nickcarlyles · 3 months
lollipop chainsaw manga chapter 1
I scanlated the first chapter of the official lollipop chainsaw manga! it was originally released in 2012, and it has a bunch of prequel stories about the characters before the game. the first chapter is mostly the in-game intro in manga form. some of it was included in a Famitsu issue, so the first few pages are much better quality than the rest.
I didn’t really scan the pages, since I don’t want to damage my manga, but hopefully I’ll find a second copy someday. I hope the quality is readable enough! Also, I am NOT fluent in Japanese, im a beginner, so my translation is pretty rough in some spots. I researched a bunch to try and help but Juliet sure loves slang. hope it still makes sense. if anyone wants the Japanese pages instead, just lmk!!!
pages under cut or in above link
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kevinabel · 11 months
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"Five tickets to the Barbie movie, please"
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royal-skull-princess · 2 months
Any fan of your favorite zombie overlords, please make any free requests as you like! 🧟
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(Sorry, had to repost this. Made a mistake)
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I also recently restarted joining the lollipop chainsaw fandom, soo...
If you want to ask me headcanons or x reader stuff about:
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( The Dark Purveyors and Swan only please) go ahead :)
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rjshepherd · 2 years
So how are we pronouncing Vikke's name? Vee-kay? Vike-y ? Veek? Vik-ay? RB with ur idea in the tags
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pinc-loud · 1 month
Say it's true or say it's through, I give up
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suppenzeit · 18 days
pre-transition viktor: caused 2 apocalypses in the span of like two weeks
post-transition viktor: has not caused any apocalypses so far
conclusion: transitioning makes you less likely to be a small scale nuke on accident
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galatoma · 7 months
I love when smps explain away why certain people never log on by being like "they fucking died for real." They're their servers' very own lootable skeleton holding a message
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cronchrokk · 10 months
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“Gotcha!! Now c’mere”
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huhustuff · 1 year
Would it be alright for me to request some general hcs for the 8th sidemen AU? Like how the reader met the sidemen, what were they known for before joining the sidemen, who was the first person to meet the reader, who was the sidemen who recommended the reader to be in the group, their relationship with each sidemen, is there anyone who have or had feelings for the reader? what was the reader doing during the diss track season? Any drama? Reader can be any gender if that matters.
Yea that’s all I got. Sorry if this is too much. Love your work <3
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝___𝟖𝐭𝐡𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
Thank you for this lovely request 🤍!
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This is part 1 to this request. The second part is going to include the individual relationships between the reader and each sidemen. And part 3 will include events after this imagine, diss track season and other events that y'all would like to see, so let me know what events y’all are interested in. I did not want to include all in this because I was scared this would be too long.
These events were hard to build up without the reader becoming an oc, but i tried lol.
Before you got to know the sidemen you had a youtube channel that you had started in the beginning of 2013 and which had gained a decent following within a few months after starting. You had started the channel for jokes. In your free time you enjoyed playing minecraft with your friends and thought you would record the fun times just because you could and to save the memories. 
Surprisingly people enjoyed watching your content and your sense of humor. As your audience grew you started to play other games as well per numerous requests. After the unexpected growth of your channel and presence in the youtube scene you got invited to your first gaming convention. The invite itself seemed to send you into shock, it was all happening too fast. But this was a chance of a lifetime so you spent days convincing your parents and yourself that going would be a good idea. 
The event was even more unnerving considering that you were pretty young. But at the end you managed to convince your parents and they agreed with the condition that one of them will take you to the place where the event was taking place, but you were allowed to roam the convention by yourself. considering you had not revealed your face nobody recognized you from youtube at first. But after talking to a bunch of people a girl recognized you from your voice. You swore you could have exploded from happiness. Someone recognized you just from your voice. and they were happy to see you as well AND they said they love you content. AAAAAAAAHHH. you were beaming with joy.
