#it's like with porygon! but this time around i am mostly okay with it being softer than the official art
dailypokemoncrochet · 2 years
I have been working on this Duraludon for what seems like forever (more than one day), and I am worrying that maybe I've gone through all the "easy" to crochet designs already and now everything is going to take me an absurd amount of time (more than one day)
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cynthiaandsamus · 5 years
Game Blondes Crystal Clear Nuzlocke Part 3: A Gooey Situation!
“Hey I’m blonde!”
“…I’m also blonde.”
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“Welcome back to Game Blondes! Last time we got a shiny Eevee, and two, count ‘em TWO badges out of sixteen, though the game’s gonna start scaling up the more badges we get so we gotta be careful not to lose any more pokemon…”
“Don’t worry I’ll be fine, I’ve only lost a rat so far, now that I have something to work with I’ll be able to do stuff a lot easier.” Samus grinned confidently. “Went back to the Professor and got a Togepi (named Sunnyside) which immediately goes in the box, no way am I risking taking a literal newborn on this death journey.”
“Probably a wise choice… don’t want to tempt fate.”
“Well now that I have two badges I guess that qualifies me to operate a squirtbottle… you’re world is weird Cynthia.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Well now I’ve annoyed some living trees and gotten Cut from the dude. Guess it’s up the Sprout Tower now, not sure if it’s at all necessary but couldn’t hurt to get up there and see what’s going on.” Samus shrugged. “Oh… apparently they just give you the HM now as soon as you enter if you have the badges… Well is there anything at the top or not!?”
-One Encounter Later-
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“YEAH FUCK THAT! It doesn’t count if I reset before anything faints! Nopenopenope I’m out!”
“I don’t think anyone can blame you, the run would just be over now if you didn’t.” Cynthia chuckled.
“…we may or may not come back to that later but more than double my level is not great, should’ve guessed when there was a “are you sure you’re up for the challenge?’ guard at the bottom of the tower… Still I wonder if there’s something good up there to make it worth it…”
“That’s a challenge for another day.” The Champion smiled.
“Well I don’t wanna just go through the game like normal… Even if I can do the badges in any order I still need to walk all the way there, so I don’t wanna just skip through gyms when they’re right there…”
“Why not go fuck around in Kanto for a bit? The train drops you off in Saffron so you can get to most of the region from there and pick badges at random.”
“Good idea! To fuckery!” Samus cheered. “Alright, in Saffron now, whole different country to fuck up with my sequence breaking nonsense.”
“Now that I think about it, it’s probably ironic that a Metroid protagonist is playing the pokemon game where you can sequence break…”
“SPEEDRUNING BABY! FUCK THE INTENDED ORDER!” Samus hummed. “Well most of the houses here are closed but I did get the Psychic TM, gonna teach that to Polly so my starter has a little more firepower.”
“Wonder if Silph Co. is another unstoppable hell gauntlet.“
“They don’t even let me go up… but I got a free Up-Grade for Polly! Okay, next badge I’ll go back to that kid in Goldenrod and evolve her. Might as well go kick Sabrina’s ass while I’m here…”
“HA! The guard in the normal games tells you the Up-Grade can’t be bought anywhere else. But since you can buy it in the department stores here, they added dialogue so he gets upset about not being told it was already in department stores, that’s cute.”
“Good lore for the changes I guess.” Samus snickered.”There’s two gyms but one’s empty, so guess the other’s Sabrina’s.  Well Danny’s in charge here, wiping out these Psychics with a Ghost-type should be easy. See? That Channeler went down easy!”
“…and Danny’s dead.”
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RIP Danny the Gastly  Route 31-Saffron City, Lv. 5-Lv. 13
“Eh… I was NOT expecting that guy to have a level 18 Kadabra and I kinda forgot Gastly was a Poison type in addition to a Ghost type… well there goes my whole plan for this gym…”
“You’ll make it through, see? You’re already at Sabrina.”
“Yeah but I feel like she’s gonna be a higher level, I mean one of her minions killed one of my pokemon and I’m down a main teammate and my main strategy, think I’m gonna grind a bit and fill that empty slot before I come back, not taking any chances…”
“Better safe than sorry I guess… even if it is a bit cheap.” Cynthia sighed.
“Let me go back and bury my dead ghost and go out into one of these fields and catch me a new dude. Which way should I go? I can go pretty much anywhere from Saffron… any of the cardinal directions anyway.”
“Well you know what they say, Go West, Young Meowth.”
“…who says that?” Samus grumbled. “West it is then. ..and immediately who the hell is this guy?”
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“Oh shit he has a Porygon too! Time for a Mirror Match!”
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“Awww yeah, there’s no beating Polly!”
“Oh wow he has a Shiny Togepi too. I mean it’s still an egg baby but it’s a sparkly egg baby.”
“That was surprisingly tough for an egg baby, must be hard-boiled. Still at least it’s not another casualty and he gave me a bunch of money and five level balls. So that’s nice of him, speaking of which this is a new area so I can catch a new pokemon~!”
“Oooh an Abra, good luck with that!”
“Trying out one of those new Level Balls then, here goes nothing!”
