#it... is to be determined if i'll draw this design a whole lot bc i am anxiety : ) but!! this is a lil design in my hea.d....
scissorcraft · 4 months
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post-canon siffrin design!!!! might change it up more of course but!!!! yeah!!!!
he does HAVE something to represent odile and bonnie too,,, it's not just his partners (romantic & queerplatonic), he's got his family too, i just don't know where to put them yet :) so for now assume he is carrying them in his multitude of pockets!!
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i have a kind of plot??? idea?? thought up about a ride the cyclone hunger games au, because i wanted angst and have been thinking abt the hunger games recently.
in the idea its the 25th hunger games, also known as the first quarter quell and the one where they vote the contestants in, because i think it would be a cool addition as it makes it a lot sadder. there could be a lot of bitterness about that
the main six get voted in from their districts, and end up in the hunger games. i don't have any solid districts in mind, but currently ocean is from one of the districts, maybe one ortwo, bcs her song is abt her being better and so she. should live which in my mind links to the careers and how the upper districts have a better relationship w the capitol other than three n look down on the other districts. mischa is from district eleven or nine bcs im p sure ukraine exports a lot of grain. noel is district twelve bcs i think he'd hate it, and it fits the whole let me. out this place is so stale and numbing, all dull and smokey and suffocating. ricky is from district three so i have a way to make it make sense that they have an aac. penny is from district ten because its the livestock district (livestock? lamb? get it? i'll stop now). and constance is from district eight bcs idk why not, or nine bcs grain makes bread and her family runs a bakery.
i will not lie i can only see karnak as the interviewer. sure hed work as a mentor but i keep seeing him as caesar (i think thats the interbiewers name). he has a flashy purple suit and a purple interview get up.
i have a few costume ideas but they r very basic and not that good tbh. pls keep in mind i have no sense of fashion
penny has a fluffy coat and white dress for the lamb imagery, it could fade into red to symbolise slaughter or smthn. red accents
noel's designer focuses heavily on smoke and he comes out in this dress type thing that looks like it leaves a trail of smoke when it flows. he def has a pipe as well.
rickys designer goes absolutely ham and creates an outfit worthy of the space age bachelor man. wires and funky colours and everything. very out there
ocean is dressed all smart and presentable, very put together. since i havent got a solid district i dont have many ideas
dont have many ideas for constance or mischa tbh
mischa's whole angle with the public is that he's strong and has motive to win in talia, so he has a fighting chance and more motive than the rest. ocean is portrayed as cocky and intelligent, and she will win because shes determined and won't let herself lose. penny is mysterious and odd, she stands out and makes an impression. constance is nice and charismatic and they use that to make the audience attached so they want her to win, and public approval is everything in the games. ricky is smart and crafty and his mentor tells him to lean heavily into that bcs ppl will write him off bcs hes disabled (in the au they let him keep his crutches which plays with canon a bit but i justify that with the capitol want things to be interesting and so at least try to keep the contestants alive. let them keep their crutches capitol pls). noel is interesting and they focus more on his ability to draw the audience rather than his ability in the arena, and his whole want to die tragically and want for things to be interesting is used to try and resonate with the capitol as a kind of "keep him alive he wont be boring promise pls dont kill him". idrc about the other tributes so they could be ocs or contestants from the book idk. theyre just sorta there.
i dont have many solid progression ideas, but basically one branch is nischa team up because i do in fact ship them. they talk briefly before the contest and sorta confront eachother in the arena but dont kill eachother, maybe one tells the others about poison berries or some other type of knowledge or they just see eachother and agree on a team up, and they go about in the arena trying to survive and defend themselves against the rest of the tributes. many injuries and bonding moments later and they make it fairly far. but since this was an au made with angst in mind at least one of the two dies, and the other gets all guilty about it. it can be. this big dramatic thing and if we're going the romantic route it could be they confess their love right on the brink of death and the other just has to deal with that finishing the games. sat grieving a love they can never explore or see through because the other died in their arms.
