#it's just that Hilbert was my brother and n was my boyfriend so it's. weird to see
disregardcanon · 5 years
weird pokeprotags headcanons for my sprawling Pokemon Cinematic Universe in my brain.
red and leaf are different characters, and they and blue grew up together as rivals. red of course has charmander, leaf has bulbasaur and blue has squirtle. as they battle during their journeys they each take home some victories. leaf beats the league first, then blue beats the league and her, then red knocks out blue. and promptly fucks off to mt. silver.
leaf travels the world before coming back and eventually taking on the role of kanto champion. gold/krystal/lyra fights red and defeats him, but he keeps on moping up there. they go to talk to blue because they were like. uh. were you friends with the former champion who lives on the mountain? and blue’s like WHAT and goes to drag red’s ass down. they start dating and then become the battle tree guys eventually. leaf comes back to kanto after kicking major ass there and destroys the league, becoming champion and actually holding it this time.
gold/krystal/lyra are all the same character. i really don’t have a preference of which sprite they choose. they become friends with silver after the course of the games. that’s it that’s what i’ve got there.
may is the protag and brendan is the professor’s kid. they, in general, go on their adventures together and sometimes wally also travels with them. i prefer emerald canon to the others so we’re going with that.
dawn is the protag and lucas is the professor’s assistant guy. beyond that i have no opinions beyond “platinum canon”
hilda and hilbert are the same character, so i don’t really care which sprite you choose. they are rosa an nate’s older cousin and they’re really bad at communication. they search for N all over the world and are really pissed when they find out he’s just literally been in unova the whole time. what a dumb boyfriend. he’s just- he’s so dumb.
rosa and nate are twins and different characters. rosa is the protagonist who takes the protagonist’s journey, trying to live up to her older cousin’s legacy and become the pokemon champion. nate is more just along for the ride to have some fun and help his friend hugh find his sister’s pokemon. rosa is very driven and competitive, and she resents that nate is still a good trainer without working at it at all, and also kind of resents that their mutual friend likes him so much better (even though she doesn’t like hugh all that much either). while she always wins when she battles either of the boys, it’s not by the huge margin she feels that it should be. 
nate and hugh travel together, and they always get mixed up in rosa’s protag adventures, which bugs her to no end because I AM THE STAR HERE OKAY. I AM THE HERO I AM THE CHAMPION IT IS ME ME ME ME and nate’s like dude this is why mom likes me better and rosa rips off his stupid little hat. rosa calms down a litttllleee bit after seeing how well iris handles defeat and she’s like. you literally just lost being champion, and iris is like “it’s not the end of the world. my whole identity isn’t tied up in it or anything” and rosa’s like, well shit. mine IS i need to work through some issues, don’t i. and then they become good friends and she talks to her older cousin and gets a little bit more Stable. she still thinks her brother is a turd though. later on, hugh becomes a PI and nate becomes a pokemon nurse and they date, and rosa and iris become a great contest duo and they also date. n and hilda are running around battling people and rescuing pokemon and generally causing a ruckus. 
i have no kalos opinions since i played like 4 hours of y back when it came out and don’t know anything about the games rn
selene and elios are interchangeable, the only reason i have a slight preference for selene is because when i ship her with lillie it’s GAY. but either way, protag dates lillie, hau dates gladion, and in general they tear up the dance floor.
also have not played swsh yet so no opinions there
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trainer-hilda · 7 years
*sees NxHilbert on my dash* Get👏this👏away👏from👏me
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