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“Heck yeah! Since it’s a Psychic that just wants to be left along I’ll name it Mob. Looks like it’s close to evolving too so I may use it for a bit.”
“Well might as well have a look around Celadon while we’re nearby. Erika might be a better fit for your next gym battle since you have a flying type and a few psychic moves that’ll do well against her grass and poison types.”
“Yeah… wait… the game corner here sells the Berserk Gene!? What the hell!?”
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“Yeah that’s… strange…” Cynthia quirked a brow. “Rather cheap too…”
“I mean I guess it’s not super useful but still… Weird placement. Those Leftovers might be good to save up for too, but that would require more gambling… Oooh! Heracross!”
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“Can I get it? Please Please!?”
“Well I guess Celadon City is a new area, so if it’s the first pokemon you encounter you can get it, sure… but just this once…”
“Whoohoo! Time for a gambling montage!”
-80’s Music-
This is a gambling montage~
Samus is gambling all her money away~
We’re not allowed to show this part in Europe~
She’s Gonna get that Heracross~
This is a gambling montage~
-montage end-
“Well since it’s blue and armored I’ll name her Gravity like my suit, looks like she’ll need a bit of grinding but should be fun to use~”
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“Well a couple of training battles in Erika’s gym later and Gravity has a few levels and Hooters evolved into a Noctowl.”
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“These levels on these gyms are starting to get high though, I may have to do some grinding… hopefully I’ll be able to beat Erika at least… Still, a little training won’t hurt. This guy says he’ll give me Fly if I can get one more badge, so that’ll really open things up, all the more incentive to grind up for Erika.
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“…well fuk it’s a Muk. And it’s like ten levels higher than anything I have.”
“Still, Muk are mostly defensive pokemon and you just have to weaken it, give it a shot.”
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“Holy crap I caught it… wasn’t expecting that, guess I have a new teammate… I’ll name it Goo since that’s what it is. Doubt it’ll help much with Erika or Sabrina, but it’s always good to have a big tanky pokemon like that, I’ll think about adding him to the team somewhere…”
“And this is why we carry Antidotes… you were almost in trouble there.”
“Meh I’ll be fine, guess I’ll switch out Shimon the Poliwag for Goo the Muk since he’s my lowest level besides the new Heracross, we’ll see if this pile of sludge comes in handy soon.”
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“Holy crap look how weird it looks when Goo follows me.” Samus laughed.
-One Grind Later-
“Okay a little bit of grind and Gravity is up to level with the others and all of Erika’s support trainers are gone, I’ve got Goo and got him an Ice Punch TM, I’ve got a Noctowl, got Polly knowing Psychic and got Gravity being a Bug type, and just in case I’m buying a couple Antidotes so I think we have a decent shot at this battle, here we go!”
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“If worse comes to worse you could probably just lean on your overpowered Muk now that it has a move that’s great against Grass types…”
“Well I’m gonna try not to do that if I can help it, let’s start out with Noctowl vs her Tangela! Ha! Even if it puts Hooters to sleep, that Giga Drain does next to nothing against her! That was an easy first KO. Way to pull your weight Hooters! “
“Oooh Bellsprout next huh?”
“That’s part poison right? I’ll try Polly next then and hit it with some Psychic! HA! A one hit KO! Don’t mess with Polly!”
“Another OHKO from Hooters on that Hopip… you’re really tearing through this boss battle. Though to be fair grass-types have a lot of weaknesses to exploit and usually have to use status ailments to keep up.”
“Last pokemon’s Oddish, let’s go Hooters, make this a clean sweep! Well it managed to take two hits but it’s still no match for my awesome owl thing! Great job Hooters!”
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“That’s awesome, three badges down, but you realize Sabrina will be even stronger now that you have more badges, right?”
“Crap… Well the Pokemon League called again and basically just told me to go get Fly, since I’m right here I can do that pretty easily, guess we’re set up for that. I can teach it to Hooters as a reward for winning that gym battle.”
“…wow so you can just fly to any city now huh? You don’t have to have visited any of them, guess you can hop around as much as you want now.”
“True, though I’ll probably be in trouble if I just go directly for the badges each time, the walking will help me get more levels too but if I wanna go somewhere I can just drop myself off and see what’s up around there. I can continue that sidequest with Professor Oak at some point too since I can just fly to Pallet Town and see what’s going on, and I feel like I can safely evolve Polly too, which I may do… NEXT TIME ON GAME BLONDES!”
Samus’s Journey So Far (Kanto Side):
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Samus’s Current Team:
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #387
“Salt Talk, Godmorgan, EAlex Portal Practice”
[Deer] Is down in the kitchen, stirring a cup of steaming coffee-
[Yaunfen] Comes downstairs- Hi mom! - They're carrying a bubbling pail of clear liquid.
[Waffles] Saunters down as well and busks on the side of the table.
[Deer] - Why hello to you too, and just what are you up to today, hm?
[Yaunfen] smiles warmly-  I made a soda fountain. So I came down to water the ferns with some of it.
[Deer] - That's a good idea, do you have anything else planned?
[Yaunfen] I dunno. Probably more fighting with Fru... - they trail off a little- But it's making some nice muscles! I can punch trees just as good as Steve!
