#its a hakama not a skirt lol
pommigranite · 1 year
@shittygaypornmagazine oops my hand slipped this was supposed to be some doodles 💀
this was fun lol i like jay's design a lot
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zai-doodles · 1 year
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no excuses just take her
these r first passes and r not perfect by any means its more just my ideas
design notes and thoughts if u care:
aight so i feel like ppl r either gonna really love there or really hate them lol so lemme explain a lil
i dont have too much of a problem with lucys Sagittarius dress but it bothers me how it looks,, nothing like sagittarius, now neither does mine and thats cuz i really hate his canon look so i have a redesgin of him in my mind that only i can see oop
anyway, aside from that i just based most of the design on actual traditional archery uniforms (if i did more resrearch i could probably make it more fun but also it kinda tracks with sagittarius’ more strict personality) ull also see that i made her “skirt” into a hakama and i also made her chest guard go under her gi 
aight for capricorn im sorry i dont understand it, ik its meant to play into likea spy?? theme??? i think?? but the cut of the dress and the patterning on it just?? dont communicate that to me??? idk so i went for a more modern femfatel or cat burglar look bc i can and will make lucy cute and sexy. also i feel like the one braid better ties to look like caps tail, the purple thingy ontop of the leatard is meant to resemble that weird half suit cap wear bc i think its cute and dumb lol, plus i felt like i had to include the purple at least a lil
if u read all this thanks, have a bonus line up (there r just the ones ive done so far and might update if i do more)
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2n2n · 1 year
miss 2n2n... ! ! can you list your absolute favorite outfits for Tsukasa? Across canon, AUs, or even one-time illustrations? (Maybe... Amane also? If you wouldn't mind! 🙏)
YOSH! HERE WE GO! I'll do my best ... to remember them all!!
I'll put it under a cut because it will be so damn long
TSUKASA!!! first!
Honestly, #1 best most favorite outfit is... his stock-standard kimono+hakama+western shirt set-up. You know in many series, you really are chomping at the bit for an outfit change, not SO for Jibaku Shounen!!!!
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every detail is so entrancing. and so fitting for Tsukasa. The dark black silk with a shimmering texture, very oversized and slouched over his shoulders, nearly falling off, carelessly slack. It conveys his demeanor perfectly ... a kind of sloppiness that actually is naturally graceful and feminine? The kimono bowing outwards creates an amazing 'frame' for his chest, and the slit at the center, creating some sort of, truly intoxicating Zone. The shirt lacks prominent visible buttons, more sleek than Hanako.....
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~~~~ zone of pure luxury~~~~~~~
The hakama meanwhile with its front-bow, just continues the party, attention drawn there for shots when Aida wants you to be forced to gaze at his crotch uncontrollably. The many straps also pulling everything in about the waist, pinching, remind you that he's really tiny under there, under all the extra kimono fabric. I really like how utterly microscopic he feels beneath it all. The hakama really billows and floats and lifts up with twirls and air like a pleated skirt, so scenes of him showing off are breathtaking. But the shoes+socks that match Hanako ALMOST lend this, bizarre, crossdressing vibe to the whole feminine allure, I have no idea how to put it. But I love that the red finally comes into play there, and his top and bottom mirror his brother to call back to their twinhood.
I love that the inner fabric is often colored a blood red, it's just again so lurid and entrancing.
so hard to really order the rest! it'll get looser.
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The reveal of these yukata hit me like a truck at the time I saw them. Amane in the dark, moon-themed yukata, while Tsukasa wears the light, sun-themed attire; for both boys, this is one of the top outfits for them. GORGEOUS, HEARTBREAKING, MAKES ME EMOTIONAL. I LOVE that they are TRADING their usual symbolic imagery, adorned in one another's imagery .. some lovely symbol of, connection, adoration? I LOVE THE BIG BOW OBI!!!! I love that Amane's is a rich, vibrant color to contrast his, while Tsukasa's is dark! MATCHING DINOSAUR MASKS!!! This-- image is everything, it's like, eviscerating me every time. I wish they could figure out kissing at this day,,, like this. Beautiful utterly agonizing outfits.
I really love Ghost Hotel boy!!!
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the night-time blouse is just so cute and... thematic? Scary, haha? It implies so much so quickly, so narratively effective, it's a perfect pairing for the overtly sinister vampire Amane. I love, love the pillow and blanket, further alluding that he was killed in BED, and, the little frills and flounces on it. He feels so simple and humble, and yet, the long trailing tail also makes it feel like a dress or night-gown, right? White is always nice on an innocent Tsukasa!
now we get into more ah, random boys?
fucking dinosaur kigu boys top tier amazing
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incredible. I dunno I love that Tsukasa's is red and purple. Amane's is this green and red (green feels so basic in a way...). I love that Tsukasa has the really cool and exotic toys of mosasaur (?) and plesiosaur (?) while Amane has more basic triceratops and trex. He really is 'normal'. I love that they have, on their, white tops under the kigu??? Why lol? Their respective different collars are seen. Why did this image happen? I don't know, but, it's fantastic, and, I love to see it.... please have fun boys....
a boy of jimmy jams....
