#it's easy to fall into that 'they're invincible' mindset
cloud-somersault · 9 months
Semi continuation to the ask about shadowpeach not thinking about the fact they might have been trapped simultaneously. I understand them thinking the other purposefully abadoned them NOW, in present times with all the bad blood. But seriously how in all the years they were trapped, how did they not think 'hey maybe the reason my loving mate isnt rescuing me is because he actually cant. Im being punished, why not him'
(comes crawling out of the chap.4 document covered in blood and picks this ask up off the kitchen table) ........... uhhhh oh okay. yes. okay
in chapter 4 (SOBS AND CRIES) this will be vaguely explained. maybe? I don't know anymore. but also uhm.
A lot of this has to do with, like, expectations. We know, since this was from Wukong's perspective, what he thought about Macaque even if he's being all "I hate you, you suck!!" right now. He fucking is impressed with Macaque's powers and takes him seriously in every fight. He knows Macaque can't be underestimated. He respects his abilities and magic. He thinks it's cool that Macaque can teleport anywhere! In the Mate Day flashback, he DEADASS thought Macaque just...made a new shadow spell out of the blue. I don't know if I've made this clear, but it is difficult to make new spells.
Wukong held Macaque in a high regard. He was the only one (and still is) who can stand toe to toe with him, after all.
And we all know Macaque thought Wukong could do anything. He's the MONKEY KING. Sun Wukong! Able to beat celestial armies and stand up to gods! He's invincible! He gets whatever he wants! Past!Macaque saw all of this and got it into his head that .. there is nothing that can stop Wukong.
When you have those expectations, you're left with this feeling of... "Why isn't he here???? He can do anything... I've seen it. Why isn't he saving me?" Because you don't think of them being beaten. That's not feasible in that mindset. Incomprehensible. It's also a very childlike notion but they were young then.
It's grappling with the fact that the person you thought was all-powerful and amazing...isn't. Everyone has limitations. No one is perfect. People are going to disappoint you. A person cannot be there for you 24/7 and expecting that is unrealistic.
Also, in chapter 4, you'll see why Macaque wasn't...thinking about that as much. He had other stuff going on.
For Wukong, since we know his story and that he was under that mountain for a while, he did do some thinking...but he just didn't want to believe it. He couldn't...see that happening. Not Macaque.
I think it's clear by this point that...both of them have a hard time coming to grips with the truth.
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