[Deer] - Just be careful, don't get yourself killed, that's not something I ever want you to experience...
[Yaunfen] Their hair fluffs a bit, reminding her of Doc- I hope not! But I know you'll watch over me either way.
[Deer] - Always
[Yaunfen] Mom... am I ever going to be able to fly? Even Liz can kinda do it.
[Deer] - I don't know sweety, I mean, if you can become super heavy...  Maybe you can become super light too?
[Yaunfen] Brow furrows a little- Maybe... If you see Mix please tell me. I still need a scabber for Fru.
[Deer] - A scabber?
[Yaunfen] Something like that. It's some kind of magick bug.
[Deer] - Alright then.  And if you want to practice trying to be lighter, why don't you practice in the wither arena, just so you have a roof to stop you from going too high
[Yaunfen] Okay mom. - They dump some of the bubbly liquid on the ferns and there's a burst of fruity smells as the plant puffs bigger and healthier under the tending.
[Waffles] Sneaks a leaf off of a fern and drags it under the table.
[Deer] Looks down at her coffee and notices it's started to get cold- Oh darn
[Yaunfen] Aw. Just put it on top of the furnace. It'll get warm again. - They give her a little hug. - I'm gonna go play.
[Deer] - Alright, have fun- She goes and places her cup on top of the furnace
-There's a bit of noise from downstairs and TLOT fastwalks up from the gold room-
[TLOT] Ugh! I hate that thing. I know it makes him happy but cripes... my ears...
-The sound is Steve playing his digeridoo much farther down in the bowels of the house-
[Deer] Laughs a little- Everyone has things that annoys their lover to no end
[TLOT] Hops onto a stool in front of the counter, his fingers brushing on a lemon hanging heavy from a short branch of the semi-potted tree. - He hates my cheese, so I guess it's fair.
[Deer] - True- Deer sits next to TLOT, her mind distracted just enough for TLOT to pick up the buzzing from it
[TLOT] You seem to be full of thoughts today. But I won't intrude if you don't feel like talking. - He takes his helmet off and sets it on the counter before fluffing his messy hair and facing her.
[Deer] - No, it's alright, it's mostly just a bad feeling
[TLOT] Considering that you're part of just about everything here, that is troubling.
[Deer] - Doc has mentioned that there's a couple more major updates ready, but...  I don't know, I just feel like it might be a bad idea...
[TLOT] Are you worried about physics mistakes? Or something worse...? That one that stuck everyone in their alternate shapes was pretty bad.
[Deer] - I don't know, I feel like it might have more to do with me, as in, all of me- She gestures around them
[TLOT] Unfortunately I don't have any talent for seeing the future. But I do trust your instincts. What's the alternative though? Just stop going forward?
[Deer] - It would break Doc's heart...
[TLOT] Everyone likes new things don't they? The world just keeps getting more complicated. I'm just glad we're not a high res-server like Cp's old home. I'd protest if it ever went that far.
[Deer] - Yeah...  Hopefully I'm just overthinking all of this- She goes to grab her reheated coffee
[TLOT] I heard there's going to be visible fish...
[Deer] - Hera will love that
[TLOT] I think I will too. I love making little things. - He turns over a hand and accidently goes forward in his hotbar-
-There's a chirp and the cricket escapes from his inventory. It pops up into the lemon tree and squeaks out the song of healing as loud as it can-
[TLOT] Darn it. I guess you aren't the only restless one.
[Deer] - No I'm not, can you feel the tension Lie's giving off?
[TLOT] She's worried about Aether. I don't think that will stop anytime soon.
[Porygon] Is woken by the cricket and falls out of the small tree onto the counter. It scoots back and forth and makes an annoyed statick noise at the bug-
[TLOT] New pet?
[Deer] - Yeah, Doc traded the goomy for it.  And I think it's more than just Aether TLOT
[TLOT] -sighs- The wolves too...
[Deer] - TLOT...  Did you not feel that their sex was interrupted?
[TLOT] Blushes slightly- Well I wasn't going to air that laundry unless someone else mentioned it!
[Deer] - Did you hear why it was interrupted?
[TLOT] I did not. But I saw Cp and Notch log out and then Cp have to go back out again later.
[Deer] Grins- Aether learned to set herself on fire
[TLOT] OH NETHER. Well she's certainly Cp's kid!
[Deer] - Scared the shit out of Notch
[TLOT] I believe it. Babies get upset so easily.
[Porygon] Pokes their wedge-like beak into Deerheart's mug and there's a tiny slurping sound.
[Deer] - Porygon!
[Porygon] Jumps as much as it's treadlike feet will allow- beep???
[Deer] - I don't think you need any coffee
[Porygon] Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzurp.
[TLOT] Smiles- Sometimes we all need a little pick-me-up. Did you hear Alexsezia is making a little progress with Grinny?
[Deer] - She is?  That's great!  How did she manage that?
[TLOT] Good food and a cold floor. Grinny has been sleeping on her bed. Alexsezia likes cats and she's just as relentless as Doc when it comes to reaching out to someone who's hurting. - his gaze is a bit abstracted- I think her patience will pay off eventually.
