#it's like. if something is a bad memory for pac he convinces himself he likes it so it feels like it was his choice and he kind of wants-
pac: i was arrested by foolish and i liked it
fit, extremely confused but not willing to kinkshame his "roommate": you know what if you enjoy it i'm glad you do 👍
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
If we go by explicit qsmp canon, then q!Cellbit didn’t have a name before prison. He was named after his cellphone- Cell. Following the math, we can safely assume that he was somewhere around 16-17 when he was arrested because he was 18 during the events of Fuga Impossível. That means he literally just didn’t have a name when he and Bad were fighting together in the ‘war’ (assume Bad calling him by his name in the video never happened because of this canon.)
This also implies that he didn’t have anybody before the war. No parents, because he probably would’ve had a name if he did. No friends, because he probably would’ve gone by something they called him- a nickname, maybe. Nobody to replace his parents, like grandparents or aunts or uncles or even just orphanage directors or anybody.
No wonder the current q!Cellbit says that his time now on the island is the happiest he’s ever been. He’s said this before waaaay back during his regret arc: he doesn’t have anybody off of the island. Considering he remembers the war (when he was 15-ish) up through the present (he remembers prison clearly and he remembers his therapy afterwards and he remembers that Felps was the one driving the boat), we can assume this to be true and not a memory loss kind of deal like everyone else. The Brazilians, for the most part, don’t seem to have the same memory loss as everyone else, probably because they were entirely unexpected. Everyone else, French included, were meant to be on the island.
So Cellbit is alone off the island. He has a family now- a son, the rest of the Favela Five, a husband, friends. He doesn’t have anybody in the outside world in his favor.
So why is he still trying to escape the island? He really isn’t. He’s trying to take down the Federation so everyone has the choice to leave. Cellbit himself doesn’t seem like he’d leave, same goes for his husband, who has also stated he’s pretty happy right now. But Roier also mentioned wanting to go to Mexico “sometimes”. Same goes for several of the other islanders: they’re pretty fine with the island, but they want to go back home and visit their loved ones. But they’re trapped and they can’t leave, so Cellbit is working towards the singular goal of giving them the opportunity to leave. He’s the single most isolated guy on the island, the only one without anyone to actually go home to, but he’s still among the ones working the hardest to save everybody because he loves everybody.
(And, honestly, I think he would go home with them at this point. Before, he wouldn’t have because he was convinced that he was alone. But now he has all these people he loves and who he’s pretty sure love him in return and, yeah. He’ll follow his husband anywhere he wants to go so long as it makes Roier happy. He’ll go visit Pac and Mike at the real og Chume Labs. He’ll see a Miku concert with Jaiden. He has them now, and that’s beautiful.)
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undercoveravenger · 5 years
The Boy with the Pac-Man Tattoo
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Original request: "Could i request a micheal x reader where Michael thinks the reader hates him because the reader is always glaring or staring at him but in actuality the readers just looking at him so he can draw Michael. One Day by accident the reader submits the drawing and it gets shown to a whole school and the reader gets embarrassed and runs off then Michael goes to comfort him."
A/N: To the anon who requested this: you are my absolute favorite! I love this boy so much, you have no idea. I don't care if my blog ever says requests are closed, I will always accept writing for him ❤
"He's doing it again," Michael groused, keeping his head down as he pretended to work on an English assignment. 
"I'm sure it's not that bad-" His best friend started as he perked up beside Michael, looking around less-than-subtly to catch the supposed culprit. "Yeah, no, he's definitely staring at you like he wants you dead," Jeremy amended unhelpfully.
Michael groaned quietly, glancing toward the right side of the room again to see if he was still being watched.
Yep, same (h/c) hair, same red leather-bound notebook, same (e/c) eyes narrowed at him intensely. Their eye contact broke when you looked back down at your notebook, scribbling away at it in the same way you always did.
"What do you think he's writing?" Jeremy's voice snapped him out of his reverie.
Michael shrugged, beginning to pack up his things as the bell rang. "Probably different ways to murder me and make it look like an accident," he replied, waiting for his friend before heading for the door. "You and I both know he's hated me since we met."
The brunet winced as he collided with someone just before he could leave the room, the force knocking both he and his attacker to the ground. "Shit, I'm so sorry man-" he started, eyes widening when they met those belonging to the boy who'd been glaring at him all year.
"Watch where you're going," you growled, leaning forward to snatch up your journal from where it'd fallen before scrambling to your feet and disappearing into the crowded hallway.
Michael sighed, picking up his spilled things (and his what was left of his dignity) and standing back up. "Told you he hated me," he said simply, looking back at Jeremy.
