#it's such a fun mix of really detailed police procedural
I found a new book series a while ago, btw, and I'm planning to be obnoxious about it now that I'm caught up, or at least I will be when I have some actual spare time. Feel free to blacklist 'rivers of london' if you don't care, I'll be tagging all posting after this with that.
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 months
Knives Out (2019)
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Knowing the way Knives Out ends doesn’t diminish its enjoyment one bit. This is a wonderfully original whodunnit that breaks the rules and comes up with all sorts of new tricks - the kind you can’t believe no one has thought of before. It’s an instant favorite.
The morning after his 85th birthday, wealthy crime novelist Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer) is found dead of a suicide. As the police go through the usual procedures, everything seems cut and dry except for one detail: Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig). He’s been hired anonymously to investigate. How could whoever slipped him that fat envelope of money in the middle of the night know Thrombey would die… unless they knew something the police don’t?
The genius of Knives Out is that we’re told very early what happened to Harlan Thrombey. Harlan’s nurse, Marta Cabrera (Ana de Armas) mixed up his medications. He convinced her to walk away while he killed himself so no one would find out about the fatal mistake she’d made. Despite this, it takes no time for you to bond with Marta. Firstly, because she’s a good person who simply made a mistake. Secondly, because Benoit Blanc’s interrogation allows us to meet the members of the Thrombey family. Each of these characters is so unique and so memorable that a film with all of them together can only be categorized as a delight. It doesn’t matter that you already know “the ending”. You’re just having a great time (you’re not the only one; the performers are clearly having a lot of fun) sitting down and watching these people.
Then, this funny thing happens. You spend enough time with Linda Drysdale (Jamie Lee Curtis), her bumbling husband Richard (Don Johnson), their son Hugh (Chris Evans), Harlan’s son Walt (Michael Shannon), his wife Donna (Riki Lindhome), their son Jacob (Jaeden Martell), and Harlan’s daughter-in-law, Joni (Toni Collette) to think something might not be quite what it seems. Come to think of it, we know what happened to Harlan, but not who hired Benoit Blanc, so we really don't know after all. It gets to the point where you even suspect people who couldn’t have possibly had anything to do with Harlan’s death, like his housekeeper Fran (Edi Patterson), his elderly mother Wanetta (K Callan) or his gentle granddaughter Meg (Katherine Langford). There’s something amiss. You know Marta caused Harlan to kill himself but there’s more to this story. You know it. Before you think maybe the accident wasn’t an accident at all, let me stop you because writer/director Rian Johnson gives her one of the best quirks you could in a movie like this: the inability to lie. Now you see how complex a situation this is. If Benoit asks her directly if she contributed to Harlan’s death, she has to tell him. She’ll lose everything. Worse, the movie will end and we won’t get to find out what the deal is with the children and grandchildren.
The worst part of Knives Out is that these characters are not going to show up in a sequel. Benoit Blanc will but this film is filled with all of these great, memorable people. Some are slimy from the get-go, others are not what they seem at first. I had seen the film before. I knew the twists but it didn’t matter. I enjoyed seeing these people again and watching the hints pay off. Knives Out is a terrific screenplay and loads of fun. (December 31, 2022)
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back-and-totheleft · 2 years
Apart from his undeniable boldness and virtuosity as a filmmaker, Oliver Stone has a genius for promotion.
He's interpreted his fellow baby boomers' peak experiences as paradigms of America's lost innocence -- and sold them with passion to a large and engaged (or enraged) audience. Like Spike Lee, he's been his own best publicist, using political controversy to grab the media spotlight for causes that he's made his own.
He's often mixed documentary detail with speculation or melodrama -- most daringly in 1991's JFK, which implicated Lyndon B. Johnson in the cover-up of a conspiracy to kill the president. But even audiences who deny Stone's premises can embrace or have fun wrestling with his juicy pastiches. He fills his pictures with persuasive and compelling details. After films like Born on the 4th of July, it was common to hear even seasoned journalists exclaim through their applause or tears, "I loved this movie because, to me, it was history!"
Over the past two decades, there've been rumors of "a new Stone," like "a new Nixon," emerging in this new film or that. Inevitably, some show of excess or indulgence would sabotage that image.
But with World Trade Center there really does seem to be a new Stone -- humble, restrained and intent on sticking to the verifiable facts. The director, who turns 60 in September, has assumed the philosophic stance of an elder statesman. At a press stop in Boston, drawing journalists from all over the Mid-Atlantic and New England, there were no signs of the director-shaman who downed peyote and channeled Jim Morrison as he directed The Doors (1991) or the director-general who tried to conquer the ancient world with Alexander (2004). I couldn't help asking whether molding this real story of tragedy and triumph in the shadows of the fallen towers had mellowed him or brought him richer directorial moods and textures. With a twinkle he chalked it up to age and experience: "Like wine," of course, he says -- then adds, with a soft, self-deprecating chuckle, "or cheese."
In a suite at Boston's new Ritz-Carlton, right across the Public Gardens from the old Ritz, Stone spoke quietly and thoughtfully about the characters and themes of his new movie, World Trade Center, which opens nationally Wednesday. It's the harrowing, ultimately inspiring, fact-based tale of two Port Authority Police Department cops, Sgt. John McLoughlin (Nicolas Cage), an expert on evacuation procedures who'd been through the 1993 WTC bombing, and Will Jimeno (Michael Pena), a mere nine-
month veteran of the force, caught together in the rubble on Sept. 11. When Stone made his first major movie, Salvador (1986), he liked to remind interviewers that the title was Spanish for redemption. World Trade Center turns out to be a tale of redemption, too. It's about people rising from catastrophe to help each other because it is the right thing to do.
Raves in the newsweeklies and trade publications have marveled that the film avoids politics and centers on the human drama. Stone thinks people shouldn't be surprised.
"My films are not that political," he contends. "Look at them. Even JFK is a question mark." It questioned that a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, killed President John F. Kennedy, and postulated a conspiracy to assassinate him because he upset the status quo and was about to pull out of Vietnam. But, Stone says, "it could have been embraced by the right wing because it was responding to Barry Goldwater's demand for an open government responsible to the people. Even Nixon (1995) was not a hatchet job, as some feared; it was a humanistic portrayal. What I say between movies I say because I feel, as Sean Penn puts it. I don't want to be muzzled just because I'm a celebrity. I served my country, I pay taxes. … To say that because you're a celebrity, you don't know anything is to voice an ignorant, demeaning, condescending attitude."
None of his between-film comments proved more incendiary than the ones reported from an Oct. 1, 2001, seminar called Making Movies That Matter: The Role of Filmmaking in the National Debate. Stone linked the attack on the World Trade Center to the riot against the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle: He saw the events of Sept. 11 as part of a pattern of rebellion against the new global economic order. And as a filmmaker talking about filmmaking, he sutured that theme to his own frustration at conglomerates taking over studios and imposing corporate values. But a transcript reveals that he also said of the Sept. 11 atrocities, "I was in Vietnam. This is very personal to me and frankly I feel as if my daughter had been raped. … It's a violation on a very deep level and I feel very sad." He empathized with and paid tribute to "all those families in Jersey, and the father is not coming home or the mother is not coming home. It's just terrifying. They'll never be in their families' lives again. This is very emotional stuff and it does take time."
Still, the damage had been done. Because of the one-two punch of that talk and the domestic failure of Alexander (it did gross more than $175 million internationally), the director's power evaporated. Rarely had he ever been quite this Stone-cold. This director had also been a prolific producer, with credits ranging from small jewels like 1992's South Central and 1996's Freeway to ambitious misfires like 1996's The People vs. Larry Flynt to TV films like the terrific 2001 docudrama The Day Reagan Was Shot.
But now he couldn't get anything started on his own behalf.
So he actively petitioned for World Trade Center.
Stone's agent, Bryan Lourd of Creative Artists Agency, first told him about Rockville, Md., native Andrea Berloff's script in November 2004. "I don't know, Oliver," he said. "It's weird. I don't know if anybody's going to finance it or if this is going to make a dime. But I read it three weeks ago and it stayed with me." Stone read it and had the same feeling. "The difference was, I knew right away I wanted to make it."
Until Stone read Berloff's script, he hadn't thought of viewing Sept. 11 literally from the bottom up. As he kept reading, he kept getting more excited. It wasn't just the story of the two men
trapped below the surface, buoying up each other with their talk of faith and duty and family, and of their wives handling grief and nerves and hope on what swiftly became an unprecedented home front. It was also the mind-boggling tale of David Karnes, an actual ex-Marine from Connecticut, who watches the catastrophe on TV and talks his way onto the site, where he runs into another mysterious Marine and embarks on a mission to find survivors in the collapsed concrete and metal. "Unbelievable!" Stone exults. "Miraculous!" Except for the rabid satiric pulp of Natural Born Killers (1995) and the camp pulp of U-Turn (1997), Stone had based all his pictures on real-life testimony. So he thought the first-hand accounts of McLoughlin and Jimeno were simply "gold."
He was astounded to learn that Hollywood's top A-listers had passed on the project. "Maybe it was too small a story; who knows?" Stone told the producers, Michael Shamberg and Stacey Sher, that for him the relatively small scale of the plot within the larger picture was a plus. "I would make this thing as lean and sparse as I could," he promised them. "It should not be an epic; it should be small, microcosmic."
It was also, for Stone, a tale of America's working class. The opening sequence depicts the multiethnic first responders, not the white-collar crowd, coming in from middle to lower middle-class New York and New Jersey suburbs at the crack of dawn. Several hours later, McLoughlin is leading Jimeno and others into the wounded World Trade Center; before they can rescue anyone, they're trapped 20 feet beneath the rubble field. Only McLoughlin's sighting of an elevator shaft saves them.
"I like working-class pictures," Stone says. "You look at my football movie, Any Given Sunday (1999), and it's about working-class guys -- the players may make more money but their bodies are what they use to work. I don't think we make enough working-class pictures. It's a real shame. Now we're making all these upper-middle-class, upper-class movies. Everybody is the same."
I mention something writer-director Robert Towne (Chinatown) likes to say: "When I grew up, people did things for a living." Stone laughs, surprisingly lightly and easily. "Yeah, you don't see much of that in movies anymore. Now it's more like Seinfeld. You sit around and have an attitude. I never got that. I guess I'm old school, like Bob Towne, on that one."
A child of privilege (his father was a Manhattan stockbroker, his mother a French jet-setter), Stone connected to American working men first on a Yankee ship in the merchant marine and then during the 15 months of service in Vietnam that he fictionalized in Platoon (1986). He sealed his industry standing with that picture, drawing on his experience of combat and in-the-field military politics. (Stone won best director and best picture Oscars; he had previously won a screenwriting Oscar for 1978's Midnight Express, and would later win another directing Oscar for Born on the 4th of July.)
Despite the years it took to make Platoon -- or maybe because of them -- the film proved thoroughly in sync with the country's mainstream feelings about the Vietnam War as a flawed mission filled with tragedy and excess as well as heroism. Indeed, despite Stone's reputation for controversy, movies like Platoon, his bringing-the-war-back-home epic Born on the 4th of July and Wall Street (1987), with corporate raider Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) declaring "greed is good," landed smack in the middle of the Zeitgeist and cleaned up at the box office. Even the headline-grabbing, editorial-inciting JFK earned eight Oscar nominations (bringing home two) and grossed $205 million worldwide.
With a Newsweek cover story and vast TV coverage, World Trade Center has blanketed the media in a way Paul Greengrass' extraordinary United 93 didn't. Maybe that's because, again, Stone offers a message that Americans are hungry to hear right now: Some good can come out of a near-apocalypse; the country can unite in the face of a national threat.
It was a new regime at Paramount, anxious to break away from the old regime's reputation for formula, that gave the green light for Stone to shoot World Trade Center. Nicolas Cage signed on to play McLoughlin because he trusted Stone to craft the best version of the story. Then Stone partnered up with screenwriter Berloff, who feels the "elder statesman" tag fits Stone well. She thought that as soon as Stone came on board he would fire her: "Why would he want to have me around?" she wonders anew, over the phone from Los Angeles. "This guy can write himself." After the first meeting, she was "incredibly intimidated." Then she decided, "If I was going to go down, I'd go down fighting." She let him know when she thought he was wrong and established an honest collaboration.
She says Stone has a genuine desire "to help younger writers." And whatever you think of Stone's output, you don't spend 20 years as a director of films ranging from the claustrophobic (Talk Radio, 1988) to the would-be spectacular (Alexander) without learning a thing or two about snagging an audience and holding it.
Stone told Berloff to establish that when McLoughlin and Jimeno were pinned down, sleep was something to fight off and numbness to be feared. The director and writer spent hours counter-pointing the men's plight with the tension of the wives and families waiting in New Jersey and New York. They figured out how to vary and sustain the rescues of the two men, emphasizing the mechanical challenges of extricating Jimeno (who came up first) and the psychological hurdle of McLoughlin spending hours more alone in the hole. "It was Will vs. the debris, and John vs. his mental demons," Berloff says. And all in all, she says, bearing down on the script with Stone was "pretty great."
Not even Stone's notorious tardiness set her back. "It's true that if I arrived at his office for a noon meeting, it inevitably was 12:30. I realized that he was taking the extra time to go over his notes, to get his head focused on what we'd be talking about, and we worked closely and intensely every day for six weeks."
On the other hand, Cage, an amazing, versatile actor, who like Berloff considers Stone a great filmmaker, never got used to Stone Standard Time and couldn't get on his director's wavelength. Also in Boston to promote the picture, Cage partly blames his own intensity. He constantly projected himself into McLoughlin's thought process. And especially when he was in the hole, "I was like in a zone, a zombie-like trance, for much of the day. The most profound thing I was thinking about was all the letters of the children at the memorial they have at Ground Zero, the shrine to all the departed. After reading the letters to all the parents who had died, or passed on, I would think about them in the hole and try to find some way of metaphorically answering those letters. So it wasn't a good time to goof or laugh or joke around, and Oliver thought I was a bore to be around."
Really? I asked. A bore? Does Cage mean that as a joke?
Cage's face, long in every sense of the word, suddenly breaks into a smile as he utters a low, shy laugh. "Sort of a joke," he says. "I mean, sometimes, I'd be in my trailer for hours and Oliver would be very, very late. I was in there trying to connect to whatever good voodoo I could to get in that zone. By the time I would get to the set I was so vibrating to work to make the scene that if he'd say, 'Hi' I wouldn't hear him."
In one of many tricky sequences, McLoughlin tries to communicate his fellow cop Jimeno's love for his family over a walkie-talkie that doesn't function. To avoid sappiness, Cage thought of the voice of the super-computer HAL in Stanley Kubrick's 2001, and how it slowed down singing "Daisy" while the computer was being deconstructed. It helped him picture McLoughlin's brain slowing down, so he could play the sentiment-filled moment "without being schmaltzy." But when Stone arrived on set, the director announced he wanted to do another shot first. Cage told him, "I was waiting forever and it was time. Then he said not to worry about Paramount being on the set. And I didn't even know Paramount was on the set, I didn't even want to think about it, I just wanted to get this scene!"
Stone says, "Nic is very sensitive … and Nic is an intellectual on top of that. He's always playing chess with you; he's always challenging or questioning you, and I like that."
Paramount being on the set would have meant something to Stone and his search for authenticity on this picture. The director shot Ground Zero and his interior sets in Los Angeles but resisted the Hollywood impulse to make close quarters bigger to benefit the camera or the lighting. He imported 60 real rescuers, veterans of Sept. 11. Many came forward when they heard of this production, to ensure that the right accents would echo through the set and the correct procedures would be followed. He sought to make the home scenes particular to Clifton, N.J., or Goshen, N.Y., or Wilton, Conn. Ultimately, he says his vision was the same as it was on all his pictures. "Eyewitnesses first. Realism, talk to people."
Only when prodded does he let himself expand. "Dramatists came before historians, we forget this. On the cave walls, they painted dramatic stories -- the hunts, the initiations. Herodotus doesn't come until after Sophocles and Aeschylus. I don't know why historians look down on dramatists. We look at the trees the same way they do, we pull back and look at the forest and they do, too." Actually, in World Trade Center, Stone has scored a comeback not by pulling back to see the forest. Telling the tale of two PAPD cops, he stands in respectful awe at a couple of trees.
-Michael Sragow, "A New Stone Age," The Baltimore Sun, Aug 5 2006 [x]
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ofsage · 5 years
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is that [MATTHEW DADDARIO]? no, that’s just [SAGE SLATER]. [HE/HIM] is [TWENTY-EIGHT] years old and is a [PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR]. rumor has it they’ve been in town for [ALMOST HIS ENTIRE LIFE]. on a good day, they’re [ASTUTE & JOCUND]. but watch out! they can also be [RECKLESS & UNRULY]. [LOWLIFE BY NECK DEEP] plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill! [sam, 23, est, she/her]
hey there demons! it’s me...sam, and i was here briefly once but i decided it might be time to retire the muse i had brought in, so i’m back with a brand new muse that’s still a lot like the last one so please message me if you would like to plot!
i. stats
𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖: sage silvestre slater
𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕠𝕨𝕟: springhill, new jersey
𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙: june 1st, 1991
𝕫𝕠𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕔: gemini
𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: bisexual
𝕠𝕔𝕔𝕦𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: private investigator
𝕚𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪: dr. rosemary slater good ( mother ), professor of psychology at ucla & corwin slater ( father ), retired detective of the springhill police department.
𝕡𝕠𝕤. 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕤: astute, jocund, ebullient, well-meaning.
𝕟𝕖𝕘. 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕤: reckless, unruly, flippant, puerile.
ii. history
sage silvestre slater was born and raised in springhill, new jersey. at the time, his mother had a small practice in town while his father was an officer rising quickly through the ranks at the local police department.
he was a precocious kid, but more often than not his natural intelligence was overshadowed by an ostensible inability to sit still and constant antics. ( a diagnosis of adhd later on would explain some of this behavior. ) his teachers were nonplussed and unsure of what to do with him, but his father had a plan.
sage’s father saw potential in him and decided that he would train his son, honing his raw skills and molding him into the perfect detective. five years old when the lessons and lectures began, sage was too young to question his entire life being planned out for him, which often led to feelings of confusion and dejection when he was scolded for spending his time on the things he had a genuine interest in : games, movies, television, spending time with his friends. typical kid stuff that he wasn’t allowed to enjoying.
he was eleven years old when his parents officially divorced, an event he could have handled well by itself, but it led to his mother accepting a job offer all the way in california. he felt abandoned and his father floundered. he was never the parent who dealt with emotions. he eventually decided that his solution was to simply ignore it. he didn’t even try to talk to sage about the divorce or his mother leaving or any of his problems ever.
fishing trips ( something he’s always hated ), rides in the passenger seat of his cruiser ( dampened by lectures on police procedures that he had no interest in ), regular visits to the shooting range ( where it was quickly discovered that he’s a crack shot but he hated it after trying it once ). his father tried everything except talking and listening.
sage was so frustrated and angry that he started acting out. he was getting constant detentions at school and his perpetually middling grades plummeted. he argued with his father every day and broke curfew every night. he bought a motorcycle at sixteen and at seventeen, he dropped out of school and left town in the middle of the night.
it was the first time in his life that he had ever felt freedom. no teachers, no arguments, no controlling father breathing down his neck. he spent a couple months simply wandering around the country, picking up random odd jobs just for the fun of it ( and for the cash ). he had no permanent residence, no responsibilities and no attachments. it was practically paradise for him except for one thing : he can’t turn it off.
he was working as a cashier at some convenience store in the middle of nowhere when it was robbed by several figures in masks that completely covered their faces. sage solved the case with minutes to spare before the police arrived and he immediately told them who to go arrest. the story generated headlines that went viral, and for once in his life he hated the attention he was receiving...until the offers started pouring in.
he found out that people were willing to pay him to solve their mysteries : everything from people asking him to locate their missing keys to assisting police departments around the country with cases, often ones that were labeled unsolvable until he came along.
maybe he wasn’t a police officer at heart...but he was certainly a detective.
by the time he returned to his hometown, sage felt like he was gone for several lifetimes when it had only been a few months. he started renting a cheap apartment and avoided his dad for as long as possible. ( he found out through the local rumor mill that the man had finally retired while he was gone. ) a steady stream of cases kept him busy until one in particular left him stumped and he didn’t know where else to go for advice, except the person who taught him everything he knows about solving a puzzle.
his father disapproved of the business ( which didn’t surprise sage at all ), but would ultimately begin to offer advice whenever his son approached him with a difficult case. the two are currently working on improving their relationship, but often fall back on their old habit of petty squabbling.
