#it's technically not the 10th yet in my timezone
bakapandy · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Naruto!!!!
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@nutsandvoltsweek Sorry if this is bad I'm not a writer as much as I'm not an artist, I at least have some more experience with writing though, I know it's not perfect but oh well. I also know it's technically late for my timezone but it's still gonna be the 10th February somewhere.
This is my attempt at a role reversal Nuts and Volts for day 2
Humanity and Ferality
Word count : 2,150
Content tags : Role-reversal, Scientist!Tyrian, Feral!Watts, blood, implied cannibalism, implied self-mutilation/experimentation 
It wasn't exactly unheard of, the story of the Atlesian who went mad and lost his mind, in his unhinged rage it's said he brought down an entire lab and then disappeared, presumed dead, but now Tyrian knew the truth. Before him stood a ragged man, truly disgraced, soaked in blood that had previously resided inside the team Tyrian had gone with to an unusual site where people complained of moving shadows and nose curdling smells that kept even the Grimm at bay.
It was clear the heaving form wanted to finish off the last one and drag him too away to wherever he had stowed the other bodies, the only evidence that someone had been there being the blood splattered around after a vicious attack, Tyrian wasn't about to let him but he was curious, he supposed the poor guy had to have survived off something all this time, the thought would have made him shudder had he even cared at all. He simply watched the man carefully, neither daring to move, their foe was unpredictable yet somehow they had each other figured out - as long as they stood there like that no one was going to do anything, it was a stalemate of two men frozen purely to wonder if either was going to move first which they knew wasn't actually going to happen.
"Well, this is certainly something I never expected..." said Tyrian in a careful tone hoping his sudden speech didn't kickstart a sudden death, the figure flinched a bit, not used to his victims having any other vocal capability than a scream of terror. Though vision wasn't clear Tyrian was certain of something, it just made sense to him somehow, "Arthur Watts. The illusive one man catastrophe, thought to be dead, but of course that's only because no living soul has actually had chance to escape and tell anyone." The figure flinched again, it was more of a twitch, and Tyrian almost found it amusing, this man was more feral than a Sabyr, more animal than human, he wasn't even a faunus but simply a man who had nothing to lose. It was an ironic comparison to Tyrian's own self. Doctor Tyrian Callows, the scorpion faunus who managed to hide his feature his whole life and aid Atlas in great science feats becoming one of their most trusted with barely any challenge, he was almost more human now, it was hard not to follow their ideologies even if they involved the theory that Faunus were lesser and only useful for labour tasks which the humans were too good for, at one point Tyrian almost found himself hating his own kind because of how truly the humans believed they were in the right, they always thought they were right, and he had loved to prove them wrong. They could try to take everything from him yet he would still have the knowledge he'd come to accumulate and with that knowledge he'd almost brought their empire crumbling down as easily as a flick of a tail, that's what caught the attention of a certain goddess, she'd known he was perfect for the job and must have realised he actually barely needed her as he'd almost achieved what she intended solo, yet she still offered him a place and picked him up off cold bleak streets to give his terrifying, sly and genius mind a sturdy platform from where he could orchestrate a new wave of armageddon; His goddess had sent him on this mission with a group of, what Tyrian could only describe as, thugs (Tyrian thought very little of them and so their fates weighed insignificant in his mind), but he had to admit the ease at which this husk had dispatched them was impressive and showed really the potential danger he should find himself in.
It was perhaps not an insignificant detail to note that had Tyrian not just so happened to turn around at that exact moment the deranged creature would have been upon him hacking away at his aura with all the brutality and speed of a Beowolf, it was quite surprising that anyone could be so far gone that even the Grimm have no desire to come near, Tyrian himself had witnessed the creatures circling the area intending to prey on the mindless drones of a team Tyrian had with him, at first he'd thought they were responsible for the company gradually dwindling but he never once saw them dare to close the distance, they always stayed out there, away, and one could only wonder why. Now it made sense. One by one his lackeys disappeared and there was barely noise of a struggle, perhaps a new type of Grimm was a thought at first but there was never any evidence to back up the claim, it wasn't obvious to assume there was something or someone else lurking around picking them off one by one, leaving the best for last or perhaps just because Tyrian refused to be slowed down and so was at the lead of the group and it wasn't so easy to grab him, especially since he came most prepared for an encounter of any kind as Tyrian always calculated it was more worth it to over-prepare than to be left in a situation with no ability to get out.
