#it's not as good as the real thing for laios but he appreciates whatever monster items/info he can get
funnywormz · 5 months
imagining that whenever post-canon falin returns from an adventure in a dungeon, she brings back preserved monster specimens (and/or monster food) and notes on their behaviour for laios, and cool magical items and pretty trinkets for marcille (dw she checked to make sure they weren't cursed first)
i like to think that falin gets really into gift-giving as a way of expressing love after she's been mixed with the dragon. it's those Big Avian Beast urges. like how birds bring back food for their babies and put pretty objects on display for their mates. also she's still a very sweet and thoughtful person no matter what, and it makes her happy to feel like she's providing her loved ones with things that are useful or make them happy. she probably brings things for the others too but idk what
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emilibro · 2 months
Ughhh I'm so sorry to be an ass but I see so much popular art on tumblr and around the internet that really woobifies both Laios and Kabru and their relationship, especially when they're together.... You guys are aware that Laios eats monsters the way people would like. Eat animals, right? He's not crazy or stupid or sadistic or anything. He has a special interest and it's monsters.
Furthermore, his past having himself and his sister be shunned for their interests in the abnormal made him develop a distaste for humanity. Laios has just thought monsters were way cooler since he was a kid, and Falin really looked up for him for his dedication to his interests and personal code of moral ethics. He never loved his sister less for her abilities, he admired her for what made her different. Because he's fucking awesome and they're autistic as hell.... they both went through so damn much. Laios never fit into the military, into his hometown, he barely fit into most groups of adventurers since he met Marcille, chilchuck, and company, and two of the members of that original party didn't care enough to join him. His feeling of worthlessness to his friends in the beginning of the story are enough to make him imagine a whole scenario in between major chapters where he was the one who was eaten.. and he thought nobody except Falin would care enough to save him.
Point being Laios has a much richer character that goes ALONGSIDE his special interest in monsters. Which honestly is more comparable to, like. A fucking biologist. Not a monsterfucker, not a cannibal, none of that shit. Monsterfuckers are cool as a monsterfucker but he's not one.. he's more like a furry man.... And he's not stupid he's just. Autistic. Why are we making autistic characters with a silly side seem stupid? Everyone has dumb moments sure but like.. he's really smart guys... there's a reason he's such a good leader outside of his ability to listen to his party members. Don't fall for the mischaracterization of Laios that his party members originally set for him before major important arcs guys...
And Kabru. Oh my God. Kabru. Kabru is also autistic but for humans, social interactions and culture... he's a nerd for politics and the humanities, and I'll avoid saying much more to avoid spoilers for non-manga readers but you'll see more of that as time passes. But he's not the type to be easily flustered. Laios only gets to him, not even because he's that difficult to read, but because he catches him off guard. He's an interesting critter, bro. And Kabru definitely sees that. It takes time to respect that, but within a period of time he learns to see him as a relatively competent adventurer and places a lot of faith from him. On some level, this guy has learned to understand this very interesting autistic guy who is forward with his feelings that a very autistic Kabru hasn't learned to understand. That's what makes their relationship so cool, man. He's not cold in reality (though people may perceive him that way due to backstory motivations and attitude within the dungeon), but he's a lot more serious than this... c'mon guys.. let's be a little real here please.... at this point I barely like Labru anymore because they've been so like. Babied. Woobified. Whatever the word is man. I'm starting to appreciate their friendship more as a friendship now because I just think the beautiful qualities I saw in their romance have been sort of overlooked or misinterpreted. Nowadays I just think their platonic relationship is beautiful. Sighs.
Farcille is awesome though and these girls are awesome slay
Edit: hey guys, I wanna address a couple of things here! For one, this isn't intended to be ship hate. Labru is a perfectly valid ship - rather, I'm just not a fan of how deep the mischaracterization of both characters runs, and how it results in the subsequent babying of their relationship. While it's driven me personally away from the romance a bit, I have no problem with the ship itself. Additionally, Farcille has its own issues with woobification that could use some addressing, I just haven't had to see as much mischaracterization on my feeds. Maybe in a future post I'll address some of my personal peeves with many people's characterization of Farcille, ESPECIALLY Falin.
