#it's for me(an angry crier)
keykidpilipili · 3 months
Headcanon that if John Doe Malevolent gets a human body, he becomes an angry crier. He's just as stubborn and WILL WIN THIS ARGUEMENT but now he is also crying and nearly vibrating out of this plane all the while.
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porschesbabydaddy · 2 months
Theerapanyakul cousins as children
Tankhun: extremely bossy but very cool big brother, comes up with the best games
Kinn: shy and awkward little kid, definitely had an ugly duckling glow up
Vegas: total crybaby with an explosive temper, universally described by teachers as a delight to have in class
Kim: undiagnosed autism baby and insufferable know it all
Macau: biter and certified Bratty Baby Cousin
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solomiracle · 6 months
slowly subscribing to my new "the twins are giant crybabies" hc
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jgracie · 29 days
frank handled leo sm better than me the chinese handcuffs situation alone wouldve had me in tears for like 3 days
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somnas-writes · 5 months
Magnus being Vanirspawn while also being the most rage filled teen Ever is so funny
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settledflamenco · 1 day
Potentially controversial? But if anybody is punching Gerard, it will not be Evan Buckley.
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cold-neon-ocean · 6 months
I have such big feelings about Baatar and his anger, I feel a lot of his negative emotions present themselves as anger. Sadness, loneliness, physical pain, and anxiety especially all filter through as anger. Stemming from his general feeling of having control of nothing and always being surrounded by people he'd never have a hope of defending himself from or just at the mercy of the world around him in general.
Particularly with his anxiety, which he knows a lot of earthbenders can pick up through his heart rate, so it's an emotion he can't have privately. And of course anxiety at his station is seen as a weakness and an embarrassment, and he has no control over it so he has to walk around knowing that anyone could tap into it at any time which only makes it worse. So of course he's short tempered and projects his anger/authority more severely and is quick to dismiss people so no one has time to notice.
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causalitylinked · 1 year
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open the floodgates.
your frustration turns into tears quickly. the strength of your fury is so potent that it sets off the waterworks out of pure rage. you hate it, because whoever's pissed you off thinks it's funny, like you're not tough and you can't defend yourself. you can, you just need to get through the haze of emotions first.
TAGGED BY: @ofliminalities​ ( thank you for the mention! <3333 perhaps one day, i’ll try to be more active. )
TAGGING: @heraid / @hembralfa / @spiritpyro ( hayate and rokuro! ) / @lastgenesis​ / @fractalle / @aaternum / @crimsontroupe ( equinox ) and whoever else would like to do this!
#monark spoilers#█ ▓『 ✦ ⸂ •• QUEUED — ⧼ because livi is a busy adult irl. ⧽ 』#█ ▓『 ✦ ⸂ •• DASH GAMES — ⧼ feel free to steal from me. ⧽ 』#┕━ ❛ ⚕. muse »» 𝐊𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐖𝐀〡i take my problems one step at a time. if i do something i’m gonna do it right.#┕━ ❛ ⚕. headcanons »» 𝐊𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐔〡change your mind about me? i’m the kinda guy who knows how to pick a time and place.#┕━ ❛ ⚕. about »» 𝐊𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐔〡i’m a doctor with rugged good looks. what more could a lady ask for?#[ hm... i feel like this is the most accurate result out of all the rest ]#[ but at the same time I PERSONALLY DON'T SEE KAKERU AS A CRIER ]#[ in fact he's canonically more of an aggressive yeller when he's angry ]#[ to the point where he might violently shove you aside than shed tears ]#[ THEN AGAIN it's also very rare for kakeru to get mad ]#[ meaning if he does snap at you people tend to go 👁👄👁 ]#[ cause he's often just very goofy and chill ]#[ honestly he doesn't even get pissed when hayate is mean to him so that should tell you a lot about his personality ]#[ it is however true that people tend to underestimate him and consider him weak despite the fact he's a pact bearer ]#[ STILL that doesn't change the fact he has a powerful demon at his disposal ]#[ AND has time travel abilities to boot so he's not... easy to really beat in a boss fight ESPECIALLY if he dares to get serious for once ]#[ like yes he's a doctor BUT AT THE SAME TIME he can potentially hurt you should you lower your guard down around him ]#[ when i consider how yoru treated him in-game and look at this result though... i sweat ]#[ BECAUSE SHE PRETTY MUCH HAD NO REMORSE FOR SEVERELY INJURING HIM ]#[ AND WAS ALL SMILE-Y ABOUT IT /despite the fact she was responsible for making him inevitably bleed out and die/ ]#[ so the 'whoever pissed you off think it's funny' part honestly hurts ]
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diorstarr · 9 months
god…..being a crier regardless of ur emotions is sooooo embarrassing…
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taniushka12 · 2 years
The urge to draw a long comic of my fave guy crying mixing the grief the pain the raw anger and also the guilt in each micro expression and also his friend comforting him at the end vs the fact i havent drawn in a week and idk if ill ever be able to draw ever again + its 4 am and im in bed :/
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rosenallies · 2 years
how do I toughen myself up bc fr I can’t keep crying over every little thing anymore
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greenwith-ivy · 3 months
im gonna fucking kill someone
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diemight-a · 1 year
which rage language are you  
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open the floodgates
your frustration turns into tears quickly. the strength of your fury is so potent that it sets off the waterworks out of pure rage. you hate it, because whoever's pissed you off thinks it's funny, like you're not tough and you can't defend yourself. you can, you just need to get through the haze of emotions first.
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staronet · 2 years
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honeyrisuke · 2 years
throwback to that time when my sister had a nightmare and was screaming and crying at 2 am and I, being the older brother, came into the room and wanted to help
and I remember wanting to tell her about an awful dream I had once but how everything was ok now and nothing happened and its fine, but I lost my train of thought and just told her about my terrifying dream, completely forgot the point and made her literally scream in hysterics
its a core memory because on one hand I was disappointed in myself that I messed up and on the other side I was like "jesus fucking christ there is literally no reason to scream as if youre being slaughtered"
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raibebe · 2 years
What happened to Jeno!?
nothing with him personally but they canceled the Dream concert
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