He began to wonder if this new monster could even speak lest his humanity have slipped away altogether, but that was soon answered for him. The demented fellow had been watching this odd stranger in his territory, seemingly frustrated by the fact he'd been seen before it was too late, like an ambush predator once he was spotted he didn't quite know what to do, he'd been spending all these lonely crumbling years attempting to hone his skills to cause as swift an aura break and kill as possible, it hadn't been easy and he'd suffered a lot but he was sure he was better than this and it angered him that this invading doctor had simply turned around and halted his entire strike. He had to at least be thankful that the poor lighting and obscured distance still offered some veil, he was not the 'man' this pest had identified him as any longer, he left that behind long ago.
The voice that came from the sketchy silhouette wasn't clear, but it also didn't completely lack all intelligence, he was aware of that. "I intend to keep myself invisible to anyone who it matters to" came the sound, a bit scratchy and with a little wavering in tone almost to display the insanity, Tyrian had to admit it surprised him to hear sound come from such a thing but he smiled, and, perhaps acting a little too cocky for his own good, made the decision to move towards the crazed mess in an attempt to get a better look, this caused an almost growled "Back off" in response, the tone was chilling but Tyrian couldn't help being thrilled by it, messed up things was what he loved even if it was uncivil of him he couldn't ignore his true natural desire for such.
"You don't have to live like this anymore you know, I have a way to help you if you would accept it. Figures from your past don't even have to be aware of it, unless of course you wanted them to be" offered Tyrian, still keeping his tone careful, he would like to have this mission end well and not with any significant death, he wanted to please his Goddess. He was regarded by cold green eyes that clearly wished to inflict the most painful of harm on him.
"You dare to offer me anything, I have nothing valuable to you, how dare you come here and expect me to comply simply because you asked!" The voice was still broken from disuse, it still brought amusement and intrigue to the curious doctor,
"I didn't expect anything, until a few moments ago I was completely unaware of your existence-"
"And I would like to go back to that" interrupted the corrupt tone, Tyrian ignored him,
"Yet while I find it most fascinating at your sheer ability to eradicate your immediate enemy I find it hard to believe you wouldn't want to exact revenge on the very society that cast you out, what's a few 'immoral' experiments when you're clearly capable of more right? They didn't want you so you tried to destroy them, but you didn't succeed completely. You probably are aware that I think you might be-"
"Helpful to you? Easy to use? Manipulate? Control?!" This was more than a growl, this was a snarl, it caught Tyrian off guard and actually made him jump, it was becoming increasingly obvious that talking simply wasn't going to be enough,
"What would it take for you to find some way to trust me?" Asked the curious scorp almost softly, itching with anticipation of an answer. It took a while for his opponent to respond, it wasn't clear if it was because of outrage or simply no idea of how to react.
"I… to trust you?" Came an unsure sound, "Why would I want to trust you? Why would you want me to trust you? Trust requires closeness and closeness ultimately ends in parting."
Tyrian smiled again, "You're something else, something unique, if even the Grimm fear you just imagine what chaos you could cause with the proper footing to launch yourself from, we're not all that different you and I, while at the same time we're complete opposites. I know of somewhere there'd be a place for you, you'd have to leave this behind of course but you'd be rewarded in time with the exact opportunity your seething twisted soul desires" he could see this was perhaps sounding worthwhile. The reply didn't take long.
