#its a really good game... goofy and silly and fun and makes me wanna bite glass à la phoenix wright
transgaysex · 1 year
Cause that's what doggies do! <- literally a sobbing mess
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aclosetfan · 3 years
Lunch Break Blues
The wind whipped Blossom's hair as she tried wrestling it into a top knot. It had been raining on and off all day, and no doubt it would start up again soon, but while the rain had momentarily ceased, she and her sisters took advantage of the rare sunlight pouring through the broken clouds. It was the first lunch in a long week that they took perched atop one of the skyscrapers far from any prying eyes. Usually, a weather report full of rain made Townsville dull and would drive Buttercup crazy, but this week's unprecedented downpour had done little to stop Townsville's villains. Blossom suspected it was because they were feeling a little stir crazy too.
She didn't know what was worse, staying home and doing nothing or flying around soaked to the bone each day. Her hair was a frizzy mess, and she was pretty sure a nasty cold was on the horizon. The rain was such a nuisance that Bubbles had begun to forgo her tennis shoes or steel-toed boots for her daisy-print rain boots. Buttercup had busted out her rain repellant windbreaker. And Blossom had personally opted for her ugly yellow polka-dotted raincoat and matching hat, which yes, she knew looked ridiculous, but she dressed practicably not for fashion. She didn't care who laughed (her sisters and a choice selection of villains); at least she was staying reasonably dry!
The skyscraper they were at was far too windy for her hat to stay on, so she had shoved it in her pocket and went to task on taming her hair. An awful frizzy mess. She pouted and sighed, dropping her hands from her mangled top knot. Generally, the wind did very little to bug her, having the capability to fly and all, but it kept spraying rain droplets and puddles into her face and her hand itched towards her rain cap once more.
A dejected sigh from her left pulled her attention away from her own problems. Glancing over at Bubbles, whose pigtails had gone limp, stabbed absentmindedly at her salad. Her sister took a sad, miserable bite and chewed slowly as she watched the next round of clouds blow in with watery eyes. Bubbles had seemed to be feeling blue (har har) for the last few days, and it wasn't because of the rain. What for though, Blossom didn't know. Bubbles hadn't decided to pour her heart out just yet. However, that didn't deter her from trying to pry the problem out of her sister. Blossom was a problem-solver after all—it was one of her core defining traits.
"Bubs?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "You okay?"
"Oh, Bloss," Bubbles sighed, putting her salad down in favor of ringing out the water from her pigtails, "I'm just feeling a lil crummy. Don't worry."
Blossom snorted, "It'd be easier changing the tide."
That tugged a small smile out of Bubbles.
"Is it the rain?" She asked, already knowing it was the wrong answer.
Bubbles sighed, "No, it's not the rain—it's just, well, it's kind of silly actually."
"I could go for a good joke about now that isn't about my raincoat," Blossom shrugged.
"It's an affront to fashionable society, Blossom," Bubbles sniffed, "You look like a drowned clown!"
"On the outside!" She huffed, "But I'm perfectly dry, thank you, unlike some people."
"I look cute, rain or shine. Jealousy isn't a good color on you." Bubbles blew a raspberry at her before going back to stabbing her salad.
Blossom rolled her eyes and muffled an annoyed groan, "So you're not going to tell us what's up?"
"You'll just tell me it's silly."
The response stung a little, but Blossom shook it off, "Come on, I promise I won't—" she held out her pinky, "—I swear!"
Bubbles regarded her hand for a moment with a thoughtful look before linking their pinkies together. Simultaneously, they lifted their hands and sealed the deal with quick kisses to their fists.
"So," Blossom tried again, "what's up?"
Bubbles sigh was loud and dramatic as she brought one leg up to wrap her arms around, resting a cheek on her knee.
"It's my art," her sister complained, "I wanna make something big, you know, like real profound, but all I ever draw is cute stuff!"
Blossom felt her eyebrows furrow, "But you love cute stuff?"
