#it's obsess over weird sidon hours
didijust · 2 years
love how fanon sidon is all princely and proper but canon sidon is just fuckin weird lmaoo
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Sidon/Hope angst+fluff selfship fanfic 💖🦈💖
Sit Next to Me 
Word count: ~2000
IT SAYS ANGST BUT IT’S ONLY FOR LIKE THE FIRST HALF it has a happy sweet adorable ending so 💕
It’s based on a song that’s pretty much the theme for our ship, Sit Next to Me by Foster the People. I first heard it when I first fell in love with Sidon and it’s been our anthem ever since. I’ve included a few lyrics as lines of dialogue and hopefully it’s not too choppy or weird to read!!! 
The more Hope thought about it, the more she couldn’t see it happening. She knew full well that by now, she was in love with the Zora prince. But she also knew full well that, one, she was a commoner, and two, she wasn't even a Zora. He seemed more than kind to her, and sometimes she even wondered if he were flirting with her, or if he enjoyed when she tried to flirt with him. But she couldn’t see him being genuinely in love with her.
She hid her face in her hands, elbows upon her thighs, as she sighed out deep. She was so frustrated with all these thoughts - she’d been thinking (obsessing more like) over this for probably an hour, now, and had stopped her horse and wagon along Zora River, interrupting her travel to Zora’s Domain entirely. This thought spiral had initially begun with excitement for seeing Sidon again, and she was actually very eager to see all the Zoras once more. But a stray thought here, a bad thought process there, and here she was, on the verge of tears as she weighed the information over and over in her head. She pulled her hands down to her cheeks, sighed heavily and stared down the river. Sniffling, she reached up to take her glasses from her eyes and cleaned them with her dress.
“Oh, it’s over,” she mumbled to herself, “it’s over, I can’t keep this up... I can’t just keep skirting around the fact that he’s not gonna return my feelings.”
She sighed again, moving to place her glasses back on her face, but she paused, feeling that warm sting in her eyes. Her brows furrowed, and she felt her lips quivering - and before she knew it, she was crying.
“I can’t, I can’t keep waiting for him, praying for the response I want,” she whimpered to herself, “I have to sober up from this lovesick nonsense!!”
She set her glasses aside in favor of pressing her face into her hands, letting herself cry into them. She was, she knew, being dramatic, but it was a long time coming. She’d made these realizations a long time ago, and had been ignoring the implications of them the whole time. And, despite that, she still fell completely and hopelessly in love with the prince.
“Say, hey there!” came a familiar voice from up the river. She lifted her head, eyes wide with shock, for she recognized it well - Prince Sidon, a ways up the river, head and shoulders above the water as he looked in her direction.
Her body trembled with an anxiety she knew well… a fear of being seen in the midst of her sobbing. And Sidon, excited to see the Hylian, sped towards her at quite a pace. She straightened herself up as quickly as she could, rubbing her eyes and grabbing for her glasses frantically, only to knock them into the water.
“No!! Shit,” she whined, starting forward to peer into the water. She glanced back towards Sidon, only to find that he had seemingly disappeared. She lifted her brows, her eyes darting to and fro to find where he had gone. She squinted, unable to see very well or very far without her glasses, before, finally, he shot out of the water right in front of her. Surfacing with a huge smile, her glasses in one hand, he floated in place before her.
“Did you drop something, my dear?” he said, beaming as he held up her glasses in one hand.
His smile was short-lived as they stared at one another. He slowly came to realize that her face was tear-stained and red. He frowned, tilting his head a touch as he leaned in with concern. She quickly covered her face and turned away, starting to clumsily bring herself up onto her feet.
“Don’t look at me, I’m fine!!” she yelled, waving a hand at him in a panic. She hated being caught this way.
“Are you alright?” he asked regardless, beginning to pull himself from the water, “are you hurt? Is everything okay?” He was very concerned for the poor girl, approaching her with her glasses held gently in his hand. She took a moment to turn just enough to grab at her glasses, quickly setting them onto her face, before turning away once again in attempt to run to her wagon. “Hope, wait!” he called, grabbing her hand before she could wander too far. She whined, peeking over her shoulder at him.
“I’m sorry, I’m fine, please…” she mumbled, defeated now, and tearing up again. She tried to tug herself away, but the Zora wouldn’t let her. He tugged her a bit closer.
“Hey, come over here,” he uttered, eyeing her with the most delicate look. “Hope, please, tell me what’s wrong, won’t you?”
“It’s… I’m sorry, it’s just, I don’t want to bother you,” she started, but she was cut off quickly.