"I am not the man I was, I'm not sure if I'm much of a man at all… but you seem to believe I'm useful to you… how so?" The question was unsure almost cautious, it made Tyrian think there wasn't as little humanity left as they both thought, but he was all too happy to answer;
"I'm glad you asked, you see I work for a force this world will never be able to defeat and she only grows stronger with the aid of people like me, and perhaps even more so with you." He was always ready to jump at the chance to mention his Goddess, but took the opportunity to mention his own story, his own achievements, most particularly the ones under Salem's guidance, he exclaimed much glee at recalling events, he especially made sure to add in a little bit of how perhaps the addition of someone like the distorted disgraced ex-doctor Arthur Watts could possibly have influenced the outcome and made it so much easier, he mentioned the research he'd done on him and how he'd lamented at the belief the once great man was now apart from this world in attempt to play right into how he once thought of himself as an esteemed innovator. It seemed to work like a charm, not surprising, if Tyrian Callows knew anything it was how to use a person's own self against them for better or for worse. Eventually the newly revitalised man that was once a husk seemed to smile and said with as much attempt at contentment as his shattered voice could offer,
"Perhaps you are right" and that answer made Tyrian grin, but he continued "however I still feel like I am better off staying lost in the shadows of ruins, I would recommend you just leave" he seemed downheartned at having to say it and Tyrian simply had to ask,
"I cannot allow you to simply stay here, perhaps you could do me a favour" he had a glint in his eye which was observed by Arthur, who seemed perhaps a little uncomfortable and didn't want to ask what favour deciding it be best not to know. That didn't stop Tyrian from asking anyway. "Please step into light, so I may see you properly"
Arthur scoffed "So you can see what's become of me?"
Tyrian simply answered, gently, with a "Yes"
It appeared this was not the expected response. However unable to provide much more of an argument Arthur reluctantly, slowly, carefully, and in every way cautiously, moved closer. As soon as his body was bathed in light Tyrian caught himself being captivated, in awe.
The oddly shaped outline he'd been looking at this whole time was much more distinguished now. He was able to make out all the foreign non-human devices. The recognizable form of a man who in his own despair attempted to make himself into something else. He wasn't just less human in nature, but also in appearance. And Tyrian found it beautiful.
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legendaryroar · 6 years
ameliavaleofficial replied to your post “Me: writing first kisses is so awkward and I get all djkvbjhbua about...”
@ameliavaleofficial James and Keith week starts on the 10th, which is tomorrow for me cos I’m in a early timezone so I’ll be posting a day ‘early’ XD
Fic for day 1 will be up then and it’s 2.7k XD
Day 2 is like 2.3k
and Day 3 (which I’m freaking the fuck out about rn) is currently 1.6k and not yet finished XD
I mean...technically i have this awfully angsty sad drabble for day 6 but I wanna scrap it and try it again cos it’s weird...
Fuck I hope I can do all the days XD I’ve been scrambling and trying to write them while doing the sapphic sept thing each day! I gotta stop writing first kisses, all my freaking out slows me down lol
Until then though, I do have 1 Jeith fic already online if you’re interested, you can read it here  =)
Also, I’m doing pure Jeith for James and Keith week, so I’m not involving Shiro for angst value with any pining or sheith involvement =)
i’ll write some triad fics later
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volleygifs · 7 years
Can you possibly make a bunch of your favorite Iwaizumi moments for his birthday??? I want to know!!
I actually have a gifset for Iwa-chan in my queue ready to go… (≖ ͜ʖ≖)
IDK whether I should post it now or wait… It’s technically not the 10th in my timezone yet… Not that it really matters though. Maybe I’ll post it in a bit.
