#it's hilarious that Brainy can actually be so smooth when he wants to be
oetravia · 3 years
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Supergirl Season 5 premiere review!
Ok!! So there's a lot to process here but first off WOW! Bravo! 👏👏 as season premieres go that was probably one of if not the best.
Ok... So opening scene, you could so tell that was a simulation from the way Kara talked. I should also like to give a big 🖕🖕 to all those that were dragging Lena saying she either:
1. Gave herself super powers
2. Used Kryptonite
3. Punched Kara in front of some school kids.
Is it just me, or does Hope the AI give off an "I'm going to become sentient and be a massive pain in the ass?" Vibe? 🤔🤔
My poor baby Lena, how awful must it be to believe that everyone you know has betrayed you, that you can't trust them and you have no one to talk to? So you create your own personal AI that won't (probably will ) betray you, oh and you bring someone (Andrea ) back into your life when clearly things haven't always been smooth sailing? Poor Lena!
Ugh..Must they throw out politics less that 3 minutes into the show? We have Kara talking about registering to vote?
Ok, so everyone is praising Kara, she's talking about having her work recognised, Baker and Lex being taken down, but yet again there is NO mention of the fact that it was Lena who figured out where Lex was, Lena who helped Kara/Supergirl etc. Oh that's right I forgot, the show doesn't like to acknowledge when things couldn't have been done without Lena 😤😤
Naww Alex and Kelly are so cute.
Kara suddenly has a dislike for technology?? Random and purely there for plot convenience.
Not going to lie but Jonn is kind of boring this episode.
Ok... So here we go again, Kara using stupid excuses to not tell Lena. Ugh.... this is getting so old and cliche to the point it isn't even funny anymore.
Yes!! They have Kara acknowledging that lying to Lena for so long while being all about 'truth' wasn't fair.
Yes Alex the voice of reason Danvers!! She can tell Kara off essentially while still praising her and letting her know she is good. I'm loving how it's ALEX who is saying Lena needs to know!
😂 Miranda Priestly, yes Brainy I quite agree! Id rather face Hannibal Lector than her. Oh bring back Cat Grant!!
😂😂 omg that handshake! I'm willing to bet that Alex's laugh was just Chyler not being able to keep a straight face and they kept it.
James is boring.
Strangely turned on by the way Andrea says her name 😅
James is boring.
Not going to lie, I know Lena wanted Andrea to keep the sale of Cat Co a secret, but I'm actually glad we got to see Kara's shock at not being kept in the loop. Humble pie much??
Ok the exhibit is funny.
Did they have a casting call for a creepy kid?
Katie is so good at the whole pretending to be happy and friendly whilst plotting face 🤣. Morgana much?
Oh.... Kara is being indignant Lena did something without telling them all?? Another bite of pie Kara?
Hahahaha 🖕 to all those that said Lena didn't buy Cat Co for Kara. (I know she might be saying that to explain the sale away, but it's been said so it's canon!)
Oooh Lena is really making it obvious she knows 🤣🤣 awkward much lol
Karas cape is more important than a bomb to Brainy 😂
Ooh here that's scene at Cat Co. I stand by my last post, James and Kara are incredibly rude to their new boss and have zero right to speak to her that way. James and Kara used all of the staff to gang up on Andrea and it's just not on! I love how Andrea roasted James though!!
Does anyone here ever read a contract before signing it?
Am I the only one thought Andrea was Lenas ex when she said "relationship"?? 😅😅 false alarm lol
Why is Kara still flying with a crap cape? She doesn't need one to fly.
Midnight isn't all that exciting.
Oh so Jonn remembers Manchester Black, but i take it no one wants to acknowledge his blatant MURDER Of the disarmed non powered human? Ok writers you can forget it all you want, but I'm not going to!
😂 Brainy! It is great fun to watch Jonn shift into Kara!
Oh Alex you angel and voice of reason.
Yay Kelly!! Lovely advice, love how she's the one who convinced James to leave! Kelly just got a massive boost in my eyes!
William is hilariously obnoxious!!
Erm... Did Kara just FULL ON verbally attack her new boss? Threatening to fight her boss on everything? Dictating what Andrea can and can not do? Giving out demands? Jesus Christ, Andrea I know you said you're not going to fire her but man I would have on the spot!! Kara is waaaay out of order and getting way to big for her super boots!
I don't think William and Kara are going to be a couple, that's the exact same story as Mon El and Kara. No one wants to watch that again.
Ok so now Kara is bragging to Alex that she verbally attacked her new boss, telling her what SHE will and will not tolerate? Omg Kara get a grip!
Alex?? You're encouraging this? You were supposed to be the voice of reason!
Naww Alex and Kelly are cute!
Ooh Brainy is so funny! "To small to be perceived". He made her a new suit!
