#it's both funny and sweet.... love that kaworu's here from the start so there's more time to see their relationship develop
tomaturtles · 1 year
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse - Ch. 1 // Ch. 14
Obsessed with the shift from "what a freak 😐" to "pretty-- pretty incredible 😳"
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positivelyamazonian · 5 years
Hi!!! Idk who Bathsheba is but your fanart of her is absolutely gorgeous! (Ik that some of them aren’t ur art but it’s still consider urs.)
Actually no fanart made for my fanfics is mine. I know how to write, but not how to draw. Fortunately, I’ve been blessed with the friendship of many amazing, talented people who have been kind enough to read my fics in the past and decided to gift me some art made by them, based both in my OCs or other TR characters.
Since you asked, I want to mention them again to tribute their love, friendship and dedication to my fics. None of this works were commissioned - not because I won’t pay for their talent, which I’m doing anyway in other aspects (Patreon, Redbubble), - but because it’s my moral guideline not to tell artists to draw something for me. I feel happy enough to see they draw and keep their talent alive. So, all of this pieces were given out of their good heart and free will. I’m gonna just mention and show some artwork.
1. @hydraballista
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Powerful, passionate, this artist who is well formed in comic style drawing and digital design has gifted me many drawings, scenes and sketches devoted to my fics and my OCs. She has done some wonderful works, indeed, but I want to remark the digital covers made for the Spanish versions of The Golden Seal and Lilith’s Scepter, my first two TRAOD sequels, a wonderful design out of her brilliant and creative mind. Not only that, she’s been kind and generous to gift me two copies of my own fics in this design and the original of Lara kissing Kurtis at the end of the first sequel, among other little scraps and sketches.
It is well to highlight her rough and strong Lara and his cheerful and carefree Kurtis, liberated from all grief, she loves to draw, far from any sexualization or shallowness. It is good to mention she’s right now working in her own comic project of Bloodline, which was meant to be Kurti’s first spin-off game.
2. @adayka
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Sometimes sweet, sometimes powerful, sometimes dramatic, sometimes funny as hell, Jasmine, to whom belongs the Batsheba you’ve seen and has generated this ask, is one of the most recent blessings to my fanfics. Her drawing and colouring talent has really no limits. Despite she has a very defined style for her faces, she’s able to draw a wide range of expressions and situations always managing to touch your heart. There not a thing she can’t draw, and she’s been the most prolific in drawing for my fics.
Not only prolific, but also kind and generous: she’s been amazingly altruist to gift me practically all the originals she has drawn for them, including an amazing, craft handed Kurtis’ journal taken from the lore of my fics - Kurtis having a sketchbook to practice drawing; and this far before that we knew Murti Schofield has plannes a similar reward for the @trdarkangel project. Inspired, also, in Werner’s diary in TRAOD, of course.
3. Carola Funder
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Used to be a very appreciated TR fan artist, though now it’s been a while she has moved on to other projects, she drew some scenes for The Golden Seal out of her good will, which I’m still very grateful for. 
Her strong, well built - even buffed - athletic figures are very remarkable of her style. She has drawn some of the best classic/TRAOD Laras AND Kurtis that I can remind. All in traditional style.
4. @angel-in-shadow
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Recently arrived to the current fandom, she’s a digital artist who has done many fresh, new renders using the actual models taken from the game, for which I’m grateful since I don’t like renders using “realistic” new models, or models for other games (specially LAU trilogy and reboot, ugh).
She has done covers and renders for The Golden Seal and Lilith’s Scepter, too, and some scenes for the first one. She’s also a fanfic author and is currently working on renders for her fic, The New Order.
5. @anentireamazon
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- Anna, one of my latest OCs, from the fic The Awakening. Surely she reminds you of someone in particular, but with a slight change… :)
Currently developing her own style, my sister Elena works on digital art with her tablet out of her own motivation, that means, she’s autodidact. She has made many drawings for my fics and will probably kill me for sharing this one but here goes anyway.
Not many have dared yet with my Anna, so, this is a must.
6. Kyu Chan
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Speaking of people who has dared with Anna… here comes Ariadna, Spanish reader and friend who has made some artworks for my recent fanfics Mr Vance Renner and The Legacy, the one still on updates. She also uses tablet and she’s one of the scarce, scarce Spanish readers left.
I’ll have to stop here so the post doesn’t go too far and it’s too long. Of course, many other artists (***) have worked on my fics in the past - I’m so lucky! - but I’ve mentioned them in past asks and if I recall correctly, those posts stop where this one starts. So I hope this one was useful and entertaining to you.
*** My love and tribute also to Kaworu, Damian, Mystique, Scheroff and @anyathebloodshell (*) for your contributions ***
Please, consider following these artists and giving them your best - likes and reblogs - for each one deserves love and have more and amazing works apart from the ones they did for my fics. And of course, if you once feel like reading my fics which are linked in this post, I’ll be immensely grateful myself, too.
As I said at the beginning, I don’t reclaim ownership on this works, they are theirs, not mine. But they were gifts and no gift shall be returned, right? ;) Thanks for the ask!
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