#it's like i'm always chasing the perfect feelings high of season 1 and have never found it again
i’m having sort of a hard time with this season of ted lasso specifically AS the last season. if this was just a new season and we could anticipate a fourth season after it that would feel more ‘this is the end!’, i’d be fine and have more patience, but the countdown clock of “oh god, there are only this many episodes left and i don’t get why we’re doing all this” is really making me melancholy. the thing that makes me the absolute saddest is roy and keeley being parted in a way where it’s becoming increasingly clear that we won’t get to see them chill and happy together as a couple again because there just isn’t time (esp. with jamie seeming to potentially be in the mix for her romantically again). but i feel weird and sad about so many things. there are some shows where the final season has really felt like a final season to me in a really emotionally resonant way, and i gotta say, so far this season isn’t doing that for me at all. (and i kinda expected better from this show since its whole thing is feelings and they’ve had the whole story plotted out from the beginning!!) it really feels like another mid-series season to me instead of THE END.
this is just how i feel about it personally, so obviously other people are watching and having a totally different experience. and i don’t even know how to fully articulate what my problem is. but something about the pacing this season and what the show chooses to focus on has just got me feeling so WEIRD and at sea!
oh my goddddd, only four episodes left, helpppppppppp D:
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mythoughtsxxblog · 2 years
So I started watching One Tree Hill again back in June and I just finished. Now I feel empty inside.....
Those of you that have followed me for quite some time know I love my little TV show posts. Here are my overall thoughts about the show...
- Naley will always (and forever) have me in a chokehold. I blame them for the high expectations I have when it comes to relationships. In all seriousness, I've never seen a show write a couple in such a way where most of the fandom actually enjoys and ships them. Although they had their moments, they will always be my #1 comfort couple.
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- I like to pretend season 2 doesn't exist. That was the dark era.
- What the actual fuck was Chad Michael Murray's hair in the last season 💀💀💀💀
- James Lafferty is an underrated king. Not only is his character the superior brother, but he as a person is superior in every way. He's also aging gracefully ☺
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- Jake and Peyton should've been endgame and I'll always stand by that.
- Lucas Scott has some redeeming qualities, but he became more and more aggravating to me as the seasons went on.
- Chuck and Chase's friendship was something I didn't know I needed.
- Season 9 Chris Keller was a literal king.
- Even though Lucas was a little shit at times, I did love his friendship with Haley. I actually have a confession..... the first time I ever watched this show, I went into it blind. I had no clue who the characters were and who the iconic couples were. For the first few episodes of season 1 I shipped Lucas and Haley 🤢🤢🤢🤢 I honestly can't believe the thought of them as a couple was once appealing to me. But it was my first watch so I'm cutting myself some slack lmao
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- Dan's death destroyed me and dare I say, it destroyed me more than Keith's.
- Mouth and Millie being endgame and having a baby on the way was a perfect way to send off the characters.
- Peyton losing Ellie fucked me up royally.
- Clay and Quinn were so pure. Robert Buckley and Shantel VanSanten had so much chemistry, did they date irl or....??? Cause fuck. They were hot.
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- I wish we got more time to see Naley w/ Lydia. The baby actress that played her was so fucking cute.
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- Haley's depression storyline after her mom died fucked me up. I honestly felt like it was rushed, but I understand why.
- Brooke Davis is a queen.
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- Brucus > Leyton
- Season 9 was so fucking wild, but honestly I think it's one of the better seasons (at least better than 7 and 8)
- Naley and Brooke carried this show on their backs.
- Although I hated whenever Naley was fighting, I lowkey loved the Nanny Carrie plot. Only because of the drama lol
- I really wish we had gotten more of Peyton and Nathan's friendship.
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- Quentin Fields deserved better!!!!
- Antwon Tanner is the funniest dude and I could tell Skills was ALL him.
- Seasons 5-6 Jamie Scott reminded me so much of Cole and Dylan Sprouse in Big Daddy lol
- Season 3 Naley >>>>>
- I shipped Brucus, but Brulian was actual perfection. I really grew to love Julian Baker.
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- I honestly hated that the writers had Nathan retire from basketball and become an agent. It just didn't feel right. I understand why they did it (to show that Nathan's #1 passion and priority was his family), but idk it felt weird after seasons of his struggles trying to make it in the NBA.
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- Seeing Skills and Bevin end up together made my heart happy
- Rain kisses >>>>>>>
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This show is one of those shows I can watch over and over again and never get tired of it. It's rare to find shows like this nowadays. OTH will never get old.
Oh and also, fuck Mark Schwahn.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
What they love about you (part 2)[Genshin Impact]
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Synopsis: It was as if the universe had changed when they saw you.
Characters: Zhongli, Childe, Albedo, Kazuha. Part 1 here
Genre: fluff
"Poetry for my hopeless romantic heart 🥺 and Kazuha, he was the perfect candidate for this. I decided to put Zhongli first of course, he deserves it after saving my ass in Baal's fight."
Spirit flows through the Immovable rock (Zhongli)
Nations fall, truths be told, iron rusts and earth erode
Through six centuries these were stories he watched unfold.
He sees you and the archon knew that you shall too grow old
But despite it all, he loves you for your existence, as nothing can compare to your intransient soul.
The purpose of contracts were made to ensure there had been a fair trade between two parties. Like merchants striking business deals for a favourable outcome, like mother nature maintaing the balance between life and death, like how you and your beloved said your vows and whispered promises to one another as evening bids farewell by the warm welcome of the moon's gentle glow. Those days were the most treasured that you couldn't help remisicing them-- when Zhongli appeared in your life. Your mortal life. How time can fly so fast.