"Van Gogh didn't get famous for drawing fluffy bunnies, Blossom!" Bubbles whined, "Real artists have really thoughtful ideas! They mean things, and anytime I try to do the same thing, it comes out stupid!"
"Van Gogh drank paint and killed himself. So I don't think he's someone you should be comparing yourself to."
"But he was a genius!"
"He was sick." Blossom counterpointed, "And couldn't find the help he needed. I prefer you sane and alive. Everyone does. The world doesn't need another tortured artist."
Bubbles pouted, "Yeah, but they don't need another goofy doodlist either. I want to make stuff that means something to people."
"They do mean something." She smiled, nudging Bubbles' shoulder with her own, "Your drawings always make me smile. They're happy and fun, and even if they're sometimes silly, that doesn't make them any less valuable to me. That counts for something, right?"
Bubbles smile brightened, and she giggled, "That's really sweet, Bloss, thanks. I think I needed to hear that, but—" there was another dejected sigh, "—I dunno, I just feel so uninspired and bored, and I really want to make a statement. I know there's something great inside me—"
"Because there is."
That earned her another smile, "—yeah, but I can't get it out! It's like all my hand can do is silly cartoons!"
Blossom nodded, "Well, I'm no artist myself, but I'm guessing there's nothing better than practice."
Bubbles flopped back onto the wet concrete, and Blossom cringed in sympathy as she imagined the water soaking its way through Bubbles' shirt.
"Bubs don't lay on—"
"I need to be more introspective!" Bubbles interrupted, "More in tune with myself and nature and the world! I need more life experiences, ya know, so I have stuff I can really pull from when I draw."
Outside of Bubbles probably being the most "self in-tuned" person Blossom knew, it was "life experiences" that threw her the most.
"Bubbles, life experiences? You're a superhero. You face the most depraved of society every day; you met people at their lowest moments. You've faced adversity larger than most will ever dare encounter!"
"But none of that has affected me! I need to get sad! I need to get in touch with my blue period!" Bubbles waved her hands around in exasperation, "I need to be relatable!"
"You've faced the worst and have come out better because of it," She scowled, "and you don't want that? Do you want to be emotionally scarred? To be relatable?"
Bubbles groaned and covered her face with her hands. "I knew you wouldn't get it!" Then came a muffled whine, "This is why I didn't wanna tell you!"
Blossom tsked, "I certainly don't see how being a beacon of hope as opposed to a cesspool of depression and self-pity is worse."
"It's not like that!" Bubbles shot up, "I don't want to be dark and depressed, but that's like what all the great art is!"
"Great art is the art that makes you feel, Bubbles; it doesn't matter what emotion that is, you know that. And if your art makes people feel happy, then what's the big issue?"
Bubbles deflated, "I dunno. I just want to make something that'll make people remember. Centuries from now, I want it to inspire people! Go, oh, I want that! Whatever that is." Bubbles looked up back at the clouds, "And that means I've really got to come up with something good. Something meaningful, but I've got zero ideas."
Blossom considered what she was saying for a moment before nodding, "Okay, I think I understand what you're saying. It's like you're in an art block."
"Yeah," Bubbles nodded, "I'm on creative hold. Everything I make, I don't like."
"Well, this weekend, why don't we go to the art museum, look at the stuff you want to emulate, and try to get into the head of the artist, you know?"
Bubbles perked up, "That's a good idea! You'd really wanna come with me?"
"Of course. We'll drag Buttercup along too. You know she needs some sophisticating." Blossom murmured, shooting their other sister a sideways look.
With the hood of her windbreaker still partially up and wet dripping hair curling in every direction, Buttercup sat perched on the ledge of the building a few feet away, hunched over her sandwich. She chewed mechanically in what looked like deep pensive thought. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she seemed to study the cars far below. She had been mostly quiet this afternoon, happy to be outside but pissy about the rain, and had spent much of their lunch hour shooing away a group of hungry pigeons that seemed to follow her everywhere she went. The pigeons, however, seemed to be appeased at the moment with the few chunks of bread and potato chips Buttercup had relinquished to them.