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from a random Picture Perfect era image. Little dinosaur in his pocket... holding his halo in his hand... long looong shirt, like dress, cute bow on chest.... his top looks longer and more dress-ish than Amane's, which has a trim more similar to his gakuran. Tsukasa looks nice in white as always! I wish he was always this comfy looking.
overall, I love Tsukasa in more frilly, fanciful, ornate clothing. these petal-like sleeves... evoking flowers or feathers... he is Amane's protected treasure, isn't he?
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a delicate flower, your otouto you killed. Wonderful! I guess in this kind of garb, it feels like taking what the hakama+kimono provides, and, just increases the volume, this, graceful and pretty quality of Tsukasa's, something Amane lacks.
overall, I love traditional clothing for Tsukasa, so I loved this boy, too.
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in particular I REALLY like the striped bow cinching it, and the placement of the bow more askew, all irregularly off to the side and slack, it's very 'Tsukasa'! It has so much going on with its patterns.... and with this emerald butterfly fan, again that, wonderful feminine grace is happening, right? Love it.
the. grim reaper
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the Tsukasa from the 'Ace King' or whatever cardset AU. This Tsukasa's Amane is implied to have taken his fucking eyes out? And now he appears to live beneath Amane's DERANGED EVIL CORPSE ARMY KINGDOM OF ASH AND BONE castle. Amane is so overtly VILLAINOUS in that AU, and the Tsukasa to match him is this-- CLOWNISH, SILLY, FUNNY LITTLE GRIM REAPER THING???? WHAT ARE WE DOING IN THIS AU??? Will we EVER know more???? But like the look is wonderful, I love the jester collar drooping around his neck, I love the striped pants, I love the scythe, gloves. I think about him. Would love to know you.
this guy....
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now this 'sort of' outfit isn't typically my thing but it has a lot of details that make me go, "hi?" like, seemingly Tsukasa wearing the world's shortest shorts under his ...... skirt? hakama? I cannot tell where the shirt/top ends and the 'hakama' begins so it has a weird dress vibe, but a dress with the big hakama slits in the side, making it some sortof slutty outfit. I could stare at this for a long time and still not UNDERSTAND what his clothes are doing. He really feels like he forgot to wear pants.
well, honestly, it's all the same as before: his standard outfit is, phenomenal. Change nothing about it. I LOVE the gakuran, and I LOVE the mods AidaIro have made to the standard gakuran to customize it to Amane.
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He feels like a labor of love, as he didn't ALWAYS have the red trim along the edges of his jacket .. it was added in after the pilot. It really creates this lewd picture frame, and like Tsukasa's hakama bow, it makes you zero in on his crotch in some images. All this... shocking red, right at his waist, in a perfect ^. Ugh... what deranged madman came up with that trim? As a result of it, his red motif carried from hat, to trim, to socks-- HIS SOCKS, WHICH ALSO, DID NOT USED TO SHOW ALL THE TIME!!! In early volumes, Amane's pants are long enough to basically always cover his ankles, save for certain poses! BUT AIDA BECOMES.. OBSESSED WITH EXPOSING HIS RED KNITTED SOCKS! And... I don't blame her!! They are the PERFECT little flirtation of color, but at this point, his school slacks are like capris, lol. It's so unique, then.
The material of his jacket is so... vividly thick, but tight, it always wraps around his ribcage tightly. I love how viscerally it 'shelfs' on top of his thick, leather belt; you can always make out the shape of his belt beneath the jacket. It 'rests' on top of the belt. The belt, which almost always peeks its buckle just through the ^ of the gakuran's petals, which so resemble the roof of the red house in their shapes-- ALSO A DETAIL AIDA DID NOT START THIS MANGA DOING, but gradually became addicted to depicting..... perfected.... the belt.....
His ever-deeply-tucked-in shirt often baaaaarely teased as the jacket rides up, ugh, this flash of white, I live for it, it feels tantalizing.
Meanwhile, the high collar feels tight, enclosed, so the moment even 1 button of the gakuran is wrestled open by shenanigans, it feels like a great loosening of Amane's strictures. The softer, wrinklier fabric of his undershirt feels delicate beneath, but is so clustered. His neck is such an incredibly busy zone, shots that detail it are very captivating to me. The double-collar is decadent.
His buttons are so cartoonishly big they make him look like a gingerbread man, he has 1 fewer than the typical gakuran, for some reason, so there are too few of them to be spaced sanely at a normal size, so they have to increase in size to spread over the area it seems. They are like huge gumdrops. I want to eat them off. Homf. The sakura detail beveled on the buttons is pretty normal for a gakuran of certain era, very ornate and beautiful detail though on an otherwise sleek boy. A touch of something delicate for flower-boy....
The gakuran has shoulder pads, which make these pointed tips out of Amane's slim weedy shoulders, giving him a more traditionally masculine appearance. It's imposing and impressive and boyish, I dunno...
Amane feels like a sleek sports car, he's so tastefully tricked out in key zones, but mostly a smooth silhouette ... and then his tsueshiro adds that little flavor of, what at first comes across as heroic and mystical, but carries a kinda, Villain In A Cape vibe as the manga goes on.
He feels.. incredibly 'held in place'-- everything is TIGHT, MULTILAYERED, KEPT IN LINE. When merely his HAT comes off or is pulled askew, it feels like Amane is falling apart!! If I think about him just finally taking off the jacket, I'll faint.... its the perfect outfit, it makes you want to peel him apart, beg him to let go of, something, let loose, untie-- perfect contrast to Tsukasa's loose, draping, pleating, billowing, floating fabrics, falling off his shoulders, pulling from his chest....
