#its a raichu which im HOPING to evolve into a pikachu
disabledfabian · 7 years
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once i found thunder wave i searched for this little fuck for a solid hour so i could make pervince. 
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tumblunni · 6 years
Holy shit i think that's it! On the early sprites and artwork for Red you can see some sort of weird big circle pattern on his hat, his shirt, a different place on his hat, with no consistancy. And i've just seen one concept art where it seems to have the Cascade Badge logo on it?? So were they originally envisioned as fabric badges that trainers would sew onto their clothes as a status symbol similar to scouts? That would kinda explain why you saw trainers holding their pokeballs on belts and bandoliers in the first gen, like i know everyone jokes about them being ammo holders but what if they were scout sashes? And then i guess it was just one of the many things that the anime reinterpreted that then became canon in later games. Like how pokeballs didnt have a button and used to literally look like gachapon capsules including one half being translucent so you can see the pokemon inside. Which would also literally shrink via magic rather than being stored in cyberpunk super energy technology. The Adventures manga actually kept this idea and i think its super neat!
Mannnn i wish they'd kept the fabric badges now. Im kinda torn tho? Like i understand that them being tiny plastic/metal clip ons makes more logical sense, and the whole thing of sticking them inside your coat pocket and dramatically revealing them would look coolwr in the anime and also save on having to draw them on the character model 100% of the time. But on the other hand fabric badges is such a cool cute and nostalgic aesthetic! It makes them feel more like an accomplishment, sorta? And more like this world has established a culture around the concept of gym challenges, if you see people wearing their badges in different ways as a fashion statement. It also makes a lot more sense as a thing you'd give to kids, like maybe kids get this version and the metal badge version is an alternate miniature equivelant for adults who feel theyre too mature for the normal one. And its cute to imagine it as an excuse for the player character to go back to visit their mom so she can help them sew on their new badge and congratulate them! Daww! Or imagining the kids being very responsible and talented if they were able to carry around their own sewing kit. It could explain the accessories for pikachu and eevee in the new game, like the protag learned to sew for the sake of his adventure and then he was just mending his clothes and then he actually ended up really enjoying it and learning to make miniature copies of his outfits for his new best buddy pikachu. :3 Oh oh, or maybe all the gym leaders are just nice kindly big sibling/parental figures to all the kids who beat them? You have tea together afterwards and they help sew on your badge and give you some tips for the next leg of your journey and a big ol motovational speech and also imagine Lt Surge's raichu cuddling your pikachu and acting as a move tutor to it? I will continue to aggressively headcanon lt surge as a good man because im still mad about the anime making him an asshole and telling me im supposed to hate raichu and not want pikachu to evolve. I evolved my pikachu in pokemon yellow IMMEDIATELY after that episode, i was so mad! Like yeah ash's pikachu has every right to not want to evolve, thats his decision. But that doesnt mean that lt surge's raichu is bad because it made the other decision! You could have just said pikachu doesnt want to evolve without making its evolution look like something the kids arent allowed to want. :( and also making a random gym leader an evil guy when nothing implied thatvin his game version :( what if he was a nice man with ptsd from his time in the war and he just saw you like pikachus too and he wanted to be a nice mentor figure to you and also he is Spark's uncle and also he hugs his raichu every day :( I love lt surge cos i was told to hate him, just like how i love Gaspar the random traded haunter in diamond and pearl just because they wrote his trainer being a jerk. I had to train him to level 100 just to spite her! Ans now i have to cherish lt surge to spite the anime!! I will style my pikachu's hair like him and take selfies together and be all hashtag my new pokemon dad. I really hope he is just like his red ans blue version in the new games, id be so sad if anime jerkness is canon like how jessie and james now are. Leav cool raichuman alon
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