And the day got even better. After spotting an area with multiple computers to play Minecraft you headed straight there. Since the other places were currently taken you sat next to a guy with dark hair and eyes. Whilst playing you noticed from the side of your eye that he was often watching you play and looking like he wanted to say something. Another 4 awkward minutes passed until he took up the courage and commented on your gameplay. You talked a bit about minecraft and then exchanged names. You discovered that his name was Vikk and that he also had a youtube channel.
The two of you continued chatting about youtube while strolling around and soon met another youtuber that he seemed to know. Vik introduced him to you as Josh. This Josh was a bit intimidating at first, but out of politeness you talked to him with the slight encouragement of Vikk. Turned out that you had actually heard of his channel a few times and that he had heard of your channel once since his girlfriend had mentioned it to him. 
ahahahahahahaha. HE had heard of YOU. Even if you weren’t a fan of him it still seemed unreal. After a short chat Josh had to leave to meet up with another creator who Vikk also wanted to meet. But before leaving Vikk asked you.
“I think we have to go now, but would you want to maybe…um play together sometime? Make a video together?”
“Sure, just hit me up on twitter if your interested”
“Nice, i’ll be sure to text you”
You parted with wide smiles and excitement of an opportunity for an upcoming collaboration.
Little did you know during that time period the ultimate sidemen (the sidemen that we know today) were looking for more people to add into their group. They had invited a few other people, but it did not seem to click with any of them. But after Vikk and you played minecraft for a few times he suggested adding you to Josh since he had met you as well and after looking through your channel Josh agreed that you could be an interesting addition. The two of them presented the idea to the group. After a little discussion they all agreed to invite you for one time and then see how you fit into the group.
Once again, you were in a very intimidating situation. Vik had asked you if you wanted to join him and some people he knew to play GTA. You did some research on the group and realized that it could attract a whole new audience to your channel so you agreed (you were not a clout chaser, you were tactical). And little did you know that decision was going to change your life. 
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Author note: I wrote this with the knowledge that the reader was born in 1998 (the date and zodiac is accustomed to the reader), but in certain images it can be changed if necessary. for example for a romantic simon/josh imagine, cause it would be a bit weird if for example in the year 2015 a 22 year old Simon or Josh was dating a 17 year old reader. (that’s my opinion but for some it could be okay and if they request a imagine without mentioning an age change i won't do it :) )
Hope you enjoyed this and have a good day or night 💐!!
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dr3amofagame · 1 month
im ngl while it is true that the "c!dream is obsessed with c!tommy and always has been and all of his actions are singularly motivated by said obsession" take is obviously untrue and exile was meant to service some greater ends in c!dream's plans, i think that the fact that c!dream does disproportionately blame c!tommy for shit going wrong in his life and that exile was carried out with more than just a little amount of vindictive pleasure in controlling c!tommy and abusing him is like, going a bit too overlooked lately, lmao
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i actually did more lollipop chainsaw cloutchase drawings after this one but some of the characters i chose for the roles aren’t revealed yet
anyway take these two i enjoyed (tho i think old amino fits as juliet better than twitch)
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daughter-ofthe-sun · 9 months
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The Boys at Vik’s wedding
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royal-skull-princess · 2 months
Finally another dark purveyor fan
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Yeah! I can tell you are too. Which one do you like the most?
I'm rarely hoping to see them as yanderes!
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kirlias452 · 10 months
Is it alright if you could write about Poly dark purveyors when their s/o is sick/dismembered?
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Note: Reader is G/N and is a rock opera purveyor with their weapon being a violin scythe.
🎶 You were a rock opera purveyor (a representation of Swan’s resentment towards everything). You fought with the other purveyors and made it harder for Juliet to stop Swan’s plans. It was a tag team effort in both stalling her and trying to take her down.
🎶 After Defeating Lewis Legend, Juliet— now face-to-face with you was ready to stop Swan’s plan. On one hand— you didn’t want to hurt her too bad, but on the other, she killed your dear friends. Juliet had to suffer for that. You readied your violin weapon with Juliet prepared to take down the very last purveyor — You.
