phonemantra-blog · 7 months
In a monumental move for the travel and tourism sector, Weeva unveiled groundbreaking AI integration at ITB Berlin, the world's leading travel trade show. This marks a significant leap forward for sustainability management, positioning Weeva as the first platform to integrate generative AI into its user experience. Revolutionizing Sustainability at ITB Berlin Weeva's Chief Technology Officer, James Lever, took center stage at ITB Berlin's eTravel Stage to demonstrate the platform's new AI capabilities. The formal launch follows a preview at the Phocuswright Conference in October 2023, making Weeva the trailblazer in integrating generative AI into the travel and tourism industry. Weeva's Vision for AI in Sustainability James Lever emphasized the potential for innovation in the sector through AI application, highlighting Weeva's commitment to democratizing access to sustainability expertise. The integration of generative AI aims to empower organizations to take practical steps towards true sustainability, breaking down barriers and supporting the global green transition. User-Centric AI Capabilities Weeva's AI features simplify data capture, offer access to an industry-leading resource library, tap into Weeva's in-house expertise, and streamline sustainability reporting. Developed in collaboration with users during an extensive trial period, these capabilities will evolve based on ongoing user feedback as organizations continue their sustainability journeys with Weeva. Addressing the Green Skills Gap in Hospitality The integration of AI comes at a crucial time for the hospitality sector, addressing a growing expectations gap among staff regarding sustainability initiatives. Weeva's commitment to green skills development is especially relevant, considering that 87% of hospitality staff express eagerness for sustainability training, while only 27% perceive their employers as proactive in prioritizing such initiatives. Weeva's Role in Bridging the Green Skills Gap Weeva, an innovative Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform, is dedicated to bridging the green skills gap and driving behavior change from within organizations. By offering all staff using the platform the opportunity to learn and develop sustainability skills, Weeva not only future-proofs businesses but also aligns with the shifting expectations of staff. Global Recognition and Impact Since its 2022 launch, Weeva has been adopted by over 200 properties worldwide, supporting 400 users and aiding numerous travel and tourism businesses in setting and achieving their sustainability targets. The platform's pioneering approach has earned recognition from PhocusWire, listing Weeva as one of its Hot 25 Travel Startups for 2024. Additionally, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) formally acknowledged Weeva by granting it a 'GSTC-Recognized system' status. FAQs Q: What is Weeva? A: Weeva is a software platform that helps businesses in the travel and tourism sector manage their sustainability efforts. Q: How does Weeva's AI work? A: Weeva's AI utilizes various techniques to simplify data capture, provide industry-leading resources, and streamline sustainability reporting. Q: What are the benefits of using Weeva? A: Weeva empowers businesses to bridge the green skills gap, reduce their environmental impact, and meet the growing sustainability expectations of their stakeholders. Q: How can I learn more about Weeva? A: Visit Weeva's website or connect with them on social media for further information.
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irctcofficial · 7 months
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IRCTC will participate in ITB Berlin, one of the largest travel trade shows in the world for international tourism scheduled from 5 to 7 March 2024.
We look forward to seeing you there.
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monchericruises · 7 months
🌍 Exciting News!
We will be at ITB 2024 from 5 March to 7 March. Visit us at 26.C-314 and please contact us in advance via the following email addresses to make an appointment: [email protected] Save the date and mark your calendars! We can't wait to connect with you at ITB Berlin 2024! See you there!
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blogsantiagomorales · 2 years
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Nuestra gastronomía fue el centro de atención en nuestro stand 🇪🇨 en @itbberlin 🍫🍌🍤 Entre ceviches, bolones, hornado, degustaciones de chocolate, café y vinos, cientos de personas se han acercado a disfrutar un poquito de lo que nuestro país ofrece. 😉🍷🇪🇨 Gracias Chef #NathalieAreco👩🏼‍🍳y a Casa Mia Tapas Bar Restaurant👨🏻‍🍳 por tremenda exposición.👏🇪🇨 @suchipakariamazonlodge 📧 [email protected] 🌎 www.suchipakari.com #ITBBerlin #ITBBerlinConvention #messeberlin #openforchange #masteringtransformation #pressconference #MediaMonday #openinggala #openingceremony #kickoff #firstday #berlin #tourism #travel #georgia #infinitehospitality (en Messe Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CprFydFoRA8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Manage all your exhibition requirements with the experts’ assistance at a pocket-friendly price. You will get the best and excellence in one place, and that’s Expo Stand Services. So connect with us for the best showcase https://www.expostandservice.com/itb-berlin/
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mayan-gateway · 2 years
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The No 1 DMC for #Guatemala & #CentralAmerica, Mayan Gateway, is pleased to attend ITB in Berlin on 7th - 9th March. We look forward to meeting new valued partners and showcasing our unique adventures in the Mayan world.