Jeremy shrugged, shifting his backpack straps higher up on his shoulders. "Yeah, can't argue with that, I guess."
He shook it off, leading the way toward his beat-up PT Cruiser, knowing that both of them really needed a weekend of video games to take their minds off of the hell that is Middle Borough High School.
"I really don't see why you won't just tell him you like him," Jake called, not even looking up from his phone as he spoke. He didn't really need to, after all, the three of you had had this conversation a million times.
"Yeah!" Rich chimed in from his place next to Jake, "It's not like he'd reject you! I'm, like, ninety-nine percent sure that Mell's into the artsy type anyway."
You rolled your eyes, putting the last couple of touches on your latest drawing. "Not everyone has perfect track records of not getting rejected like you two do."
Rich rolled his eyes, setting aside the xBox controller and making his way over to you. "You see this?" He asked, pointing at your drawing, "For one thing, this is fucking amazing, for two, it's kind of pathetic."
"Hey!" you protested weakly.
Rich rolled his eyes, "You know I'm right; you can't talk to the guy, so instead you draw pictures of him."
You ducked your head, unable to argue.
"You do realize that if you actually talked to him-" Jake started, sitting up and twisting around to face you. 
"You guys could be fucking by now!" Rich interrupted, waving his hands in the air over dramatically.
Jake blinked, staring at Rich for a second like he couldn't believe he'd just said that aloud. "I was going to say that maybe you could date him instead of just staring at him from a distance."
"Whatever," was all you could muster, visibly perking up when you heard the doorbell ring downstairs. "Would you look at that, an excuse to stop talking about this," you said sarcastically, turning on your heel and making your escape.
Rich waited until he heard your footsteps on the main floor before launching himself at your desk. He was methodical, pawing through drawers until he found what he was looking for.
"Rich, bro-" Jake was understandably confused, "What the hell are you doing?"
Rich turned around, your red leather-bound sketchbook in his hands. "I thought it was about time that they get their asses in gear."
"You know he doesn't like people touching that," Jake's eyes narrowed suspiciously, "What are you planning?"
The shorter male grinned, flipping through the book until he found one of his favorite portraits that you'd done of Michael before carefully extracting it from the binding. "Figured my buddy's art was good enough to be on display at the art show, don't you think?"
The Middle Borough High School Art Show was one of the highlights of the school year for many students. It wasn't necessarily that they liked the art, but it was hard to dislike an event that resulted in classes getting postponed. Most of your peers ended up trying to sneak away with someone to hook up or sneak in a quick smoke behind the bleachers. 
Normally you enjoyed the art show just as much as the next guy, but this year you were a little preoccupied. First a few of your drawings had gone missing, then Rich and Jake started acting strange. Hell, one of them had latched onto each of your arms and were steering you down the school hallways purposefully.
They finally began to slow down when the three of you approached the end of the hall near the auditorium where a large crowd was gathered around one of the art pieces. Your heart stopped in your chest when Rich shouldered his way closer to the front, dragging you with him, until you could actually see what everyone was looking at.
Michael couldn't believe his eyes. Sure, the artwork had been blown up to about ten times the original size, thus losing some of the details, but it was all there. The shading of the leaves and placement of the tree branches perfectly matched those of his memories, the sunny sky paling in comparison to the glow surrounding the focus point of the piece.
The massive drawing focused on a young man as he stood under a looming maple tree. He faced away from the viewer with one hand holding a phone, head tipped down toward it, and the other arm hanging casually at his side. Even he was turned the other way, he was still drawn in such a familiar way that it felt like it didn't matter if you couldn't see his face.
Somehow, the artist had managed to make him blend into his surroundings and stand apart from them at the same time. Worn red fabric came across looking well-loved and warm and individual pen strokes made the polar bear on the back of his hoodie look soft enough to touch, while the mountain range at the base still looked jagged and harsh.
His hair looked wind-tousled and his headphones looked like they actually held weight where they were tucked over his ears. His skin was exactly the shade it was in real life, down to the way the light brushed over the Pac-Man tattoo on the subject's forearm, perfectly mirroring the one on Michael's own.
Really, it was undeniable that the drawing had been based off of Michael. Hell, if he'd had a photo of him standing and waiting for Jeremy after school, he was half-convinced that the artwork would be more accurate.
Michael was further surprised when his gaze drifted lower and he noticed the artist's name printed on a sheet of paper hung below the art. He twisted, turning to look at the faces around him. He paused as his eyes locked onto you. 
You looked… sick. It seemed like the very existence of your artwork on that wall made you feel like you wanted to vanish, and the expression only worsened as your gaze locked with his.