Perhaps this had been a common notion among human standards. That to be connected, both sides must share the same factors in order to proceed the contract. Clearly your placement proved to be mismatched. Unlike Zhongli there could be a day when your legs gave up and you can no longer walk. He will go on without you, continuing to drift in places where you cannot reach, where time was out of the question, further and further away until the mist begins to seize your field of vision and soon your eyes were too old to see.
The difference in age can truly make someone feel alone and Zhongli knew it well. Thus he smiled softly like he always does and held you close, speaking with so much kindness:
My dearest.
Your soul existed like an evergreen tree blooming through all four seasons, unwithered and everlasting, even against the cold storm of white. And it could be as soft as the sunbeam cascading through the mountain peaks while they dust the land with their ethereal hues and emitting the warmth that breaths absolute serenity. If artifacts were a piece of what someone left behind then maybe everything you made was considered an artifact-- a treasure. A piece of you in those handwritten letters, the beauty in your fingertips after knitting him a scarf which caused scars to mar them, and because of how heavy your spirit weighs through everything you did, it became evident that the one he had fallen for was not your skin nor your body but the person who resides in it.
And sometimes he wonders if he had met you once upon a dream. What else could explain the mysterious feeling that made you seem so familiar, even when he only saw you for the first time? Or perhaps you were an old friend from the long long past, someone he stargazed with upon the infinite mounds of grass and glaze lilies, someone whom he shared the taste of osmanthus wine, someone he came to cherished just like how he cherished his own nation. Regardless, whether you were that someone or not, he wouldn't hesitate to relive those times all over again.
If there was a day when the world around you decided to cave in, where time inevitably caught up and you succumbed to change, he would still be yours. After all, the immovable stone was meant to be the symbol of constancy. He already sworn to you that his devotion and affection will never waver, they were solely held towards your essence for you had touched him through the things he could not touch, and left a mark that would last longer than his ancient self can last. Zhongli may have lived through many lifetimes but meeting you was the beginning of everything. You were a mortal immortalized in the world his heart, etched so deep that it stirs him apart, there was no room for anyone else.
Drowning in the ocean flames (Tartaglia)
There was a man who fell deeply in love with war
They raged inside of him like the spontaneous battlefields he came to adore.
Consumed by desire, pain became an addiciton
And he eventually surrenders to the heat of your passion.
While many fear death, Childe learned to dance with it.
He revels in the way his heart pounds endlessly, as if new life had been born from the inside and then bursted like thunder, sending trembling sensations through his veins, bringing him to the peak of euphoria. The feeling was a drug in which Childe hesitates no more when he confronts it, rather he deliberately seeks it. He seeks thrill in the most dangerous situations since they were the moments that made him feel so alive.
Henceforth the Harbinger sought you out. He inches closer and ever so close, those deep cerulean eyes trapped in your hypnotizing ones. Childe loves how you look at him like you were about to devour him, consume him as the flames in hell would, perhaps destroy him completely to the point there was no turning back and yet...he would not mind.
Childe had been so drawn to you like a moth to a light. No. Rather, Adam and the devil, tempting him to sin because the things he would do for you were undeniably impetuous. It was too late. It was too late when you told him you wanted to stay. Too late when you pulled him down, with arms around his neck, stealing away his breath in one swift manner as well as a kiss. Curse you for having so much power over him, from then and there he was no longer the mighty harbinger everyone knew but a man foolish in love. Take him higher. Higher. Take him far. To say you were alluring would be an understatement. The scent of you brings all his senses to disarray and the taste of you-- by the archons-- had never made him feel so starved. All he thought of was mindlessly running his hands over your small back, reveling in the shape of you, exploring every inch and curve in attempt to make you completely his.
This was the reason why he grew accustomed to dancing with death. Because it was you. You were going to be the cause of his downfall and you were the cause of this insanity. Even though you constantly reminded him how risky the situation was due to being a wanted criminal in his homeland's eyes, Childe pays no mind. Didn't he already tell you to trust him? Anyone who threatens you would be an enemy of his, much to their misfortune. Whether it'd be conquering the world and laying it beneath your feet or walking through the depths of the abyss all over again, he'll make sure to have it all and no one can say otherwise.
Shelter (Albedo)
Your warmth was his hearth
Like stars falling onto the earth
Gracing the plains in an empereal bliss
As they trembled under the touch of heaven's kiss
Closing his eyes, you are the first person he sees.
The sound of snow chasing the wind fills the silent night once again while it's whispered blows continued to echo just by the cave's entrance. Albedo had planned to take you back to Monstadt that day but Dragonspine was not the place to be merciful with the weather. No one else except the two of you occupied the abandoned space and a singular camp fire to serve as a source of warmth. You place your hand on your lover's forehead, brushing away his ash coloured strands while he seeps into slumber. Albedo sighs contentedly. Despite the world being engulfed in sheer cold, here he felt safe and sound.
Before meeting you Albedo never really had that. People regularly held him on a high regard and had a hard time matching his pace. He was a born genius to the point that he practically stood out like a swan out of the ducklings' crowd as they admired his brilliance. Truly Albedo was a perfect human being. But when turns around to see the rest he noticed how distant everything seemed. He was so focused on his pursuit towards the universal truth that he hadn't given the time to consider; where is he going with this? And what for? Everyone else looked so happy living in their mundane routines and Albedo soon grew curious about such thoughts. Out of all the places in Monstadt, exactly where does he belong?
Opening his eyes, you are the first person he looks for.
"Welcome home, Albedo!"
The answer was obvious. Home was the sound of his name on your lips. When you were side by side with him while he sketched the landscape from the far distance. In places where the lights were on as he entered the room, knowing you were inside. This feeling couldn't be describe with just a word. Home was not a nation nor was it a destination. Home was in your touch where he felt the most protected.
I'm home.