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as for other Amane......... I love TURTLENECK BOY. who is FREQUENT
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in random images, in AUs, whenever wherever possible, Amane's gakuran is replaced by an equally stylish and captivating black turtleneck.... fucking sexy!!!!! fucking elegant!!!!!!!! hot!!!!!!!! I have nothing else to say, it just looks soooo good!!!! PLEASE, 100 MORE IMAGES OF TURTLENECK AMANE...!!! High collars are just suited to him through and through... in any world!!!
if I had to pick a fav here though it'd be the ice skating boy, I really love the slack jacket over top the turtleneck... and he feels so small, beneath everything, its nice to see him wearing less. All the other boys have multiple layers as Amane typically does, a jacket over top of the turtleneck.... but that one at least has it shrugged down, which makes him feel so small..... ♥
As much as I like Tsukasa in beautiful traditional clothing, I love Amane in it, too! But it's rarer for him to wear it (and often he wears his ENTIRE GAKURAN underneath it, which honestly ruins it, come on!!!)
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this gold color is utterly irresistible on him, matching his eyes.... I love when Amane gets put in gold, overall, but its rarely an outfit I really like... I feel so lucky he has gold in this! Rare illustration! the white shirt more exposed is gorgeous.... its so rewarding to see Amane in an outfit like Tsukasa's... he can be beautiful too sometimes maybeee~~ heehee~~
on a similar wavelength, I really like the shroud he dons to save Yashiro from the village people in Sumire's boundary .... despite that he's wearing his whole damn outfit under it,
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the veil being a golden-orange is just so beautiful on him, his eyes brought out... the white fabric otherwise, quite rare on the sinful Amane, its very lovely...
next up... I love when Amane looks so Normal.
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when he is just a normal boy in normal clothes, extremely... simple... plain... I don't know... he feels so 'Amane'.... this feels like the ... earnest... real.... boy. The boy, Amane... its like. He is my boyfriend suddenly. My normal, normal boyfriend. In his shirt and pants and sneakers. We will ride the bus home. I would love to go on a date with him *touches screen* ah.... so nice to see like this... I want 100 very normal Amane images..... he likes to, read books. He likes rocket ship and dinosaur. Normal normal normal boy
speaking of normal boys,
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urrgghhh normal boy ... bandaids on his knees... all over his hands....... it's AMAZING to see AMANE in such, utterly mundane, modern day clothes, this dressed down, this casual, it's like WHAT???? red sweater. He is so cuuuuuute argh. Going to take care of his hamster,, and rat, Nene and Tsukasa. Godbless, what a wonderful caretaker I'm sure he is. I'm sure they have no hope of ever escaping him. And who would want to...? This is a once in a lifetime boy....
Speaking of normal boys,
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I like Amane in pajamas too.... ♥ ah so simple and charming and cute and sweet.... its so nice to see him in something comfortable and easygoing, loose. A simpler time, right? Not so preened and conditioned, not held in place.... rolling around with his brother... sigh!!
Those are the ultimate favorites for Amane, but there are more wildcards of 'images I sure do think about a lot or look at a lot'.................................
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I think about this Amane a lot. He's dressed like some sort of, 1950s, dad, what the fuck ... the plaid pants, its like, christmas morning and he's come down to sit on his special leather chair with his, wife, Nene. He's wearing like. a smoking jacket or something. The textures on it are absolutely tantalizing though, I'm pretty weak to this era of robes actually ... and Amane in such casual slack flannel pants, urgh. What an inexplicable look. It's somehow still pretty 'Amane' .... why is he in a tie if hes otherwise in such "just chilling around the house" wear? I'll never know ... he's pretty nice with it though. I would like to blow him...... ?
this is one classic boy.
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very captivated by his knitted undershirt's thick texture, its tightness, and his legwarmers or thick socks... his red, tights...?? His short jacket is VERY alluring, just covering his shoulders like a tiny cape.... ornate around his wrists, big button in the center, he's simply incredibly handsome ....
ohhh the valentine's boy ....
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This sort of outfit is honestly more 'busy' than I typically like (I'm not really the sort of shotacon who likes victorian aesthetics ... I'm no Ciel stan, you know?) ... but I'll be damned if Aida doesn't make me, like it, with the crazy details. I cannot believe Amane is in a CORSET? CORSET? REALLY? Ugh its cinching so appealingly around his waist, accentuating his ribcage JUST like his gakuran does. Feels so small as a result Pinched. The .. METAL COLLAR???? ???? his, married jewelery. His big feathered wings .... this Amane feels like he is, wearing, fetish gear, appalling that he can just look like this. I think the corset combined with the shoulder pads, giving him the same broader shoulders as the gakuran lends, is such a crazy look. I hope some day we get a really nice full-color full-detail illustration of this boy fullbody....
he's. funny
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crab boy. from the, era of time where Iro kept going on crab-buffet binges every time the manga got a reprint ordered by the company as it sold out, and went insane only ever sending Aida crab emojis and constantly talking about crab. So you have this Crab Shirt Amane. He looks insane, on the beach in his full fucking black slacks and vintage shoes and knitted socks and an UNDERSHIRT under his CHILL SHIRT because he CANNOT BE IN ANY LESS LAYERS TYPICALLY. He's like, the epitome of Amane's, bizarre, broke ass clothing rules that cannot be broken in canon (unless its as extreme as PP), I don't know, as a result he's quite charming to me .... I look at Crab Boy a lot. I guess as well, Iro used to be so trembling and sobbing and whining and scared of the manga's success, begging it to do well, hoping people liked it, that the Crab Buffet era Iro feels so powerful and like, the energy of this charm is in the beach boy, lovingly so, I would love to go to the beach with him.
here's one very random boy I think of.... stained glass demon lad...
