#it's so self indulgent but goddd do i adore it every time i read it
thevioletcaptain · 2 years
Sorry for the delayed reply, anon! This immediately made me think of my WIP called Teachable Moments which contains a lot of texting and phone calls, and is frankly nothing but a very self indulgent porn-with-some-plot fic set sometime shortly after Advanced Thanatology (in an alternate version of canon where he came back human and asked Dean for "help" in "understanding" "how to masturbate")
This scene comes in the second of six chapters, when Dean has gone to help another hunter who needed an extra set of hands on a case in Arizona, and Cas is back at the bunker. I couldn't decide whether to include the texting section or the phone call section, so this is an extra long excerpt containing both. Enjoy this mildly nsfw snippet!
Dean has barely shut the door behind him when his cell buzzes in his pocket, and he groans as he digs it out, half-expecting to see a message from Murphy asking him another basic-ass question that he should already know the answer to. When he sees Cas' name on the screen, the tension drains right out of him. Cas: How is the hunt going? Dean: Murph is a mess but I knew that going in. Too damn hot out here though. Cas: 😔 Dean: It's fine. Motel has good AC at least. Sprung for a nicer place than usual just in case. Cas: Just in case? Shit, Dean thinks. Chews his lip while he types out his reply. He knows there's no point trying to make something up--he's too tired and overheated right now to come up with anything convincing, and Cas will just wheedle it out of him anyway. Besides the fact that he knew when he was checking in that he was going to have to say something if he wanted a repeat of last Thursday. Dean: Yeah, you said you wanted to do it again, so… Dean: Just figured I should stay somewhere where I wouldn't feel weird about going bare-ass on the sheets Cas: I see. Dean: We don’t have to though Dean: It's fine if you changed your mind Cas: I want to. Dean: Yeah? Cas: Yes. Absolutely. Cas: I was actually trying to think of the best way to ask, so you've saved me the trouble. Cas: Are you busy right now? The three messages come through in rapid succession, Cas typing faster than Dean recalls ever seeing, and if he were a lesser man he'd call Murphy right now and tell him he can dig up the bones on his own. Unfortunately, no matter how much his downstairs brain is currently demanding it, he can't bring himself to leave the guy in the lurch. Dean: Now’s no good. Meeting Murph at the cemetery in 30. Cas: Later, then? Dean: Sure. Want me to text you when I get back? Cas: Yes. I’ll be waiting. Dean’s chest feels cracked open at those words. I’ll be waiting. Cas is going to wait for him. Cool, he writes back, feeling anything but. Cas just sends the sunglasses emoji in reply. Fuck, Dean thinks, staring down at it until his screen goes dark. This is a bad idea. *** Ghost: busted, he texts Cas several hours later, letting the door to his room swing shut behind him. The cool air of the room is instantly soothing. He pulls off his dirt-stained jacket and tosses it onto the chair by the wall, and by the time he’s started toeing off his boots with a plan to hit the shower before he calls, his phone is ringing. “Cas?” “That took a lot longer than I expected,” Cas tells him, and there’s a quality to his voice that sends every drop of blood in Dean’s body directly to his dick. His voice is thinner than usual. Breathier. He sounds as though he’s been balancing on a razors edge for hours. Like he’s been waiting for Dean in only the strictest sense; waiting to come with him, but more than happy to get himself to the precipice alone. “You said you were gonna wait,” Dean breathes out. “I did. I am. I haven’t come yet.” “Fuckin’ hell, Cas. I, uh… look, I just walked in the door, I was gonna shower before we—“ “Could you—“ Cas starts, then stops. Dean hears him swallow, the click of his throat loud down the line. “Could I what?” “It— never mind, it’s probably ‘crossing a line’.” Dean’s not sure how to tell Cas that they crossed the line three shared orgasms ago. He can’t even see the line at this point. The line is in a whole other state. “Ask,” he says instead. “If it’s too much, I’ll say so.” There’s a long pause. “C’mon, cas,” he says, pitching his voice low. “If you want something, ask.” “Could you bring the phone with you?” “Into the shower?” “Into the bathroom. You could put it on speaker, and I could…” Cas lets out a stuttered breath. “I could try doing what you did, last time. Just to… to see if I like it. Telling someone what to do.” “You want to tell me what to do in the shower?” “If you’re amenable.” Dean’s throat is bone dry. “Um. Yeah. That’s… yeah, we can do that.” Cas lets out a low sound. “Thank you,” he says, and then, without skipping a beat: “Take off your clothes.”
[for this ask meme | other responses here]
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