To book an appointment with a member of the Mayan Gateway team, please email: [email protected]
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travellounge · 2 years
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Our Friend and Partner Ms. Suzy - Fun & Free Korea Travel Company attended ITB Asia 2022 along with delegates of Tourism Authority of South Korea and trade friends at event held in Singapore. #website : www.travellounge.co. . . . . . #travelloungeindia #travelloungehyd #traveltourism #tl #travel #tourism #travellounge #airasia #karabiisland #thailand #thailandtourism #balibiru #thaiairways #phuket #TakeTheThaiventureReload #bangkok #travelloungems @fnf_korea_travel #koreatourism @businessevents @itbberlin #itbasia (at Marina Bay Sands) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj497XHJ3JX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanzania-a-la-carte · 5 years
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Mikumi Wildlife Camp will be attending ITB BERLIN 2020, from 4 March to 8 March. Please feel free to get in touch, if you would like to arrange a meeting [email protected] Join us in our stand in HALL 21.a /128 Karibu sana! #mikumi #mikuminationalpark #tanzania #tansania #safarilodge #safariaccommodation #safaricamp #africa #afrikareizen #afrikareisen #itb #itbberlin #travel #tourism #traveltanzania https://www.instagram.com/p/B8mo7GSH1YS/?igshid=gecrtsn41uq7
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darren-huston · 5 years
PhoCusWright@ITB features key European travel leaders : Darren Huston
PhoCusWright has unveiled a pioneering programme forPhoCusWright@ITB, which takes place on March 7 in conjunction with ITB Berlin.
This conference-in-a-conference is designed to help executives capitalise on key trends impacting the travel, tourism and hospitality marketplace.
This year’s theme, Travel Unleashed: Any. Every. Always. heralds the exceptional forces liberating the travel marketplace. Amidst rapid advances in technology, constant change is the norm, and empowered, hyper-connected consumers are engaging with information and organizations in entirely new ways.
PhoCusWright@ITB also features interviews with the CEOs of two of Europe’s leading online travel agencies, Darren Huston of Booking.com and Javier Perez-Tenessa of the recently formed ODIGEO.
Read full article @ https://www.webintravel.com/phocuswrightitb-features-key-european-travel-leaders/
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christof-marcus · 6 years
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We’ve been last week to Berlin for ITB, here are some shots taken with our mobiles
more Street Photography on our Blog: http://www.hofschulz-schoppa.com/blog?tag=Street+Photography
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zoranphoto · 2 years
'Turistička sezona obećava: Rat u Ukrajini pogodio Tursku i Cipar, a Nijemci žele putovati i trošiti'
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Ljeto 2022. obećava dobro poslovanje turističkoj industriji koja bi globalno mogla porasti za oko 50 posto u odnosu na 2021. te dosegnuti promet od oko 640 milijardi američkih dolara, pri čemu se najveća povećanja očekuju u krstarenjima i hotelima, uz pretpostavku da rat u Ukrajini neće ozbiljno utjecati industriju.     O novim predviđanjima za ovu godinu istraživačke globalne kuće Statista Q i najveće svjetske turističke burze ITB Berlin izvijestili su iz ITB-a, ističući da turizam "ide prema gore". Po njihovim tržišnim analizama, u 2022. se najveća stopa rasta prometa od oko 180 posto u odnosu na 2021. očekuje u segmentu krstarenja, te od gotovo 60 posto u hotelijerstvu, koje bi moglo premašiti privatni i apartmanski smještaj te paket aranžmane. Istodobno, za tržište privatnog smještaja i apartmana za odmor ove godine previđa se porast prometa na 81 milijardu dolara, što je samo 2 posto manje od tržišnog volumena u rekordnoj, predpandemijskoj 2019. Kada je riječ o utjecaju rata u Ukrajini na globalnu turističku i industriju putovanja, iz ITB-a i Statiste Q podsjećaju da su do sada u povijesti turizma najveći utjecaj na rezultate u nekoj godini, osim pandemije koronavirusa zadnje dvije godine, imali teroristički napadi u SAD-u 11. rujna 2001., što se odrazilo i na turistički promet u 2002., posebice u padu broja putnika u zračnom prometu, ali samo od jedan posto