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stained glass themeing is so, intriguing, beautiful really. Wonderful colorscheme. He has THIGH HIGH BOOTS and, GREEN, leggings/tights? Very weirdly lewd and eccentric. I like how long his jacket is, I like the colorful shimmering buttons. I like that the stained glass motif is carrying all the way to his hat, unusual. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE his red, red gloves, and sharp nails. Mmm... who is he? We will probably never know a single thing about this aesthetic illustration. Oh yeah, and this Amane has the typical sortof military aesthetic to him.
the white rabbit. pervert . demon haunting me periodically
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this is one of those illustrations I typically shrug off as "not exactly 'my thing', I'm not really the Alice in Wonderland AU type, nor am I big on like, almost uh, RPG style crazy weird outfits with like zippers and trenchcoats. BUT. This Amane is like lock-and-key themed. And. it feels. perverse? the. shape of the key ... Nene's decorations being these. red circles. this guy is so . creepy and awful looking and I hate his penis key. I hate his weird GIANT ZIPPER. That he is somehow both lock and key and zipper themed is like, jesus christ, what the hell is going on . I like, hate him, it's such a weird, image, he looks all creepy and gross, HIS WEIRD GLOVED HANDS WITH NAILS ON THEM ........ but it, is also, sortof, sexy, all of this, this, demon of, unzip and unlock. I've just spent so long wrestling with this image, this Amane. But at the end of the day, he can have me. Sigh.
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konpithepuppy · 3 years
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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A gravure of 6 people who gives off a wonderful aura that seems like will make you fall in love the moment your eyes meet. In the interview, the members's value towards "love at first sight" is highlighted. (The interview was done at the middle of March.)
Q1. Does love at first sight exist?
Q2. What specific first impression of a girl has a good impression on you?
Q3. What is the item that you fell in love at first sight and bought it?
Konno Taiki
A1. It is relatively possible (LOL).
But, not just based on the appearance, I may also be attracted to her inner side. I think I will find her cute when I try talking to her and will find out that she is an honest and airheaded girl. Basically, since I want for the move to come from me (T/N: lit. push myself harder), so on the contrary, I don't like to be told, "I fell in love with you at first sight." Without suddenly asking her contact address, I want to do things step by step (LOL). And then, when I also think that it is okay on her side (T/N: lit. she's good), I want to confess to her finally.
A2. Since I like someone who is an airhead, I can recognize if the person is an airhead or not on the first meeting. Since there is something that impresses only me (LOL). Being too much of an airhead is a problem but I like someone who is an airhead to an extent that I can tease. When she said something wrong, I want to pester her saying, "Can you try saying it again?" (LOL).
A3. I like a lot the black bomber jacket that I bought last year. I like the color black, and I came to like simple styles too. I first saw it in the internet but I am the type who buys things that I have seen in actual so I went to see it at the actual store and bought it there.
Recent Happening
I want to go and buy spring clothes but I refrain from going out too much so I can't go and buy...An email from the brand that I like came saying, "Our new collection is out" and I desperately want those (LOL). I buy sweater and parka every year but this year I am greatly troubled [whether to go out and buy or not]!
Nakamura Reia
A1. It totally exists! Since the personality shows on the face, if I like the face then I will like the personality too I think. I think the type of person I will like depends on the situation I am in at that moment. Like, I think a person who seems kind when I am tired is nice, and I will be attracted to a person who looks like I can have fun with when I am in high-spirit. But, on the contrary, I might get turned off at the person who falls in love at me at first sight.
Since I am putting a fake face in front of a person who I am meeting for the first time (LOL). It is not the first impression but I feel really being liked when the person responses back to me as an answer to my approach.
A2. More than being fixed with clothes that are in trend, I like better a person who shows "I like this!" with her clothes and small accessories. I want her to be a nerd of something. We will be excited together if we have the same hobby, and if we have different hobbies, I want her to teach me her hobby. For example, I am an indoor type but if she likes fishing, I want for us to try doing it together.
A3. A black setup with a dragon embroidery on it. It is very stern (LOL), but the material is very soft and it feels good wearing it, and I don't have to think of a coordinate so it is easy to wear. I often wear it to the filming site of 「Gekikaradou」.
Recent Happening
I bought a Pachira and started to raise it. Honestly, I wanted an animal but plants are cute too! I usually place it at the entranceway. But I sometimes bring it next to the window so it well get some sunlight.
Yabana Rei
A1.There is. It's just that I am shy of strangers so it takes time for me to make some move. I will consult for roughly a year (LOL).Or perhaps I should say, as long as there's no proof that I can make a move, it may take forever for me to make a move. If it will strangely destroy our relationship then it is better to just stay as friends. Even if a girl falls in love with me at first sight and approached me, I am thickheaded so I will probably not be able to notice it. I will not know if I will not be clearly told, "I like you."
