#it's empty lol and i'm about to start watching a movie on tv but hopefully i'll manage to scribble down a word or two this upcoming week
theflyingfeeling · 1 year
Sorry to interrupt all this eurovision madness but I saw Allu and Olli in the background of Joonas’ story watching the gig and I can’t help but imagine them secretly holding hands in the crowd 🥺
Well, prove me they didn't? Huh?? That's right, you can't 😌🥺💕👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻
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kreauxlighe · 1 year
Gaymer Au Snippet
Alright so. A few people throughout the mp100 fandom have been like lol what if they were gamers tho? which is top tier content, A+, big brain work. so i've started writing a gaymer au fic and i love it so much and @crownorclover has been brainstorming and developing the plot with me and its AAA i feel normal about it. so normal. anyway i'm like 25k into this thing and wanna share a bit.
all you need to know going in is that reigen has borrowed tome's switch so that he and serizawa can play a game and reigen knows next to nothing about anything game-related. it is. so tragic. he & wawa have just moved one of the couches and the tv into the massage room in the office.
“Alright fine, I guess that’s that then, we’re good to go.” He looked around the room once more before turning to Serizawa, “How you feeling, big guy?”
He managed a strangled sort of sound which Reigen seemed to think was the result of general game-playing nerves and not a result of what he’d just called him.
“Remember, trial run. No pressure. If you don’t like doing this we’ll stop and do something else. Watch a…movie or something, I don’t know, I don’t really hang out with people anymore I don’t know how this works but it’s fine we’ll figure it out I think I’m gonna have another cup of coffee do you want a cup of coffee?”
“Uh…no.” Maybe he wasn’t the only one feeling anxious about this. Maybe normal people got anxious about hanging out, properly hanging out, with friends for the first time too.
“Oh. Okay.” He sat in his office chair. So he supposed he wasn’t getting more coffee then. Probably for the best.
Serizawa got settled on the couch, it only had two seats really, leaving the seat between him and Reigen empty, save for his hoodie. He navigated to the users and it was immediately clear which one Tome had designated for Reigen. It was just called ‘Stingy Old Man’ and the icon was Tom Nook. Serizawa had to try very hard not to laugh.
“Well we’re changing that right now,” Reigen said.
“Okay, what should I rename it to?”
Reigen was already chewing on a choco pie, “Just call it Serirei.”
“That’s our names mashed together.”
“No, I know that I…okay.” He didn’t have the mental fortitude to explain ship names to Reigen. Hopefully Tome wouldn’t either. Once that mortifying ordeal was settled they moved on to profile picture.
“Oh, let’s use the little elf dude.”
“If that’s his name.”
“Link is not an elf,” Serizawa said, “he’s Hylian.” He supposed he was grateful Reigen didn’t call him Zelda.
“Which is basically a fantasy elf, isn’t it?”
“No, an elf is already fantasy.”
“He’s got pointy ears.”
“So do vulcans!”
“And those are just space elves.”
Serizawa buried his face in his hands. This man wanted to stream to anyone with an internet connection and he didn’t know Link’s name, he didn’t know what a Switch was, he didn’t know games were digital. It would be a nightmare. Or his ineptitude would make him very popular. There really wasn’t any way to tell.
“You okay, big guy?”
“Mhm,” he said into his hands.
“Haven’t given up on me already, have you?”
He dragged his hands down his face, “No. Just… promise me you’ll never call vulcans space elves again.”
Reigen leaned over the empty space of the couch, putting his hand on Serizawa’s shoulder. “Serizawa,” he said softly and Serizawa could feel his entire face get warm, “I will never make that promise.” He slapped his shoulder, “Let’s pick a game!”
please scream with me about them i feel SO NORMAL
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