#it's just that my recording process is more potholes than road
the-punforgiven · 4 years
God it's like every time I try to do something god himself's just like
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omenapologist-moved · 4 years
Rabbit: Second Statement of “Mira”
Lost statement which was recovered in the depths of the Magnus Institute. This is one of few tapes we were able to recover. This tape appeared to have been slightly damaged in storage, but the integrity of the audio recording remains.
Statement begins.
Once again, I find myself here in this pleather seat, in front of you. Stoic as always. Removed from the situation I am about to relay to you. You try and look like you aren't bothered by my words, but the slight tremble in your voice betrays you. But even more than that, it's the look in your eyes. Your doe-like eyes, Archivist. Big and round and deep and full of fear like a little prey animal when faced with the barrel of a gun. 
But don't worry, I'm not here to torment you or to further comment on your striking resemblance to that which torments me. Some... Interesting things have happened since I was last seated across the table from you. This update I bring is mostly a formality. I expect these tapes to be the only record of my existence, or rather, the only record of this incarnation of myself, of Mira, in due time. I've traveled to many more towns, worn a few different faces since the last time we spoke. Well, the last time I spoke at you, if we wanted to be more technical about it. 
...Does my face look the same to you? I don't even recognize that I have one anymore. It is not something I worry about, particularly when I am alone to my thoughts. Who I am when I am alone does not matter, just as it doesn't matter whether or not a tree makes a noise when it falls in a forest and no one is around. It is when I am around others that who I am matters. 
To you, I am Mira. The strange little taxidermist that kept running over innocent animals with their car, had a psychotic break, and skipped town over and over again. At least that is what you tell yourself to avoid confronting the greater other, that which I am and that which I am not. You try and be skeptical, Archivist, but I can tell it is mostly to hide your fear... But you didn't say no when I came back.
My apologies, I said I wasn't here to torment you. It's just a little funny. 
I've poked and prodded and beaten around the bush long enough.
It's been nearly three years in total now since I left a life I once said was mine. I found a picture of that person in an old notebook the other day, and it was not me, and I am fine with that now. Every day I become more and more of a stranger to myself, and that is okay. 
I have become content with my life's path once again. 
I have rediscovered an old hobby.
For these past years, every time I saw that deer, I would look at it in its beautiful eyes that looked too much like mine and I would slam my foot on the gas and stare it down as I ran it over. I got better at causing less damage to my car over time. I'm amazed it's survived all the collisions. I'm amazed I have survived all the collisions. 
I came close a few times to being hit by an oncoming car, or veering directly into a tree, or the hooves of the animal smashing their way through my windshield and crushing my throat under their keratinous force. It felt as though the universe were holding me in its cold arms and sheltering me from the worst of these impacts, just so that I could be where I am today. 
The last few times I caused steel to collide with flesh, an itch grew upon me. Something I had not felt in quite some time. A desire once more to create, to peel away the soft, gentle fur of a little creature until its pink muscle is bared to the world and eaten by flies and maggots and carrion crows. To stretch its skin taut and stitch it back together, to have those glassy eyes once again staring me down from every crevice of my home. 
I resisted it at first. I knew I'd be a failure to it, that it would hate me, its cruel father, for condemning it once more to walk the Earth in such a terrible form. Legs a few half-inches too long, lips that were meant to be drawn into a contemplative expression stiffly stitched into a grimace, and those eyes...
But then, in a town where I wore the face of a happy-go-lucky bartender named Elijah, one of the stray cats I had been leaving food out for presented me with a gift. A freshly-caught little rabbit. I remembered how it felt to process such a creature. The fur of rabbits is so soft, softer than anything synthetic, but you have to be careful when you de-flesh the hide. The skin is so thin and tender and prone to tearing with the slightest nick, and if you are enough of an amateur such as myself you can ruin the whole hide. 
But once it is done it is such a precious little thing. So soft, but less... Frantic than it was in life. 
No little panicked rabbit heartbeat. 
Just silence and softness.
I wrapped the little thing in a plastic bag and I put it in my freezer, and the next day I went to the store and bought the barest of supplies. The tan would be nothing impressive, I wasn't even sure if it would last given the exceptionally low quality of the alum I had purchased, but it was worth a try, I thought. 
Somehow, it was worse than my previous specimens. The eyes squinted at me and they scorned me and they judged me not just for the sin of stuffing this creature but for all of the sins I had committed since pursuing this hobby. The skin itself had cured just fine, and yet the fur was falling out in chunks. I was eventually left with a thing that hardly resembled a rabbit anymore at all, but for the two unmistakable ears protruding from the top of its head. 
Most of it was bald flesh, translucent. The cheap floral foam I had used to sculpt the form it was stitched onto cast it in a ghastly green hue, and without the bulk of the fur to hide my errors every little imperfection shone through. The light tan stitching holding the piece together made it reminiscent of a recently autopsied corpse rather than a piece of taxidermy. I could see the full resin orb of its eyes through the skin, wide in terror at my sins. 
What have you done. 
What have you done. 
What have you done.
But somehow, I was not discouraged. I gave the blasphemous excuse for a piece of art a prominent place on my bookshelf. To remind me of my work, and that I had far to go.
Several days after, one of my coworkers invited me to an outing after work. The face I wore wouldn't say no, and so despite myself I accepted. I had yet again started keeping some meager supplies for the collection of roadkill in my car, but had yet to find any salvageable specimens. 
The outing doesn't matter. My presence was ultimately only so that I may be the vessel of that which they wished me to be, so I played my role and I played it well. I socialized, and joked, and was informed sometime afterwards I had been the life of the party. Good for them to get such use out of me. By the time I left the party, it was well after dark. 
Despite my best attempts in the contrary, I had found myself in a fairly rural area once more. Not that being in the city had kept the deer from pursuing me, of course. It would always find me. The red of blood and peeling mint-green of my car made quite the contrast. One I became used to with time.
I was driving home from the aforementioned outing. It had rained earlier that day and the yellow tinted light from the occasional street lamp danced somberly upon the wet asphalt. The road to the ramshackle motel I was staying in was a lonesome one. I was accompanied only by the watchful birch trees and my own thoughts, which had grown fuzzier as of late. A dull hum in the back of my mind, intrusive thoughts blending with my own until I couldn't tell where I ended and the other began. 
The sky was black and starless, the typical countless pinpricks of light obscured by oppressive storm clouds threatening to release another downpour. The typical yellow lines that divided the road were worn away in this area, neglected asphalt riddled with potholes of varying but always hazardous sizes. 
The black of the road and the black of the sky blended into an all-consuming void, the shimmer of my headlights on the wet road the only stars in sight. Ghostly birch trees stood as sentinels on either side of the road, observing me as they did every other passerby. As I progressed to my destination the trees became thicker and taller and the road became skinnier and more perilous. 
As they had promised, the clouds above unleashed their storm upon me. I turned on my high-beams and proceeded through the downpour.
In the distance, something on the shoulder of the road caught the light emanating from my car. Two perfect circles of light flashed. Animal eyes. I knew what would come next. The deer with my eyes would walk onto the middle of the road, and it would wait for the kiss of hard metal against its soft flesh and strong but not strong enough bones, and it would die there on that road and be gone by morning, and I would wash its blood from my car and pay for the repairs I needed to pay for, and I would pack up again and I would move town and change my name and my face to suit the next group of people that I would find myself amongst.
No, I decided.
That was enough. I had enough.
The deer looked at me in the same way it always looked at me. Its eyes were more mine than they ever had been, full of a very, very human hatred.
My heart beat in time with the pace of my windshield wipers as they swept the rain from my field of vision. I stared at the deer in waiting of its own demise. I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles were white, skin taut like that of a taxidermied rabbit around its form, translucent and pale and cold. I pressed my foot onto the pedal until it was flush with the floorboard. I felt the car lurch forward, taking a moment to make purchase with the rain-sodden road. 
I felt every moment of the impact, this time. I heard as the plastic and metal on the front of my car were wrought around the cervine's fragile frame. The doe slid onto the hood of my car, and as it did I became closer to its eyes than I ever had been and how they burned, Archivist. 
As the skull of the creature made impact with the glass barrier separating the two of us, its eyes did not close, the glass windshield spider-webbing around where the deer had collided with it. It remained in one piece, but only barely. The car slid along the slick road, and I slammed on the breaks. My nose smashed into the steering wheel, eliciting a trickle of blood to spout forth from it. The slain animal slid from the front of my vehicle, propelled forward by the remaining velocity.
The vehicle finally finished its motion, and sat under the rain. Again, there was silence.
I wiped the blood from my nose, and I leaned over to my glove box, and I retrieved my skinner knife and my spare needles and thread, and out there on that lonesome road in the middle of the rain I began my masterpiece.
The deer was dead. Its eyes were still open. I had never in all this time seen them shut. Despite the fire behind them having been extinguished by my own hand, they still burned.
I would give it a reason to hate me.
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1800gotspook · 4 years
The Death of a Millionaire
Summary: "If you were to ask Amity's teens about the house, most will tell you it's haunted. You will hear a hundred stories, a tangle of rumors about who lived there." A young resident of Amity park digs into Urban Legends and discovers the greatest mystery surrounding the town.
For the DannyMay2020 prompt “horror” although it’s probably more “creepypasta” esque.
[Read on AO3]
If you drive south down Grimme Road you'll eventually reach the end of the street. Past the City Hall, past Casper High, past the power plant. At the end of the road, turn left and keep driving. You will eventually find a road that borders the woods. Follow that road. It slowly becomes less and less structured, lacking maintenance. Cracked by the roots of trees. Littered with potholes and chunks of concrete. Any street lights left are no longer powered by the city. You will regret if you came at dark.
Driving far enough down that battered road, the trees will thin out. Ahead on the right you will find a wide open property. A tall, intricate, wrought iron fence circling a vast, overgrown yard. Rolling hills of what was probably once lush green grass, now covered in unkempt bushes and weeds, stretching over a brick driveway, even more crumbled than the road you entered on. Weeds and vines peeking up through the cracks. No sign of human intervention in at least thirty years.
Keeping you from trespassing is nothing more than a pointy steel gate. Large enough for vehicles to pass through. The chains holding it shut are probably easy to pull apart. Break the rusty links and force the long-dormant hinges to whine. But you have no interest stepping on this property.
Looking up the drive, you can see the stone path just barely through the weeds. Winding up and around the land to reach its focal point: the house. You could even call it a mansion. Elegant brick laid outside. Once expensive drapery, now bleached a sickly yellow by the sun, sits in the windows. Even the front door, although dusty and rotted, exhibits an air of refinement.
If you were to ask Amity's teens about the house, most will tell you it's haunted. You will hear a hundred stories, a tangle of rumors about who lived there. No matter how peculiar, entertaining, or sensible the stories become, they never quite answer my question:
Why would a person like this, with so much class and so much money, choose to live in Amity Park?
During my research into Amity Park records, I discovered that the house actually belonged to a once renowned millionaire by the name of Vlad Masters. For most of his adult life, he resided in an even larger home. Not just a mansion, but a castle, you could say. This original home was in Madison, Wisconsin. In 2006,he suddenly decided to move to Amity Park, shortly after his election as mayor. That's right. A completely unrelated millionaire from Wisconsin, despite never stepping foot in Amity Park, was elected mayor. This brings up some questionable thoughts, doesn't it? Was he really, legitimately elected?
After his election, it appears he took no real action for the betterment of Amity, except to establish a myriad of anti-ghost protection measures. Long after his death, he was discovered to be involved in many scandals. All the more proving that his election wasn't short of the same. But how he could pull that off? That may never be known.
Investigators never uncovered his true intentions for becoming mayor. Was he just crazy? Power hungry? Was this all a part of some big plan?
The most baffling mystery, however, is what brought Masters to his death.
He lived alone. His body was only found after his several absences from mayoral duties. Nobody was able to contact him. A poor secretary found him eighteen hours later. She said he was covered in burns all up and down his body. Face barely recognizable.
Along with those injuries, scorch marks were peppered all over the study where he was. Investigators said each burn in the room showed signs of explosion on impact, as if someone had accidentally set off a batch of fireworks indoors. However, there were no signs of combustible material anywhere. No scraps or gunpowder. No ashes, no paper shavings. No chemical traces. No debris or fuel at all. The source of the explosions entirely a mystery. If Vlad Masters was attacked, the assailant's trails were expertly covered.
It must have been deliberate. Investigators were sure of that. Despite the scorch marks all over the room, his body was most prominently burned. He was clearly the target of the explosions.
