#it's the way he makes sure his hold on jaylen is tight enough it's the way he actually TIGHTENS his hold on jaylen it's theway they're
quill & edric + holding on?
crime au, shaq is (more or less) being held hostage by jaylen and co in exchange for edric doing a hit on sebastian and derrick, quill was pretending to be shaq for a grift, Uh Oh
Edric hasn’t said a word since he got off the phone with Jaylen, and Quill’s not sure how long ago that was, but it feels like it’s been hours. They caught enough of the conversation to know that Shaq’s in trouble - or, rather, that he’s going to be dead by midnight if something doesn’t change. If Edric doesn’t pull off the hit the way he’s supposed to, or think of some other way out.
Quill doesn’t know what to do. They’re usually good at this part - the soothing, the being the person other people need - but they’re scared too, and the person Edric needs right now is. Well. Certainly not them pretending to be Shaq. Even though their hair is box-dye brown and they’ve got glasses on for once, Shaq’s glasses, and they could pull it off if they wanted to, Quill knows enough to know that won’t help. That it would, in so many ways, make things worse right now to be anyone but themself.
They shrink down in the passenger’s seat and peel back layers of artifice like carefully tearing a bandage from a still-raw scab. Nothing Edric might consciously look for, but things that make sense to them; a change in posture, a slackening of the panicked smile that keeps threatening at the corners of their mouth. If they hadn’t cut their hair before this, now is when it would go into their usual ponytail instead of curling loosely around their face. Their hands fly to the nape of their neck anyway out of habit, then drop, and Quill leaves one palm-up on the center console, almost coaxing. Like Edric’s done to them dozens of times since he pulled them here, to this universe, at his side.
Edric puts his hand in theirs. It takes a minute for Quill to realize that he’s shaking, with or without the movement of the car. They can’t pretend that doesn’t scare them. But they squeeze Edric’s hand gently, and he squeezes theirs back harder, fingers digging into the gaps between theirs, and they stay like that until the road has a gravel shoulder and not just long stretches of desert surrounding it and Quill softly says, “Eddie? Pull over.”
He does. And he’s still not talking, which means Quill has to talk, because they can’t take the quiet right now.
“Will you look at me?” they ask.
Edric does that, too. His eyes are - there’s something angry in them that Quill wishes they were surprised by. But there’s also fear there, a sharp, darting fear like a hunted animal searching for a way out of a trap, and the orange sun outside the windshield illuminates what might be tears threatening to spill over. He won’t meet their gaze, but Quill isn’t so sure they want him to. That might be too much for both of them. Too many raw nerves intersecting, too many small vulnerabilities laid bare in front of each other. It’s better to not look at it all head-on.
“I know -” Quill starts. Then they stop, take a breath, start over. “I know I’m not Shaq, and I - I can’t do that for you, I don’t think, because that wouldn’t be fair, and I would - well. I’m not him, is the point, but if you need a hug or - anything from me, you don’t. Have to ask.”
It’s stilted, punctuated by hesitance and pauses to swallow past the tightness in their throat that hasn’t let up since this morning. Edric’s face is still buried in the crook of their neck before the last word is out of their mouth. He’s leaned over the center console, arms thrown around them, and Quill doesn’t even flinch. They’ve gotten better about that. Only with him and with Shaq, but still better. They even hug back, one hand tracing a slow circle between Edric’s shoulder blades, the other coming up to gently card through his hair.
“You can cry if you need,” Quill says, and means it. “I won’t look.”
Edric’s lips move against their skin, and he says, “I’ll kill her,” and what Quill hears is, I’m scared.
“Oh,” they say, and then, without thinking, “Baby -”
Edric’s shoulders heave, and he makes a wordless, pained sound in his throat, and his hands on Quill tighten like they’re a lifeline. Quill might feel something hot and wet on their neck, and it might be tears, but they don’t think about it.
“You’re okay,” they say, one hand still rubbing circles into Edric’s back. “I’m here. You’re okay.”
And maybe they can’t be exactly the person he needs, but - well, maybe this is the person he needs, and it’s just them, not pretending. Maybe that’s what it’s been this whole time.
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haunthouse · 4 years
alliejay + the shadows
Jaylen does not fly to Dallas to see Allie the moment she’s shadowed, but it’s a near thing.
Instead, she throws everything she owns around Tot’s guest room and then cleans it back up, sweeps the glass into the dustpan and shoves the clothes haphazard into her suitcase. She screams loud enough that Tot’s neighbors start knocking on the door. Tot knows her well enough to know when she needs to be alone, and kindly leaves the apartment, texts her that ze’ll be around and that there’s cookies on top of the fridge, and Jaylen shoves three cookies in a ziploc bag and takes her suitcase and goes.
She doesn’t have a destination in mind until she gets to the airport. She thinks, maybe Dallas. She thinks, no, she’s going to have a breakdown if she sees anyone who’s still playing right now, and picks a city with no blaseball team, and goes there instead.
So in the end, the first time Jaylen-in-the-shadows sees Allie in person is months into the season. A layover in Dallas turns into god, I just want to sleep turns into a cab to Allie’s ranch would only take half an hour turns into dragging her single suitcase out of the airport, leaving a seat unfilled on the flight she was meant to get on, and forty-five minutes later she’s using the key Allie insisted she keep on her keyring to let herself into Allie’s home and collapse on the couch.
“Shit,” she hears, a few not-quite-restful hours later. The sound of something falling, the sound of Allie scrambling to pick it up. Jaylen yawns as she opens her eyes.
“Hey, Al.”
“Hey — jesus, Jay, you couldn’t have texted?”
“Forgot,” Jaylen says, dragging herself up to sitting, rubbing at her eyes. “Wasn’t planning on coming here, but I had a layover and decided I didn’t actually care about where I was planning on going anyways, and —”
Allie’s found his way to the couch at some point, and his arms wrap around Jaylen, suddenly holding her tight. The embrace is such a shock to her system that she can’t remember what she was going to say next, not even a little bit. It’s been — it’s been a while since anyone’s touched her. She thinks she’d ended up sprawled halfway across Betsy when they’d gotten high on the roof the night before elections, but since then she’s been jetting around, looking for any meaning at all beyond the game she’s no longer permitted to play (or maybe just an escape from the hostage situation Seattle has made of her life.) It’s only now that she realizes she was missing it.
“Missed you,” Allie says against Jaylen’s hair.
“Yeah,” Jaylen murmurs into his shoulder. Her voice is hoarse all of a sudden, and she’s content to pretend it’s just sleep making it that way. “Shit’s been weird. Didn’t want to lay all that on you.”
“That’s — weirdly considerate of you, you know. But you don’t have to do that.” Allie pulls back a bit — just far enough for Jaylen to miss the touch — and brings a hand to her cheek, and looks her in the eyes, and —
He covers up the sharp breath pretty well; it wouldn’t be noticeable at all, were he not so close, and if Jaylen weren’t so familiar with Allie.
“Oh shit, your eyes,” Allie says. Softly. Something like awe creeping into his voice.
It’s been just long enough for Jaylen not to leap out of her skin every time she looks in the mirror and sees two dark brown eyes instead of one dark and the other burning incinerationfire blue, the way it had been since she came back.
The way blaseball has changed her physically has always been among the lesser of her worries — she can change herself right back, keep its influence off with shitty haircuts in hotel bathrooms and shittier dye jobs — but this feels personal, feels like something’s been taken away. Every sign of what she’s been through erased. She looks, once again, the way she did in season one, with her hair grown almost to her shoulders, her eyes both dark. She also looks nothing like she did before she died: she carries herself differently, now, like she’s always looking for a fight; she’s tired; something skeletal still hangs around the edges of her smiles when they appear.
“I — fuck, did I not tell you about that,” she says, knowing full well that she didn’t. It was a stupid hope that they’d return to what’s been normal for the last decade. This was the norm for the two decades before she’d died, but nothing else is the same as then, so why the fuck should she look like who she was?
(It isn’t true that nothing’s the same. Allie’s — well, Allie isn’t the same, he’s changed, same as everyone else, but he’s still here.)
“You didn’t,” he says. He reaches up to brush a strand of hair out of Jaylen’s face, and she feels exposed, she feels — more seen than she has since she was shadowed, that’s for fucking sure. People tend to look around her, now, more than at her. Their eyes slide past. It’s made her question, more than once, if she’s even still visible, if blaseball hasn’t taken her very corporeality from her — but Allie is looking at her, and there’s no doubt in her mind about that.
She looks down at his shoulder, because if she looks him in the eyes while he’s looking at her like that she’s going to lose her entire mind right here on his couch.
“It’s fucking weird, I know. I don’t know how I feel about it, either. It’s — I don’t know, it’s —” The words come out all in a rush, and don’t stop until Allie kisses Jaylen, sweet and soft and over before it’s even started.
“Jay, it’s fine.” He smiles, just a little. It makes something that had nearly been dormant flutter to life behind Jaylen’s ribcage. It makes her feel in a way she hasn’t since she got shoved unceremoniously into the shadows. “It’s fine,” he repeats. “You look beautiful.”
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walkerismychoice · 5 years
No Next Time (Raleigh X MC)
Book: Platinum
Pairing: Raleigh X MC (mentions of Avery X MC)
Rating: NSFW/18+
Note: This was a request from @xionasuralee for Raleigh to hunt MC down at a party and smutiness to ensue. I decided to tie this into everything happening in canon right now and assume MC would go to a Vinyl’s after party, even after her embarrassing stunt.
Word Count: 1468
Aria closes the bedroom door and lets her head fall against it with a thud. Lord knows why she let Fiona talk her into still attending this Vinyls after party at Ellis Knight's house after the embarrassing display she put on at the show. It had been like an out of body experience, rushing onstage and trying to out-sing Jaylen. There's no excuse for her behavior, but hearing her rival, even if mainly for publicity's sake, sing the very personal song Aria spent years writing and claim it as her own filled Aria with blind rage. There's a million ways she could have handled the situation better, but in the heat of the moment, she didn't, and now she must suffer the embarrassing consequences.
She'd tried to walk into the party with her head held high. After all, Fiona had reminded her that all publicity is good publicity - just look at Kanye. But she doesn't want to be a Kanye, or a Bieber, or a Raleigh Carrera for that matter, so the stares and whispers started to get to her, and she had to get away. She'd come to the Vinyls as Avery's date, but she didn't want to ruin his big night by ditching him or asking him to leave early, so she let him mingle and do his thing while she quietly slipped away to this empty guest room on the far side of Ellis's mansion.
Aria sits at the edge of the bed and dramatically flops back, taking deep breaths and staring at the ceiling while relishing in the quiet solitude. It's tempting to just curl up and fall asleep right then and there. She's lost deep in thought when the door handle rattles, and she bolts upright to the edge of the bed again. For a split second she thinks and hopes it might Avery, but she's conflicted by who actually walks through the door.
"There you are, Campbell." Raleigh closes the door and leans his back against it, arms folded across his chest. He's lost the bow tie and jacket, but still has his  suit vest on with his dress shirt underneath, sleeves rolled halfway up his forearms and top three buttons undone. "You know how many guest rooms I had to check to find you?"
She’s definitely not thinking about the hint of his chiseled chest she can see or how sexy his tattoos look peaking out from under his sleeves. “You didn’t have to check any. I didn’t ask you come after me,” She snaps, annoyed at his unwanted presence. 
Maybe Raleigh doesn’t deserve it, but the way he makes her feel is infuriating. Ever since they “broke up,” he’s been contacting her plenty, but every time it seems to end in some middle of the night secret rendezvous, with one of the two sneaking back to their own place so as not to be caught by paparazzi and fuel rumors of a rekindling of their relationship. When Fiona had told her she could bring a date, a real date of her choosing, to the Vinyls, Raleigh was the first person who’d popped into her mind, but just as quickly she pushed that idea aside. Aria would like their relationship to be more, but Raleigh’s keeps refusing to give any indication that what they have is anything more than physical. Avery, conversely, has made a point to get to take his time getting to know her. Sure there hadn’t been the instantaneous sparks like she had with Raleigh, but the slow burning flame has grown in intensity over time. Avery’s a great guy and would be really good for Aria, so she chose him as her date instead. The last thing she needs is Raleigh here confusing things even more.
Raleigh strides over to where Aria is on the bed and lifts her chin with his index finger, staring intensely into her eyes. “So you want me to leave you alone? I’ll go if you tell me to.” The corners of his lips quirk upwards, seemingly confident he already knows what she’s going to say.
Go away, her head is telling her to say - but his proximity, the scent of his cologne, his eyes darkened with desire - it’s all making it impossible for her to turn him away. She swallows hard as the aching need in her belly grows. “No, Don’t go,” she implores, her voice not much more than a whisper. 
Raleigh’s knowing grin turns into a full blown smirk. “That’s what I thought.” In one smooth motion, he pushes her back onto the bed and kneels on the floor between her legs. His hands slide up her smooth thighs, pushing the skirt of the little black dress she changed into for the party over her hips. He hooks his fingers into the waistband of her lacy black thong and slides it down her legs and over her stiletto heels, depositing it in his pants pocket. Then he spreads her legs apart and swipes a finger through her folds. “Fuck, you are so wet already.”
Raleigh brings his finger to Aria’s mouth, coating her lips with her own arousal. She moans into his mouth as he licks her lips clean, tastes herself on him as their tongues collide.
“Why do you taste so fucking good?” He growls before dropping back down between her legs, throwing them over his shoulders and scooting her all the way to the edge of the bed. She tilts her hips up, his tongue connecting with her clit just right. His mouth warm and wet against her skin is setting her nerves endings on fire. With every swipe and flick of his tongue, her pleasure builds, and when he glides two fingers inside her waiting entrance, she’s fisting the blanket hard in her hands, both begging for release and never wanting it to end. 
Aria twists her fingers through Raleigh’s hair, tugging just hard enough for him to moan against her sex. The combination of the vibration along with everything else is too much, and she’s about to explode. “Raleigh, keep going,” she pleads.
Raleigh suddenly pulls back and gets to his feet. “Not so fast. You can’t come until I’m inside you. Turn over, on your hands and knees,” he commands and she obeys. She hears his zipper open, the clang of his belt buckle as his pants drop to the floor. The familiar crinkling of a condom wrapper opening follows and moments later, he’s flush against her backside, the tip of his cock teasing its way in. He pushes in slowly, her tight walls gripping every inch of his shaft. “Oh, fuck,” he groans as he finally thrusts all the way in.
His hands run over her ass and up her back, sweeping her hair to the side. Raleigh kisses and nibbles up the side of her neck and then whispers in her ear. “You like it when I tell you what to do, don’t you?” he asks and Aria nods affirmatively. “Good girl,” he praises and it makes her whimper. He begins to move faster, hitting her sweet spot with each deep thrust. He grasps her hair in one hand, wrapping it around and tugging hard, sending shivers down her spine. 
Aria’s getting close again, her core tightening and breaths coming quicker. Raleigh reaches around, rubbing circles over her clit. “Come for me now,” he urges and that’s all she needs. Closing her eyes, she sees fireworks behind her eyelids as fiery pleasure radiates outward from her core, and she sobs out Raleigh’s name.  
“Yes, Aria!” Raleigh calls out, pounding into her harder and faster, digging his fingertips into her hips until he groans loudly, shuddering against her as he finds his release.
Raleigh flips Aria over and kisses her hard before cleaning himself up and putting himself back together. Aria’s still lying on the bed motionless, unable to stand yet on her wobbly legs. “Leaving so soon?” She says instead of asking him to stay and lie with her a bit longer. She doesn’t know why she would expect this time to be any different.
“We’ve both been away from the party too long. You should get back to your date,” he laughs but there’s an edge and a bitterness to his voice. Is it jealousy, wishing her was her date instead? If she didn’t know better, she’d think so, but he’s had every opportunity to ask her for something more, yet something is always holding him back. “Until next time...” He winks at her before turning to walk out the door.”
Aria rolls her eyes and lets out a frustrated groan. This time, there won’t be a next time, she promises herself. She deserves better, and if Raleigh can’t give that, she’ll find someone, like Avery, who can.
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hopeishappinessff · 5 years
Holding Onto Hope: Chapter 58.2
One centimeter dilated. Just one. All this pain and discomfort, and I was only one centimeter dilated. I blew out a breath of frustration, and sunk further into the warm water. The air from my mouth pushed a chunk of bubbles away, but I was still covered and nearly overwhelmed by the bubbles from the two bottles that’d been dumped into my water. I couldn’t complain though… this garden tub in my aunt’s room was doing wonders for me with all the space it had to offer that mine didn’t and the gentle smell of the bubbles was soothing me tremendously.
“See, it’s been like twenty straight minutes and not a single contraction… Auntie be knowing what she talking about girl.” Destani noted. She was sitting with her back pressed against the locked door of the bathroom, legs crossed as her head bobbed to the tune of SZA The Weekend. She’d even gone as far as lighting every candle my aunt had in this large space, just because she was determined to set the ambiance for me.
My aunt had reluctantly gone back in to the hospital for a shift she’d been called in for. She fought it tooth and nail, obviously because she was too paranoid to be more than ten feet away from me. Though Dr. Zeeta assured her until she was nearly blue in the face that there was no way I was even close to going into labor because my due date wasn’t for another two weeks, my aunt was adamant that the day she’s away at work would be the day her great niece made her debut. She even went as far as considering expediting the month-long vacation she saved up just for this occasion. She promised me the moment she found out about the pregnancy that she would devote every second of every day to me and the little one until I could get adjusted to motherhood… well, at least for one month anyway. She wasn’t supposed to start that vacation until a day before my due date… after my hospital visit, she wanted to bump it to tomorrow.
“Yeah, her and Ms. Joyce have insisted on these warm baths since the day we got back here from Georgia. I guess I didn’t really believe them because these things have never been quite this strong.”
“Not to mention, you been up on your feet a lot more lately and I know at your last visit Dr. Z told you to sit your ass down somewhere. No more games after this Bama, I’m calling straight up bed rest ‘til your water breaks. And I’ll sit on your ass every day ‘til then if I have to.” Destani fussed.
Tossing my head back against the cushioned bathtub pillow, I giggled and shook my head “I don’t think I need any additional weight on this body, thank you very much. I think I got the bed rest thing down at this point… I’m not trying to have this little girl come early if she’s not ready.”
“Okay! Let nature take its toll on that body honey, don’t be stressing my niece and making her come out prematurely. Me and her gone have some beef with your hard-headed ass then.” She said, failing to bite back her own laughter.
Just as I parted my lips to snap back at her sassy comment, we both went quiet at the sound of knocking on the restroom door. Destani stared at me for a moment, as if I had the answer to who was knocking, but when all she got back was a blank stare and a shoulder shrug, she rolled her eyes with a huff and pulled herself up from the floor.