Blossom expected Buttercup to snap at her for the comment, but it seemed she was so lost in her own little world, watching the cars whiz by, that she hadn't heard them talking.
Bubbles giggled, "Actually, Bloss, I was thinking I needed to be a bit more like Buttercup."
She gave Bubbles a look, jabbing a thumb towards their sister, "Buttercup?"
"Mm-hmm," Bubbles nodded.
"Our sister?" Blossom asked again for clarification, "Buttercup?"
"Ah, come on! Look at her!" Bubbles grabbed her by the cheeks and swiveled her head back towards Buttercup, "She's got the look down."
"What look?" Blossom asked, but because her cheeks were being squished, it came out like, "Wa'ok?" Bubbles understood her regardless.
"That dark, introspective look." Bubbles explained, "Ya know, mused hair, dark under-eyes, stained fingers. The look of a moody artist!"
Generally, Buttercup's hair was mused because she refused to brush it since it was "short for a reason, Blossom." Today, it was also because of the rain. Furthermore, Buttercup had dark under-eyes partly because she insisted on wearing dark eyeliner that smudged halfway down her face every day without fail, and also because she had stayed up until 3 a.m. last night playing video games. And finally, Buttercup's fingers were stained not because of any artistic endeavor but because she had stuck her whole hand into a vat of black and mysterious sludge this morning. She had done so because Blossom had explicitly told her not to stick her hand in the vat of black and mysterious sludge they had been investigating, which had been a mistake on Blossom's part. She knew her sister couldn't resist doing something after it had been brought to her attention, so why she had decided to tell Buttercup not to mess with the vat of sludge was beyond her.
And while Buttercup was often quote-unquote moody, it wasn't because she was broody or introspective. It was because she was either hungry or bored or sometimes both. Bubbles was actually the moody and overly sensitive one, but Blossom knew better than to say that out loud.
"She looks like she needs a bath." Blossom huffed, pulling her face from Bubbles grasp.
"Don't focus on that." Bubbles waved her off, "Look how deep in thought she is! Buttercup isn't much for talking, is she? I bet she's got a lot going on in that head of hers."
"Buttercup?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion once again.
Bubbles rolled her eyes and gave her shoulder a playful wack, "Don't be mean! I'm serious. She's been sitting like that for half an hour now, looking, thinking—"Bubbles tapped her chin in thought, "—I wonder what she's thinking about. From the looks of it, it must be important."
Blossom looked back over at Buttercup, tracing her eyes over her sister's face once more to look for something she may have missed. Her look was pensive. And it was admittedly artsy even if it was on accident. She supposed that even if Buttercup tended to evade artistic endeavors in favor of more physical hobbies, she could still be a poet at heart.
Buttercup was done with her sandwich now and handed off the crumbs to the birds. She still seemed lost in thought. However, she had moved her attention away from the hustle and bustle of the city to the clouds above. She didn't smile, but when a beam of light broke through the clouds and landed on her face, the stress lines on her forehead disappeared, and contentment passed over her features. Blossom couldn't help smiling at the sight of it. It was nice to see her like that. Maybe she was thinking about something profound and meaningful. Bubbles was right. Buttercup wasn't one to share her every single thought unless she was pissed, annoyed, or pressed for an answer. When Buttercup was in a good mood, she simply vibed, enjoying the quality time.
Blossom hardly thought she was mysterious, though. Buttercup's body language was more than enough to determine her mood. If she liked a song, she'd bob her head to its beat. If she liked a certain food, she'd inhale it without breathing. But now that Bubbles had said it, what was Buttercup actually thinking about?
Suddenly, Blossom felt guilty for never asking.
"Hey, Butters?" She called out to their sister, snapping a few times to get her attention.
Buttercup blinked back into reality and turned to face them, "Mhm?"
"What are you thinking about?" She asked.
"What am I thinking about?" Buttercup tilted her head, giving them both a look, "Why?"
"Don't worry about it." Bubbles spoke up, "Just tell us, right now, what you're thinking about."