Yet the burns aren't what killed him. According to autopsy reports, his heart had stopped, independent of the little fireworks. There were also no signs of Vlad Masters having previous heart conditions, yet arrhythmia was most likely the cause.
Some detectives in the papers considered the possibility that Masters was electrocuted. It could explain some of the burn marks on his body. But that fell through, as other damages to his body and room went unexplained.
Months after the electrocution theory, more information was uncovered. Because of his bodily reaction to the injuries, they were actually discovered to be chemical burns. They still couldn't figure out what exactly had burned him, as there was no sign of residue or foreign substances to be found.
Further investigation of his injuries was cut short. Curiously, the body could no longer be studied after the initial autopsy. For some reason, each time they tried, results grew more and more inconsistent than the last. Certain burns on his body from previous tests could no longer be found. Each time they tried to study his body, there was less and less to examine. It was almost like he was reverting back. Like his body was healing.
Some say that his body was completely back to a perfect condition by the end of the week. Some say that his funeral was open casket. They say if you went to the funeral, you could walk up and feel his ice cold skin. Not a sign of the burns. If you looked at his face, you could see the hint of a smirk, forever plastered there. Unable to be broken. Unable to be moved by his muscles. They no longer carried blood. No longer kept warm by a beating heart. Stuck grinning about his own mysterious fate.
They searched his house thoroughly in an attempt to uncover anything about his death. Any hint of a struggle. Signs of an ex-friendship. A piece of hate mail. Something to give them a lead. They couldn't even find evidence of an intruder in his house. Masters had security cameras surveying the yard, yet not a single one picked up another being. Not the day of the incident, nor for weeks leading up to it.
Despite all of this security, Masters only ever monitored the outside of his home. He was clearly a secretive man if he was willing to sacrifice safety for privacy.
Investigators searched for alternative entrances to his home and made a shocking discovery. A lever in the study. When pulled, the bookcase made a click, then slowly opened inward. Behind this new doorway, a staircase to the basement. With no other apparent entrances. Some old laboratory. Banged up equipment that once had various uses. Syringes and test tubes, all sterile and unused. Large contraptions with several sleek levers and buttons, never labelled. Investigators peeled the contraptions apart to discover each one empty. Core identifying structures like computer chips and motors were removed, leaving only a shell behind. Horrifyingly, some of these shells resembled guns. But they weren't quite guns. Some resembled household appliances. One looked like a high-end toaster. Its sleek exterior in porcelain white. No power cord, but a hole in the side where a charger might go.
There were also strange containment pods and large glass boxes, fit for an aquarium. They lined the walls at one end of the spacious room, also missing any identifying features.
At the other end of the room, a gaping cavern, easily twelve feet long. Lined with steel, and a few holes at the entrance. But once again, nothing could be derived but more confusion and open-ended theories.
Computer system: destroyed. File cabinet: empty. Fingerprints: besides Master's? Nonexistent.
Acidic substances littered the floor. Broken vials and common chemicals corroding away at the sleek tile. Some substances were entirely unrecognizable.
One common theory: Masters experimented with chemicals, and got carried away, getting himself killed in the process.
But I refuse to believe that after all his misdeeds there wouldn't be someone after him. Somebody to kill him. Somebody who learned the ins and outs of his mansion, and took every precaution. Someone who wanted to destroy his lab. Whatever work he was doing, it was unlikely to be for a good cause.
The police asked Amity for help. If someone knew anything about this case, they would be grateful.
Living in what was once the most haunted town, many people wondered if ghosts were involved in the incident. Local ghost experts who were old friends of Masters decided to help. After obtaining plentiful details and performing endless studies, the ghost experts concluded that spectral entities were not involved in the incident. It wasn't possible. Ghosts always announced their misdeeds. If ghosts were the cause, Amity would have known of Masters' death instantly, and exactly who was to blame. The ghost experts could not identify the unknown substances.
Is it possible that because these ghost experts knew Masters personally, that they chose to withhold information. Yes, it is a considerable theory. But still, why would a ghost target Masters specifically? Because he conducted anti-ghost measures for the city? Even so, it's no question that Vlad Master had a ghost shield on his property. It simply isn't plausible to assume a ghost could attack him that easily.
Some argue Masters' death was his own doing, whether an accident or not. Others claim the government, or a secretive organization, chose to eliminate him. Remove Amity Park from his clutches. Would the government really be involved but create such a baffling mystery? Why would the police beg the town for answers? Yet another addition to this elaborate mystery.
Let me know how this essay reads for you. I've been studying urban legends of the town for a while now, and I compiled a lot of stuff to write this. I want to release it to the entirety of Amity (and the world) but I don't know where to post it and if it will be taken seriously. You know how much I love this kind of stuff. I trust you. So please please please do not share.
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adrenalineguide · 3 years
Fiat 500X Sport: It’s sexy, it’s nimble, it’s…
Words and Pics By Michael Hozjan
Canadians can say arrivederci to the Fiat 500 as it has been axed from our shores. It may have been agile and a hit to drive, especially the Abarth rendition, but the small three-door hatchback was hungry for fuel and way too pricey. None the less permutations of the Fiat line continue and if you you’re looking to get away from the same old same old squarish compact suvs and crossovers, you can’t get any rounder or different than Fiat’s 500X. Guaranteed you won’t loose it the shopping mall.
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Fiat’s all-wheel-drive 500X subcompact crossover went through a refresh last year, adding a new Sport trim model in the process. Differentiating darling of the group, from the other three trims are 18” wheels (the 19” units on my tester are a $575 option), body colored door handles and fender flares as well as new, cleaner, front and rear fascias with LED lamps. Adding flare to the Sport moniker are twin chrome exhaust tips and new for the 2021 color pallet, Rovente Red.    
It’ll cost $32,245 to get into the entry level Pop version which includes a rear back up camera, 7-inch infotainment screen the usual Apple CarPlay and Android Auto along with Bluetooth connectivity. Like the Trekking and Trekking Plus the Pop rides on 17” wheels. At $33,245 the Trekking adds automatic headlamps with cornering fog lights, quilted cloth interior, deep tinted glass and a 1 year subscription to SiriusXM sat radio. The top of the line Trekking Plus at $34,245 will get you pampered with heated leather front buckets, a premium Beats 8-speaker sound system (also available on lesser trims), navigation, and park assist. 
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All four trims share a new 1.3L, DOHC turbocharged engine and platform architecture with the Jeep Renegade Trailhawk. The new mill incorporates the latest iteration of MultiAir technology valve-actuation as well as engine stop-start technology. The result is a peppy four cylinder that develops 177 horses and an impressive 210 lb.-ft. of torque driving the four wheels through a nine-speed automatic. Sadly that’s where the European (and even more so the Italian) touch disappears, as there is no standard tranny available.
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The Sport is as appealing inside as it is outside. Continuing with the Sport motif are aluminum-faced pedals, a thick, flat-bottomed steering wheel and well-bolstered buckets. Cloth seats are standard, but my tester came with the optional Alcantara inserts with red piping. Nice touch, there as comfortable as how good they look.
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A new instrument cluster with easy-to-read graphics is among the interior’s upgrades and is the centerpiece of a well-executed, uncluttered dash. The steering wheel mounted controls are large and easy to manipulate.  A mode selector knob on the center console gives the driver the ability to select one of three settings depending on road conditions. The 7-inch screen is easy to see, even on the sunniest days. Every 500X has two USB charge ports at the bottom of the center stack.
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There’s a two fold advantage to the Fiat’s design and the high seating position; the large glass, gives you an unobstructed view all around and excellent front and rear head and shoulder room. Two full sized adults wouldn’t have any issues in the front, even on long trips, but I could without the round bolster at the bottom of the rear bench. The Sport’s interior touches are tasteful and worth the $500 premium over the standard Trekking.
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Cargo capacity is low, even for a subcompact SUV with just 14 cubic feet of space behind the rear seats and 32 cubic feet when they're folded.
On the road
This Fiat is another one of those vehicles that you don’t need gobs of horsepower to have fun. It’s the perfect vehicle to go scurrying about town in stop and go traffic. The 500X is peppy, it may not be the quickest wagon in the segment but driving enjoyment is far ahead of most of its competitors. The Fiat's suspension is comfortable for highway cruising and with the wheels pushed out to the corners, our pothole infested roads and highway seams go almost unnoticed. It could use a little more stiffening to make lakeside curves more enjoyable and add some sport to the equation.
Oh and yes it is more fuel-efficient than the 500. I averaged an impressive 8.4L/100kms. While this may not seem like calling up Guinness Record book people, it was far better than what I got with the smaller 500 a couple of years back.   
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I do wish manufacturers would stop NOT giving us spare tires. The 500X comes with a two-tiered floor in the back and granted, it is nicely finished. Compressed air, or miniscule compressors do little when you’ve bent a rim hitting a pot hole or had a blow out in the middle of nowhere on a dark stormy night. A donut sized spare is available for $295 and that does not include the tow eye, another $95 option. Ouch!
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 The Achilles heal
At this point you’re probably asking how much. The base Sport starts at $ 35,700 adding the 19” wheels (see above) the Advanced Driver Assistance package ($1,795) which includes adaptive cruise, auto high-beam, blind spot, full-speed forward collision warning, lane departure, lane keep and rain sensing wipers, the Cold Weather Group ($495) includes heated front seats and wiper de-icer,  nav ($700), and the Alcantara seats ($895) brought the tag up to $40,200 not including freight, dealer prep.
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As enjoyable as my time behind the wheel of the 500X Sport was, justifying 40 large for a subcompact SUV is hard. The Fiat is as much a fashion and design statement as well as telling people who you are. Is it worth it? You be the judge.  