Holy s**t!! Kara just out right came out to Lena!! I really thought she would drag this out start rambling and not actually do it So Lena sees her change instead. But good for her, about bloody time!!
Lena genuinely looks shocked! She didn't expect Kara to come clean! Puts a spanner in Lena's revenge plot there lol
Jesus the acting of these two!! The facial expressions and the tears! Mel is really selling it! Bravo 👏👏
I'm loving how Kara is acknowledging all the things we've been saying, how her reasons for keeping the secret were dumb!
Oh I don't trust this Hope AI at all! She's encouraging Lena to hate on Kara.
Oh the speech, and Alex's awkward look!
No way was Lena going to immediately forgive Kara, I know we wanted to think it but Nooo! Far to soon lol
Omg!! It was Lena Kara activated her new suit infront of!! I'm living for that!
HOLY SH*T MUSE!!! Yesssss!!! What a sound track to use!!
Alex "how do you guys change so fast?!" 🤣🤣
Oh.. ... look...... Guardian is there.....Hopefully for his last appearance
Fight itself isn't all that exciting, and I feel like we didn't even get to know Midnight, that was way to quick.
James quit, good! Leave!! Seems a bit stupid he doesn't care about never being a journalist again though. But I won't dwell, because I genuinely don't care.
Alex and Kelly! Oh my heart!
Oh so Brainy has had A LOT of romantic experience then? 😏
Aww he loves her!!
I'm glad they had Brainy acknowledge his feeling at having been dark for that short time.
Nawwww a kiss!
That little girl is way creepy!
Oh so Jonn doesn't know he has a brother? 🤔 interesting.
Oh look Lena gets a super watch, ABOUT BLOODY TIME!! That could have prevented so many problems! Straight out of a fan fic lol
Oh yes, I don't trust this AI Hope!!
Lena no! You are NOT a Luthor!
Ok... so all in all a fab episode, nothing was dragged out thank RAO! I don't hate Lena for wanting to expose Kara, it makes sense from a comic point of view and from the pain she feels. The important thing is she didn't do it. People are allowed to feel like they are going to lash out when they are hurt.
I quite like Andrea, she's a breath of fresh air! Plus she isn't wrong in her ideas, just because it's something Kara, Nia and James don't like doesn't mean it's wrong. I think she was treated horribly and despicably by Kara and James though. Especially Kara! That was way to much and she should have been sacked. I'm really happy someone is at Cat Co now that is challenging her and not doing whatever she says, I think the days of Karaolsen magazine and Kara running out whatever she wants are done. But this is good!
Nia is adorable but didn't get to do much.
Jonn was pretty boring this ep considering the villain was out to get him.
James sucks!
Brainy is sooo cute and funny!
Alex and Kelly are the best!
Alex being the voice of reason is what I'm here for, now I want her to go see Lena.
Hahaha Kelly is the one to thank for ridding me of James.
The acting between Mel and Katie here was brilliant, the emotions the tears, the deception? Wonderfully done.
Lena didn't create any VR tech so take that haters!!
Kara's war on tech sounds like it's going to be for boring reasons.
I don't trust this Hope AI!
Lena isn't done for yet, "a fight for Lena's soul!" We can all find our way back to the light!
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cyclone-rachel · 6 years
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
inspired by this fic from @rad-hoodd!
He was usually ontime.
Usually early, infact, absurdly so, to the point that even she’d wondered if Brainy slept underhis desk in order to be working so soon in the morning.
(Maybe he didn’tsleep at all, who knew- he was an alien, and though she didn’t like makingassumptions, Kara didn’t get too much sleep either, especially in her firstyear of being on Earth. Perhaps-)
But he still wasn’there. His chair was empty, and the agents who’d usually sit next to him wereeven avoiding his chair- now the chair in which Alex sat- as though it wereinfected or something. Or like they would be punished if they sat there- which,to be fair, they might be. Brainy had claimed the chair as his own after hearrived, he knew he needed to replace Winn in terms of his role there, so he’d concludedhe had to sit where Winn sat as well.
Alex hadn’t caredeither way where he sat, or in front of which computer. But she was fine withgiving him that chair, as long as he got his work done and listened to her, andwhile one of those things had taken longer than the other, eventually thingssmoothed out between them, and she remembered why she’d liked his company inthe first place. She was so quickly impressed by him, how much he’d cared aboutKara even though he had only just met her, and hey, him healing her leg withhis futuristic cast was nice too.
There were somethings he didn’t understand, in the months to come, but on the whole she wasstill glad to have him around. Underneath everything, there was a fondness forhim that she couldn’t ignore, that only came to the surface once the initialrockiness of their relationship cleared up, and she’d only recently realizedthat he reminded her of her sister.