A2. A person who can behave. For example, I like someone who stays silent in a quiet establishment, or someone who can read the room. Also, I think I will be happy with someone who has the same hobby as mine. Like we happen to like the same genre in music. My tension will rise the most with a person who likes cars.
A3. I don't think I am the type who buys impulsively at things that I fall in love at first sight. Even though I falll in love at first sight at something, I'm the type who will think properly about it. The black bass with a drawing of a bird that I bring on stage until now is a bass that I found by chance in an instrument shop. Even though there are other choices, after thinking too much about it, I thought, "The appearance of this one is cool after all," and I went to buy it the next day.
Recent Happening
3 more days and my sticker as a new car driver will be removed! Among the members, Taiko, Konpi (Konno), and Rinne-kun rode already but Taiko and Konpi are substantially banned from riding [my car]. Since they went on a rampage inside the car. They misunderstood a person's car with a jet coaster (LOL).
Motodaka Katsuki
A1. I don't fall in love at first sight but I think 1st impression is important to an extent. I think I will gradually like the person, who I thought is nice during our first meeting, while getting to know her. I am bad at dealing with someone who falls in love with me for the first time! But I am worried that that person will fall in love with another person (LOL). But if that person asked me, "Should we grab for a delicious meal?" I might be lured with food...(LOL). Moreover, I will be like "I know a shop with a delicious taco rice" and it seems like if I was told about something I am a maniac of, I will definitely talk about it.
A2. I am interested with the lips. With natural color, it has a sense of cleanliness, and lips that are not dry is nice. Things like lipsticks with loud colors, I don't like that much those that are shiny. A color that is close to a bare lips has a good impression in me. Wanting to kiss those lips without thinking, lips like that.
A3. I fell in love at a flounder in a fresh fish market and I bought it. Since its body is big, I was thinking that I could fillet it into 5 fillets. I filleted it into 5 fillets immediately at home, and I broiled some in the burner and I also made sushi.
Recent Happening
Abe (Ryohei)-kun gave me a parka from a brand I thought was good before. Before the filming of 「Q-sama!!」, he casually gave it to me saying, "Oh, which reminds me, here." I was really happy but it is super valuable that I can't wear it (LOL).
Sugeta Rinne
A1. I often think, "This person is cute" (LOL). But, I definitely do not tell it out loud! Finally, when I liked her inner side, I might be the type who will advance to being a boyfriend from being a friend. Even if how cute the person is, I don't like those who use words like 「w」
「草」 「sore na」 in mails (LOL). (T/N: w = laugh (LOL), 草 = literally, it means grass but people in the internet use it like "w" which means "laugh (LOL)" because "w" looks like a grass) Conversely, I will be a happy if a person falls in love with me at first sight, but I will completely doubt and ask, "Really?" If I am invited as a friend and gets confessed to, then my suspicions may loosen.
A2. A person who has silky hair, light makeup, and without colored contact lens. To exert a great amount of effort to be pretty is wonderful, but I think I like it better when it is not overly done. I like a neat and tidy person who looks good in white tops and denim pants!
A3. Before, I often fell in love at first sight with clothes, but I have a lot of failed purchases from buying clothes without trying them on. Like, when I bought a black long tee with a lion print on it, it turned out to be a dress for ladies (LOL). What I am currently aiming at is a sneaker with orange print on a white background. Since I haven't tried it on, I plan to buy it after I tried wearing it.
Recent Happening
Since I don't move extremely in the stage play「Hidamari no Ki」, my muscles toned down. My belly is protruding because of gastroptosis, so I was asked "Are you full?" during the dressing of Hakama (LOL). I must go back to training.
Sasaki Taiko
A1. There is. Isn't love in this world is approximately like that? I think there's not much of those who advance from friends to lovers. But since I want to know things about the other party, I want for us to exchange messages for around a month. And then, I want to meet the parents. Since it seems like we can properly date if I know the parents.
A2. A girl with pretty legs. I maybe looking at the legs more than the face. I like those girls who take care of their legs. But that doesn't mean I like girls to wear mini skirt, I am on the pants side. Lately, I think I came to like those pants like flare pants where it is tight in the thigh area.
A3. A large quantity of water from a large supermarket. 500mL of water came in a set of 40 bottles and it was very cheap. Also, I impulsively bought toilet paper. I bought so many that everything can't fit in the house so I gave some to my high school friend (LOL). Since I got my driver's license, I can now go in the supermarket alone and I go there around once a week lately. It feels like, "I've become an adult~." My next aim is the big potato chips!
Recent Happening
In the "Taiko Challenge" in ISLAND TV, when I uploaded a video of putting candy into a carbonated drink, I was surprised that the official account of the candy tweeted about it. Moreover, it is in English. Isn't that amazing? A CM may come after that...it will be my advance to the world. I might really do it! (LOL)
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kilesplaysthings · 6 years
IkeSen Custom MC/OC Meme
(just so you know, i’m pulling this straight outta thin air lol it’s late and i’m brainstorming as i fill this out XD)
Hello there, time-traveler / feudal heroine / warlord! What’s your name?