u odnosu na godinu ranije. Ne umanjujući utjecaj rata u Ukrajini na kretanja ljudi po svijetu, kao i na putovanja iz i u Rusiju i Ukrajinu ove godine, predviđanja male vjerojatnosti utjecaja rata na globalni turizam iz Statiste "Q i ITB-a potkrepljuju podacima da su te dvije zemlje u 2019. činile oko 3 posto ukupne globalne turističke potrošnje na međunarodna putovanja. Ne proširi li se rat na druge regije, malo je vjerojatno da će ozbiljno utjecati na globalnu turističku industriju, ali jači utjecaji su mogući na pojedinim tržištima, pri čemu iznose primjere Cipra i Turske. Rusi su na Cipru činili oko 25 posto stranih turista i njihov izostanak bi tu zemlju mogao 'koštati' do 2 posto BDP-a, dok za Tursku ističu da će utjecaja biti, ali još je nejasno koliko, jer za razliku od Cipra, kako kažu, turska vlada "tek treba uvesti sankcije Rusiji". Turska je u 2021. ugostila više od 4,5 milijuna ruskih i oko 2 milijuna turista iz Ukrajine, čime su (zajedno) činili gotovo 30 posto stranih turista koji su tamo ljetovali. Unatoč svim izazovima i krizama, analize pokazuju da se jedno od najvećih turističkih tržišta u svijetu, njemačko, ponovo jače aktivira ove godine, a više od 62 posto Nijemaca u Statistinom globalnom istraživanju navelo je da u idućih 12 mjeseci planiraju bar jedno putovanje.     To su objasnili "nagomilanom potražnjom za putovanjima" u razdoblju snažnih ograničenja tijekom dvije godine pandemije te se očekuje da će Nijemci ove godine turistički više putovati i zrakoplovima, i to posebice na Mediteran, što su najavile i neke od njemačkih zračnih kompanija. Nijemci tako najviše ovo ljeto žele putovali u Španjolska, Portugal, Grčku i Italiju, što su i najpopularnije destinacije za odmore u Njemačkoj, ali zanimaju ih i druge po Europi, a zatim one u Aziji. Pandemija puno toga promijenila, ali ne sve Istraživači ističu da je pandemija snažno utjecala na ponašanje turista na putovanjima, ali i da samo 30 posto anketiranih putnika misli da će te promjene biti trajne, a da će mnoge stvari ostati kakve su bile. Primjerice, razlozi za odabir destinacija gotovo da se nisu promijenili, pa su tako Nijemcima, koji su uz Kineze i Amerikance među najvećim putnicima-turistima u svijetu, u 2022., kao i u 2019., pet najvažnijih kriterija za odabir odmorišnih odredišta - lijepo vrijeme, priroda, osobna sigurnost na odredištu, lokalne atrakcije i cijena. Cijena je za 36 posto ispitanika u Njemačkoj manje važna jer oni žele potrošiti više na odmor nego prije pandemije, dok ih po 31 posto planira potrošiti isto i manje. Oko 50 posto njih koji planiraju putovanje na odmore potrošit će više od 2.000 eura na sebe i, gdje je to primjenjivo, i na svoju obitelj, dok 17 posto želi potrošiti više od 3.000 eura. Tportal.hr Read the full article
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phonemantra-blog · 7 months
Qatar Airways, the Best Airline in the Middle East as recognized by Skytrax for nine consecutive years, made a significant splash at the 2024 ITB Berlin. The airline showcased its commitment to innovation, network expansion, and passenger experience by announcing exciting developments in these areas. Increased Connectivity: Reaching More Destinations, More Frequently Passengers can rejoice! Qatar Airways revealed an expansion of its flight frequencies to 15 global destinations across the upcoming summer and winter seasons. This commitment to improved connectivity reflects a surge in demand for air travel, fostering greater opportunities for tourism and trade globally. Furthermore, Berlin passengers will benefit from increased service, with flights rising from 14 per week to 18 starting this winter. This dedication to the German market extends beyond the capital, with the upcoming inaugural flight to Hamburg scheduled for July 1, 2024. With this addition, Qatar Airways will connect passengers to five destinations in Germany, solidifying its position as the only Middle Eastern airline serving this many German cities. Unveiling the Future of Cabin Crew: Introducing Sama 2.0 Innovation remains a core principle for Qatar Airways, and ITB Berlin 2024 served as the perfect platform to unveil the airline's latest technological marvel - Sama 2.0. This second-generation virtual MetaHuman cabin crew member marks a groundbreaking step forward in the airline industry. Sama 2.0 represents an advanced