Turning the knob of the door and taking a step back to crack it open, we both kept our eyes glued to the smallest gap of space that she left for Chris to stick his head in. He barely seemed to notice her presence behind the door though and I gasped and quickly slapped a hand covered in bubbles over my mouth to suppress my giggles. Destani went flying back against the counter behind the door and Chris’s eyes widened with shock at the sound of the thud.
“Nigga, what the fuck!” She yelled, scowling deeply with a hand against her lower back, massaging the exact spot that’d just been forcefully wedged up against the hard counter.
“Shit, my bad Dez. I swear I didn’t see you back there.” He looked so apologetically adorable… so much so that his face was now a light shade of pink. The look on his face combined with the hard frown on Destani’s did nothing to settle my giggles and before I knew it, I was full blown cackling.
“Girl this shit ain’t funny. Nigga tried to kill my ass just now. Shit!” If I wasn’t mistaken, she was even redder in the face than Chris. Eventually she huffed and slithered over to the closed lid of the toilet where she plopped down, still obviously upset.
Chris cracked a smirk, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck with a shake of his head “I wasn’t trying to kill you. How was I supposed to know you were right behind the door?”
“It don’t matter! Who told you to come swinging in here like you from the damn planet of the apes?”
“I’m sorry,” He finally chuckled, softly, and turned his attention to me once she crossed her arms over her chest and he realized she had nothing more to say to him, “How’re you feeling?”
“I’m alright. I guess I should have been listening to everyone about these warm baths… it’s really helping.”
Initially I kept my eyes on the bubbles surrounding my feet, but his shadow looming over the edge of the tub forced me to turn and face him as he took a seat on the edge. His eyes were steadied on me and I couldn’t help but glance briefly at his tongue as he swiped it quickly over his bottom lip.
“You hungry?”
Shaking my head quietly, I watched with curiosity as he slipped a hand through the swarm of bubbles until it landed against my stomach. His fingers were gentle and attentive, immediately swirling against my flesh protectively because that’s what he always did.
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.” I whispered, raising my gaze to find his stare already piercing my face.
“I’m gonna run out for a few…”
I could feel my face falling into a frown before he could even finish his sentence and he sighed deeply, obviously from the sight of the less than pleased expression on my face.
“Where are you going Chris?” I asked, irritation fusing my question together. His brows were drooped with sorrow as his fingertips continued to swirl around the span of my belly.
“I’m just gonna run out…”
Latching a hand politely onto his wrist, I tugged his arm away and tossed a tight-lipped smile his way “Well I’ll just see you when you get back.”
“Don’t be like that babe.”
“I’m not being like anything Chris. Just… I’ll see you when you get back.” Truthfully, I was entirely too exhausted to deal with him and this headache he was giving me. I didn’t have time to stress myself, wondering about his nightly whereabouts. If my assumptions were correct and he was truly dumb enough to get involved in something he knew he had no business in… I shut my eyes and sighed. I didn’t even want to spend more energy thinking about it.
“Hope I’m sorry. I-I’ll just stay home…”
“No… go.”
“Chris, go.” It took everything in me not to yell right in his face and splash him with water and bubbles, because there was nothing else in the near vicinity for me to throw at him.
Snatching my eyes open to glare at him, I tensed at the sight of his jaw clenching repeatedly as he stared back at me with an expression I couldn’t quite comprehend. Whatever was on his mind that caused him to stare at me like that sent a tingle through my submerged lady parts, but I forced myself to ignore the feeling to avoid moaning aloud with Destani still in the bathroom.
He eased a hand back into the water, his eyes still latched onto my face and his jaw still clenching sexily. His long fingers glided over the top of my belly, then I gasped softly at the feeling of his fingertips suddenly grazing my right nipple as his hand made a trail to my face.
“I’ll be back in a few hours.” He nearly whispered as he leaned down, gripping my jaw to hold me steady so that he could plant his lips against my forehead. He stared at me for a few more seconds before finally standing to his feet and making his way out of the bathroom.
I barely remembered that Destani was still in the same room as me at this point… my stare remained fixed on the pile of bubbles formed around my belly and thoughts of Chris’s sudden peculiar behavior flooded my mind.  
It was clear in her eyes… the disappointment. The frustration. And the words were right there on the tip of her tongue, but she bit them back. I knew she probably wanted to lash out. She wanted to unleash her irritation with me, on me. But she didn’t. She already had enough going on and Lord knows I didn’t want to be the cause of any unnecessary stress for her, but… I guess I’d been doing a phenomenal job of that lately. It’s true, I could have been doing such a better job of being with her for these last few days or weeks left of her pregnancy, but truth be told… I was busy doing my own planning for the arrival of our little one… and for Jaylen. See the thing is I made a vow to myself years ago when I first met Hope that I was first going to make her mine, then I was going to marry her, and I was going to take care of her so she’d never have to lift a finger outside of our home. I made a vow to be everything that my father was not. I have a family now and a girlfriend that I loved with every ounce of air in my body, yet I couldn’t help but feel like I had nothing to show for it.
To this day, I was still rocking with a savings account that could easily be misinterpreted for the price of an Aston Martin, but that wasn’t enough. I needed to see that number grow and I needed to see it grow simply because I worked my ass off to make it happen. The only problem with that was… I wasn’t willing to go back to the lifestyle I lived before, because I wouldn’t dare put my family in harm’s way like that. So, that meant I had to do some honest man’s work… I needed to get a real job. And I needed to get a real job, because I was now in the process of getting a real home. Even my mother wasn’t aware of that and I chose to keep it that way because after some thorough calculations, I realized my probationary period would be over approximately two weeks after my daughter was born. Which means I will finally be one hundred percent free. I’ll be a free man with a family to love and care for and I figured now was as good a time as any to get myself on the right track to accomplish becoming the greatest man that I could be.
With a defeated sigh, I pressed a thumb against the soft button on the key fob, listening intently to the two chirps that indicated that Hope’s car was completely locked. This was really starting to get pathetic… I needed to make it a priority to get a new car, or get ahold of my truck, as soon as possible. Wedging my hands down into the pockets of my sweats, I removed one for only a second to swing the glass door open to allow myself entry to the closed off building. On the outside, it was pretty interesting… it was really quite the sight to see. I mean I honestly had never really seen anything like it before, which made my desire to have it that much stronger. Because it was so eclectic in style and I knew it could easily draw unnecessary attention, I was thankful that it wasn’t anywhere near the city. It’d been brought to my attention that there were a few abandoned buildings that lined the opposite side of my favorite spot at the lake where I confessed my love to Hope and where she took her maternity pictures.
Through the grace of God, I was able to strike a deal on this particular building the moment I found the contact information sloppily dangling near a back door to the place. Since that day, it’s been nothing but magic in the making.
It was creeping well past ten at night, but I knew the front door would be unlocked and the inside of the building would be lively because this had been the routine for the past month. The fresh smell of paint and an airy aroma of dedication met me only a few feet past the door and I smirked at the sound of good music and laughter filling the air. This had become my home away from home and I couldn’t be happier with it. It was so spacious and the white walls made me feel like I was standing in the middle of my own little piece of heaven. And the greatest part… there were floor to ceiling windows with a view to that lake, everywhere. Honestly if it were just me and Hope and no babies, I probably would have tried to talk her into moving into this joint!
“Ayyeee, the man of the hour!” With the brightest beam on his fair skinned face and a few splotches of paint on his chin and forehead, Micah strutted right up to me with his arms spread as wide as the smile on his face.
“Aye chill man.” I chuckled. I had to take two steps back from him because my man really thought he was about to greet me with a hug with fresh wet pain all over him… I think not.
“Aww no love bro? That’s messed up.” He laughed, dropping his hands to his sides and falling in stride with me.
We crossed over the front main section of the first floor, shifting to the back behind a few hanging black tarps. I couldn’t help but shake my head and laugh when my gaze landed on my childhood friends, and my newest homie, each covered damn near from head to toe in the brightest shades of paint.
“I thought your ass was never gonna get here man.” Dontay’s loud ass yelled from the whole opposite side of the work space… my work space. The six of us were standing in the middle of my work space, in the middle of Micah and I’s brand spanking new art studio. My dream was finally coming true and every time I got a good look at it, I swore I could feel yet another small injection of life. And to top it off, I got my closest friends to agree to help me get it all up and running.
“Bruh, I know you splashing that shit on purpose. Do it again and get it on these J’s though… I dare you.” Kendrick snarled, glaring at Rashad who stood to his left with a raised brushed coated with bright red paint in his hand. I shook my head and laughed… I couldn’t even be surprised at these fool’s antics. I was more than grateful to have them here to lend a helping hand and to put their mark on my studio, but damn if I hadn’t come close to giving them all the boot on at least three different occasions. Don’t get me wrong, these were my boys… my brothers… but Jesus, trying to put these niggas to work on a serious project was like trying to put a group of hyperactive three-year old’s in a straight line.
“Do it Shad! Fling that shit right on that nigga! He ain’t been doing shit all night, but bumping his gums and tryna act like he can paint better than everybody… fuck his shit up!” Dontay hollered, nearly skipping right past me with his own fully loaded paint brush in hand and ready to do damage.
“Aye man, what the hell are ya’ll doing?” I asked, sticking an arm out and snatching this crazy nigga back by the fabric of his shirt.
“Where have your friends been all my life Breezy!” Micah laughed obnoxiously loud. Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I sighed and used both hands to tug Dontay back by his shoulders because now the nigga was fighting against me to get to all the commotion. From the day Micah had been introduced to the boys, he’d not only taken an immediate liking to them and them to him… he’d heard them call me Breezy on more than one occasion and got so comfortable with the nickname, he ditched my whole name altogether and refused to call me anything else but Breezy because he ‘thought it was the dopest way to identify my inner artist.’ That’s right… according to Micah, once I started selling these pieces, I would be sealing them with my mark… Breezy. At least, that’s what he thought.
“Chill out Don. I swear I can’t take ya’ll niggas nowhere without ya’ll acting an ass.” I fussed, finally getting some type of restrain on him and yanking him back to my side.
“That ain’t me blood. These niggas been clowning since you left. I been working… don’t come at me like it’s my fault.”
Just as I went to turn my head to light his ass up, I gasped at the feeling of thick, wet, and cold liquid smacking me square in my left cheek. I was frozen with shock for all of three seconds until it finally dawned on me that this dude had just slapped me in the face with a wet paint brush. And what really solidified it was his loud cackle half a second after I realized what he did.
“Bruuuuhhh, did ya’ll see this niggas face! He looked shocked as shi… aye man, chill out!” Whipping around to fully face him, I reached out to snatch him by his shirt but his slick ass slithered out of arms reach and took off around the perimeter of the large space.
It became an all-out fiasco after that. I chased Dontay for a full lap until he finally slowed down just enough for me to snatch him back and tackle him. Rashad, BJ, and Kendrick took that as their cue to join in on the shenanigans and with one boisterous cackle from Micah, I knew he was about to add himself to the mix too. We tussled on the floor for a while, knocking over paint cans and running amuck all over the floor until Dontay finally tapped out. I was sitting backwards on his back now and I had his left leg bent as far back as I could get it before he slapped a hand against the floor, begging me to end the torture.
“Man, ya’ll some grown ass niggas in here acting like you ain’t got no home training. Don’t make no damn sense!” BJ fussed, pulling himself up from the floor beside me and snatching his shoe back that somehow ended up in Micah’s hand.
“Shut yo basic ass up,” Rashad yelled, pulling down the hem of his now wrinkled shirt as he nudged Kendrick away from him… had we really just gotten that out of hand? “Muhfucka’s tryna trap me in a headlock so I can’t see and shit. We ain’t bout to get shit done in this studio if we can’t stop actin like some big ass kids.”
“Breezy… get yo fat ass off me nigga.”
“Shut up Don,” I laughed, lifting up from Dontay’s back and playfully kicking him in the leg as I stood beside him, “Slap me with another wet paint brush and see what happens to your other leg.”
“Man fuck you dawg.” He grumbled, feebly pulling himself up onto his one stable leg. I bucked at him as soon as he got his footing in order and cracked up when he flinched and damn near fell over.
After weeks of fifty percent hard labor and fifty percent fuckery… I couldn’t have been more proud. There was paint all over the room, from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. It was vibrant and messy and disorganized and loud and it popped and spoke volumes and… it was exactly what I wanted. There was no strategy to this. I brought the boys over to get their opinions on the place, laid the cans of paint and tools out on the floor, and dropped the bomb on them by telling them that I wanted them to have a piece of this too. And on that very day, they all shocked me by willingly, and excitedly, agreeing to do this for me.
“Bro, you can’t tell me you’re not crazy amped about the opening night. It’s gonna be so dope… I got all my connects in line, freakin… drooling at the mouth to see your work!” Micah stood at my side, tossing an arm up over the back of my shoulders as we caught our breath and admired the beautiful mess before us.
“I don’t know man… I’m kinda nervous.” I mumbled.
“Bruh, Breezy, dude… did you just use the word nervous in that sentence?” Dontay said, moseying toward us with a brow raised.
“I mean…”
“Nah man, you don’t mean shit. Look at this,” Once he reached my side, he too tossed an arm up over my shoulders and faced forward, “This is all you dawg. I mean, I’m not an art freak like you or anything but… I know some good lookin shit when I see it. All bullshit aside, Chris… what  you’ve done with this joint is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. When you first showed us this building, no lie… I was skeptical as hell and I immediately thought you wasted your money on a piece of shit.”
Cutting my eyes at him, I frowned as he chuckled and roughed me up by my shoulder “But you have defied all odds with this baby. This thing is… it’s incredible. If these investors and prospective buyers don’t see the brilliance and beauty in what you’ve done here, I’m calling the cops myself.”
“Nigga what?” Rashad shouted, bursting into loud laughter that eventually trickled on to the rest of us, “You gone call the cops if they don’t wanna buy his art? Really Don?”
“Hell fuckin yeah! That would be like discrimination… racial profiling and shit cuz he a nigga selling legit ass art. And that shit is illegal.”
“Dude… please… shut up!” BJ hollered as he doubled over with laughter and damn near fell completely on the floor.
Smacking his lips and rolling his eyes, Dontay snatched his arm away from me and marched off to the opposite side of the room… even he had to know half the shit that came out of his mouth made no sense.
Eventually, after bullshitting and smoking for another hour or so, we all trickled out of the building in a calm and collected group because we were frankly too high for anything else. I bid adieu to the boys, after demanding them all to promise me that we could get this thing entirely wrapped up in another week. I honestly didn’t know how much longer I could hold Hope off before she ripped me a new one then left my ass for good for being so secretive, but I just wasn’t ready to reveal this all to her just yet. I know, I know… the last time I held off on revealing one of my biggest secrets to her, it cost me my relationship and almost my life, but I had good reason this time. I wanted to surprise her with this one. I needed her to be patient with me because the day I finally introduced her to my newest endeavor… that day… would be the day I planned to change her life, forever.
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junker-town · 4 years
2021 NFL Mock Draft: Complete first round
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Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images
A complete first-round Mock Draft following the end of the regular season.
With the regular season in the rear view mirror we now turn our attention to the NFL Draft. There’s still a lot unknown about the format it will take, how the scouting combine will proceed (if at all), or whether the world will be in a place where we can have people attend live. But outside of those unknowns we do know what order non-playoff teams will be drafting, and today we dive into who may be selected.
No. 1: Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson — Jacksonville Jaguars
The sweepstakes are over, the dust has settled, and the Jaguars have won the prize. Quarterback definitely isn’t Jacksonville’s biggest need, and Gardner Minshew has played pretty well in 2020, but chances like this don’t come along very often.
Lawrence is the most polished, lock No. 1 QB since Andrew Luck entered the league in 2012. The Clemson passer has proven he can work under pressure, make plays, and be the face of a franchise for years to come. The Jaguars are lucky.
No. 2: Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon — New York Jets
There was seemingly no doubt the Jets would end up with Trevor Lawrence for much of the season, but wins took them out of the No. 1 pick conversation. It’s temping to simply shuffle them down a peg and take the next best quarterback, but deep down I think New York know that just taking quarterbacks is like shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.
Penei Sewell is a safe pick, and he’s ludicrously talented too. At the very least it’ll give the offense some support so they can determine if Sam Darnold has a future, or whether it’ll be time to cut bait in 2021.
No. 3: Devonta Smith, WR, Alabama — Miami Dolphins (via Texans)
The Dolphins are in one of the best positions in the NFL with a luxury almost nobody gets: Being a near-playoff team with a Top 3 pick. At this point Miami has its QB of the future, it has a solid base, now it’s time to get weapons.
Adding Devonta Smith is a dream come true. A receiver so good he’s Heisman worthy, with a history of working with Tua Tagovailoa. The handcuff is cute, but the pick makes too much sense. I think this is a piece of the puzzle that can really take the Dolphins to the next level.
No. 4: Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State — Atlanta Falcons
The Falcons have a lot of needs, especially in the secondary, but it’s important to realize all those comically blown leads also means this team is close as constructed. I don’t think Atlanta is really as bad as their record showed, so the smart move is to solidify the future.
Regime change is on the Falcons’ minds, but it doesn’t need to be immediate. Justin Fields could sit behind Matt Ryan for a year, get used to the NFL and get the development he needs to be ready to take over. It’s a great scenario for everyone involved, and getting a QB of this caliber without needing to trade is too good to pass up.
No. 5: Ja’Marr Chase, WR, LSU — Cincinnati Bengals
The Bengals would love to get Sewell or Smith in this spot, but the draft didn’t quite break for them. It’s not like this is a sob story though, because Ja’Marr Chase is a heck of a player who we know has chemistry with Joe Burrow.
Chase totaled 1,780 yards and 20 touchdowns with Burrow at LSU in 2019. A.J. Green is getting older (and growing weary of the rebuild), the Bengals need to upgrade their receiving corps, and need to get Burrow more help. This pick fits all those needs.
No. 6: Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State — Philadelphia Eagles
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Photo by William Purnell/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
Philadelphia needs help in a lot of areas, and while wide receiver might be the biggest area that needs improvement, I don’t have the mock breaking in a way where it’s in the team’s best interest.
Pass rushing is a key need for the Eagles as well, and getting Parsons from their own backyard will help in that regard. Arguably the best pure pass rusher in the class, I don’t think him skipping the 2020 season will really hurt. I think it’s a trap to think Parsons can only excel in a 3-4 base defense, with coordinators getting more creative in using weapons. With a player this good you just take him, and work out how to slot him in later.