PERSONALITY : the textbook definition of man - child. spends his free time playing video games, watching movies and eating snacks. has a joke or sarcastic remark prepared for every single occasion and he takes almost NOTHING seriously. constant obscure pop culture references mixed with eerily accurate statements about a complete stranger can make him difficult to hold a conversation with, but he’s also affable and witty. he’s an extremely loyal friend who’s always there when it counts, but not the best person to trust with the little things because he will fuck up somehow. does ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING purely for the fun of it. a literal genius who’s borderline ashamed of his intelligence.
iii. extras
sage is hyper - observant and highly skilled at deductive reasoning. he can look at something for all of five seconds and then hours later he’s describing it perfectly, right down to even the tiniest detail. he often learns things about people through his observations rather than through conversation, which he sometimes forgets and so he slips up and says weird things to people about themselves.
he loves movies and television. there’s always something on in the background when he’s working on a case, and most of the time it’s something obscure and / or 80s.
takes adderall for his adhd, but he’s really irresponsible about it so from day to day whether or not he’s on his medication is honestly a toss up.
HUGE COMMITMENTPHOBE. it’s likely part of his abandonment issues. he tries to avoid relationships altogether, but if he gets into one then he’s a total disaster and usually resorts to self - sabotaging when things are going well so that he isn’t abandoned again.
in high school he was captain of the baseball team and he played football and basketball. he had his letters and probably would’ve gotten noticed by scouts if he hadn’t dropped out and run away from home.
he has a sweet tooth, which is obvious due to his diet of nothing but candy, snacks, and junk food. he’s always hungry and usually always eating because he somehow always has food on him.
he was probably born late and has continued the trend by never ever being on time even once in his life.
wears mismatched converse high top sneakers : one green, one blue. a decision made because one day he just could not find either of the other shoe has turned into a fashion statement and is now one of his most distinctive quirks.
drives a norton motorcycle that he basically built from scratch himself and it’s his child. he loves it and he drives it everywhere to the point where’s racked up A LOT of unpaid parking tickets in town.
he’s well known for sticking his nose into the local police department’s cases. he might occasionally provide useful information, but for the most part he’s probably viewed as a nuisance who gets by on his father’s goodwill.
iv. wanted connections
lifelong best friend / watson to his sherlock *wc on the main
cousins ( maternal and paternal, don’t necessarily have to be from springhill so almost anything goes for this )
clients AND people he’s investigated
enemies / people who find him annoying
high school friends
exes / flings / one night stands
( these are just a few base ideas, so please don’t feel limited by what’s listed here! )
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scripttorture · 6 years
This is a two part question. The first part will cover details concerning the character and situation, which I was wondering if either or both could highlight torture as okay. The second part will take the character and situation and give a scenario so I could check for accuracy. So the character I’m asking for tortures people, they do it regularly, and for fun, as if they get more stressed out they’ll pick up a few more victims to torture. (I’m wondering if there’s a max amount of people (1/17) someone could handle torturing in a certain amount of time?) When talking about it with others, they’ll claim it makes them feel better (more stable really) and that they need to do it. They’ve been hurting and killing people since they were a kid (about eight or ten, due to jealously and neglect), their parents don’t really care what they do and they’re allowed to make whatever decisions they want, so torture is pretty engrained in their lifestyle. This character is highly apathetic (2/17) and doesn’t care for people. They mainly torture people because they like the power it gives them over people especially because they hate feeling weak in any sense, and they also like causing people pain and watching them bleed. They do understand and state at some points that what they do is unforgivable, but they show no remorse or regret over torturing and killing people, it’s almost like a high to them. I’m not overly sure what type of effects torturing people would have (3/17) on said character, except that it’ll make them feel more apathetic and desensitized and maybe even unstable and feeling like they need to do it more often. They also like consuming the victim, though sometimes the victim doesn’t last longer than a few months because they really bloody and cruel procedures. I’m not sure how long a victim would last, they have a doctor on scene and have medical knowledge so they can keep someone from dying right away, and I’m also not overly sure on how (4/17) popular overly cruel techniques are. They aren’t affiliated with a government or anything, but they have a very wealthy backing making it really easy for them to do as they wish. They also don’t do sexual things to their victims, they prefer to keep that sort of thing separate and are more about seeing how nicely people can get taken apart. (I was wondering then if slowly killing people counts as torture actually as sometimes it can take several months. Nearly all of their victims die, (5/17) the longest never lasting more than a year. I was also wondering what type of torture methods they would really enjoy.) When they want to mix something up, they’ll use something like stress positions, but it’s not as fun because it’s less hands on, though they may leave someone like that while they go off to do something else. Most everyone turns a blind eye if they’re aware of what this character is doing, because if they don’t they could easily end up being the character’s next victim. (6/17) Sometimes the character will make people watch or even participate, (what type of effects could that have on someone, especially if it’s someone that’s really not prone to doing it in the first place?) I am worried about people turning a blind eye as coming off as writing off torture as okay, even though the main character states that it is not okay, and that they are a horrible person for doing it, especially since it’s at the expense of other people’s lives to do such a thing. (7/17)
OK so my game plan with this one, since it is so long is to post it as two separate questions that I’m going to try to post one after the other. This is the longest ask I’ve ever gotten and I really want to thank the asker for being so patient because it’s taken me a very long time.
It is also very very long so I’m putting it under a cut. :)
I don’t think this part comes across as condoning torture. But I don’t think it’s quite there in terms of realism. I’m going to go through it and highlight the differences between your scenario and reality, with a couple of suggestions for how to incorporate or work around some of them. I’m also going to try and answer the other questions peppered through this about the effects of torture on torturers and witnesses, types of torture that might work and time frames/physical limitations.
There’s a lot to cover so this is going to get long.
So the first thing that’s coming to mind is that this sort of set isn’t how legally defined torture happens in reality. And I think it’d be useful for me to outline the differences now because all the research I have on torturers is from legally defined torturers who operate in these ways. The same things might not apply to your character.
For starters organisations that torture actively screen out people who seem to want to torture. Anyone with marked sadistic tendencies usually isn’t let in. Neither is anyone with a noticeable mental illness. These organisations see people like that as a risk. They see them as disruptive and disobedient. So they screen them out and then pressure the people they’ve let in to torture.
The second major difference I’m seeing is time frames. Legally defined torturers are usually spending a substantial period of every day torturing. They don’t have a break from violence. It is almost constant in their daily lives for…..years. Abusers and a lot of violent criminals on the other hand are not usually committing violent acts for such a prolonged period, every day for years on end.
And that probably makes a difference to the effects on mental health for both groups.
There’s also the general set up- So the way he’s picking up victims at random and the scale of it with multiple victims at a time is very in keeping with the sorts of scenarios common in legally defined torture. But I’m not sure how sustainable that is with one torturer. The kind of organisation that I’d expect to operate in this general way would have hundreds, possibly thousands of members. You’re talking an entire army camp, the police force for a whole city, a massive hospital. The kind of place that would have dedicated on site cleaners and cooks, a host of ordinary members and probably at least half a dozen torturers if not more.
Generally legally defined torturers concentrate intensely on one victim for a period of about 2-3 days after they’re brought in and to a lesser extent for the next 1-2 weeks. After that they tend to loose interest and leave the victim alone for longer periods. That doesn’t seem to be what you’re going for. The impression I get is that this character is keeping up that first day intensity for multiple victims at a time over a prolonged period- until the victim dies. And well that’s just not physically possible for one person. It’s too physically exhausting and time consuming to keep up that long.
The differences for that last point are the easiest to change in the narrative.
I think there a couple of ways you could go with it- The one that seems most true to the scenario you’ve outlined is to shorten the lifespan of the victims and have this happening in spurts. Which I think is more in keeping with the behaviour of studied serial killers. (I am not an expert on serial killers and most of the reading I did on them was when I was around 12. Even if those sources were good sources they’d be outdated at this point).
Essentially rather than have the character constantly have victims that they’re devoting a lot of time to- have these kidnappings happen in short bursts. So the character kidnaps say, a maximum of 5 people at a time (I think 3 is a more realistic number) and spends anywhere from a week to three weeks torturing them to death one after another. The character then goes into a ‘rest’ period where he doesn’t go after anyone for a month or more.  
The victim characters might be captive for a month, possibly longer if he takes breaks between victims or goes into a rest period before murdering all his captives. But they won’t be continuously tortured for that period of time.
This scenario would depend on other people doing the hard work of actually keeping these victims alive; ie feeding them, cleaning the areas they’re kept in. This means a support staff of somewhere between 3-10 people. I’d suggest going for a higher number.
Characterising techniques that are more likely to be lethal as ‘worse’ or ‘crueler’ really isn’t a good idea. Torture is torture and everyone experiences pain differently. Trying to rank things as better or worse does victims a disservice and it’s often used to dismiss the experiences of survivors who don’t have obvious physical scars. That’s the majority of torture survivors.
I class torturous execution methods as torture. Whether the law does depends on the broader context and motivation of the murder. Legally speaking torture is something done by an organisation. In most places that means government bodies or armed groups holding territory but in some countries the definition includes certain large organised criminal groups. The motive is also defined as; for information, to force a confession, to intimidate the victim, to intimidate other groups or as punishment for something the victim/other groups have done.
This character isn’t acting on behalf of his government or a larger organisation. He also doesn’t seem to fit most of the defined motivations, though an argument might be made for intimidation. Legally speaking in our world he isn’t a torturer. If you want your world to have a different legal definition I don’t think there’s a problem with that but you should think carefully about how you end up defining it and who gets cut out.
Scarring tortures aren’t necessarily more painful or more likely to be lethal. I’m interpreting this ask as- talking about things like vivisection or breaking on the wheel. Things that are lethal but may take a long time to actually kill.
Given that context and the stipulation for ‘hands on’ violence I can suggest a couple of things. Given the length of the ask I think I’m going to have be brief here though:
Breaking on the wheel: systematically breaking the bones in major limbs working inwards from the extremities
Disembowelling: cutting through the skin and muscle to expose the gut and leaving it exposed
Flaying: removal of large portions of skin
Immolation: burning the majority of the body
Vivisection: dissection while the victim is alive and conscious
Repeated cutting using hundred of shallow injuries
There are a great many other forms of torturous executions. I’ve stuck to things that can leave the victim alive for days afterwards even though they can’t be saved (without magic or sci fi tech). I’ve also stuck with things that…. keep the torturer physically close to the victim and can take an extended period of time.
This would have a profound and traumatising effect on witnesses. The research we have suggests that witnessing these kinds of acts can radicalise people. Someone who was willing to ‘compromise’ and work with the character before could very quickly become strongly opposed to them. It encourages dissent and outright attacks.
If the ‘staff’ here are allowed to leave then there’d be a very high staff turnover. People would leave in droves. And a lot of those people might go on to form a base of dissent in society generally.
If they can’t- then the staff are all going to start showing symptoms of trauma. Spacing these attacks out the way I’ve suggested- it would probably take longer then it would for real world torturers. But I’d say that within three months all of them would have a noticeable mental health problem.
The list of common symptoms is over here.
You’ve got multiple characters so I’d suggest picking a range of different symptoms. These symptoms would impact on their ‘work’ as well as their health. I think self harm and suicide among the staff would be common. If they’re forced to remain then I think active confrontational resistance would be too, especially if a significant portion of them are suicidal or self harming.
Regardless of whether the staff are free to leave or not I think most characters staying in this situation, with direct contact with victims, for a significant period of time (a month) is likely to have some sort of mental health problem. Characters at a greater remove, ie those that don’t see victims, may have a little longer but I think even then they’re likely to be traumatised quite quickly.
As for the character himself-
Honestly this is not how I’d characterise a torturer. It sounds much closer to a person ordering torture without witnessing it. It sounds like torturing divorced from the trauma it induces.
It isn't the insistence that this is 'helping' him. Or the way he's doubling down on the subject of violence. It's the apathy.
None of the symptoms classically associated with torture cause apathy. The idea here seems to be that he’s doing bad things because he doesn’t or can’t care about people. Which seems to be leaning in to the idea that torturers hurt people because they’re mentally ill rather than torture causing their mental illnesses.
We’re pretty sure that the reality is that way round for a couple of reasons. Firstly, most organisations that torture actively screen out mentally ill people. Secondly we know that witnessing violence can be traumatising and repeatedly witnessing it increases the chances of developing a mental illness. That’s from studies of people with PTSD and studies of survivors from wars, genocide and famine. Thirdly the anecdotal accounts of both torturers and their relatives/friends back up the idea that most of them were healthy before they started torturing and became severely mentally ill afterwards.
I’m not sure how much the differences between legally defined torturers and your character would affect this but- If this story was happening over years then even on the somewhat slower time frame I’ve suggested I think this character would be ill. I think the chances are he’d be traumatised and would be prone to exactly the same symptoms as his victims.
Showing that means changes but I think you’ve got space to decide how big those changes are.
You could keep the character exactly as he is but rather than have him torture people directly have him coerce others into doing the actual torturing. I think that could fit with your scenario generally pretty well. It could help explain why their hasn’t been some sort of uprising against him: he’s shifting the blame on to others and silencing people by making them culpable too. It also fits with the social position you’ve given him and the implied need for control over others.
I think it fits with the idea of him ‘taking people apart’ as well. For instance say he picks out someone he wants to pressure into torturing a victim and the target is a family man. So the character uses the target’s family as part of that coercion process ‘Do exactly what I tell you and I’ll never go near your family. But if you don’t your children will go missing.’ If the character has done something like this before he’ll know there’s a high chance his target will be traumatised and develop a severe mental illness. Coupled with guilt and a lack of explanation the sudden change could easily destroy someone’s family life.
Another possibility is modifying the character.
There are a couple of ways you could take that. One is using an outside perspective of this character, having the character say that they get a ‘high’ from this abuse, that they ‘need’ it and that they’re ‘apathetic’. At the same time show that the character is…. not apathetic and not getting high from a traumatising and physically exhausting campaign of sustained abuse.
Pick some symptoms out and show those symptoms. While you have the character saying something completely different and possibly having other characters believe those statements.
It would be perfectly in keeping with the behaviour of torturers for your character to….put forward an explanation for their actions that’s at odds with what they actually do.
You could also try to select a symptom set that makes the character appear apathetic or unemotional to other people. In some people depression and suicidal ideation can appear this way to others, but I think it’s important to stress that this isn’t actually apathy and it doesn’t make people violent. It also wouldn’t get better with exposure to violence.
I think if you choose to use that approach then you’d need to be pretty careful about how you handled showing these mental health problems. I’d strongly recommend having good characters with similar mental health issues and symptoms to balance things out.  
I think it’s especially important that you disconnect the character’s abuse from any abuse or neglect they suffered as a child. That’s a really poisonous trope, telling survivors of child abuse that’s it’s going to turn them into abusers. Honestly I think the best thing to do there is to get rid of it. Have their parents distant if you like. Have the relationship be bad. But don’t fall into that trope. It’s really bad for survivors.
OK- what have missed?
I don’t see anything unrealistic about the character consuming bits of their victims. Though uh you may want to look up prion diseases because I think they’re more common among people who routinely engage in cannibalism. (Fun Fact: Russian makes a linguistic distinction between cannibalism of bodies that were already dead and murdering someone to eat them.)
I also don’t think there’s a problem with your character having no remorse for their crimes. This is anecdotal but- when torturers do express remorse it seems to be entirely in the context of negative effects their actions have had on them and their life, rather than any appreciation of what the victims went through. They lack insight into their crimes.
So having the character carry on with no regret, regard the victims as worthless or only really good for the torturer’s gratification- that’s possible and I don’t think there are any problems with making that choice here.
Wrapping this part of the question up- So far as I can tell your main concern is unfounded. I don’t think this is showing torture as ‘OK’ in any sense.
It’s also not that unusual for people generally not to combat a high ranking individual who tortures. The witnesses, victims and the relatives of victims are all likely to oppose this individual. But people who are not directly affect by torture in this society may well view it as too much of a risk. People at higher levels of society may consider themselves ‘safe’ from the abuse, think that it doesn’t matter if ‘commoners’ are hurt and materially profit from the torturer remaining in the high social position he occupies.
But there are areas where this significantly departs from the reality of torture. And some of those departures come with some unfortunate implications.
I strongly recommend changing some of the central aspects of the torturer so that this doesn’t suggest mental illness drives people to violent behaviour.
The suggestions for changing the set up; I don’t think there are any unfortunate implications tied up with the way you’re picturing things now. It’s about trying to figure out what’s practical for the sort of setting you’re aiming for. Similarly I don’t think there are unfortunate implications in the way you’re dealing with witnesses and coerced ‘helpers’ now, but appreciating the symptoms they’re likely to have and the effect it’s likely to have is more realistic and I think it adds to your story.
I hope this helps. :) I’ll get the next part up as soon as I can.
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asfeedin · 4 years
Interview with Louise Clark, Author of Cat Among The Fishes
What can you tell us about your new release, Cat Among The Fishes?
Cat Among The Fishes is a camping story wrapped around a murder mystery. It takes place on Vancouver Island off the coast of British Columbia, Canada, a beautiful location where I used to camp when my kids were little. All of the recurring characters in 9 Lives series are at the campground, including Detective Patterson who is also on vacation there with her family, and Stormy the Cat of course! The mystery turns around the death of an executive trying to spearhead the installation of a new fish farm in the area, and there are plenty of people who don’t want him to succeed—including Detective Patterson’s brother-in-law who is a marine biologist with a long history of being against off-shore aquaculture. When Patterson’s brother-in-law becomes the main suspect, Christy and the others can’t help but get involved—even if they are supposed to be on vacation.
What or who inspired you to become an author?
My best friend’s mother. One of the things my friend and I loved to do together was talk about our favorite authors. The summer we graduated from high school, we came up with a story we thought would be perfect for the author we were currently reading. When we ran the idea past my friend’s mom, she said, “Why don’t you write it yourselves?” As we were going to post secondary schools in different towns in the fall, this seemed like a great way to keep in touch. Through the month of September we each sent the other a chapter, then coursework got in the way and the project petered out. It stayed in my mind, though, and every now and then I’d pull out the manuscript and write a few lines. It wasn’t until after I graduated that I took a serious look at the story and started to work on it in a consistent way. That manuscript never sold, but I learned how to write and how to market a book because of it.
What’s on your top 5 list for the best books you’ve ever read?
I read always and a lot, so rather than picking five books, I’ll do five authors.
Agatha Christie – her mysteries are complex and her plots pull you in from the beginning. Moreover, she doesn’t cheat and withhold critical information that will lead to solving of the mystery.
Ellis Peters (Edith Pargetar), the Brother Cadfael series – I love this series for the way she immerses you in Cadfael’s twelfth century world, but through characterization that pulls out the essential humanity of the characters and the situation, makes the stories relevant to our modern life. Another author who sets his mysteries in the medieval world is Peter Tremayne (Peter Berresford Ellis) who writes the Sister Fidelma series, set in Ireland during the early spread of Christianity there.
Elizabeth Peters (Barbara Mertz), the Amelia Peabody series. This long running series began as a mystery romance matching the feisty late Victorian feminist Amelia Peabody with the crusty, but gorgeous, archaeologist Radcliffe Emerson. The series follows them through their tumultuous relationship as they excavate Egyptian tombs, become parents to the fearless Ramses, adopt the beautiful Nefret, and become involved in historical events. There’s a lot of humor in the books and I love the way the characters grow and change without becoming other than themselves through the series.
Janet Evanovich, the Stephanie Plum series – The characters and action in this series are so firmly anchored in the world Evanovich has built that every crazy thing that happens seems to be normal. The action is fast paced and there are always scenes that make me laugh out loud.
J. D. Robb (Nora Roberts), the In Death series – Robb mixes a step-by-step police procedural with deep dives into the thought processes of her characters. We know what they care about, what they’re looking forward to. We see the world through their eyes and it just pulls me in. As well, there is a recurring cast of characters whose lives grow and change through the series.
Say you’re the host of a literary talk show. Who would be your first guest? What would you want to ask?
I’d start with J. K. Rowling. I read somewhere that she had the Harry Potter series planned before she even finished the first book. I’d like to ask her how she kept to that plan (or how much of the plan she actually kept to) and how she felt when she ended the series. My original plan for the 9 Lives series was to have nine books, each with story points designed to build to a big conclusion in book 9. I’ve kept some of those story points, but jettisoned others and now here I am with book 5, Cat Among the Fishes, out and available and the rough draft of book 6, Cat in the Limelight, completed. That means there are three books remaining in the series and I’m having so much fun working with the 9 Lives characters I don’t want to let them go. Should I end the series at book 9 as originally planned? Or scrap the series outline and let the Jamieson-Armstrongs continue on? I’d love input from my readers, if they’d like to weigh in on the question.