She would’ve foundthat comparison laughable at first. But, thinking about it more… he’d also beenforced to leave his home and family behind. He, too, seemed too much for the place he’d foundhimself in. He was still trying to understand his surroundings, and the peoplethat populated his life. Alex had noticed Kara defended him, especially overthe summer while he was adjusting to the 21st century, but she’donly assumed it was because they were both aliens, and he’d been in her mind.
(Not like she wasgoing to say any of this to Kara’s face. But it was still worth thinking about.Especially when she was planning to apologize to him, finally- if he eventuallyshowed up.)
She hearsfootsteps, coming in her direction, and she looks up, hoping to see Brainy- butinstead is only greeted with the sight of Colonel Haley, looking down at her.
“Good morning,Director Danvers.” She says, as Alex quickly stands at attention.
“Morning.” Alexanswers. “Do you know where Agent Dox is? He’s not usually this late…”
“Oh, I’m sure he’sbusy. Maybe working in one of the labs today? He does seem to get along wellwith Ms. Luthor, perhaps he decided to assist her.”
It’s a really goodexcuse.
It is, and theworst part is that Alex wants to believe it- but coming from her…
“If he was goingto work with Lena, I would’ve cleared it first.” Alex says, keeping calm fornow. “He doesn’t do anything now without my permission. He’s supposed to be here.”
“I cleared it forhim.” Haley answers, breezily. “You have nothing to worry about with Agent Dox.Why don’t you focus on your own work, such as-“
Alex puts her fistdown on the table, a little louder than she was going for, but she’s going togo with it anyway.
“I don’t give adamn about your suggestions, or your excuses.” She hisses. “I just want toknow. Where is he? Where’s Brainy?”
“Funny nickname,that.” Haley answers. “I’ve always wondered where it came from.”
“Well, he is very smart.” Alex says, trying tolaugh it off. “You’ve seen the quality of his work- wouldn’t want to doanything to prevent him from continuing that, right?”
“What use is goodwork if it comes from an unreliable source?” Haley counters.
Alex freezes up,staring at her. She seems too close now, and although Alex so badly wants topunch her, she has to stay focused. She needs to know what’s really going on here.
“How unreliableare we talking?”
“Say… someone whodidn’t legally exist until their file appeared last year, only after they’dbeen hired. And someone who, in that file, neglected to mention that they wererelated to an alien criminal held and later killed by this very organization.”Haley answers. “But this is all hypothetically speaking, because you wouldnever hire someone with such a background, would you? You wouldn’t happen to beprotecting him?”
Alex can’t lookaway. If this conversation was a train, it would have flipped off of the railsand spontaneously caught on fire, and all Alex would be able to do was try anddump some water on it, hoping that would help… but of course, she knew therewas nothing she really could do except wait and try to clean up the damage.
No wonder I leave the writing to Kara. Thatwas a terrible metaphor.
“Ha!” Alex says,smiling at Haley instead. “You really think Agent Dox is an alien? Oh my god,you read the Google spreadsheet, didn’t you? Isn’t that hilarious? Our agentscome up with some of the most ridiculous things… and the best part is, I betthey’re mostly just jealous. He has his issues, sure, but I trust him- and Iknow he’s too valuable to lose.”
“You mean he’syour friend.” Haley answers.
“That too, butpeople can work with their friends, can’t they? Agent Schott was practically my little brother- even though he’s actually older than me, which is kindaweird, but we’ll go with it anyway. And Director Henshaw-“
“Was revealed tobe a fraud too.” Haley says, deadly serious. “And regarding Agent Schott, wheredid he go, anyway?”
“Specialassignment.” Alex answers immediately, fighting back the part of her that’s stillitching to punch Haley for saying J’onn and Brainy are frauds. “Fighting aplague, you know? Really experimental stuff.”
“I don’t know. Ithink he said Metropolis?”
“You’d think wewould know if there was a plague in Metropolis.” Haley answers.
“Yeah, but whoreally knows, right? It’s a weird city- bet stuff like that happens every week.You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff I’ve heard-“
“Like I don’tbelieve you, Director Danvers?”
“You are trying todistract me. And for the record, he wanted to protect you, too.”
“I’m confused. Arewe talking about Winn now, or-“
Haley smiles now, whisperinginto Alex’s ear.
“I know Agent Doxis American Alien, Director Danvers. And I know you were trying to keep thatfrom me- but he confessed. So you can stop lying to me, or I’ll have you triedfor treason.”
And the train exploded.
“I just want totalk to him.” Alex insists. “Show me where he is… and I’ll try to explain.”
“Very well.” Haleyanswers, and within a minute, there are two guards by Alex’s side, escortingher down to a place she knows too well.
Haley’s walkingbehind her, and with every step, Alex only hears You failed, repeating over and over.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this, she thinks, right before the door to thecell block is opened and she sees Brainy, without his image inducer, sittingthere in handcuffs.
Okay. That may have been an understatement.
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