ngl this whole idea came about because i imagined nischa in the arena and noel dying and having this whole angsty moment in his death where he makes mischa promise to win and get back to talia. or he was like dying from an injurt and mischa refused to just leave and tried to drag him and there was angst about how noel truly didnt think he was ever gonna win anyway and how hes glad he met mischa and got to have at least some good before he died.
also ive thought of multiple conversations where they talk about why they want to go back and mischa obviously wants to go back for talia and his mother (in this au shes not dead yet but she is dying) but noel doesnt rlly see anything for himself and just sorta wants to die interesting. also their mentors were definitely screaming at eachother to just stab the other when they sleep or smthn.
doesnt rlly link to the past paragraph but i like to think noel got his hands on some old books about france and paris somehow and thats how monique came about. hes very careful abt mentioning this in the arena bcs they can and will murder his mother for that im p sure books from before are forbidden in panem oops.
theres so many angst oppourtunities as well. you could go down so many routes. fear from almost dying. guilt from killing someone. physical pain. anguish. the shock catching up to the contestants. the realisation theyre about to die. because theres no way in hell any of the choir was genuinely ready to kill someone or watch someone die. so much angst.
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odysseys-blood · 1 year
Is there a piece of clothing that you have always dreamt of having? Designer, unique thing you saw online or dreamt clothing piece just something you would kill to have.
there are WAY too many honestly considering this is all just pics of clothes i save (to draw but also bc i really love them) but i'll pick just a few for now
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(also sry its like 2 am and these have been downloaded over the years but a good bit of them are probably in my fashion tag so i may go back through and link them)
1. this top n choker are SUPER cute to me i just dont like to be in dresses too often but like. i think id look super cute n comfy in this. i have access to a sewing machine now and i want to find a pattern similar enough to this shirt or learn how to draw my own out to make it. (maybe make some little bloomer shorts as well bc i dont like feeling like my ass is out in dresses)
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2. i wouldnt know where to find this hoodie or if its even commercially available so im like determined to make it myself. really showing my love for oversized clothes also but how could you say no to the laced up angel wings on the backkkk like cmon
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3. i wear a lot od reds n love the blood drip look of the coat n honestly the whole ensemble im just not rocking w/ the flame wallet bc i feel like it messes it up but thats w/e. i want to look like i just climbed out of a pool of blood on the size of the street
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4. IVE WANTED TO PUT THIS FIT TOGETHER FOREVERERRRRRR!! lil nas x did this and its such a good look! i think id want it in lavender or a different color tho just bc i like lavender more than hot pink.
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5. i believe the front of this just had that regular ol leather jacket look but the back? the lacing is so intricate and id kill to have it
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6. this is kind of a joke one but i do rly like these pants bc as cheesy as ass windows r its cute
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7. i want lolita dresses so baddddd i wanna wear gothic lolita ensembles so BADDDDDDDD
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8. yeah. i dont like to argue if somebody said some shit about me ask them abt it cause i aint got shit to say ok? wasting my time and breath for what?
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crispin-kreme · 3 years
hi! hope you're having a good day/night💛:) can I ask for an enhypen ship please?
I'm an 06 liner , 165cm?(5'4) , dyed blonde hair in a mullet and brown eyes with light acne+red cheeks/slight rosacea . sagittarius and mbti is an enfj . I'm mixed race and im triligual☺️!!