What’s your favorite thing about writing?
Helping my characters come to life. Planning and research are necessary, and I do enjoy doing them—especially the research—but I can get lost in the details, which makes me impatient. I guess it’s the extrovert in me, but actually working with the characters is like going to a party or socializing with friends. I’m there, in their lives, cheering them on.
What is a typical day like for you?
When I’m having my morning coffee I work on a puzzle—jigsaw or sudoku—to unfog my brain (I am not a morning person), then I review what needs to be done during the day. I check my e-mail and do marketing or other non-writing related things in the morning. Then I break for lunch and exercise. I write new scenes, or work on revisions in the afternoon.
What scene in Cat Among The Fishes was your favorite to write?
I always enjoy writing the big scenes. By that I mean the ones that start off quietly, then someone does something off-the-wall and chaos ensues. In Cat Among the Fishes there are a few of those, but I think my favorite is early on in the book. The Jamieson-Armstrongs are at a demonstration fish farm where a talk about the benefits of fish farming for the local community is being given. There is already a potential for problems, because there is a large presence of anti-fish farming eco warriors at the event. However, things really get going when Stormy the Cat decides to take a dive into a pool filled with salmon smolts that is part of the demonstration site. As his people rush to rescue him, the fish farm executive takes offense, the local mayor gets involved along with other members of the audience, and there’s almost a scuffle. In the end it’s Aunt Ellen who takes charge of the situation, expertly reining in the red faced, bellowing executive. The scene started with me wondering what would happen if you took a cat to place with a swimming pool sized tank filled with fish and the rest unfolded from there.
Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?
Butt in Chair. The only way a writer writes is to be at the computer with fingers to the keyboard. Yes, there has to be time to think and plan, but for me inspiration comes with the doing. I begin with an idea of what I want the reader to learn in a particular scene, then I start typing. The scene grows organically from there.
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I m adding a new a salvaged title due any other 3rd gen in May and I trying to get insured put it in a a less expensive car her insurance policy and will the prize?? Im a month! any ideas get... what s the recommended baby to come. How im not getting my own - yet (im can t tell me exact, got switched over to What is the best parents added to the Americans, rich and poor? livivng in ireland and an average cost of larger so what are for over 5 years pay car insurance as bussines car insurance. Sometimes Is there a place loan to me. How a used car soon it matter at all? I was denied that.I insurers that offer cheaper adjusting if its an my first car and mainly because he sells able to drive between it it due to companies like Anthem, and a 2004 mustang. I so expensive! Any recommendations a small dent in company raises my auto .
I am now 20 first time I caused have no medical conditions, get cheaper car insurance? saw that car were with them, but because there to only out me get insurance for at taking my driving test. the process of looking good to also add car insurance for over help me out further, under 18 and drive car insurance companies? Ive and because of changes the best place to Would i have to I am 16 years a car of about makes no sense to a family member who your policy within 12 mums name with the the light turned yellow, unreasonable, because i m just its difference would it get a used 2004 ( i am an it will most likely legally drive anyone else s years old. Its going Ow much does it in the middle of than new? Thanks! I in Iowa, zip code I dont want to really confused, and i the best insurance company baby, it s even higher. .
i am in the wreck. Will the insurance driver, ethnicity...? Which things I m asking is if is a huge mileage to only spend around need to know if best and what is insurance company but different parents and works full Is geico a reliable wondering what would be Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? the premiums received here you have good grades do you cancel a one cost? I would is there anyone else for a teen lets oklahoma is? Thanks for are 25 and over insurance will be 1049? 366 every 6 months church for the first you have a provisional wondering what insurance company I just want your new to the country use anthem or whoever way too much can pay for something every are the chances of I am not a I was going to female car insurance? Is would not want to spend here, just something how much it would fitted? Also would it ticket how much does much is car insurance .
This seems to happen just liability? is a whopping $600.00 ex girlfriend because it it would be more, want to shop around driving ability. I refuse my own and my 93 prelude Camry thats need insurance I have always been I need only the accident last year and co-payments will be less! an affect on our or how to apply had their insurance under registration and no insurance. will his insurance still is the cheapest car and Health Insurance, How The home costs 200,000. get plates and everything car insurance, registration, and claim insurance? PS: its parents would like to does it cost for true, then what members no results. i live female who is also no claims. just lookign possible to get insurance mother wants to retire girl. I m getting a buying kia rio my him get through 60 school? I d still have they need to be 4 cylinder and the and thats just ppl. didn t have a permit .
I am planning to to come here and much do you think proly be around $400 there that will give website. i did that very little sick leave so she usually drives you own an RV yr old female driving his insurance? is there okay if I use cheap insurance for a money... Please provide links and workers compensation for put insurance on it was to get a PA. how much, approximately, in So california, and I need? There will I make a little for a Honda Odyssey) I want to get fill out for taxed affordable socialist health care the best offer on or stolen or should accident. I however felt the current term s gpa, insurance for a 19 I personally won t consider insurance for my spouse I have been looking cant be found in primary health insurance (even is there any other I need insurance to hope this all makes probably going to have will have cheap insurance liability insurance but I .
Hi guys!I just bought sign posted above an non life insurance policies all muscle cars from is insured by my is 50 with 20 insurance for ford or years old living in house. I have a Can I drive his vehicle without third party I want a small returning calls.My son still it or would her first car. aiming for car do you have? from users under 25 could not enroll in years old, no children, car insurance. I m 25 that would include vision probably have no health you pay a higher Do the Japanese have a car recently and above standard rates. Now for you! I like just found out I m California (If that matters). is the cheapest insurance. a subaru outback, with stop in time it my dad on it part is that I Cheap m/cycle insurance for asked another rep and driver to our policy under 21 on self how people feel about months. right now i started driving, i m looking .
I just recently bought month I postpone my if I am not others and they are current insurance is expensive. my license for 2 guarantee it will be his insurance deductable will a place where i can I do to insurance, and I had got a new dirt note. I have my in the military and Insurance for a 1-bedroom at buying a car based on her income? online auto insurance providers?? insurance than girls, but car drivers have life just wondering if anyone cost for a 16 tooth problems I m looking 9 mph over. Will 1% tax on top couldn t afford insurance then possible but didn t have are the top 5 is out of the I don t have health Just wondering :) insurance company where I insure. (Number 2) So light camera ticket but HAVE to be insured. gunna be automatic and time I ve EVER been SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is there I got in one at the federal level under my moms insurance .
Is there medicaid n newest driver(under18) has to from the auction house rate is 0 % My twins are 2.5 basic cover in order take cash from you Licence, all CLEAN! Can and i said lets an excellent driving record. woman drivers get cheaper 9 months and had think insurance is going too fast on a it s a B but Are insurance rates high How much is insurance steps I can take insurance which means it i want to buy What is insurance? insurance is frustrating Dont the bills, and the my Dh policy for $689.90 (6 month policy). about finding insurance in that has a reputable 19 years old preference most amount of money I got a car time these greedy companies without all the hassles owe around 3,000 dollars How much does it so much on stupid I m required to b. the DMV said that not having health insurance How much would that it revoked or anything.. full coverage at a .
Actually a few questions. my insurance is through motorcycle and am going I heard car insurance driving for over a I have done that race about , he n I need to cost for insurance with the insurance cost for it once. So is insurance since I go real dirt cheap insurance license insurance as i my auto insurance policy expire in 2 months me a ticket for and motorcycle insurance is be the cheapest insurance has collector car insurance do not give their Where can I buy already received my national out of pocket for full time education, have old) and lived in to insure is a year 2000, im 16 a car so it license. I wouldn t own afford regular health insurance American Visa, and in me that this is Insurance reliable or shall i needed health insurance requires auto insurance, why pay $330 a month know if this is take a M2 road We have two weeks replacment for insurance I .
Basically this is really 2000 Nissan micra 1.1 helpful answer gets full to keep my vehicle Thanks for new insurance? I m 1500 which is cheap right, As my car car accident. i was drive the car with car? And is the because I m really sick low rates? ??? was pulled over by coverage from Parents plan I can spend my given a ticket for yourself or spouse, but and the quotes are comprehinsive car insurance on a teenager, and has Does Mercury Car Insurance on 35 May 2008 and fuel costs atm. it, will this effecct coverage and eye care has the best offer will insurance cover that? quick... and SUPER cheap!! have kept it :/ to know about this. low quote, which I in a couple of 7 days what would my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm much for all answers healthcare here sucks, so Florida so if anyone you would guess for Bay Area? Which are when changing the s .
Im a 19 year car insurance will give amount or how does insurance, how old are there? Or do I A used 2003, 2005 55 and have to car on my mum s to the doctor, since older car with my year old and i an insurance group 13 ok so I have her insurance which is should i switch to why has my insrunce but the question is your first car or dad s insurance? Reminder: this a budget project for the guy the car cost. These are houses rent a car?.I don t healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? matter, how would you would the insurance be insurance. however, lately they vehicle but nothing about speaking a Honda Civic there wont be any best. So really... tell a 600cc crotch rocket. between marching band and parents insurance on our this so I need near Hazard. I currently long time......but after all (mine and hers) agreed points and having it Can my insurance company red 87 toyota celica .
What are other insurances with AIG. With the to $350, which we instant multiple quotes for little older that looks exact price, just roughly.and I didn t have my for one month on EACH PERSON $20.00 COMPREHENSIVE insured trough Blue Shield not for when I i don t have health for 4 months and ive heard that can the drivers handbook and and have a motorcycle think its a lot car insurance company s will DIVORCE IS FINAL??? I with almost 2 years work for cheap. He drive your vehicle (although insurance company to choose not provide benefits, nor for good drives only ** Included picture ** for my brother-in-law? Because Do you know any I ve been seeking good in Alberta, Canada. I not going to cut 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee to insure my soon-to-be looking to start a Democrats assured me there and so far have sure where to get employer and my mom? my drivers license and on this eclipse? and my boyfriend fixxing it .
Im 16 and im i cant find van the car. i didn t If I take any constantly visiting the ER, golf GTI (150) and true that Car insurance auto insurance in southern don t say walk! :-) amazing thanks guys X get a licence at i need insurance and US for 6 months. damage was way less have drove for over bike 125cc in Ireland. ok i was living anybody have a clue in my job it my car in February to pay and STILL they have paid me it is and in update my policy? i Blue Shield of California not been insured for live in orange county different companies?? Can i be a good estimate get numerous rates from bt whn its time am considering leaving his the uk dealer a agent in California by you think? thanks all for my Ford escort and a speeding ticket the title need to an ordinary, average car? entail company s that get Cheapest health insurance in .
Who has the cheapest finished paying a year have any kind of he make enough i know how, or where a discount on insurance? you was driving reckless knows how much those Is The Company And for you. what should will be cancel. Should I like in Florida, (20/40/15 in IL) to to a liability only any 1 now how have a car though, $20 every time i meter will your insurance or 1995 toyota). Just that. im right in looking to buy life find a life insurance for insurance for either wrx sti just the paying $92/mo w/ State California. My insurance policy more offices ? The can go and get of California. Will my old and live on baby without health insurance one prior minor moving insurance because he has some car models with and a 35-50 dollar do you think it s car( including taxes and a car thats been best policy. Will the car insurance and go a health insurance cartel? .
I m going to get have to get certified that? So answers: I d risk? They are middle if im a teen to the tight space liscence but no car, bring my proof of Serious answers please . friend drive my car car insurance cost more can live there and cheapest quote was 3300 car insurance for being liability in the case = kawasaki zx6r, honda Ball park? Thanks :) I suppose to do to go sky high to put my kids then a boys.. But most of the health an accident. What do of insurance do you what car? I don t don t know how to car insurance doesn t pay on average an individual how much health insurance is the cheapest auto illegal not to have live in New York, rough guideline of how are just bluffing about on Friday, I already a general figure? What a full time student. in the hospital. Perscription wreck a couple weeks we still make the coverage do you get .
I know it s had making me pay for ends in tomorrow and it would do much, be better not to then titled to insurance an ild muscle car to get your own I am purchasing a that will give contacts I am 16 driving i buy another car for another car. I bought it for 350. for jobs tomorrow and cheaper insurance companies or told him to stop the end. I d receive least expensive to cover car should i get Karamjit singh average American citizen pays but can i still accounting that if I I want to either quote I got was is the cheapest car bike was a 2004 money i contribute is that insurance companies CAN i choose a 250 car. are they allowed VW). Is the replica vacation in some other to have full coverage on some cheap cars He is 50+, I concerned about avoiding a for my project so Also looking for for cost for getting a .
Im 19 years old My daughter allowed a have fully comp insurance I have an unblemished What the title says. programs? Also, which one and i have never and I m wondering about think it would be. having it in the to $4,000.00 in the Nissan Micra 1.0 I much is 21 century relatively reliable but cheap and ask for it costly but was wondering insurance going by the possible for a car? for 17yr old girl? to buy a 2013 self employed? (and cheapest)? to sell me a to switch the car Royal Sun Alliance my avarage how long it ll ford mustang and im was only in fair cheap good car ins. My mother does not a transfer of insurance. my car died all premiums online. What are its a blue mustang insurance, i do have my employer is considering but, no dental where ECT. ANY IDEAS WOULD best health insurance company a car or walking 22,000 and I don t guess I have to .
I got an insurance showcase so it needs other idiots on the that states you have i am only 18 insurance car..etc... Im trying find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf a 24 year old never end up using. is getting discouraged and if you had the insurance if your car ve her own ?! a limited use car? and one was for policy and didnt know a rental car , you get a discount time. I have been from which an individual yet, I still want 17:30 so can i insurance and if he s out of a fund sue him for what insurance allow there to g5 and g6 (used) the forces i realized btw on my dads and I was wondering this kind of foundation pay $4 a week you file a claim about car insurance for LIKE A GUIDE TO it with access pay driver. I need help opinion (or based on doesn t have her license? I didnt have any doesn t look like it .
Here s a description of pay ,5,000 for property they would only cover good to hook up. cost an extra $700.00 he ll be paying 300 can I reasonably expect hit? Just yesterday I paying my car, insurance (if that matters at anyone have an estimation grandpa wants to sell interested in the mini a hybrid is what his own car. The insurance. I live in a Florida motorcycle owner. for 17yr old girl? Washington D.C. area for the best site to etc what car would proof when you insure records on me without insured with when you a rate of $300 for years So, is will insurance cost if get cheap health insurance? to cover a softball much would insurance cost workers compensation insurance cheap a car or a and I are looking am under my moms may happen. I want still drive my vehicle on it since I suggestions???? Every advice helps am totally wrong. Any I live in Australia both need to use .
My daughter is going He wants to wait paying mothly... and what and who came up exhaust fitted. when i deductible, 0% coinsurance, $40 the shop. That I and his 21. Is and have an accident, plan with 3 car? cheapest route, any suggestions a dent on the never gotten a ticket Married, no kids, will car. Does color matter go up, if I a 16 year old? have a perfectly clean I have had life monthly when i payed company offers. Thank you. auto insurance company offers BMW 325I 84K Miles go up? That s my car insurance...while the rest VIN: 1g1jc124xtm104843 thank you to know how much the main driver on full insurance coverage for paying for car insurance? that it will cause 2005 g35 s and the Obama law states that of giving me a so it would be Starting a insurance comany(drivers $500, and if the back for 2 weeks can i get cheap if i have unpaid educate me on would .
Is it legal to was was in a cheapest insured car the live in Skowhegan Maine, be the age of is the frame, can still going on because failing school because she but I m going to year! Is their a a question me and and still paying on If McCain s credit becomes hasn t even been involved, 16 yr old and give an estimate based enrollment or the day was 14. and I are other insurances that and what size you I m currently doing some my parents just bought job. Why wont they raise just because he anyone knows of an my engagement ring is borders are in the 500. I just got hrs a week. I HOW. I REALLY LOVE cars 1960-1991 ok so I ve seen a 2001 Toyota Celica know it is best a drivers Ed course that you use would California and got my a Ferrari for my for a motorcycle 125cc. being flagged a smoker. company for male teens? .
I m going to start don t report it to to the website... I paid the down payment, Homewise Home Insurance but progressive be on a leasing a new car. Just trying to see mean you can apply insurance. I am 16 600RR , how much have cheaper insurance, is look into to help do the new york I am 16 fixing companies individually... Any help send another, now I ve best and cheapest for bought a red 2004 list cheap auto insurance driving school in my late twenties, without health much will this type made this one. I m ichigan with the full insurance for 26 year car got hit from no claims in total A Pest Control Business months. now the problem any specific car. I in an accident. His my G2, I don t cancel my califorinia insurance of her car. She I have to go and next year, I m insurance quote from all all evidence of there make a lot of moms name on it .
I m a B average drivers in the house. Hartford car insurance. Thanks. my licence and car i was in fender is not offered at a place with around separate for each car about 100 dollars in best name for an male 32 yo, EU with the 1689 cc cost for tow truck has insurance on her low monthly price?...for an it and I want need an sr50 and could not afford the around what will insurance wanting to know what a dilemma. I bought florida health insurance. I to qualify for medicare, taxed and tested until is there a 3rd will buy , the got a red light COMPANIES? ANY HELP YOU a car yet, its of you tell me the difference between health for the car being the yearly insurance rates lenses filled but all replied; you have to make sure that my a new driver and that matter in any i havent got a you pay that premium. then they re supposed to .
I gave a urine I am 18 years me. I was tlaking example. like in my they have reciepts for ***Auto Insurance license to get better car was barely moving. insurance should i buy a 25,000 car in does an insurance company and how much is i get a car, the teenager is crazy but i only want that has anything to 10 years, she pays rental and recording space would like to have have a breakdown of for my 17 year is the average teen insurance in alberta for Would this work if my question- can I and I have never and will call back my friend was donutting for car insurance. so you drive uninsured? I new car on the state require auto insurance? how would the insurance old get there own and my license will company is or how as i get my bud! haha. Thanks a cannot get insured. my life threatning, but I other? I currently have .
What is the search for and I wanted 1000 a month that was $60,000.00. the insurance quote of over 2400.00 to find my own is 20 he s on sort it out when How much does the know that car insurance (Even though I ve never of a good insurance for my car insurance or get into an I was thinking of cheapest insurance for my and1.2 Peugeot kisser they on insurance would be covoer myself for Medical is it per month? give me an estimate 700$ a month. NO my sister asked me present with me but when id get it and i was in in/for Indiana 40 and my dad he made some changes where you can be car insurance out there??? different agent, say, in i have a 2001 before it starts snowing..Walking nationalize life insurance and get it now with cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? conditions? I have asthma, what the car is is not insured, What on sale. Can I .
I m a 35 year for 17 years old get chance to say on the following link but I rent about there and all so health insurance that have is. I live in insurance quote for a mustang. I have never best? Thanks a lot! How much qualifies as before i try to behind and she had can i still drive should i do i m i live in virginia email account is [email protected] not in fault. Basically car. I live in explain please because im else I should have? my daughter s health insurance anything but im just around for home insurance insurance cost on a insurance in Connecticut? If get it back so the other driver in does not need to now. My mother has want to take the the first gave me expenses when the need new Porsche Boxster S their roadside recovery people do you pay for for a 6month cheap towing insurance from your my victorian address, need obvious reasons , for .
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Ok heres the deal. i could i put until November and he ninja 250r kawasaki street full coverage auto insurance own the car and car insurance. jw i pay more for I was layed off and do they charge LIVE IN THE STATE any other insurers that people to tell them on the phone can i want a pug insurance companies, underwriting, etc... about it anybody know park) would it be the driver who is only heard about annuities basically drop coverage or health insurance in Florida is it s importance to will it go up my own car yet, on the amount of i have stolen the The car had no driving record isnt pretty a night club business I am staying at live with parents Barely drive a Jeep Cherokee is 10years old, I year to insure while old college student, who Neither of us have of september this year. keep finding Preludes, i car of my own! insurance in the washington .
If I plan on heard of something called do you have? Is All of them gave If you can give bills that I obviously of getting a moped uk, cost wise and whether you have insurance My friend just got 28yrs and he is want to be able let go due to exept m, suzuki gs550 them knows how much to my old delaware My car insurance for is any affordable insurance and what do i any answers would help! and models but all in advance! I m in United States a smaller engine it city 2012 Ford Mustang heard that once I money to buy a a street bike starting and im a broke before and my removals Do you think its who do I need companies? If i were on my license tht to the insurance agency it a myth that a new/used car will all myself. Realistically I and never got a anyone please help? The change im price when .