Buttercup shrugged, looked away, smacked her lips a few times, and looked back, "Lizards."
"Lizards?" Blossom heard herself echoing as every kind, and warm thought she had regarding Buttercup came to a crashing halt.
Buttercup shrugged again, picking at her teeth, before looking back up at the clouds, "They're cool as shit, dude."
Blossom blinked once and then twice before turning back to Bubbles, who looked a little bit dumbstruck. 
"Well, you're right when you're right, Bubbles. She's a real Van Gogh in the making," She snorted dryly.
"Ah, shut it," Bubbles huffed, crossing her arms.
"Wait," Buttercup spoke up over the wind, "why you dumbasses talking about vans?"
"Face it, Bubs," Blossom smiled, ignoring Buttercup, "you don't give yourself enough credit. If there's someone here proficient in artistic musings, it's not the pigeon whisperer. It's most definitely you."
Bubbles uncrossed her arms and sent her a warm smile, leaning her damp head on her shoulder, "Maybe you're right, Bloss, but could we still go to the art museum?"
"Yeah, duh." Blossom smiled, leaning her head on Bubbles, "You know I love museums."
"Hey!" Buttercup shouted, hands on her hips, "Seriously, which van are two laughing about, and where is it going!"
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franklyshipping · 6 years
The Best Brothers ~ A Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic (Reuploaded)
TAGGING: @anti-switch-glitch @the-dapper-switch and @jackleeboy-man
’….and that one’s fer driftin’ round corne-see! There ya go, yer not bad at this.’
Jackie-Boy Man smiled curiously at the sound of a familiar crackled voice accomodating an unfamiliar encouraging tone, so the proudly postured hero traipsed down the corridor to investigate. Soon, other sounds filled his ears; the frantic pushing of buttons, acceleration…..and goofy music. So, when he entered the living space he grinned at the sight of Antisepticeye and Jameson Jackson sat side by side on the floor, playing mario kart. Anti had his eyebrows furrowed as he controlled his character, but somehow Jamie was ahead as they rounded the final corner towards the finish. Jackie withheld a snicker as he heard Anti growl.
‘No no no c'mon ya fucker c'mon-’
But it was over. Jamie had won, and his eyes sparkled as a truly excited smile spread across his face; he’d started shaking Anti’s shoulder and pointing to the screen enthusiastically when his winning score came up. Anti pursed his lips as he knocked Jamie’s hat off his head, mumbling.
'Yeah yeah congrats to you, damn beginners luck…..’
Despite his words, Jackie caught the gleam of fondness in Anti’s eyes when he saw Jamie so happy. He smirked as he stepped into the room and announced himself.
'Wow Jamie, you’re certainly having an impression on Anti, whenever the rest of us beat him he sulks and hides the pizza!’
Both Anti and Jamie turned to look at him, Jamie with a soft, bashful expression in contrast with Anti’s playful glare. Jackie snickered when Anti growled.
'Maybe that’s because a certain someone likes to brag like an ass.’
Out of the corner of his eye, Jackie saw Jamie let out a silent giggle as the hero playfully gasped and put his hand on his chest dramatically.
'Why now Anti, I merely enjoy celebrating my conquests! Nothing more, I assure you!’
Anti rolled his eyes and sneered as he replied, setting down his controller as amusement danced in his eyes.
'Uh huh, whatever you say spandex boy…..’
Jackie pursed his lips, but he was fighting a smile as he sat down on the floor next to them both. He copied Anti’s taunting tone, because this banterous relationship was just too damn fun.
'My heroic style choices aside, you certainly seem to have developed a soft, sweet side for our dear Jamie. Not that I blame you…..’
Jackie sent Jamie a cheeky grin, chuckling when Jamie’s cheeks went pink and he bowed his head. The mute man felt ever so flustered, he was fidgeting and hiding his smile as he felt two sets of eyes on him. Anti couldn’t help but spare the man a fond look, before sneering at Jackie and leaning towards him playfully.
'Just because I MAYBE wanna be nurturing, that doesn’t make me soft!’