As Michael watched, you tore yourself away from Rich and Jake, ducking your head and curling in on yourself as you turned tail and disappeared into the crowd.
Michael didn't even have to stop and think before he took off after you.
When Michael finally found you, it was under the same tree as the one in your drawing and he was struck by the irony for a moment. Eventually he forced himself to move, settling himself on the ground beside you as he tried to think of what to say.
It was you that finally broke the oppressive silence. "I'm sorry," you said.
It was then that Michael noticed how small you seemed in that moment. As one of the three most popular guys in school, you'd always seemed to emanate confidence- you were untouchable. But now, as you sat there with your head down and your shoulders hunched, he was struck by the fact that you were just as human as anyone else. "Why would you need to be sorry?"
"Isn't it a little, I dunno, creepy?" You laughed humorlessly, "For me to have been drawing you without your permission?"
Michael thought for a minute, trying to come up with an appropriate reply. He ended up shrugging, "I mean, it's better than thinking you were out to murder me."
That got a real laugh out of you and Michael couldn't help but grin in response. "No," you said once your laughter had subsided, "That's not something you'll need to worry about." Your grin faded a little, "Neither is the drawing thing," you amended, picking up the little red notebook that Michael had always seen you with and turning it over in your hands for a moment before holding it out to him. "I- uh, I won't draw you anymore and I figured that since you're in them, they technically belong to you."
Michael took the book from you slowly, fingers lingering on the worn leather and thumb brushing absently at a tear along the side. He lifted the cover slowly, gaze taking reverently at every drawing he uncovered, each one seeming to rewrite a little of what he'd thought he known about you. Each drawing unearthed something you treasured, whether it was a portrait of him (he couldn't help but blush at the sheer number of them, let alone the quality) or a quick sketch of a bird you'd seen and thought pretty.
He closed it after a few moments, nudging it against your thigh to get your attention. You turned back to him with a raised brow, clearly confused. "You aren't keeping it?"
"No," Michael replied, shaking his head slowly. "Who am I to keep an artist from his sketchbook, after all."
You still looked puzzled, "Really? I thought you'd be a lot less cool about this."
Michael shrugged, looking away with a flush on his cheeks, "It's kind of, I don't know, flattering, I guess? That you thought I was worth drawing."
"Worth drawing?" You mocked with a roll of your eyes, "If you were just worth drawing I would have done one and left it at that." You lifted the book pointedly, "I think you and I both know I've done a lot more than that."
The brunet chuckled, biting his lip as he tried to think of what to say. "You can, um, you can still draw me, if you want?"
You twisted around to look at him again, clearly shocked.
Michael raced to explain himself before you could say anything. "I mean, with me knowing about it this time, of course, but I thought- y'know, they're really good and with some better posing and me knowing not to move or make weird faces or something, then they could be really great and-" he cut himself off, face burning, and his hand twitched up to mess with the cord of his headphones the way he always did when he was nervous. 
You couldn't help but laugh, grinning fondly at the action you'd noticed in your time admiring him. You brought a hand up to catch Michael's, gently tugging his hand free of the cord and setting it back on his leg with a light squeeze. "You're in it for shared custody then, huh?" you teased, tapping a finger against the cover of the sketchbook. "You realize that means you'll have to deal with me more often, right?"
Michael's blush darkened and you ducked your head, "I… wouldn't be opposed?"
"Shared custody it is then." You grinned, laying back in the grass to look up at the clouds, content with enjoying the way your rocky day had turned out. Maybe this wasn't you asking him out, but it was a start.
Maybe by this time next year you'd be able to talk him into doing some nude modeling...
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sevi007 · 7 years
(Huge) list of tiny things that I loved about GotG Vol. 2 but couldn’t post separately because I would spam everyone (watch out, spoilers):
Rocket loving the music so much that he wants it to play during the battle, even when Peter himself says it’s not the right moment for it
 Everybody parenting Groot in the middle of a fight and for the rest of the movie
 The Sovereign flying their ships as if they are playing video games
 The running gag with the wrong name the Guardians use for the batteries (translation issue?)
Nebula yelling “Idiots!” at the Guardians (like honestly, same)
Rocket actually attempting to bite Peter after the trashpanda part (lesser instinct kicking in?)
 Gamora being so freaking done with her idiotic family
 On Contraxia, when Tullk calls up to Yondu as if to say “Yo, no sulkin’, come party, my friend!”
Yondu’s face when Ayesha’s group has to wait for the rug to be rolled out (WTF?)