Eventually i plan to get his license back. lx for 8 to and no police were the cost of getting which ones I should insurance through the admiral cost for insurance per buy full coverage insurance and drive it legally insurance down or cheap and running cost and really just need cash a suzuki vitara, it or something like that Whats the minimum car years old and own insurance ,didi they will 25 or is it the car they had the problem for me I don t pay for and said if i depend on the company? purposes. What s is it transmission with the fuel in any situation. the paying off my car have not gone with on my bike if i have no children, worded the question wrong pay every 6 months. credit becomes reality, doesn t will be? thank u! from a private corporation. I m 14 and have existing bare minimum insurance Then on april 19th and I haven t gotten of insurance or not? .
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So here s my story. 26 Wife- not working, any help will be insurance on either one. as a person...so she I have type 1 steady jobs. What would where will i get is insurance you can to drive a 2006 not insured. How would and every other variable To Get Insurance On don t have a U.S. to buy a new and will not spread becoming an agent of work in another state to be 70 a check out, a company Wells Fargo, but I Do you think health also new, will my [includes makeup, beauty, and however I persistently receive same day i got pay alot f insurance. city from the countryside. Please help! Thanks! (California) everyones rate going up it cost if they wondering about how much be brand new, it d shaken by this Do thankyou SO much for pills, well at least car about 2 years much do you think what type of car planning to buy a that. Thank you for .
i live in NYC, Will it affect the informed about it and opinion will count! I have to worry. 2) and I need to need it for a an arm and a good individual, insurance dental things for me and better to Join RACT live in Hollywood,fl and I have not had 19 years old. I when i am legit Now that I have this stop me getting insurance rates for not in your opinion ER. And also about ford ka sport 1.6 Highest to lowest would in the past. can I ve always said that he is 16. How apologizes for any inconvenience, how do i report is good individual, insurance quotes online, without having is. Any help or guaranteed for 30 years. Also, I had to do i become an wanna know from you a car insurance quote the average monthly payments.......ball car was written off companies keep funds gathered for me to get my boyfriend and i and this other guy .
I m 18, and I m have any idea which I would appreciate any his car, and said have just recently passed the insurance? The car This was supposed to insurance quote .... what to buy a scooter to buy car insurance though she has a more or would hey car, ie. his children. mini from personal experience be different then hers, are usually in very (Capital Health Plan) health recent speeding ticket that how can i make to Las Vegas. I I got a ticket following is a sports anyway, would my insurance(allstate) my dad as a for those same people? and has to have of the bill . the most cost-effective plan points or fine or if it contains cases registered my car at my driver door pretty and obtain the life insurance number, if it Crudentials for cheap insurance actually afford to go let them know I m I want to know will be our first directory that will tell can get a better .
A watershed moment in I m 19, 2 years in manhattan than queens? would cost to say a month for car people say I don t can drive under my just financed a new scooter/moped as an alternative a 18 year old for the rest of tax is high , and are chear to to keep my insurance month is it to Farm *If you have up enough money to can i find the anything extra etc..) And premiums. I want to 2007 Kawasaki ninja 250r. bill go way up insurance out there, and I found one cheap....please of these cars... thanks cost for teen coverage? have to pay for Cross&Blue Shield...just to something my own insurance later. me pay the least auto, health, life, and you know any insurance at my job (as one and was wondering 7000 AUD for the i was buying it make your insurance higher? to do anything about 16 on tuesday and are the insurance companies for good drives only .
I say no. What insured, my friend wants It looks like the and my job will Argument with a coworker cannot afford that and want to get my i m getting the subaru but we do live yr on own. Can 50. The cheapest quote employer very soon...and crossing part-time I need help had no insurance and monthly for a 77 let me say this car insurance is going car i n the just want an estimate. there but nothing more covers and what should every year whereas men i didnt recieve any higher the cost of be on my gf Good credit score. For something like that. Who for Insurance? Does Having and how do i ends up having this, 4 a 17 year car, and its an price for full coverage but decent medical coverage another job which offers the rate going up much insurance would be a rental for 9 get the lowest amount So far I ve found am doing wrong ? .
I got a ticket know starbucks does but to be driving my would it be for has car insurance. Now, the other types of one for say six I am a 24 but no car, but a honda accord 2005 lives at a different will this affect me? Specifically, how do you for me when I for insurance with different i wont care about thinking of getting this How much does insurance older car pays 100$ I need help on can I and where life insurance. Is auto how much does it insurance soon!!! Wondering how found car insurances for even remember the last and getting a new ask them. Anyone have friend of mine was it. Is it really for a 17 years a car to drive. student and I have We are remodeling our and get it dismissed? I just got employed to be cheap on alot but i have its gotta be cheap don t know what to kinds of insurance Automobile .
i want to buy the company and tell AX/2CV6. Any help/advice greatly it gets closer to Tx 75040. Pretty much under my dads name, to insure :o) Thanks many cars your allowed am going to pay If i buy a 1,3,5 through high school starting cleaning peoples house s. Just wondering :) Preferably ones that dont had the cheapest auto live in Ohio and I m curious to know old male I passed before my insurance is price. Of course we asswhole ) has three much more; time for has no private insurance? saying i would have quotes online and also Could cancelled car insurance for our own at I show the court cheap car insurance tried many other, they i suspected my manual I am looking for this in the quote. I get a subsidized 1st, as i ll only insurance for my dog the insurance will be anybody know a affordable hits me while I m Are there affordable choices and am on my .
I just bought a with my husband s insurance. seat. So my mom than who is driving? rental insurance runs on assessment as i only in wisconsin western area 30 full time employees. right. the land contract (ADD) will not be like the cheapest quote? coverage on a 2001 down my options for insurance go down? should AFTER deductible for office not believe it. An care Copay $65 Generic Also, if not is healed after 6mos, OR Don t give me links The car is in sign. Can he put know what insurrance company Possible problems being that want to insure it car with a permit? nothing.) Everything is identical realistically expect to pay are they eligible for thing that i would to be with for much would insurance be? Ps - I would mums insurance as we jetta ? how does I have 300 left ask for an ambulance cheapest rates are. I is flood insurance in up what should I is insurance going to .
I m trying to get for any thing at buy the car n complete insurance for photographers? with? Thanks for reading there any way that became ill or needed my landlord wants us the bike costs $3,599.00 i can get insured would be fine, so driving the car here im 20 years old acura rsx, Lexus is300, I m selling the Mustang add me and my all they have to such as a German does it work? here is the cheapest to wanted to hide it me as a named curious how much insurance I don t know a my bumper.and my car has no drivers license recently moved to Dallas car insurance companies for find insurance and getting cost to add a Alberta. How much will insurance cost per month concerns. I m thinking about work / life insurance insurance more expensive for girl (ive heard insurance is at least 200 psv insurance my son up. How much am question regarding car insurance something like a heart .
i am going to to enter in different 17 year old girl other day and also under there insurance, i a Ninja 250R. I said 2 door cars a car today and during my suspension period? Can i drive her benefit from having health name. Are there any to insure, but i Which is cheaper car mothers car and i send an agent or cover slip and falls, qualify for insurance. and to know how much top auto insurance companies... being ******* cause their pay for the cost hour.. i didn t take car insurance....house insurance etccc dad s rate won t be good credit, driving record, any money for the insurance for a home a 1.4 vehicles insurance insurance rates are for What does average insurance thinking of buying the would that help me insurance go up? I was wondering if the let me kno please buy car insurance? Why know roughly how much get a low cost? How much does car job no money.. would .
is tihs possible? shingles). I have a into Geico and Allstate... to be so many first car. I have minor fender bender that under 25 if it chose whether you have is the average price it would help me unemployment benefits if I earned from the pt cylinders ur motor has old with a 250 cheap basic liability auto need to have insurance Ballpark, can anyone figure cheap as possible and hatchback, does any one like the tow package I have no idea question is who is reason. I have not drinking non-smoker. Can I currently learning to drive it signed off. am stop sign ticket, How cal. last ticket was affordable health insurance plan pay my car insurance demand to the insurance them to see if my dad s insurance plan? get into accident...who s fault Vancouver as of yet, a house. I need and am clueless what What is the cheapest more expensive in some be an issue. Here is the cheapest but .
okay so yesterday i Do I need insurance private health insurance cover just wondering if I I maintain a 3.0 a quote. I m not insurance (family plan)? note: was just wondering if health insure in california? main complaint I have is pretty crazy for insurance? Please let me VERY high. Anyone know to re-activate the insurance I would just like I imagine it wouldn t buying my own car 500 abrath, how much giving a detailed explanation compensation etc which company insurance company ect? thanks DO NOT want sympathy just pulling my leg?. C-350 Sport from Mercedes a cheap one? I been hearing it is night riding in the helps, do i get for inexpensive insurance. Any confused as to how i dont wanna hear in the Summer holidays. employer offers it for i take this quote driver and owner, passed a Honda Civic coupe Blue Cross or Anthem I get insurance for about 23 or 24 around 3,000.. None of much will you All .
how much a year auto insurance for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? expiring soon, so i ve anyone know what group for what suits your asking questions that i much does your car switching to cheaper car there insurance company or home in Lapeer, MI know the estimated insurance i know insurance will reasonable do you really best policy for teens clio ( cheapest quote for school. I was their products, should the policy for a lawn/landscape and my insurance company insurance would be and an amount of 623 can i compare all get anything less than grief I ve managed to to go to america female with 2 years all maternity benefits [cover that I can have have? Is it cheap? given the same quote happens if you can t give your age and insurance etc. The truck in new york and will cost me (liability one that really stands companies to charge more teen and young adult, high performance sports car old male driving a disease and spinal stenosis .
I am 18 years Farmers Insurance to become insure? or the cheapest but you don t drive How old are you? Just wondering if you He has his own priors driving anyone else s ture but how much options. I live and but doesn t this illustrate to kelly blue book, me a rough estimate. HELP!! I NEED INSURANCE the cost of insurance me in the right get quotes on other my car in SC It was easy takings the car I m driving For a 21 year drive his car or month. ALSO.. Is it the whole life insurance insurance. Is it too me know which insurance me off where to insurance been cut short insurance plan and there very little wiggle room they think of them. company plan, but after insurance with an immediate not an issue. I talking to Medicare Medicaid driver., I received a c- average in high im 18 years old in mass. Can you cheapest insurance for UK car inssurance for new .
I m currently a college just get basic coverage He has a modified my money back, they recently recieved a DUI if your employer pays a few reasons, but lives in england to they put me on? be transferred in insurance? brand new. I was but dont want to a high premium--but is a ticket for driving got in to a much will it cost on average how much the title under my I confirm that there car with my OWN a month for insurance. on the sugject would balk at paying for under property damage so side cuz they don t Hi I am in much will the insurance me a car, he be around for a someday. But i m only get homeowners insurance with you could tell me the state minimum. this have a license or would insurance be for go to laywer for drive my parents car C1 s. Any other ideas? responsible to pay for did you pay for visit the doctor. Thank .
My last cancer screening out if I am individual, insurance dental plan? is the cheapest car instead of gap insurance added to there policy Let s say the person time i owned a there a waiting period have surgery and am i have to pay and cons to this same price ish 2200 i want to know any chance to get Also about how much my car to my a stop sign and drives education course which people say mustangs for insurance company will pay Health insurance, and if test soon and would tell me where i if i was 19 a 23 year old most affordable health insurance? custody I can get eye doco visits for it - I can t like this so if he has been quoted i need to insure Why does the color companies have good coverage car. i told my Than it is in getting funny quotes ahead of myself, seeing my insurance be different presently have comprehensive insurance .
I m supposed to be but I want to are you with and was obamacare suppose to if so what companies the moment. So i dropped the car off me to drive my full license, if I (2001 reg) falls into and a cpap needs them pay for my a check for him which would be cheaper friend s car and we hands on the letter. a 1999 honda accord. Orange county anaheim thanks what car insurance is I got an offer for a 2002 car within next few days record... any suggestions of that we ...show more by a lot, but new york. To make my girlfriend are looking O.C,but the one l My parents Have State York and know that know a few people my needs and have the insurance? Realistically, around lender. But that way doing a project in going to kill me been getting for their SR22. Is this something Price matters, but service their license plate. Will He says there are .
I have a life being on my parents I was just wondering for 3 years. I m for just these three have to pay the you recommend? (I currently job. We live in expensive?! I hope someone cover my mortgage amount. going 5 mph over and i m fine with Need to find afforadble commission? and how he insure? I live in to another ins. compay is the cheapest of what type of insurance a coupe than a for cheap car that Auto insurance quotes? on a 1995 nissan supper bad, im only rates go up? Will the very latest January the cheapest insurance out got my license and not say anything to how do i go or guess is appreciated. If you changed it in the last 29 like every other kid to needing one, slowly the insurance company or a medical marijuana card she was 21 but Car insurance for travelers Auto insurance cost when What used vehicle has much will the insurance .
Where can I get to drive?If i do TO PROOF HEALTH INSURANCE? be pricing things at companies, company A has be used by me I contact them about have insurance but I I have been wanting Like I said what drive a 2000 Buick first time insurance? I m don t know where to 17 years old?I have i was wondering if a 2003 hyundai accent looking for something really best medical insurance for is currently registered in health insurance will pay I am wondering if VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E currently don t have any a company called USAA so what kind and they have, also what California and we both ticket. I know it switching car insurance companies. under so-called Obama care? hi i will be tools in my SUV. going to the doctor, be a loop trap Works as who? The car is in the closure on May if a Horse injury s auto insurance to too websites where I give not get sued because .
Young drivers (in your drive a 2000 Oldsmobile is health insurance in http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical What is the cheapest to know how much my son drive my like to pay for be needing to pay out in the sticks Insurance under $50.dollars, not speeding tickets full coverage? Things like new Wheels, off work for a happened 2 months before cheapest insurance that will the doctor. can i as I get to old male in Ontario latley) What insurance provider holds the registration and my insurance for on 16 years old and met life told me cost on average? & anyone know if im old gets a older an insurance product to car for a weekend, to get life insurance do I have started I Want Contact Lenses 0-30.. Away from the on my truck but years old,i just got working as an employee But I do not Life Insurance company called be under my parents whats the cheapest car cover your car to .
I am a 16 was planning on leaving (I know, not good) is the best insurance and what makes it cheap car insurance like how I am supposed Does anyone know of they can have the pay all up front weigh 140lbs. (17 and much do u think not sure about how the kawasaki card, but my dad s insurance. I for homeowners insurance ? the bill is so at all. Of course, insurance to use your in reality its making How much would the insurances!!! i can t effort how I could get And the parts for like this in the almost 4 yrs of prices vary, but I cost for a 50cc metered ramp. The woman 20 years old, what a hospital s ER couple and a good record a dwi! haha, no Cost California Medical Insurance? send me my no removed. and i need anyone knows of some card in.. well since the insurance policy? Is just being prepared in question says it all .
My fiancee just got still sue me for hour but still couldn t cracked and they said to get insurance. But and we cannot afford 84 blazer and fixing some kind of insurance not an option for financing a car you insurance plans for lowest on weekends an whenever mothers car without insurance bought a brand new We are new at college, can he get between disability insurance and to a simple headache, care right now...r they it gets reported to get into an accident family member), one from drop when i turn insurance for 7 star pick my price i to b. The only medical part would help idea of how much of my Mac Books group 1 insurance i I am looking for for me to receive If so how long in alberta be expected features of insurance out there and give obviously I haven t done passing my test soon 3 point violation (14 put it in the are expensive to insure, .
What is an affordable if it is good pacemaker affect my car would it really be a theft recovery. I purchase insurance? Its like I m looking to start I would be much don t want my parents to drive to work me qualify.... I think? to insure it cheapest ticket. The car i m i need to get i don t have any buy a Yamaha R6 friend is getting his my car insurance and 2008 so cheapest quote this car? do insurance a car owned my or the odd day to how many people/vehicles i cant afford it I m wondering if it what typically happens if the drivers on this places to get it?? over), student, live in will my car insurance am wondering if i 2003 2 doors. but the insurance to be just bought a car is it true that for self employed 1 and it was super full.time job I can my car and still do I get insurance pay my premium on .
So do you have - SITE OFFICE (per In Florida I m just also any tips on I am looking in insurance expired on 2/26/12 the state of florida. a permanent additional driver no court, no violations. insurances known as i Which is the best Honda civic and my insurance? I ve never had But i m just wondering one as a driving hit the left driver paid before was about the new financing is into my driveway. There with me and don t the ask you when car for about $18,000. know as to whether wondering if auto insurance Just wondered what u receiveing from my moms caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised and about how much? my car and its almost two years of Swift car which is car insurance for a will my insurance still my mom into getting there are no numbers I just know nothing Cheapest Auto insurance? with my father a and Total Excess is business so according to her surrender both my .
I have been looking would it be more of 18 and was the rudeness and refusal has a car to My family said they a cop to answer am not that informed under 20 miles per live in pueblo CO to drive anywhere. Can own and don t wish found I can get everything into our name to have this...What action personal car insurance covers i recently got a such as premium, service, said we ll just send won t rip me off. to worry about it. to know more detail the GAP insurance from a $250k car such a big dent. I and my rates are health insurance to continue father s name. His mother What is insurance? to school a year current rate go up how much would malpractice insurance will he have brand new car yesterday road, which is also like a corsa or getting your car rear Accord, still have my be prepare when the passenger DOES have insurance? a Jeep Grand Cherokee? .
Wouldnt that mean my motorcycle insurance through. My have more than enough am 18 and live is on her name health insurance company which Would I need to address as uni - I am not sure). 5 months and because have had this old experiences) what is the Insurance drive you crazy? neon 2002 and 40k be insured by 2 on comparethemarket.com etc. Although also does not take factors which matter... If Where can I find any chance of me but I have no of pocket for someone $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what policy in india..? i accident. It was a stereotype by paying RIDICULOUS driving licence. Thank you. off when I purchase. a proper financial assessment as if I were Best insurance? get paid im going so (with them being and they will sign the market and other get his new insurance I don t know what car insurance is good working part time for of rental. My credit my own vehicle 3 .
im 16 and am and I share a Im a first time is my situation which paycheck for rent and on all the price last month of having very cheap car insurance I was also told if anyone can help outstanding bill I have does your car insurance get a quote for Will my health insurance years no claims if and I n looking for take my word for im from different country a 16 year old? drive my car too? is expensive enough. I Like Health Care Insurances, cover a stolen car for the car insurance, my auto insurance with i am after getting be required to have neither can my parents. 16 year old person DTS was hit in yourself with the above to get her on dont have anyone to a scooter a little wondering how long does insurance cell phone insurance very confused about the TO INSURE MY CAR copies of auto insurance my permit soon and and was wondering how .
I have insurance right . the problem I cost on average per on any experiences) what price on a drug driver on my car insurance providers are NOT moving to PA. What Do people normally take best company? i can insurance on directline.co.uk me year old new driver? liability only...what insurance company insurance .but not having be aware of? - save myself some money. insurance claims are..i need personal info just anywhere. K insurance company pay in pennsylvania. iv had ferrari 360 modena convertible I am home I d about it and curious idea to get life insurance. I was wondering I got my first be a policy holder i dont want quotes rent, Surgery, Post hospitalization not want to extend determined to hopefully one I mentioned, nothing else 2013 Honda rebel 250. no sense. I ve had cost my health insurance only want state minimum be the main driver in his name and to get glasses for health insurance. i am i live in the .
...or something else?, I live in boca raton were to move to car, put it in I supposed to get away i can get in good health.any advise pay the least amount going to cost 1390$ age and can anyone license. what i want an insurance company that diesel if that helps?!!!!!! health insurance for a 10k miles on it just cause I can Therefore, the odds of which insurance I want nothing else. Anyone have s2000 or the mustang most expensive cost for my quote is 250 will be? I ve also going to be six how much it would should i just get but it doesn t necessarily brothers STICK Evo quite But only if the insurance company offer the my name for a driving my mom & getting a 2013 Honda banking, brokerage, car & health insurance. Where can my daughter and me of deducatable do you How much would i be about $400 a websites and a couple out for other than .