[Deer] - That's good.  If the payoff is anything like CP's, then it will be worth it
[TLOT] I think he'll always hate Doc, but he might mellow if he has at least one human friend.
[Deer] - True.  Although I am glad things are quiet for the most part right now
[TLOT] How are you holding up with Slender here anyway? I heard he gave Doc a smack for concealing his mom and one for Cp for hiding the baby.
[Deer] - I've adjusted for the most part, I think any fluctuations that come from him are because of Splender
[TLOT] Yeah, I heard about their dad. I'm not scared persay, but I am... concerned.
[Porygon] Wheels over and sits on Deerheart's hand-
[Deer] - Their dad does sound terrifying, but I think that will be a fight that takes place outside of our cozy little server
[TLOT] Now I feel guilty... I just can't stomach the thought of going... out there. I can barely stand being high-res. It makes me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack.
[Deer] - You could always step it up, little by little if you wanted.  And Porygon?  You are heavy...
[TLOT] Looks very unsure- maybe...
[Porygon] Happy noises-
[TLOT] I've been thinking about that picture again... it's really haunting me.
[Deer] - Do you want to see if Yaunfen found any more?
[TLOT] I don't know. I just wish... maybe it's better if I don't know. Poor Zaya. I feel like she was just a friend, but no one deserves to die just to hurt someone else.
[Deer] - Your seed may hold more answers, and it has been awhile since you visited...
[TLOT] I do need to check on them. I'm just glad we haven't had to deal with Nessie in a while at least.
[Deer] Laughs a little- Besides, they haven't had anything to celebrate in awhile, and a new god may cause a party for days on end
[TLOT] That will be a cause to celebrate in Kore, and a kick in the pants for all the artists who delight in making statues of everything.
[Deer] - I wonder what they'd make Aether goddess of?
[TLOT] I'm not sure. Maybe just a certain star, or some aspect of the world.
[Deer] - I can't wait to see what other powers she may develop
[TLOT] Stares off for a long moment, his fingers absently stroking the raised edges of the jagged scar on his wrist. - I know I don't say it often, and I know you understand probably more deeply then any of us... but... - he turns to her fully, his starry eyes all the brighter for being removed from the usual shadow of his helm. - Thank you Deerheart. Thank you for coming out of your matrix to play with us all. I saw one of my best friends come back from the brink, drawn by the warmpth of your love. Even with all my powers, I don't think I could have achieved that one simple thing. You'll always have my gratitude and my blade to defend you if needed. - He gives her a slow radiation of his feelings and the room itself seems to warm with it.
[Porygon] Looks around in confusion- Beep?
[Cricket] Cheeps happily.
[Deer] Smiles- Thank you TLOT, that really means a lot to me.  It may have taken a long time to figure out what I really was and wasn't, but it has been worth it.  I don't think I would be happy either if I had remained on the side lines either
[TLOT] Nods- And whatever is troubling you, you can always bring to me as well.
[Deer] - I know, whether it be glitches, NOTCH's, or block changes, I know you will help
[Godmorgan] Stumbles towards the office in a sleepy fashion, they'd been up late working at home and realized they'd forgotten some things at the office.  They punch in the code for the door and then make a beeline for the coffee machine-
[Dofta] Watches him go past with a look of concern- Are you drunk Godmorgan???
[Godmorgan] - No, just very tired, I forgot some stuff here a couple days ago
[Dofta] How was the con?
[Godmorgan] - Long, I don't know what Jeb was thinking scheduling us for SIX panels
[Dofta] Snickers- He was thinking it wasn't him that was going.
[Godmorgan] - I'll kill him if he does it again- Pours themselves a cup of coffee- So what have I missed here?
[Dofta] Bites her lip- Umm... we got the problems fixed with the Phantoms, oh and Yster has a new boyfriend.
[Godmorgan] - Really?  How long is this one going to last?  And that was a fast fix on the phantoms...
[Dofta] Well umm, we borrowed a code monkey, an old friend of Markus's... And I think this guy is the one. He's a weird gothy Doctor with a British accent. Just her style.
[Godmorgan] - And an old friend of Markus's?  Which one?  I thought all of the ones that could code ended up working here at one point or another?
[Dofta] Is being both a terrible liar and evasive in tone. - He's a real ball of fire. Doesn't like working for other people. It was strictly a favor.
[Godmorgan] Suspicious look- Ooookay, speaking of Markus though, I need to talk to him soon
[Dofta] Is something wrong?
[Godmorgan] - No, I just need permission to use his avatar.  Jeb and I were having a discussion about doing a fan contest for one of the new pieces of merch and undoubtedly people will use his avatar for it
[Dofta] Do we really want to possibly draw attention to the NOTCH AI's by bringing that image up offically again?
[Godmorgan] - Well it's not like there isn't attention on the brine ones, and that's without any official merch for them  People are going to use Markus's avatar because of how important he is to this company.  You've seen how many animations he's in
[Dofta] Yeah... I know. Everyone likes to have good guys and bad guys to cheer or boo, and Jeb's avatar is too complicated in comparision. The Herobrine's get attention because Internet. People like a good creepy campfire story.
[Godmorgan] - Exactly, and they usually use Markus as the counterpart.  Although, I have seen a few animators pull off Jeb's avatar... Where is his highness anyways?