conversational AI capable of interacting with passengers and providing them with curated experiences within QVerse, Qatar Airways' immersive platform. The airline's innovative stand at ITB Berlin featured a stunning holographic display showcasing Sama's ability to effortlessly answer questions and share insights into various aspects of Qatar Airways' operations. A Sensory Experience: Immersing Passengers in Qsuite Comfort Beyond the virtual world, the Qatar Airways booth offered a sensory pod that allowed visitors to experience the award-winning Qsuite firsthand. This innovative business-class cabin redefines comfort and privacy, offering passengers a truly luxurious travel experience. A Commitment to Excellence: A Leader in the Aviation Industry Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive Officer, Engr. Badr Mohammed Al-Meer emphasized the airline's dedication to continuous improvement and innovation: "As a long-standing exhibitor at ITB Berlin, Qatar Airways understands what excites our audience, and is proud to bring something new to the trade show. Innovation is a vital cornerstone of our mission, and with the new and improved Sama, we are taking another defining step towards enhancing our digital experience." Qatar Airways Chief Commercial Officer, Thierry Antinori, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the airline's commitment to the German market and its global network: "We are delighted to be back at ITB Berlin to share our announcements with industry partners. The expansion of our German market to Hamburg demonstrates our continuous commitment to our passengers by offering them even more choices to connect to Qatar Airways' network of over 170 global destinations." FAQs: Understanding Qatar Airways' ITB Berlin Announcements Q: What are some of the destinations included in Qatar Airways' increased flight frequencies? A: While specific destinations haven't been announced, the airline stated it will include 15 global destinations across its network. Q: When will the new flight route to Hamburg begin? A: The inaugural flight to Hamburg is scheduled for July 1, 2024. Q: What is QVerse? A: QVerse is Qatar Airways' immersive platform offering passengers a variety of personalized experiences, including entertainment, information, and shopping options.
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blogsantiagomorales · 2 years
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Wow, what a day! After three long years of missing out ITB Berlin due to the pandemic, we finally kicked-off the eagerly #awaited live-comeback of The World's Leading Travel Trade Show Visit Us: @itbberlin @liveecuador 🗓️ From March 7 to 9 📍Ecuador Hall 23A 🇪🇨 Stand: 101 | Booth: 4 📲 +593980535854 📧 [email protected] 🌎 www.live-ecuador.com #ITBBerlin #ITBBerlinConvention #discussion #experts #expertise #knowhow #MICE #track #convention #liveevent #digital #business #b2b #tourismindustry #travelindustry #tourism #skillshortage #transformation #masteringtransformation (en Messe Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfClinIzVG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Manage all your exhibition requirements with the experts’ assistance at a pocket-friendly price. You will get the best and excellence in one place, and that’s Expo Stand Services. So connect with us for the best showcase https://www.expostandservice.com/itb-berlin/
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boutindia · 7 years
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If you are traveling to Berlin then do carry your raincoat. It’s raining ☔️ in Berlin. 🍻 #BoutIndia #berlin #itbberlin #itbberlin2018 #indiatourism (at ITB Berlin)
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tanzania-a-la-carte · 5 years
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Mikumi Wildlife Camp will be attending ITB BERLIN 2020, from 4 March to 8 March. Please feel free to get in touch, if you would like to arrange a meeting [email protected] Join us in our stand in HALL 21.a /128 Karibu sana! #mikumi #mikuminationalpark #tanzania #tansania #safari #safariaccommodation #safarilodge #safaricamp #afrika #Africa #afrikareisen #afrikareizen #travel #tourism #traveltanzania #itb #itbberlin https://www.instagram.com/p/B8mpLjSHuz2/?igshid=310e5h5jbmjb
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