No. 7: Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama — Detroit Lions
Death. Taxes. The Lions taking first round receivers. I’m sure it’s a bummer that Detroit will have to settle for the third best in the class, but Jaylen Waddle fits what the team likes to do on offense.
A smaller, shiftier wide receiver, Waddle is a playmaker who just needs the ball in his hands to make an impact. That makes him a receiver who can fit with any quarterback, whether that’s Matthew Stafford or someone new.
No. 8: Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida — Carolina Panthers
I know there’s an allure to giving Carolina a quarterback here, especially with Zach Wilson still on the board, and Teddy Bridgewater looking like he’s not the guy, but ultimately I think Matt Rhule wants to get players he really believes in, and is willing to wait for them.
Years of Panthers success on offense were dictated by the receiving skills of Greg Olsen. Kyle Pitts has a similar skillset and could quickly become a league-defining tight end, among the best in the league. With the Panthers receivers set, I see this being a way to round out their offense, giving Bridgewater more time to prove if he can be the guy or not.
No. 9: Rashawn Slater, OT, Northwestern — Denver Broncos
Denver is a much better team on paper than a lot of people gave them credit for. Drew Lock is really developing into a nice quarterback, they have pieces on both side of the ball to make plays, but it’s the little things this team lacks that’s hurting them.
In a perfect world the Broncos would trade down a little with a team wanting a quarterback jumping up, but for the sake of this exercise I have they staying put and drafting a rangy, reliable offensive tackle to help fix their line. Rashawn Slater is an athletic, excellent tackle who won’t be a sexy pick, but it’ll be the right one.
No. 10: Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech — Dallas Cowboys
Dallas wasn’t bad against the pass, in fact, far from it — but this is a need meets BPA pick that can’t be ignored. The Cowboys are facing massive turnover in their secondary this offseason, and are in dire need of help. That help comes in the form of the best defensive back taken.
Caleb Farley has speed, strength, excellent football IQ and an ability to make plays. Virginia Tech were confident enough to give him little help, and still he excelled. The NFC East will be a mess for a while, but Farley is a difference maker who could turn the tide.
No. 11: Kwity Paye, DT, Michigan — New York Giants
This might be the safest, most obvious pick of the first round outside of Trevor Lawrence going to Jacksonville. The Giants need an elite defensive tackle to round out their burgeoning defense, and general manager Dave Gettleman has an endless love of big tackles.
Kwity Paye had the power to hold the middle, and the skills to get into the backfield. He’s not dissimilar to Kawann Short, who Gettleman drafted in Carolina and quickly became of of their best defensive players. Paye has even more upside, and could be an anchor on the line for a long, long time.
No. 12: Zach Wilson, QB, BYU — San Francisco 49ers
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Photo by Mark Brown/Getty Images
It’s been so tempting to give Zach Wilson to numerous teams before, but here we are. The 49ers are at a crossroads. They’re a year removed from being one of the best teams in the NFL, and 2020 really derailed everything.
That also means there’s an opportunity here, much like Atlanta, to draft higher than they probably deserve. It’s unclear if Jimmy Garoppolo can stay healthy enough to be a franchise player, but if anyone can unlock Wilson in the NFL it’s Kyle Shanahan. The foundation is in place to make him succeed, now it’s time to execute.
No. 13: Wyatt Davis, OG, Ohio State — Los Angeles Chargers
This was supposed to be a full rebuilding year for Los Angeles. Very little was expected, and 2020 was mostly about getting Justin Herbert reps, and making him feel comfortable. However, nobody expected Herbert to be as good as he was this season, which pushes the priority completely on protecting Herbert.
Los Angeles really needs a tackle more than a guard, but the talent isn’t quite there. Wyatt Davis is versatile enough to play along the line, and helps solidify the middle. I know this is early for a guard, but Davis is worth it.
No. 14: Patrick Surtain II, CB, Miami — Minnesota Vikings
Goodness, where do we begin on this one? The Vikings need a lot of help on defense. In fact, they need a lot of help everywhere — but with questionable options on the OL I have them addressing the mammoth problems with the secondary.
Minnesota gutted its secondary for seemingly no reason, allowing talented players to walk and hurting the team in the process. Patrick Surtain II has the pedigree, and the talent to start fixing those issues.
No. 15: Mac Jones, QB, Alabama — New England Patriots
I have this being my obligatory draft “shocker.”
I know everyone has Trey Lance ranked higher, but I can’t shake the feeling that a late-career Bill Belichick won’t be that interested in taking on a project QB, especially with someone as reliable as Mac Jones available.
The ceiling is definitely lower, but he’s a safe, proven commodity. The Patriots have no quarterback to speak of at this point, and there’s a scenario here where Jones can start from Day 1. It’s not like the Patriots to take a QB early, but these are weird times.
No. 16: Alijah Vera-Tucker, OG, USC — Arizona Cardinals
Similar to the Chargers, the Cardinals would probably rather a tackle be on the board. There’s a good chance they go defense here, but we know Arizona is an offensive team first, and that’s where the priority is.
Alijah Vera-Tucker will hold the middle, protect Kyler Murray, and solidify the base. This team has sizzle, now this is a beef.
No. 17: Gregory Rousseau, EDGE, Miami — Las Vegas Raiders
It’s unheard of to have one of the best pure pass rushers in the draft go this low. That’s not a testament to Gregory Rousseau’s talent, but rather that other teams have bigger fish to fry.
Rousseau has the athleticism and speed we know Jon Gruden craves out of players, and he’s versatile enough to help across the board. A solid addition for a team that ranked 29th in sacks.
No. 18: Trey Smith, OG, Tennessee — Miami Dolphins
I’m a big time believer in Tua Tagovailoa, and don’t fully get why anyone is doubting him. At this point it’s all about putting gas on the fire, and after getting a top-tier receiver, now Miami can turn to helping the line and adding some protection.
This could easily be a tackle, like Christian Darrishaw or Jalen Mayfield, but ultimately I think this big, road-grading guard offers a little more top-end talent, something Miami needs.
No. 19: Christian Darrishaw, OT, Virginia Tech — Washington Football Team
Do you know who’ll quarterback this team in 2021? I sure don’t. Let that be a future problem.
Ron Rivera is a risk-averse head coach (despite his “Riverboat Ron” billing), and to that end I think Washington takes an excellent, unremarkable player who simply makes their team better.
No. 20: Jalen Mayfield, OT, Michigan — Chicago Bears
I have a hard time really knowing what the future holds for the Bears. Just when you think you have Mitchell Trubisky figured out, he wows you, then lets you down, then wows you again.
For now, I think Chicago banks on him being the guy for just a little longer. Part of that evaluation process involves getting him more protection, and Jalen Mayfield is a guy who can really help.
No. 21: Pat Freiermuth, TE, Penn State — Jacksonville Jaguars (via Rams)
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Young quarterbacks need tight ends.
With Trevor Lawrence locked down, Pat Freiermuth seems like an amazing option here. He’s such a talented blocker that it’s easy to confuse him with a sixth offensive lineman, and the dude can catch when needed. That provided a hell of a lot of safety for a rookie QB, and someone who he can grow, and rely on.
No. 22: Rondale Moore, WR, Purdue — Indianapolis Colts
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Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images
Rondale Moore definitely doesn’t have ideal size, but the Colts are used to working around that with T.Y. Hilton. This pick hinges entirely on whether Indianapolis brings back their top receiver, but even if they do, I think Moore is a solid pick.
A small, shifty receiver — he’s able to find gaps and make big plays, just like Hilton. This is a case where the team match could be all the difference, and I see Indianapolis being able to use him.
No. 23: Nick Bolton, LB, Missouri — Cleveland Browns
The Browns are back in the playoffs, and that’s glorious. The one thing this team still lacks is consistency. Sure, there’s a lot of excitement on both sides of the ball, but that tends to wax and wane from game to game.
Nick Bolton is the kind of player who will help solidify the defense, and allow players around him to shine. That’s a characteristic often underrated.
No. 24: Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, LB, Notre Dame — Baltimore Ravens
I don’t know where Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah will end up in the NFL. Will he be a linebacker? Will he move to safety? It doesn’t really matter in the long run, as long as he goes to a team willing to embrace his talent.
Perhaps nobody is better suited to finding a place for him to play than the Ravens, who are less concerned with archetypes, as they are making plays. Owusu-Koramoah makes plays by the bunches, and I think that will be enough to get him into the first round. Heck, if he had a more solidified size I think he’d go Top 10.
No. 25: Christian Barmore, DT, Alabama — Tennessee Titans
The Titans are the best playoff team without a pass rush. Christian Barmore doesn’t exactly solve that problem, but he makes everyone’s line on the line easier.
Tennessee doesn’t really have a lot of needs outside of the defensive line, so let’s sort this out quickly.
No. 26: Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota — New York Jets (via Seahawks)
I’m applying a lot of the same logic here as I did the No. 2 pick. My money is on the Jets taking one more year under a new coach to evaluate Sam Darnold, and to do that effectively, he needs weapons.
Bateman is one of those guys who doesn’t burst off the screen with every play, but you see how many ways he can excel in the NFL. He’s similar to Michael Thomas in that way, and that’s a hell of a compliment.
No. 27: Trey Lance, QB, North Dakota State — Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Tom Brady won’t last forever. In fact, he might not last another full season, depending on who you ask. There’s no doubt we’ve hit the twilight years of No. 12’s career, which means it’s time to have a plan in place once he’s gone.
Tampa Bay is still firmly in “win now” mode, but that doesn’t mean they should ignore the future. Trey Lance is a little raw, but if he can find his way in the NFL the sky is the limit. Give him a season to sit behind Brady and learn the NFL, and if that turns into a couple of years, you still know the future is secure.
No. 28: Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson — Pittsburgh Steelers
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Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images
It’s so bizarre to see a Steelers team in the playoffs without a ground game identity. Pittsburgh has tried, and failed a few different experiments since saying goodbye to Le’Veon Bell, and now it’s time to fix the issue.
Travis Etienne isn’t the classic, bruising Steeler running back we’re used to, but we saw what the team was able to do with DeAngelo Williams as his career winded down. Etienne has elite speed at the position, and an ability to make plays from the backfield. Pittsburgh needs that.
No. 29: Derion Kendrick, CB, Clemson — New Orleans Saints
New Orleans may be living on borrowed time when it comes to quarterback, but this is too low to take a risk and the team is still too good. Getting a cornerback like Derion Kendrick helps keep the Saints competitive in the division, and shut down the next generation of quarterbacks entering the NFC South.
No. 30: Samuel Cosmi, OT, Texas — Buffalo Bills
At this point Buffalo is simply looking for the last pieces of the puzzle. They have the quarterback, the talent all over the roster, and getting some future protection for Josh Allen has to be the priority.
Samuel Cosmi might not have elite athleticism, but he’s incredibly smart. When you have an athletic quarterback like Allen you don’t need raw power, as much as you need someone who won’t make mistakes.
No. 31: Jevon Holland, S, Oregon — Green Bay Packers
Holland is a little difficult to project at the next level, but what he has can’t be taught: An innate ability to local, and play the ball in the air — paired with a willingness to take part in run defense.
A bit of a Swiss Army Knife player, Holland projects well into the Packers’ defense.
No. 32: Deonte Brown, OG, Alabama — Kansas City Chiefs
I cannot believe I’m having four guards go in the first round, but here we are. This is a talented position in 2021, loaded with good players, and I think the Chiefs have a knack for just getting great picks.
At a listed 6’4, 350, Brown is simply a monster of a man. He’ll eat up a lot of space, and time on the offensive line. When you have players like Patrick Mahomes and Clyde Edwards-Helaire they just need that time to get an edge. I think this is a sound, solid pick by a team already dominating.
0 notes
uberff · 7 years
Chapter 19
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His dick started disappearing inside of me as he kissed my neck, making sure that I was okay. No matter how many times we had sex, I could never take it. My legs had found their way around his waist and my arms were wrapped tightly around his neck.
I didn’t wanna give in again, but Jaylen was so damn good in bed.
“Fuck Jaylen, you’re so deep.” I moaned loudly. He knew that his dick game was something serious, because he wore a smirk on his face the whole time. I wanted to stop so bad, but mama didn’t raise a quitter.
Thrusting in and out of me, he started to hit it from the side and I was loving every damn bit.  He let out low moans, not knowing that I heard him. Clenching my tight walls around his dick, he smacked my thigh. “Why ya pussy so damn good?”
My thighs slapped aggressively against his skin as he thrusted upwards, trying to make me cum first, as always.
Holding on to my waist, he let go of my panties that he had slid to the side, and started to kiss all on my side while his free hand gripped thigh.
Sitting up, I  wrapped myself around him as I bounced uncontrollably, taking control. Moans were escaping from my mouth as low grunts escaped from his.
“I’m cumming!” I yelled, before cumming all over his dick. I bit my lip, as the tingling, yet satisfying sensation shot throughout my body. I felt his dick start to swell so I knew it was his turn.
“Let it out, daddy.” I purred into his ear. He quickly tapped my leg so that I could get up, before I rose up, laying on my back.
“Fuckkkkkkk.” Within a second, he had a whole playground on my stomach. Once he was done, he quickly pecked my lips before giving me a towel.
“Shit so good might fuck around and give you a baby.”
“No, no, no.” I chuckled jokingly but was deadass. He laughed as I went in the restroom to clean myself up. Once I was finished, I quickly put my clothes back on and searched around for my keys. I wasn’t trying to stay and watch movies, none of that.
“Bye.. be careful!” Jaylen called out as I left.
When I pulled up in our driveway, I spotted Kai’s car indicating that he was already here. Our baby girl, Kaitlyn was staying the night with his mom. I might have to go pop up over there.
“Where you been at?” He asked as soon as I got in the house.
“Out with the girls.” He sucked his teeth.
“You keep doing this shit, dawg. Everytime we got free time when my ma got Kaitlyn, you always tryin’ to fuckin’ go out. Stay ya ass at home. Damn I just wanna forget about all this work bullshit, and come and lay wit my girl, but you never here.”
“Kai.. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” He sighed, pulling me into a warm hug.
“This shit long overdue but even though you piss me off allllllll the damn time, I still love ya pretty ass. You mean the world to me, and I wouldn’t wanna spend the rest of my life with nobody but you and our baby girl. I should’ve been did this years ago, but I’m doing it now.” He got on one knee.
Oh no.
“Kayla Marie Johnson, will you marry me?”
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Few weeks later
A big smile spread across my face as I️ looked around at all the hundreds of people that had came out tonight. Never in my life did I️ think this many people would show up. Having faith in God gets you every where.
“Guess who?” I️ heard Odell’s voice as I️ felt him cover my eyes. I️ moved his fingers and turned around to face him. He always dressed so nice.
“Dell! You came!” I️ yelled excitedly, as I️ embraced him in a hug. He had his boot on his foot but he still looked good.
“Of course. Couldn’t miss the big day.” He smiled, squeezing me. It was so loud in here that I️ could barely hear him.
“Where’s Win?” He furrowed his eyebrows before sucking his teeth and walking away. I️ wonder what he was thinking about.
“How you feel?” I️ heard Eric’s voice behind me. He had been in my ear all morning telling me I️ had nothing to worry about, and I️ was thankful to have a friend like him. His company was everything.
I️ turned around with a smile on my face until I️ looked at the way his tie sat on his tux. This guy. “What would you do without me, Eric?” I️ laughed as I️ felt him staring at me while I️ fixed his tie for him.
“You ain’t even answer my question.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I️ don’t even know to be honest. I’m excited, relieved, and thankful all in one. Thanks for everything E.”
“What I️ do?”
“Throughout this whole process, you gassed me up. You were supportive since Day 1.” I️ smiled, embracing his tall ass into a hug. He was surprised that I️ was hugging him willingly, so he just stood there at first. After a few seconds, he wrapped his arms around me as I️ looked up at him.
We stared at each other with smiles on our faces. He looked so good in his suit that I️ had to let go from the hug or I️ was gonna ride him into the sunset in front of all these people.
“Ima go keep Dej some company. She look lonely.” He said before disappearing.
I looked around the store, and it was like my first time walking in here all over again. Everything was perfect. There were nothing but smiles on everyone’s faces, and everything was just good vibes.
I️ took my time to really find some positive and outgoing employees who would be fit for my store, and they’re perfect. I️ couldn’t wait to see how everything plays out.
Of course, Quavo came out but he didn’t stay too long. He congratulated me, we took a few pics, and he left because he had a show to do. He said he’d swing by tomorrow, because this was their last show.
My day couldn’t get any better. I️ just found earlier out that next week I️ was gonna be designing Beyoncé and her dancer’s outfits for her upcoming tour. I️ couldn’t wait.
As the store was closing, I️ thanked everyone for coming, gave away some merch, and some free goodie bags. We were now leaving and I️ couldn’t stop smiling.
“What you wanna do? It’s all about you tonight, mama.” Eric said as he started up his car. He looked at me, waiting for me to speak.
“Not much, my feet are killing me.”
“Cause you been waking around in em all day, being cute and shit.”
“I️ guess we can just go on that “date”.”
“No doubt.” He shook his head as he started to drive. I️ waved him off and turned to the back, to look at Deja. She’s been awfully quiet today.
Once I️ realized that she was sleeping peacefully, I️ decided to just let her rest. I’d talk to her about everything tomorrow. It was bothering me, because she’s never quiet. Girl hasn’t smiled not one time today.
“What’s wrong with Deja?” I️ asked E as he sucked his teeth.
“Ain’t nun wrong with her ass. She probably mad cause she seen Winter with yo brother.”
“Shut the hell up E, and mind your fucking business. That is not why I’m mad, I️ could give two shits about her. Always got some shit to say.” Deja spat, shocking both E and I️. From the way she said it, I️ could tell that’s why she was mad.
“Not now, Robyn.” She sighed, putting her earphones back in her ears.
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“You scratched almost everything off ya bucket list, you sittin' across from the most dapper nigga in the room eating lobster with him and you frownin', wassup love?" I asked and she finally looked up at me with a brewing smile slowly making its way to her lips.
"Sorry. I'm just exhausted." she mumbled, sipping her fruity ass drink. I nodded. I feel her, I had clients out the ass because of this fundraiser we got going on at the shop; I almost ain't make it to Robyn's event. That would've fucked up my chances though.
"Tuck that away till you back at work. You wit' me." I mumbled and fed her a piece of her food that was still full taking up half her plate.
"You enjoyin' your night?" I asked and she nodded with that twinkle in her eye. Her shit was so successful, Tennesse was really fuckin' with her brand already, I'm proud of her.
"I just can't wait until everything falls into place and I see how it pans out. I'm getting ahead of myself but I just love what I do."