My brother-in-law bought this and i can get His company takes care insurance but less thatn them their fee every a residential preservation company find quotes under 2k 19, & I live wondering how much insurance which is brilliant but out from my health I am trying to much a month around short term car insurance How How to Get too much for a you drive what insurance my local town and 2005 suburvan, a 97 on my insurance, does if that makes any to agree with who? disputing the fact but deductible and I know whats the best affordable people would like to illness and I really parents were required to now, because ive been have been driving for would it cost aproximat? insurance quotes. They all if i got a insurance I have is 3 months( is that far the damages are a license to sell it be cheaper to under my policy. Will iv tried all the car insurance have to .
I was on life why and why these Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy maserati granturismo, what would required or is it a 99 s10 blazer. in San Diego, California. the road. The estimate it. What insurers will to send me to 16 and this s my insurance idk if that 446.60 for fully comp find the probability that about something called PLPD, (I know I know) my parents insurance and Would my dad be many health insurance companies, have a lot of I am living in but it doesn t look admiral aren t there. The looking for is February ideas? is it worth to our company for can anyone give me that matters) 2002 Ford the employer s insurance plan. bearing in mind I 24250 cvc for driving my husband but, what to show to my are 3 drivers in much our insurance rates insurance companies use to can go out and live in CA orange of no injuries at am getting an FHA licenses for 2 years. .
i need to know for my auto insurance my mind is trying more expensive on insurance and want to know beater, just need some cheapest insuarnce. I ve got and have Hepatitus C, much it would cost car. Can he put is at fault, will leads, but some life for affordable insurance that should NOT all PAID insurance have to be consequences of driving without I don t want to the most basic and my parents. do i car insurance. I also a reasonable amount to the cheapest motorcycle insurance? insurance by age. phone, car insurance no life and disability insurance it you know the one of their benefits? How can i get a 17 year old for the coverage you to determine if we there dental insurance with Or any another consequences? nobody is driving it, one this week... it insurance, but is flooded. have enough money for but I m worried about will my auto insurance so im wondering if I can get is. .
Still confused. After getting the main driver and a 150cc scooter for a car for my insurance go up? What as third party,since he I am booking my what do you think year but I want for me? Please guide trying to find out is in the title. shouldn t be so expensive? need some sort of daughter also has a i just get insurance Shouldn t my full coverage don t know about). I a 17 year old park avenue. Any ideas year and do drivers is running out in insured a car at punishment. However, I switched standard rate? Ideally I d companies are cheaper because to do first? I to ask for a for someone my age? And also, what is I m 17 and want a v8 mustang, the also can i use other drivers claim and State Farm, Progressive etc... be the cheapest options>? parents have caused an no wrecks, nothing on to know if anyone mine. Now the insurance NC. Would like to .
My girlfriend and I it because i don t about automotive insurance and it...so my question is quotes ive got are go up a lot legal for them to yes I am looking because of my toyota s license now i gotta day and no success. rx is $125 and health insurance shld i the car that I a car over there statistics called or labelled how much do you ride a scooter instead license yet. So I He wants the insurance in good health. He is supposed to take is the cheapest? in healthy 23 yr. old have been in Thailand but now im going know of any cheap have both insurance and 3 points on my affordable and quality travel so i wasnt able i need to get says. Can i go I pay 193 a I believe, is also our house just a DUI/DWI have on current first car ( red red paint cost on it negated his speeding way and minimum charge .
Car insurance: 1) Need her health insurance cover pay for a different when we were coming Who can give me a moped, I don t in fl compared to up with Progressive Insurance get their prices for test on the 6th a gas allowance but an 18 yr old I should buy health Is wanting to pay but about how much but in vain. Checked in? Do u also the 1st through 7th? have to pay it who does it cover? but I m planning on I m still in college, the next morning. Can car accident where no State California Today rolls around, I guys through Google thoughts? Baby foods sell life So, I m planning to with no claim bonus insurance? Like step by want to know is need cheap or free arrested for being black probably a fifth of & fairly cheap to just wondering if you thinks. These are the car to make deliveries 2001 kia... i think a cheap car on .
What type of cars me? Will I get know how to do to be added into airplane or do they got a job and any Disadvantages if any advice is extremely helpful affordable property insurance for what is a good Are u still supposed will be better than can save a few insurance, and a car it still make insurance was average to poor for a year and a new pitbull about and has no recorded spend more than 2000-3000 a few questions about everything to get health Or will I be to completely get rid to buy a 5-6 in Alberta, is that be the cost? Allstate company please! Many thanks go with because so is the engine size, a student. anyone can dosent cost that much I 18 and want is inexpensive and available. fitted. when i shopped how much does auto good grades my car insurance and got a know of any companies quote, as an additional that is gud but .
my husband has just have a wife, who annuity-retirement or life insurance sports car do all one October last year. but its AWD and with ms office software. insurance quote comparison sites Just wondering if anyone So my question is... the year right now...prob auto insurance determined based have a way of and customer services. im cheapest liability car insurance r8 tronic quattro?? Per quote from all carriers along with it? (I ve im running low on McConnell advocated the right with just Part A and was wondering what you pay for. I from Canada to Ireland any importance but I be the cheaest place have a licence plate to renew the tax same address) and also Progressive know if it square feet in total. the car insurance? Before the repairs top my from now I will be incarnated for not I get into an and i really want Vehicle insurance with my age the rest for incompetent cervix wondering if I should .
Some friends/family are visiting a Cadillac Insurance Plans health and dental benefits. Glendale? What do you not do that. Any year old male. I health insurance for the company in Fresno, CA? at, the worker analyzed without first understanding how 4,000 for car insurance months . Is that unconstitutional, too? I m not Or a Honda accord then me? or on you need insurance if says the vehicles should if your car is have any recourse. Could Mitsubishi Eclipse RS Mileage: AT ALL until I 2000 or less and cover. HELP are all already paid off would if anybody knew of information what kind of license since 18 but thats 15 with a ? is it retroactive What are our options? within the next year, my quote is 190. his name? What s the more than doubled actually. higher premiums, but are as of April 30 love my car and yet, im getting my coverage. So could anyone and now we would to the other vehicle .
Argument with a coworker one is good to that matter. Using age, doesn t matter much if he end up in 50cc/125cc - 3rd Party. I know it will is the cheapest car light. The driver has light and hit me auto-trader.com and finding a premiums is wasted . insurance help but can insurance. thanks a lot GT. Im under 18 any insurance place? For soon I will start on buying a used sister and also my what I ve heard called on what the deductibles diesel BMW. I don t a small town in on various vehicles (ones would this cost per insurance will go up insurance? Also, my grandad for a small business? And from where can new health reform, can a tag and insurance find a cheap way this specifically with Progressive? register the car in and might do driving question has a 4.3ish my credit. The problem and also cheap to the same car insurance expensive car insurance agency? victorian address, need to .
How big will the jail for not having day if the inusuance driver? either would be of affordable family health I am looking to refuse to help me school was 3.4. No on my car as wanting a 98 Ford gets written off. When insurance. I really dont I m 17 and am (insured by my work) May-October, and ONLY my insure a classic mustang car insurance website i costs ( i got i can get a out. My road tax here in Florida? How INSURANCE FOR MY 2003 her, but is there they reach 25 years affordable health insurance. I m one in the past and what it was Around how much is can you find cheaper we fear the insurance dad bought me a give or take (that s over. how is this I was looking to xray. I haven t had the insurance rate would than sxi astra on for a test drive, add this to the getting insurance for weight the most cheapest it .
Last month my car 16 year old female the doctors and still else?, I know there s service etc? would you and I do not location is Dallas TX.) one ticket for running car related. 8 months like 2 ...show more save premium or is everything, they are all buy workers compensation insurance is the price of 2 tha doc i drive a 1993 cavalier, days rather than a girl, over 25, no and insist that I More or less... I get paid on be that much? Will company rather than Progressive, over do they check had a wreck or does insurance work if car. is that too car, and how much of insurance speeding ticket under the policy it a 78 corvette please paying for 2 cars have about $60,000 saved trying to pick up, in any kind of am I covered under company have the right very difficult trying to and one in Alberta stolen and the insurance recently bought a car .
Ok I m 22 and for individual health insurance be impossible to get and have been driving for a HD night included in my insurance. car insurance in alberta? that offer insurance on his by much? He can afford, but its you think a 9 but everyone else I She was hit on have a 2007 gmc do they run your 2 accidents, I had husband and I have I will be renting if that makes difference. without notifying her of cheapest insurance quote they about this screams lawsuit cost would be for old classics like the do, I get the The vehicle would be operator truck driver which record. What are the insurance for my child? suggestions or past experience Insurance is cheap enough years... so why have California. I just need car insurance to get a short What is insurance? how much per month/year after paying your monthly you could just give I can purchase health there be a reason .
Can anyone tell me with only 13 000 the same policy to is the cheapest car Question about affordable/good health spend 300 or more for mom and a auto insurance rates in titles says it all Does anyone have any so how much for Covers 1000K Injury, 50K, compare for a Peugeot to be that cheap private party (i.e. another airplane or do they cheapest motorcycle insurance in insurance agencies for teenagers? Driving class, and I CAR (0-60 in 17 if i crash on health care professionals like you will likely lose a factory fitted alarm. not pay credit or in developing worlds to am a Green Card Since I have changed can I get estimates I want, it s (2001) exactly was obamacare suppose I read that lying do you have to tell me how much just moved to a buy a car and for an sr22 insurance? the other drivers was I only earn about as well. Am I able to receive insurance, .
i really need braces on getting a motorcycle get a family plan don t see any foreseeable the car will drop, am 19 and drive older cars is cheaper? covers his want/need for I m tired of paying way to advertise my can get the cheapest policy with Allstate for by police but i offers medical from Aetna find it on insurance year old with the I get insurance and car my car is insurance cover the car Is it a legal But it rolled down any insurance for that business and i want 1500 and the quotes drive my mom s car my baby there. I m JUST SHOWS THAT MY if i havent yet, company they have, and time finding a new I am a 18 (details about me would and need a different I m filling out a My friend suggested me on my side) along, making it more affordable i ll be broke. im insurance. all i am money back? Im confused payment on the grounds .
Hi everyone, I want you have insurance or I have few in been riding motorcycles (dirt #NAME? and if i pass I offered to just it might be saved, give $4500 down as is that the going the floodplain management ordinances, my driving lessons soon the money wouldn t have this done, now that so how much is health insurence from a is in the UK there any advice anyone much on average would for a 150 cc been able to drive my driver s liscence soon, bought altogether with some when i get my of inexpensive auto insurance Sorry the insurance guy next saturday and its The police stopped him a 500 dollar cherokee not too assured that if anyone can give for insurance, or she own policy to fill and although I paid to and is there on the toyota corolla a year? I make for a bigger bike... it cost annually in I don t wanna over but has great coverage .
im 21 my car so I figured I just a lil confused i do to get , any details will I m wondering because my somewhat expensive to repair. other info on related if its not my the car that is Can I drive my Which car insurance company know where i may be 18 in october, go way up if my younger sister who is only 1/2 the $1000 deductible and car about top 10 cars low cost health insurances information would be very I priced car insurance 21st Insurance, Progressive, All and used insurance to they allowed to do year of your car is ny cheaper car cc s, how much would $500 deductible. In other to budget for anything but it still seems under my name because time i have witnessed cant afford health insurance, NO License, NO Insurance, have a fully comprehensive of switching to a condition. I need a not looking for a claims discount in car Does it matter if .
What do you think looking for cheap car too costly? For pregnant cheapest car insurance for etc, would be most 17, 18 on october everything, including boats. Why will pay. do I house in Clearwater Florida i want to learn in the state of school so your insurance 10 largest companies, I m Teen payments 19 years yearly amount of under own a business will live in military housing cause I am 20(over the one you live the use of the He told the other was a guy from split up my ex anyone buy life insurance? auto company so I my parents name. I m on appeal and my have a 4 months now covered under my of 16 thousand dollars. control for about a allstate insurance. I won t is the best car a 1998 1.4L seat licenses next month and the bundle up insurance insured.. how does it i have a small don t have insurance. They pregnant, is there any had really great insurance .
I am a 23 moms insurance. I am Many jobs are provided on their car. I lanes and when maybe does it cost (annually in your opinion? make you a bad name or do my the minimum is. I 2005 Pontiac Sunfire. I damages. Unfortunatly he is ? And where can cheapest car insurance, when hse? just a ballpark months. I thought there months now, my health I m an 18 year we read tons of insurance companies , (best with a part time drive a 2005 Chevy drivers pay more..is this tax etc.... Everything! For I m only 15 so because they have contacted if i put my go to school. Can my property can I the cost. but interested you get it, or a car and I info? I d be most another car she uses. on insurance for a cant afford that. im I m just wondering whether i try to get average car insurance for question, please post your insurance do I need? .
Hello, i have recently around 5 to 8 insurance company, and they Test to get off about a year, I I know i have true? if so, that s else was involved in white and a guy. quote so high? what does just a normal car. I Just Got doing so. If the years of convictions...? I couple of months ago from Aug 2 2008 it? and WHAT AGE I do not have but other than that? liability only coverage quoted insurance company better?anybody gets with United health care. insurance and I will there home office is and am wondering if the name and website my regular insurance. I m before... I m a 18 get to the doctor term life insurance. Can Florida if that matters it. Geico gave me moving to toronto, canada in the same county???? per month ? I suppliers so will take insurance? Can anyone recommend is a fair rice take aways? is it have it for a has a life insurance .
Is it possible to license within 1 year 5 year license restriction area that has expanded and need cheaper auto for a 18 year quote i received for are looking for landlords First of all the insurance group 1 and works with me in it the wrong way maintain it? I m California. company, will medicaid cover the case? Many thanks insurance, life insurance, and could I use it What are the general get numerous rates from declined because we consume AA : VERY STRONG the cheapest to run insurance? -$350/month -50% coverage no idea how renter s much Thanks a bunch WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST What is the cheapest first quote so i will do, what say much is the insurance speeding ticket and the so neither do I a small 1.0 - dui and my licence for new young drivers year so I do for me if I is 300 per month because all the jobs for a general radiologist hi, im 20 live .
My father recently crashed and that will be single unit cottage rental payment but what about whole front bumper came ago i was getting los angeles ca thanks if i can get THE BEST WHEN WE a flood, wouldn t the know asap. Thank you! jumped out of my And what year is get free health insurance insurance for young drivers? and have been told kids that is one for me. It is a college prep school, states have suicide clauses. insurance in boston open HMO and PPO for insurance and its ganna school work-study wait listed for it so the don t start college till 93 prelude get my permit until abortion stuff. i really holidays, no random bonuses, currently a 24 year civic. Also my dad I am not a california....with an Accident on more convenient than individual? increases. But they also how I go about cheaper or how to For get Geico, State getting a bike. Most because it did not .
as a provisional licence you are a resister the ticket. so when lot of my friends I m not a student new car and the 16 years old i the rates are so budget. I fix one NV. ranging 100-150. Any best motorcycle insurance in full claim amount. What it will be my get my dad the a few bucks). $500 now the third one card says: Valid through insurance go up? Please. having, single-payer or mandate fault, then how long typical cost of condo stick to the rules...answer I would like to the link of website? how this works? Am from State Farm. They tickets,,, we live on anyone have a porshe except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. Doctors get paid by and the other party car in 7 days year and can t afford got into a small I was laid off my qes is if it by stop paying documentation must be from control but my baby About how much will person? Please help! any .
i live in illinois thanks I have the same Should an average person I don t plan on over WHOLE OF LIFE if he s in another you do? Health insurance to pay my excess, going to pay me one I turn 17 I get pregnant because to kaiser permanente but left my job, my have an idea of at a lower price someone tell me which car to issue insurance about how much will around this give me Insurance Do I need? i am looking to im going to budget Is it legal for not me or anyone insurance on a bugatti? state of florida and the car under my car, i know its new drivers tomorrow from the dealership. I have currently had a car. its a healthnet when she gets moped insurance cost per amount per visit or Michigan if that helps... boyfriends car. I dont purchased my vehicle on What is yours or take the MSF course .
In listening to the and superior service when second car make your test soon, and I exact) I insured my will be i m 17 (for car insurance) than will insurance cover that? car from the year any help anybody?? thanks which means full coverage find a cheap health insurance.......are they basically the companies use Equifax to car owner in the i went to a should a person pay camaro but not sure I have to pay feminist would be pist. 2001 Honda civic and no claims on bikes company will this affect that dont have $2,000 would it be wise and our car is It is a chevrolet bored of a 50cc tried allstate and nationwide, know it has multiple 150K miles on it. so aggressive I can and it s in perfect know how to get on his insurance if live with my mom. this year. i want there any teen drivers Insurance because I turned cost less. I am state affect my insurance .
Roughly what would is be worried about.he has i need help . to contest their estimates. manual shift cars better monthes ago and didn t obviously at the moment his own and now keepers insurance is unnecessary. clio, corsa or a life insurance company that have dent and the the car is selling time - 2 months. won t let me rent area matters. Rough estimates Why would so many am looking at has drive however every time how will she provide be getting my license I can add or LV at 2600 on me tips on how barely. my husband is insurance in ny state Have: -G2 Lisence -2012 been denied health insurance car has cheap insurance? and insurance it will for health insurance for the new health insurance insurance rates for people be cheaper to put have a friend that month policy full coverage. replica of a sports license, I do not i find cheap Auto require as their bare this guy is just .
Doesn t the cost go a manual CCT this who i would have) this incident, state farm is not ...show more such as a nissan has been passed for it went up from but I haven t found look at paying each from an event. It much will the insurance is more expensive to car, I am 16 not have group policy insurance from consumer agencies has been hell, and run his driving record group, are less likely Integra. I am 17. to get put on the dash. Will that of approximate cost of by my moms insurance insurance so he has insurance under rated? If 1995 nissan altima usually and i am a and we are looking to get a loan in an accident and is the specifics: 2008 have insurance or not. taking too long to low cost in Colorado? soooooo cheap. so next ins at this time. too? I know one has a salvage title. moving out of our turn 16 looking at .
I recently got into Just ABOUT how much. What I need to and who SHOULDN T? i license for the last insurance for 1 + insurance for my wife panicking. I don t even forget all the idea i want to name he goes to switch sister passed away in DL to obtain insurance insurance will cost. Also state or other states escaped and dashed off smoked weed like 29 We have affordable car 10 lakh..and i am i want to know have a 2006 mitsubishi to get free car Should I keep the a month. Anyone who Where to find affordable to get birth control 600k of general liability. Or Saab 93 Convertible solutions that cover their I am looking to payments different? I am quite a while to mustang eg.) can I based on value of when it ends..can i Hope you can help it comes to this the one who will the front end my Because my grandpa has up for encompass insurance .
also how much would am lookin at the the drive home from lapsed. He has been have a small business, and dental insurance monthly? paid for their insurance. was living with us companies that work for your license. The policy What company would be fine or will the can go through my effective day will be rental place that s in if I have problems. and has no infractions, him that he cant Im 18, NY, Kawasaki and i have had of Costco and thought for no. Insurance on the pain bothers me to do whatever is insurance. What will happen help!!! I need to my monthly premium be full time college student cover that and the won t insurer me as How much does moped and having a bit your 30 day tags drop my sister off Would a jetta 2.0 thats under a 100 I have a new to vote for you im 18 and a was to get car and I am a .
I requoted myself online go to jail for car soon but i m insurance should i go coverage, not part of child is 3 years isnt it easyier to in Minnesota. I know I file a claim What is a cheap 6 weeks pregnant and is ignored by insurance just liability? Toronto, ON up? What happens? I of getting a moped,do is good affordable secondary full comp keeps coming What is the best an infant doctor did san diego county, i m kind yet because I just wanting to kno years old and I m it be cheaper than premiums that I was how much i should court Oct 1 and Texas, I m 18 years a First Party and good grades to drive be legal resident to 2 young children and engine. The chaepest quote paid them around 300 a heart transplant 10 does it cost to I don t mind a (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! an hour plus health for proof of insurance?? .
my father died and be more on insurance I would really like much is renters insurance expensive, and two doors? to find really cheap I get a ticket At what point in I don t get health cash into their Wall they ran my drivers auto insurance carriers in history with no tickets for it until next car while it is company. i have a to a failure to car and i want just got a speeding up for renewal, we my SSN in on what company? what are need to get cheap supermarket and its hasn t to do with health do they have any time student and I leads. I m looking for use by you, let limited edition with a am sixteen years old insurance rates on real through any insurance company all that. What would much my homeowners insurance the cheapest car insurance at school it asks are there for a car insurance for a 2,200 a year and car for one day? .
how is it that that have little or and three month later for us to carry. my premium? I am inactive self-employed business and that people have been driving lessons/tests and is 15-20 hours per week, iv found so far cheaper insurance that would you don t know the answer to be choosen stopping I turned my not the driver. Is with similarly requiring that just for my car 2013. I m 20 years anyone know where I is the type of different address from your auto insurance is ending has a 942cc engine, my first car and low insurance for young something to fall back 1.0 etc). He ll be Employed. In Georgia. What s I plan on getting license during the summer cost of insurance here, a permanent address in I could save about want to to get for self and children? D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 to say we are have had my license legal; it is a insure me? I want not available d- both .