Oh hey there! My name is Ana Hill (I’ve been told I need to work on my Japanese letters - and I probably should be writing this in Japanese too - but hey, what Ieyasu doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?!)
Age? Height?
21! Uh, I guess about 5′3 or so?
What’s your fashion like? [Time travelers – pre & post-wormhole!]
Well, before I pulled a Marty McFly back into the Sengoku, my style was..um..nothing? I dunno, a simple t-shirt and jeans did the job for me. And Converse. Man..I miss my Converse.. Well, at my job I had to wear a nice pantsuit as well. Not too big on skirts, but I liked wearing dresses now and then. Heels were ok, but only for formal occasions. Now that I’m here in the good ol’ 1500s, I like to rock the kimono, if you know what I mean. Though I’ve been seriously considering swiping one of Mitsunari’s..or Ieyasu’s Hakama sometimes (they seem closer to my size, I think). Those look very comfortable!
Where are you from?
Glouchester, Massachusetts (USA) 
Feudal era – pros and/ or cons?
Ooh boy, here we go. Pros: It’s quieter here, plus the scenery is beautiful, like the different castles and shrines I’ve seen, not to mention all the nature!! Oh, and no pollution, either!! I get to be up close and personal with a lot of wildlife too, like horses! I’ve learned how to ride one too! Which is something I’ve always wanted to learn! Since I’ve been set up as a Princess I’ve been treated pretty well and everyone is very kind and helpful. And there’s a lot of lovely kimono I’ve been allowed to try on. Cons: Language barrier is worse in this time period. I could get by with speaking Japanese back in the modern day, but here, it’s different.. and I’m completely lost when it comes to reading their alphabet! I had no idea the letters changed over time! Also, they don’t call it the Sengoku era for nothing! It’s one thing to see it in the movies, it’s another thing to hear about and see the real thing. There are some things I don’t think I’ll ever un-see.. As for more lighthearted matters, I do miss wifi, not gonna lie.. and air conditioning... what I wouldn’t give for air conditioning again.....(and tampons but ANYWAYS)
If you’re not in your homeland/time, do you want to go home?
I do miss my grandparents, but also my time was also the time where I had to watch my mom die... so... a little bit of yes and a little bit of no...
What’s your home life like?
I lived with my grandparents, whose parents actually immigrated from Portugal. My dad was of some other nationality, like German or Dutch, I think. He skipped out on us when I was a kid. My mom died in my teens. You know, being able to actually speak a little Portuguese helps with the warlords? At least, with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. Didn’t realize there were Portuguese merchants that visited Japan back then. The more you know, I guess!
You just got your dream job! What is it? / Or, what’s your line of work?
My line of work WAS being an English teacher in Kyoto. There was a cool exchange program in school that allowed us to go to Japan and I loved it. After that I learned that you could get a job that allowed you to teach English over there. I loved Japan, and I wanted to be a teacher. The rest is history. heh...
Any other hobbies or skills? Do you use them / how do you use them in the Sengoku period?
I’m a big movie buff. American film, French film, Japanese film, Korean film.. name it, I’ll watch it. It’s just a hobby of mine. Nothing very useful for the Sengoku period, though. Watching Kurosawa films does NOT make one a Sengoku scholar, I found. Though it is fun seeing all those warlords baffled at my lame 80s references.
Where is your base of operations? Azuchi Castle? Kasugayama Castle? A pirate ship? Running all over the woods or in a secret monastery? Some other cool place?
Azuchi. Nobunaga and Masamune were names I recognized. And Nobunaga can speak some Portuguese, so I went along with him. Good choice? Bad choice? We’ll see...
How do you feel about killing and violence?
It’s the Sengoku period. It’s just what goes on here. That doesn’t mean I like it, and that it doesn’t scare me half to death, but I just kinda...live with it? I couldn’t kill a person myself, though. Unless maybe in self-defense.
Have you learned to fight? If so, what’s your weapon and/or fighting style of choice?
Fighting kind of scares me. I did agree to learn how to shoot a bow. And Masamune gave me a dagger to protect myself.
What are you fighting for?
To survive? Being a Princess of Azuchi isn’t always safe, I’ve found. Especially when its Lord decides to drag me into battle even though he knows I don’t know a thing about fighting??!!
What are your feelings about authority?
Hey man, I don’t like dictators, but I come from a different time period. I can’t just assume that people are gonna understand or agree with the morals that I’m used to. If someone is pointing a sword or a pistol in my face, I’m not gonna act stupid and be disrespectful, you know? There’s a time and a place for things.
How do you handle someone invading your personal space?
If it’s someone I know and am close with, I don’t mind it at all! But if they’re a stranger, I get uncomfortable.
…do you invade people’s personal space?
I wouldn’t say so, unless, again, if you’re someone I am close with. 
Are you more open, or more reserved? Are you secretive?
I tend to be more on the open side. I can keep a secret, though, if need be (though it depends on if I think its something that should be kept secret).
Is this the first time you’ve been truly in love?
With a real person that I actually know? Yes...
What’s your style as a lover? (interpret this as innocently or not-innocently as you please ;) )
I can be a bit of a cuddler. Again, if I know you, I like to be close. Kissing is..yes. I like it.. I also like to play with hair and have mine played with. Honestly, just snuggling close to someone and talking about anything and everything is a perfect way to spend an afternoon for me. I’m not too complicated. I grew up in a small house where we shared everything. I’m used to simple things and am easy to please.