"I love whatchu do too, and how sexy you look doin' it. Them wrinkles in ya forehead from all that stress was making a nigga knees weak."
We laughed and she hid her mouth with her hand, careful not to spit her food out. Robyn was different breed from all the bitches I was used to. Usually, I would've been in some guts by now but she was making me wait to become more than friends. She a dope ass friend but we could really fuck shit up as partners.
"Thank you, E." she blushed and kept eating while I kept staring. She looked up and I smiled nervously. "Why are you staring at me?”
"Shit, it's hard not to. You just got that overwhelming beauty, goddamn. Inside and out. You don't look like what you've been through. I love being around you, you the shit, love."
"Don't gass me. I'm gullible as fuck." she joked but her smile fell.
"Them niggas hurt you bad, huh?"
"Yeah, I really don't wanna cry on my night but, yes. I did everything for each one but I still didn't do enough. It's fine at first and then shit just blows up in my fuckin' face."
"That's the problem. You ain't supposed to do for them, they gotta do for you. Fuck with a gentleman, Rob. I'm solid, always gon' be solid, I'ma die solid."
"You're not saying anything I haven't heard, Eric. I like you but I can't rush and put my trust into temporary niggas anymore."
"You ain't even try me yet. You could be dubbin' the love of your life right now."
She smiled again and rolled her eyes. "Nigga, I'm serious. My life is aight right now, you would balance shit out if you on my arm."
"And what if you turn out to be just like them?" she asked, throwing her guard right back up. I sighed. I get closer every other day until she start with the comparisons.
“Nah, them niggas was a lesson. God only getting you ready for a real nigga.” I️ smirked as she rolled her eyes before laughing.
“Oh really? And who is that?” She rested her chin on her palm.
“I️ ain’t gone say no names. Just know it’s a fine ass chocolate nigga.” She shook her head, grabbing her fork.
Shit, she looked good when she wasn’t even trying. She only wore a simple two piece outfit, but she made any damn thing look good. She was fine as hell. I️ was gone get her one day, but I️ wasn’t in a rush. I’m ready whenever she is.
I️ heard her fork scrape across my plate, breaking me out of my thoughts. Looking down at my plate, the last portion of potatoes I️ had left was now gone.
“I’m sorry Eric. For some reason, I’m starving like crazy.”
“You good, mama. Eat up.” I️ smiled, watching her eat while she acted if this meal were her last. I️ liked how she wasn’t trying to eat all cute.
“Tell me about yourself, E.”
“Shit.. I️ was born and raised here. I’m close as hell with my mama. My dad? Don’t know who that nigga is. I️ got 3 siblings. 2 sisters and 1 brother. My favorite thing to do is either drawing or working out.” I️ explained while she nodded.
“What made you decide to move out here?”
“I️ needed a fresh start from everything. NY was just too toxic. Ain’t shit out there for me but two dumb ass exes of mines. I️ feel like, if I️ would’ve stayed, I️ would’ve been too distracted. I️ haven’t even been here a whole two months yet, and I️ already have my store. Coming down here just felt right. It’s where my mom and dad planned to follow their dreams but they never got to, so it’s only right that I️ did.” She smiled, and I️ nodded, taking everything in.
Everything about her just intrigued me.
The movie had finally went off, and Robyn was sound asleep with her head on my chest. How we got like this? I️ don’t know.
The grip she had on me was out of this world. I️ didn’t wanna get up, but I️ had to go to the shop to get it ready for tomorrow.
“Robyn.” I️ said in her ear, as her grip around me only got tighter. I️ know she had a hard time with being in this bitch by herself all the time. I’d stay, but I️ had shit to do.
“Don’t leave, we were having fun.” I️ chuckled at the fact that she was still half asleep.
“Get some sleep baby girl. I’ll carry you to the bed if you want me to.”
“That would be awesome.” She smiled, opening her big brown eyes. Picking her up bridal style, I️ made sure to be careful of my surroundings because it was dark as hell in here. Making it to her room safely, I️ let her go once we were in her bed. After making sure she was comfortable, I️ started to leave but I️ heard her say something.
“Thank you, Eric.” My eyebrows twisted up in confusion.
“For what?”
“Taking your time with me. I️ really had fun tonight.”
“No problem, sleep well.”
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We was on lockdown for the night. It was dark as shit and I was wide awake. Perfect weather for a blunt and some Henny but I’m stuck with water and an occasional bum ass cigarette; my phone was in they custody, all they let me have was this old ass radio that Raheem had in Do The Right Thing.
Shit, I️ was gone fuck around and flirt with the guard to get my shit back, because I️ couldn’t take this.
Since I️ was bored, I played around with the radio and found an old R&B station. My heart skipped a beat when the intro to Baby Be Mine by Michael Jackson came on. This was my momma’s shit! When I heard this fuckin’ intro blast loud as hell in the morning, I already knew it was time to clean my ass off. I chuckled and licked my lips. I heard her singing along with Mike and before I knew it, tears was rolling down my face.
This crying shit was new but it was a cleanse, that’s for damn sure, it was tiring too. Sighing heavily, I closed my eyes and prayed. Before I could finish, I fell into a deep sleep.
I locked in on my surroundings and furrowed my eyebrows. Everything was mad vibrant and colorful. Flowers everywhere, it was clean and peaceful, and showed no signs of struggle. This place was where it was at.
The thought of me being alone quickly changed when I heard humming come from the opposite direction. I recognized the melody and sang the words quietly over the humming.
“I don’t need no dreams when you’re by my side. Every moment takes me to paradise.” My company turned around with a smile and I fell to my mothafuckin’ knees. She was glowing, hair flowing, and didn’t have a scratch on her beautiful blemish-free face. I was seeing what I saw every time I look into the mirror. My pops was my nigga but she’s where I got all my good looks from.
“Ma?” I mumbled, crawling to her and hugging her legs.
“You always did have such a beautiful voice, Lenny.” I smirked. Her shit ass nicknames always pissed me off but I ain’t hear it in so long, I embraced it.
“I get it from you. It’s you, momma?” I looked up at her and she held my face in her hands. She smelt like flowers and her hands felt like silk. Her hazel eyes showed mercy on me. She could’ve dubbed me and walked right past me for all that shit I said to her before she passed. But she still loved me. A mothers love can’t be fucked with.
“I’m here, baby. Always have been. I visit you most in your sleep. I’m that presence you feel when you can’t see rest. I’m your light in your crazy situations. Your voice of reason, but we all know that you hear no one else’s voice but your own.” She wiped my tears and caressed the sides of my face. “Your father’s son.”
“Ma, I’m sorry. I hit where it hurts when I’m mad. I don’t be meaning shit by it. I love y’all. Y’all all I every think about and I regret all the bad shit I say as soon as it leave my mouth.”
By y’all, I mean my momma and Rob.
“Baby, I know. But, not everyone can stroke your ego and let you back in when you say such hurtful things.”
“I know. I’m the reason y’all out my life. How a fuck-up come from perfection? You ain’t did shit but try to love me. Rob, too.”
“I’ve made mistakes too, Jaylen. My biggest one was not being persistent enough to get you to understand that I loved you past your flaws. We’re not perfect.”
“You is. Look at you, momma.”
She smiled and helped me up so she could hug me. I melted and immediately started crying my eyes out onto her shirt. “Come back and help me deal with all this.”
“I’m watching, baby. Your family is watching.” She whispered softly, rubbing my back.
“I ain’t got no family. Odell and I ain’t even tight like that after what I did.”
She smiled. “He’ll come around, my baby. He’s not the only one who cares for you.”
“Who the hell else gon’ be by my side?” I asked and she looked past me with a grin.
“Say ‘hey Grandma’,” I heard a familiar voice say and I whipped my head around to see Robyn, holding the hand of a cute ass baby boy who was the perfect mixture of us. Light brown skin, dark brown curls, and a chipped-tooth smile. Fuck.
I set my eyes on Rob and saw that she was expecting another which made me grin. “Ma, can I feel her?” I asked and she nodded.
Robyn held her arms out for me and kissed my lips. Our son looked disgusted for a second before breaking out into a smile. “I love you.” I mumbled.
“I love you, too. Jay. I gotta go though. I can’t stay.” She winked at me and kissed my mothers cheek before leaving with my son. I watched her walk away and from afar, I saw that Eric nigga appear from the shadows and grab the hands of my son and Robyn.
Oh, fuck me! Shit can’t even go right in a damn dream.
“Momma, where they going?”
“She was tired of waiting, baby. Once you start taking responsibilities for your actions and you accept the help from Dr. Evans, you’re going to continue to act out of control.”
“I can’t sit there and relive all of the bullshit, ma. I just wanna keep doing what I been doing, die, and be with you forever.”
“You don’t have to die to be with me. I’ll always be right here. Just get the help you need, baby. It’ll change your life. ” She hugged me tight and I sighed, hugging her back with tears rolling down my face.
“Darling let me hold you. Warm you in my arms and melt your fears away.” We sang together before I was hugging the fuckin’ air.
I sighed loudly and screamed at the top of my lungs until the guards had to restrain me. “MOMMA! ROBYN!” I yelled, trying to break free from them before they shot me with more drugs to fuck me up.
Damn. Maybe it is time to give Dr. Evans a shot. For my momma and my future.
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piesack9-blog · 5 years
The Linc - PFF names Alshon Jeffery as the Eagles’ most improved player from 2018
Let’s get to the Philadelphia Eagles links ...
Each NFL team’s most improved player - PFF Alshon Jeffery, Wide receiver: This one is more a factor of no one else on the Eagles taking much of a step forward. A lot went right for the Eagles to win the Super Bowl and unfortunately this past year a lot went wrong. Jeffery’s big deal was not one of those things though, as he hauled in 71.7 percent of his targets compared to 52.7 percent a year ago.
Eagles might be interested in trading for John Ross - BGN The Eagles had an official meeting with Ross at the NFL Combine, they attended his pro day, they put him through a private workout, and they brought him to Philadelphia for one of their top 30 prospects visits. In addition to all of this, there was a rumor that Ross was one of the five players the Eagles were targeting with the No. 14 overall pick. Ross was also one of the eight receiver prospects that the Eagles told Wentz to watch and give feedback on. In other words, the Eagles have done their homework on Ross.
The Kist & Solak Show #81: NFL Combine Preview Extravaganza - BGN Radio Michael Kist and Benjamin Solak get you prepared for the NFL Combine by highlighting all of the important parts of the process and who has the most to gain/lose! PLUS more news on the Timmy Jernigan front! Powered by SB Nation and Bleeding Green Nation.
Clearing up Timmy Jernigan’s contract situation - PhillyVoice Jernigan would count toward the compensatory pick formula, because the guarantees were removed, and the option was added. (In other words, they would be choosing not to exercise an option, as opposed to releasing him, the latter of which would negate his inclusion in the comp pick formula.)
Let the Rumors Begin - Iggles Blitz Howie Roseman should talk to the Bengals. See what they are asking for Ross. If you could pair Ross with Alshon Jeffery, Nelson Agholor, Mack Hollins and a rookie, that could be a good group. You can’t count on Ross as a sure thing, but he’s young enough and talented enough to take a chance on. If the price is right. I’m not sure what a fair trade would be, but I would go low on Ross just because of the injury concern. He could stay healthy for the next five years or struggle to get on the field at all. You can’t overpay for a guy like that, fast or not.
Le’Veon Bell flirts with the Eagles, but is that potential match realistic? - ESPN However, it would be premature to rule the Eagles out altogether. Their interest level would likely spike if those projections do not hold up. We saw such a situation play out with Alshon Jeffery during the 2017 offseason. Philly wasn’t expecting to be in play for Jeffery, but pounced and signed him to a one-year, $9.5 million deal once Jeffery determined the best course of action was to take a “prove-it” contract, which he parlayed into a hefty extension by year’s end. It could be that Bell doesn’t like the type of offers that come his way when free agency opens in a couple weeks. If that’s the case, a run for the Lombardi Trophy with the Steelers’ intrastate counterpart might go from intriguing to realistic.
Doubt Jason Peters at your own peril - NBCSP This time is different, They will tell you. Peters is 37 and his body will betray him sooner rather than later. Though more than serviceable last season, it was the first in which he was healthy and missed the Pro Bowl since 2007 — healthy being a relative term, seeing as he was in and out of the lineup all year. And the cap-strapped Eagles can save $10.5 million via Peters’ departure, so these are all things a fiscally responsible organization should probably consider. The day will come soon when the Eagles need to move on. Just not today. If Peters’ Hall of Fame career taught us anything, it’s that he can come back from this, too.
Howie Roseman’s Eagles draft history: What to watch for at the combine - The Athletic Draft likelihood: Watergun to my head, [defensive tackle] is the position of the Eagles’ first-round pick. I would also not rule out a trade-up if the Eagles see someone like Ed Oliver or Christian Wilkins falling and the memory of moving up for Cox takes hold of Roseman.
Who Can Boost Their Draft Stock the Most at the NFL Combine? - The Ringer No NFL team assigns too much importance to the combine’s athletic tests, but a performance for the ages could send a few players shooting up draft boards. For others, the weigh-in represents a chance to put some questions to bed. Which prospects will come out of this week as winners?
2019 NFL Combine Preview: Why It Matters - Rotoworld Now, more than ever, I know NFL Combine results matter. Teams use athletic testing in a variety of ways and many times with success. There are definitely examples of “workout warriors” being selected early and failing, but that can be said for any facet of evaluations. Yes, for teams the medicals and interviews matter to a great degree. But we do not receive that information, therefore my focus will be on the numbers generated from this week. Above all, context and perspective are important. More or less, the NFL Combine is broadcast as an event to run 40s and then participate in position drills. In the past there has not been an extensive focus on the shuttle, 3-cone, broad or vertical jump, unless a name or result pops out.
Le’Veon Bell, Tevin Coleman and the 2019 Free Agent Running Backs - Player Profile Let’s not mince words. Le’Veon Bell is looking to get paid. He didn’t walk away from more than $14 million last year just to sign a sweetheart deal with the Philadelphia Eagles in hopes of getting a Super Bowl ring. He’s looking to cash in, and really, who can blame him? Running back is frequently viewed as an easily replaceable position, and the success James Connor and Jaylen Samuels experienced filling in for Bell last year simply reinforces that mindset. It makes sense that Bell would want to extract the most value out of what will likely be his last long-term contract, but only a handful of teams have the requisite cap space combined with a glaring need at the RB position.
Report: The 2018-19 NFL All-Penalty Team – The Most Penalty Yards Given Up By Players in Each Position - SportFacts Every year we like to take a look at what player in each position netted the most penalty yards. It’s a fun analysis into what players are causing the most headaches for their coordinators. Below you’ll find a breakdown of the most penalized player in each position, and a list of our 2018-19 NFL Season All-Penalty Team. [BLG Note: No Eagles players made this list.]
Exclusive: Eagles Autism Challenge to expand its beneficiary applicant pool - Philadelphia Business Journal The football team assembled a nine-person scientific peer review panel to review applications. More researchers will be able to apply for funding from the Eagles Autism Challenge in year two.
What the suspension of Randy Gregory means for the Cowboys - Blogging The Boys Having said that, the situation is rather grim for the team. Had Gregory not failed the test, getting Lawrence back would have left the team in good shape as far as the starters go. Now they just have Taco Charlton and Dorance Armstrong under contract, and can also consider moving Tyrone Crawford back to DE full-time. Charlton has been disappointing for a first-round pick, and Armstrong did not show much during the past season. The defensive tackle position is also woefully understaffed, although they do have a couple of solid starters in Maliek Collins and Antwaun Woods. Crawford was valuable as a multi-position role player, and the team would no doubt prefer not having to move him full-time to the edge.
1 player at each position with the most to gain at the 2019 NFL Combine - SB Nation Defensive back: Nasir Adderley, Delaware. Adderley played his college ball at the University of Delaware, an FCS program. Adderley did a bit of everything for the Blue Hens while he played safety there. He can play in the box near the line of scrimmage, play in the slot against receivers and tight ends, and lay huge hits on receivers as they try to catch passes down the field. As it stands right now, Adderley is a fringe first-round prospect, but he can catapult himself into the top 32 with a strong combine. It’s one thing to show on tape that you can dominate FCS football — it’s another to show that athletically you truly belong in the NFL.
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Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/2/27/18242773/eagles-news-pff-alshon-jeffery-philadelphia-most-improved-player-2018-nfl-football-wide-receiver-wr
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flauntpage · 6 years
The (Relatively) New Lineups We Can’t Wait to See
One of the great pleasures heading into every NBA season is generated by the new. From watching marquee free agents, draft picks, and trade acquisitions blend into an unfamiliar environment to closely observing how fixed cores will avoid an obsolete fate. Anticipation builds because change is constant, and nobody really knows what's going to happen until they take the floor.
Five-man lineups don't provide the clearest barometer, but they do help clarify how each team is choosing to adapt, whether their goal is to stay on top or climb the league's mountain. Here's a look at several different units that hold relevance heading into the 2018-19 season. Some are more obvious than others, but all of them deserve your attention.
Kyrie Irving, Jaylen Brown, Jayson Tatum, Gordon Hayward, Al Horford
They’ve looked rough in the preseason—the Indiana Pacers and Chicago Bulls were the only two teams with a worse offensive rating—but of all the iterations in Boston, this exact grouping was built to dominate today's NBA with a comfortable foothold in its future. At worst, this is Death Lineup karaoke, with Horford as an older, calmer, better shooting/less nimble version of Draymond Green, Irving’s offensive wizardry hoisting the entire franchise to a higher level, and three interchangeable stars (either in the making or cemented) on the wing.
They can switch just about everywhere on the defensive end (a quality that’s especially helpful when the game spurts into open-court chaos) with five players who can create their own shot against opposing teams that try and defend them the same way. Everyone can shoot. Everyone can pass. Everyone has either made an All-Star team or has the potential to do so for years to come. We only saw this unit play five minutes last season. This year, the Celtics will only go so far as it can take them.
Chris Paul, James Harden, Eric Gordon, P.J. Tucker, Clint Capela
Much has been made about Houston's ostensible stumble through a momentous offseason. The loss of Trevor Ariza and Luc Richard Mbah a Moute (two ideal complementary pieces), the addition of a teetering Carmelo Anthony, and associate head coach Jeff Bzdelik’s sudden retirement gave birth to a meditation on Houston’s staying power as a juggernaut. Most, if not all, of the discussion is little more than concern trolling.