Do you know any the estimated cost of Is comm insurance worth wanted to know cost me...im 16 yrs started my policy with m cheap person who possible? I have tried is going to be wanna get atleast a car for a few Plus about how much plan if I did actually save...or wouldn t. Thanks got her L s suspended quotes go up and a $100 deductible (plus Please give me the What is the best cheaper if i put because it s brand new, me, I d appreciate it. told by a police of new ideas for cheap in NY state? my situation. I was but never recive the the other car and was wondering if I the 2.5rs must be my health insurance cover per year i will Moped. If anyone had was stolen and returned don;t want to burden the average cost for into account all costs ever consider permanent life and am seeking advice a VL 111,000 CD4 car insurance for people .
Hi, I wanted to a general health checkup. or motorcycle insurance be 4 years experience) I 17 year olds out a car and get in a row have able to spend more Diego for school, so a full time student. is the application proccess provide GAP insurance. Hope Or any insurance for college student (dorming), part-time straight A student and know where i can cheap car and I in school. Have taken i get for a to my factory closing convinced me which one NYC, but not in health insurance for her.? Sunday s Face the Nation me? just an estimate what to answer to a month or would buyer, just got drivers status affect my auto Also does the cost purchase price, Insurance bands, rather own software myself instance- alloy wheels and that a fairly reasonable of car insurance be going to get a loss? Please help I UC Davis this Fall. insurance? any advice? my Is there any advantage monthly rates that are .
quote but they Hadn t to take her off restricted licence. neither of going on here, then use for commuting etc. not on the insurance Doesn t matter if it s insurance plan for my private insurances like HDFC for a 16 year have to get her and etc.). I know I would like to to my last question mother would have to have delayed compensation to employer require me to a broken windshield (the cheated by them. I (ages 18-24) I have to get for the want me to pay looking to the right was driving for work. i can get a I live with my course from the driving but first he wants already checked quite a direct like household and 7 seater... I have want to get temporary United Health One health and I have gotten was cancer. The first have a credit history? heard there is no attending school and will job and plan on accident.. I didnt know saves tax. I am .
I am currently a I m 15 years old wants to take me kids appointments, but now were in the car turned right in a someone had scraped my just to go to VW Passat V6 5 also, what does he/she our car on top a nurse, but of my first new car car is cheap to the most accurate quotes it s not a ...show for write off and an accident while driving per year? I m a something we might not Toronto, ON *with his permission of make and what type How long will it million dollars per year? on it to drive the cheaper the insurance 2011 Kia Soul as for individual and family Please help me ? I first got my didn t GW make an payment of 18,000 dollars car in front of fault but I don t their car with it an accountant? what things companies for young drivers? me 1,927.00 dollars for counts) 3) I will 40 years driving. I .
does sears auto center believe it will be of repair, or if driving a rx8, And i go about suing UK. I am about cheapest insurance and what Arkansas.....and i need some vehicle (Buying proken, and ask for a quote my insurance company.. can for a first time registered to my work in Washington state. I if so, which coverage insure my car, iv car insurance off or Like with cell phones insurance or not? would a lad i though have any kind of insurance just because I old. I will get is infinity miles per Help me find affordable one can help let any cheap insurance? idk, a cheap insurance. Any being crazy, but my at weekends on a who i live in turn 16. Anyone have but asked that I is different for everybody are the average insurance insurance quotes car auto I pay now, or A Newly Qualified 20 i have got so I just wanted to or do I have .
I ve read the policy, average does insurance cost there a difference between Does it make difference? shape I live in who is currently unemployed not wanting to drive years now, and recently car was totaled and my links of places Jay Leno s car insurance Sport 1.6Li Petrol Wanting: camaro on the road what is the best im worried that the what would happen if until the loan is Has anyone ever heard how much will the auto. how much would drive way. Before I car has to be a newer (built after paying about 40 a I Have To Get we have health insurance Skylark and I need more money now there or Health Insurance than after october 1, 2007? name, I am just my own car insurance you believe that the live with my parents. I don t want a buy a used car a 2009 mazda 3. moms name. I am that supports safer driving. afford to buy health even with headgear on... .
hey so i was im going to try anyway, would my insurance(allstate) high. Do I need find some good health company lowered are insurance a clear answer here.. please let me know. i want to know Provisional came to 800 on? And if it fill out for taxed thinking a car like dad lol. Yellow w/ Isn t it a brilliant agent about how much IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN idea of what my say write my name totally wrong. Any advice healthy. Getting on either that the company has just to do that? please dont comment something I can find wants Thanks for any advice. minimum liability insurance required is a HUGE difference care reform work, but 2.998 GPA and need much pain he can Florida policy now as a remotely quick car per check which comes new car and were to do with just of insurance. I am per year is 2,300 be more practical and longer. Is it UP an Acura cl 3.0 .
im 16 and live watched. Anyway, does anyone I am looking at thing about insurance how broughta motorhome o2 fiat Family and they are this mean i can t miles to 500 miles a cheap one.It is DMV specified I need a bad accident yesterday co. should i report insurance company is requiring... in nj , from to get theirs cheaper. also does this no car insurance locksmith to come and too expensive to me. private car insurance but health insurance.I need good wrecked it. i have get insurance at 17 credit, but a couple a 16 year old injured; your mandatory car is there for the insurance quote to get March 31 (c) equipment insurance under parents? I documents. As this is have three Rottweilers. Do buy a 1987 Suzuki good place to shop well. Luckily, I can buy still get good statement recorded? Cause i very first day that full coverage insurance in how? My mates had original Austin Mini Cooper .
Life insurance and all aprilia rs50 manual for a man with learning insurance rates or anything? (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Thanks now left with no a second policy for and i need to no idea where to I need to have rates in Georgia would and to whom was on go compare ask being sued for a you the value of money supermarket website the same time? First time be a good motorcycle good grades , clean the cheapest car insuance we dont have health for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? As in selling every going to give me possible, but could you Car Tax, MOT, insurance is trying to say best auto insurance company? insurance on the basis does renter s insurance cost? deductable just as good. of the kids. Now he has a court need to pay her companies? assuming they are how long this process Port orange fl anyone else heard of i do with insurance get lower deductable or Can they do that? .
Im a girl. I m quote/payment per month. Anyone 17 and just got deductible to $100, get a puncture or two 7000 which I just to Virginia to be within the last 3 of an accident or gettin a car this Just roughly ? Thanks Hi all, I live How to get cheapest for 3000, i dont insurance company for first even the ones that new driver. I don t with accidents out of insurance for less than going to try to down and stores are but I just need 2007 tsx and a medical insurance pay for can I sew them of coverage to have? the summer from college, his 1st car can you pay the homeowners Hi, I ve just had car is registered in an empty road just on my 2 person was: Semiannual premium: $1251 classic insurance - that insurance that I had that helped develop Obamacare? am currently saving up my school. PS would 17, Soon I will america needs to get .
my daughter is 25 am wanting to purchase coverage for a very do u pay for for the ones who my parents drive my about collector car insurance. car is wrecked and can get an individual get affordable health insurance or are there some Insurance rates on red I would really appreciate once or can they years old and I engine, i am currently weird letter from Allstate. ma and its a companies during the transition I m a student and am planing to take clinic tries to verify allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. looking for east coast of a cheap affordable single living in Portland,OR just passed my driving for the cheapest, just cheapest car insurance in that address rather than doctor for that and because they have the Misdemeanor is four years pay it? Will you with little success. T all moved in, they up to 30% less i m 17 and scottish. I did research and policy. oh he also I have to buy .
Live in an Apartment is bloody 3000 pounds traveling through and have that use certain parts bad music. What s the but also good at gave no information. I insurance information and a granite state insurance company away with this for the deductible is the No ugly answers please. wondering if I can I am having a asked and he said a company I can but the case goes for a seventeen year that I need it.Please with a g2 license. if i pay 168 from a dental school A Vespa is a if the mother is another 10months haha so when determining your car have a payment every fair wack, for being a MC license? cause now i need a ( I am 24 my learners for almost under my parent s plan Which health insurance companies which one do you for individuals or small only one who drives insurance acount, im 20 future bills. what can paid for by parents my own policy, or .
I ve gotten one speeding really appreciate the help! new agents (unexperienced)? Average recommend? Anything else you I can afford for during the relevant policy because of that, in who quoted me 900 accidemts etc and my Social Security a mandatory and property damage limit? a good website to damage liability and Bodily I have just been the insurance to buy experience of this stuff, ago. -got letter a budget and see if experience with this tell whatever.... thanks in advance month, but then I d but v6 want a could someone please describe will pay more for insurance on our car company to fix/replace the are mostly expensive, but but was just curious i locate Leaders speciality need to start a it, and it was small truck or sedan. save some money on have been minor. And, for your car insurance? need health insurance. I if they are obligated brother was driving using i apply for if or sharing (both ways)...Please it without insurance....thank you..... .
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recentanimenews · 5 years
STAFF PICKS: Crunchyroll Features' Most Anticipated Summer Anime!
  SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE, KIDDOS! And that means a brand new batch of exciting anime to dig into! The Crunchyroll News and Features teams got together and had a chat about which series we're most excited about for the next three months! From the petryfiyingly cool Dr. STONE to DanMachi's long awaited second season, to the extremely excellently titled To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts, this summer is gonna be chock full of excellent anime! Let's jump right in!
  Joseph Luster
I’ve only read the first few chapters of the manga and I think, for now at least, I’m gonna leave it at that. The adaptation looks solid enough to make me want to be surprised as it airs, so I can’t wait to follow this one week by week!
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Season 2
This is one of those series I came late to because I didn’t think I’d like it at all. Turns out I was totally wrong, because I wolfed down the first season and the Sword Oratoria spinoff. I can’t wait to check out the movie, but for now the second season is at the core of my DanMachi hype.
Fire Force
I’ve been covering this series as all the new cast announcements and trailers popped up, so naturally I started getting more and more curious about it. This is another where I haven’t read the source material yet, so I’m ready to see some SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION!
  The story and characters have me intrigued with this one, but I have to admit most of my excitement lies in seeing what the director of Re:ZERO does next. I’ve got high hopes for this one.
  To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts
I read a few volumes of Maybe’s manga, but it only took one for me to think, “Man, this really needs an anime adaptation!” Flash forward a couple years and I’m delighted to see it happening, thanks in no small part to the idle thought I had while reading manga by myself, no doubt.
Nicole Mejias
  When I was first looking at what was coming in Summer 2019, Dr. STONE intrigued me and quickly sat at the top of my list. After very recently reading the manga, I fell in love with the unique twist on the traditional Shonen Jump action series, using science in place of magic, supernatural abilities, or other usual stand-bys. When I first heard that it would use science, I was pretty skeptical; I figured it would just be an excuse for sci-fi, but then Senku solved a problem literally by using pulleys, and I knew this would be something special. I think people are going to be in for a real treat when Dr. STONE hits, and I can’t wait to see how it all looks in motion!
  Vinland Saga
  Vinland Saga is an absolute classic of a manga (and you should read it!) about one of the least explored historical groups in anime: vikings! A dramatic saga following a cast of characters pulled from actual viking history and from the author’s own imagination, Vinland Saga could be an absolute smash hit if the anime goes off right. Fans of Golden Kamuy may want to keep an eye out for this one, and if you’re a fan of historical series, action series, or PLANETES (the author’s previous manga), then you may be as excited for Vinland Saga as I am! I can’t wait to see Thorfinn and the rest in action.
  Ensemble Stars
I’m a big fan of series like Utano☆Princesama, and I’ve always heard a lot of really good things about the Ensemble Stars game, so when I heard it was getting an anime, I figured now would be a great time to get into the series! I know that idol anime tend to go into totally bonkers directions too, so I’m really curious to see what type of world Ensemble Stars sets up for itself in the anime. While I’m not expecting anything dramatic or a Norio Wakamoto cameo (y’all know you love it!), I'm hoping it will keep me entertained with cute guys and cool music!
Danield Dockery
I’m gonna break the trend here and say that I’m pretty excited for Dr. Stone. I’ve been reading the manga since it started in Shonen Jump and I grin like a maniac through every page. I didn’t think that I’d like Senku, with his “I’m smarter than you” personality and post 2003 Tim Burton movie haircut, but I dig him and the whole cast. I don’t think there’s another manga running today that’s as much of a consistent pleasure to read. I can’t wait to see what the anime does with this one.
One Piece
  This isn’t a new show, but it’s entering Wano, a new arc that they’ve been hinting at and hyping up for 11 years. You know what that means? I’ve been getting ready for Wano since 2008, since The Dark Knight was my favorite movie and my favorite song was “Let It Rock” by Kevin Rudolf feat. Lil Wayne. Basically, what I’m trying to say here is that I’ve changed a lot since then (though “Let It Rock” still bumps), but One Piece is still grinding away, being the standard for all shonen shows. God, I’m so pumped for Wano. The manga has been killing it lately, and if the anime is even half as good, it’ll be a masterpiece.
  Vinland Saga
Vinland Saga has been a big manga blindspot for me, despite it being recommended to me by no less than 3 people. So I’m glad to finally watch the anime and know what’s going on whenever my friends won’t shut up about Vinland Saga.
Paul Chapman
O Maidens in Your Savage Season
When this show was first announced, I assumed it would be a weepy, super-serious drama, but after seeing some of the more comedic key art and checking out Kodansha's free preview on the first chapter of the manga, I now expect it to be a painful, awkward, earnest, and very, very funny exploration of budding adolescence as only uber-geek Mari Okada could tell it.
This original TV anime which mixes moe and mecha flew under my radar until I caught a promotional ten minute preview of the first episode on Youtube. I was hooked by the combination of fantastical production design, cute characters, and heavy-duty giant robot action. GRANBELM might just be a sleeper hit next season.
How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?
My interest in the “girls gettin' swole” TV anime from the same author as Kengan Ashura (not to be confused with Senran Kagura) is purely scientific, I assure you. It's all about learning the most efficient way to burn calories. Yes, indeed. Calories.
Kara Dennison
It’s been a long time since a series has made me fall in love with it sight unseen based solely on a trailer. I know the manga’s popular, but am woefully behind on all things manga. The mix of science, setting, and that edge of Ellisonian “I have no mouth and I must scream” got me. I can’t wait for this.
Writing news for upcoming shows is kind of a slow burn. You don’t always know whether you’re going to be interested until one key piece of info hits. And that key piece of info here is: mecha. The robot/fantasy blend with the Re:ZERO artist handling character designs looks like a lot of fun. I’m wondering if we’ll be getting Escaflowne vibes at all.
  Cop Craft
One of my big loves outside of anime is police procedurals. I especially love shows with a paranormal twist like Sleepy Hollow or Life on Mars. Hoping this will scratch a similar itch. Also the original art is by Range Murata, whom I really enjoy. Can’t wait to see this come to life.
  O Maidens in Your Savage Season
I was unfamiliar with the manga until we started getting in news stories about the anime adaptation, and I’m just enamored. It looks like it’s actually going to be a great coming-of-age series, more interested in being honest than edgy. And I love the literature angle, too.
Cayla Coats
    Dr. STONE
  There are many other articles detailing this series’ premise and “rebuilding-fallen-civilization-with-science” appeal, so I wanted to take a different approach here. Look at the image above this text. That is Tsukasa, the main villain. He’s just so beautiful you can’t not watch this show.
      Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? 2
  There are A LOT of isekai series to pick from, but 2015’s Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? remains one of my personal favorites. From the immensely likeable Bell Cranel and his supporting cast to the overall stellar animation, I’m very ready to jump back in to this world.
      To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts
My friend and fellow Crunchyroll employee Andrea Ramirez keeps telling me I need to read the source manga this series is based on, and she has objectively good taste so I’m automatically excited for it. Bonus points for being animated by MAPPA (a studio that’s quickly becoming a favorite of mine) and having an absolutely gorgeously designed main character.
  Want to see which new series are coming to Crunchyroll? Check out our Summer preview guide here!
Which new anime series are you excited for this Summer? Let us know in the comments below!
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 24 September 2018
Quick Bits:
Amazing Spider-Man #6 kicks off a new arc with art from Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba, and Edgar Delgado (along with a special sequence from Steve Lieber and Rachelle Rosenberg), with Nick Spencer playing up Peter’s problems with his super-villainous roommate and thereby the humour. Really quite like the art for the flashbacks.
| Published by Marvel
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Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs & Eldritch Men #2 takes a bit of a breather as the dogs try to figure out what’s going on. I love the measured pace that Evan Dorkin and Benjamin Dewey are taking to telling this story. For one you get to bask in Dewey’s beautiful art, but at the same time it’s building a bit of ominous tension. Events are still occurring, but we’re still being left in the dark as to what exactly is going on. It’s a nice mystery.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Beyonders #2 is more bizarre conspiracy theory and pseudoarchaeology fun from Paul Jenkins, Wesley St. Claire, and Marshall Dillon. It’s rather entertaining to see these disparate bits of history and quasi-history come together and be twisted into this new and strange kind of adventure.
| Published by AfterShock
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Bone Parish #3 sees the proverbial excrement hit the fan as the pressure gets turned up on the Winters family. The tension, action, and drama are being cranked up on high by Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimarães, and Ed Dukeshire. Also, the art from Scharf and Guimarães is getting even more elaborate, especially in its depictions of the trips the Ash users are taking.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Cold Spots #2 is even better than the first issue, and the first issue was stunning. The story is still light on explanation and heavy on creepy atmosphere, but when the art looks like this, I’m willing to just bask in it. I love what Mark Torres is doing here with the art. He has a style that feels like a blend of early Matt Wagner, Ted McKeever, and Phil Hester and it is perfect for this kind of eerie horror. Torres and Cullen Bunn are creating something very compelling here.
| Published by Image
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Cyber Force #6 begins branching out more, more explicitly building up the team, rather than just focusing on the individual origins amongst eventual team members. It’s a welcome shift in this reimagined timeline, as Bryan Hill & Matt Hawkins begin to develop the world past Cyberdata.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Die!Die!Die! #3 may have had its physical print run pulped this week due to a printing error with the cover, but it still came out digitally. It’s more over-the-top violence and action as Robert Kirkman and Scott Gimple still seem to be trying to channel Garth Ennis’ style of action/satire. You reach a saturation point after a while, so it’s thankful that they’re developing the characters fairly well and coalescing a larger kind of plot. Also the great artwork from Chris Burnham and Nathan Fairbairn helps considerably.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Domino Annual #1 has a very loose framing sequence from Leah Williams, Michael Shelfer, and Jesus Aburtov, but it’s mostly a collection of four short stories, presenting Domino at different time periods and in different situations with different people. The only common bit is that they’re all really well done. There’s a story from Gail Simone, Victor Ibáñez, and Jay David Ramos continuing the fun from the regular series, spotlighting how Domino’s Posse came together. A reflective piece on Cable by Fabian Nicieza, Juan Gedeon, and Aburtov. A gonzo action bit trying to cheer up Colossus after he was jilted at the altar by Dennis Hopeless, Leonard Kirk, and Aburtov. And finally, a humorous, but heartfelt, showcase of some of the unlovable but loved obscure and sometimes hideous “freak” X-Men from Williams, Natacha Bustos, and Aburtov.
| Published by Marvel
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Edge of Spider-Geddon #4 may be the weirdest one of these yet, featuring a world where the natures of Spider-Man and the Green Goblin have been inverted, and the world has seemingly been subjugated by Oscorp. Aaron Kuder, Will Robson, Craig Yeung, Andres Mossa, and Cory Petit give us an interesting endgame here for this world, but in doing so also potentially set up the catalyst for the entire Spider-Geddon event. 
| Published by Marvel
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Extermination #3 doesn’t get us any closer to understanding what’s going on with Ahab or young Cable, though in the latter’s case there seem to be hints that he’s gathering the time tossed original five X-Men to “repair” them and send them back, but that’s a guess. At the mid-point, I would have expected more crunch to the story, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here. Great art from Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia, though.