A sky filled with stars and he only saw one; his Starlight. Your warmth held the emotion similar to the kind where there had only been one cande lit amidst an infinite stretch of darkness. But it also brought the joy of flowers blossoming into the vivid future of new spring. There was no place he'd rather be than the shelter of your arms because with you, Albedo believed he truly found where he belonged.
Pirr against the Scarlet Leaves (Kazuha)
Silencing the world
My heart begins to find peace
Soothed by your presence
- For my beloved, (Y/n)
I remember how the first petal of spring drifted by as it had flown into the crossroads of our path. Subconciously my entire being began to still. This particular flower... it must have come far and wide for the wind to carry such a pleasant scent. Although I had intended to continue my venture onwards but the air ceased to sound and I knew that this way was true. And so nature beckons me to the shore where the waves lulled back and forth under the moonlight's entrance, only then I began to sharpen my vision to see what was before me. You stood there on a rock with your face looking into the sparkling sky, singing a tune that drew me near. Just the mere sight was enough to stir my heart alone.
My beloved, do you know why I named this poem 'Pirr against the Scarlet Leaves?'
Watching you was like witnessing the ephmereal birth of a flower sprouting amongst the slums of an abandoned nation. A fleeting miracle where snow falls from the summer sky. I am compelled to capture these feelings in this poem yet there are moments where my thoughts scatter as if the autumn wind had whisked them away and out of my grasp until a singular leaf is only what was left. Perhaps it wouldn't be necessary for me to keep a notebook of ways I can describe your presence, instead a few simple sentences would suffice. Nevertheless, I only wish to express my feelings for you.
When you're with me it seems I have nothing to think about. The aura around you can silence the world alone, speaking louder than thunder cries, weighing heavily to those around you in ways it would feel empty if you're not here. Yet I could breath as if alleviated from the burdens of my past. This had me realize that this must have been the will of the wind. You were the greatest gift to have ever bestowed upon me and I confess, sometimes my chest aches because of how much I cherish you, it pierces me like a sharp blade but even if my heart bleeds it will continue to bleed only for your sake.
So wherever you are, wherever you may be, I can feel you in the breeze. Return soon my beloved, I'll be here, waiting.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
02/25/2020 DAB Transcript
Leviticus 16:29-18:30, Mark 7:24-8:10, Psalms 41:1-13, Proverbs 10:15-16
Today is the 25th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is a joy and a pleasure to be here with you today. And this is the last time I get to say this, from the…from the shores of the Sea of Galilee. We will be…we’ll spending a little bit of this day in the Galilee region but we’re…we’re leaving and heading west all the way to the Mediterranean coast today where we’ll end the day. So, this is our last day and we’re saying goodbye to the Galilee. That's always a little bit of a sad thing. This is such serenity. I…I…it's my favorite place. I love to be in this region. So, we’ll be leaving today but we’ll talk about all…all of our moving’s around and what we did yesterday and all that in a little but let’s dive into the Scriptures for today. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Leviticus chapter 16 verse 29 through 18 verse 30.
Father thank You for Your word. Thank You for another day in Your word. Thank You for the way that day after day after day there’s this cumulative effect inside of us that we can feel transformation happening with in us even though we may not be able to explain it, kinda like seed and soil when the farmer doesn't know how it happens but it does and that's what's taking place within us and we can sense it and we’re grateful for it. And, so, we continue to open ourselves to You. We continue to stay open to Your direction and leading in our lives. And, so, Holy Spirit we invite You to plant the word of God into our hearts, into the soil of our hearts today. And again, we invite that You help us to see where the good soil is in our heart and where some work needs to be done. Come Holy Spirit into all of this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Okay. So, here in the land of the Bible, we will be leaving the Galilee today and heading essentially through the Jezreel Valley and back to the Mediterranean coast tonight. So, it's always a little…sad’s not the right word, but it's the Galilea’s a beautiful, beautiful and…and quite serene place and then that kinda changes as you move away from the Galilee. We had a just beautiful day yesterday, gorgeous, beautiful, perfect climate, sunshine, lovely at…and the see if Galilea’s very, very still. And the water is up so high. Some the places that we visited, it was just amazing how much rainfall, how high the Sea of Galilee is.
So, we began our day yesterday…yesterday at the Mount of Beatitudes. And this is the traditional site where the Sermon on the Mount was given. And I mean the Bible says Jesus was outside of Capernaum up in the hill overlooking the sea of Galilee and that's with the Mount of Beatitudes, that’s where this chapel is. And, so, we just began our day there and just went to the Sermon on the Mount, just allowed the words from the Sermon on the Mount in its entirety. It's just basically, I read it. Like, what if we were sitting here? What if we were one of them? Instead of just trying to expound on everything like, let’s just take this in. And, so, that's what we did and took some time to contemplate it and think about it. And, I mean as we’re walking in the footsteps of Jesus and kinda visiting the places where so much of His ministry occurred, we also spent a lot of time thinking about it. And, so we did that at the Mount of Beatitudes.
And then we went to the church Peter's primacy. This is the place where after Jesus resurrection Jesus came back to Galilee any He cooked breakfast on the shore for His friends and asked Peter three times if he loved Him and invited him to feed His sheep and we just went into that story realizing that the last words that Jesus speaks in the in the New Testament is “you follow me”. And we…we considered what that looks like, or each of us. We each have an individual story to tell. We each come from so many different kinds of backgrounds. What does that look like? What does that mean? Like, so often we’re gauging how well were doing that based on how well somebody else is doing it and our judgment of that, but we just read the Sermon on the Mount and realized that's not going…like that doesn't go anywhere. What does it mean personally, “you follow me”?
And then we went down to the to the water. This is a place that you can get right to the water and usually there's kind of a bit of a beach. It's washed away. It was remarkable how high the water is but at the same time…how beautiful…how beautiful it was. I can't remember ever…ever seeing that much water in the Sea of Galilee. So, this is a really, really good thing for this nation.