Jackie smirked at Anti’s prickliness and his determination to maintain his “image”; it was too damn hilarious. Anti was withholding snarls at Jackie’s teasing, because of course he didn’t have a soft spot for the mute, overly exciteable, dramatic guy…..ahem. He pursed his lips when Jackie raised a teasing eyebrow, that was just visible above his mask.
'Nurturing? Awww how sweet and brotherly of you!’
Anti was almost ready to pounce at Jackie as he felt embarrassment bubbling in his tummy; he snarled.
'Hey! C'mon he’s a delicate as a damn flower, it’d be dumb not to look after him-’
Anti was surprised when a sharp poke to his shoulder cut him off; Jackie had also received the same gesture. They both turned to Jamie curiously, only to see that his cheeks were bright red, and his eyes were wide and indignant as his hands worked in a flurry to sign.
“I’m nothing like a flower, or delicate, I am strong you know!”
Jamie had been steadily getting more and more flustered as Anti and Jackie talked about him, and hearing them call him a delicate flower and saying they wanted to look after him was the most embarrassing thing in the world! He was a smart, dapper, refined gentleman, not anything soft or cute! Jamie had a soft frown on his face as he looked at them both, but then gulped when he saw them grin at each other. Jackie spoke first, teasingly.
'Oh we know you’re strong, no doubt about it! But you cannot deny how utterly sweet you are, I mean that pout of yours is proof on its own!’
Jamie’s eyes widened when he realised his bottom lip was stuck out further than he thought, and he could feel his cheeks getting hotter when he heard their amused chuckles; especially Anti’s slightly maniacal one. 
'And the fact that ya get giddy over the smallest thing like carvin’ a pumpkin or winning a game, that’s just illegal cuteness! I swear I’ve never seen someone so adorably excitable and squeaky!’
Anti’s words were underlined with a low, taunting growl and came with a truly evil smirk that made Jamie want to curl up and hide away. He couldn’t believe that they were teasing him like this. He shrunk under their gazes as he shook his head and hid his face in his hands, and that only made his teasers aww and coo at him more.
'What’s wrong dapper boy? Can’t handle the truth?’
Jackie grinned at Anti’s evil cooing, and joined in just as enthusiastically.
'Awww poor Jamie, are we flustering yooou? Is that it?’
All they got in response was a high pitched squeak as he pulled his legs close so he could hide his face in his knees; Jamie was under an adorable delusion that if he hid he could escape the teasing. Of course, he was wrong. Jackie and Anti smirked at each other as they both observed Jamie’s embarrassed, curled up form amusedly. Anti leant in, his static giggle filling the room as he cooed.
'Are ya trynna ignore us now? I dunno about Jackie, but I think that’s kinda rude….’
Jamie tensed when he heard the subtle threat in Anti’s voice, and he nibbled his bottom lip when he heard Jackie muse just as mischievously.
'I was just about to say the same thing! If there’s one thing about being a septic, it’s that you never ignore your brothers…..’
Anti grinned at Jackie, feeling somewhat impressed at how teasy he was, noticing how his lowered tone made Jamie shiver…..but he noticed something else too. Jackie had trailed off, as if he’d had a sudden thought. Anti cocked his head at Jackie curiously as he watched the man’s lips slowly spread into a grin, and a malevolent one at that. He caught Jackie’s eye, and leant forward when the hero beckoned him, before whispering something in his ear. Anti had to withhold an evil chuckle as he drew back and nodded in agreement, and Jackie felt his fingers twitch with new excitement at his plan.
Jamie could feel nerves bubbling in his tummy at the silence in the room, and he was half-tempted to uncurl, but he refrained. Soon enough, he flinched with a gasp when he heard Anti’s voice from in front of him, it felt really close too.
'Y'know Jackie, whatcha said about being a septic…..it reminded me of an old lil tradition.’
Jamie gulped as his mind raced, what tradition? Why had he never heard of it before? What was it? What on earth were they planning now? He strained his ears as he heard shuffles of movement, and he repressed a nervous whine when he heard Jackie’s voice, which was now behind him.