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roadsideassiomaha · 3 years
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in Omaha NE |724 Roadside Assistance Omaha
More information is at: http://24houromaharoadsideassistance.org/flatbed-towing-near-me/
Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE ? 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around Omaha NE . We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
What is Flatbed Towing? Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs. Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing. Services we offer Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services. When or why to call us? Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need. How can we help As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations. Local Omaha NE towing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in Omaha NE ● Wheel lift towing ● Flatbed towing ● Expressway towing ● Highway towing ● Interstate towing ● Low-clearance towing for parking garages ● Battery jump starts ● Flat tire changes ● Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car. ● Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
Benefits of Flatbed Towing Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations. The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over Omaha NE looking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you. Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service: ● 24/7 Emergency Towing in Omaha NE ● Jump-start of your battery ● Flat tire assistance ● Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment ● Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
24-Hour Flatbed Towing in Omaha NE Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in Omaha NE every day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in Omaha NE 24/7. ● 24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service ● Local Omaha NE Towing ● Vehicle Relocation Service ● Low Clearance Tow Trucks in Omaha NE ● Off Road Recovery ● Winching ● Motorcycle Towing Omaha NE ● Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in Omaha NE ● Bobcats & Forklifts ● Junk Car Removal ● Accident Recovery ● Roll Over Recovery ● Underwater Recovery ● Traffic Incident Management ● Private Property Towing ● Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair ● Jump Starts/Battery Services ● Fuel Replacement ● Ditch Pull-Outs COST How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost? Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs? Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them. How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost? $75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile) Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you. Average Towing Cost Per Mile Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free! Determine Your Wish List What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations. Warranty Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck? No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground? Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure? Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
Is towing rough on my car? No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
Do tow truck drivers have special training? Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
Do tow truck drivers need a special license? No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness? Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
My car is lowered, can it still be towed? Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
How many different ways are there to tow a car? Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
Can you tow motorcycles? Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
CALL FOR US: ● Flatbed Towing Company Near Omaha NE ● Flatbed Towing Rates ● Flatbed Tow Truck ● Tow Service ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Company ● Towing Companies Near Omaha NE ● Car Towing ● Towing Service Cost ● Towing Services Rates ● Car Towing Service Charges ● Tow Truck Prices ● Tow Truck ● How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck ● Car Towing Service Near Omaha NE
Contact us: 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha 24 Hour Towing Roadside Assistance Mobile Mechanic Services in Omaha, NE CALL (402) 590-8094 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CALL (402) 401-7563 MOBILE MECHANIC – 1 CALL (402) 401-7561 MOBILE MECHANIC – 2 CALL (402) 513-4411 MOBILE MECHANIC – 3 CALL (402) 401-7564 TOWING TOW TRUCK Located in Omaha, Nebraska Open 24 Hours 7 Days WEBSITE: 24houromaharoadsideassistance.org roadsideassistanceomaha.com towingserviceomaha.com mobilemechanicomaha.com mobileautorepairomaha.com Service area: Communities we serve: Omaha, Carter Lake, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Bellevue, Boys Town, La Vista, Papillion, Honey Creek, Offutt A F B, Bennington, Fort Calhoun, Washington, Elkhorn, St Columbans, Underwood, Kennard, Mc Clelland, Mineola, Waterloo, Springfield, Missouri Valley, Treynor, Cedar Creek, Gretna, Blair, Valley, Neola, Pacific Junction, Plattsmouth, Silver City, Glenwood, Louisville, Yutan, Arlington, Minden, Modale, South Bend, Logan, Murray, Ashland, Mead, Persia, Memphis, Manley, Magnolia, Macedonia, Malvern, Fremont, Carson, Oakland, Herman, Murdock, Nickerson, Shelby, Weeping Water, Hastings, Mondamin, Henderson, Ithaca, Hancock, Nehawka, Tabor, Union, Greenwood, Thurman, Portsmouth, Woodbine, Colon, Wahoo, Avoca, Emerson, Winslow, Avoca, Elmwood, Little Sioux, Cedar Bluffs, Pisgah, Tekamah, Alvo, Randolph, Ames, Hooper, Panama, Craig, Waverly, Ceresco, Percival, Otoe, Imogene, Malmo, Sidney, Uehling, Walnut, Harlan, Westphalia, Eagle, Lincoln, Dunlap, Moorhead, Red Oak, Morse Bluff, Weston, Griswold, Blencoe, Earling, Davey, Dunbar, Nebraska City, North Bend, Unadilla, Elliott, Lewis, Prague, Syracuse, Marne, Scribner, Oakland, Palmyra, Pilot Grove, Walton, Riverton, Farragut, Shenandoah, Valparaiso, Lorton, Essex, Soldier, Hamburg, Defiance, Kirkman, Raymond, Dow City, Stanton, Atlantic, Decatur, Bennet, Elk Horn, Snyder, Lyons, Kimballton, Irwin, Arion, Malcolm, West Point, Panama, Roca, Dodge, Manilla, Yorktown, Northboro, Coin, Hickman, Denton, Bancroft, Aspinwall, Sprague, Clarinda, Martell, Blanchard, Manning, Beemer, College Springs, Shambaugh, Braddyville, 50022, 51432, 51446, 51447, 51454, 51455, 51501, 51502, 51503, 51510, 51520, 51521, 51523, 51525, 51526, 51527, 51528, 51529, 51530, 51531, 51532, 51533, 51534, 51535, 51536, 51537, 51540, 51541, 51542, 51543, 51544, 51545, 51546, 51548, 51549, 51550, 51551, 51552, 51553, 51554, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51559, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51591, 51593, 51601, 51602, 51603, 51630, 51631, 51632, 51636, 51637, 51638, 51639, 51640, 51645, 51647, 51648, 51649, 51650, 51651, 51652, 51653, 51654, 51656, 52648, 68002, 68003, 68004, 68005, 68007, 68008, 68009, 68010, 68015, 68016, 68017, 68018, 68019, 68020, 68022, 68023, 68025, 68026, 68028, 68029, 68031, 68033, 68034, 68037, 68038, 68040, 68041, 68042, 68044, 68045, 68046, 68048, 68050, 68056, 68057, 68058, 68059, 68061, 68063, 68064, 68065, 68066, 68068, 68069, 68070, 68072, 68073, 68101, 68102, 68103, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68109, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68113, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68119, 68120, 68122, 68123, 68124, 68127, 68128, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68133, 68134, 68135, 68136, 68137, 68138, 68139, 68142, 68144, 68145, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68155, 68157, 68164, 68172, 68175, 68176, 68178, 68179, 68180, 68181, 68182, 68183, 68197, 68198, 68304, 68307, 68317, 68336, 68339, 68346, 68347, 68349, 68366, 68372, 68382, 68402, 68403, 68404, 68407, 68409, 68410, 68413, 68417, 68418, 68419, 68428, 68430, 68438, 68446, 68454, 68455, 68461, 68462, 68463, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68583, 68588, 68621, 68633, 68648, 68649, 68664, 68716, 68788
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mechanicswichita · 3 years
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in Wichita, KS|A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita
More information is at: http://mobilemechanicwichitakansas.org/flatbed-towing-near-me/
Flatbed Towing Service near Wichita, KS: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near Wichita, KS? A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around Wichita, KS. We serve Wichita, KSand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
What is Flatbed Towing? Flatbed Towing Service near Wichita, KS:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs. Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing. Services we offer Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services. When or why to call us? Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need. How can we help As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations. Local Wichita, KStowing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in Wichita, KS ● Wheel lift towing ● Flatbed towing ● Expressway towing ● Highway towing ● Interstate towing ● Low-clearance towing for parking garages ● Battery jump starts ● Flat tire changes ● Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car. ● Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
Benefits of Flatbed Towing Flatbed Towing Service near Wichita, KS:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations. The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over Wichita, KSlooking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you. Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service: ● 24/7 Emergency Towing in Wichita, KS ● Jump-start of your battery ● Flat tire assistance ● Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment ● Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
24-Hour Flatbed Towing in Wichita, KS Flatbed Towing Service near Wichita, KS:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in Wichita, KSevery day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in Wichita, KS24/7. ● 24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service ● Local Wichita, KSTowing ● Vehicle Relocation Service ● Low Clearance Tow Trucks in Wichita, KS ● Off Road Recovery ● Winching ● Motorcycle Towing Wichita, KS ● Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in Wichita, KS ● Bobcats & Forklifts ● Junk Car Removal ● Accident Recovery ● Roll Over Recovery ● Underwater Recovery ● Traffic Incident Management ● Private Property Towing ● Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair ● Jump Starts/Battery Services ● Fuel Replacement ● Ditch Pull-Outs COST How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost? Flatbed Towing Service near Wichita, KS:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs? Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them. How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost? $75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile) Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you. Average Towing Cost Per Mile Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free! Determine Your Wish List What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations. Warranty Flatbed Towing Service near Wichita, KS: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck? No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground? Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure? Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
Is towing rough on my car? No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
Do tow truck drivers have special training? Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
Do tow truck drivers need a special license? No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness? Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
My car is lowered, can it still be towed? Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
How many different ways are there to tow a car? Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
Can you tow motorcycles? Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
CALL FOR US: ● Flatbed Towing Company Near Wichita, KS ● Flatbed Towing Rates ● Flatbed Tow Truck ● Tow Service ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Company ● Towing Companies Near Wichita, KS ● Car Towing ● Towing Service Cost ● Towing Services Rates ● Car Towing Service Charges ● Tow Truck Prices ● Tow Truck ● How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck ● Car Towing Service Near Wichita, KS
Contact us: A1 Mobile Mechanics of Wichita 24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in Wichita, KS! CALL: (316) 201-9247 MOBILE MECHANIC WEBSITE: www.mobilemechanicwichitakansas.org Service Area: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
0 notes
towingserlas541 · 3 years
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in Las Vegas NV |Towing Services of Las Vegas
 More information is at: http://towinglasvegas.org/flatbed-towing-service-near-me/
 Flatbed Towing Service near Las Vegas NV: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near Las Vegas NV ? Towing Services of Las Vegas, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around Las Vegas NV . We serve Las Vegas NV and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 What is Flatbed Towing?
Flatbed Towing Service near Las Vegas NV:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs.
Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing.
Services we offer
Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services.
When or why to call us?
Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need.
How can we help
As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations.
Local Las Vegas NV towing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in Las Vegas NV
● Wheel lift towing
● Flatbed towing
● Expressway towing
● Highway towing
● Interstate towing
● Low-clearance towing for parking garages
● Battery jump starts
● Flat tire changes
● Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car.
● Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
 Benefits of Flatbed Towing
Flatbed Towing Service near Las Vegas NV:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations.
The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over Las Vegas NV looking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you.
Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service:
● 24/7 Emergency Towing in Las Vegas NV
● Jump-start of your battery
● Flat tire assistance
● Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment
● Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
 24-Hour Flatbed Towing in Las Vegas NV
Flatbed Towing Service near Las Vegas NV:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in Las Vegas NV every day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in Las Vegas NV 24/7.
● 24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service
● Local Las Vegas NV Towing
● Vehicle Relocation Service
● Low Clearance Tow Trucks in Las Vegas NV
● Off Road Recovery
● Winching
● Motorcycle Towing Las Vegas NV
● Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in Las Vegas NV
● Bobcats & Forklifts
● Junk Car Removal
● Accident Recovery
● Roll Over Recovery
● Underwater Recovery
● Traffic Incident Management
● Private Property Towing
● Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair
● Jump Starts/Battery Services
● Fuel Replacement
● Ditch Pull-Outs
How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost?
Flatbed Towing Service near Las Vegas NV:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs?
Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them.
How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost?
$75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile)
Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you.
Average Towing Cost Per Mile
Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free!
Determine Your Wish List
What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations.
Flatbed Towing Service near Las Vegas NV: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck?
No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
 My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground?
Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
 With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure?
Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
 Is towing rough on my car?
No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
 Do tow truck drivers have special training?
Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the Towing Services of Las Vegas. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
 Do tow truck drivers need a special license?
No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
 Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness?
Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
 My car is lowered, can it still be towed?
Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
 How many different ways are there to tow a car?
Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
 Can you tow motorcycles?
Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
● Flatbed Towing Company Near Las Vegas NV
● Flatbed Towing Rates
● Flatbed Tow Truck
● Tow Service
● Tow Truck Service
● Tow Truck Company
● Towing Companies Near Las Vegas NV
● Car Towing
● Towing Service Cost
● Towing Services Rates
● Car Towing Service Charges
● Tow Truck Prices
● Tow Truck
● How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck
● Car Towing Service Near Las Vegas NV
Towing Services of Las Vegas
Best Towing, Tow Truck, Roadside Assistance, And Mobile Roadside Services in Las Vegas, Nevada
CALL (702) 560-5869 TOWING SERVICE
CALL (702) 560 2682 MOBILE MECHANIC 1
CALL (702) 560 5357 MOBILE MECHANIC 2
CALL (702) 560-5948 MOBILE MECHANIC 3
Open 7 days 24 Hours
Located in Las Vegas, NV!
 Service area:
10 Cities within 30 miles of Las Vegas, NV
 Blue Diamond, NV | Boulder City, NV | Henderson, NV | Indian Springs, NV | Jean, NV | Nellis AFB, NV | North Las Vegas, NV | Overton, NV | Sloan, NV | The Lakes, NV | Arden, Nevada | Calico Basin, Nevada | Callville Bay, Nevada | Citibank, Nevada | City Center, Nevada | Clark Co Courthouse, Nevada | Cold Creek, Nevada | Corn Creek, Nevada | Embarq Telphone, Nevada | Enterprise, Nevada | Las Vegas Brm, Nevada | Lv Valley Water Co, Nevada | McCarran Airport, Nevada | Mgm Properties, Nevada | Mount Charleston, Nevada | Mountain Sprg, Nevada | Mountain Springs, Nevada | Mt Charleston, Nevada | Nevada Power, Nevada | Old Nevada, Nevada | Sloan, Nevada | Sw Gas Co | The Lakes | Univ Nv Las Vegas
 the zip codes in Clark County, NV and the city/neighborhood in which the zip code is in: 89002 (Henderson), 89005 (Boulder City), 89011 (Henderson), 89012 (Henderson), 89014 (Henderson), 89015 (Henderson), 89016 (Henderson), 89030 (North Las Vegas), 89031 (North Las Vegas), 89032 (North Las Vegas), 89044 (Henderson), 89052 (Boulder City), 89074 (Henderson), 89081 (North Las Vegas), 89084 (North Las Vegas), 89085 (North Las Vegas), 89086 (North Las Vegas), 89087 (North Las Vegas), 89101 (Las Vegas), 89102 (Las Vegas), 89103 (Las Vegas), 89104 (Las Vegas), 89106 (Las Vegas), 89107 (Las Vegas), 89108 (Las Vegas), 89109 (Las Vegas), 89110 (Las Vegas), 89113 (Las Vegas), 89115 (Las Vegas), 89117 (Las Vegas), 89118 (Las Vegas), 89119 (Las Vegas), 89120 (Las Vegas), 89121 (Las Vegas), 89122 (Las Vegas), 89123 (Las Vegas), 89124 (Las Vegas), 89128 (Las Vegas), 89129 (Las Vegas), 89130 (Las Vegas), 89131 (Las Vegas), 89134 (Las Vegas), 89135 (Las Vegas), 89138 (Las Vegas), 89139 (Las Vegas), 89141 (Las Vegas), 89142 (Las Vegas), 89143 (Las Vegas), 89144 (Las Vegas), 89145 (Las Vegas), 89146 (Las Vegas), 89147 (Las Vegas), 89148 (Las Vegas), 89149 (Las Vegas), 89156 (Las Vegas), 89158 (Las Vegas), 89161 (Las Vegas), 89166 (Las Vegas), 89169 (Las Vegas), 89178 (Las Vegas), 89179 (Las Vegas), 89183 (Las Vegas).