And, so, we departed there and went to Jesus hometown, His adult hometown, Capernaum, where He based His ministry. And there’s some really fantastic ruins of the fishing village Capernaum, including a pretty dramatic synagogue that was built later after the time Jesus but…but the a foundation is from the synagogue at the time of Christ. And, so, that is always pretty striking because you can see it, you can see the foundation and just know, like Jesus ministered, like He taught in this synagogue, He lived here, He knew people here, He laughed here, He ate here, He slept here. Where in the middle of it all, but it is a ruin. And, so, it's like kind of a disconnect there until we realize that the message that Jesus was speaking was about having eyes to see and ears to hear, a kingdom that is within us, that this journey that…that we’re on, He’s within us and this kingdom is everywhere. And, so, then we begin to look around and see brothers and sisters flooding into Capernaum to see the same kinds of things that we’re seeing ands to chase the same kinds of things that we’re chasing. But we are the kingdom. And the life it's in Capernaum isn't in the rocks and isn’t really even in the fact that Jesus was there, it’s the fact that we were there. Jesus was there within us. Just to kind of put that into perspective was helpful as we moved through and looked at things. And just, yeah, I mean, that Jesus lived here at Capernaum is amazing.
Then we went and had a bite of lunch before and actually did a little bit of little bit of shopping time in the Galilee before getting on a boat and going out on the Sea of Galilee and it was really truly beautiful. Many time’s that we’ve been here there's been wind and waves and wind advisories, but it was like glass out there today. It was just amazing. And, so, we kind of sailed toward the Mount of Beatitudes where we could even see the chapel that we had begun our day in the distance up on the hill and just shut everything down, shut it down to complete silence to drink that in and to taste of it and to allow moments for the Holy Spirit to be a part of the story that's being told here in our hearts as we move through this journey. Complete silence, serenity, just to kind of hear the water lapping up against the side of the boat and the birds coming along, circling around us and just be still and know that He is God. One of my favorite…one my favorite things to do, especially so serene. I…I'm sure I've been out there and it's been that calm….I just can't remember. It was…water was really high and it was really calm. A beautiful, beautiful day out on…on the lake.
And then from there our final stop of the day as the sun set, and probably…I'm…it's for sure one of my favorite places in all of Israel Bethsaida. And Jesus did ministry in Bethsaida. And it's one of the places, at least for me…and not a lot of people go there. So, it's…it's not overrun. And in fact, we had the place to ourselves for the most part today. And, so, just to kind of have that. And just the way that the city sits and because it's not visited a lot it's like stepping back in time in a way. It's…it…it's almost as if this is what it would've been like. This is what it would've looked like. The pathways that we can walk around here, this is what it would be like. And I told the story of the first time I was ever there because it captured me, and it's never let me go. Like that place just feels as close as anywhere that I've been in Israel as where I feel as if things are…things are similar to how they would've been. And, so, even though their ruins and the buildings are knocked down, so it's not a living city it also has been built up and developed and, you know, there’s not a big church over something. It’s just kinda there and there’s jst beautiful pathways to walk…and walk with God and just spend time considering all that we’ve been through so far this journey as we prepare to leave the Galilee.
And that's what we’ll be doing today, leaving the Galilee and heading toward the coast as I mentioned earlier.
Thank you for your continued prayers as we continue to move through all of the different phases and seasons of this story and this pilgrimage and all the different things that are being rearranged in our hearts. Thank you for your continued prayers over all of it. We feel it, we sense it, appreciate it, are deeply grateful for it. And tomorrow, after today happens, I’ll tell you what it was like to leave the Galilee and the different places that we visited. And, of course we’re continuing to post pictures and videos on social media of all the different places that I'm describing, the different places that we went to and visited. So, you can check that out as well as Israel 2021, the pilgrimage that we've got planned for next year around this time. You can find all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section, Israel 2021.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link it lives on the homepage and I thank you with all of my heart for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996, Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, we you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top or you can dial 877 942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello, my brothers and sisters I am Rita Hughes from San Diego. I’m calling to encourage my sister Pink. Her call really touched my heart. I could feel her hopelessness and I know that God has this amazing word of encouragement to her. So, I just want to read to you Pink my sister Isaiah 41:10. Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. So, Pink I just want to remind you that He is your creator, He’s all powerful and He loves you to death, literally. So, yes we go through all these valleys in life but I just want you to know that you have brothers and sisters right here and are praying for you, holding your arms up, lifting you up in prayers and helping you to remember that our hope is in Him. So, lift up your hands, worship, sing a song to Him, do whatever you know it takes because He’s working on you my sister. Okay? And we love you. Call us back when you have this beautiful hope restored it to your heart. Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye. God bless you all.
Hey, DAB family this is Tina, I’m a first-time caller and a brand-new listener as of January 1st. I wanted to say thank you to every single person on this podcast for calling in and praying for all of the adult children that are still needing to find their way. I can say that I am one of those adult children. I am 24 years old, I’m unsaved, I’ve never heard the word of God really before. This is the very first time that…that I’ve really sought it out and I can tell you it’s already changed my life and it just makes me so happy every single morning having this to look forward to. I’ve been able to find a little sweet church community and am hoping to be saved here soon. I wanted to say something specifically Kingdom Seeker Daniel and his wife. Every single time you guys call in it just speaks volumes to my heart. And I just wasn’t sure why. I’m still not totally, but I wanted to say don’t give up hope on your adult children. You call in and you pray so passionately and so genuinely. And sometimes I feel like take it even for myself, like you’re specifically praying for me. It just…it just for some reason just speaks to me. And I wanted to say thank you to you…you both so much. Keep doing exactly what you’re doing and I’m so grateful to be a part of this community and I just hope that it grows in my life even more. Thank you guys so so much. I feel like I love you all already. Bye.