What are your favorite ways for someone to show you love?
Simple, everyday things please me. A nice comment, a random hug or kiss, a sweet gesture; just something that shows they were thinking of me... I grew up being taught that family is very important, so knowing that I am wanted and that I can be a part of someone else’s family would be a wonderful thing.
Do you use a petname or endearments for your lover(s)?
Hmmmm...maybe? When I was little, my grandfather once said my grandmother was fofo, which means cute or soft. Maybe I’d call him that...
How do you feel about…
Nobunaga? Weird. A mix of scary, funny, childish, and admirable all rolled up into that...admittedly attractive...mountain of a man. Good conversationalist too. It’s extremely entertaining telling him all of the stories from movies and books back at home.
Hideyoshi?  Scary at first, but super sweet once he got used to me. Very helpful and considerate. I’m slowly but surely winding him down and helping him chill out about Nobunaga sneaking out to get candy (because I want some of my own, darn it!!!)
Masamune? Also Scary. But man can he cook! Also he has a PET TIGER. One of these days, im stealing Shogetsu and keeping him for myself!
Ieyasu? Porcupine. Also a good teacher, but super strict! Gave me a real appreciation for herbal medicines.
Mitsunari? He’s SO CUTE? Literally, the cutest person I’ve ever seen?? Good study buddy, too. He’s helping me learn the language better and I’m teaching him English!
Mitsuhide? Scary. But cool. But scary. But funny. I can’t tell you how many times he’s made fun of the way I’ve stared at him since we’ve met.
Shingen? Hot. Too hot. Dangerous. gotta keep your eye on that one. May or may not have imagined him in a suit.
Kenshin? He’s got..two different colored eyes? Like a cat? Intimidating as all get-out. All he thinks about is war. Needs a hobby like stamp collecting. I want to touch his fluffy haori.
Yukimura? Reminds me of a guy I knew in school. Kind of a jock, but not the kind that has a way with the ladies. Lovable but awkward. That kind of guy. He’s funny when he’s with Sasuke though. Hilarious to tease too. He called me an enchantress one time and I tried to sing that one song from Hocus Pocus to him. Didn’t go well.
Sasuke?  Bestest pal ever. Would 100% time travel with him again. We have so many inside jokes we could write a book. (omg we should do that.. gotta remind myself to tell him that next time I see him!!) It’s a shame he lives so far away.
Kennyo? A warrior monk who wants to kill but also loves animals? Doesn’t compute. If only I could get him to a therapist...
Motonari?  I’m gonna teach him the “Pirates Life for Me” song one of these days...that is, if he doesn’t try to kill me or kidnap me or something first...
Any other friends/notables?
I did have some friends when I was teaching English, yes. I also got along with my students pretty well too. Mostly, it’s my grandparents I worry about while I’m stuck here...
Freestyle! Tell us anything else you’d like to share!
I have a massive sweet tooth like big man Nobunaga here. Hideyoshi has accused me of encouraging his addiction.. it’s true, sadly. Portuguese merchants are my best friends and I’ve haggled them enough that I get some of their delicacies for lower prices. I’m becoming Nobunaga’s best friend because of this, I think. My name might as well be Lucky Charm. Shingen may or may not have recruited me to his sweet dumpling team though. Those are super good...
*goes to think about all the sweets she misses*
Thanks for introducing yourself! ♡
(you rock, @nyktoon-ikemenlove !)
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2n2n · 1 year
lodurloft said: Also men’s hakama must be trousers, while Tsukasa’s is undivided for unknown reasons lol Smth between men’s and women’s hakama Amane likes strange things. Ah, maybe that’s why Tsukasa barely could walk firstly
read everything I say here in the meekest, mousiest little voice imaginable as I'm feeble and not an authority, and websites sortof contradict or refer to different eras and I can't sus out every reliable source </3:
Not the case as far as I know! Hakama being split-legged or open had to do with whether or not physical activity was expected of the wearer, mostly. Split hakama might be worn for horseback riding or some vocations, kendo, shootan arrows, way way back… but gosh take anything I say with a grain of salt too, as much as I try to read hither and yawn, hakama change so much over the years and I'm not sure what AidaIro were 'going for', or what's circumstantial ...
Actually so interesting but I've noticed that in very first fanart and MMD model after Tsukasa's debut (but before his reprise), people assumed his hakama was split and drew it as such, assuming that he was in the more physically useful kind … I think you see more split hakama in anime/manga not because of men, but because characters are typically sword fightan and arrow shootan and being active and wearing them in that manner. Tsukasa was seemingly 'a shounen villain' so I think people drew a natural conclusion. It's really fun and flirty that actually, Tsukasa's hakama is a formal sort, and has less of a sports vibe and more of an elegant occasion vibe. It's really fanciful ... and sortof funny that this guy dressed for, a wedding or something, shows up and floats all around.... I wonder if Iro intentionally played with expectations there?
Kikyo for instance wears a split hakama because she fires arrows and has a physically taxing lot in life...
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but there are still some interesting gender differences with hakama with sortof might apply to Tsukasa, but I'm so hazy on this … I wish some genuine expert could weigh in lol … but it appears men's formal hakama traditionally are striped, while women's are solid colored? Men's hakama are also generally sashed lower on the body (at the hips) while women's sash at the waist, just below the chest.
