#it's been the same narrative since the day 1D died
For years, Louis' brand has been the under-confident artist who didn't know if he had the chops or support to go solo. That brand has been reported to death in mainstream news coverage and spinoff sound bytes, covered in every interview he's done since 2017, and reiterated in Louis' own tweets and output. It's been systematically documented in the record of life and the world.
But the takeaway from AOTV is that despite all his insecurities and the uncertainty about his future, Louis and his team now know it's all bullshit and there is absolutely a place for him in the industry.
So..........and I'm probably going to get a ration of shit for this..........can Louis and team please take this opportunity to put the underdog narrative behind us and move forward with a confident Louis who knows he's earned his place at the table?
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anexlarrieblog · 3 years
Hi, so similar to you I left for a few years after Jay died. I was really uncomfortable with babygate and the fact there was a baby and now a child who calls Louis dad. However I think there was something between Louis and Harry in the early days and it was never the full blown romance some said. And perhaps even not fully realised. They put the band first and moved on.
I think the big Larry blogs in 2013/14 were brutal and bullied other blogs. Ridiculed you for asking questions or having a different view.
I do wonder about Harry having fauxmances but Louis has had the same gf so long it doesn’t make sense.
I think larrie blogs are terrible to the women they are linked to. Olivia has been destroyed. The double standards are crazy. Why would she not be a victim in Hollywood why would she not have to work so much harder than a man???
Lastly I am just a small neutral 1D blog now. Neither in nor out just open minded. Nostalgic about old Larry but it’s so much more enjoyable leaving the craziness of Larries behind.
Hi anon!
I mean it’s indisputable that Harry and Louis were very close at the start of 1D. They had a full blown bromance and were very touchy feely and what could definitely be construed at times as flirtatious. It’s one of the reasons I became a Houie at first as I just couldn’t get rid of the idea they were once together. However, if you look at ‘Ziam’ videos they can portray the same narrative and Larries were verryyyyy good at pushing the narrative. Do I believe they were ever in a relationship and deliberately closeted from management etc? No. And there’s no doubt the rumours DID affect their friendship very negatively. As for what fully went on from start to finish we will never know.
Big Larrie blogs were AWFUL. There was like 10-20 blogs who controlled the entire narrative and had like a hierarchy and this sense of self importance. You were questioning anything? You were practically exiled. Toxic behaviour.
As for Larries attitudes towards women in their life - yeah it’s pretty damn toxic. I’ve always been a massive Taylor swift fan since her very first album (I just love her music) and as a Larry I (shamefully) bought into the narrative of her being an attention seeker and in a fake relationship with H. Larries are misogynistic. They will deny this until their last breath but they are.
Thanks for sharing your story anon. Feel free to come off anon to chat to me anytime :)
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