im considered pretty tall? I wear glasses , large , circle , brown ones and im freaking BLIND WITHOUT THEMMMM I do wear contacts to dance or when I wear sunglasses . I have naturally brown hair :) I have 3 piercings. I tend to wear whatever I want cause yk , it's abt the confidence in yourself!! my style is all over the place , but mainly high-waisted jeans and neon or neutral tops with a lot of accessories...I love butterflies , because they symbolise both the past and future , and gladiolus flowers because of moral integrity . I love to write and draw a lot , and I take art and creative writing subjects . im interested in fashion design and journalism as well as creative writing and poetry! I hope to be a fashion journalist when im older and I can design and sew decently? I don't have the most fashionable closet in the world , but I look good. I also love makeup . I really do...mainly because I can express myself through how I look , similar to fashion , but it's less expensive than buying a whole outfit and it's more versatile ! 💅
i'm the mom friend in my group and I make strong impressions because im pretty talkative and ..it's the first thing people notice about me . it makes me insecure because most girls in my area are pretty quiet. im not afraid to speak my mind , but I can be pretty, avoidant in arguing or conflicts (or playing peacemaker) because I can get really bitter quickly and guilt is a really strong emotion for me , especially with loved ones . in school and out , I'm quite polar oppositeI may come off as a devil-may-care attitude , but im honestly really focused on a lot of small details , especially because reading people's emotions comes easy for me , so there's a lot of pressure sometimes to please someone even if they may seem insignificant , so very much a people-pleaser...and thankfully , my friends try and help comfort me when im struggling , and vice versa cause we all just need a hand sometimes . they're my babies , and I'll always be there for them .
I try my best to hide a lot of my internal conflicts and stay happy but I don't deal well with negative emotions because they can be quite explosive for me personally , and I try not to blow up at others , more at myself? like breaking down in general due to stress or expectations, especially because I crave validation and like success? I prioritise that a lot , being successful or at least happy with what I do . especially for art ,there's high pressure to perform well , and I feel scared that im not good enough or if im not interesting / creative enough and it's why i can be quite determined and competitive. when im sad , sometimes all I need is a hug and a 'it's gonna be okay' to feel better , or a pizza the size of my calf or halo-halo..basically GIMME FOOD AND ILL FEEL BETTER!!! other times , I just need someone to talk to . not always listen , but someone who is willing to talk and comfort me a little 🥺
-please take your time in doing this !! take all the rest you need and please stay safe , especially with coronavirus and new variants...aish..hydrate and rest well!!and thank you so much!!(also ,sorry for writing in excess , I kinda got lost in my thoughts)thank you again!!
when you said halo-halo i already knew where tf you’re from (oR nOt idRK-) aNywAys
thanks for requesting! i ship you with jay :D
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fashion couple 😎 i do think like jay would help you with fashion and maybe makeup. no because seriously i feel like he would spoil you with some clothes. aNd- also might let you borrow some of his clothes bcs uGh why not 🤸🕳.
he will take really good care of you 😩🖐. he’ll be there for you when you need someone to talk to and all. cooks you your favorite food if you’re feeling sad. but seriously— i feel like he’ll very much take care of you when you’re having a bad day and all yee
i hope you liked this! <3
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XXIV)
It was a love story, from the very beginning.
Hello my dears! How are you? This is another Chronicle and the last one for season 6!!
This is gonna be a hard meta... *Sobbing* we're here together so...
Thanks to my friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta and discussed a while crying profusely, with me.
Ok, let's start with this!
When Cas broke Dean's heart
Still in episode 6x20...
When Cas saves the guys from demons, Dean is happy to see him, and everyone in the room felt sorry for doubt about him, but...
Remember all that blind trust Dean had in Castiel, even with the proof on the table? Well... Cas said something that broke Dean's heart and trust. He mentioned the whole Superman going to the dark side thing. A talk Bobby, Dean and Sam had gotten alone, well, they thought they were alone.
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And Dean's face is... Gah... He realizes Cas is spying on them, and lying, and cheating... And... His heart breaks and is all over his face.
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Even his smile is sad, very sad... Mixed with anger.
And then we are dragged again to Cas's memories...
You know when you watch your crush with longing eyes... Yes... Cas contemplating Dean, is a very romantic scene, he didn't want to perturbed him, and in his own words...
CASTIEL So I went to an old friend for help. But watching him, I stopped. Everything he sacrificed, and I was about to ask him for more.
Is curious how an ancient creature as Cas thinks his friendship with Dean is old. Dean is an old friend of Castiel.
