it's so interesting that Yin has a waterproof jacket on. Sooooooo. Interesting.
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So War slaps him!
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After getting dried up a bit and warmed up, War immediately starts questioning what the fuck took Yin so long.
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Yin blames the traffic saying that Bangkok traffic is 🎶The Worst🎶 and somehow, War agrees with this bullshit.
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But he is still upset and questions Yin's intelligence. Yet he continues to do all of this in the softest angry voice I've ever heard. It's like he is scolding his child but doesn't want his kid to cry. It's adorable.
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War asks if he is hungry (since they were supposed to eat like eight hours ago), and Yin unintentionally states that he already ate, but Yin plays his final card to guarantee that War doesn't get mad at him, and tells War that his mom bullied him. This shit works. War isn't upset anymore.
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Pettiness wins!
But not before War fesses up that he just wanted to do this because it fit with Jack & Joker and Songkran. Yin doesn't seem pleased with War's reasoning for putting him through all of this.
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But I loved it!
If I even get a quarter of these shenanigans in Jack & Joker, I will be thrilled!
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anantaru · 3 months
this is my new favorite anime
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ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: donnie dressing him and leo up in old lady disguises complete with the names patty and hortense and leo actually going along with it lmao
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randomalistic · 8 months
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LOOK AT THIS MAN. I just had my queer awakening for the 2nd time
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thequietabsolute · 4 days
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when a book wrecks your emotions so completely you absentmindedly set a delirious reminder on your phone to commemorate and mourn the day the fictionalised representative of a historical figure from your country was arrested prior to his execution 🪓
it’s so funny because i see this each year and it makes me laugh that i did that, while giving me a healthy reminder that sometimes I can be a bit of a fool when overwrought.
R.I.P. Thomas you’d’ve hated brexit but loved Finnegans Wake 🇬🇧
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so funny how the party was casted as weirdos and should have looked like weirdos . duffers during their final screening of s4 were probably like 'why arent yall ugly'
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Absolutely obsessed with this gay little movie
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artsyapocalypse · 1 year
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My partner and I have been watching a ton of Charborg's project zomboid streams lately, and I love the Larp Ferocious crew so much! It's been a loooong tims since I've had the time or energy to fully finish a piece, but I was so excited to draw something for this! Also I'll take any chance I can get to draw a post-apocalyptic bg 😎
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thebubbleplush1 · 3 months
idk what to post anymore so take this old ass video I made back in October
Shorts Wars season one explained horribly
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It’s finally time for me to rewatch Klaus for the billlionth time, AKA my favorite Christmas movie❣️
Tagging @drawthethingdoppelganger because if you haven’t seen her Klaus art, you need to get on that, because it’s gorgeous.
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s-wordsmith · 2 years
"So my adopted daughter did complex math in her head while we were having a bonding moment, because she's just the smartest and I love her so much, and then I went to see my super-hot, really talented girlfriend and she told me she's happy and fulfilled and we started making out--"
The Homeland Security agent, interrupting: "Mr. Ford, please just tell me what went wrong and how everybody you love ended up dead, please, I don't want to hear how clever and sexy and happy they were."
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I also recently restarted joining the lollipop chainsaw fandom, soo...
If you want to ask me headcanons or x reader stuff about:
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( The Dark Purveyors and Swan only please) go ahead :)
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drawthething · 1 year
"I'm sorry. You are?" - "Better than you"
"Ha! Can't afford regular yogurt"
"Well I kissed her first and you kissed her worst"
"Seattle has drugs"
"And A is for 🎶 asthma which is a disease 🎶 that takes people's 🎶 breath 🎶 a-waaaay"
"Put. the lips. down"
I think we all know who the ultimate star of Two for Tina is
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wrishwrosh · 7 months
who here has read ducks by kate beaton. if you have read ducks you should come talk to me about ducks and if you have not read ducks you should read ducks
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