🎶 After dodging the swings of your scythe, Juliet saw an opening and struck your shoulder blade with her chainsaw. That male head on her hip shouted in surprise as your now detached arm launched at Juliet and began to scratch at her.
🎶 You gave her a twisted smile and you held onto your scythe with a hard grip. The detached head on Juliet’s hip made a comment about how she had to avoid the severed moving limb along with your scythe attacks. Juliet chimed in; saying how gross it was with how it moved.
🎶 You tried to get another strong swing at her but she quickly dodged it and went for your remaining shoulder blade, cutting it clean off and dropping your scythe.
🎶This in response made you scream in anger at the cheerleader, not only for the loss of your buddies, but also your arms.
🎶You yelled and cursed at her with all your might as your arms began attacking Juliet. You felt your arms grow back as you went and snatched your scythe up.
🎶You stated to the cheerleader that you would finish her off and complete the ritual to summon Killabilly. The smile you gave her was wide and bearing sharp teeth, as you got into your fighting stance.
🎶 Juliet had dodged your strongest scythe attack once more as she summersaulted in the air and pierced her chainsaw through your torso and moving it upwards. Your upper body was cut in halve.
🎶 You gave her a cold remark on how she had succeeded in completing the ritual, now that you had fulfilled your role in it. You fell to your knees as large amounts of blood pooled from below your opened wound. You let out a mocking giggle as Juliet ran towards you with a grimace and swung her weapon down hard on you.
🎶 You woke up back in Rotten World after Juliet had taken you out. It was infuriating how you have to see your darlings also get taken out by that girl with her talking head buddy.
🎶You looked to see Killabilly back on his throne, looking worse for wear. ‘The King of zombies… failed?’ You thought to yourself in disbelief as you looked around for you and your friend’s hideout. You haven’t noticed that your body was still in pieces thanks to Juliet.
🎶You huffed in annoyance and you manoeuvred one of your limbs near your severed head so you could rest on it.
🎶 After a few minutes of taking a nap, you felt someone pick your head up, this caused your eyes to shoot open as you looked at the person holding your severed head; it was Zed, one of your darlings.
🎶 He held you by the sides of your head and let out a slightly drawn-out ‘fuck me’ in a hushed tone as he inspected your other body parts. The others looked at your dismembered body in both shock and slight concern. Juliet gave you the worst out of the others.
🎶 “Dang babe,—“ Josey picked your left arm up, “That cheerleader girl messed you up real good.” He looked over the arm, seeing if it was damaged. Luckily it wasn’t, but still.
🎶 “Aye, y’ got closer than any of us to beating that bitch, that’s f’ sure!” Vikkie boasted with a small chuckle he grabbed your torso
🎶 “It’s not every day that some dude gets to be the last to summon the big guy, man.” Mariska pointed out as she pulled out a needle and thread.
🎶 Lewis had to put your body parts in the right places, giving you a slight glance before looking at Mariska. “Gotta hand it to ‘em; Sunshine over here put up a good fight.” Their compliments at least made you feel happy wile the zombie hippie stitched your limbs back together.
🎶 Once you got your body back together, you immediately thanked them for their effort and kindness. It’s not the first time you had to be stitched back together.
🎶 Vikkie went up to you and gave you a bear hug,
“My little ástvinur is all good now!” He let out a hearty laugh, giving you a kiss on the cheek for good measure.
🎶 Letting you go, you went to the others and gave them a warm smile and held you arms out to the others, lightly blushing.
“I’m so glad to have such lovers like you.”
🎶 Zed chuckled, rubbing the back of his head,
“C’mon bud, don’t get all soft on us now, you’re gonna make my heart start beating.”
🎶 You giggled at the punk zombies statement, giving him a light peck on the cheek.
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doodlebloo · 8 months
I will admit that this is a devastating loss for Red Rabbits but no matter what Red Rabbits #14 will always be THE most devastating MCC loss to me.
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