And also... He saw Dean was having a good life, well, that's what he thought, and because he loves him, he didn't want to break that life. He, as Bobby and Sam, thought Dean wanted that life, they assumed Dean was happy having that life. And they were wrong.
In this point, Crowley appears... He's the temptation here, and Cas fell for it. The devil tempting a desperate angel that needs more power to stop the new Apocalypse and save the world and his friends. His old friend, mostly, Dean Winchester.
So, he did it for him? Sure. He'll say that later...
Falling in Temptation
Is very interesting to analyze the sequence of how Crowley tempts Castiel... Is the same mechanism the devil uses with his victims...
First of all... The adulation...
CASTIEL: I'm not strong enough, and you know it.
CROWLEY: Ah, not on your own, you're not. But you're not on your own, are you? There's a lot of angels swooning over you. "God's favorite." Buddy boy, you've got what they call sex appeal.
CASTIEL: Thank you. Get to the point.
Watch here how Crowley praises him, you're the God's fav, angels follow you, you have sex appeal... I mean... Is obvious he's trying to seduce Castiel to make him accept a deal with Hell... Is the same method the devil uses for tempting humanity.
The second part of this is the offer... Generally, the offer is POWER, so here... Is the same.
CASTIEL: This is ridiculous. I mean, the amount of power that it would take to mount a war...
CROWLEY: More than either of us have ever seen, yeah. But what if I said I knew how to go nuclear?
CASTIEL What do you mean?
CROWLEY: Purgatory, my fine feathered friend. Purgatory. Just think about it. An untapped oil well of every fanged, clawed soul. I mean, what's that over the years? 30 million? 40 million? Just sitting there, plump and rich for the taking.
Here is when Crowley put the coin, he does adulated Cas and now he offered him a way to win the war... Becoming nuclear, the immense power of souls... So Cas takes it.
But there's something interesting too when Crowley designed the plan, he infered he needed Sam and Dean to get the monsters, and Cas was determinant here ...
CASTIEL No. Not Dean. He's retired, and he's to stay that way.
He's protecting Dean's apple pie life, he thought this was a way to protect him. He wouldn't let Crowley to hurt Dean or to get him into that war.
The Betrayal
Well, we need enter now in the worst par of all... Let me cry under that tree for a moment... I'll be right back...
Ok... Let's start this...
Dean prays to Castiel and he appears, they lock Cas in an angel trap, and Bobby and Sam began to confront him.
And because he's desperately looking to one side and another but avoiding Dean's gaze... This is what happens... (Damn...)
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You know how sacred are our Destiel's stares... They talk with their eyes. Is the way they share their emotions... So Dean needed that, Castiel look at me in the eye!
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It hurts a lot, because Dean's facial expression when Cas averted his eyes to the ground, because it was truth. Dean is heartbroken.
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Dean named the things Bobby and Sam had been trying to make him see. And he can't believe it. He can't believe HIS CAS, the one he was defending with his whole body and soul against the suspicious, had betrayed him... And everything was truth.
I need some ice cream and cry a lot...
After this the confrontation goes on, and Sam is thinking Cas saved him from Hell without soul on purpose? That's the extreme of Castiel becoming evil, but Sam is thinking that because he never trusted blindly in Castiel, because he was Dean's best friend, not his... (But this will change in the next season. Their relationship will have an important turn.)
The next time Dean talks is here...
CASTIEL Listen. Raphael will kill us all. He'll turn the world into a graveyard. I had no choice.
DEAN: No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one.
(This is the next thing Dean said to Cas, he had a choice, ask him for help, he's showing him the path he should choose. He's teaching him, as always.)
CASTIEL: You don't understand. It's complicated.
DEAN: No, actually, it's not, and you know that. Why else would you keep this whole thing a secret, huh, unless you knew that it was wrong? When crap like this comes around, we deal with it... Like we always have. What we don't do is we don't go out and make another deal with the Devil!
Here, Dean gets mad because he more listen Castiel's excuses, he more understands Castiel's is covering his lies with more lies.