[Dofta] Jeb? Tinkering with the mainframe, or just asleep with his head on the desk. I'd have to walk in there to find out for sure.
[Godmorgan] - I'll go check
[Jeb] Is sitting at the desk in from of the mainframe with his head braced up on both hands, and dozing lightly. The screen is showing a complex pattern of position markers of brines and NOTCH AI's.
[Godmorgan] Leans on the door frame- Having fun?
[Jeb] Snrk! Uhhh. Oh! hello Godmorgan. Didn't expect you back so soon.
[Godmorgan] - Left some stuff here on accident, figured I may as well work from here today.  Checking on the AI's?
[Jeb] Yeah... this one just got moved to a new space and it's kind of interesting. There's a Herobrine and a NOTCH and a crapton of players. Both seem peaceful and there's no way the players haven't noticed them.
[Godmorgan] Looks at the codes- That's a big server, what's that little one next to it?
[Jeb] Looks- Just a private server. Looks like there's only a few registered players. Someone's personal sandbox I'm sure.
[Godmorgan] - Are you sure?  Something about that code seems a little odd...
[Jeb] Slightly nervous- Odd? It seems normal to me.
[Godmorgan] Shakes their head- I may just be too tired.  I'm gonna go grab that stuff from my office, there's a few things I want to go over with you
[Jeb] Oh dear... do we have to do it now?
[Godmorgan] - You set me up with six panels at the last convention
[Jeb] Yeeeeesss???
[Godmorgan] - You're going over the merch stuff with me and you're going to suffer with me
[Jeb] Slumps defeated- Can't I just sign off on everything and you do it?
[Godmorgan] - No
[Jeb] Playful- I thought I was in charge around here?
[Godmorgan] - I will make it so you can't log into your computer
[Jeb] You're mean.
[Godmorgan] - Let's go
[EAlex] Is up way too early for Licht's day off and there's the tiniest wisp of a smoky smell coming from the kitchen.
[Licht] Groans as she wakes up and rolls over- What are you doing?
[EAlex] calls back- Breakfast?
[Licht] Groans and gets up, going to the kitchen to see what the damage is-
[EAlex] Has placed a furnace in the middle of the room and is warming her hands in front of it while it cooks. There's a distinct smell of steak and there are two fixed baked potatoes on plates on the table- Good morning!
[Licht] - You do realize that's not necessary
[EAlex] Confused look- But you eat? I've seen you do it.
[Licht] - Yes, but I don't need a furnace to cook, I've got a stove, oven, microwave, and a toaster
[EAlex] But... I don't know how to use those very well... - She takes out two perfectly cooked steaks and the good smell wafts around the kitchen.
[Licht] Sighs, just so long as you clean up...
[EAlex] Okay! Eat up then. Do you have anything planned for today?
[Licht] - Some grocery shopping, but that's it
[EAlex] I was wondering.... if we could go to the server today...? I still need help with my portals.
[Licht] - Uh, sure, I'll text Doc.  But let's eat first
-le little bit of time passes-
[Doc] Has gone to Alexsezia's house to check on Grinny.
[Alexsezia] Hey. I was wondering when you'd come by.
[Doc] Well I didn't want to intrude. I brought you potion ingredients as a show of thanks and reparations in case he's destroyed a bunch of your stuff.
[Alexsezia] Takes the small chest- Thank you. Come in please.
[Grinny] Is sleeping on the bed-
[Doc] Walks into the main room-
[Alexsezia] He's probably in my room. He's kinda claimed that space.
[Doc] Well there's a bed and I imagine its easy to keep the other cats out... - Xe peeks into the doorway.
[Grinny] Is dead to the world in a patch of sunlight-
[Doc] Awwwwwww. - they snap a quick picture. - I won't bother him then, I have a few errands to do anyway. At least he's relaxed.
[Grinny] Is mostly in a ball, partially turned onto his back-
[Doc] Sneaks out. - That's a keeper.
[Alexsezia] Do you want some cheese? Just normal cheese.
[Doc] Sure, why not?
[Alexsezia] I'll make you a little half trunk.
[Doc] That gives me an idea anyway. - Xe takes the box and bids her farewell before setting off down the coast on foot. They stop in the garden to pluck some fruit and take a few things from a trunk near the back door before heading for Splender's house-
[Splender] Is heading towards town with Ringleader-
[Doc] Calls out softly from the shore, not wanting to be a pest. - Anybody home?
[Slender] Sighs in irritation and heads for the doorway- Yes?
[Doc] Is holding the trunk like a kid with one textbook facing down a principal - Am I inturrupting something?
[Slender] - No, is there something you need?- He teleports to the shore, a ripple of glitches following him as he does so
[Doc] No, just checking in. - They hold up the box. - Alexsezia made some cheese, so I brought you some, as well as bread and cheeries from my garden. It's a nice afternoon to just be outside.
[Slender] - Although the offer is appreciated, it is not necessary
[Doc] shrugs- No, it's not nessesary. It's just nice.
[Slender] - Very well- He takes the chest in a tendril- Is that all?