At the end of the day, Houston will open the 2018-19 season with five of its most important players back from a 65-win team that could’ve/should’ve won it all. This particular group isn’t new, but it might as well be: Paul, Harden, Gordon, Tucker, and Capela have only registered 24 minutes. (In the 45 possessions they logged during the playoffs, Houston outscored its opponents by 15.6 points per 100 possessions.) The Rockets may blow this to bits with a mid-season blockbuster trade that includes one of these key contributors (likely Gordon and/or Tucker), but if they keep it together there won’t be a more effective or complementary collection of talent found in any one unit outside Golden State (and maybe Boston).
There are four back-breaking three-point shooters—two of whom double as first-ballot Hall of Famers and all-galaxy playmakers—surrounding a rim-rolling paint protector who gets notably better every year. In the final five minutes of a close game, how do you stifle this offense? Seriously. How do you attack a committed and disciplined defense that switches everything with above-average pieces at just about every position? Sure, they’re a little small—Ariza’s absence hurts most here—but all of them play larger and stronger than their height, thriving inside a system that emboldens them to behave like running lava.
Last season’s Rockets were one of the best teams to ever fall short of a title. In year two of the Paul-Harden era, they may be even better when it counts the most.
Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, Kevin Durant, Draymond Green, DeMarcus Cousins
Deep analysis isn’t required here. Given the stakes, relevance, and staggering aesthetics, anyone not interested in seeing how Boogie Cousins (however healthy) fits in with the most impressive foursome in NBA history might as well quit the NBA for good.
Victor Oladipo, Tyreke Evans, Bojan Bogdanovic, Domas Sabonis, Myles Turner
My first thought was to have Thaddeus Young in for Sabonis, not knowing if Nate McMillan could find someone for his third-year big to defend in the last five minutes of a close game. But Young isn’t a good enough outside shooter to tilt the scale in his favor, so Sabonis gets the nod for being a superior passer who can really squeeze a defense from the post. Good luck out-rebounding the Pacers when this group is on the floor. It’s unclear how many teams will be able to combat Indy’s sheer size on either end when this lineup is on the floor.
Beyond having two centers share the frontcourt, what's most intriguing here is the absence of any one "true" point guard. Instead, Oladipo and Evans will complement each another on both ends, toggling back and forth as capable playmakers who can finish at the rim, knock down a pull-up three, and run an effective pick-and-roll with either Sabonis or Turner.
Oladipo is the breakout star and franchise jewel, coming off a season in which he won Most Improved Player and made an All-Star, All-NBA, and All-Defensive team. But let’s back up and examine Evans for a second. What a variable. Take a look at how his numbers compared to Oladipo’s last season. According to Synergy Sports, Evans ranked in the 86th percentile as a pick-and-roll ball handler and the 83rd percentile in isolation, doing his best on a Grizzlies team that was headed nowhere. Life will be even easier in Indiana, especially in this unit, where he may be the third (or even fourth) option. It’s hard to find a better spot for Evans at this point in his career.
Elsewhere, last season Bogdanovic made over 40 percent of his threes and posted a 60.5 True Shooting percentage (both career highs), while Turner is already one of the league’s most intriguing young bigs, a shot-blocking madman who can roll or pop. Bogdanovic will likely regress, but if he can at worst remain static while three others (especially Oladipo) display some growth, this unit will be a nightmare.
Dennis Smith Jr., Wesley Matthews, Luka Doncic, Harrison Barnes, DeAndre Jordan
This obviously won’t be seen until Barnes returns from his hamstring injury, but it could be worth the wait. The Mavericks have Dirk Nowitzki, but elsewhere they are fledgling. Smith Jr. and Doncic are the future. Barnes, Jordan, and Matthews are each within a few seasons of their respective primes. Together, they possess a dynamism that’s been missing from every lineup Dallas has put on the floor in over a decade.
If Jordan gobbles everything from the glass, can stay healthy, and still suck help defenders off the three-point line on hard dives towards the rim, so many of Smith Jr. and Doncic’s growing pains will fall into a safety net. If Barnes, in a contract year, doesn’t hijack the offense and lets part of his game selflessly revert back to the space it occupied in Golden State (this is wishful thinking but not out of line within the context of this unit), Carlisle’s system can be more fluid. And through it all, if Matthews can (hopefully) hold it all together as a grizzled veteran with the team's lowest night-to-night variance, there's no reason why this lineup can't close tight games and post a positive point differential.
Some of this logic requires a leap of faith, for sure. And so much of it is inspired by Doncic’s preseason highlight reel. But even if they aren't great, you won't want to miss them.
Reggie Jackson, Luke Kennard, Stanley Johnson, Blake Griffin, Andre Drummond
There’s a certain amount of nostalgic charm attached to a lineup like this. It features a jaunty point guard who’s supported by a sniper at the two and covered by an athletic wing, with a robust, true-number-one-option at power forward beside a mountainous center tasked with anchoring the defense. On the surface it screams old school, and that's why there are so many reasons to hate it. These five players were all in Detroit last season, but played just about zero minutes at the same time (only four possessions, per Cleaning the Glass). Aside from poor health, the reason why is obvious: There’s not nearly enough spacing or anything close to a defined pecking order on the offensive end, while exploiting them on defense shouldn’t be too hard, given their inflexibility.
But Drummond added a new dimension to his game last year. Stan Van Gundy placed him higher on the floor and let him showcase a passing ability that boosted his assist rate up to 14 percent—more than the sum of his previous three years combined!). Meanwhile, Griffin is uniquely dominant when healthy. Nobody his size rivals his vision or ball-handling ability. It helps form a frontcourt tandem that may be able to do more than tread water when accompanied by the right pieces.
It’s unclear if Detroit has those pieces, but Johnson is still only 22 years old, with the girth and quickness to defend four positions in a pinch. Jackson is two years removed from life as a slightly above-average point guard, and Kennard is the one cast member who can loosen up the floor when he doesn't have the ball. I don’t necessarily think this group will exceed its modest expectations, but the ceiling is higher than people think, especially with Dwane Casey at head coach, able to coagulate a defense that’s already good but can stand to be better.
Rajon Rondo, Lonzo Ball, Josh Hart, Brandon Ingram, LeBron James
This is the exact opposite of the group seen above, with a degree of unconventionality that's both breathtaking and hardly a surprise to anyone who’s watched the NBA evolve over the past six years. I don’t know if it will be good, or if Luke Walton will even be willing to utilize Rondo and Ball at the same time—in tight space with no true center and only one recognizable spot-up threat—but please check your pulse if you're not curious to see how it'd do.
Why not experiment and see how far Einstein-level basketball IQ and absurd talent can take you? LeBron at the five isn’t a new concept, but as the league continues to downsize—a trend no other player is more responsible for—he’s positioned to take advantage in lineups that surround him with players who can see segments of the game develop before they actually do. They turn a defense's crack into a calamitous breach with next-level anticipation. Between LeBron, Rondo, and Ball, it's hard to think of another group that's ever unleashed so many innovative passers at the same time.
Hart and Ingram are here to enjoy it all, from beyond the arc and against awkward closeouts. Outside shooting is an issue throughout L.A.'s roster, but this group will invent ways to make it a non-issue—if they get a chance to play.
Kyle Lowry, Fred VanVleet, OG Anunoby, Kawhi Leonard, Pascal Siakam
As is the case for so many different teams, we don’t really know what Toronto’s best five is right now. But as NBA teams start to favor mischievous off-the-bounce slashers over 3-and-D statues, VanVleet has to be on the floor over Danny Green. A case can be made for Dorell Wright's wingspan in that spot, but Siakam, Lowry, Leonard, and Anunoby are more than enough to make this defense one of the league's best.
There's almost too much to like here. Leonard is at the four, with a mobile, 7'3" wingspan at center. Anunoby can't be left alone in the corner while Lowry and VanVleet wreak all sorts of havoc wherever they are. Picture an inverted pick-and-roll, with Leonard dribbling the ball as Lowry races up to blindside his man with a screen. How the hell do you guard that, with Siakam in the dunker's spot and deadly shooting along the perimeter? Few teams can. The Raptors are going to be so much fun.
The (Relatively) New Lineups We Can’t Wait to See published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
haunthouse · 4 years
sebderrick 37
37. The tender ache when you press against bruises (ft crime au)
“I’m fine, Derrick,” Sebastian says. Whines, really, a petulant squeak in his voice; Derrick can picture his pout without looking, and he’s really not sure when he started being able to do that, when he memorized the minutiae of Seb’s expressions, but that doesn’t matter, not right now, so he tucks the thought away and walks back into the living room, floor creaking beneath his steps and bag of freezer-burned vegetables in hand.
“You got kidnapped,” Derrick points out, for what feels like the fiftieth time. “Again.” He sits down beside Seb, presses the bag up to the bruise blooming blue-ugly on Sebastian’s cheek. Sebastian winces.
“And you saved me,” he says, bringing his own hands up to hold the makeshift icepack. Derrick doesn’t drop his own right away, just lets Seb’s hands sit on top of his for a moment, a warm contrast to the freezing cold. Just to make sure Seb has a hold on it.
There’s a lot Derrick could say to that. That he should’ve kept whoever Jaylen hired this time from taking Seb to begin with; that it was stupid of him to think he could go to the grocery store and Seb would still be safe by the time he got back. Half of him wants to remind Sebastian that he was sent to kill him in the first place, like that long-forgotten mission will soften the sharp fluttering of butterfly wings in his stomach at the way Seb’s looking at him, like he’s some knight in shining armor and not a killer.
It’s a miracle Sebastian wasn’t hurt more than a couple scrapes and bruises. It’s a miracle Sebastian’s still alive.
“You could’ve died.” Derrick keeps his voice carefully flat, scanning Seb’s skin for more injuries he might have missed, not looking him in the eyes. There’s a bit of blood at the corner of Seb’s mouth, remnants of a split lip. There’s some bruising on his wrists where they’d tied him too tightly. There’s a bit of blood splatter on the sleeve of his shirt, but Derrick is half-sure that’s from when he’d shot the guy who’d kidnapped Seb, not from any injuries Seb himself sustained.
Seb shrugs. “There’s been a lot of times I could’ve died,” he says, like that’s not an issue. Sure, it’s to be expected, with who his sister is, but — Derrick finds himself wishing fiercely that it wasn’t the case, that Seb didn’t have to worry about that. “I’m alright. I’m barely even hurt!” 
Sebastian pauses for long enough that Derrick’s opening his mouth to say something else — he doesn’t know what, he just doesn’t like the silence — but then Seb’s speaking again, softly. “Were you worried?”
Derrick looks up at Seb’s face, and finds it heartwrenchingly genuine; his eyes are wide (or, in the case of the one that’s bruised-up and swelling, as wide as it can get), the start of a smile tugging at the corners of his split lips, and Derrick doesn’t even think before saying “Obviously I was worried, dipshit.”
His hand is still on sandwiched between the icepack and Seb’s hand. That, more than anything else, makes it easy to make a hasty decision and lean forward, squeezing his eyes shut, pressing a clumsy kiss against Seb’s lips.
“Ow,” Seb says, and Derrick jolts backwards. If not for Seb’s tight grip on his hand, he probably would’ve left the room entirely, made some excuse about patrolling the yard just in case Jaylen sends someone else to try again where the last half-dozen have failed, but he can only move as far back as his arm can reach.
“Sorry,” Derrick says, prying his eyes open to find that Seb is — smiling at him. Huh. “I shouldn’t have —”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Seb cuts in, a half-frantic look in his eyes. “I'm just — you know, a little bit bruised, so —”
“Oh,” Derrick says, feeling very, very stupid.
“So,” Seb continues, smiling, wincing at how the smile pulls on his lips but not stopping. “After I heal up a bit. Tomorrow, maybe. We can try that again?”
He punctuates it by squeezing Derrick’s hand, and Derrick nods, slowly. “Okay,” he says. “Guess that counts as motivation for you to not get kidnapped again before then.”
“Or motivation for you to save me again,” Seb says, and Derrick laughs.
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uberff · 7 years
Chapter 9
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Everything had happened so fast. One minute, Jaylen was talking and then the next, he was on the ground unconscious.
He was bleeding like crazy before he was rushed to the hospital. They're doing surgery on him, and we haven't heard any news ever since and that was hours ago. I prayed and prayed that he was okay.
I took this as my time to go back home and break up with Kai's ass. As soon as the police sirens were heard, he was no where to be found and I know he's in my room hiding. He couldn't have went all the way to his house that quick and not have gotten caught. He's always saying how if he gets arrested then he's fucked.
I was pissed off that he would do such a thing to Jaylen. He would always say it, but I didn't think he'd actually do it. We all know that Jaylen has a disrespectful mouth, but that's just his personality. I didn't think he deserved to get shot.
"Man Robyn if you came to give me a lecture and shit, I'm bout to go back home." He sat up in my bed, standing up afterwards.
"You damn right I did, that's my fucking friend you just shot! Are you crazy?! This ain't your old lifestyle Kaiden, you can't just go around shooting people like it's nothing! What if he doesn't make it?!" I yelled as I managed to push his tall ass into the wall. If Jaylen didn't make it, I would personally kill Kai my damn self since he thinks it's okay to just kill everybody.
"I don't give a fuck if that was ya fucking dad, the nigga was talking crazy so he got what he deserved!" He yelled and I swear I got this feeling in my chest that stung and I started to get teary eyed.
How dare he?
"Really Kai." I looked up at him, with tears in my eyes. For him to even bring up my dad in a situation like this was so low on so many levels. This wasn't the Kai that I fell in love with, he'd never say something like that.
"Fuck Robyn, I'm sorry." He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me and I just cried, trying to push him away. I cried because I was confused. I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't want to just throw away our relationship but I didn't want to just let him think it was okay to disrespect me either. I was torn.
"I don't think this is gonna work out Kai. We need space or something. Fuck space, maybe we need to bre-" my voice cracked as his head snapped as he let go.
"Space? Cmon Robyn, I might've did some fucked up shit lately, but I'm sorry." He sounded dumb.
"No Kai, I've had enough!"
"You not leaving me Robyn, ion care what you say."
"You don't tell me wha-" He came up behind me, softly sucking on my neck. He knew what he was doing and I hate that it made me fall under his spell every time.
"Kai plea-" he cut me off by kissing me passionately.
He pulled my dress off over my head. Since I wasn't wearing any panties this whole thing was just easier for him.
His hand quickly gripped my ass as he nibbled on my neck. I moaned with the affect he had on my body. Kai slowly slid me down onto his dick and I started to ride. Instantly my muscles gripped him tightly.
“Fuck,” He clenched his jaw, digging his fingertips into my thigh. “You so fucking tight girl.." he grunted in my ear.
“K-kaiden…” I moaned as I bounced on his dick like my life depended on it. This was the best ride I've ever been on. Suddenly, Kai lifted us from the floor and carried us over to the arm of the couch. Pulling out he turning me around as the side of my face was pushed up against the wall while he was blowing my back out.
I hissed at the pain but moaned at the pleasure. His body slammed into mine sending the sounds of smacking throughout the living room.
“Fuck, r-right there.” I moaned as my nails scratched the wall.
Kai gripped my neck and roughly spoke in my ear, “You think you gone leave me? You ain't going no where." He started to hit me with the fast, deep strokes helping my moans. This was too much. If we stayed in this position, I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up pregnant.
“Right there huh?” It felt so good that all I could do was moan and drool. I felt his free hand in my hair, tugging on it roughly.
“Bounce that ass and work for this nut.” I pushed my ass against him, bouncing my pussy up and down his dick.
“Yea work that shit.” He pulled my hair so that I could look at him  as I bounced on his dick. By now, my plan to scream and yell at him about earlier had went out the window.
“Fuck!" He let go of my hair but kept his hand around my throat before pumping into me hard and rough once again. I tried to keep up with his strokes but I just couldn't take it.
“Let it out baby.” Three more strokes and I was spraying like a faucet. I screamed in pleasure and pain as Kai fucked my pussy from behind with no remorse.
“Fuck, just like that." He grunted lowly. He was so deep.
“Just like this baby?” I taunted squeezing even tighter as I rotated my hips in a circle, doing the trick that always worked.
“Fuuuuuuck.” I moaned out trying my hardest to get away from him but there was no use. He held me down while deep stroking, until my juices were gushing out again. He didn't even give me time to catch my breath.
He flipped me over so that we were facing each other, he lifted me up and put my leg on his shoulder as he pushed deeply into me. Then start to pound into me as if this nigga done lost his mind. I was loving every bit of it.
"Fuck, I love you Kai!” I screamed.                                    
“I love you too, baby." He groaned in response.
“Fuck, yo pussy so fucking good." He was going so deep and I knew I was gonna be in unbearable pain in the morning.
“Daddy I can’t take it, it’s too much.” Kai rubbed furiously over my clít as if he were doing a crossover in 2k. “Kai please!" I móaned loudly, reaching out to try to push him away, feeling like my knees might buckle beneath me.
“Nah take this shit." He spoke harshly. The thick veins in his dick pulsed hard against my tight walls, as my pussy spasmed around his thrusting shaft. I could feel both the heavy beating of our hearts, pounding loudly in our chests. His arm draped over my chest and his hand locked around mine to keep my body from running away from him.
I screamed as he hit some unknown spot that felt like the beginning of the ending. I wasn’t sure if the feeling was pleasure or torturous pain but I felt that if it didn’t stop soon I would explode.  I felt my stomach tighten up, and I knew I was about to cum once again for tonight. I squeezed my walls tightly against his huge shaft as his dick became fatter. "Fuck Kai, you 'bout to make me c–” I was cut off by the powerful orgasm, that flowed throughout my body sending me on a ultimate high for the night.
“Fuck… I’m 'bout to bust.” He grunted as exploded inside of me. He laid his head on my chest, with me still in his arms and he rested against the wall, breathing hard.
"I love you." He kissed my forehead before getting up. He started to put on his clothes and not even a minute later, the front door slammed.
This is not how I wanted things to go.
Sighing lowly, I grabbed my dress and slid it back on before looking around for my shoes. Suddenly, a round of hard knocks were coming from the door and I knew it was Kai because his keys were on the table.
Swinging the door open, I was met with two police officers. "Good evening ma'am, would you happen to know this young man Kaiden Sanchez? He's been on the Most Wanted list for years and witnesses today have said they've seen him around here." They pulled out a mugshot of Kai. Fuck.
"No sir, he doesn't look familiar at all." I lied. I couldn't just snitch on him like that.
"Well if you ever do, give us a call immediately. This man is dangerous and is wanted for murders he committed years ago."
"I will certainly." I smiled as they nodded before stepping away.
"You have a good night ma'am." They both said before leaving.
I quickly closed the door and locked it. What the hell just happened?
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I was comfortable as fuck. Seconds away from a deep ass sleep until a round of soft knocks hit against the opposite side of the door. I jolted up and sucked my teeth, ignoring it so I could sleep off this pain. They kept knocking and I groaned loudly. I just wanted to fucking rest.