Hi guys it’s Michaela from Gloucester, it is Tuesday, the 18th February and I thought I’d call in just to speak some truth over all of us. You are made in the image of God. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God loves you full stop, every part of you, all of you. He wants to know you, all of you. He wants all of it. He just doesn’t want the good bits, the nice shiny bits that we like to show everyone. He wants every single part of you, those bits…especially those bits that we are struggling with. I pray Lord would help us remember that we’re human beings, not human doings, beings. And I pray that we’d find time to just be in His presence. It doesn’t matter what we do, it matters who we are. Yeah…what…from who we are we do stuff. Yeah that’s fine but the key thing is who you are. You are a child of God. You are a daughter of the king. You are son of the king. You are the child of God and He loves you so, so, so much. Don’t be afraid of them. Just rest in his presence, find time for that stillness and silence. May the Lord bless you and keep you, me the Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
Good morning fellow DABbers this is Susan from Atlanta. I just want to thank Brian and Jill for following their heart and starting this ministry. This is my third year listening to Daily Audio Bible and I look forward to it every morning. Shout out to my friend Anne who told me about it. I’ve wanted to call for a long time, but I just haven’t. My husband and I are separated for the third…third maybe fourth time but this time we’ve been separated for almost a year the because of his drinking. We’ve been married 47 years and I’ve become a Christian in that time when I was in my 30s. So, you know, I’ve been a Christian for over 30 years now and I’ve really grown in the Lord through my husband’s struggles and our struggles in our marriage because the drinking, I’ve been active in Al-Anon. And lots of therapy for myself. And, of course, my love of Jesus Christ is just brought me more joy than I can ever tell you. But I would like to end my life with my husband. I would like to make into a 50 year anniversary with my husband and I just need your prayers to be lifted up for Gary, that he will stop drinking and come back to his family as a sober man and show us what’s that…what that’s like. Thank you. I love you and keep it up. I know you’re having a wonderful time in Israel Brian and all the other DABbers that are there with him. Have a great day. Bye-bye.
[singing starts] For I sing out loud you are my strong tower. You will rescue me Yahweh. I will not grow faint, but my heart grows stronger. Yes, I choose to seek your face [singing stops]. Hello Daily Audio Bible this is Daniel calling from Singapore. Yeah, could you all please pray for my country and my people? We are facing Whohile virus the COBIT 19 virus. Although our situation isn’t as bad as up there in China it’s still pretty bad. People are panicked by it, morale is low, people are scared, and this virus has struck, it is attacking churches in Singapore. It’s targeting…targeting churches in Singapore. It feels like…it feels like we’re under siege, you know, like Satans attacking us. So, please…please pray for us. And I’m praying for all you guys as well, especially you Mark from Columbus Ohio you’re suffering from COPD and you said you needed someone to care for you 24 seven. God will provide brother. God will provide. Amen.
Today is Valentine’s Day, it’s February the 14th and this is Harold from St. Louis. I heard on today’s show a young man I believe his name is Al from Atlanta who had the flu. I want to let you know son, I’m praying for you and you’re in my thoughts and my prayers. And you also asked for your grandma’s legs. So, she is also in my thoughts and prayers and I’m going to dedicate…tomorrow’s run is gonna be 8 miles…I’m not dedicate tomorrow’s training run to you so those 8 miles will be all me also praying for both of you too. God bless. Take care.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Tonja with a J and I’m just calling because I need I need prayer warriors. I’ve been married 39 years. And, of course, with a lot of marriages we have our ups and downs and right now is a down. And I just need renewing of our…our…our love for each other and, of course, you know, we’re deciding, should we move our home or not? And I love my home, I’ve been here 30 years and I mean 20 years and I just I…I love it and I don’t want to move but I will. Pray for my husband, that God reaches out to him and softens his heart and makes him not be depressed and just makes him a happy man and…and him to want to work on our marriage and renew our love. With all you out there, I pray along with every one of you in the prayers and I know you’re there and I know we’re all family but I just need some prayers that our marriage is stress-free and peaceful and back to being a loving couple. I mean we, you know, we’ve had a wonderful life. I’ve, you know, I’ve been with this man since I was 19 and I just…I…we’re just going through a hard time and I appreciate all your prayers. Thank you, Brian. And I’m watching you guys in Israel right now. It’s really cool. And it’s nice to see it. And I just appreciate it and this is my first year through the Bible with you guys. I’ve been off and on years before, but this is my full day by day and I’m loving it and I’m loving learning more and being closer to God. Thank you, everybody. God bless you all and have a great day.
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gone-forever-bye · 6 years
My Top Ten Manga:
To go with my top ten anime list.