[Doc] I guess. Though there is one thing- They smile mischeivously- Just a screenshot, took it before I came over- They marry the shot to a random bit of paper and hold up the picture of Grinny snoozing blissfully in the sunbeam. - He seems to be making friends with TLOT's Alex; Alexsezia. I don't know about you, but it made me smile.
[Slender] - He's always been fond of sunny spots
[Doc] Most cats are. Give my best to your little bro and mom.
[Slender] - I will pass the message along when he returns from feeding
[Doc] Nods and jumps a bit as their carrot buzzes. They pull it out and hold it up- Hello?
[Licht] - Hey, EAlex is ready to come back
[Doc] Okay. Where are you?
[Licht] - My place
[Doc] Focuses and makes an opening into Licht's tv.
[EAlex] Steps through and reaches back for Licht-
[Licht] Sighs and follows-
[Doc] Closes the hole- Hi again-
[EAlex] See's Slender and freezes in terror- Ho-oo-ol-y shiiit.....
[Slender] Has a bit of a disapproving air about him-
[EAlex] obvious terror-
[Doc] Hey... are you okay? EAlex?
[Slender] Teleports back over to Splender's house, once again glitching the area-
[Licht] Is somewhat regretting not having brought her gun-
[EAlex] Shivers at the glitching -
[Doc] Pats her arm. - He's got a lot on his mind. That's all. Come with me please. - Xe leads them back up into the garden.
[EAlex] Why do I get the feeling that... person? could erase my existence way too easily?
[Doc] Grimaces- Because it's probably true....
[Licht] - I think I've seen that figure online...
[Doc] He's called Slenderman, and his reputation is not exaggerated.
[EAlex] Why is he here???
[Licht] - I'd like to know that as well...
[Doc] Well... it's complicated.... His little brother is super nice, and is here most of the time anyway, and I kinda helped summon his mom, so she's here too.
[EAlex] all eyeballs- Are you out of your freaking mind????
[Doc] I'd like to think I'm not.
[Licht] - Why would you do that?
[Doc] Because her husband is a much more unreasonable and murderous monster then her oldest son Slender. And people abusing their wives really makes me pissed off. Also she'd been estranged from her kids for a super long time because of her husband, the Wicker Man.
[Licht] - Well, I have to agree with you on the abusive husband part...
[EAlex] Yeah, nobody deserves that. It's still crazy though.
[Doc] Shrugs- I've actually spoken to the spirit of Insanity. Driving her out of the creepypastas has been a goal of mine for quite some time. Cp is my oldest case.
[Licht] - Insanity?
[Doc] Yeah, she sucks. She's like a minor goddess, likes to posess people and make them do horrible things without a flicker of conscience. She protects those she takes from Death, but she's still using them.
[Licht] - I see...
[EAlex] Shudders - What a horrible thought. I don't want anyone messing with my head.
[Doc] I feel the same. I have enough problems without fighting my own thoughts for control.
[Licht] - Anyways, EAlex, you had some things you wanted to talk to Doc about?
[EAlex] I was hoping for some help with the portal making thing?
[Doc] Ah... I'm not sure I'm the best person to help you... but we saw how Cp does it. Let's ask BEN this time. And if he's no help, I'll be your last resort.
[EAlex] BEN?
[Doc] Is typing in the chat asking him to come over if he isn't busy.
[BEN] - What?
[Doc] chat- Any chance you feel like helping a noob make her first portals?
[BEN] - Do I have to?
[Doc] Well no, but I would appreciate it. Tell you what, I'll give you some really good pot if you help out.
[BEN] - Can it wait a little? Hyrule and I are playing a game...
[Doc] Sure. That will give me some time to get my part of the deal.
-A few little clouds are gathering overhead and a few drops of rain patter down-
[Doc] Let's go inside anyway.
[EAlex] Looks up and lets the rain fall on her face a little before following- It's calming...
[Licht] - Rain irritates me, it can wash away evidence...
[Doc] Holds the door - Not much to wash away here, just the occasional stray pixel.
[EAlex] I like the sound.
[Licht] Gets inside-
-Gir bellies up to the fence and gives a slightly dusty snort. -
[Doc] Gives them an affectionate pat. - The room below this one is decently dry. Hopefully that will be good enough for BEN.
[Licht] - Is it difficult to learn how to make these portals?
[Doc] Yes. I mean you're literally breaking a hole between two planes of existence. I still have difficulty in my humanoid shape. It's easier to just be a giant dragon and throw my whole body forward headfirst to breech the wall.
[EAlex] Oh dear.
[Licht] - So what's the most basic portal?  Going between games?
[Doc] That is a lot easier. If you cross the server firewall you'll be in the void.
[EAlex] The void? That sounds ominious.
[Doc] It kinda is, it's cold and dark and easy to get lost.
[Licht] - That space you took me through?
[Doc] Yes. Once you get good at navigating you can get into any game, also onto different parts of the internet and come out of any electronic thing with a lens or a screen.
[EAlex] Whoah.... no wonder Cp acts like he does. He'd be near impossible to hide from.
[Licht] - And how many here can get out?
[Doc] Do you mean how many here can get out without help or how many are acclimated to exist irl period?