0 notes
mcallenroadsideassi · 4 years
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in McAllen TX |McAllen Roadside Assistance
More information is at: http://roadsideassistancemcallen.org/flatbed-towing-service-near-me/
Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX ? McAllen Roadside Assistance, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around McAllen TX . We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
What is Flatbed Towing? Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs. Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing. Services we offer Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services. When or why to call us? Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need. How can we help As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations. Local McAllen TX towing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in McAllen TX ● Wheel lift towing ● Flatbed towing ● Expressway towing ● Highway towing ● Interstate towing ● Low-clearance towing for parking garages ● Battery jump starts ● Flat tire changes ● Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car. ● Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
Benefits of Flatbed Towing Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations. The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over McAllen TX looking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you. Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service: ● 24/7 Emergency Towing in McAllen TX ● Jump-start of your battery ● Flat tire assistance ● Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment ● Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
24-Hour Flatbed Towing in McAllen TX Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in McAllen TX every day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in McAllen TX 24/7. ● 24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service ● Local McAllen TX Towing ● Vehicle Relocation Service ● Low Clearance Tow Trucks in McAllen TX ● Off Road Recovery ● Winching ● Motorcycle Towing McAllen TX ● Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in McAllen TX ● Bobcats & Forklifts ● Junk Car Removal ● Accident Recovery ● Roll Over Recovery ● Underwater Recovery ● Traffic Incident Management ● Private Property Towing ● Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair ● Jump Starts/Battery Services ● Fuel Replacement ● Ditch Pull-Outs COST How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost? Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs? Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them. How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost? $75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile) Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you. Average Towing Cost Per Mile Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free! Determine Your Wish List What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations. Warranty Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck? No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground? Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure? Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
Is towing rough on my car? No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
Do tow truck drivers have special training? Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the McAllen Roadside Assistance. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
Do tow truck drivers need a special license? No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness? Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
My car is lowered, can it still be towed? Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
How many different ways are there to tow a car? Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
Can you tow motorcycles? Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
CALL FOR US: ● Flatbed Towing Company Near McAllen TX ● Flatbed Towing Rates ● Flatbed Tow Truck ● Tow Service ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Company ● Towing Companies Near McAllen TX ● Car Towing ● Towing Service Cost ● Towing Services Rates ● Car Towing Service Charges ● Tow Truck Prices ● Tow Truck ● How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck ● Car Towing Service Near McAllen TX
CONTACT US: McAllen Roadside Assistance 24 Hour Towing Roadside Assistance Mobile Mechanic Services in McAllen, TX CALL (956) 278-8036 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CALL (956) 278-8258 MOBILE AUTO MECHANIC CALL (956) 278-8619 MOBILE TRUCK MECHANIC CALL (956) 587-3435 TOWING SERVICE Located in McAllen, Texas Open 24 Hours 7 Days WEBSITE: roadsideassistancemcallen.org mobilemechanicmcallentx.com mobileautotruckrepairmcallentx.com 24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org
COMMUNITIES WE SERVICE: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572
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mobilemechanicsabq · 4 years
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in Albuquerque NM | Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
More information is at: http://mobilemechanicalbuquerque.org/flatbed-towing-near-me/
Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM ? Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around Albuquerque NM . We serve Albuquerque NM and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
What is Flatbed Towing? Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs. Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing. Services we offer Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services. When or why to call us? Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need. How can we help As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations. Local Albuquerque NM towing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in Albuquerque NM ● Wheel lift towing ● Flatbed towing ● Expressway towing ● Highway towing ● Interstate towing ● Low-clearance towing for parking garages ● Battery jump starts ● Flat tire changes ● Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car. ● Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
Benefits of Flatbed Towing Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations. The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over Albuquerque NM looking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you. Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service: ● 24/7 Emergency Towing in Albuquerque NM ● Jump-start of your battery ● Flat tire assistance ● Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment ● Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
24-Hour Flatbed Towing in Albuquerque NM Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in Albuquerque NM every day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in Albuquerque NM 24/7. ● 24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service ● Local Albuquerque NM Towing ● Vehicle Relocation Service ● Low Clearance Tow Trucks in Albuquerque NM ● Off Road Recovery ● Winching ● Motorcycle Towing Albuquerque NM ● Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in Albuquerque NM ● Bobcats & Forklifts ● Junk Car Removal ● Accident Recovery ● Roll Over Recovery ● Underwater Recovery ● Traffic Incident Management ● Private Property Towing ● Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair ● Jump Starts/Battery Services ● Fuel Replacement ● Ditch Pull-Outs
COST How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost? Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs? Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them. How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost? $75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile) Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you. Average Towing Cost Per Mile Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free! Determine Your Wish List What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations. Warranty Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck? No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground? Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure? Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
Is towing rough on my car? No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
Do tow truck drivers have special training? Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
Do tow truck drivers need a special license? No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness? Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
My car is lowered, can it still be towed? Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
How many different ways are there to tow a car? Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
Can you tow motorcycles? Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
CALL FOR US: ● Flatbed Towing Company Near Albuquerque NM ● Flatbed Towing Rates ● Flatbed Tow Truck ● Tow Service ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Company ● Towing Companies Near Albuquerque NM ● Car Towing ● Towing Service Cost ● Towing Services Rates ● Car Towing Service Charges ● Tow Truck Prices ● Tow Truck ● How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck ● Car Towing Service Near Albuquerque NM
CONTACT US: Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque 24-hour Mobile Mechanic Roadside Assistance Services in Albuquerque, NM! CALL (505) 485-1736 MOBILE MECHANIC - 1 CALL (505) 485-1618 MOBILE MECHANIC - 2 CALL (505) 346-2682 TOWING TOW TRUCK CALL (505) 346-2463 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE WEBISTE: www.mobilemechanicalbuquerque.org http://mobileautotruckrepairalbuquerque.com/ http://towingalbuquerque.org/ http://roadsideassistancealbuquerque.org/
SERVICE AREA: 18 Cities within 30 miles of Albuquerque, NM Algodones, NM | Belen, NM | Bernalillo, NM | Bosque Farms, NM | Casa Blanca, NM | Cedar Crest, NM | Corrales, NM | Isleta, NM | Jarales, NM | Kirtland AFB, NM | Los Lunas, NM | Peralta, NM | Placitas, NM | Rio Rancho, NM | Sandia Park, NM | Tijeras, NM | Tome, NM | Torreon, NM | Alameda, NM | Five Points, NM | Los Padillas, NM | Los Ranchos, NM | Los Ranchos De Abq, NM | Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM | Los Rnchs Abq, NM | Manzano Base, NM | Metropolitan Detention Ctr, NM | Public Service Co, NM | Sandia Base, NM | Univ Of New Mexico, NM | Univ Of Nm, NM | UNM, NM | Village Of Los Ranchos, NM Albuquerque, NM - Standard ZIP Codes 87101 87102 87104 87105 87106 87107 87108 87109 87110 87111 87112 87113 87114 87115 87116 87120 87121 87122 87123 87124
0 notes
mobileautotruck · 4 years
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in Iowa City |Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City
More information is at: http://mobilemechaniciowacity.org/flatbed-towing-near-me/
Flatbed Towing Service near Iowa City: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near Iowa City ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around Iowa City . We serve Iowa City and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
What is Flatbed Towing? Flatbed Towing Service near Iowa City:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs. Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing. Services we offer Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services. When or why to call us? Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need. How can we help As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations. Local Iowa City towing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in Iowa City ● Wheel lift towing ● Flatbed towing ● Expressway towing ● Highway towing ● Interstate towing ● Low-clearance towing for parking garages ● Battery jump starts ● Flat tire changes ● Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car. ● Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
Benefits of Flatbed Towing Flatbed Towing Service near Iowa City:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations. The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over Iowa City looking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you. Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service: ● 24/7 Emergency Towing in Iowa City ● Jump-start of your battery ● Flat tire assistance ● Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment ● Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
24-Hour Flatbed Towing in Iowa City Flatbed Towing Service near Iowa City:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in Iowa City every day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in Iowa City 24/7. ● 24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service ● Local Iowa City Towing ● Vehicle Relocation Service ● Low Clearance Tow Trucks in Iowa City ● Off Road Recovery ● Winching ● Motorcycle Towing Iowa City ● Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in Iowa City ● Bobcats & Forklifts ● Junk Car Removal ● Accident Recovery ● Roll Over Recovery ● Underwater Recovery ● Traffic Incident Management ● Private Property Towing ● Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair ● Jump Starts/Battery Services ● Fuel Replacement ● Ditch Pull-Outs COST How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost? Flatbed Towing Service near Iowa City:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs? Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them. How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost? $75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile) Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you. Average Towing Cost Per Mile Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free! Determine Your Wish List What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations. Warranty Flatbed Towing Service near Iowa City: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck? No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground? Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure? Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
Is towing rough on my car? No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
Do tow truck drivers have special training? Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
Do tow truck drivers need a special license? No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness? Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
My car is lowered, can it still be towed? Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
How many different ways are there to tow a car? Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
Can you tow motorcycles? Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
CALL FOR US: ● Flatbed Towing Company Near Iowa City ● Flatbed Towing Rates ● Flatbed Tow Truck ● Tow Service ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Company ● Towing Companies Near Iowa City ● Car Towing ● Towing Service Cost ● Towing Services Rates ● Car Towing Service Charges ● Tow Truck Prices ● Tow Truck ● How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck ● Car Towing Service Near Iowa City
CONTACT US: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Iowa City Iowa CALL (319) 471-4726 MOBILE MECHANIC 1 CALL (319) 359-6136 MOBILE MECHANIC 2 CALL (319) 471-4590 TOWING & ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE OPEN 7 days 24 Hours SERVICE AREA: Iowa City IA WEBSITE: http://mobilemechaniciowacity.org http://roadsideassistanceiowacity.org/
SERVICE AREA: 74 Cities within 30 miles of Iowa City, IA Ainsworth, IA | Amana, IA | Atalissa, IA | Atkins, IA |Bennett, IA |Blairstown, IA |Cedar Rapids, IA | Center Junction, IA |Clarence, IA | Columbus City, IA | Columbus Junction, IA | Conesville, IA | Conroy, IA | Coralville, IA | Crawfordsville, IA | Ely, IA | Fairfax, IA | Fruitland, IA | Grandview, IA | Harper, IA | Hiawatha, IA | Hills, IA | Homestead, IA | Kalona, IA | Keota, IA | Letts, IA | Lisbon, IA | Lone Tree, IA | Lowden, IA | Marengo, IA | Marion, IA | Martelle, IA | Mechanicsville, IA | Middle Amana, IA | Morley, IA | Moscow, IA | Mount Vernon, IA | Muscatine, IA | New Boston, IL | Newhall, IA | Nichols, IA | North English, IA | North Liberty, IA | Norway, IA | Olin, IA | Ollie, IA | Oxford, IA | Oxford Junction, IA | Palo, IA | Parnell, IA | Richland, IA | Riverside, IA | Robins, IA | Shellsburg, IA | Solon, IA | South Amana, IA | South English, IA | Springville, IA | Stanwood, IA | Swisher, IA | Tiffin, IA | Tipton, IA | Van Horne, IA | Walford, IA | Wapello, IA | Washington, IA | Watkins, IA | Wellman, IA | West Branch, IA | West Chester, IA | West Liberty, IA | Williamsburg, IA | Wilton, IA | Wyoming, IA Near Zip Codes: 52244 - Iowa City, IA | 52242 - Iowa City, IA | 52245 - Iowa City, IA | 52243 - Iowa City, IA | 52246 - Iowa City, IA | 52235 - Hills, IA | 52241 - Coralville, IA | 52240 - Iowa City, IA | 52340 - Tiffin, IA | 52317 - North Liberty, IA | 52327 - Riverside, IA | 52333 - Solon, IA | 52755 - Lone Tree, IA | 52247 - Kalona, IA | 52358 - West Branch, IA
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mobiletruckmcallen · 4 years
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen
More information is at: http://mobileautotruckrepairmcallentx.com/flatbed-towing-near-me/
Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around MCALLEN TX . We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
What is Flatbed Towing?
Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs.
Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing.
Services we offer
Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services.
When or why to call us?
Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need.
How can we help
As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations.
Local McAllen TX towing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in McAllen TX
● Wheel lift towing
● Flatbed towing
● Expressway towing
● Highway towing
● Interstate towing
● Low-clearance towing for parking garages
● Battery jump starts
● Flat tire changes
● Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car.
● Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
Benefits of Flatbed Towing
Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations.
The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over McAllen TX looking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you.
Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service:
● 24/7 Emergency Towing in McAllen TX
● Jump-start of your battery
● Flat tire assistance
● Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment
● Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
24-Hour Flatbed Towing in McAllen TX
Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in McAllen TX every day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in McAllen TX 24/7.
● 24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service
● Local McAllen TX Towing
● Vehicle Relocation Service
● Low Clearance Tow Trucks in McAllen TX
● Off Road Recovery
● Winching
● Motorcycle Towing McAllen TX
● Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in McAllen TX
● Bobcats & Forklifts
● Junk Car Removal
● Accident Recovery
● Roll Over Recovery
● Underwater Recovery
● Traffic Incident Management
● Private Property Towing
● Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair
● Jump Starts/Battery Services
● Fuel Replacement
● Ditch Pull-Outs
How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost?
Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs?
Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them.
How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost?
$75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile)
Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you.
Average Towing Cost Per Mile
Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free!
Determine Your Wish List
What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations.
Flatbed Towing Service near McAllen TX: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck?
No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground?
Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure?
Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
Is towing rough on my car?
No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
Do tow truck drivers have special training?
Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
Do tow truck drivers need a special license?
No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness?
Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
My car is lowered, can it still be towed?
Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
How many different ways are there to tow a car?
Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
Can you tow motorcycles?
Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
● Flatbed Towing Company Near McAllen TX
● Flatbed Towing Rates
● Flatbed Tow Truck 
● Tow Service
● Tow Truck Service 
● Tow Truck Company
● Towing Companies Near McAllen TX
● Car Towing
● Towing Service Cost 
● Towing Services Rates
● Car Towing Service Charges
● Tow Truck Prices 
● Tow Truck 
● How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck
● Car Towing Service Near McAllen TX
Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen
Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in McAllen Texas
OPEN 7 days 24 Hours
SERVICE AREA: Edinburg Mission McAllen Brownsville TX
Alamo TX | Alton TX | Brownsville TX | Donna TX | Edcouch TX | Edinburg TX | Elsa TX | Granjeno TX | Harlingen TX | Hidalgo TX | La Joya TX | La Villa TX | McAllen TX | Mercedes TX | Mission TX | Rio Grande City TX | Raymondville TX | Palmhurst TX | Palmview TX | Penitas TX | Pharr TX | Progreso TX | Progreso Lakes TX | San Juan TX | Sullivan City TX | Weslaco TX | Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572
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mechaniclincoln · 4 years
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in Lincoln NE |Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln
More information is at: http://mobileautotruckrepairlincolnnebraska.com/flatbed-towing-near-me/
Flatbed Towing Service near Lincoln NE: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near Lincoln NE ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around Lincoln NE . We serve Lincoln NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
What is Flatbed Towing? Flatbed Towing Service near Lincoln NE:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs. Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing. Services we offer Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services. When or why to call us? Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need. How can we help As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations. Local Lincoln NE towing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in Lincoln NE ● Wheel lift towing ● Flatbed towing ● Expressway towing ● Highway towing ● Interstate towing ● Low-clearance towing for parking garages ● Battery jump starts ● Flat tire changes ● Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car. ● Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
Benefits of Flatbed Towing Flatbed Towing Service near Lincoln NE:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations. The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over Lincoln NE looking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you. Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service: ● 24/7 Emergency Towing in Lincoln NE ● Jump-start of your battery ● Flat tire assistance ● Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment ● Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
24-Hour Flatbed Towing in Lincoln NE Flatbed Towing Service near Lincoln NE:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in Lincoln NE every day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in Lincoln NE 24/7. ● 24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service ● Local Lincoln NE Towing ● Vehicle Relocation Service ● Low Clearance Tow Trucks in Lincoln NE ● Off Road Recovery ● Winching ● Motorcycle Towing Lincoln NE ● Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in Lincoln NE ● Bobcats & Forklifts ● Junk Car Removal ● Accident Recovery ● Roll Over Recovery ● Underwater Recovery ● Traffic Incident Management ● Private Property Towing ● Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair ● Jump Starts/Battery Services ● Fuel Replacement ● Ditch Pull-Outs COST How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost? Flatbed Towing Service near Lincoln NE:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs? Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them. How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost? $75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile) Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you. Average Towing Cost Per Mile Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free! Determine Your Wish List What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations. Warranty Flatbed Towing Service near Lincoln NE: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck? No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground? Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure? Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
Is towing rough on my car? No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
Do tow truck drivers have special training? Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
Do tow truck drivers need a special license? No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness? Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
My car is lowered, can it still be towed? Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
How many different ways are there to tow a car? Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
Can you tow motorcycles? Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
CALL FOR US: ● Flatbed Towing Company Near Lincoln NE ● Flatbed Towing Rates ● Flatbed Tow Truck ● Tow Service ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Company ● Towing Companies Near Lincoln NE ● Car Towing ● Towing Service Cost ● Towing Services Rates ● Car Towing Service Charges ● Tow Truck Prices ● Tow Truck ● How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck ● Car Towing Service Near Lincoln NE
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Lincoln Nebraska CALL (402) 875-7347 MOBILE MECHANIC CALL (402) 875-7348 TOWING & ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE OPEN 7 days 24 Hours SERVICE AREA: Lincoln NE 68521 EMAIL: [email protected]
www.mobileautotruckrepairlincolnnebraska.com www.towinglincoln.org
SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.
Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood,  Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
0 notes
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in Omaha NE |Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 More information is at: http://24hourautotruckrepairomaha.org/flatbed-towing-near-me/
 Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE ? Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around Omaha NE . We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 What is Flatbed Towing?
Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs.
Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing.
Services we offer
Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services.
When or why to call us?
Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need.
How can we help
As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations.
Local Omaha NE towing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in Omaha NE
●      Wheel lift towing
●      Flatbed towing
●      Expressway towing
●      Highway towing
●      Interstate towing
●      Low-clearance towing for parking garages
●      Battery jump starts
●      Flat tire changes
●      Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car.
●      Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
 Benefits of Flatbed Towing
Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations.
The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over Omaha NE looking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you.
Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service:
●      24/7 Emergency Towing in Omaha NE
●      Jump-start of your battery
●      Flat tire assistance
●      Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment
●      Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
 24-Hour Flatbed Towing in Omaha NE
Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in Omaha NE every day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in Omaha NE 24/7.
●      24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service
●      Local Omaha NE Towing
●      Vehicle Relocation Service
●      Low Clearance Tow Trucks in Omaha NE
●      Off Road Recovery
●      Winching
●      Motorcycle Towing Omaha NE
●      Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in Omaha NE
●      Bobcats & Forklifts
●      Junk Car Removal
●      Accident Recovery
●      Roll Over Recovery
●      Underwater Recovery
●      Traffic Incident Management
●      Private Property Towing
●      Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair
●      Jump Starts/Battery Services
●      Fuel Replacement
●      Ditch Pull-Outs
How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost?
Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs?
Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them.
How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost?
$75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile)
Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you.
Average Towing Cost Per Mile
Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free!
Determine Your Wish List
What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations.
Flatbed Towing Service near Omaha NE: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck?
No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
 My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground?
Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
 With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure?
Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
 Is towing rough on my car?
No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
 Do tow truck drivers have special training?
Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the Mobile Mechanics of Omaha. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
 Do tow truck drivers need a special license?
No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
 Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness?
Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
 My car is lowered, can it still be towed?
Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
 How many different ways are there to tow a car?
Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
 Can you tow motorcycles?
Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
●      Flatbed Towing Company Near Omaha NE
●      Flatbed Towing Rates
●      Flatbed Tow Truck
●      Tow Service
●      Tow Truck Service
●      Tow Truck Company
●      Towing Companies Near Omaha NE
●      Car Towing
●      Towing Service Cost
●      Towing Services Rates
●      Car Towing Service Charges
●   ��  Tow Truck Prices
●      Tow Truck
●      How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck
●      Car Towing Service Near Omaha NE
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in Omaha NE!
Communities we serve: Omaha, Carter Lake, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Bellevue, Boys Town, La Vista, Papillion, Honey Creek, Offutt A F B, Bennington, Fort Calhoun, Washington, Elkhorn, St Columbans, Underwood, Kennard, Mc Clelland, Mineola, Waterloo, Springfield, Missouri Valley, Treynor, Cedar Creek, Gretna, Blair, Valley, Neola, Pacific Junction, Plattsmouth, Silver City, Glenwood, Louisville, Yutan, Arlington, Minden, Modale, South Bend, Logan, Murray, Ashland, Mead, Persia, Memphis, Manley, Magnolia, Macedonia, Malvern, Fremont, Carson, Oakland, Herman, Murdock, Nickerson, Shelby, Weeping Water, Hastings, Mondamin, Henderson, Ithaca, Hancock, Nehawka, Tabor, Union, Greenwood, Thurman, Portsmouth, Woodbine, Colon, Wahoo, Avoca, Emerson, Winslow, Avoca, Elmwood, Little Sioux, Cedar Bluffs, Pisgah, Tekamah, Alvo, Randolph, Ames, Hooper, Panama, Craig, Waverly, Ceresco, Percival, Otoe, Imogene, Malmo, Sidney, Uehling, Walnut, Harlan, Westphalia, Eagle, Lincoln, Dunlap, Moorhead, Red Oak, Morse Bluff, Weston, Griswold, Blencoe, Earling, Davey, Dunbar, Nebraska City, North Bend, Unadilla, Elliott, Lewis, Prague, Syracuse, Marne, Scribner, Oakland, Palmyra, Pilot Grove, Walton, Riverton, Farragut, Shenandoah, Valparaiso, Lorton, Essex, Soldier, Hamburg, Defiance, Kirkman, Raymond, Dow City, Stanton, Atlantic, Decatur, Bennet, Elk Horn, Snyder, Lyons, Kimballton, Irwin, Arion, Malcolm, West Point, Panama, Roca, Dodge, Manilla, Yorktown, Northboro, Coin, Hickman, Denton, Bancroft, Aspinwall, Sprague, Clarinda, Martell, Blanchard, Manning, Beemer, College Springs, Shambaugh, Braddyville,
 ZIP CODES: 50022, 51432, 51446, 51447, 51454, 51455, 51501, 51502, 51503, 51510, 51520, 51521, 51523, 51525, 51526, 51527, 51528, 51529, 51530, 51531, 51532, 51533, 51534, 51535, 51536, 51537, 51540, 51541, 51542, 51543, 51544, 51545, 51546, 51548, 51549, 51550, 51551, 51552, 51553, 51554, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51559, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51591, 51593, 51601, 51602, 51603, 51630, 51631, 51632, 51636, 51637, 51638, 51639, 51640, 51645, 51647, 51648, 51649, 51650, 51651, 51652, 51653, 51654, 51656, 52648, 68002, 68003, 68004, 68005, 68007, 68008, 68009, 68010, 68015, 68016, 68017, 68018, 68019, 68020, 68022, 68023, 68025, 68026, 68028, 68029, 68031, 68033, 68034, 68037, 68038, 68040, 68041, 68042, 68044, 68045, 68046, 68048, 68050, 68056, 68057, 68058, 68059, 68061, 68063, 68064, 68065, 68066, 68068, 68069, 68070, 68072, 68073, 68101, 68102, 68103, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68109, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68113, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68119, 68120, 68122, 68123, 68124, 68127, 68128, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68133, 68134, 68135, 68136, 68137, 68138, 68139, 68142, 68144, 68145, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68155, 68157, 68164, 68172, 68175, 68176, 68178, 68179, 68180, 68181, 68182, 68183, 68197, 68198, 68304, 68307, 68317, 68336, 68339, 68346, 68347, 68349, 68366, 68372, 68382, 68402, 68403, 68404, 68407, 68409, 68410, 68413, 68417, 68418, 68419, 68428, 68430, 68438, 68446, 68454, 68455, 68461, 68462, 68463, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68583, 68588, 68621, 68633, 68648, 68649, 68664, 68716, 68788
0 notes
abqtowing505 · 4 years
Best Flatbed Towing Service and Cost in Albuquerque NM |Towing Services of Albuquerque
 More information is at: http://towingalbuquerque.org/flatbed-towing-service/
 Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM: Are you looking for the Best Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM ? Towing Services of Albuquerque, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Flatbed Towing Service around Albuquerque NM . We serve Albuquerque NM and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 What is Flatbed Towing?
Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM:  There are times when wheel lift towing is not the ideal option for specific types of vehicles or vehicles in certain conditions. In these cases, the best option for hauling the vehicle from one location to another is a flatbed truck. Flatbed trucks are designed to haul larger vehicles, vehicles with no functioning tires, or vehicles that require all for tires to be up off the ground. This form of transporting vehicles is the ideal option for long-distance towing jobs.
Flatbed towing is used for a number of other reasons that include the weight, or the make and model of the vehicle. Vehicles transported by this mode are able to have each of their wheels secured, instead of the traditional method of chains placed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Further reasons people choose this mode of towing is the design of their vehicle requires no additional weight be put on one end of the vehicle, as happens with wheel lift towing.
Services we offer
Whether you are searching for emergency roadside assistance, flatbed towing, tire change, lock out, or jump start, Bernie's Towing is the company to call. We also offer wheel lift towing services.
When or why to call us?
Is your car stuck somewhere on the road? Cannot continue on your way due to a flat tire? In these and many other cases, we are the reliable roadside towing assistance service providers who can lend a helping hand in your hour of need.
How can we help
As a reliable roadside towing service provider, our goal has always been to get you back on the road as safely and quickly as possible. We use highly efficient towing equipment and always show up on time. We understand that all people in stressful situations like these are sure to be anxious or annoyed. So aside from great technical professionalism, know-how, and responsiveness, we are also very friendly and able to understand your frustrations.
Local Albuquerque NM towing for cars, light trucks & SUVs Fast Low Cost Towing in Albuquerque NM
●      Wheel lift towing
●      Flatbed towing
●      Expressway towing
●      Highway towing
●      Interstate towing
●      Low-clearance towing for parking garages
●      Battery jump starts
●      Flat tire changes
●      Vehicle lockout service if you’ve lost your keys or left them in your car.
●      Winching service to help pull you out of the mud, snow or a ditch
 Benefits of Flatbed Towing
Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM:  Flatbed towing is usually much safer for vehicles than dolly trucks, as while dolly trucks are cheaper to use, they put the vehicle’s wheels in contact with the ground. This can cause damage to the vehicle if it hits a pothole or major road obstruction, which is why our expert towers always recommend that our customers utilize flatbed towing to transport their vehicles to service stations.
The Flatbed tow truck provides safe towing while keeping the car in perfect condition. Our Flatbeds tow truck is all over Albuquerque NM looking to help you out. Whether you just need a battery boost or your car door opened, we are here to help you.
Here is what is covered under our Flatbed Towing Service:
●      24/7 Emergency Towing in Albuquerque NM
●      Jump-start of your battery
●      Flat tire assistance
●      Lock-out assistance for car and your home or apartment
●      Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water delivery
 24-Hour Flatbed Towing in Albuquerque NM
Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM:  We know vehicle troubles don’t keep a schedule so we provide 24 hour towing in Albuquerque NM every day of the year. Our goal is always to solve your problem the fastest and safest way possible. Whether you need a jump start, a flat tire change or your car, truck, SUV or Semi towed we have you covered anywhere in Albuquerque NM 24/7.
●      24 Hour Wrecker & Flatbed Towing Service
●      Local Albuquerque NM Towing
●      Vehicle Relocation Service
●      Low Clearance Tow Trucks in Albuquerque NM
●      Off Road Recovery
●      Winching
●      Motorcycle Towing Albuquerque NM
●      Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Towing in Albuquerque NM
●      Bobcats & Forklifts
●      Junk Car Removal
●      Accident Recovery
●      Roll Over Recovery
●��     Underwater Recovery
●      Traffic Incident Management
●      Private Property Towing
●      Tire Changes/Flat Tire Repair
●      Jump Starts/Battery Services
●      Fuel Replacement
●      Ditch Pull-Outs
How Much Does a Flatbed Tow Truck Cost?
Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM:  The amount of money you decide to spend on your flatbed tow truck is based on a variety of factors. Just like any vehicle, there is a significant price difference between new and used models. Are you looking for a diesel or gas engine? What kind of towing jobs are you planning on completing; light duty work, medium duty or heavy duty jobs?
Determining your needs prior to shopping will drastically streamline your process and help you determine your budget ahead of time. How much does a flatbed tow truck cost? That ultimately depends on the features you want and what you are willing to shell out in order to secure them.
How Much Does a Tow Truck Service Cost?
$75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile)
Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you.
Average Towing Cost Per Mile
Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free!
Determine Your Wish List
What kind of tires will ensure the best safety and success of your rig? Do you need to upgrade the winch for your specific towing capacity? Be sure to only look at trucks that meet your criteria to avoid falling in love with one that won’t enable you to get the job done or conversely, be way more than you require. Will you be working on narrower roads? Is side recovery a common recovery you will be performing in your area? There are some great Side Puller add-ons available including the SP20000 and SP8000 and P12000 to add versatility to your recovery missions. Ensure your winch meets the size and weight requirements for your day to day operations.
Flatbed Towing Service near Albuquerque NM: Used models may offer zero or a limited warranty. Other dealerships will offer extended warranties on their used equipment. If you don’t need something shiny and fresh off of the lot; peruse the used trucks and potentially save thousands of dollars. Shop around and take a bunch of test drives prior to making your purchase. You will be spending a lot of time in this vehicle if it is your mobile office. Deal with successful companies to ensure that future warranty work is completed on time and on schedule.
My car is all-wheel-drive, does it require a flatbed tow truck?
No. Conventional tow trucks are capable of lifting all wheels off the ground.
 My car has an automatic transmission, can it be towed with the drive wheels on the ground?
Probably, Most manufacturers say yes, for a limited speed and distance.
 With so many makes and models, how do you remember each vehicle's towing procedure?
Every manufacturer establishes towing guidelines, several companies compile these guidelines into an annual publication that is standard equipment for today’s tow truck driver.
 Is towing rough on my car?
No. Quite the opposite. Since your car is lifted by its tires, it is riding on your own suspension. And the tow truck's suspension absorbs most of the bumps.
 Do tow truck drivers have special training?
Yes. Our drivers begin by receiving intensive, specialized training at the Towing Services of Albuquerque. They are teamed with an experienced driver on the job until able to perform every aspect of the job with competence. Finally they are tested and certified by the Towing and Recovery Association of America. Drivers must also attend annual training courses to re-certify and to learn about new technologies in the towing industry.
 Do tow truck drivers need a special license?
No. Not for light duty tow trucks. However, our company requires drivers to have a flawless driving record and attend annual driving classes.
 Are tow trucks inspected for road worthiness?
Yes. Since our trucks are approved to tow for the Montana State Patrol, our trucks must pass a MSP inspection and a DOT inspection annually.
 My car is lowered, can it still be towed?
Yes, most lowered cars can be safely towed with a conventional tow truck.
 How many different ways are there to tow a car?
Many. Check out our Services page to learn more about how we can accommodate your towing needs.
 Can you tow motorcycles?
Yes, we carry all needed equipment necessary to tow motorcycles without damage.
●      Flatbed Towing Company Near Albuquerque NM
●      Flatbed Towing Rates
●      Flatbed Tow Truck
●      Tow Service
●      Tow Truck Service
●      Tow Truck Company
●      Towing Companies Near Albuquerque NM
●      Car Towing
●      Towing Service Cost
●      Towing Services Rates
●      Car Towing Service Charges
●      Tow Truck Prices
●      Tow Truck
●      How Much Does It Cost To Tow A Semi Truck
●      Car Towing Service Near Albuquerque NM
Contact us:
Towing Services of Albuquerque
Best towing, roadside assistance and mobile roadside services in Albuquerque New Mexico
CALL (505) 346-2682 Towing and Roadside Assistance
CALL (505) 485-1618 Mobile Mechanic
Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico
·         24 hour towing in Albuquerque
·         Auto and motorcycle towing
·         Auto jump start
·         Auto Recovery Service
·         Auto Wrecker Service
·         Car Lockout Assistance
·         Car Towing
·         Emergency Roadside Assistance
·         Flatbed Towing
·         Flatbed Tow Truck
·         Fuel delivery and refill
·         Jumpstart Service
·         Light Duty Towing
·         Local Towing
·         Locksmith Service and car unlocking
·         Long Distance Towing
·         Medium Duty Towing
·         Motorcycle Towing
·         Road side Assistance.
·         Tire repair and replacement
·         Wheel Lift Towing
·         Winch-Out Service
Albuquerque, NM, Old Town, Los Duranes, Albuquerque, Martinez Town, Los Candelarias, Barelas, Atrisco, Five Points, Hahn, Los Griegos, Armijo, Lee Acres, Kirtland Addition, Arenal, Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, Vista Encantada, North Valley, Taylor Ranch, Kinney, South Valley, Alameda, Mesa Village, Hoffmantown, Buena Ventura, Paradise Hills, Mountainview, Sandia Vista, Barr, Chelwood Park, La Cuesta, Rio Rancho, Canada Village, Los Padillas, Rio Rancho Estates, Corrales, Sandia Heights, Pueblo Of Sandia Village, Carnuel, Sandia Pueblo, Tierra Monte Subdivision, Evergreen Hills Subdivision, Isleta Pueblo, Isleta Village Proper, Isleta, Bernalillo, Tijeras, Casa Loma, Ranchitos, Primera Agua, Cedar Crest, Forest Park, Canoncito, Bosque Farms, Zamora, Sandia Park, El Chapparal, El Llanito, Paquita, Rivajana, El Tablazon, Cedro, San Antonito, Peralta, Chical, El Refugio, La Madera, La Ladera, Dennis Chaves Estates, Los Pinos, Placitas, Los Lentes
0 notes
3ennyj · 7 years
Randonneuring on a brakeless track bike.
I never knew what a randonneur is or does till about five months back. Heck I couldn’t even pronounce the damn name. A randonneur is a chap who rides long distances unsupported within a specified time frame, with distances starting at 200km unto 1200km. A seasoned randonneur would classify a 600km brevet as “difficult”, which usually entails two nights and a day of continuous riding, the idea being to complete the course within the 40 hours time frame. Me being the chap I usually am decided do a 600km brevet, my “first” brevet, on my everyday steed, a brakeless track bike in gods own country, Kerala, aptly called the Exotic Malabar Coast 600 BRM which runs from Cochin to Payyannur along the beautiful malabar coast of Kerala, known for a lot of amazing things, of which the one that really stood was the Biryani! To me Calicut was this place I’d always heard growing up, Thallaserry was a name of a restaurant in Bangalore, Mahe was Union Territory in Kerala that I read in my geography books and Payyannur was this quaint town up in the north of Kerala which I had only heard of since my friend was from there and that they we were famous for this crazy ritualistic dance called Theyyamm and that they love repeating letters in words there. In summary this is one gorgeous route to ride not to mention I rode an entire night in the rain, torrential thunderstorm type of rains. It’s monsoon season in this part of the land. That being said, this was going to be my only other long distance ride since my ride to Goa this New Years on the same track bike, difference being, the ride to Goa was a 600 kilometre trip spanning three days covering a little more than 200 kilometres each day with ample rest (in lodges) and an awesome ride partner and friend. While this time around, I was doing a solo, 600 kilometre trip (brevet) which was timed event with a time limit of 40 hours on an unknown route (though I am originally from Kerala).Unlike my Goa ride, I was using an easier gear ratio of 48x19, which meant that I’d have to spin more (more pedal rotations) as compared to the 48x18 to maintain a comparable average speed, based on my experience riding to Goa, I was hoping to benefit from this, I’d soon find out.
I never knew endurance riding is something I was going to get into, I mean I love riding bikes and I guess that’s the only pre requisite you need. You can basically do anything on a bike, be it commuting, racing, touring, tricks or just aimlessly riding. Riding a brevet is something else altogether, it needs a bit of preparation since you’re self supported and self sufficient, which means any sort of mechanical or biological failure, and well that’s the end of it! I had about three days to prepare for this as this was a last minute decision I made as with all my decisions. I borrowed lights, mud fenders, frame bag, saddle bag, and a drop bar from friends in Bangalore before I drove down to Kerala with my folks and my dog. Since my last training ride I did was way back in May, I decided to ride from my grandparents house in southern Kerala to Cochin which was a good 110kms, complete with hills, potholes, violent headwinds, cross winds, crazy traffic, mixed with city and highways and awesome flat sections. Training done! During the registration process the organisers and other folks there were quiet baffled when they learned this was my first brevet, more over the bike I was using had just one gear, a fixed gear and that it was brakeless, my beard length was probably secondary now. I checked into a motel nearby and had a sound nights sleep.