CASTIEL: It sounds so simple when you say it like that. 
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This is so, so romantic people, the longing stares, the sadness in their eyes. Is like loosing a precious thing you found, a precious, beautiful and warm thing, that vanishes. It was Dean's hopes and faith. Cas was his savior, his best friend, his angel.
Give me just a minute, I need to roll on the floor and cry a little more ...
And then... The danger is near again, and Cas is trapped but he's worried about them, and he asks them to leave, to run... And that last looks between them... People who says this isn't a romantic scene... Fight me, because that's Dean saying... "Why you did this to me?, I love you," and Cas is saying "I love you too, but I had to do it. The mission comes first."
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They talk with their eyes people...
Destiel breakup
Ok... Idk if Bobby draw the no angel sigil wrong, I like to think it was Dean. Because is weird Bobby not doing things like that well... And Dean wanted to talk with CAS again... It's obvious because he will try twice to convince him.
CASTIEL: I'm doing this for you, Dean. I'm doing this because of you.
Well we have the confirmation here, is for him, for Dean, to protect him.
DEAN Because of me. Yeah. You got to be kidding me.
CASTIEL You're the one who taught me that freedom and free will --
DEAN You're a freakin' child, you know that? Just because you can do what you want doesn't mean that you get to do whatever you want!
Dean knows Cas tries to do things right, he was his free will teacher, that's why now, he'll try to convince Cas.
Now... First try...
DEAN I'm not gonna logic you, okay? I'm saying don't...Just 'cause. I'm asking you not to. That's it.
CASTIEL I don't understand.
Dean is asking desperately, because he sees Castiel has his mission in first place, and it doesn't let him see things as Dean want him to see it. So he says I SAY YOU DON'T, SO YOU DON'T, THAT'S IT. Like a father to a child.
Second intent...
DEAN Look, next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest things I have to family -- that you are like a brother to me. So, if I'm asking you not to do something...You got to trust me, man.
Again, he uses the same technic, but Cas just gets it as an attempt of defiance... Bc he's at war.
CASTIEL Or what?
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Here's a different way to impose his power over Dean with that time Soulless!Sam tried to defy him. He went straight to confront him physically, invading his personal space, showing him not fear, "Would you, boy? How?"
This time... Is Dean... So... The way he says these words, with sorrow in his face. That's the difference between you and me, Dean... I'm an angel, you're just a man. We're from two different worlds... I'm stronger than you. So don't say you would stop me as if I was a monster.
DEAN I don't know. I've taken some pretty big fish.
CASTIEL I'm sorry, Dean.
DEAN Well, I'm sorry, too, then.
Mission comes first. Cas is a soldier.
This was their break up.
Loosing people, loosing you
If you were sobbing with 6x20, now 6x21 is... A sea of tear... "Let it Bleed".
At the beginning of the episode they're talking about Cas, Dean's face is a mix of sadness and longing, he's asking a question he maybe already knew, why did Cas come last night? If he didn't want to fix things?
Dean wanted to fix things with CAS, so when he saw him he tried fiercely to convince him, but he couldn't, then Bobby reveals Cas stole some book.
More dagas in Dean's heart. So he didn't come to see me, but to steel some book?
Crowley kidnapped Lisa and Ben, and Dean got crazy... Sam wanted to help him but he didn't know how... Balthazar didn't want to help, so he proposed something...
SAM: Look, Dean. Let's just call Cas. Maybe he doesn't know anything about this.
DEAN: We are not calling Cas.
SAM: Yeah, but Dean.
DEAN: We're not calling Cas!
Definitely not calling Cas, Dean is tremendously mad at him.
He will try to get some info from demons, and one will attack him... Cas will save him, and again... The struggling with the feelings...
This time is Cas trying to convince Dean he had not choice and he has to do it.
And the following lines...
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Gah!!! That had to hurt... Damn, Cas you don't have to say Dean things he already knew... You was his ally, his best friend. He trusted you with his life. But Castiel's face is like someone who's pleading... Please Dean understand, forgive me, I love you. I'm doing this for you.
Can I die now?
And Dean's face is... Ugh! Suffering, suffering... I love you man, but you just screwed things up, badly, I can't forgive you.
And then...
CASTIEL: I came to tell you that I will find Lisa and Ben, and I will bring them back. Stand behind me, the one time I ask.
DEAN: You're asking me to stand down?
DEAN: That's the same damn ransom note that Crowley handed me. You know that, right? Well no thanks. I'll find 'em myself. In fact, why don't you go back to Crowley and tell him that I said you can both kiss my ass.
Now he's mad, very mad... He walks away and gives Castiel his back, clenching his fist with anger.
He's trying to control himself, he can't believe CAS is talking like Crowley, is the worst, where's his Castiel???
The face he made after Cas is gone is priceless, is a mix between pain, anger and sadness... Gah.
Ok, hospital... Lisa is in bad shape... And Castiel appears...
DEAN: What do you want?
He's so, so mad at Cas.
CASTIEL: Dean, listen.
DEAN: What do you want me to say? She'll be dead by midnight.
CASTIEL: I'm sorry.
DEAN: I don't care. It's too little, too late.
CASTIEL: Okay. Well, regardless, I didn't come for you.
DEAN: Meaning?
CASTIEL: (he walks up to Lisa and places his hand on her forehead, healing her) She's fine now. She'll wake soon. Dean, I said I'm sorry and I meant it.
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Ok... This was sad and it'll be the last time they will talk about it before Cas become Godstiel.
Dean is heartbroken, he lost Lisa, Ben and now Cas... Because he can't elaborate in his head Cas isn't his friend anymore. So heartbroken, his face is priceless here. His eyes with unshed tears. Because of CAS. He will ask him to erase Ben and Lisa memories, but Castiel's Betrayal, as he will say in 7x17, he couldn't swallow it... So yes, this face is mostly for Castiel. Bc he lost him.
Godstiel, and the last intent to get Cas back
In episode 6x22, the last of the season, Cas did two things, in my opinion, were out of character.
1) He broke Sam's mental war (when in Season 5 he will kill anyone who tries to hurt him) he never NEVER would do something to hurt Sam.
2) He killed Balthazar, another friend, bc he felt he'd betrayed him.
Ok... This maybe was used by the showrunner to present us the wrong path Cas was following to his mere death.
Don't worry, she'll be asked to fix this by writing Castiel's return to the show in 7x17 (oops).
After doing these two things, he become Godstiel, he wasn't Cas, he was a new entity.
The way he was talking to Dean showed us that. He was like a heartless powerful creature.
Even so, Dean will try to get to him...
We can see in the hunter's face fears and concern about his friend...
DEAN: Listen to me. Listen, I know there's a lot of bad water under the bridge, but we were family once. I'd have died for you. I almost did a few times. So if that means anything to you... Please. I've lost Lisa, I've lost Ben, and now I've lost Sam. Don't make me lose you too. You don't need this kind of juice anymore, Cas. Get rid of it before it kills us all.
So desperate, he knew it was a huge danger Cas was like a nuclear bomb, but there's love in his words. He's trying his best to get his angel back. It was in vain, as we know...
To Conclude
Dean and Cas break up showed us the profound love they feel for each other, 6x20 and 6x21 were purely romantic, and you can feel the pain and the longing all over it.
It was clear that loosing Cas wasn't loosing just a friend, it hurted badly to Dean because, as I said in the last volume, Cas was more than family to him.
The performance from the actor was deliberately played as a romantic scene. Jensen and Misha knew what they were doing there. It was two people in love breaking up.
Ok, we finished this season people, sorry for the long post! But next one we will get into season 7, I assume it'll be less volumes.
I hope you like this, see you in the next chronicle.
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
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If you want to check the previous volumes...
Buenos Aires, Augusto 14th 2019 8:07 PM
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