10. Otaku no Musume-san
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Here we have a manga that is about a girl who's always wanted to meet her father and discovers that he is a shameless otaku. Hijinks and adorable father/daughter affection ensues. There's weird character, cute characters, and a final act that is pretty messed up but this is a manga that I think is good from start to finish. It's a good read. It pulls at the heartstrings while making you laugh and it can even serve as a do/do not guide for all you otaku parents out there. XD
Favorite character: Kannau Yukimura
9. Air Gear
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This beautiful and heavily detailed stylish manga is about a world where skate-like contraptions known as Air Treks are used as a way to fly, get places, and build your own gang to own the skies. The art is gorgeous, the characters all mesh into a kind of gray area although there are some typical good guy/bad guys thrown in, and the series manages to evoke true feeling from the reader with how raw it can get. I highly reccomend. Favorite Character: Ringo Noyamano
8. InuYasha
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The manga that cemented my love for all things anime Inuyasha is the compelling fantasy tale of a half-demon and a young junior high girl. I can't express into words what an impact this manga made on me. The designs of the assortment of demons that are based on Japanese folklore and mythology, the tragic backstories so many of the main characters possess, the out of this world fight scenes, all the way to the incredible chemistry between Inuyasha and Kagome. It's hard to put down once you've started reading. The manga outshines the anime because it doesn't quite feel like it loses its pacing as the anime kept getting dotted with filler. It's interesting, dark in some places but never without a ray of light, and artwork that suits the story well. Favorite Character: Rin
7. Gunsmith Cats
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An oldie but goodie. We've got guns, muscle cars, and hot chicks, all in above average detail. Don't waste time with the anime, the manga is where this story of bounty hunter/police officer Rally Vincent and her partner Minnie-May really shines with explosive fun. Mature and loaded with everything from kidnapping to drugs to high speed car chases I have to say that I make it a point of rereading this series often. I've yet to find another that I enjoy as much as this one for this particular genre. Favorite Character: Rally Vincent.
6. Buso Renkin
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I'm a big fan of manga that doesn't force a simple storyline to be stretched over fifty volumes. Ten volumes was the perfect size for the story of Katsuki Mutou as he is accidently thrown into the world of alchemy and humunculous. This is a complete manga by the creator of Rurouni Kenshin that I think really emphasizes Watsuki's strength as a shounen manga author who can take so many shounen tropes and make them work almost effortlessly. It didn't need to be ground breaking because it wasn't trying to be. It's an honestly good manga from start to finish with one of the most memorable anti-hero's I've ever read. Favorite Character: Papillon
5. My Little Monster
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I'm not the biggest shoujo manga fan like I used to be but I will say that My Little Monster is a great way to change the formula. None of the characters acted the way I expected. They are all weird and extreme in the most interesting of ways while still capturing the uncertainty and naivete that teens suffer from. It's really difficult to dislike any of the characters. They're all so likeable although Natsume will probably make you grind your teeth because that girl is insane. A must read for any shoujo manga fan. Favorite Character: Sohei Sasahara.
4. Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden
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I like shoujo manga that doesn't just focus on romance. Genbu Kaiden is the prequel to Fushigi Yugi and I have to say it's better in every way. It's a lot more balanced, mixing the romance into a beautiful but sad story, unforgettable characters, action scenes that really emphasis the importance of the plot, while all being accomplished with the ridiculously gorgeous Yu Watase art style. Another must read for any shoujo fan. Favorite Character: Takiko Okuda
3. Rurouni Kenshin
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There was no way this manga wasn't going to make the list. Unlike the anime this manga is outstanding from start to finish. For me this is the ultimate in sword fighting. The visuals are exactly what you want from samurai dueling and there's never a dull moment. The cast is one of the best in my opinion and I love that the narrative never bores me even when they're just explaining fighting styles or attacks. Watsuki's distinct shounen style is a favorite of mine. The evolution of Himura Kenshin is the plot and its worth every panel. Read the final arc of you can. It's amazing.. Favorite Character: Kamiya Kaoru
2. Chrono Crusade
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I will make a rant about this manga later because I will fight for this series until the day I die. Do no watch the anime. Even though I bought each dvd and have watched them over twenty times at least, the anime does the manga NO justice. Eight volumes, all inspiring story telling. Chrono Crusade starts in such a way that you think it may be a lighthearted story of a gun-toting 'nun' and her demon sidekick but it quickly evolves into so much more. Rosette and Chrono are a duo the you will root for from page one as they fight demons, friends, and everything else that stands in their way to fix the damage that was done so many years ago. Another series that accomplishes a complete story in ten volumes or less which keeps the plot from being unnecessarily stretched. It evokes so much feeling, making you relate to the characters in such a way while still powering through the story because this is a tale about time. By the end you'll find yourself a little less able to take your time for granted as you cry for these characters that have an ending that you can take as either good or bad. I always put this one at the top of my must read list and it holds a very special place in my otaku heart. I'm disappointed that such an intense manga did not get a proper anime adaption though I do understand why. Favorite Character: Chrono
1. Detective Conan
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Anyone who knows me should have expected this. Lol. Detective Conan for me is the ultimate manga. The award winning mystery series is an ongoing manga that never fails to impress. It's familiar while evolving with us so it has a loyal fanbase made up of twenty year veteran fans to new ones every day and the number just keeps growing. High school detective Kudo Shinichi is the pride of Tokyo Japan before he stumbles across a mysterious transaction involving a pair of men clothed in black. He's discovered and force fed a drug that instead of killing him, reverts his body to that of a seven year old. He retains his adult mind and begins hiding his identity while going by the name Edogawa Conan and solving mysteries through his childhood friend's father's detective agency. The story takes off from there. The series is vast, featuring over 1000 chapters, over 20 movies, over 50 seasons, dozens of OVA's and specials including live action, and being featured in multiple ways throughout Japan. It even has its own museum in Gosho Aoyama's hometown. While not for everyone, especially those thrown off by the sheer amount of content, Detective Conan is a series that is loved by all ages all over the world and has been here since the early 90's for a reason. It has become my reason for living and it will never leave my #1 spot. Favorite Character: Kudo Shinichi (for life!)
As I have said before I gauge a series on its ability to draw me in, keep me attached, and talent for making me come back.
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dorothydelgadillo · 5 years
7 Essential Content Marketing Apps & Tools I Can't Live Without for 2019
Who has two thumbs, speaks limited French, and struggled to get out of bed for this first post-holiday morning back at work?
Don't get me wrong -- it's only been in recent years that I wake up each day feeling hashtag blessed about the fact that I get to do what I'm passionate about for a living alongside some of the smartest people I have ever known.
Still, I'm dragging this morning.
And my to do list is a mile long. 