"It's a hospital my nigga, the door is fuckin' open!" I yelled, holding my side where the bandage was before closing my eyes and tryna get this sleep in, J. Lo been in my dreams for the past few nights and I wasn't about to miss my date.
The door opening ruined that shit though, I looked up and saw Robyn with tears streaming down her face. Her makeup went to shit, her hair was a curly mess, and there was something different in her eyes. She ain't never seen no shit like that up close.
While I kept talking my shit to this nigga, I expected him to face me like a man so we could shoot the fair one but nah, nigga pulled a gun on me and blasted. Pussy ass, non-confrontational ass, bitch-ass, lack of hand-eye coordination ass hoe. I was standing inches from the nigga and he got me in my side, shaking like Cardi B in her past life. He ain't bout that shit he brag about.
"Come on." I patted the empty spot next to me and she reluctantly came to sit next to me. She always smelled so fuckin' good. Her presence always made me feel a whole lot better. She was so shook though, I must've meant more to her than she led on.
"Wassup?" I leaned on her shoulder and looked up at her.
"You scared the shit outta me, Jaylen."
"How?" I etched my eyebrows together and she looked down at me with her big and beautiful ass eyes.
"You stopped breathing, there was blood everywhere. I thought I lost you."
"I'm coolin', don't remember half of that shit. Too much adrenaline, I guess." she shrugged and wiped her tears. The room went quiet. Old episodes of Ed, Edd, and Eddy was playing from the tv. I couldn't fuck so I needed entertainment.
"Jaylen, I-"
"Don't apologize for this nigga, ya'll two completely different people. You can't help who you fall in love with."
"Jaylen, stop."
"Wassup? He apologize and ya'll fucked before you got here?" I groaned, obviously in my fuckin' feelings. There was hickies and shit all over her that gave me my answer.
I belong in GQ wit' my sexy ass, not in no fights or death beds for no bitch.
"Jaylen, that shit is low. Even for you. I came to see if you were okay. You're my best friend-"
"Fuck that Barney and Friends shit! I got a hot ass bullet in me over you and you still wanna friend zone a nigga. My breath stink? I got boogers? Fuck he got that I don't?"
She sighed and shook her head. "It's complicated, Jaylen."
"What's so hard? You fuckin' with this nigga or you rockin' with me? The way we keep coming back to each other is so uncanny. If anybody else was jugglin' me with another nigga, I would've told her to kiss the ashiest and lightest part of my ass a long ass time ago."
She giggled and wiped some more of her tears with the help of me. "Keep it real with me, Robyn. The way your eyes light up when you hear my voice and the way my chest be cavin' when you come around ain't natural. My shit achin' without you."
"Jay, I know damn well you can't possibly stick to one girl for the rest of your life."
"You don't know what the fuck I'm capable of. Don't belittle me, my nigga. Issa heart beating in my chest and a brain thinkin' in my hard ass head. I could stick to yo ass though, you see me ever leave you alone after we fight?" she shook her head.
"Then why you can't give my crippled ass a chance?"
"Why should I?"
"Because I lo-" I couldn't hold this shit in no more.
I got cut off by the phone in my room ringing. I groaned and asked Robyn to hand it over.
"Wassup?" It was the nurse calling to tell me I had a visitor. Kayla, for that matter. "Aight, send her up." I mumbled. Shit...
"Because you what?"
"I lose everyone I care about. I don't want you to be one of 'em, aight?." Close enough to I love you, right? I played that shit off nice!
"I'm not. I'm here." I kissed her forehead and she kissed mine.
"Oh yeah, Kayla here, too." I said, shitting on our beautiful ass moment.
"Fuck her, I'll nap over here." She rolled her eyes before lying on the hospital couch and closing her eyes. She would literally be sleep in a second.
I watched her position herself to where her dress started rising up and tried to settle my dick down before Kayla got in here.
The thought of me getting this nigga's sloppy seconds was so fuckin' disgusting to me and pissed me off all over again. We definitely gotta talk. I gotta end this shit so I could be with who I really wanna be with.
The door had opened, cutting my thoughts short and Kayla slowly walked over to the bed, hesitating at first.
"Why you all distant and shit?" I looked at her weirdly. She didn't say anything.
I motioned for her to come here with my finger and she sighed before sluggishly sitting on my lap.
"I think Ima go home.." she tried to get out of my grip but I only held on tighter because I started to notice her whole body language was off like she just found out she had AIDS or some shit. Fuck was up with her?
"Look at me." I demanded as she continued to look at the ground. Sucking my teeth, I gently grabbed her chin making her face me. She had tears in her eyes, and I swear that was a nigga's weakness.
"Wassup with you? You know you can tell me anything.." After those words left my mouth, she immediately covered her face and started crying. Good because if she had the Kim K crying face, I was gone laugh.
"Jaylen.. I'm..," she started to say but her crying got the best of her. I rubbed her back to try to show her some type of comfort. She better not say HIV positive cause if she did, I wasn't gone be the only one in a hospital bed.
"You what?"
"Pregnant." She managed to get out and I sighed in relief. Wait, pregnant? That's just as worse!
I wasn't mad... I was more so disappointed at the fact that we slipped up like this. Look at us, we ain't ready for a kid right now. That was honestly the last thing on my mind. This what my dumbass gets for not using a condom.
I noticed that Odell quietly peeked through the door, recording from his phone and trying his best to hold on his laughter. This nigga was hella childish like was he 24 or 14?
My phone had vibrated and I knew it was a text from his immature ass.
Dell🏈: u trapped fam 😂
I sucked my teeth and put my phone down.
To make matters worse, Robyn had magically woke up from her nap and stormed out. I don't know what her problem was.
"Say something!" Kayla snapped, breaking me out of my thoughts as she sniffled. I sighed and adjusted her on my lap because my side was starting to hurt thanks to Kevin. I swear that nigga bet not let me catch him in the streets. I ain't a killer but this nigga really shot me.
I had been shot before, but not to the point where I was on the verge of not making it. If Robyn hadn't got me here on time, who knows if I'd be alive or not. The docs said there was a bullet inches away from my heart and hearing that made me realize how blessed I was.
I was thankful to still be alive and to have a dope ass best friend like Robyn. I was happy that I was her main priority instead of that nigga and that she had finally stopped being on that fake shit.
I gotta give Kayla her credit, too. She was with me this whole time. Not once has she went home or been to sleep and I've been in surgery for hours.
No matter how much O's ass get on my nerves all the fucking time, he was here too. I even caught him crying and it was the funniest shit ever but I couldn't even laugh because I was in so much pain.
"Fuck you want me to say Kayla?" I questioned as she shot me a look that read she was gone kill my ass. I wasn't about to sit here and play fake happy like I was ready for a big happy ass family. This ain't no lifetime movie and I wasn't no fucking actor.
"So you ain't got nothing to say?" She got an attitude.
"Look, I like you.. a lot actually and this shit  happened hella fast and I wasn't expecting it. At the position we in right now, neither one of us ready for a kid. I mean, of course I'm gone be a man and take care of it because I helped make it but I ain't bout to sit here and jump for joy when I know I ain't even happy. You know I ain't on no fake shit like that." I started to say as she was about to get up until I pulled her back.
"Buuuuuut... shit, we in this together. Throughout this whole pregnancy, not a day will go by that I won't be by ya side. As a matter of fact, you moving in wit-"
"Moving in? Don't you think that's a bit too much?"
She got pregnant after a short amount of time after us knowing each other and she talking about too much? Shit we done already crossed that line already so it a little late for that.
"Hell nah, you having my kid so I need to know what the fuck you be doing at all times."
"We can talk about this tomorrow, I'm tired." She got the blanket off of the couch and started to lye down but I stopped her. She wasn't bout to sleep on that rock hard ass couch.
"Come sleep wit me." I stated, patting the space next to me in the bed.
"You sure? I don't wanna hurt you." I was in pain but it wasn't too bad that I couldn't bare it. With the pain meds that the doc gave me, I should be out in no time anyways.
"Girl you ain't gone hurt nothing, you bout as lil as a fly." I laughed as she stuck her tongue out at me and climbed in the hospital bed.
As she made herself comfortable, she adjusted her head on the pillow because she couldn't lay on my chest. That's also where I had been shot and I know it would hurt like hell if pressure was applied to it.
She closed her eyes as I started to play in her long, thick midnight silky hair. Maybe her getting pregnant wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I guess this could bring us closer.
As she drifted off to sleep, I kissed her forehead before grabbing my phone again. I began to wonder where the fuck my Rob had went. She literally just up and left.
Me: wya
I had waited for seconds that turned into minutes and minutes that almost turned into an hour until my meds finally kicked in. By now, Kayla and I were both cramped up in this bed sleeping like babies.
Next Day
I was finally home and I swear I was the happiest man on the planet. I was hungry as shit, too.
"Um Jaylen I hate to leave you, but I have to see where Kai is because I was supposed to get my check yesterday." Kayla stated as I lightly chuckled.
"I should come with you so I can beat that nigga's ass."
"That isn't necessary. He's fucking crazy, I'll handle it myself."
"How you gone handle it?"
"I've known him for decades, trust me on this."
"Aight whatever." I told her as I heard the front door close. Fuck this shit, I needed a blunt.
Getting up to go look for my stash of emergency kush, I was successful. I needed this shit, people been fucking trying a nigga lately. Before I could even roll up, I heard Robyn's voice outside in the hallway. I needed to talk to her ass.
Setting everything down on the coffee table, I opened the door and peeked my head out to see her and bitch ass motherfucking Kalvin. He done fucked up. He caught me before I got to smoke? This nigga was bout to feel this shit.
"So wassup now? I ain't dead nigga." I spoke as the both of them turned around, shooketh. He had to be one dumb ass nigga to even show up here, thinking everything was gone be peaches and cream.
"Jaylen please don-" I was honestly getting tired of her shit. Like stop trying to be peace maker all the fucking time.
"Shut the fuck up! This nigga just blasted on me yesterday and you talking bout please don't?! Fight me like a man, pussy ass nigga." I spat, walking up to him.
I don't care if I just got out the hospital and was still sore, he could still catch this fade.
"Wassup then nigga? I'm pose to be sca-" Before he could say anything else, I socked the shit out this nigga's jaw. Robyn's annoying ass kept telling for me to stop but all I saw was red at the point. I was sick of this nigga always coming at me like I was a bitch. It's only one bitch in this hallway and it ain't Robyn.
"Jaylen stop! You're gonna kill him!" She cried as I kicked his bitch ass in the face.
I was hella fucking pissed that Robyn was forever defending his bitch ass. This wouldn't even have happened if I wasn't fucking with her. This nigga straight blasted on my ass, yet she still with him.
By now, everyone had came out of their homes and was being nosey. I knew 12 was bound to pop up, but I ain't give a fuck.
"Chill the fuck out Jay!" Odell's big ass managed to pulled me off of him.
"Who the bitch now?!" I yelled as I spat on him while O was pulling me back.
Robyn was crying and trying to help his punk ass, and I couldn't understand why.
Maybe Kayla was what I needed after all.
But shit at this point, all this drama was making a nigga wanna go MIA. This why ion get my feelings involved wit hoes now.
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"Be still, Kaiden." Robyn sucked her teeth as she wiped the blood from my mouth. I was so fucking livid that I couldn't stop shaking. The next time I see this nigga, he dead no questions asked. Best believe that shit.
I don't even know what the fuck is happening.
Everything was falling apart, just like I fucking thought. I mean yea the deal was still on, but that didn't mean a damn thing to me since I was slowly losing my girl. Not even slowly, I knew for sure she was gone leave my ass after I tell her what happened a few weeks ago. I wasn't shit.
I tried to just leave that shit in the dark and forget about it, which worked at first but now a nigga starting to feel guilty. I don't wanna hurt or lose her, but it seems like she gone be affected if I do or don't tell her.
Robyn is honestly somebody that I planned on marrying so I don't know why I fucked that up by making one little ass mistake. Besides my businesses, she was the best thing that ever happened to a nigga.
You could have everything you've ever wanted in life and still be miserable. I was suffering from depression before I met Robyn. It's like every time she around, all my problems go out the window. I need Robyn and I ain't afraid to say that shit.
I try not to take my anger out on her as much, I just get frustrated when shit don't go as planned.
I heard things moving around in the closet and I realized that Robyn was packing up her shit. She was tripping, she ain't leaving me.
"What you call ya self in here doing?" I stood in front of her.
"What does it look like?" She spat, as she looked up at me. I noticed that her eyes were red and puffy, and  it's fucked up that I was the one that caused that. I ain't wanna just throw a bomb on her with what I was about to tell her, but I feel like if I waited she'd be even more mad.
She was real mad at the fact that I shot that nigga and I didn't understand why. I didn't feel no fucking remorse or all if he was dead or not, I was tired of that nigga.
"I need to talk to you bout some shit real quick."
"I think you've said enough for the night." She pushed my arm away.
"Seriously Robyn, just stop and listen for a minute." She rolled her eyes, and gave me her full and undivided attention. I mentally counted to 10 before saying anything.
"I had sex with Kayla a few weeks ago.." she chuckled a little. Fuck.
"Wait, I know you didn't just say what I think you said. Repeat that."
"I.. I had sex with Kayla a couple of weeks ag-" Before I could even finish my sentence, she had punched the shit out of me, making my face hurt even more. I deserved it.
"How could you?! After all that shit you talked about her just being your assistant!" She slapped me.
"No! I don't wanna hear shit else that comes out your lying ass mouth! Fuck you!" She screamed before picking up all her bags. That shit hurt for her to say that because I knew she meant it.
"Robyn, I'm sorry. Don't leav-"
"Kaiden get your hands off of me!" She pushed me away
"Man no! You not going no where!" I yelled, taking her bags and putting them back in the closet.
She just nodded and stormed out of the room, making me sigh out of frustration. As soon as I caught up to her, she had swung the front door open and there stood the fucking cops that been giving me hell for fucking years. Fuck.
"Kaiden Sanchez, you are under arrest - you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
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flauntpage · 6 years
The (Relatively) New Lineups We Can’t Wait to See
One of the great pleasures heading into every NBA season is generated by the new. From watching marquee free agents, draft picks, and trade acquisitions blend into an unfamiliar environment to closely observing how fixed cores will avoid an obsolete fate. Anticipation builds because change is constant, and nobody really knows what's going to happen until they take the floor.
Five-man lineups don't provide the clearest barometer, but they do help clarify how each team is choosing to adapt, whether their goal is to stay on top or climb the league's mountain. Here's a look at several different units that hold relevance heading into the 2018-19 season. Some are more obvious than others, but all of them deserve your attention.
Kyrie Irving, Jaylen Brown, Jayson Tatum, Gordon Hayward, Al Horford
They’ve looked rough in the preseason—the Indiana Pacers and Chicago Bulls were the only two teams with a worse offensive rating—but of all the iterations in Boston, this exact grouping was built to dominate today's NBA with a comfortable foothold in its future. At worst, this is Death Lineup karaoke, with Horford as an older, calmer, better shooting/less nimble version of Draymond Green, Irving’s offensive wizardry hoisting the entire franchise to a higher level, and three interchangeable stars (either in the making or cemented) on the wing.
They can switch just about everywhere on the defensive end (a quality that’s especially helpful when the game spurts into open-court chaos) with five players who can create their own shot against opposing teams that try and defend them the same way. Everyone can shoot. Everyone can pass. Everyone has either made an All-Star team or has the potential to do so for years to come. We only saw this unit play five minutes last season. This year, the Celtics will only go so far as it can take them.
Chris Paul, James Harden, Eric Gordon, P.J. Tucker, Clint Capela
Much has been made about Houston's ostensible stumble through a momentous offseason. The loss of Trevor Ariza and Luc Richard Mbah a Moute (two ideal complementary pieces), the addition of a teetering Carmelo Anthony, and associate head coach Jeff Bzdelik’s sudden retirement gave birth to a meditation on Houston’s staying power as a juggernaut. Most, if not all, of the discussion is little more than concern trolling.
At the end of the day, Houston will open the 2018-19 season with five of its most important players back from a 65-win team that could’ve/should’ve won it all. This particular group isn’t new, but it might as well be: Paul, Harden, Gordon, Tucker, and Capela have only registered 24 minutes. (In the 45 possessions they logged during the playoffs, Houston outscored its opponents by 15.6 points per 100 possessions.) The Rockets may blow this to bits with a mid-season blockbuster trade that includes one of these key contributors (likely Gordon and/or Tucker), but if they keep it together there won’t be a more effective or complementary collection of talent found in any one unit outside Golden State (and maybe Boston).
There are four back-breaking three-point shooters—two of whom double as first-ballot Hall of Famers and all-galaxy playmakers—surrounding a rim-rolling paint protector who gets notably better every year. In the final five minutes of a close game, how do you stifle this offense? Seriously. How do you attack a committed and disciplined defense that switches everything with above-average pieces at just about every position? Sure, they’re a little small—Ariza’s absence hurts most here—but all of them play larger and stronger than their height, thriving inside a system that emboldens them to behave like running lava.
Last season’s Rockets were one of the best teams to ever fall short of a title. In year two of the Paul-Harden era, they may be even better when it counts the most.
Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, Kevin Durant, Draymond Green, DeMarcus Cousins
Deep analysis isn’t required here. Given the stakes, relevance, and staggering aesthetics, anyone not interested in seeing how Boogie Cousins (however healthy) fits in with the most impressive foursome in NBA history might as well quit the NBA for good.
Victor Oladipo, Tyreke Evans, Bojan Bogdanovic, Domas Sabonis, Myles Turner
My first thought was to have Thaddeus Young in for Sabonis, not knowing if Nate McMillan could find someone for his third-year big to defend in the last five minutes of a close game. But Young isn’t a good enough outside shooter to tilt the scale in his favor, so Sabonis gets the nod for being a superior passer who can really squeeze a defense from the post. Good luck out-rebounding the Pacers when this group is on the floor. It’s unclear how many teams will be able to combat Indy’s sheer size on either end when this lineup is on the floor.
Beyond having two centers share the frontcourt, what's most intriguing here is the absence of any one "true" point guard. Instead, Oladipo and Evans will complement each another on both ends, toggling back and forth as capable playmakers who can finish at the rim, knock down a pull-up three, and run an effective pick-and-roll with either Sabonis or Turner.
Oladipo is the breakout star and franchise jewel, coming off a season in which he won Most Improved Player and made an All-Star, All-NBA, and All-Defensive team. But let’s back up and examine Evans for a second. What a variable. Take a look at how his numbers compared to Oladipo’s last season. According to Synergy Sports, Evans ranked in the 86th percentile as a pick-and-roll ball handler and the 83rd percentile in isolation, doing his best on a Grizzlies team that was headed nowhere. Life will be even easier in Indiana, especially in this unit, where he may be the third (or even fourth) option. It’s hard to find a better spot for Evans at this point in his career.