 “If he turns out to be evil, we will kill him” – that’s the friendship I’m here for, especially since Gamora kept that promise
 Mantis. Just, Mantis in general, and her friendship with Drax especially
 Rocket kicking the Ravager’s asses and having a hell of a fun time with it (stop playing with your food, buddy)
   Rocket asking Yondu to leave Groot alone, and Yondu answering that he is not going to hand them over to Ayesha – which sounds a bit like “You don’t have to worry” in Yondu.
Ravager math and Yondu being done with it
 Nebula and that not-ripe root
 Things I didn’t want to know aka: “Did you make a penis?” – “Dude!” – “What is wrong with you?!” (I’m with Gamora on this one.)
 Rocket mocking Taserface and getting him away from beating up the helpless Yondu with it
 Nebula listing her terrible childhood and plans and Kraglin being like “Yeeeeah, I was thinking about a pretty necklace” – Nebula’s expression at that is gold
 Groot bringing all kind of things instead of the fin (that toe still haunts me)
 “Let’s agree to never discuss this again”  - actually, no, I wanted to know where that freaking toe came from.
  Both Groot and Kraglin getting into the Captain’s quarters and stealing shit without Taserface noticing anything. Healthy sleep schedule there.
  The whole “Come a little bit closer” scene
 If you listen to the lyrics of “Come a little bit closer”, it’s about a guy getting involved with the wrong woman who has a scary boyfriend and regretting it – and it’s oddly fitting, since all the Ravagers die at Yondu’s hand because they got involved with Taserface and his mutiny.
Groot riding on Yondu’s shoulder and holding onto him (what a good grand-baby-tree)
 Groot throwing Retch to his death for bullying him and neither Rocket nor Yondu stopping to make sure the baby tree can handle it alone, because of course he can!
 The Sovereign laughing at Taserface
 The freaking jump scene where everybody gets deformed
  Gamora: “I’m an assassin, I don’t dance” – proceeds to dance with the Star Dork
Gamora and Nebula screaming like madwomen at each other during their whole fight
 Peter and his first thought about being a god – “I’m gonna make a Pac-Man statue”  
Yondu straight up laughing in Rocket’s face for trying to pretend he doesn’t care, it’s a bit like “Duh, I tried to convince myself of that, too, didn’t work” especially because they both worry about the very same person, namely Peter
Peter shooting Ego even after he realizes it doesn’t work, gotta let off some steam
“Hey there, jackass!” – spaceship to the godly face
 “Of course I have issues, that’s my freaking father!” and nobody argues, because they see it makes sense
 Bickering while trying to get away from an angry, murderous god
 Peter repairing the damaged ship with ease and Yondu then handing the wheel over to him
 Kraglin singing “Soup, soup” while listening to Peter’s music
 Nebula and Yondu bonding over being slightly psychopathic in some aspects
The whole Mary Poppins scene
“Does anybody have some tape, I want to put tape over the death button!”
 You can faintly hear Yondu laughing like an idiot when Peter asks him for tape, Peter doesn’t even react to it and just asks the next person
Yondu and Groot waving at each other as Rocket flies off without Yondu, and Yondu being like “Later, twig”
 Both Drax and Gamora yelling for Peter and wanting to go back
 “I don’t use my mind to fly the arrow, I use my heart”
 Peter using a Pac Man to smash Ego’s face in – he did say he would build that, didn’t he.
 Peter trying to rip the spacesuit off and give it to Yondu even though he would die for that
Yondu tapping Peter’s face in his final moments as if to sooth him
Everyone giving Yondu something as a present to the afterlife, mostly the troll-doll got me there
 Groot, who forgets even things told to him only seconds ago, still remembering that Yondu called him “twig” and apparently being okay with it
Kraglin and Peter finding some peace in each other while they exchange “presents” from Yondu
Nebula’s and Gamora’s awkward sibling hug
 Rocket being considerate enough to actually find out where and how to call the Ravagers and doing so to get them to move their asses over here and pay some damn respect
Peter understanding even in his grief that Rocket is not only talking about Yondu and answering “Of course not”
 Drax actually trying to make up for calling Mantis ugly and calling her beautiful, even though he means inside
Kraglin’s joy when he sees the ships
 The arrow out of the ashes and Rocket seeing it and understanding that Yondu is okay, in the afterlife 
 Stakar wanting to steal some shit in memory of Yondu reminds me of the “Something good, something bad, bit of both?” – “Bit of both then” from the first movie
 Peter’s attempts at parenting and then “Now I know how Yondu felt”
 Kraglin slinking and then running away after he stabbed Drax
  Just.... this freaking movie in general.
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