Because, fun fact, pillar pages don't write themselves. Nor do whitepapers, blog articles, or case studies.
This surprises me, given how every other article I read recently has to do with the rise of Skynet as a reality; you'd think they'd have figured out how to do all of that by now, right?
Just kidding, I love robots -- from a distance. 
Plus, hyperbolic posturing about the robot apocalypse aside, there are a lot of ways technology and automation have already transformed the way I map out, write, and produce the content for a lot of our strategies. 
(And I'm not even counting HubSpot Marketing Hub.) 
Since neither content (or pimpin') is easy, I'm going to share the apps and tools I use every single day -- and consider indispensable -- to produce a good portion content you interact with on this website. 
App #1: GatherContent
If you've ever worked with me on a project, you know I live and die by GatherContent, a centralized content creation, production, and collaboration platform I can only assume was created by Zeus from on-high -- it is that magical.
I was first introduced to GatherContent years ago by Jessie-Lee Nichols (now IMPACT's Design Supervisor) when we were working on a website project together. 
I'm resistant to change -- especially when it comes to someone trying to "evolve" or "improve" my processes, but Jessie-Lee was persistent. 
"You'll spend less time chasing down approvals, trying to find drafts in Google Docs, and digging through your emails," she said, zeroing in on my biggest challenges. "Everything is one place, with real-time visibility into the status of every single piece of content in a project."
Lo and behold, she was right. Flash forward to now, there is no project I work on that doesn't leverage GatherContent.  
From within GatherContent, I can work with multiple collaborators, give access to my higher-ups so they can see the status of a project or single piece of content at any time -- whether it's 3 a.m. or 3 p.m., they don't need to email, call, or smoke signal me to find out the status or deadline of a piece of content.
For writers, I can leave comments and assign out changes. Additionally, either the writer or I can overwrite whatever content is there. There is a rollback feature that allows someone to see what changes have been made without whoever made the changes having to highlight them or call them out.
Finally, GatherContent keeps me sane. It isn't free -- although the pricing is very reasonable, especially if your a small business. (If you're an agency dealing with lots of clients or content production, you'll need to be smart about how many projects you set up.) 
But what it saves me in time, content project administration, and sanity makes it worth it to me. I'm infinitely more productive with it, and I would consider it the most important tool I use. 
I also can't even imagine managing all of the different projects I oversee without it. It's life-changing. 
Of course, if you're one of those folks who loves searching through endless Google Docs and emails, and spending more time calling and emailing about content projects instead of actually doing the work, you probably won't need it.
As I mentioned, GatherContent isn't free. It starts at $83 per month, with lots of options for organizations.
  App #2: Bear
I have a confession to make: I absolutely hated writing when I was younger.
In fact, one time when I was eighth grade, I turned in an essay where the last paragraph was the same sentence copied and pasted over and over again, just so I could meet the minimum word count requirement without having to put more effort into it. (My teacher didn’t appreciate my sense of humor.)
Obviously, I've come around since then.
But my change of heart only came about because eventually I realized that (a) I was good at writing, and (b) it wasn’t the act of writing I despised so much, but rather I hated the cluttered and distracting writing experience of Microsoft Word.
Enter stage left, Bear. 
Bear (available only for iPhone, iPad, and Mac) is an app that's all about empowering users to "write beautifully." And it does that so very well.
It's gotten to the point where everything I write -- IMPACT blogs, content projects for clients, freelance projects, etc. -- always passes through an initial rough drafting stage within Bear.  
In addition to comprehensive and lengthy content creation, Bear can also be used as an Evernote-esque notes application, making it quite versatile. 
Bear is free, but if you splurge on the paid version ($1.49 per month or $14.99 per year), you can enjoy custom themes, syncing across multiple devices, and exporting capabilities. 
App #2: Hemingway
Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or you’re a new kid on the inbound block, you undoubtedly know how hard it is to write and edit your own work -- and not just because you are too close to your writing to gauge its quality.
Thankfully, someone created Hemingway.
In addition to being one of my favorite authors -- as well as one of the best characters in Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris -- Hemingway forces you to evaluate the readability of your work.
It tells you what grade level your work reads at, and it scans your work for sentence complexity, passive voice, and overuse of adverbs. 
While you have the option to write directly in the Hemingway app itself, I find these kinds of mark-ups to be very distracting while I am trying to form my ideas for the first time.
Instead, I usually type of my first draft in Bear and then copy it over to Hemingway, when I'm ready to switch my brain over to editing mode. (But how you choose to use this app is entirely up to you!)
You can use Hemingway for free through your web browser at www.hemingwayapp.com, or you can download the desktop version for $9.99.
App #3: Grammarly for Google Docs
OK, Grammarly isn't new, but you know what is? Grammarly for Google Docs. 
It's not a separate tool from standard Grammarly. It's just a new feature that is so freaking valuable, I have to call it out separately, on the off chance that those of you who are familiar with the product haven't heard about this.
For those unfamiliar with Grammarly, however, it is a standalone desktop and web app that also has a Google Chrome extension that scans your writing in various places across the web -- or as input by you -- and provides editorial suggestions.
It's not perfect, but it has saved my patootie more times than I care to admit; especially when I'm rushing through emails early in the morning. 
Unfortunately, as with any technology, there were a few blind spots for the tool -- places online where Grammarly could not go. The most annoying of which was Google Docs, one of the most widely-used content collaboration word processing apps out there.
Even though I spent the early part of this article swearing off Google Docs for GatherContent or Bear, I still use it a lot. 
For example, sometimes I want a word processing application where I can also fiddle around with images and more visual formatting that GatherContent and Bear purposefully avoid in their feature set. 
Finally, Grammarly made the announcement we've all been waiting for -- Grammarly for Google Docs was now in beta for those using the Google Chrome extension.