[Licht] - Can get out without assisstance
[Doc] Lets see... BEN taught Cp, he taught me and Lie, and there are some digital creepypastas from the Pokemon games that come and go. Strangled Red, Lost Silver and Glitchy.
[Licht] - So it's a very select group
[Doc] Not everyone wants to go irl, or are dedicated enough to learn to cross the barrier without help. My mate Deerheart, my child Yaunfen, Cp's generals Winston and Endrea and her son Ashe, and Markus of course and Flux. They can all go out too. It doesn't agree with everyone. TLOT hates even being on a higher res server. It literally makes him ill. Even I try to stay away from mirrors or look at my body too much out there, I get lost in the detail and it makes me self-concious and a bit unsettled.
[EAlex] The hightened senses are a bit overwhelming...
[Licht] - Well if this is going to take awhile, perhaps you should send me back out there
[Doc] What were you planning on doing today?
[Licht] - I have some grocery shopping to do
[Doc] Smiles - Anything in particular? You're free to raid the kitchen.
[Licht] - Just a supply replenish, out of peppers and some other things
[Doc] Makes a face- Ye gods... you like those things?
[Licht] - Yes?  They're not bad at all
[Doc] Incredulous look - Not bad??? It hurt so much I used the kill command on myself to make the pain stop!
[EAlex] Why would anyone eat something that painful on purpose???
[Licht] - EAlex, you ate peppers that one night that I made the pasta!  Only some peppers are hot
[EAlex] Oh... yeah those were pretty good.
[Doc] Maybe we're not talking about the same thing? Like variations in cheese maybe? -They make a small circle with their fingers - The one I had was bright red and about this big.
[EAlex] That's tiny....
[Licht] - Yeah bell peppers are bigger and have almost no spice
[Doc] That sounds much more edible. Cp basically gave me the ghost peppers as a mean joke. I'd never had anything spicy before.
[Licht] - I see, well, perhaps next time you should try the bell veriaty
[Doc] I'll happily trade you something if you bring me an example. I can copy things.
[Licht] - I'll just get you some while shopping
[Doc] Thank you.
[EAlex] Is watching Licht with a small smile. - I don't want to eat up your day off Licht... if you need some time, it's okay.
[BEN] - Yeah I'm not coming over
[Doc] -chat- It's only sprinkling a little. I can tp you and we'll stay inside.
[Licht] - Is the rain a problem?
[Doc] Sighs- He's a hydrophobic. It's a really awkward phobia.
[EAlex] Yuck... doesn't he get smelly?
[Doc] Yes.
[Licht] - I don't wish to smell that
[Doc] Then I'll let you out. But his mate does shame him into bathing when it gets really bad.
[Licht] - Thank you
[Doc] Takes a step back and charges forward a little like a headbanger in a mosh pit, the air crackles as the portal shatters open under the impact.
[EAlex] Be safe Licht.
[Licht] - I will- She goes through
[Doc] Closes it behind her and looks at EAlex - You look like someone with a lot on their mind.
[EAlex] sighs- I like her. She's pretty oblivious.
[Doc] That is rough... but these things can take a lot of time. Just be patient and see how it plays out.
[BEN] - So yeah, can we reschedule this thing?
[Doc] -chat- If I get Deerheart to stop the rain, will you come over?
[BEN] - Eh, I mean, there's other stuff I could do...
[Doc] Is sending a chat to Deerheart to please stop the rain for now- Come on. You should bring Hyrule over.
[BEN] Groans in chat-
[Deer] Turns the rain off-
[Doc] Is the tp preferable? I've got your weed.
[BEN] - Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
[Doc] Pulls a very stinky plume of tiny flowers out of a trunk and sticks it in a little clay pot to keep it upright on the edge of the tub.
[EAlex] That is rank!
[Doc] He loves it though. - Xe tps BEN to hir-
[BEN] Sniffs the air and humms at the smell of the pot-
[EAlex] Is trying not to make a face. -
[Doc] EAlex, this is BEN, he's the first one to be able to be digital and real. that we know of at least.
[EAlex] Charmed...
[Doc] She just needs help making portals.
[BEN] - Portals?  Well how much do you already know?
[EAlex] I can get between electronics if there's a cord plugged in? And I managed to get off a phone and out into here.
[Doc] She was living on the wallpaper space of a cellphone for at least a week.
[BEN] - Well then we have our work cut out
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Act 2 - Illusion Unveiled
[PoV: Bladesong]
The dash to this spring was incredibly uneventful, mostly due to how quickly we made it here. However when we did get to this place, the last thing I was kinda expecting was this Lucario/Suicune hybrid.
Don’t get me wrong, she’s incredibly beautiful - and the second time I’ve seen a Legendary hybrid. But at the same time, she’s definitely not this Velvett we’re looking for. Like...to start with, she’s not even a Delphox?
They said that she’s a hybrid of a Delphox and a Zoroark, which this Lucario is anything but. Which begs the question, where is she? Did we go to the wrong spot? ‘Cus at this point I’m not sure on how we’re going to meet this illusi-
My train of thought pauses.
I feel myself smile as I start putting the pieces together.
“I assume you’re Velvett?” I ask the Lucario.