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doorplays · 8 months
Door Reviews: Delicious in Dungeon (2014)
There has been a lot of discussion recently about the new Delicious in Dungeon (2024) anime. At the recommendation of some friends, I decided to watch it. And I enjoyed it very much! It’s a great cooking anime and unexpectedly adorable and funny. I found myself craving more of it, so I decided to read the manga it was based on. Two days later, I finished the entire thing!! And now I am here to talk about this amazing manga!!!
But Doors, you may find yourself saying, this isn’t a game! Why are you reviewing this? And to that, reader, I say: I have decided to review whatever kinda thing I wanna review now! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!!
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What’s it about?
An adventuring group gets pitted against a dragon that overwhelms them. Their cleric saves them by teleporting them out of the dungeon. Laios, the party leader, now seeks to save the cleric Falin, his sister, before it’s too late. Without much coin and resources, Laios decided to make do by cooking and eating the monsters of the dungeon, much to the chagrin of the remaining party members Marcille and Chilchuck. With the timely assistance of Senshi, an expert on monster cuisine, they will eat their way through the dungeon in an effort to save Falin!
STYLE (Art, Character Design, Backgrounds)
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The art is nice. It has this cuteness to it. It also gets so expansive, being that it is a fantasy setting with its fair share of fantasy races. You see forests, castles, caves, and other areas. A lot of variety to see!
Coming from the anime, it is nice to see the panels and enjoy them properly. There are a fair amount of wide shots to see, and it feels so nice to take them in.
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I like the variety of monsters. Ranging from the cute to the deadly, the designs are all very interesting and are given much thought so that they make sense within the world. There is a lot of thought given to the various designs and I appreciate that.
The characters are all so distinctive as well. They have varying designs and their profiles are easy to recognize, even silhouetted. I especially love Senshi’s design. His mouth isn’t drawn, but his expressions can be seen in his eyes. In general, there are a lot of amusing expressions in the manga. It’s fun seeing Laios’s wacky hijinks and Marcille’s protestations!
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All the foods look SO GOOD. It’s also fun to see how Senshi and the party cook the monsters. The similarities to real world food, the way they extract the ingredients from the monsters, it tickles me to see their processes. And I love seeing the party enjoy the food!
Overall, I love this manga’s art. It looks great, is understandable, and tells what it wants to tell really well.
SUBSTANCE (Story, Characters, Impact)
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This manga starts out as a typical DnD story. You have your party leader, your rogue, your mage, and your dungeon. You even see a dragon first thing! As the manga goes on though, its world unfurls before you, as if a flower blossoming.
Delicious in Dungeon may have monster cuisine as its main draw, but where it shines is its worldbuilding. It builds upon its DnD base and introduces various things and concepts to make its world be its own unique thing. From monster biology to racial politics, this manga makes a lot of things matter for effective storytelling.
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The main party characters all have different personalities. All of them shine through at different points. They all have their roles, and you see them play these roles in various chapters. And as time goes on, you see how their journey changes them. It feels natural, seeing them go through the dungeon.
It’s nice seeing Laios’s comprehensive knowledge of monsters. Seeing Senshi talking about cooking is nice to see too. Chilchuck is serious, but you can see he really cares about his job. And it’s fun seeing Marcille trying to help in her own way.
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Delicious in Dungeon is a cooking manga, and its themes center more around food and consumption more deeply than I expected. Food is something that we tend to take for granted, but it really is something we need to survive. The manga makes a point of malnutrition being dangerous in dungeon delving, so you have to make sure you have a balanced diet. And there’s also the act of enjoying said food, savoring them and enjoying them with others.
I have a newfound appreciation for food because of this manga, and I am thankful that it gave me that. I enjoyed the journey of reading this very much!
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Delicious in Dungeon is a wonderful manga that goes surprisingly deep. It is funny, exciting, sad, and hopeful. I encourage you all to read it when you can! And go and watch the anime too while you’re at it!!
Door Rates Delicious in Dungeon: 5/5!
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