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paranoidsbible · 7 years
Saying Goodbye to Skype
===Saying Goodbye to Skype=== Non-profit and free for redistribution Written on August 10th | 2016 Published on August 10th | 2016 For entertainment and research purposes only
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===DISCLAIMER=== The Paranoid's Bible and its writers hold no responsibility for the acts of others. The Paranoid’s Bible is for research and entertainment purposes only. Please visit our blog for more PDFs and information: http://www.paranoidsbible.tumblr.com/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===Preface=== Skype’s an application meant to provide communication and sharing, to the user, by allowing not only chatting but also voice call services, the possibility to exchange files and video messaging. It was released originally in 2003 and then acquired by Ebay in 2005. From there, shares were bought and sold until Microsoft bought it and claimed ownership in 2011. Since then, Skype has become a perpetual thorn in the sides of those wish to remain not only anonymous but attain some semblance of privacy. __References:__ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skype ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===Why Skype Shouldn’t be Used=== Even if you’re not a fan of Stallman’s, anyone who’s concerned with privacy and security knows that the bearded one is someone to listen to from time-to-time. On one such occasion, it’s best to listen to the man when it comes to discussion of Skype’s horrendous behavior with the user’s information. His interjections aside, he does make several points, which you can read below. • Skype refuses to say whether it can eavesdrop on calls. That almost certainly means it can do so. • Skype gave personal data about a Wikileaks supporter to another company without any legal obligation to do so. • Skype churns the meaning of preference settings, and gives its users a run-around when someone cheats them. • Microsoft has changed Skype to make it easier for states to snoop on users. • Skype messages are not encrypted for the whole trip: Microsoft can read them. And Microsoft does read them. Those reasons alone will trigger a heightened response from the most paranoid privacy enthusiasts; however the layman and those who think they’ve nothing to worry about won’t give second thought to those issues. Though, knowing that a regular person with no real power can obtain several pieces of their information should be enough to put a burn into several bellies. Many people have written articles about Skype, like this one from Eric Martindale (https://www.ericmartindale.com/2013/02/07/why-i-dont-use-skype-and-why-you-shouldnt-either). It goes into details about Skype continuously sending encrypted traffic, snooping and even hindering activists and rebellions in non-Western countries. Of course, that’s just more technical mumbo jump. Not many care if people discuss several points of Skype’s lack privacy or malicious ADs. And honestly, why should you care when it’s so easy to just ignore the problem and buy a new computer or hire someone to fix the issue? Well… anyone can happen upon your information and use it to gain access to your other accounts or information. It’s as simple searching Skype with usernames or an e-mail addressed. Actually, it’s quite easy using any one of the numerous Skype resolvers out there or Skype bots that offer anything from checking for your e-mail address to your IP or even your avatars and a copy of your profile. This may not seem like much, however in the right hands it can lead to a nasty little surprise, like being doxed or someone using the information to use a Skype convo generator to fake you chatting with someone or saying things you’ve said. ***This is why you should fear Skype:*** It can be used against you and ruin anything you’ve planned or built. __References:__ https://stallman.org/skype.html http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2012/07/20/skype_won_t_comment_on_whether_it_can_now_eavesdrop_on_conversations_.html http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2012/11/09/skype_gave_data_on_a_teen_wikileaks_supporter_to_a_private_company_without.html http://www.nnsquad.org/archives/nnsquad/msg07079.html http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/05/think-your-skype-messages-get-end-to-end-encryption-think-again/ http://fossforce.com/2013/05/microsoft-snoops-in-skype-dissed-by-hp-more/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/11/microsoft-nsa-collaboration-user-data https://muchweb.me/why-you-shouldnt-use-skype https://www.grahamcluley.com/2016/02/skype-ads-angler-exploit-kit/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===In Case You Need Skype…=== Now before we introduce you to a lovely alternative to Skype, we should explain, just in case of school or work, how to secure your Skype account and retain just a tiny bit of privacy and security. This won’t make you 100% secure or anonymous, nor will it stop Mr.NSA agent from spying on you. However it’ll put a clamper into several