The first leg
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Started with a final few checks to my bike with the mechanic at the LBS in cochin called The Bike Store which was also the start point for the Brevet. 4PM was departure time. Since the city routes were unknown to me, my new friends asked me to stick with the guys upfront, who planned to ride out fast and hard to beat the traffic, as checkpoint 1 and 2 were within the city itself. Ride hard and ride fast we did. I stuck to the wheel of the fastest kid on the block, this young lad who I feel has a very promising career in the Indian road cycling scene. We covered around 30 kilometres in an hour and 10 minutes in the thick of Cochin’s crazy traffic. The next checkpoint was a 100kms away at Ponnani, and so had begun the solo leg of my brevet. I rode close to 85% of my ride solo, the thing is you get to ride at your own pace which I feel is a very important requirement especially when you’re participating in an endurance sport which pushes you to your limits. My ride to Ponnani was a first of many sorts, it was the first time was riding in the night for such a long distance, fully loaded and it was also the first time I did an all nighter while it rained cats, dogs and fishes! It was definitely a night of firsts. I managed to reach Ponnani within four hours of leaving my last checkpoint, which was quiet frankly a decent pace as one of the volunteers admitted. I was amazed myself. I treated myself to a sumptuous dinner of boiled rice, dal and mixed veggies at a local restaurant near the check point. Since I was still high on energy I made this a quick dinner break, complete with an Instagram update and an excellent Kattan Kappi or black coffee. 
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Next stop was Calicut which was a mere 70 kilometres away. I planned to reach Calicut by midnight, but that wasn’t going to happen. Little did I know the road to Calicut was 70 kilometres of potholes, narrow streets and off the grid sort of navigation through little unknown towns and villages. To top it all the rains picked up pace and I was literally caught in the middle of a thunderstorm. So here’s the thing, I love the rains, I love riding in the rain, and I hate the day after which means, cleaning my bike. So riding in the rains wasn’t much of a problem. Riding a fixie in the rains is way more comfortable and I swear way more controllable compared to a free wheeling bike as you can feel the road and thus gauge the traction off the wheels. There were sections that were pitch black with no working street lights, and since these were borrowed lights I had them in a single mode which gave me lighting of sorts such that I didn’t misjudge the sides of the roads and jeer off into the slush that was accumulating with the continuous downpour. The last 20 kilometres to Calicut we were back on the paved NH17, which fortunately/unfortunately had poor lighting, smooth roads and lots of truckers. For a brakeless city rider this wasn’t intimidating but it sure was high. A good fucking high! I would do mental computations in my head calculating distances and average speeds to my final destination by reading the milestones and check the time on my G-Shock as I did not use a Garmin for this ride. I wanted to keep the ride as equipment free as possible. Little did I realise this actually worked, and helped me with my concentration. A biker pulled up next to me and started talking to me, the rains had subsided now and was only a minute drizzle, the types you feel when you spray a perfume or something. I picked up my pace hoping that he’d understand that I want to be left alone, but he stuck to my side and started asking me questions. He turned out to be a good chap, and we spoke for the next 10 kilometres up until I reached Calicut limits. The outcome was fantastic as I had upped my pace, averaging a good 30-35km/h, and the biker was astonished for the fact that I was managing to pull off a speed like that, he was even more amazed that I was doing this on a bike with just one gear for 600 kilometres. He asked me the value and I told him it was worth 15,000 bucks, all I had to do was divide the original value by 25! Nonetheless, with the rains back I was now entering Calicut city, I asked an auto wallah for directions and here I was at checkpoint four, beach side, four hours later and drenched to my mittens! I love the beach. It gives me immense energy, just what I needed. The volunteers did a fantastic job of organising home cooked meals they had veggie options thankfully which I devoured, they they also gave a lot of inputs regarding the route, road conditions up until the turnaround point which was now just 120 odd kilometres away. This was the fastest time i had taken to complete 190 kilometres, just under 10 hours, which was record of sorts for me. I ate, rested and chatted with a couple of other riders who had reached before me which gave me  a total of 35 minutes off the bike. I did notice some of the riders were facing mechanical failures, snapped chains, slippery brakes, muck and sediment deposits on their derailleurs and of-course punctures. I had no so such issues, thankfully! Now energised I was on my way to checkpoint number five which was around 70 kilometres away at this place called Thallasery, known for its unique biryani, this route would take me via Vadakara and Mahe, as these were the waypoints I locked on to maintain my timing. It was around 0200 when I left Calicut and my objective was to reach Thallasery by 0400-0430 in the morning and reach the turnaround point by 0630-0700, thus giving me three hours of sleep by which I could hit the road by 1030. Such a wonderful plan I was thinking, except that it was still raining cats and dogs, it was pitch black with street lighting off and on, with truckers providing me three seconds of that glorious runway lights and that I was getting exhausted with every passing kilometre. I kept myself occupied with these mental math calculations to keep me focussed and awake. Believe me I suck at math, like I’m slow at calculating, and for the first time in my life, being slow to calculate actually helped! I was now going to pass Vadakara, and I remembered what the guys at Calicut told me, avoid the bypass and cut through the city. Cut through the city I did, it was like passing a ghost town, there wasn’t one soul on the street, no life absolutely. The road was like a roller coaster too, massive uphill climbs followed by rolling decents, this was just the start as the terrain was now changing from a moderately flat coastal route to hilly coastal route up until Payyannur. What I did notice entering Mahe was that being a Union Territory, the road which is also the NH17, it was littered with alcohol shops, I mean that one street would put Bangalore to shame! I breezed by Mahe just like every other town I was passing by, the rains had subsided by now,  it was funny, as though the gods were joking around with us. I was now nearing my next check point of Thalleserry, and I was well past my initially calculated time of arriving there by 0400-0430. I finally did reach Thallasery by 0515. On arriving the volunteers were fast asleep inside their car which was this gorgeous sea facing hill. I woke them up, stocked up on chocolates, water and was back on the road within 20 minutes. I was now less than 60 kilometres away from the turnaround point at Payyannur. Back to mental maths again, usually on a ride to the outskirts, I’d average around 30km/h which means two hours to the turn around point, so I gave myself time until 0800 to reach which would still give me two hours of sleep as I wanted to get back on the road by 1030. I was satisfied with the way things were panning out. My next point of interest was Kannur or Cannanore, I think that’s the place St Francis landed in India and brought Christianity to the sub continent, I was passing by some historical places on this route, but all I cared was to reach Payyannur and take a nice warm shower and sleep! By now my left knee started to pain. I had this pain while riding to Goa as well. Little did I know that this pain on my knee was going to hit a new threshold. I guess the pain was bound to happen, I mean I’ve ridden 260kms with no chance of coasting, basically I earned every kilometre by rotating my crank 46,000 times until now. By the time I reached Kannur, the sun had risen and I was now seeing people on the road, it’s so refreshing when you see life on the streets. I was watching the TV show last man on earth and I kind of know what he meant by seeing life on the streets. I had to do something about my knee pain, with the pharmacies all closed I was on the look out for a hospital en route. I finally found a hospital on my way out of Kannur and hurried to the pharmacy to get myself one of those pain reliving sprays. I didn’t know that if you spray this on a sweaty body it burns like it would burn Count Dracula! After a few minutes of jumping around I was back on the bike and, now just wanting to reach the turn around point at Payyannur. The organisers and the volunteers had told us riders about a detour via the inner roads that would bring us right back on NH17 onto the turnaround point which was a hotel on the highway, which could help us by shaving of 3kms and save us the cruelty of the hilly sections up ahead, on the contrary I missed out the left turn which was long gone as I had now stumbled across another rider who told me the left turn was up ahead instead. I took my phone out and swung right into Google Maps exploring the options I had, there was a left turn ahead, but and it was through the insides which I wasn’t sure of, I took it nonetheless as I was saving a good 3kms to reach my destination. The next 45 minutes was one of the most toughest times of my life, with an aching knee, a busted ass, exhausted and 300kms into my ride, I was navigating through some crazy hills and potholed ridden roads. I was now looking for a store that had some vaseline, as my ass was now sore. I remember seeing a board that said six kilometres to Payyannur, my mental maths was now telling me that’s the distance to MG road from home, 20 minutes more and you’re there, finally I see the board I’ve been looking for, Green Park Hotel, 500 metres away! Man the happiness I felt! Once I was 50 metres I could see the volunteers waiting with smiling faces directing me to get into the hotel. I finally reached at 0805. One of the guys helped me find my way into the convention hall which the organisers turned into a makeshift sleeping space for the riders, complete with a mattress, cooling fans, pillows and a nice warm blanket. I found my way to the showers, cleaned up, got into a set of new clothes and jumped right into bed. I set my alarm to 1030, with a planned departure by 1045. And boy did I pass out! Never have I slept so well!
The return
1030 the alarm goes off, I did a few calculations again and decided to sleep for another 1 hour, yeah right! I finally crawled out of bed only by 1200 after much hesitation. The three and a half hours of sleep was much needed. I later sync’d up with another rider who is a legend of sorts in the randonneuring business, and we left the hotel together in search of a lunch spot to carb up for the return journey to cochin, another 313 kilometres. I had 19 hours and 30 minutes until cutoff. Easy, I thought. We found a restaurant near by and belted a veggie thali that costed a mere 70 bucks! As we got back on the road we bid adieu as I really needed vaseline for the arse. Lubed up I now continued on the regular NH17 route, not the one I’d taken earlier in the morning, which had the most horrendous roads and an utter waste of time. This section did have some serious climbs, but hey nothing like a “bit” of climbing to start the day with. I find myself pushing much harder on climbs than on flats for obvious reasons, you’re on a fixed gear bike, with no option to gear down, so the only option is to push your ass off the seat and climb that hill. I love that feeling, and once on top, the best part is descending. Since I was on a 48x19, I was spinning out on a few sections, and that’s when we fixie fuck boys do something called “hill bombing”, get your feet of the pedals and just let the bike fly down. Deceleration is controlled by smashing your shoes above the tyre and burning rubber and synthetic. The feeling is surreal! I did get a boat load of stares by passerby’s, a few of them were quiet amused at the sight of a bearded guy going mental on a bike that they were recording this sight. I wonder if there’s any way of sourcing those videos. 20 kilometres of rolling hills and descents did an amazing job of setting the tempo for the rest of the ride, my legs were now in jello mode. However the searing pain which had started to develop on my knees was still there, in-fact my right knee started to develop this pain as well now. I was in for a beating as I still had close to 280 kilometres until Cochin. I had noticed a kid on a MTB up ahead, but he didn’t look like he was a part of the brevet, as I couldn't see his bib number, nonetheless this kid decided to draft behind me, which got me thinking why would he do that. I mean I was on this fixed gear bike battling it out on the climbs and here’s this kid riding off my wheel, which in a way helped me, as I started pushing really hard. The poor chap must have clung of for a few minutes before he dropped back. I didn’t stop pushing though, I passed by four other riders before entering Kannur, I was making a good progress. My next checkpoint was back in Calicut which was now 90 kilometres away. I planned to pit stop at Thallasery which was around 25 kilometres away to grab some of their famous biryani and get some rest. While leaving Kannur I found a tender coconut seller, it’s funny that I didn’t see anybody else selling tender till now. The guy was kind enough to give me route advice and told me to take an alternative route bypassing the highway which went through two small towns instead which would give a 3km advantage basically. Apparently couple of other cyclist had passed by him earlier this morning and he’d given them the same advice. Being a Sunday, these small towns were empty, hardly any one in sight, which was good, as there was virtually no traffic. In an event like this, every kilometre shaved off adds so much additional time over the long run. I had plans of reaching Thallasery by 1500, the time was around 1400 already. I had to step up pace. It was only now that I was able to yonder at the beauty of the Malabar! Rolling hills along the coast of the Arabian sea dotted with coconut tress on both sides, the sounds of the ocean which was drowned out last night because of the incessant rains, I was now witnessing the beauty. In an endurance event like this, I feel one of the key requisites is that you appreciate the beauty of your surrounding around you, it adds a whole new dimension to your ride. Every time I peeked into the horizon, I would temporarily feel free, thoughts of the remaining 250 kilometres would disappear and the searing pain on my knees would suddenly feel painless. These were the moments that kept me going. I finally arrived at Thallasery at quarter past three. 