“You won’t bother me, my friend,” he spoke with a gentle tone, tugging her a bit closer. “Why don’t you come over here, and sit next to me?”
He gestured to the riverside, and she couldn’t help but give in to the prince’s request. They sat beside the running water, mostly in silence save for Sidon occasionally asking if she were okay for perhaps a good ten minutes while Hope recollected herself. She was, soon enough, only sniffling, rather than on the verge of tears, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak or even look at Sidon. She determined, a while ago, that she might as well come clean to him about how she felt, so that she could get his polite rejection over with.
“Hope,” he spoke softly, interrupting her thoughts, “I’m ready to listen whenever you’re ready to talk.” She breathed in and glanced up at him for but a moment, diverting her eyes back to the water almost immediately.
“I guess,” she began, “I’d better pour out the truth, since we’re both here.”
Sidon tilted his head, peering down at her, towering over her even as they sat down beside one another. He leaned in a bit.
“What truth?”
Hope felt her body tremble in anxious, nauseous anticipation, and before she could figure out the most tactful way to say what she meant to say, she blurted it out.
“I’m starting to have feelings,” she said, as quick as she could. She clenched her eyes shut tight. She couldn’t bear to look at him as she continued to speak. “I have feelings for you, Sidon,” she said, slowly this time, her body continuing to shiver and her voice cracking slightly.
It was a terrible few moments of silence, the quiet they shared after she told him what she’d been hiding for, perhaps, months now. She felt herself finally giving in to the situation, knowing full well she was in for a conversation no matter how this went.
“Is that true..?” he asked, tentative in his tone. She nodded quickly, opening her eyes only to peer into the river. She heaved a sigh, and, after another moment of silence, Sidon turned his gaze to the river as well, his hands nervously working against the ground as his fin tail began to twitch… or, wag? Was it wagging? She peered out of the corner of her eye, and she would be amused to find his tail gently flicking back and forth, if she weren’t confused out of her mind at the reaction. What did a Zora’s “head tail thing” wagging mean, anyway?
“Sidon, you okay?” she mumbled, offering a nervous chuckle to ease her own tension and uncertainty, and she was met with an equally nervous laugh from him, a bit louder.
“Yes, I’m… I’m feeling quite fine.” Sidon turned his gaze to the Hylian woman at long last, and Hope felt a surprised and confused shiver through her body as she beheld the expression on Sidon’s face. His eyes were so, so warm and dreamy, and his smile was the softest and the most genuine Hope had ever seen since they’d met. Her eyes widened a bit, as she was entirely unprepared for this entire response she was giving him right now.
“Hope, I…” he uttered slowly, his hand slipping gently over hers, causing a gasp from her. She looked down as his much larger scaly hand felt softly along the top of hers, her heart nearly pounding out of her chest. “I feel the same.” He leaned in a bit closer to her, and their eyes locked as they both took in the moment.
“Wh...what..?” was Hope’s dumbfounded, soft, hesitant response.
“Hope, the times we’ve shared together have been so… marvelous,” Sidon continued, almost a bit timid, which was a strange change of pace for the prince. “I cherish our moments together… I think you are so, so charming, and you are just… I… ahh, I’m- I’m so sorry, I, ahh… ” the prince stuttered, which Hope had never heard once in the time they’d known each other. “I’m sorry, this is quite..! Sudden! And quite unfounded of me, as this was meant to be your moment, not mine!”
“No, it’s…” Hope began, thoroughly relieved, and even more so dumbstruck, and even more so thrilled to hear these things. It took everything in her to believe this wasn’t just a dream, or a fantasy of hers. “It’s surprising,” she laughed, her cheeks bright red and her laughter thoroughly shy but wholesome, “but it’s… really nice, Sidon…”
The shark prince smiled, his bright teeth showing in full and his eyes squinting in delight. He turned towards her just enough to take both her hands, which caused a nervous squeak from her, but he ignored it in favor of tugging her even closer to him. He bowed his head, and Hope found herself yet again dumbstruck and speechless, unsure when she was going to wake up from this flawless fantasy she had to be having. The prince was bowing to her? And holding her hands, and sitting so close to her, and confessing his feelings for her.
“I’ve grown very, very fond of you, Hope,” Sidon spoke, his eyes slipping shut as he spoke sincerely. “If you would have me, I would protect you with my life.” He encased both her hands between his, holding them gently but firmly, lifting his head to gaze into her eyes. “I'd take you higher than any man could,” he uttered. She wasn't even entirely sure what that meant, or what he meant by it, but it made her heart tremble. “For you, I would part the sea.”