Please remember that no automated editorial assistant is infallible. Review every suggested edit; never blindly accept them all.
Grammarly is free, although I highly recommend the premium version, as it scans for more nuanced grammar issues that can substantively elevate the quality of your writing.
App #4: WordCountTools.com
One of the most game-changing editing lessons I have ever learned is not to edit for everything all at once. Rather, you should edit for style, grammar, and narrative progression separately, in individual editing phases.
That’s why after I put my work through the readability test of Hemingway, I drop my work into the text box on www.wordcounttools.com. 
Not only does this website tell you how many words your composition has overall, it also targets one of my biggest writing “quirks” -- redundancy.
(Seriously, I don’t know what my problem is, but I am incapable of going a single column, essay, or blog post without repeating certain words or phrases.)
Below the area where you paste copy, you’ll see a keyword density box, which counts how many times non-“grammar words” appear in your work.
I know, it seems almost stupidly simple.
But as someone who spends a good portion of my day editing the work of others, trust me when I say it’s likely that more than a few of you reading this post should also be using this tool.
App #5: Noisli
I used to spend so much time at work trying to find the perfect work playlist on Spotify to keep me on track. Music is supposed to help spark productivity and creativity, right?
Wrong. Well, for me, anyway.
I don’t know whether I’m defective or something, but most of the time I find myself distracted by music.
Either I get wrapped up in the song itself -- even if it’s only instrumental -- or, when one song ends, I don’t like what comes up next, so I break from my work to spend 20 minutes trying to curate a new ideal soundtrack.
Noisli is a stunning, minimalist (and free!) background noise generator. Or, as they like to say, Noisli is “your productivity companion.”
Even though there are multiple studies showing the positive effects of ambient noise on productivity, Noisli confused me when I took it for a test drive a couple years ago, during a particularly challenging copywriting project.
At first, listening to noise while working seemed… strange. Not to mention completely boring. Now? I’m a total convert, and it’s pretty much all I listen to when I’m trying to get sh*t done. 
With my free Noisli account, I’ve created and saved custom blends of sounds -- which you control using the soundboard shown on the left -- that can set the tone for my entire working day.
Sound options include rain, thunderstorm, wind, forest, leaves, water stream, seaside, water, bonfire, summer night, fan, train, coffee shop, white noise, pink noise, and brown noise.
As my Creator's Block co-host (and long-time work pal) Jessie-Lee knows, my favorite Noisli blend is one I call "rainy trainy." It’s a personalized symphony of thunder, rain, train, and fan sounds. There's also a splash of coffee shop, for good measure.
I created this soothing blend because I love traveling by train and have been doing so for years -- in my 20s, when I would travel home to Washington, D.C., while living in Boston, and now, when I travel to and from my home in Annapolis, Maryland, to IMPACT's home office in Connecticut. 
Fun fact: You can also share blends of sounds with other people.  
Noisli is available for free through the website. There is also a free Chrome extension and iOS app available for $1.99.
App #6: SEMrush Content Template
I learned about this gem when I was working with Franco Valentino of Narrative SEO on a comprehensive SEO analysis we published last year. Now, I don't leave home without it, so to speak -- especially when I'm crafting individual pillar strategies.
If you have SEMRush, simply click on “SEO Content Template” in the menu on the left near the bottom and enter the keyword you want to base a piece of content around. It will spit out recommendations on everything -- target length of your content, links and semantic keywords you should include, and much, much more.
It also has a rich-text editor, where you can test the content you're creating that targets a particular keyword string against the recommendations it provided:
SEMrush costs money, but it's worth the money. They also have a lot of different pricing plans, depending on the needs of your organization.
App #7: Evernote
Given how ubiquitous Evernote is, it almost feels like a copout to include this in my list. That said, I spent years not understanding how or why millions of people and scores of businesses trust the elephant-branded app, before it finally clicked for me last fall. 
Now, I'm an Evernote freak, too.
For the three of you who haven't heard of Evernote, it's a note-taking application you can download or use through the web. You can clip things from the web, create templates, scan and attach documents, and sync your notes across multiple devices (if you pay for the premium version).
I also love how I can easily share notes in my Evernote -- for example, a table of contents developed during a pillar strategy brainstorm. By clicking one or two buttons, I can share an accessible URL that stays updated if I make any changes to the document, instead of having to copy and paste the information into an email or a Google Doc.
But for me, it's application is simple.
I've created notebooks for my podcast, my pillar strategies, and general notes for content I'm working on. It's where I store all of the preparation notes for pillar strategy sessions, the questions I'm going to ask a Content Lab guest, and where I outline longform pieces. 
There isn't much to say about Evernote that hasn't already been said by somebody else. But what I will say is that so much of what I have gotten out of it only came about once I understood it was all about how I organized and setup my Evernote. 
If you're looking for a virtual notebook to help you make sense of all of the back and forth that shouldn't live in disparate emails or Google Docs, but also has no business living in something like GatherContent, I can't recommend Evernote more.
Evernote is free with premium and business options available.
The Best Writing Hack Is Honesty
Even though all four of these apps have revolutionized the way I think about and approach my work, the best piece of advice I can give you about how to boost your content creation capabilities is this:
Have an open and brutally honest discussion with yourself about what specifically you don’t like about the writing process.
No app or program can tell you what your problem is or fix a writing roadblock you can't identify; they can only help you once you have some idea of what pain point you’re trying to address.
The answers will vary drastically from person to person, as they should. For instance, while my struggles were rooted in distraction and focus, yours may be founded in writer’s block, which is an entirely different beast.
So, while I think each of you will like at least one of these apps, I hope you’ll also do yourselves a favor and figure out what part of your own personal writing process really needs improving.
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/content-marketing-apps-tools
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