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I found a sea facing restaurant adjacent to the checkpoint I’d stopped last night, and ordered a veggie thallasery special. Took a few snaps of the bike facing the sea and I was back on the road within 20 minutes. It’s funny how fast a hungry, and tired human can gulp down a massive plate of biryani, even the waiters were looking at me in astonishment. I was now 70 kilometres away from Calicut. I planned to reach the checkpoint by 1800 effectively, but that for obvious reasons was not going to happen. By the time I reached Vadakara, my knees were literally felt they were going to pop open, I had to stop and get a painkiller, else this wasn’t going to work. The same quiet ghost town from last night was now bustling full of people. I found a pharmacy right next to the local government hospital and explained my situation to the pharmacist. He gave me four tabs and told me not to pop four within a days time, and that I should space the consumption of each tablet by a minimum of six hours. He also wished me luck and was thoroughly impressed with what I was doing. Within minutes of popping the first tab, I could feel a sense of relief. Once on the highway I noticed that traffic movement had slowed down. I mean the last thing you’d expect is a traffic jam on a single lane highway! Traffic jam it was. By the time I got myself out to the front, I had already lost 30 minutes of precious time, I couldn’t figure what caused the traffic jam, as there was no accident, I’m guessing however there must have been a VIP/minister going past one of those small towns out there. I was also quiet surprised that my bike was into shape, despite the muck on the chain from last nights downpour and the lack of lubrication, she was still moving, not as smooth though. No flats till now. I had well crossed 1800 and still no sign of Calicut, I pulled over next to a traffic cop and asked him how far was Calicut, his explanation was quiet simple, cross three bridges and take the right to head no to Calicut Beach Road. It’s always a love hate feeling when approaching a checkpoint, you’re happy for the fact that you’re so near, and you’re mad that despite being so near, you’re still not there yet, that sense of frustration keeps working against you and I swear that battle is worse than the physical battle. I usually get on to my drops and go full gas at moments like this, and that’s exactly what I did. I remember flying past these two riders who I’d later meet at the Calicut checkpoint and would end up riding with them until Ponnani. I finally did reach Calicut at 1900, one hour behind schedule. I had 13 hours and 173 kilometres to my destination and final checkpoint.
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The Urban Dictionary describes sufferfest as, “A workout or race in the arena of endurance sports that involves prolonged suffering on the part of all who participate”. I believe my sufferfest was only about to start now. In the next 20 kilometres to be precise. The two riders who I’d passed by and later met at the Calicut checkpoint were now riding partners, since they were local Calicut lads I decided to stick with them to guide me out of the city which is a disaster to ride in on a Sunday. We made a quick pitstop to carb up yet again at a local restaurant. By the time we left Calicut it was 2030, they were good company talking and telling me all about the routes and their experience so far on this brevet. They were mighty impressed with the fact that I was on a fixed gear bike, that too brakeless and were in disbelief when I told them this was my first brevet. The ride out from Calicut is quiet confusing, in-fact the previous night when I found myself self directing myself into Calicut, it all seemed so different now. It felt like a weird LSD trip in all honesty. I had no recollection of the number of turns, I had taken through the narrow winding roads that led to me to Calicut, all I remember was the road to Ponnani was atrocious and rigged with pot holes. I was ready for the challenge. Once we got onto the highway we bid adieu and I increased my pace as I was doing a moderate pace to keep with the guys guiding me out. Ponnani was now about 50 kilometres away. The thing about bad roads is when you’re riding a track bike which is built with the most stiffest aluminium composites and when you run 23c slick tyres, its asking for trouble. No trouble for the bike, but trouble for your bike. My back, my arse, my legs, my knees and my palms were at the receiving end of this torture. To top it all the rains were back and my front lights packed up too. My average speed dropped from a smooth 26km/h to less than 15km/h based on my awesome calculations I was doing. This felt like the longest 50 kilometres I had ever done my entire life, in-fact I didn’t really care if I reached Ponnani at all. All I wanted was good smooth roads. I cursed the Government of Kerala for the duration of my ride to Ponnani. I couldn’t understand how corrupt and useless they could be. I later learnt that the organisers had recce’d the route just two weeks prior and the roads were in perfect conditions. Within two weeks of the monsoons the roads were back to square one. Some sections were so bad that I was literally playing the game two dots. Finding the perfect link across a golf ball dimpled road. Believe me I’m not exaggerating on the road conditions. A lot of abuses were hurled. I finally reached Ponnani around  0100. It took me more than four hours to cover a distance less than 50 kilometres. I decided to stop over at the same restaurant I stopped over the previous night for food and a kattan kappi. To my surprise the two gents who escorted me out of Calicut also stopped by the same place. We were now 99 kilometres to completion. I entered the restaurant completely exhausted and left the place jumping with energy. My knees were clobbered by now. I popped my second painkiller. I offered a tab to one of the guys who passed the offer, while I later learnt he regretted doing so. The suffering and pain was getting real to be honest. The last 99 kilometres felt much like the opening stage of a trip on magic mushrooms. Everything felt different. I remember meeting the four riders who were ahead of me for the entire duration of the race, we teamed up and formed a pace-line. We must have been doing 33km/h for a good 20 kilometres, when I peeked back I realised I dropped the guys and was doing my own pace. It’s odd that in your last few kilometres, how the mind overcomes physical pain. The phrase “Shut up legs” makes absolute sense. In-fact it was more like shut up knees, shut up back and shut up arse! I finally reached the end of my ride at 0550 at The Bike Store, Cochin. I completed my first ever 600 brevet in 37 hours and 50 minutes on a brakeless track bike.
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componentplanet · 4 years
On the Road to CES 2020, Testing a Night-Vision Display and 4K UHD Dash Camera
Driving from San Francisco to Las Vegas for CES 2020 gave me a chance to spend a little time photographing in the desert, and it was also a great opportunity to road-test auto accessories. This year I brought two along for the ride: the Lanmodo Vast, a 1080p night-vision display ($499), and Vava’s 4K UHD Dash Cam ($199). The only downside to having them both rigged up was starting to run out of room for my radar detector.
In any case, I had plenty of opportunities to evaluate both of them. Let’s start with the Lanmodo.
Lanmodo Vast by the Numbers
The Lamodo Vast features an 8.2-inch 1080p display, which is a pretty good size choice. It’s large enough to be useful, and of a similar size to current-model, in-dash navigation systems, albeit with a wider aspect ratio. But it’s still compact enough that you can stick it on your dash or windshield without obstructing the view outside. The built-in Sony IMX377 sensor — found in a lot of action cameras — is equipped with a lens giving it a 36-degree wide-angle field of view.
Unlike a typical camera, the Lanmodo’s doesn’t cut off near-IR light. That gives it much better ability to collect light at night and in adverse conditions. The company claims visibility up to 300 meters, but unlike actively-illuminated security cameras it does depend on ambient light, so range is very dependent on the surrounding environment. Not filtering out the near-IR means that the color of the image on the display isn’t going to win any awards, but it is full color and accurate enough for driving. You can also get an optional 720p rearview camera, but I didn’t have an opportunity to test that.
The Lanmodo comes with a base you can set on your dashboard, and a suction cup alternative you can use on your windshield. I was pleasantly surprised at how stable the base was, propped up behind the entertainment screen in my 2019 Mazda CX-5, although I can certainly imagine it flying off given a large enough pothole or incautious passage over a speedbump. While the base is fixed, you can tilt the camera itself up, down, left, or right a bit. I found that tilting it up slightly helped with visibility when going downhill under braking, when the car tends to “aim” towards the roadbed.
Driving With Lanmodo’s Night Vision
Usually by the time I write a review I’ve decided what I think about a product. But I’m still a bit torn about Lanmodo’s night vision display. For starters, it does exactly what the company promises. It provides a much better view of what is happening on the road and roadsides in front of you than your eyes can at night. But, because the display isn’t overlaid on your windshield, you must glance at it deliberately to make use of it. That is an invitation to distraction.
The benefit of driving with the Lanmodo is most evident if your vehicle has poor headlights, or perhaps if you are off-roading without headlights). But even compared with the excellent, steering-enabled headlamps in my CX-5, the Lanmodo provided a better visual experience in low light and night conditions. It’d actually be pretty cool to bring one on our next photo safari to Africa and put it on the dashboard during a night drive (I’ve used my FLIR One that way before).
After a few hours of night driving with the Lanmodo, I enjoyed the bright display when I was in poorly-lit rural areas, like in the sample video below. In areas with a lot of headlights and other point light sources, the lens flare and high-contrast made it so the display didn’t really help me pick out hard-to-see details like signs. So I think I might turn it off when in a city.
I recorded this video using the Vava 4K UHD Dash Cam (which I’ll get to in a moment) in 1080p mode. It gives you some sense of the difference between a standard dashcam and a night-vision-specialized camera like the Lanmodo Vast. However, it isn’t a perfect rendering of what I actually saw. In the video, the night vision display highlights are more blown out than when I was looking at it, and the presence of the bright display in the dashcam FOV probably means it adjusted its exposure down, so the outside would normally be a little more visible in the dashcam video:
Vava’s 4K UHD Dash Cam
You may be asking why you would need a 4K dashcam when 1080p video is acceptable in court. In addition to the obvious one of creating higher-quality travelogue footage, the Vava also features an innovative mount and microphone setup, so it is just as at home recording the occupants of the car as it is the scenery. Now, I’m not much on selfies — in-car or otherwise — so I’m not sure how much use I’d make of in-car video, but when I tested the capability the quality was excellent and the audio surprisingly good.
The one issue I ran into is the high-dynamic-range in situations where the front row of the car was lit and the rear seats were shaded. For anyone thinking of doing carpool karaoke, you’ll want to experiment with dashcam placement, as front-row headrests often block the view of back seat passengers.
Vava 4K Dash Cam by the Numbers
As you can guess from the product name, you can record 4K video (at 30fps) or 1080p at 60fps, using its Sony IMX317 sensor, powered by an Ambarella H22 chipset and featuring a 155-degree field of view lens. The company says it is UHD, but don’t expect the equivalent of a true HDR capability. There is a small 320mHa battery to power it when in Parking Monitor mode. Otherwise, it charges from a simple 1A USB port. There is a “snapshot” button on the power cable for quick image captures. A decent app allows you to log travel, but given the large size of the videos, I wish there was a version of the app for my PC that I could use after uploading all of them. You can have the camera record automatically, in 1, 2, or 3-minute clips, that will overwrite when your microSD card fills up.
Unfortunately, there is no time-lapse mode the way there is with other dash cameras I’ve tested. So to chronicle my drive to Las Vegas, I bought a 256GB microSD card (the largest supported size), and I will have to manually process a huge number of videos to create a reasonable size and length time-lapse. I suggested the idea of a time-lapse capability, and the company seems very receptive, so perhaps this will be added in a future firmware update. I like the Parking Monitor feature, which will capture video whenever your car is jostled, even if it is off. However, remember that you’ll still only get video of the direction the camera is pointing, so if you’re rear-ended you’re out of luck.
Driving With the Vava Dash Cam
Setting up the Vava Dash Cam, at least on Android, is a little awkward. You need to connect to the camera’s Wi-Fi, which disconnects you from everything else. So creating an online account for use with it is tricky. The company uses Wi-Fi instead of Bluetooth to allow higher-speed streaming, but I’m not sure that it’s the right tradeoff for a 4K camera. At 4K, its videos are around 250MB per minute, so you’d fill up a phone in no time if you actually chose to have them upload automatically. In any case, I wish I could have used Bluetooth to set it up, and given it a wireless network to connect with, with a direct connection just a fallback.
Once you have the Vava set up, it’s painless to use. Simply stick it someplace out of the way and forget about it. Keep the “clicker” on the power cord handy if you want to grab snapshots. The clever magnetic mount makes it easy to turn 180 degrees for in-car recording, or pop off for removing the microSD card. Frankly, one of the big attractions of the Vava is the price. Their cameras are less than $200, even for this 4K UHD model, while other brands like BlackVue that add some additional features can run over $500.
Now Read:
Road testing the radar detecting kings: Valentine One vs. Escort Passport Max
What is night vision, how does it work, and do I really need it in my next car?
DIY guide: How to add new tech to old cars
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/computing/303987-road-tested-lanmodo-night-vision-display-and-vava-4k-uhd-dash-camera from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/01/on-road-to-ces-2020-testing-night.html
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