Aida's gradually raised up Tsukasa's hakama irresistibly. Though I don't think this hakama raising is a diegetic detail (as in, I think in 'flashbacks' or 'redraws' we'll still see it high up, so it's not as if Tsukasa HIMSELF is CHOOSING to wear it higher, but that Aida eventually decided that a higher sash was appealing and suited him more, and is probably retroactively 'how he always wore it')...
though it's not exactly as high as most women's, nor as low as most men's, which I think is cute….
he cuts such a nice hourglass figure ♥ I sometimes see JP fans referring to 'Tsukasa's breasts' lol....
I'm assuming 'cuz the boys are from the 60s etc, that they're more around the time hakama weren't common wear in everyday occasions or work, but by the 70s were coming into a kind of fashion again for stuff like even school ceremonies like graduating … if it's Amane's choice, it's sooo fascinating ....
Anyway I do think Tsukasa has a girlish swag about him intentionally. While the hakama's skirt style isn't gendered, all the upskirt shots and billowing and twirling that gets drawn is wwwwww
coincidentally Amane's gakuran embellishes his shoulders, giving him a masculine silhouette. I think this is intentional lol.......... but maybe I'm crazy... idk .... its my blog......
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2n2n · 1 year
Bro. Honestly. JSHK is amazing but it’s not perfect, so is there something you don’t like? Then what is it? Anyway I’m a huge fan of the manga and your work and your husband’s, you’re both amazing!!
please do not call me bro… </3 I do not like to be called bro </3… you can call me 'miss' if you don't want to use a name.
Something I don't like ……………………………………………………………………… I mean, I don't like Kou… as he is presented thus far, he's an effective pastiche of 'shounen protagonists' replete with 'shouts all the time' and 'reactively violent' and 'pointlessly idealistic morals that can't adapt to complex situations'. 'Says very simple and basic things' 'has the most rote response to any situation and does NOT pause for thought'. I've read so many shounen that he makes me rub my temples, I'm like getting flashbacks.
When I reread Picture Perfect I struggle with the Kou + Mitsuba intermissions, and it feels tonally SUCH a far cry from the beauty and grace of the HanaNene, and Shijima-san. The fact they both just scream back and forth and are prone to lashing out, its just tedious. I wish Nene was in the Red House alone, Kou really sucks the beauty out of scenes with his, boorishness.
While I feel Hanako fight scenes have Hanako's vampiric sexy badboy allure to keep me engaged, things like the Kou and Hakubo fight really feel exhausting to flip through, just a stupid fuckin sword boy with a meaningless catchphrase promise to make everyone happy <- transports me back into generic shounen slog territory. I FLYING LEAP into the Sumire/Hakubo chapters lacing all of this, NEED THEM LIKE AIR, they are thankfully beautiful enough to more than make up for Kou. I feel like we're like ticking a box with Kou scenes. Like doing the required amount to be billed a shounen despite all the canoodling.
HOWEVER, I'm entirely sure that's the POINT of Kou, and I do trust AidaIro will unpack his issues in a way another shounen could not and would not. So far I'm perfectly excited about where he's going, how he's being challenged… I think in the end, I'll be satisfied, but I probably also would gladly just press a button to erase him from the manga.
Oh he also looks like such a hobgoblin comparatively. Crusty. Hanako is all sleek like a sports car decked in black with gold accents and red trim. Nene is like a delicate domesticated pink-eyed animal, soft and pretty. Tsukasa is a luxurious sacred object, silked and pleated out, billowing. Kou is wearing GIGANTIC splatoon sneakers all weighing down the ends of his feet like big mallets, ugely generic CARGO SHORTS, with his nasty calves bulging under knobby knees, a t-shirt with a lion on it (basic), he is all ripped and muscular and sinewy, he's not pleasantly petite and shrimpy with big golden eyes like the illustrious esteemed Hanako (also, Hanako has very flambouyant gestures lol). Kou's pupils are both weirdly oval-shaped and also blue and somehow they remind me of Sonic the Hedgehog, combined with his ever-present skowl. He really looks like Gollum to me. Just gnarly and nasty and without even an iota of feminine grace. He is so masculine and nothing else. All STOMP STOMP GRRR YELL RAAAHH HITS PEOPLE RRRHHHGGH GRRRR I completely check out. Oh you know what else sucks? Kou won't like wear a skirt in a fun side-image playfully... Hanako can get all slutty and dress in girl's clothes like TEEHEE AM I CUTE HEEHEE lift his skirt up etc, while Kou will be embar and hate it. Sucks so bad. Tsukasa can do a flawless impression of Sakura's feminine grace and beauty, he can twirl his lil hakama alllll about. Swagless Kou giving us noooooo gender play, no whimsy, boooooooo boo booo booo booboobooboo WHAT are you doing here? Loser
For the AidaIro oeuvre he's like such a random, thing, I basically don't see other Kou or Kou-alikes in their back-catalogue? There is Not A Resident Kou in MDLD, Fox-Masked Guardian Spirit, Snow White, etc, so I'm like, whaaaat is this guuuuuuy ... I can't really predict what's gonna happen with him, other than probably being mindbroken ? I do not know him. Don't know why he's here.
And: Thank you x3 for da complerment.....
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