#it's approaching 130 am my time so ignore any typos
grittyreadsfic · 3 years
Okay yes I’m sold plz tell me everything about jackty wow they’re fuckin cute. Does any fic exist? Anything you’d like to rec?
tell you everything about jackty 
this is a can of worms that no one should have opened but i will happily dive into. rip to everyone in a groupchat with me or who follows my twitter because i do talk about them a lot
their tag is pretty sparse but i have read all of it so.
so anyway, you wanted to know about jackty:
i’m going into this assuming you have 0 knowledge of the devils as a whole as well as them individually, so sorry if i’m telling you anything you already know.
ty smith is a defensemen who played in the WHL for Spokane and was drafted 17th overall to the Devils in 2018. this is actually his rookie season (he was cut late into training camp both in 2018 and 2019, and might have actually made the roster last season if he hadn’t been injured) and he’s playing so well (23 points in 48 games played). some fun lore about him is that he said he would have been a magician if he hadn’t been a hockey player, and he actually did some magic tricks in one of the most awkward videos to exist. he also lives and trains with brendan gallagher of the habs during the offseason, and gally actually bought him his draft suit. the whole family appears to have quasi adopted him and ty says that they talk most days. also important to note that in juniors ty used to talk to his team’s gm about potential trades and offer to talk to players. 
jack hughes is the second of the three hughes brothers-his older brother quinn plays defense on the canucks and his younger brother luke is getting drafted i believe this year. their mom, ellen, also played for team usa and i’m in love with her. he went the usntdp route and broke some records there  before going first overall to the Devils in 2019. he had a pretty rough rookie season (anyone who breathes the words draft bust around me will perish, thanks) but he’s doing a lot better this year. it’s important, i think, to know that he lived with Devils vet Cory Schneider for the first few months of the season until Cory got sent down to Bingo and then Jack moved into his own apartment where he lived by himself at 18.
the really fun thing about jack and ty, is that they played against each other at a bunch of international tournaments. according to ty, they used to chirp each other on ice and actually got into it during WJSS 2018, but they sort of made nice at jack’s draft, which was in Vancouver, where ty lives during the offseason.
they hit it off during stuff for prospects in 2019, and stayed in touch when ty got sent down. jack apparently reached out to ty midway through quarantine to ask about living together, ty’s response was  “We'll see. I've got a team to make. I'm not on the team already like you are.” which, in case you were wondering, is a common theme! ty says he didn’t feel like he’d really made it until sometime in march, i believe.
ty actually scored his first nhl goal in his first nhl game off of jack’s assist. ty’s first assist on a goal was in his second game on a miles wood goal where jack got the other assist. 
jack let us know they’re roommates and admitted that ty does the cooking and the cleaning. but ty’s unwilling to speak poorly of jack, and i believe it’s in this podcast where ty defends jack’s pretty sad contributions as a roommate, here’s part of the quote:  He’s the take-out-the-trash guy in the house. That’s huge. He’s always doing that when the trash gets full or the recycling. I’m more like do the dishes and most of the cooking. He kinda hangs out in the kitchen, kinda like the sous chef like he’ll chop up the stuff and I’ll do the cooking. So it’s good. He’ll play the tunes, get to have some fun and relax. It kinda works out well.
another fun roommate activity? jack’s making ty watch all of matthew mconaughey’s movies, most notably the romcoms. 
in conclusion, devils social media posed the question “are they ever not together?” and damon severson, who’s been ty’s dpartner most of the season, said no.  the roommates angle gets leaned into a lot and literally the speak of the devil podcast write up on nhl.com literally said “Overall, the adaption from enemies to frenemies to friends has been completed.“ so obviously this means that’s it’s prime enemies to lovers territory. 
anyway i hope you enjoyed my 700ish words about jackty, here’s a photo that seems to be the default expression on ty’s face every time he looks at jack
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