Elsewhere, last season Bogdanovic made over 40 percent of his threes and posted a 60.5 True Shooting percentage (both career highs), while Turner is already one of the league’s most intriguing young bigs, a shot-blocking madman who can roll or pop. Bogdanovic will likely regress, but if he can at worst remain static while three others (especially Oladipo) display some growth, this unit will be a nightmare.
Dennis Smith Jr., Wesley Matthews, Luka Doncic, Harrison Barnes, DeAndre Jordan
This obviously won’t be seen until Barnes returns from his hamstring injury, but it could be worth the wait. The Mavericks have Dirk Nowitzki, but elsewhere they are fledgling. Smith Jr. and Doncic are the future. Barnes, Jordan, and Matthews are each within a few seasons of their respective primes. Together, they possess a dynamism that’s been missing from every lineup Dallas has put on the floor in over a decade.
If Jordan gobbles everything from the glass, can stay healthy, and still suck help defenders off the three-point line on hard dives towards the rim, so many of Smith Jr. and Doncic’s growing pains will fall into a safety net. If Barnes, in a contract year, doesn’t hijack the offense and lets part of his game selflessly revert back to the space it occupied in Golden State (this is wishful thinking but not out of line within the context of this unit), Carlisle’s system can be more fluid. And through it all, if Matthews can (hopefully) hold it all together as a grizzled veteran with the team's lowest night-to-night variance, there's no reason why this lineup can't close tight games and post a positive point differential.
Some of this logic requires a leap of faith, for sure. And so much of it is inspired by Doncic’s preseason highlight reel. But even if they aren't great, you won't want to miss them.
Reggie Jackson, Luke Kennard, Stanley Johnson, Blake Griffin, Andre Drummond
There’s a certain amount of nostalgic charm attached to a lineup like this. It features a jaunty point guard who’s supported by a sniper at the two and covered by an athletic wing, with a robust, true-number-one-option at power forward beside a mountainous center tasked with anchoring the defense. On the surface it screams old school, and that's why there are so many reasons to hate it. These five players were all in Detroit last season, but played just about zero minutes at the same time (only four possessions, per Cleaning the Glass). Aside from poor health, the reason why is obvious: There’s not nearly enough spacing or anything close to a defined pecking order on the offensive end, while exploiting them on defense shouldn’t be too hard, given their inflexibility.
But Drummond added a new dimension to his game last year. Stan Van Gundy placed him higher on the floor and let him showcase a passing ability that boosted his assist rate up to 14 percent—more than the sum of his previous three years combined!). Meanwhile, Griffin is uniquely dominant when healthy. Nobody his size rivals his vision or ball-handling ability. It helps form a frontcourt tandem that may be able to do more than tread water when accompanied by the right pieces.
It’s unclear if Detroit has those pieces, but Johnson is still only 22 years old, with the girth and quickness to defend four positions in a pinch. Jackson is two years removed from life as a slightly above-average point guard, and Kennard is the one cast member who can loosen up the floor when he doesn't have the ball. I don’t necessarily think this group will exceed its modest expectations, but the ceiling is higher than people think, especially with Dwane Casey at head coach, able to coagulate a defense that’s already good but can stand to be better.
Rajon Rondo, Lonzo Ball, Josh Hart, Brandon Ingram, LeBron James
This is the exact opposite of the group seen above, with a degree of unconventionality that's both breathtaking and hardly a surprise to anyone who’s watched the NBA evolve over the past six years. I don’t know if it will be good, or if Luke Walton will even be willing to utilize Rondo and Ball at the same time—in tight space with no true center and only one recognizable spot-up threat—but please check your pulse if you're not curious to see how it'd do.
Why not experiment and see how far Einstein-level basketball IQ and absurd talent can take you? LeBron at the five isn’t a new concept, but as the league continues to downsize—a trend no other player is more responsible for—he’s positioned to take advantage in lineups that surround him with players who can see segments of the game develop before they actually do. They turn a defense's crack into a calamitous breach with next-level anticipation. Between LeBron, Rondo, and Ball, it's hard to think of another group that's ever unleashed so many innovative passers at the same time.
Hart and Ingram are here to enjoy it all, from beyond the arc and against awkward closeouts. Outside shooting is an issue throughout L.A.'s roster, but this group will invent ways to make it a non-issue—if they get a chance to play.
Kyle Lowry, Fred VanVleet, OG Anunoby, Kawhi Leonard, Pascal Siakam
As is the case for so many different teams, we don’t really know what Toronto’s best five is right now. But as NBA teams start to favor mischievous off-the-bounce slashers over 3-and-D statues, VanVleet has to be on the floor over Danny Green. A case can be made for Dorell Wright's wingspan in that spot, but Siakam, Lowry, Leonard, and Anunoby are more than enough to make this defense one of the league's best.
There's almost too much to like here. Leonard is at the four, with a mobile, 7'3" wingspan at center. Anunoby can't be left alone in the corner while Lowry and VanVleet wreak all sorts of havoc wherever they are. Picture an inverted pick-and-roll, with Leonard dribbling the ball as Lowry races up to blindside his man with a screen. How the hell do you guard that, with Siakam in the dunker's spot and deadly shooting along the perimeter? Few teams can. The Raptors are going to be so much fun.
The (Relatively) New Lineups We Can’t Wait to See published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
Eagles Offseason: Free Agents
Alright, after milking the Eagles’ Super Bowl win for a bit, I’m ready to talk about the offseason.
I don’t know what changed. Maybe the weather? I got back from a wedding and mini-vacation yesterday and just felt like it was appropriate to move on. That’s not to say we can’t continue to exalt the Birds well into the spring, but it just feels natural to get on with it here.
Let’s start with the free agents.
I think the theme with every offseason move is that you have to leave the emotion out of it and just make business decisions. In that sense, I trust Howie Roseman a hell of a lot more than I trusted Ruben Amaro, Jr., a GM who handed out long-term deals to aging veterans while teams like the Saint Louis Cardinals were able to restock, reload, and remain competitive.
As nice as it was to see Chase Utley and Ryan Howard stick around from a knee-jerk, emotional fan standpoint, in hindsight we needed a stone cold killer to say “enough is enough” and focus on the future for the sake of the franchise. Instead, the Phils entered a long and hard rebuild while the Cardinals, or a team like the San Francisco Giants, was able to keep doing their thing.
The Birds are around $8.3 million over the cap right now, a number brought down a bit from Donnie Jones’ retirement. They’ve got work to do in this department, where Roseman has been shrewd in the past. It doesn’t make his job any easier, but Eagle fans should feel pretty confident in Howie’s ability to navigate the cap this spring.
Nigel Bradham
If you read anything I wrote this year, you know I’m high on Bradham. He was one of the top three guys on the Eagle defense this season, led the team in tackles, and made key play after key play while also holding the linebacking corps together alongside Mychal Kendricks after Jordan Hicks went down.
I think the x-factor here is the return of Jim Schwartz, whom Bradham is close with. If Schwartz had left for a head coaching job, I’d think Bradham might pursue and accept a beefy deal on the open market. With the Birds’ cap situation being rough, it’s going to be hard for Roseman to match what other teams can offer.
For context, Bradham made $3.5 mil in 2017, sandwiched in an average salary grouping that included Anthony Barr ($3.1m), Connor Barwin ($3.5m), and Ahmad Brooks ($3.5m). Kendricks made $7.25 million, sitting at the edge of the top 20 with Sean Lee ($7m) and Pernell McPhee ($7.7m). So it depends what kind of value other teams place in Bradham. There are five other outside linebackers hitting free agency this spring who made more than Bradham, with McPhee (released by Chicago) leading a group of mostly underachievers. The only other UFA OLB’s who performed at Bradham’s level this year were Tahir Whitehead ($4m) and Paul Posluszny ($5m).
If I’m Howie, I’m finding a way to get it done, unless some other squad comes in an offer that you just can’t match.
Trey Burton
There’s no way they keep him around, not with a Pro Bowl tight end already on the roster and not with the demand Burton will create on the open market.
At 26 years old, nobody else on the tight end list is young enough to warrant the type of money Burton should garner. You’ve got a 31-year-old Jimmy Graham topping the UFA list at a $10m 2017 salary.
You’ve also got:
  Trey is gonna do just fine for himself.
The Eagles will go into this season with Zach Ertz and probably Brent Celek for one final year. Burton will deservedly get paid and play first team snaps in 2018.
Beau Allen
Allen’s numbers don’t fly off the page and smack you in the face – just one sack and 20 combined total tackles (13 solo, 7 assisted) in 15 regular season games.
But when you look at his 423 total snaps and think about the Eagles’ run defense in totality, you understand how important he was to the defensive line, with the ability to limit drop off in rotation and keep guys like Fletcher Cox and Tim Jernigan fresh.
Consider this:
Beau Allen's run stop percentage was tops among UFA interior defenders in 2017! pic.twitter.com/DxA79Bw8v5
— Pro Football Focus (@PFF) February 21, 2018
The tricky thing here is that the Eagles don’t have a cut and dry replacement at defensive tackle. If Bradham goes, you’ve got Kendricks and Hicks. Burton leaves, you still have Ertz.
At DT, Elijah Qualls was a scratch in almost every game and Destiny Vaeao only played about half as many snaps as Allen. Plus, the Eagles aren’t loaded with picks, so it’s going to be hard to address this position, and others, in the draft.
Patrick Robinson
You’re certainly not getting him at one year, $1 million this time around.
Robinson, after a rough training camp, became a revelation at slot corner and one of the key pieces of the Eagles’ secondary. He led the team in both passes defended (18) and interceptions (4), and scored the momentum-swinging pick-six in the NFC Championship game.
The Birds do have options here. Sidney Jones or Jalen Mills could theoretically play the slot next season. Rasul Douglas could return to the starting unit on the outside. But none of those things are a sure bet, not like Robinson remaining in that position.
It’s just going to be difficult to navigate a contemporary NFL that places immense value on corners, especially those coming off a career year. If you prioritize Bradham as a re-signing, then you probably don’t have navigable cap space to bring back Robinson if another team makes a legit offer. I’m not sure what that looks like, considering that he’s 30 years old and entering his 8th NFL season.
#DBU strikes again.@PatRobinson25 WITH THE PICK 6!
via @NFL pic.twitter.com/AhyZV8kxp7
— FSU Football (@FSUFootball) January 22, 2018
Donnie Jones
Donnie retired this week, riding into the sunset as a Super Bowl champion. He made $1.8m this season.
Last month, the team added Cameron Johnston on a futures contract, who you may remember was in camp last year. The team will likely bring in someone else to compete with him this summer.
LeGarrette Blount
The thing here is that I don’t see other teams lining up to sign him. Blount had a really nice season on a one-year, $1.25m deal, and didn’t really seem to drop-off at all when Jay Ajayi was added. He was one-third of a stable that also included Corey Clement.
That’s why I don’t see anybody going out there and throwing money at him to be a feature back. He’s 31 years old and nearing the end of his career, so worst case scenario here is the Eagles get him back on a similar deal. I wouldn’t mind seeing him be the third guy behind Ajayi and Clement, with an expanded role for the latter.
Darren Sproles
I think he goes elsewhere, and the Eagles would be smart to let that happen.
You just can’t bring back a 35-year-old veteran after the injuries he suffered this year. He made $4.5 million this season and I doubt he takes a vet minimum to play third or fourth fiddle behind Ajayi/Clement and possibly a returning Blount.
Retiring now would be a shitty way for a guy like Sproles to go out, so I’d like to see him contribute somewhere else next season before calling it a career on a positive note.
Najee Goode
I’ve always been partial to Najee since he’s a Mountaineer, but he hasn’t exactly lit the world on fire as an NFL linebacker.
What he does do well is contribute on special teams, and since he’s inexpensive, the Birds will probably keep him around in the same exact capacity in 2018.
Corey Graham
Depends what happens in the draft.
Graham’s case is similar to that of Blount’s, a veteran guy who didn’t break the bank and made some nice contributions this year. If nobody else comes calling, you can probably get him below the $1.6 million he was paid this year. He’s 32 years old.
In related news, Ian Rapoport rapoported that the Eagles won’t tender Jaylen Watkins, which affects safety depth:
The #Eagles do not plan to tender DB Jaylen Watkins as a restricted free agent, I’m told, making him a free agent-to-be. It would have been an original round tender for Watkins, who played 28 regular-season games in Philly over the past 2 years.
— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) February 20, 2018
Watkins was the only restricted free agent on the Eagles’ roster.
Kenjon Barner
He was okay this season. Remember, he wasn’t on the roster at the start of the year; he was just brought in to cover for Darren Sproles.
The Eagles can get more out of the kick and punt return slots, so if you can upgrade there, you go for it. Barner is a serviceable player but not a guy you need this time around.
Bryan Braman
A rental guy who made a big play in the divisional round and delivered a big speech before the Super Bowl. He’s a guy I keep on speed dial if a similar situation arises this year.
William Beatty
A backup on the line after Jason Peters went down, I doubt he’s back next season.
Dannell Ellerbe
See above. A late season stop-gap, he helped plugged the hole vacated by Jordan Hicks.
Caleb Sturgis
He’ll go.
      Eagles Offseason: Free Agents published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
Notes and Quotes from Doug Pederson’s Monday Presser, with Context
It’s a pair of hamstring injuries for Rodney McLeod and Jaylen Watkins.
Head coach Doug Pederson described both players as “day-to-day” at his Monday press conference. The Eagles are waiting for test results and hope to have a full report by Wednesday.
Pederson’s presser was a bit longer this week and he took a number of questions mostly focused on playcalling and the Birds’ running game.
Is there anybody in your ear during a game telling you how many times you’ve run and passed the ball?
“Yea. We talk run/pass all the time, especially during the game, especially on (the start of a series) and when a first down is earned. A lot of times you get into the game and it starts to become situational and things change, as you know. But yea, I’ve got guys in my ear all the time.”
Context: Doesn’t matter what those people say if Pederson is the decision maker. 
Was LeGarrette Blount supposed to be the third running back on Sunday?
“No. Listen, kind of like how we talked last week, we’ve got roles for all of the guys. LeGarrette has a role. (Darren) Sproles has a role. Wendell (Smallwood) has a role. We even had Corey (Clement) with a role, a little piece of the pie. A lot of times, when you’re in these games like this, and you struggle to run your core runs, it becomes hard. And then you put yourself in a 2nd and 12 or a 2nd and 13, or even (take) a first down sack, then it’s hard. Now you’re going uphill. Yesterday I believe we had seven third and 10+ (situations) again. Then there were another five third and sevens. That’s unacceptable. We can’t be in that many long yardage situations in these football games. We’ve gotta focus on the run game and get the run game fixed and have a great plan going forward and commit to that. It takes pressure off your quarterback as well.”
Doug said he gave up on run because run wasn't working on 1D. But Eagles did better vs KC running on 1D (5.0 yards/play) than throwing (4.8)
— Reuben Frank (@RoobCSN) September 18, 2017
Eagles run plays on 1st/10: 12, -2, 2, 6, 11, 8, 5, -2 (both negative plays were Smallwood) https://t.co/BGPhSWkPhk
— Dan Roche (@RochesRWinners) September 18, 2017
Is this a week-to-week thing with Blount’s role and running back usage?
“Well this (Kansas City) front is a good front. They put six, they put seven, sometimes eight guys in the box, you know? They choke your tight ends, meaning that a guy is right over top of a tight end. It’s hard to find running lanes against a defense that way. With so much man coverage, the ability to shoot the ball downfield in the passing game, I felt like that was going to be our strength in this game. That was the area I focused on. My aggressive play calling was down the field and to attack down the field. By no means specifically was it a game plan designed for Darren. Everybody had a role in this game. We just didn’t get to that role at that particular time in the game.”
Context: Well, he’s not wrong. They didn’t have a ton of short yardage situations in this game. There was basically nothing in the first half, then a couple of 2nd and 2 situations came up in the third quarter. They didn’t use Blount for either of those plays. He finished with zero carries since his only rush was negated by a holding penalty.
Is Carson Wentz throwing it too much?
“(pause)… You know, and I’ve said this before, too, but you don’t ever want to throw the ball that many times. You want to have more of a balance, obviously. The run game is a part of that. At the same time, listen, you end up doing what the game dictates, late in the game. Do I want him to drop back that many times? No. But at the same time, I have to look at the whole picture of the whole pie. I thought our defense was playing great throughout the whole game, and focusing in on the run game should get that going and give us a better balance moving forward.”
Context: It was a 75% to 25% split in the pass/run ratio. On the third quarter touchdown drive, they ran it twice with success after calling a nifty draw/screen/short toss for Sproles. They got away from the run after that series for some reason.
On Isaac Seumalo’s struggles and the thought of going to someone else at guard
“Experienced backups are great to have, but I don’t want to push any panic buttons at this time. We’ve got to make sure that these guys understand our game plans. Kelce is obviously a veteran center. I love having him in there with his athleticism on the perimeter. Isaac’s really done an outstanding job in (having) a short time to start last year and this year in a position of versatility. We’ll evaluate the whole thing. It’s not just one guy. If you want to point the finger, you can point it at me. I’m part of the pie, too. We’ll keep evaluating it.”
Context: No, it’s not just one guy, but they did have Allen Barbre available at left guard and parted ways with him during the preseason. Seumalo gave up four sacks in this game and could make way for Stefan Wisniewski next week. 
Pederson: Isaac Seumalo will sometimes drop head, late off snap. All fixable. #Eagles
— Jeff McLane (@Jeff_McLane) September 18, 2017
What about you? Do you evaluate yourself?
“I watched the game on my iPad coming back. I have to be critical of myself. I have to see if I’m putting my team in a good situation by play call and the decisions I make during the game. I feel like, too, that I’m still learning a little bit. At the same time, I had a great feeling in the way Alshon (Jeffery) was playing, and some great throws down the field to (Zach) Ertz yesterday, Torrey (Smith) made a great play in the second half. I just felt like putting the ball in their hands at that time was the right thing to do.”
Context: Doug took this question and turned it into a “part two” answer on his play calling.
On Kareem Hunt’s touchdown run
“It was a draw play. Give them credit, it was a well-blocked play. It’s something we have to take a look at. You’ve got to be able to shed the blocks and make the play, you know? It was a great play by them. That’s really all I can say.”