Her heart raced, and she was convinced it was gonna straight up stop at some point. This was something right out of a fairytale, and she was the protagonist, somehow. She felt herself slipping into a dreamy daze, her head tilting back as she found herself inching closer and closer to him. His words, and his delivery of them, as a noble and polite prince, were like magic to her, and she was under a spell.
Until she shook her head, fully realizing the gravity of the implications.
“Wait-” she started, “wait, no, this is crazy!!!”
He blinked down at her. It was all going so well. His expression was similar to that of a confused puppy.
“Hm??” was all he could muster in response.
“Sidon, you’re a Zora prince and I’m a commoner peasant Hylian!!!” she yelped, laughing a bit as she lifted her hands from his, lowering her gaze to them. Sidon’s eyes widened, and he began to chuckle, taking her hands again with more fervor this time.
“We’ll make it work!” he cried, a huge grin on his lips, “don’t Hylians do it all the time? Court outside their species?”
She couldn’t help but to laugh more fully now. She closed her eyes as she started to tear up once again, this time from relief and her laughter.
“Sidon!!” she cried, before the Zora tugged her into a hug, which made her squeal out and giggle in delight.
“We can see where things go naturally, my darling!” he nearly shouted, lifting a hand in a dramatic gesture as he held her against him with his other arm. She found herself comfortably snuggling against him, and happily disregarding her natural anxieties of what their relationship would entail in favor of starting the relationship in the first place.
She giggled into her hands as she hid her face, and Sidon found himself smiling warmly at her once more, curling downward to watch her expression as she let loose happy tears. He began to feel that dreamy feeling as he fully realized he was finally holding her against him the way he had dreamed of for so long, as he, too, had been struggling with feelings for the girl for quite some time.
Hope pressed her cheek to Sidon’s chest, closing her eyes as she finally let her hands rest upon her lap. She breathed in deep, and let out a happy sigh, as the prince eased himself to lean back on one hand, eyeing the sky as dusk began to fall. He grinned his usual grin, before looking down at his newfound lover.
“Thank you for sitting next to me, Hope.”
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vampasaurus · 7 years
20 Questions
Rules: Answer the twenty questions, then tag twenty people to get to know them better.
Tagged by: @prince-aries
Name: Lee
Nicknames: I have a slew of adorable nicknames from my lady. Most notably; Shmoop. Also Lederhosen.
Zodiac Sign(s): your typical stubborn, lazy food-motivated taurus
Height: 5′7’’
Orientation: honestly, I have no fukkin idea
Ethnicity: my family’s mostly German, but For all intents and purposes I’m just white mystery.
Favorite Fruit: I ADORE fruits. I’ll gladly eat all types. (Excluding citrus, which I am allergic to.) I can’t pick a favorite. I normally just obsess over what is currently in season.
Favorite Season: WINTER. summer is terrible and I despise it. I hate being warm. Spring doesn’t exists here. Fall is pretty great too, but I just love snow so much.
Favorite Book: of all time; Drawing Blood by Poppy Z Brite. I’ve read it cover to cover at least a dozen times. Very close second is the Wings of Fire series. I love every book. Im trash for dragons.
Favorite Flowers: black calla lillies are my top fav. But I also snap dragons, weird exotic rose hybrids, lilacs and and hydrangeas.
Favorite Scent: Fruity smells and lilacs.
Favorite Color: purple and that neon moutain dew-esque green
Favorite Animal: Dragons. Ok but I love all animals, so much. But my top favs are sharks, hyenas, flamingoes, bats and rabbits.
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: I only coffee if it’s dolled up in sugar and chocolate. So I guess hot cocoa.
Sleep hours: low key insomniac. In bed by 11, asleep by 1 or 2. Awake (and grouchy af) at 7. Cat or dog: Both are great. But I prefer dogs just a teeny bit more
Favorite fictional character:HOO BOY. Estinien, Lord Hein, Zenos and Leviathan from FFXIV, Prince Sidon, Fenris from Dragon Age II, Deathbringer from WoF, Vincent Valentine, Farkas from Skyrim. I’ll just stop there, the list is HUGE.
Dream Trip: I’m not much for travel. But I wanna go to see Japan with my Lady.
When did I make this blog? I have no idea. It was at least several years ago.
Number of followers: around 150. I don’t pay attention to the number. My tastes fluctuate so much i don’t expect people to stick around forever.
I’m really shy about tagging folks, so Im officially tagging everyone who sees this and wants to do it. Tag me if you do! I love my followers and I wanna read about anyone who wants to share!!
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