works of any normal, non-government, person and their attempts at gaining your information. First off, let’s make it simple and start with the easiest settings and work our way down. You'll want to set these exactly, as they'll help you still use Skype but lessen the overall data you give out. Tools > Options > General > General Settings: The below settings are set for the purpose of decongesting startup and lessening the resource Skype originally eats up when you boot Windows. • Everything disabled/unchecked • Tick/enable "profile pictures" Tools > Options > General > Video Settings: The purpose for thise is to prevent automatic sharing of screens and video. Several bots have been known to add people and quickly ask for screen sharing or video-chat to record or whatever, it's very rare but still a concern. This just ensures you're notified and forced to allow or disallow invites. • Select "No one" Tools > Options > General > Skype WiFi: In general, it's good practice to avoid the use of WiFi. It's even better to avoid using Skype on your mobile phone/smartphone. • Disable/untick everything Tools > Options > General > Skype Translator: Less stuff for Skype to use against you, also uses less resources. • Disable/untick everything Tools > Options > Privacy > Privacy settings: Ensure you've selected "Advanced Options". • People in my contact list only • No one • People in my contact list only • Drop down > No history • Last two unchecked/disabled Tools > Options > Calls > Call Settings: Forces you to ensure you don't allow calls from just anyone, other than that it's just more secure this way. • People in my contact list only • Show call controlls when Skype is in the background • Untick/disable everything else Tools > Options > Calls > Video Settings: Just another precautionary tweak. • No one Tools > Options > IM & SMS > IM settings: Cleaner look, less data grabbed in case your rig or profile's grabbed. • People in my contact list only • Dropdrown menu > no history • Open a new window when I receive a new message in split window view • Quote copied messages • Send message • Untick/disable "show when I am typing" • Choose a folder to save the file in every time Tools > Options > IM & SMS > IM appearance: Cleaner look, less data grabbed in case your rig or profile's grabbed. • Untick/disable compact chat view • Tick/enable Show images and other media previews • Tick/enable show link previews • Everything else is unticked/disabled Tools > Options > Advanced > Advanced settings: Meat & potatoes here. • Untick/disable everything Tools > Options > Advanced > Automatic updates: Never let anything automatically uptate. • Ensure it's disabled Tools > Options > Advanced > Connections: Don't use TOR with skype, as it's unwise to do so besides being unsafe. This is due to Microsoft's Skype having control over the encryption keys and not the user. This means they can decrypt and encrypt regardless of what you wish to accomplish, ergo ruining anything you plan or discuss and making it an open book for the government or anyone willing to flash enough cash. It's also dangerous due to skype block certain exit relays, which could potentially lead to your IP being leaked. If you really need to hipe your IP while using Skype, invest in a VPN to use. This will help you lessen the risk of your IP being leaked without increase your risk of being flagged by Microsoft. Now, you’re not protected, in the slightest, however you’re not naked either. It’s like finding and putting on a pair of boxer shorts when you’ve nothing else to protect you during a violent, highly acidic rain of pain and even greater pain. It helps, albeit in a minuscule amount. It won’t protect you 100% from resolvers or bots, yet it’s better than nothing. Before you continue any further, we’ve a few more things to  do to further help you lock down your profile and prevent as much data leakage as possible when it comes to using Skype. Now, before we proceed, ***I’d like to remind you:*** Skype’s bad. Click your avatar (circular image) or select Skype > Profile > Edit Profile, or simply just CTRL + I it Your username should be one that you’ve used nowhere else. Your nick/nick-name shouldn’t be related to you, at all, and has been used nowhere else. None of those two should be related to you, at all, in the real world. Your mood/quote shouldn’t exist or be something random and not related to you, at all, in the real world. Your avatar should be randomized or, at the very least, a smug anime girl to upset people. Phone numbers should never be posted on the internet or insert into your Skype. The same applies for e-mall addresses, except for the one you’ve used to create the account. That e-mail address shouldn’t be used for anything other than Skype and nothing else. All settings should be set to either “Contacts” or “Private”. Everything here should be either left blank, purposely false (different gender, timezone, b-date…etc) and set to either “Private” or “Contacts” to ensure no-one can learn of your information or try to learn of your information. This, again, will help hinder anyone from truly being able to use anything against you; however the government has better toys than some hobbled together resolver or a slightly modified bot. ***Again, avoid Skype, if possible.