You gotta believe Rodney Mcleod makes this. Corey Graham has to come up big here. http://pic.twitter.com/xz1SQd8H3f
— Gayle Saunders (@EagleSessions) September 17, 2017
Why put Donnel Pumphrey on injured reserve?
Pederson: “Because of his injury. It’s a tear.”
reporter: Would that have been a season-ending injury otherwise?
Pederson: “(Yes)”
Context: Pederson says the injury took place on a running play in practice last week. Pumphrey was the Eagles’ fourth-round draft pick.  
Are your running backs good enough to run the offense you want?
Context: It sounded like a follow-up attempt was cut off by another reporter. I couldn’t tell who asked the question. 
Did you talk to Blount after the game?
“No, I didn’t. I was talking to you guys.”
Context: None needed!
Notes and Quotes from Doug Pederson’s Monday Presser, with Context published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
Notes and Quotes from Doug Pederson’s Monday Presser, with Context
It’s a pair of hamstring injuries for Rodney McLeod and Jaylen Watkins.
Head coach Doug Pederson described both players as “day-to-day” at his Monday press conference. The Eagles are waiting for test results and hope to have a full report by Wednesday.
Pederson’s presser was a bit longer this week and he took a number of questions mostly focused on playcalling and the Birds’ running game.
Is there anybody in your ear during a game telling you how many times you’ve run and passed the ball?
“Yea. We talk run/pass all the time, especially during the game, especially on (the start of a series) and when a first down is earned. A lot of times you get into the game and it starts to become situational and things change, as you know. But yea, I’ve got guys in my ear all the time.”
Context: Doesn’t matter what those people say if Pederson is the decision maker. 
Was LeGarrette Blount supposed to be the third running back on Sunday?
“No. Listen, kind of like how we talked last week, we’ve got roles for all of the guys. LeGarrette has a role. (Darren) Sproles has a role. Wendell (Smallwood) has a role. We even had Corey (Clement) with a role, a little piece of the pie. A lot of times, when you’re in these games like this, and you struggle to run your core runs, it becomes hard. And then you put yourself in a 2nd and 12 or a 2nd and 13, or even (take) a first down sack, then it’s hard. Now you’re going uphill. Yesterday I believe we had seven third and 10+ (situations) again. Then there were another five third and sevens. That’s unacceptable. We can’t be in that many long yardage situations in these football games. We’ve gotta focus on the run game and get the run game fixed and have a great plan going forward and commit to that. It takes pressure off your quarterback as well.”
Doug said he gave up on run because run wasn't working on 1D. But Eagles did better vs KC running on 1D (5.0 yards/play) than throwing (4.8)
— Reuben Frank (@RoobCSN) September 18, 2017
Eagles run plays on 1st/10: 12, -2, 2, 6, 11, 8, 5, -2 (both negative plays were Smallwood) https://t.co/BGPhSWkPhk
— Dan Roche (@RochesRWinners) September 18, 2017
Is this a week-to-week thing with Blount’s role and running back usage?
“Well this (Kansas City) front is a good front. They put six, they put seven, sometimes eight guys in the box, you know? They choke your tight ends, meaning that a guy is right over top of a tight end. It’s hard to find running lanes against a defense that way. With so much man coverage, the ability to shoot the ball downfield in the passing game, I felt like that was going to be our strength in this game. That was the area I focused on. My aggressive play calling was down the field and to attack down the field. By no means specifically was it a game plan designed for Darren. Everybody had a role in this game. We just didn’t get to that role at that particular time in the game.”
Context: Well, he’s not wrong. They didn’t have a ton of short yardage situations in this game. There was basically nothing in the first half, then a couple of 2nd and 2 situations came up in the third quarter. They didn’t use Blount for either of those plays. He finished with zero carries since his only rush was negated by a holding penalty.
Is Carson Wentz throwing it too much?
“(pause)… You know, and I’ve said this before, too, but you don’t ever want to throw the ball that many times. You want to have more of a balance, obviously. The run game is a part of that. At the same time, listen, you end up doing what the game dictates, late in the game. Do I want him to drop back that many times? No. But at the same time, I have to look at the whole picture of the whole pie. I thought our defense was playing great throughout the whole game, and focusing in on the run game should get that going and give us a better balance moving forward.”
Context: It was a 75% to 25% split in the pass/run ratio. On the third quarter touchdown drive, they ran it twice with success after calling a nifty draw/screen/short toss for Sproles. They got away from the run after that series for some reason.
On Isaac Seumalo’s struggles and the thought of going to someone else at guard
“Experienced backups are great to have, but I don’t want to push any panic buttons at this time. We’ve got to make sure that these guys understand our game plans. Kelce is obviously a veteran center. I love having him in there with his athleticism on the perimeter. Isaac’s really done an outstanding job in (having) a short time to start last year and this year in a position of versatility. We’ll evaluate the whole thing. It’s not just one guy. If you want to point the finger, you can point it at me. I’m part of the pie, too. We’ll keep evaluating it.”
Context: No, it’s not just one guy, but they did have Allen Barbre available at left guard and parted ways with him during the preseason. Seumalo gave up four sacks in this game and could make way for Stefan Wisniewski next week. 
Pederson: Isaac Seumalo will sometimes drop head, late off snap. All fixable. #Eagles
— Jeff McLane (@Jeff_McLane) September 18, 2017
What about you? Do you evaluate yourself?
“I watched the game on my iPad coming back. I have to be critical of myself. I have to see if I’m putting my team in a good situation by play call and the decisions I make during the game. I feel like, too, that I’m still learning a little bit. At the same time, I had a great feeling in the way Alshon (Jeffery) was playing, and some great throws down the field to (Zach) Ertz yesterday, Torrey (Smith) made a great play in the second half. I just felt like putting the ball in their hands at that time was the right thing to do.”
Context: Doug took this question and turned it into a “part two” answer on his play calling.
On Kareem Hunt’s touchdown run
“It was a draw play. Give them credit, it was a well-blocked play. It’s something we have to take a look at. You’ve got to be able to shed the blocks and make the play, you know? It was a great play by them. That’s really all I can say.”
You gotta believe Rodney Mcleod makes this. Corey Graham has to come up big here. http://pic.twitter.com/xz1SQd8H3f
— Gayle Saunders (@EagleSessions) September 17, 2017
Why put Donnel Pumphrey on injured reserve?
Pederson: “Because of his injury. It’s a tear.”
reporter: Would that have been a season-ending injury otherwise?
Pederson: “(Yes)”
Context: Pederson says the injury took place on a running play in practice last week. Pumphrey was the Eagles’ fourth-round draft pick.  
Are your running backs good enough to run the offense you want?
Context: It sounded like a follow-up attempt was cut off by another reporter. I couldn’t tell who asked the question. 
Did you talk to Blount after the game?
“No, I didn’t. I was talking to you guys.”
Context: None needed!
Notes and Quotes from Doug Pederson’s Monday Presser, with Context published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
Notes and Quotes from Doug Pederson’s Monday Presser, with Context
It’s a pair of hamstring injuries for Rodney McLeod and Jaylen Watkins.
Head coach Doug Pederson described both players as “day-to-day” at his Monday press conference. The Eagles are waiting for test results and hope to have a full report by Wednesday.
Pederson’s presser was a bit longer this week and he took a number of questions mostly focused on playcalling and the Birds’ running game.
Is there anybody in your ear during a game telling you how many times you’ve run and passed the ball?
“Yea. We talk run/pass all the time, especially during the game, especially on (the start of a series) and when a first down is earned. A lot of times you get into the game and it starts to become situational and things change, as you know. But yea, I’ve got guys in my ear all the time.”
Context: Doesn’t matter what those people say if Pederson is the decision maker. 
Was LeGarrette Blount supposed to be the third running back on Sunday?
“No. Listen, kind of like how we talked last week, we’ve got roles for all of the guys. LeGarrette has a role. (Darren) Sproles has a role. Wendell (Smallwood) has a role. We even had Corey (Clement) with a role, a little piece of the pie. A lot of times, when you’re in these games like this, and you struggle to run your core runs, it becomes hard. And then you put yourself in a 2nd and 12 or a 2nd and 13, or even (take) a first down sack, then it’s hard. Now you’re going uphill. Yesterday I believe we had seven third and 10+ (situations) again. Then there were another five third and sevens. That’s unacceptable. We can’t be in that many long yardage situations in these football games. We’ve gotta focus on the run game and get the run game fixed and have a great plan going forward and commit to that. It takes pressure off your quarterback as well.”
Doug said he gave up on run because run wasn't working on 1D. But Eagles did better vs KC running on 1D (5.0 yards/play) than throwing (4.8)
— Reuben Frank (@RoobCSN) September 18, 2017
Eagles run plays on 1st/10: 12, -2, 2, 6, 11, 8, 5, -2 (both negative plays were Smallwood) https://t.co/BGPhSWkPhk
— Dan Roche (@RochesRWinners) September 18, 2017
Is this a week-to-week thing with Blount’s role and running back usage?
“Well this (Kansas City) front is a good front. They put six, they put seven, sometimes eight guys in the box, you know? They choke your tight ends, meaning that a guy is right over top of a tight end. It’s hard to find running lanes against a defense that way. With so much man coverage, the ability to shoot the ball downfield in the passing game, I felt like that was going to be our strength in this game. That was the area I focused on. My aggressive play calling was down the field and to attack down the field. By no means specifically was it a game plan designed for Darren. Everybody had a role in this game. We just didn’t get to that role at that particular time in the game.”
Context: Well, he’s not wrong. They didn’t have a ton of short yardage situations in this game. There was basically nothing in the first half, then a couple of 2nd and 2 situations came up in the third quarter. They didn’t use Blount for either of those plays. He finished with zero carries since his only rush was negated by a holding penalty.
Is Carson Wentz throwing it too much?
“(pause)… You know, and I’ve said this before, too, but you don’t ever want to throw the ball that many times. You want to have more of a balance, obviously. The run game is a part of that. At the same time, listen, you end up doing what the game dictates, late in the game. Do I want him to drop back that many times? No. But at the same time, I have to look at the whole picture of the whole pie. I thought our defense was playing great throughout the whole game, and focusing in on the run game should get that going and give us a better balance moving forward.”
Context: It was a 75% to 25% split in the pass/run ratio. On the third quarter touchdown drive, they ran it twice with success after calling a nifty draw/screen/short toss for Sproles. They got away from the run after that series for some reason.
On Isaac Seumalo’s struggles and the thought of going to someone else at guard
“Experienced backups are great to have, but I don’t want to push any panic buttons at this time. We’ve got to make sure that these guys understand our game plans. Kelce is obviously a veteran center. I love having him in there with his athleticism on the perimeter. Isaac’s really done an outstanding job in (having) a short time to start last year and this year in a position of versatility. We’ll evaluate the whole thing. It’s not just one guy. If you want to point the finger, you can point it at me. I’m part of the pie, too. We’ll keep evaluating it.”
Context: No, it’s not just one guy, but they did have Allen Barbre available at left guard and parted ways with him during the preseason. Seumalo gave up four sacks in this game and could make way for Stefan Wisniewski next week. 
Pederson: Isaac Seumalo will sometimes drop head, late off snap. All fixable. #Eagles
— Jeff McLane (@Jeff_McLane) September 18, 2017
What about you? Do you evaluate yourself?
“I watched the game on my iPad coming back. I have to be critical of myself. I have to see if I’m putting my team in a good situation by play call and the decisions I make during the game. I feel like, too, that I’m still learning a little bit. At the same time, I had a great feeling in the way Alshon (Jeffery) was playing, and some great throws down the field to (Zach) Ertz yesterday, Torrey (Smith) made a great play in the second half. I just felt like putting the ball in their hands at that time was the right thing to do.”
Context: Doug took this question and turned it into a “part two” answer on his play calling.
On Kareem Hunt’s touchdown run
“It was a draw play. Give them credit, it was a well-blocked play. It’s something we have to take a look at. You’ve got to be able to shed the blocks and make the play, you know? It was a great play by them. That’s really all I can say.”
You gotta believe Rodney Mcleod makes this. Corey Graham has to come up big here. http://pic.twitter.com/xz1SQd8H3f
— Gayle Saunders (@EagleSessions) September 17, 2017
Why put Donnel Pumphrey on injured reserve?
Pederson: “Because of his injury. It’s a tear.”
reporter: Would that have been a season-ending injury otherwise?
Pederson: “(Yes)”
Context: Pederson says the injury took place on a running play in practice last week. Pumphrey was the Eagles’ fourth-round draft pick.  
Are your running backs good enough to run the offense you want?
Context: It sounded like a follow-up attempt was cut off by another reporter. I couldn’t tell who asked the question. 
Did you talk to Blount after the game?
“No, I didn’t. I was talking to you guys.”
Context: None needed!
Notes and Quotes from Doug Pederson’s Monday Presser, with Context published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
Notes and Quotes from Doug Pederson’s Monday Presser, with Context
It’s a pair of hamstring injuries for Rodney McLeod and Jaylen Watkins.
Head coach Doug Pederson described both players as “day-to-day” at his Monday press conference. The Eagles are waiting for test results and hope to have a full report by Wednesday.
Pederson’s presser was a bit longer this week and he took a number of questions mostly focused on playcalling and the Birds’ running game.
Is there anybody in your ear during a game telling you how many times you’ve run and passed the ball?
“Yea. We talk run/pass all the time, especially during the game, especially on (the start of a series) and when a first down is earned. A lot of times you get into the game and it starts to become situational and things change, as you know. But yea, I’ve got guys in my ear all the time.”
Context: Doesn’t matter what those people say if Pederson is the decision maker. 
Was LeGarrette Blount supposed to be the third running back on Sunday?
“No. Listen, kind of like how we talked last week, we’ve got roles for all of the guys. LeGarrette has a role. (Darren) Sproles has a role. Wendell (Smallwood) has a role. We even had Corey (Clement) with a role, a little piece of the pie. A lot of times, when you’re in these games like this, and you struggle to run your core runs, it becomes hard. And then you put yourself in a 2nd and 12 or a 2nd and 13, or even (take) a first down sack, then it’s hard. Now you’re going uphill. Yesterday I believe we had seven third and 10+ (situations) again. Then there were another five third and sevens. That’s unacceptable. We can’t be in that many long yardage situations in these football games. We’ve gotta focus on the run game and get the run game fixed and have a great plan going forward and commit to that. It takes pressure off your quarterback as well.”
Doug said he gave up on run because run wasn't working on 1D. But Eagles did better vs KC running on 1D (5.0 yards/play) than throwing (4.8)
— Reuben Frank (@RoobCSN) September 18, 2017
Eagles run plays on 1st/10: 12, -2, 2, 6, 11, 8, 5, -2 (both negative plays were Smallwood) https://t.co/BGPhSWkPhk
— Dan Roche (@RochesRWinners) September 18, 2017
Is this a week-to-week thing with Blount’s role and running back usage?
“Well this (Kansas City) front is a good front. They put six, they put seven, sometimes eight guys in the box, you know? They choke your tight ends, meaning that a guy is right over top of a tight end. It’s hard to find running lanes against a defense that way. With so much man coverage, the ability to shoot the ball downfield in the passing game, I felt like that was going to be our strength in this game. That was the area I focused on. My aggressive play calling was down the field and to attack down the field. By no means specifically was it a game plan designed for Darren. Everybody had a role in this game. We just didn’t get to that role at that particular time in the game.”
Context: Well, he’s not wrong. They didn’t have a ton of short yardage situations in this game. There was basically nothing in the first half, then a couple of 2nd and 2 situations came up in the third quarter. They didn’t use Blount for either of those plays. He finished with zero carries since his only rush was negated by a holding penalty.
Is Carson Wentz throwing it too much?
“(pause)… You know, and I’ve said this before, too, but you don’t ever want to throw the ball that many times. You want to have more of a balance, obviously. The run game is a part of that. At the same time, listen, you end up doing what the game dictates, late in the game. Do I want him to drop back that many times? No. But at the same time, I have to look at the whole picture of the whole pie. I thought our defense was playing great throughout the whole game, and focusing in on the run game should get that going and give us a better balance moving forward.”
Context: It was a 75% to 25% split in the pass/run ratio. On the third quarter touchdown drive, they ran it twice with success after calling a nifty draw/screen/short toss for Sproles. They got away from the run after that series for some reason.
On Isaac Seumalo’s struggles and the thought of going to someone else at guard
“Experienced backups are great to have, but I don’t want to push any panic buttons at this time. We’ve got to make sure that these guys understand our game plans. Kelce is obviously a veteran center. I love having him in there with his athleticism on the perimeter. Isaac’s really done an outstanding job in (having) a short time to start last year and this year in a position of versatility. We’ll evaluate the whole thing. It’s not just one guy. If you want to point the finger, you can point it at me. I’m part of the pie, too. We’ll keep evaluating it.”
Context: No, it’s not just one guy, but they did have Allen Barbre available at left guard and parted ways with him during the preseason. Seumalo gave up four sacks in this game and could make way for Stefan Wisniewski next week. 
Pederson: Isaac Seumalo will sometimes drop head, late off snap. All fixable. #Eagles
— Jeff McLane (@Jeff_McLane) September 18, 2017
What about you? Do you evaluate yourself?
“I watched the game on my iPad coming back. I have to be critical of myself. I have to see if I’m putting my team in a good situation by play call and the decisions I make during the game. I feel like, too, that I’m still learning a little bit. At the same time, I had a great feeling in the way Alshon (Jeffery) was playing, and some great throws down the field to (Zach) Ertz yesterday, Torrey (Smith) made a great play in the second half. I just felt like putting the ball in their hands at that time was the right thing to do.”
Context: Doug took this question and turned it into a “part two” answer on his play calling.
On Kareem Hunt’s touchdown run
“It was a draw play. Give them credit, it was a well-blocked play. It’s something we have to take a look at. You’ve got to be able to shed the blocks and make the play, you know? It was a great play by them. That’s really all I can say.”
You gotta believe Rodney Mcleod makes this. Corey Graham has to come up big here. http://pic.twitter.com/xz1SQd8H3f
— Gayle Saunders (@EagleSessions) September 17, 2017
Why put Donnel Pumphrey on injured reserve?
Pederson: “Because of his injury. It’s a tear.”
reporter: Would that have been a season-ending injury otherwise?
Pederson: “(Yes)”
Context: Pederson says the injury took place on a running play in practice last week. Pumphrey was the Eagles’ fourth-round draft pick.  
Are your running backs good enough to run the offense you want?
Context: It sounded like a follow-up attempt was cut off by another reporter. I couldn’t tell who asked the question. 
Did you talk to Blount after the game?
“No, I didn’t. I was talking to you guys.”
Context: None needed!
Notes and Quotes from Doug Pederson’s Monday Presser, with Context published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes