thislovintime · 2 years
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David Crosby and Peter Tork at Monterey Pop Festival, June 1967 (photo by Ann Moses); Crosby at Peter's house in 1969, photo by Henry Diltz.
In memoriam: David Crosby
Q: "hey @thedavidcrosby what’s your opinion of the monkees?" David Crosby: "I was good friends with Tork so I will not say" - Twitter, June 26, 2020
"David let me have his — well, not his apartment, he had a house, and David let me stay there for most of a year. It was sort of by way of interest on the loan [of $25,000] I gave him to buy his boat, and I stayed there with my, with my then girlfriend [Reine Stewart], and our daughter [Hallie] was born in that house." - Peter Tork, GOLD 104.5, 1999
Peter Tork: “First, I met Crosby when I was a Village hippie. Nothing had happened for me yet, I was still singing folk songs with my little banjo and passing the basket. I knew McGuinn, who had been in the Village scene with me; we used to play guitar together in the apartments and smoke a little weed and sing and play together, and I knew him pretty well. He went off to L.A. and came back with the Byrds, and they were doing a TV show, and they came back to the Village. McGuinn said, ‘Let me show you my old stomping grounds,’ and they walked into some of the cafes that I used to inhabit, so I had dinner with those guys once and met Crosby there. Interestingly enough, I remember McGuinn and Crosby, and I hardly remember the other guys at all. I met them all there; all five were there, but I hardly remember anybody, except for some reason, Crosby was there. Beard-less, mustache-less, but still with that kind of subtly gleeful look on his face that he always has.” […] Q: “Crosby has fond memories of you, but he remembers you as ‘a little innocent.’ Do you have any sense of what he might have meant by that?” PT: “I guess he was starting to screw around with some pretty serious drugs. In terms of the drugs, I smoked dope and I did my share of acid, but as far as the harder stuff — what we called the harder stuff — I wasn’t averse to a nighttime cocaine run, but amazingly, I never got addicted to it, I never got caught. In the middle of a nighttime run, you want more, but you go to bed and you wake up the next day, and you’re not like, ‘Oh God, I’ve got to have another one; I’ve got to have another one.’ For some reason, I’m a pretty addictive personality, but coke didn’t grab me, and I didn’t ever do enough of anything else to tell the tale. I don’t know that Crosby was talking about drugs when he was talking about my innocence. I am absolutely of the optimistic believer in the better angels of our nature type of guy, and I absolutely was then." - 2007 interview, published by Rolling Stone in 2019 (read more here)
"I borrowed $25,000 from my friend Peter Tork of The Monkees and went to Fort Lauderdale in search of a schooner. I found one that looked just like the John Alden piece I admired years ago and bought it. The 74-foot boat was called Mayan and was built in 1947 from Honduran mahogany." - David Crosby, itBoat dot com, July 28, 2015
"Once [Stephen] Stills and David Crosby and my then girlfriend [Reine Stewart] and I were jamming together [at my house] and I leaning into the drums something ferocious, banging on cymbals and lashing out pretty good, until a city councilman and a cop came over and we were so loud that we drowned out conversation down the hill, apparently." - Review Mag, May 2016
CSNY rehearsing at Peter's house, and more: here; plus, more Crosby mentions here.
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