#its 4 am and my 12 year old self posessed me to write this essay about how much i love sam and danny
light-koe-pinsky Β· 4 years
some thoughts about Danny and sams relationship cuz im trying to make sense on why i still like them together after all these years lol
I think Is really fucking cute how Danny restrains himself every time Sam pulls back from showing affection
He never questions her, never pressures her into giving more than what she does
Sam would push him to the bushes and kiss him to create a "distraction"
Danny is totally infatuated by the kiss
She quickly pedals back and tells him It wasnt a real kiss
Danny snaps out of it real quick and tells her that he didnt thought it was a real kiss and Is revealed un another episode that Is him who comes up with the idea of calling It a Fake out make out pressumably to make her feel better
After the spell of ember, Sam runs to hug him and he reciprocates the hug but again Sam quickly pulls back and Danny follows her doing a mirror reaction
Sam says that some of the spell must still present in her
Tucker exposes her saying she never was under such spell and Sam elbows him
Danny doesnt say anything
Whenever someone asumes she's his girlfriend, Danny Is quick to correct them that Is not quite true, with whoever It is, the ghosts, their enemies, the kids at school, his parents
The only time he sorta pressures her to saying something is when ghost king scapes and he has to use the Fenton armor, and doesnt know if hes going to come back and even then he doesnt explicitly outs her feelings, he just says "but if there's anything you want to tell me, nows the time" and that's it
Okay there's that time with trevor, its not a justification but Valerie had just rejected him, its normal he was a little apreensive also the instant Sam calls him out he steps back and thinks "wait wtf am i doing?" And leaves her alone
And after Sam suffers from falling out of love with trevor Danny Is there to reassure her that she Is and i quote "smart, fun, pretty" and to apologize for following them and just generaly being a jerk
Hes always complementing her "i always thought you ruled Sam"
"You should listen to some of those ideas and i should too" (when she is in that kingdom where Time Is stopped)
"That Is the coolest girl ive ever met" when Sam wishes she had never met him
AND i know we don't talk about phantom planet and almost everything about It is wrong BUT and before you kill me
THAT KISS was the ONLY thing they got right about them, okay? I don't care about the meaningless plot i don't care about tucker being the fucking governor
THAT KISS, the hesitation, the sweet kiss on dannys cheek the way Danny realizes "oh so she does love me" and proceeds to kiss her swooping His hand under Sams hair to cup her face , Is just πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œperfect
Like he waits until hes absolutely fuckin sure that she likes him in order to Advance, not really because hes not sure what he feels about her but because hes not sure what SHE feels towards him
And is not really that he does not notice all of Sams signs that she has a crush on him, and this Is another thing that I love about this ship, because we as the audience are SURE that Sam Is super infantuated with Danny, she looks longingly at him when hes flying as the sun hits Danny just right πŸ‘Œ and his hair flows heroically with the wind lmao, she dreams about him being happy and she being her girlfriend, she invites him to dance, she acts jealous everytime someone tries to get closer to Danny
She's head over heels for him, and Danny Is shown to notice all this, when he catched Sam looking at him when they were flying he just smiles and doesnt say anything, Danny sees Sam's dream and when asked what was she dreaming he covers her and says he doesnt remember, all those are little acts of respect, of understanding that he knows how she feels but he knows she doesnt feel comfortable with giving too much yet
Like ...
Is always more obvious how Sam takes care of Danny and tucker, she's a wonderful friend and DOES everything in her power to help them, to help Danny and Danny of course tries to take care of everyone as a hero
But the way he takes care of Sam and roots for her and respects her space and choices
That Is just πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œβœ¨πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’ž
They just... They just be taking care of eachother man, and that kills me
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