She blinks for a moment before grinning widely, laughing. “Why yes indeed!” She exclaims before waving her hand at us. “Give me just a moment and let me fix this~”
Her entire body becomes surrounded in black flames, taking me aback. This new development only lasted for a few seconds though, since before I knew it her entire form changed appearance entirely when the flames disappeared.
Now she’s definitely a Delphox matching the description of her being a Zoroark hybrid. Her coat consists of various shades of gray, her hands and feet each ending in long red claws. The fluffy hair coming from her ears are also a matching shade of red, said hair going all the way down to her ankles with a blue, large glass ‘bead’ tying it into some sort of ponytail. Her eyes are a striking pink, and around her neck is a metal necklace of a pentagram.
“I do apologize for the confusion, I was merely playing with my illusions.” She continues to chuckle. “I didn’t quite expect you to arrive so quickly, thus how you caught me off-guard.” She rests one of her hands on her hips, giving a playful smile that’s more directed at me. “And as she guessed correctly, I’m Velvett. Now although I know who you all are, I think it’s only polite for everyone to give proper introductions, don’t you agree~?”
I feel myself already liking this lady. With a smile of my own I cross my arms over my chest. “Well? Not much to say about me that you don’t already know, from what I’m assuming at least. My name’s Bladesong, the GoT’s new cyborg member~”
I see her lips pull back into a grin as she eyes me over. “Perhaps not much to say, but oh your form is quite a sight to take in~” She pauses before snickering. “Pardon me, it’s not everyday I see a cyborg.”
I wave her off, laughing. “It’s all good! If anything, I appreciate the attention.”
A soft sound of a clearing throat stops the exchange, Jarvis being the source - which is funny, since he doesn’t have a throat to clear.
The Rotogon-Z hovers slightly higher in the air. “To get the rest of the introductions aside, I am Trojan. I will be running intelligence and communications for this operation.���
Chimera immediately speaks up as well before Velvett could acknowledge the Porygon-Z hybrid. “And I am Chimera.” He says simply.
Velvett waited to see if Chimera would add anything else besides his introduction, only to realize that this is obviously not the case. She smirks at this. “Not much for pleasantries?” She snickers again. “But then again, I kinda expected for you to be one of ‘those’ individuals. Your appearance and behavior tells it all~”
I didn’t even need to see Chimera’s expression to know that this is irritating him. “What do you mean by ‘those’ individuals?” He responds testily. However probably realizing that she’s most likely baiting this sort of reaction, he shakes his head before continuing in a more level tone. “There’s nothing quite more for me to say in terms of introducing myself. You’ve already received all of the information about me, correct? If so, you’ll know why I see no need to add further details.”
This makes her frown for a moment, but only a moment. “Oh fine, use logic to make me sound like the bad guy.” She laughs, her mischievous smile returning in full force. “I can tell things will be quite entertaining with you around~”
“I will take that as a compliment.” He says passively, but I can somewhat tell that he’s slightly irritated with her. Well, it’s more of a hunch, but I’m incredibly confident that I’m right.
“Now!” Velvett says loudly, clapping her claws together. “With you all here, I can now start making the proper adjustments to my charms~ And after that? We’ll start heading into Progria proper~”
I blink. “Charms?” No one said anything about ‘charms’.
She smirks. “Why of course~! You didn’t think you can just waltz into Progria with the way you’re looking right now, did you?”
I quickly shake my head, raising my hands slightly. “I knew that! But what do you mean by ‘charms’? I thought all you had to do was cast some spell or something on us and we’d call it a day.”
The Delphox laughs loudly at this. “If only it were that simple!” I’m thinking that she’s finding my obliviousness to be adorable, seeing the way she’s smiling at me. “Indeed I could simply just place an illusion on all of you, but that would require my constant concentration and presence!” She walks over to me and places a clawed hand on my shoulder, her face leaning so close to mine that it’s actually making me a bit uncomfortable. “That’s why I need to create illusion charms for all of you~” She coos at me, her eyes staring directly into mine. “That way you can wear your illusions without me ever needing to be nearby~”
I feel myself lean back slightly, feeling unnerved with this sudden invasion of personal space. “Uhh...okay?” I say uncertainly.
I mean, I’m fine with people getting ‘up close and personal’. But the way she’s doing it? Yeah no thanks.
She gives me a wink before pulling away, sauntering over to one of the willow trees. “I’m going to be inspecting all of you rather closely so I can make sure that the illusion is perfect, so expect me to get all up in your grill for a while~!” She singsongs.
“On the contrary,” Trojan ‘coughs’. “I have no need for any charms, since I will be working primarily in our base of operations. I won’t be physically with them on their missions in New Falkhom City.”
She looks at him, her lips pouting slightly. “So you don’t want me to make one for you?” She asks, her ears drooping slightly.
Trojan’s digital eyes visibly narrow. “Quite. It’s unnecessary” He responds tersely, his floating head nodding.
She shrugs her shoulders, grinning again. “Less work of me, so I guess I can’t complain~” The Delphox looks back at Chimera and I, her smile being mischievous once more. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t have my fun with them~”
The Deoxys-hybrid and I share a glance.
Interesting choice of words...
Now I’m not sure if I like her as much anymore...
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