*** It’s also best to mention that, for the sake of covering all bases, that you can block ADs and do some slight modifications to Skype to make it less of a resource hog and potential malware bomb. It’s quite simple and easy to do. First off, depending on your version of Windows, simply do the following: Go to control panel > internet options Or Control panel > Network and Internet > Internet options From there, search for the security tab. Select, from there, the “Restricted sites” option and open the “Sites” dialog with the button indicated. Add these two sites to the blocked websites: apps.skype.com & g.msn.com Now you shouldn’t see any Ads, however that doesn’t mean Microsoft won’t add any new AD networks. Please look into our “Host Files” guide @ our Library (https/www.paranoidsbible.tumblr.com/library) located on our blog. We also wish to remind you that you shouldn’t ever accept anyone’s friend’s request unless you know who it is and can trust them. Block all non-trusted requests and accounts. Take the initiative and look online for a bot block-list. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to trying to use Skype and remain secure. If you wish to abandon Skype, ensure everything’s blanked out or replaced with a single character (+, _, =, -…etc). It’s also wise to put a simple white image up as your avatar, too, and block and delete everyone from the account. Never access the account, unless you wish to waste an hour, each day, for a week to flush your IP out and replace it with a random proxy or VPN to ensure nothing ties you any longer to the account. Never log into the account again, once you’ve abandon it. Let it sit and rot, it’ll fade into obscurity soon enough. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===Use TOX, Be Secure=== The best way to explain Tox is as if it was a person. Tox, to be precise, is the athletically built, 10/10, drop-dead-gorgeous, blond hair, blue eyed cousin of Skype. Whereas Skype is a bloated, trend-following piece of crap that believes outward appearance, regardless of size, is all that’s need to appease their user. Simply put: Tox doesn’t have the idiotic “aesthetics” and useless bloat. It’s just what it says on the box, thus far. TOX is a P2P instant messaging and video calling protocol that offers end-to-end encryption.  All traffic is encrypted using the NaCl library, which provides authenticated encryption, perfect forward secrecy and no surprise visits from the FBI, yet. Tox is quite simple and easy to use. The FAQs (https://tox.chat/faq.html) alone should have you withering in orgasmic pleasure by knowing just how secure you are when compared to Skype. Just look at the below! • Removing the need to rely on central authorities to provide messenger services • Concealing your identity (in the form of meta-data, e.g. your IP address) from people who are not your authorized friends • Enforcing end-to-end encryption with perfect forward secrecy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forward_secrecy) as the default and only mode of operation for all messages • Making your identity impossible to forge without the possession of your personal private key, which never leaves your computer Seriously, we would like you to give the FAQ page a read. It goes into great details of why TOX is simply better than Skype. It’s near impossible for anyone to hijack or mess with your account. And, when using TOR and TOX, there’s near nothing anyone can do to trace you or your messages (as long as your rig’s clean and secure). There’s no need for an e-mail address or complicated signup. You just need to choose and download the flavor of TOX you want for your operating system, create a new account and start adding your friends. From there, it’s simple OPSEC and not adding people at random. No history is saved, it’s ready out of the box and if you want, you can monkey around with it however you wish. There’s nothing else you need. TOX does it all, so far. Unless, of course, you want to modify the settings in-program, like disabling that annoying typing feature that alerts people to when you’re typing or not. They even have a series of How-Tos already available for you, so there’s also that. The only drawback is the simple fact that if your rig fries, so does your profile and list of friends. So keep a list handy on a USB of your friends’ keys just in case. __References:__ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tox_(protocol) https://wiki.tox.chat/users/tox_over_tor_tot https://tox.chat/download.html https://wiki.tox.chat/users/howtos ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===Afterword=== This is probably one of our more lazily written guides, however since some people kept requesting it we decided to crank it out as quickly as possible. Like all work edits, content’s there, just not beautified or aesthetically pleasing, yet... Enjoy and get off of Skype!
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