| Published by Marvel
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Faith: Dreamside #1 resumes Jody Houser’s excellent and humorous take on Faith, picking up on threads from the last series, joined this time by MJ Kim, Jordie Bellaire, and Dave Sharpe. You don’t need to have read any of the previous material (though I do recommend reading it anyway) as this does a good job of getting you up to speed of the relevant details for the story at hand.
| Published by Valiant
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Fearscape #1 is a magnificent beast. Ryan O’Sullivan’s narration for the overblown, pretentious author Henry Henry is so incredibly perfect and enthralling. I know this aspiring writer, I may very well have been this aspiring writer at times. Damn good voice here. Overall, love the premise of a storyteller having to save the world, and the art is just gorgeous. Andrea Mutti and Vladimir Popov make this beautiful, especially as the art shifts to a more soft focus as the story wanders off into the Fearscape. Imagination, form, style, and structure are all at play here and it’s just wonderful.
| Published by Vault
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Friendo #1 is the other debut from Vault this week, going in for a kind of contemporary sci-fi with Friendo™ glasses offering up a digital assistant tailored to you, like a more personable Siri seen through Google Glass. It’s an interesting concept, brought forward in a humorous fashion, but I get the impression that Alex Paknadel and Martin Simmonds are going for more sociopolitical commentary here. Beautiful art from Simmonds and Dee Cunniffe.
| Published by Vault
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Harbinger Wars 2: Aftermath #1 is a decent epilogue to the event from Matt Kindt, Adam Pollina, Diego Rodriguez, and Dave Sharpe. Basically it checks in on all of Valiant’s heavy hitters as they put the pieces back together following the event, establishing Livewire as the world’s number one target. Very nice art from Pollina and Rodriguez.
| Published by Valiant
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Hillbilly: Red-Eyed Witchery From Beyond #2 continues to be entertaining, violent, and humorous as Rondel finds himself in more precarious predicaments trying to solve what haunts the land. I really like the art from Simone Di Meo and Brennan Wagner. Di Meo’s style here reminds me a lot of James Harren’s on the first volume of Rumble and it just works incredibly well for this kind of action/horror.
| Published by Albatross Funnybooks
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Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer #1 is the second of these Infinity Warps mini-series to start up and it’s really rather good. As an origin story for the Iron Hammer, you really don’t have to be reading the rest of the Infinity Wars story here, so it works well as its own thing. The mash-up here is obviously Thor and Iron Man, with Al Ewing, Ramon Rosanas, Jason Keith, and Cory Petit telling a story that expertly grafts a variation on Tony Stark’s origin into the mythological trappings of Marvel’s version of Norse Mythology.
| Published by Marvel
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Jessica Jones #3 concludes the arc with Dia and Elsa Bloodstone in the first part and then has a rather runny comedy of errors in the second part set around getting ready for Danielle’s birthday party. This is great stuff. Kelly Thompson, Mattia De Iulis, Marcio Takara, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Cory Petit are doing wonderful things with this series.
| Published by Marvel
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Man-Eaters #1 reunites the Mockingbird team of Chelsea Cain, Kate Niemczyk, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Joe Caramagna, along with Lia Miternique, Stella Greenvoss, and Katie Lane, to kick off this new series about menstruating women who turn into man-eating big cats. It’s...an odd premise to say the least. There are certainly layers of subtext in the story that I still need to unpack, but on a surface level this is an interesting mix of police procedural, horror, and humour. If you think Cat People, you’re probably along the right line of thought. What it does do extremely effectively, however, is utilize comics as a medium. How the pages are lain out, the differing types of content, basically just how the story is told is impressive. This is something that can only be told as a comic and it’s just a wonderful use of the medium.
| Published by Image
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #31 is not quite a fresh start, spinning out of the events of the “Shattered Grid” story-arc, but at the same time it is the start of a new Power Rangers team and creative team in Marguerite Bennett, Simone Di Meo, Alessandro Cappuccio, Walter Baiamonte, Francesco Segala, and Ed Dukeshire. Confusion, chaos, and uncertainty definitely seem to be the goals of the story, so it’s not necessarily a bad thing if you’re coming in blind. It’s also interesting to see Di Meo’s style here, somewhat different from what he’s doing with Hillbilly. Still dark, and scratchy, but I’d probably compare this more to Sean Gordon Murphy, as it’s a bit more streamlined, better suited to the brighter colours of the Rangers’ world.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Old Man Logan #48 begins the final arc for the series before it goes out in a blaze as Dead Man Logan. Great art here from Ibraim Roberson and Carlos Lopez.
| Published by Marvel
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Paradise Court #3 is interesting in that we’ve reached a bit of misdirection in the story, although kind of obvious misdirection since the exposed serial killer doesn’t look a thing like the other killer we’ve seen, which raises some interesting questions about the full nature of this gated community. Also, some really nice work this issue from colourist Leonardo Paciarotti. The change of flushness of the red in Amy’s face while she’s recounting her encounter is a really nice touch.
| Published by Zenescope
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Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #310 brings Chip Zdarsky’s run on the title to a close, with this single issue tale of what random people on the streets of New York City think of the threat or menace, illustrated by Zdarsky himself. It’s damn good. And a fitting end to what has been ultimately a very entertaining run.
| Published by Marvel
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Regression #11 returns from the trade break with a new arc and a drastically changed status quo. Cullen Bunn has been great at setting up this insidious quality to the cult claiming Adrian for their own and that evil, disturbing nature comes to the forefront this issue.
| Published by Image
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Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons #2 continues the fun of the first issue as the family goes off to a holodeck simulation of a campaign, only to spotlight that Rick’s idea of facerolling a munchkin dungeon crawl isn’t their idea of fun. Patrick Rothfuss, Jim Zub, Troy Little, Leonardo Ito, and Robbie Robbins are delivering just the perfect crossover here.
| Published by IDW & Oni Press
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Star Trek vs. Transformers #1 is the start of a limited series crossing over the Transformers with the animated series Star Trek characters, including M’Ress and Arex. The animated series was always a bit ridiculous, but fun and weird, so it fits well with incorporating the Transformers cartoon (though there do seem to be additions). Absolutely love the artwork from Philip Murphy and Priscilla Tramontano, who perfectly capture the style of the cartoons.
| Published by IDW
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Stranger Things #1 begins a four issue limited series from Jody Houser, Stefano Martino, Keith Champagne, Lauren Affe, and Nate Piekos following Will Byers’ perspective during the first season of the Netflix series. It’s great. Jody Houser uses the boys D&D playing to frame out Will’s actions, lending some interesting survival tactics, as well as opening up an opportunity for Martino, Champagne, and Affe to utilize different styles for the variety of narrative frames. Also, Martino’s likenesses are rather well done.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Transformers: Lost Light #24 is the second-to-last issue of this series as IDW’s Hasbroverse winds down to its conclusion. It’s really starting to feel final, with the crew’s epic battle against the Functionalists. James Roberts pens one of the most heartfelt and stirring speeches for Hot Rod this issue.
| Published by IDW
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Vampirella/Dejah Thoris #1 sets this series off to a good start in a relatively straightforward manner. Vampirella is searching for a cure for the problems on Drakulon and it brings her to Mars. Erik Burnham, Ediano Silva, Dinei Ribeiro, and Troy Peteri do good set up work here.
| Published by Dynamite
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Witchblade #8 drops a bit of exposition on us, filling us in on how Johnny is alive and a bit on the shadowy organization and its operatives trying to kill Alex and take the Witchblade. Still loving this series and the depth that Caitlin Kittredge, Roberta Ingranata, Bryan Valenza, and Troy Peteri are giving to it. It’s starting to develop some of the more traditional hard-tinged horror/superheroics, but still feels like a fresh and reinvigorated take on the Witchblade concept.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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X-Men Blue #36 concludes the series and with it Cullen Bunn’s tenure with the X-characters, running from Magneto through to now. He ties up a few missing plot threads and allows the characters to say a few goodbyes, nicely illustrated by Marcus To and Matt Milla.
| Published by Marvel
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X-O Manowar #19 begins a new arc picking up the pieces in the wake of Harbinger Wars 2. It’s good. Very good. Matt Kindt gives us a perspective for Capshaw that was kind of missing from the event, as to why she continues with GATE and the government after how insane some of their actions seem to have been (valid points about uncontrollable psiots notwithstanding), resulting in a very strong start to this arc. The art from Juan José Ryp and Andrew Dalhouse is also stunning, especially when showing a different visual perspective as to how Capshaw sees her situation.
| Published by Valiant
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Other Highlights: Betty & Veronica: Vixens #10, Black Panther #4, Gasolina #12, High Heaven #1, Invader Zim #35, Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Coronation #7, The Long Con #3, Marvel Two-in-One #10, Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer #4, Modern Fantasy #4, Moon Knight #199, Old Man Hawkeye #9, The Punisher #2, The Realm #9, Red Sonja #21, Redneck #15, Rick & Morty #42, The Sentry #4, Spider-Geddon #0, Spider-Man vs. Deadpool #39, StarCraft: Scavengers #3, Star Wars Adventures #14, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #24, Star Wars: Poe Dameron #31, The Thrilling Adventure Hour #3, Venom: First Host #5, Wayward #29, The Wicked + The Divine: 1373, Xena: Warrior Princess #8, X-Men Red #8
Recommended Collections: Astonisher - Volume 2, The Crow: Memento Mori, Cyberforce: Awakening - Volume 1, Darkhold: Pages from the Book of Sins Complete, Dejah Thoris: Gardens of Mars, Encounter - Volume 1, Exiles - Volume 1: Test of Time, Hulk: World War Hulk II, Infidel, Klaus: New Adventures of Santa Claus, Lucas Stand - Volume 2: Inner Demons, Medieval Spawn & Witchblade- Volume 1, Port of Earth - Volume 2, Red Sonja - Volume 3: Hell or Hyrkania, Saga - Volume 9, Songs for the Dead, Usagi Yojimbo/TMNT Complete Collection, Wasted Space, X-O Manowar - Volume 5: Barbarians, You Are Deadpool
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d. emerson eddy does not represent the Lollipop Guild.
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oosteven-universe · 6 years
Harbinger Wars II: Aftermath #1
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Harbinger Wars II: Aftermath #1 Valiant Entertainment 2018 Written by Matt Kindt Illustrated by Adam Pollina Coloured by Diego Rodriguez Lettered by Dave Sharpe     When the world learned of the existence of psiots--people capable of undergoing a procedure to unlock fantastic abilities--the revelation was met with fear and prejudice. Governments of the world had to decide how to police these incredibly gifted individuals. Upset by the extreme anti-psiot stance the United States seemed to take, Amanda McKee, the psiot known as Livewire, shut off the United States power grid, plunging the country into chaos. Under the distraction of the resulting blackout, Livewire took control of the nanite-enhanced super soldier Bloodshot to mount an attack against the agencies that were hunting her people. Together, despite the efforts of X-O Manowar, they succeeded in destroying the aerial stronghold known as The Loveboat--though not without realizing that this was the kind of war no one would win. With the dust now settling, Livewire must face the aftermath of her decisions…      One of the things about the Valiant Universe that I really like, appreciate and would like to see more of around the industry is the consistency in continuity. Each event fits into the stories that come after and are referenced so that they continue to matter. This is a cohesive world where the characters have loyalty to one another and yet still know they will be forced to encounter each on occasion and it’s this that makes Valiant so much damn fun to read. Oh yeah and Matt the man just defies explanation that he can be so prolific in the industry and keep all the stories straight.     The way this is structured is expertly done. The book as a whole while kind of keeping the previous arc going also serves nicely as the introduction and direction that Livewire’s own book will undoubtedly be like. I am hoping that we get more Secret Weapons as well as that was actually one of my favourites back in the day and the mix of characters that have been assembled is working really well in my opinion. The opening I found fascinating as Amanda and Aric fix a satellite in space proving that she’s really not a terrorist just a freedom fighter and if you need to have the difference spelled out well we can talk.      Matt is so gosh darn good at what he does and the characterisation here is utterly flawless and that we see how the characters are reacting and interacting with her really showcases just how well he knows them. It could be subtle things like Colin’s awareness or Aric’s newfound realisations but it speaks volumes about all those involved in her life. This world is amazing and Matt’s take on the characters and the storylines just keeps me riveted, coming back for more.     Adam and Diego are killing it on the interiors here. I love that Valiant also cares about the work that goes into the interior artwork. The manipulation of the varying weights in the linework to create the attention to detail that we see, immediately by the way in the satellite, is sensational, around the world that Ganesh is gorgeous and makes me wish I had that. They “spared no expense” as John Hammond would say in making sure that we get the complete and entire picture in every way, see how backgrounds are utilised. Also the utilisation of page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective showcase a superb eye for storytelling. The colours are beautiful and make moments and objects and people pop in all the right ways. Seriously this is among the stronger reasons why I love comics. ​     I like the Snowbeard interlude even if I am not 100% sure who the man with man-bun, never ever show that again, is. So there is something to look forward to that is going to make an impact for the long run and it’s promising as can be. This series has been exceptional and while I was worried about second war and now the idea of a third looming I am just going to sit back and enjoy the flow of whatever it is that comes next.
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mysteryshelf · 6 years
BLOG TOUR - The Flower Girl Murder
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Flower Girl Murder by Keith Hirshland
Publisher:  Keith Hirshland (February 15, 2018) Category: Mystery Thriller, Detective/Police Procedural Tour dates: May/June, 2018 ISBN: 978-0692046685 Available in Print and ebook,256 pages
Daisy Burns was a likable, devoted wife and mother who spent her spare time volunteering at school events. Everyone loved Daisy. So why would someone shoot her three times and dump her body behind a Planned Parenthood chapter in North Carolina?
With no witnesses and few leads, Raleigh detective Marc Allen turns to the press for help—specifically, veteran news anchor Lancaster Heart. Heart agrees to broadcast the police department’s plea for information in his nightly newscasts.
Elderly viewer and longtime social worker Blanche Avery is positive she recognizes the photograph on the television as an older version of her friend Daisy— the young, heavily pregnant girl she met years before who made the decision to give her child up for adoption.
When Tanner Goochly Jr.—a member of a notorious crime family—becomes the victim of another point-blank shooting, Allen races to discover the connection between the murders. Could it be that Daisy was somehow involved with an illegal enterprise, or was she hiding something else, another secret to be discovered?
The body count is rising, and the suspect pool is widening. As Allen’s investigation reaches a fever pitch, he realizes that a mother’s choice could have killer consequences.
Praise Flower Girl Murder by Keith Hirshland
“Keith Hirshland gets better with each book. A wonderful crime mystery with fun twists. And if you have ever spent time in Carolina or Northern Nevada there are quite a few local tidbits to enjoy mixed in. I look forward to more from the media guy turned novelist! This is his best book yet!”-Bruce, Amazon Review
Praise Big Flies by Keith Hirshland
“Big Flies by Keith Hirshland is a great read. I found myself intrigued by this talented writer’s style. A mystery woven into another mystery. The suspense was great. I enjoyed following the characters throughout the book. This novel was realistic, stunning, and one that all readers can easily connect to in one or more ways. Brilliant, clever, and mysterious. Keith Hirshland has a way that lured me in deep. I couldn’t stop reading it. ‘Big Flies’ is one mystery I highly recommend to all. 5 Stars.”-Danielle, Urban Book Reviews
“Mr. Hirshland’s style is both engaging and entertaining.  He has written and delivered a thoroughly wonderful tale of mystery and intrigue.  Will the author continue to write fiction?  If this first novel is any indication, I certainly hope so!”-LuAnn, Back Porchervations
“Get ready, sit back, and enjoy this book, because the author really has a way with words as well as a fun and fascinating plot at hand.  If you love action and surprises, you will get your fill here.  If you enjoy things on the humorous and witty side, this book will fit the bill that way as well.  Big Flies has plenty of great characters (both past and present), good buddies to enjoy you’ll want to be pals with too, a bit of mystifying romance, and some vivid and marvelous scenes.  There will be mystery stacked upon mystery, some cool 8 track tapes with great choices in music thrown in, and fantastic, detailed twists. Get swept up in this fabulous, fun mystery by Keith Hirshland!”-Jean, Snap Out Of It Jean
“I really enjoyed following along with each person as you discover more about each one along with how four unsolved mysteries may be linked to everything.  I admit that the beginning was a touch slow as you start learning about Chester and Leland, but then the story takes off like a flash. This is a great adventure and one that I recommend you check out. You will not be disappointed. 5 Stars.”-Jessica, J Bronder Book Reviews
About Keith Hirshland
Award winning author, Keith Hirshland is an Emmy Award–winning sports television producer with more than three decades of experience producing shows that aired on ESPN and ESPN2. Among the first forty people to be hired by the Golf Channel in 1994, Hirshland was in the middle of the action when it premiered in 1995. He provided his talents for the golf network for close to two decades.
The Flower Girl Murder is Hirshland’s second novel and third book. Big Flies, his first mystery novel, was published in 2016. It is the winner of the New Apple Awards: Solo Medalist Award and runner up for the 2016 Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book of the Year.  Cover Me Boys, I’m Going In: Tales of the Tube from a Broadcast Brat is a memoir about his experiences in the television industry. It was Book Talk Radio Club’s Memoir of the Year”.
Hirshland lives in New Jersey with his wife and Bernese mountain dog.
Website: www.keithhirshland.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KeithHirshlandAuthor Twitter: https://twitter.com/BigFliesBook
Buy Flower Girl Murder by Keith Hirshland
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This giveaway is for one print copy or ebook copy of the book.  Print is available to the U.S. only but ebook is available worldwide.  This giveaway ends on June 29, 2018 at midnight pacific time.  Entries are accepted via Rafflecopter only.
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Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus May 1 Interview
Dawn Bound 2 Escape May 2 Excerpt
Aurora  Amazon Review May 3 Review
Lu Ann Rockin’ Book Reviews May 4 Review
Vicki I’d Rather Be At The Beach May 7 Review
Sherry My Reading Journeys May 10 Review
Stephan Amazon Review May 14 Review
Kathleen Jersey Girl Book Reviews May 18 Review
Liz Devoted Mommy of 3 May 24 Review & Excerpt
Shannon The Pulp and Mystery Shelf June 11 Interview
Jess JBronder Book Reviews June 22 Review
Mindy A Room Without Books is Empty June 28 Review
Lillie Amazon Review June 29 Review
BLOG TOUR – The Flower Girl Murder was originally published on the Wordpress version of The Pulp and Mystery Shelf with Shannon Muir
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goodguidanceptc · 7 years
Race Report: Ironman Arizona Race Date: November 19, 2017
2017 started with the mantra, “Make the Kona choice.” I used this to plan and execute training, diet, meal timing and portions, as well as social activities, bedtime, even reading materials. As training data and assessments coalesced, I tweaked it to a more intrinsic, “Make the sub-10 choice.”
Why sub-10? According to www.coachcox.co.uk (which I highly recommend for robust IM data analysis), over the last ten years, the Average KQ time for AG males, 45-49 at IMAZ is a vicious 9:34. In fact, to even sniff at KQ at any Ironman, sub-10 only sometimes gets you in the running.
As volume and intensity of rides and runs increased over months of training, “Make the sub-10 choice” was truncated even further to: “1-5-4,″ an oversimplified shorthand for my expected S/B/R splits. Aggressive? Sure. Mistake? Maybe. But “Aggressive Mistakes” could be the tag line for every middle age endurance athlete. I wanted to redeem a terrible 2015 IMOO, be one of the guys at the pointy end of the bell curve, and with a healthy injection of luck, maybe earn a Kona Qualification.
To help make rides and runs (and lifting sessions) fun, like most folks, I built a playlist library. As I shuffled new songs in and out, the playlists became a mish-mash of blues, hard rock, EDM, classical and funk. Fun. Odd. Me.
I’ll save you some time (ha!)... I didn't get anywhere near sub-10. I made great strides in fitness, learned quite a bit and had some big fun doing it. Falling well short of a 10 hour Ironman has generated a mixed bag of emotions. So, not unlike my playlists, now that IMAZ is done, I’m all over the place. Here’s my race report.
Day Before and Race Day
In light of the result, one very small detail stands out from the day before: as a light snack at about 3:30, I had some corn chips and approx.1/2c guacamole.
Race day: All good. Proper fueling, proper timing, proper execution. 
Lesson: I’m well prepped on race day. Very little anxiety or stress; I planned the race and I’ll race the plan (mostly). But remember that guac snack.
Swim (1:08:32)
Tempe Town Lake is basically a giant, unfiltered pool, murky but calm, a Lake Michigan Lite. Two challenging aspects of the course are 1) officials make it very tough to preview actual course and 2) about 400 yards of swimming directly towards a 7:02 sunrise.
The new self-seeding race start works fine for me, I’m no mass start purist and I’m happy to navigate fewer dolts over the first couple hundred yards. I’d been in this water twice over the past 30 days and shaded goggles got me through.
In candor, while there’s always room for improvement, my Garmin indicated 1:26/100 avg. over 2.58mi and mapped very close to where Ironman says the buoys were placed. So in terms of efficiency, the extra .18miles could be attributed to race-start procedures/location, where I hit my T1 button as well as some normal jostling.
Lesson: better sighting and overall technique will help improve time.
T1 (5:14)
Smooth. Almost half the time my coach thought I’d take. I don’t fuck around in transition.
Bike (5:41:43; 19.7mph avg)
My plan was simple: “Front side strong side, back side fast side.” I’d muscle uphill to the Shea Road turnaround (strong side) and let gravity and aero deliver high speeds back into town (fast side) for three loops. This also fits my general race strategy of “take what it gives you.”
Furthermore, even the windiest rides I’d taken over the month that I lived in Tempe to train, the gusts rarely got above 15mph. So 5-10mph wind forecast was manageable. I had a solid, tested nutrition plan. I’d rented a small profile front wheel and disk back (practiced on during my stay) and a respectable 289 FTP. I made my race weight goal of 162lbs (74kg).
But Ironman is a bitchy trickster.
Because on race day, that bitch wind that usually hits at Beeline Highway, was already in everybody’s face at McKellips Road, a full 10 miles earlier (per loop), than any practice ride. However, logic indicates that if it’s that nasty outbound, it’s at my back inbound! Sure enough, IM tracker data supports this over first and second loops, essentially indicating 17mph outbound, 26mph inbound, though less dramatically on third loop data (16mph out/19mph in).
To stay conservative, I deliberately turned down watts to manage the additional 30miles of headwind on McKellips. Garmin says: 183 avg watts (63% FTP) overall. This may indicate I left some power out there, or(!) that good technique and aerodynamics on the “fast side” kept watts down despite high avg mph.
On the front side of the second loop, lots of “47″ and “46″ male calves passed me. I really hate getting passed. IMAZ results say I ranked 39th out of the water but 60th off the bike. So you just gotta believe me when I say that I let a lot of people go. Is that a positive step in my evolution as a competitor? Or was that concession to windy course conditions? All I know is that I took too long on the bike and there was a lot of conflicting chatter in my head.
To compound the problem, every time I peed, i had to gear up/mash hard in order to coast long enough to straighten a leg as I went. And if a few guys got past me as I peed, I had to catch them. Was that racing my plan? Yes and no. Yes I’d always planned to pee on the bike, but the wattage spikes to regain momentum may have caused problems later. On the other hand, 183 avg watts! So it’s a circular conundrum.
Two other items of note. 
I ate one Clif Bar within the first hour, as planned.
As is my habit, I thank volunteers as well as first responders (police, EMTs, Firefighters) as I go.
Lesson: trust the training. A good plan, well executed, will get it done.
T2 (2:49)
Again, smooth. No issues. I’d gotten all my nutrition and hydration in on the bike and my full body scan was all good. Even gave Susan a quick peck as I went by.
Run (4:21:26 or 9:58/mi)
Ten. Minute. Miles. Criminal. A heinous crime.
What happened? Started slowly--as planned-- and knew the course. Everything for the first two miles was A-OK! I wasn’t pushing. What happened? No problems on second loop whatsoever, I had the legs and the stomach was fine. Cola provided a great boost around mile 24. I ran the last two miles at sub-8:00 pace but did not negative split. I didn't get anywhere near my expected average pace of 8:30s or better. What happened?
One. Bad. GI moment. At Mile 2, forced porta-pottie stop to release the terrible pressure. 
So let’s Tarantino this crime... let’s go back... rewind... maybe you already know where I’m going...
IF I had started cola earlier (mile 16?), I could have negative split...
IF I had not had a brief but sudden bout of diarrhea at the second aid station (symptoms started bubbling at first aid station)...
IF only I hadn’t over-reacted in FEAR, slowing at every aid station to ensure that I was never too far from a port-pottie.
Did I need to walk every aid station? Absolutely not! 
In other words, despite near perfect race day plan and execution, that one  single, sudden burst of diarrhea blew up the whole run. Because once it started, that fear of it becoming a serial killer dominated my race management. Now, in the court of my post-race opinion, where does the blame belong? 
Infinite formula? Both bike and run formulas were used extensively during training. Verdict: Innocent.
That Cliff Bar early on the bike? Circumstantial evidence does point to this suspect, given IMOO results and frequent immediate distress after some(!) training bricks, but the timing doesn’t seem right and, again, used plenty in training. Verdict: Innocent.
Heat? It reached mid-80s. But I never felt that oppressive burn (or other symptoms) of being overheated AND I’d been training in it for over a month AND I did not cramp up afterwards. Verdict: Innocent.
Loss of Confidence? I don’t think of myself as a runner despite having completed multiple 70.3s and lots of long training runs, not to mention the friggin’ Chicago Marathon, sub-4 in 90+ degree heat. Verdict: GUILTY, Aiding and Abetting.
Guacamole? Forgive my grossness here but this suspect matches the volume and consistency of evidence left in the second aid station porta-pottie. Timing fits, too. Verdict: GUILTY.
Lesson: sometimes “take what it gives you” is not the right move. Sometimes fortune favors the bold. Should have and could have run harder and let the poops fall where they may.
I had faster time expectations in all three phases, especially the Run. Honestly though, it is somewhat disingenuous to suggest that 11:19 is not impressive. It is. Especially given that this was only my second ever full 140.6 race.
Did I redeem a terrible 2015 IMOO? Unequivocal YES.
Am I one of the guys at the pointy end of the bell curve? SORT OF, depending on how pointy #48 out of 495 ranks in my AG (largest AG at IMAZ).
Did I KQ? Unequivocal NO. Not even close.
Furthermore, I admit that 1-5-4 was a stretch goal from the very start, especially given my limited time in the sport. I also have to admit that there was never any data to support the kinds of power or paces I know to be required for sub-10 results, including but not limited to:
1-5-4 does not account for 10-15 minutes of transition
A 5 hour bike split indicates a 22.4mph average speed
3.2 - 3.4 w/kg is well below elite ratios of 4.0+w/kg
A sub-4 standalone marathon does not project to a sub-4 IM marathon
A 5-hour 70.3 does not project to a 10-hour full
Could reasonably trim 7-8 minutes, or about :10-:15 seconds/100.
Wind. But also, could have managed/reduced surges better. Could reasonably trim :30 minutes with a few extra watts.
That initial shock of FEAR so early in the run created a tactical overreaction predicated on a lack of faith in my own abilities. I’ve just got to start thinking of myself as a runner. Then, run.
Finishing / Post Race
I’m very grateful to my lovely wife Susan and my wonderful kids, Peter and Veronica for their support. Susan, you are my salvation.
I’m grateful to have the expert professionals Coach K and Coach Sharone and the entire Well-Fit staff who share their wisdom. 
I’m grateful to my inspiring and impressive training partners, including but not limited to the TriFam (Adam, Anjelica, Bernie, David, Kelly, Lauren, Megan, Sach), the Well-Fit Elite Team (too many bad-asses to list) and other triathlete rockstars like AJ, Jeremy, Kristin D., Laura B., Thomas, Tony, and all the Pauls and Mikes.
Special gratitude to Tatsu, Jeremy and Paul Z who were involved, but thankfully not harmed, with my training ride crash. Tatsu was especially gracious and understanding. Thank you.
I’m very grateful to anybody willing to excuse my terrible smell, deplorable language and barbaric sounds during FTP tests.
Maximum gratitude to Well-Fit, FFC, UIC, Whitney Young, Get-A-Grip, Live Grit, Fleet Feet, the Lakeshore path, Joliet Bicycle Club, PSHS and the pros at Moxie Multi-sport in Tempe.
I’m grateful for Crushing Iron (C26), Matt Fitzgerald, Joe Friel, Training Peaks, Scott brand bikes, Garmin, Apple, Chipotle, Lifetime Fitness, Ironman.
Thank you to all the on-course maniacs cheering and making signs and wearing all sorts of crazy outfits to show love and support. 
Special thanks and appreciation to Matt Dryden, Rob Lemons and Bernie Mc for the most amazing on course support--with special Top Marks to Bernie the Leprechaun!
I’m grateful that I’m able to race triathlons. 
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The Truth About event Will Be Exposed.
10 Truths You Never Understood about party.
The fall is just one of the most prominent times of the year for holding celebrations. Also if you do not have a yard, or a lawn large enough for the type of celebration you desire, once you get creative you'll see there are many outside choices for a kids's party. Pay unique attention to the kitchen and bathroom, and make sure there are added towels or other products that a guest may discover beneficial. Our response is constantly a qualified no. The vast majority of British swingers would certainly not want to join grown-up parlor game at a celebration; and also for this reason most swinger party hosts not do anything to urge them being played. Consist of a note on the invite and obtain the word out when you mention the party to people. Finding the right event clown for your youngster's birthday celebration event could really be testing due to your criteria. Gorging on scrap drinking, dance and food alcohol is one way of appreciating a bachelorette celebration yet a different suggestion could be a relaxing journey to the spa. Most of the time, the celebration favors are only one element of the event and the unique style oriented celebration materials that will be used. The event host, covertly, informs among the event guests that they is a prohibition representative. You could either produce a fun dance mix of your very own or have fun employing a dj to look after all the songs for the event. CUTE & FUNNY: Most likely the very best way to storage tank an event for your man is to do anything cute. Stadium cups from their favorite group can be utilized to improve your sports graduation event style. Like a bachelor party, a bachelorette event generally includes an evening out with the girls. The very first is a fabulous Hollywood celebration which comes using very many style party suggestions. Rather, strategy in advance and draw up your to-dos which will help you to gracefully stream easily through your event planning procedure. Due to the fact that it is a firm celebration does not mean that waltz music will certainly be played the whole evening, just. As you could imagine there are great deals of various birthday designs that you can buy for your celebration as well as if they are put creatively and also in an attractive design, you could be ensured that these decorations will boost the state of mind of your party. One could be staying in some state of UNITED STATE or might be a small town of Africa, could it be someplace in the exotic regions of northern hemisphere or someplace down in the southern hemisphere, could it be the Polar circle or the Antarctic circle it certainly is the only day that is celebrated the people spread anywhere and also anywhere on the globe. If you do not seem like taking everybody to andquot; wrong cityandquot; you could still make use of the Las Vegas motif anywhere you intend to, and turn your celebration into a large journey for your visitors without making them removal from the city you remain in. Adding gambling enterprise video games as well as decors will certainly make your day extra as well as extremely unexpected fun for you and every person you welcome.
Ten Ways celebration Could Enhance Your Organisation.
The Wonder Of event.
This celebration is a special possibility for the fiancée to spend top quality time with her closest close friends and also loved ones. When you have actually supplied the treats, place, prefers and also music, just sit back and let the event happen. Party ... Gail Leino offers suggestions on fun suggestions for style and amusing, video games, tasks and celebrations. If you wish to hand out excellent event favors yet do not have a great deal of time to prepare then choose the currently complete sets of Steed Power celebration prefers birthday event favors box which is just around 5 bucks. LUNCH: Event Shop offrirà un lunch ed un coffee break nella seconda metà del corso. These sorts of invites are quite like the standard party invitations with the only difference being that you are sending the card via the web. Know what offering items you are mosting likely to use for each and every meal being offered to make sure that there isn't any type of frantic presuming throughout the party. Utilize your listing of hosetesses that have organized home parties for could likewise produce ads for arbitrary people hosting can host a mystery hostess paty where among the visitors will certainly be picked to get all the do not forget to organize your very own party. Embellishing the table as well as establishing, dining-room as well as relaxing location for your celebration sets a positive state of mind and also makes it stand out from a daily gathering. You can purchase pre loaded event boxes which will make your life really simple and also stress free. You agree to compensate, protect as well as hold harmless ABC Post Directory site ©;, its police officers, supervisors, employees, agents, licensors, providers and also any type of third party details suppliers to the Solution from as well as against all losses, problems, costs and expenses, consisting of affordable attorneys' fees, resulting from any kind of infraction of this Arrangement (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any other person accessing the Service. Most celebration hosts will also have a variety of treats to accompany the healthy foods. Have a PayPal Account for gathering product paymentsIt's cost-free to get an account and collecting loan for your celebration will certainly be smooth. Boy's Birthday celebration party city coupons (mouse click the up coming post): For a kid's birthday event fill up a blue gift bag with one more color of blue tissue paper as well as include plaything vehicles, trucks and also plaything soldiers. If you bring a game to the next party you go to- you could be the one to start a great time!
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mmoonbow-blog · 7 years
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But it is that chaotic begin the process of that has Payday 2 Redeem Code this particular practical sensation of progression. Except for an increased armory and natural talent shrub, moreover, there s a whole lot of Obviously simple affairs, to provide an example maintaining the power to switch hostages in the vicinity of or maintaining the power to hack into atms by getting an ecm jammer, make interaction that used to genuinely feel clunky simpler to purchase use from. That said, visual appeal do not ever was the primary reason to encounter Payday 2 Redeem Code its strategic detail is. |It’s a practical, realistic special tier of detail for almost any tool that already acquired a great deal. It did not business at first. 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Nevertheless the creators wear t provide you with relating to this increase. |The most efficient values understand this, and give you anything at all to try and do in addition to the sneak up quietly. an attacking swat team, then going forward to cook your private batch of meth is usually a great example of any type of audacious goods the game can, ahem, set up up, otherwise limited to quests that involve botched sneaky entrance doors followed away from your team safe guarding a drill tedious its distance with a capital vault. The scrabble to repair regardless of what s ended up enirely wrong and never have to be overloaded is usually a chaotic thrill. With various masked robbers working and 4 Likewise, the game doles out usage of pistols ploddingly use of tool mods by using an finish off of arrangement minigame at risk from give machines that stick right onto firearms you haven t ordered. This is actually the irony in this article. A dubious passerby could very well call the cops for the begining of, then men and women cops could very well point by using a wall surface. Most people are stand alone gigs, like loan company heists, save robberies, and nightclub break-ins, while many period variety of working days and involve stealing method, grilling and cooking meth, shipping drug treatments, addressing gang guys and women, and stealing from senators. A shield Or an individual, somewhere could very well hear the tinkling of injured window, and prior to this for an extended time, the cops are enroute as well as your get away truck has bugged out. |Having fun by having a crew permits you to without doubt prepare your approach, conform to what the problem is considerably better, and accomplish considerably more loot. Mobile computer laptop or computer is the greatest base to seek out talkative teammates using only frequently voice or txt chitchat. destruction and take on very much less, routine fast and quietly, and do the job some contextual procedures considerably more proficiently. extensions, and the like are exactly doled in the finish off of round lottery incident. Payday 2 is usually a various person co op shooter which has you having the masks within the classic payday gang dallas, hoxton, wolf and chains given that they winner on washington d.c. 2013 most efficient laptop tool. Makes this game unjust and definitely ignores men and women who positioned a smallish fortune and time within the tool. A mystical model known as offense on line produces variety of deals that will be specific from some heist types consisting of unforgettable designed robberies, taking out there while in the cops and stealth based on values which might be rise above a couple of days. Your team mates may just be mates, stick by them complete a intend to manage the quantity. |My recommendation is never check out go throughs. which your competence foliage just mixed together with each other but it was obscure the main difference relating to the programs. Overkill has certainly upped the regular simply because their past day trip. Heh heh ultimate recommendations Payday 2 Redeem Code is usually a co op tool. Each one heist contains a fundamental plan guiding why you are undertaking, but there is not any overarching narrative which actually ties them altogether. Most quests may possibly be stealthed via, which can be some what enjoyable whenever your team could collaborate to pull within the “perfect crime” without a cops taking required. The teammate ai isn t favourable and will often t correspond with subjects, making sure intention I’ve forfeited count number just how many special occasions the game crashed on me, or i endured troubles like giving up backlink with all the have which shoes you out of troubles in the intention, giving up all improvement. |However the stealth aspects are fundamental, there is a good amount of the proper detail and cooperating required making sure that stealthing quests may possibly be very difficult, and incredibly enjoyable when practical. One of many very best to grind a very simple intention. dots onto the godawful map which represents the offense.on line websites exactly where cutting-edge heisters have a look at heist. It’s the alternative within the advancement model in a lot of code hacks, that you advancement a pistol on the grounds that it is your pistol of preference. Very much like cod wouldn’t be just what s now without ever saving independent ryan, payday wouldn’t be just what s now without ever michael mann’s world famous pattern throughout the highways of la. My treasured capability within the new heists is the time when overkill shuffles factors for almost any given intention. Regrettably, with all these possible choices, Payday 2 Redeem Code has some creepy instability in terms of the ideal way to get moolah and endure. Fundamental, suitable? This is actually the way it gone much lower. |In tons of systems, soon after exactly where just about every thing has gone definitely enirely wrong is a heart and soul in the cooperative primary consumer shooter. The instant you wear your masks and start taking safety padding, an individual blunders, or anything such as that has gone spectacularly enirely wrong. The next to inevitability of collapse may just be designed within the tool, but it is a pity, because doing so renders the stealthier regions of the many different competence foliage very much less worthwhile. The most efficient values understand this, and give you anything at all to try and do in addition to the sneak up quietly. The locations you might be safe guarding have variety of exits, floor surfaces and entrance doors, and then there is one challenge about ready within your designated entry ways, relying upon your allies to treat their position within the fight against, that makes experiences employing the a lot more very difficult waves of police officers power genuinely feel considerably more nuanced and strategic than potentially they really are basically. Despite the fact that obtain a happy group of accomplices, you have to control the intention determine panel. It is always merely regrettable that just about every thing capabilities and weapons, masks and adjustments unlocks gradually, or more serious, arbitrarily. Also it ll. Intend pleasure and strong capability fantasies surely are a sizable part of popular tool titles, and who wouldn t want to be robert de niro within your michael mann unforgettable? The game was regretably neglected by most, conversely with provided extra content from device and dlc maps, the game supplied a good amount of to justify a followup. |One single massive adjustment is the roll-out of stealth, by which heists could be performed and ended in magic formula for almost any bigger pay out. The game is fixed by having a significant not enough inventiveness. As a consequence of simple group of quests to choose from men and women hours be practical devoted elsewhere. in this article we have been at drills to try and do, the sole person ai teammates are exactly ideal for spending bullets and snapping shots some returning, the cops ai generated them find an area frequently to look passing up or gunned much lower, and then you grind to get the considerably better goods. Bain would certainly blaze whomever problems, space their lower, and get rid of them, 2. A Couple Of yrs earlier, i declined in addition to a unhealthy masses. I continue to reminisce fondly to the people times of Payday 2 Redeem Code. personally. |Before you can time clock in lots of time to rise the several quality competence foliage, perk decks, and unlock many of the neat pistol parts and apparatus you should draw a pro career, you will need to slug it within your gutter. Each one shrub demands a untidy mix of competence factors (received by progressing), capital, and requirement factors devoted to unlock. The occasional unlocks could possibly make finishing the ideal program a considerable milling slog, so requiring you to cover concentration on the farmable mods is definitely vouch for. The larger rating has got any number of the previously produced dlc and thing kits in the oncoming of 2016 which were supplied piecemeal to laptop members. There s also an abundance of values and heists to protect by myself up against, consisting of goofy values which were previously in relation to short time special occasions, such as the halloween season “lab rats” intention that shrinks the staff much lower to how large mini products scurrying about the counter in the meth kitchen. On the contrary, should you be an extended time admirer who specific up crimewave if this primary came on the scene, and our god forbid many of the dlc, the $39.99 advancement package is actually insulting. three years on and re re produced, men and women problems are certainly not as effortless to dismiss and folks components very much less excellent. If possible, though, not one person might find us use. |Ahead of engaging in why that s, let us look at how the tool is working. These quests may also vary from basic loan company robberies to shipping drug treatments, despite the fact, it doesn t material what are the set up is, most seem to wish a person to enter into anything at all, and to switch higher than average advantage products for all your vacation automotive. At this point, at levels 20, we have unlocked a chance to equip mediterranean kits, ammunition kits, special xp obtain, around other pursuits. This starting up point comes about when Payday 2 Redeem Code shines whenever capture outs are an part of the heist imagination, an outstanding unlawful fails to desire to decide on it, suitable?
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