'Y'know Anti, I think we might be thinking of the same thing! And despite how rude Jamie is….I think he has a right to partake, since he’s still a newbie to our family and all.’
Anti was biting his lip hard to fight the urge to laugh at how dumb their reasoning was for doing this, and Jackie was just the same. Yeah, they’re a strong hero and intimidating glitch combo, but what are they inside? Two goofy ass brothers who are too playful for their own good, which was something Jamie was soon going to find out. At their current words, Jamie had developed a hidden smile; despite his nerves at the unknown, he could feel the playfulness in the air and was getting giddier by the second. Also, the fact that he was being considered to be part of their family warmed Jamie’s heart more than anything had before, which also meant what happened next caught him off guard.
'What are we waiting for then? GET HIM!’
Jamie jumped at Anti’s yell, but then squealed and swiftly uncurled when he felt devious fingers tazering his sides. Jackie’s fingers. As soon as he’d uncurled, he felt hands latch onto his ankles and pull him so he was stretched out; he tried to somewhat squirm away, but with the hero AND the villain teaming up on him, what hope did he really have? So now he had arms hugging him to Jackie’s chest whilst Anti perched on his shins; Jamie’s hands moved so frantically it was like there was a deadly wasp in the room. He already knew what was in store, and it sent his heart racing.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry you don’t need to do this! I’ll never be rude or ignore anyone ever again, I swear I won’t!”
Jamie’s eyes were wide as he squirmed, and despite his arms being free, he couldn’t break free from the entrapment. Jackie and Anti knew that Jamie wouldn’t have been able to fight Jackie off, so they knew it was safe to leave his arms unattended; this combined well with the fact that it meant he could sign unhindered. See, there is some thought in the silliness! Jackie snickered into Jamie’s ear as Anti smirked playfully.
'Don’t think you can get out of this now! You’re aaaall ours to play wiiiiith!’
As Anti dragged out his words, he experimentally dragged a fingertip up one of Jamie’s bare soles. This made him jump and squeak in Jackie’s arms, his cheeks a solid pink at the realisation…..they were going to tickle him. Really tickle him. And there was nothing he could do. Anti kept up his gentle dragging over the skin as Jackie cooed into Jamie’s ear, letting his facial hair start to scratch and trace whilst Anti watched amusedly.
'This is the way it has to be Jamie! We can’t ignore tradition, it just HAS to be done!’
Jamie’s cheeks were a vibrant pink as he hurriedly scrunched his shoulders and descended into sweet squeaky giggling, already squirming helplessly from the light sensations. He may not have been a man of words, but his vocal chords were put to use occasionally. Those occasions were something that everyone around him strived to cherish and prolongue for as long as possible, Jackie and Anti being no different. The former, whose arms had snaked round Jamie’s middle, grinned as he let his own fingertips come into play; namely, letting them scratch over Jamie’s shirt-clad tummy. This, understandably, spurred Jamie’s signing.
“This is an unfair tradition! Let me go let me go!”
His tormentors snickered unsympathetically at the flustered man, keeping up their playfulness as Jamie giggled more frantically now, wriggling and arching his back in a weak attempt to escape. With Anti scratching his soles and Jackie tracing his soft, vulnerable tummy, Jamie figured that this was the worst it could get. It WAS more than one spot after all! Heh, poor naïve little Jamie. Jackie replied first as Anti grinned maniacally, adoring the entire scenario as he listened to Jackie coo.
'Unfair? Why it’s perfectly fair! We all had to endure this, and now it’s your turn! C'mon, after all…..it’s only tickling.’
Jamie’s cheeks were a solid crimson as he bowed his head in embarrassment, letting out a few whimpers when he heard Anti cackle and follow on from Jackie’s teasing.
'Yeah Jamie, ye can handle a few lil coochie coochie coos can’t ya?’
Jamie was shaking his head with wide, pleading brown eyes before he could stop himself; the rest of him was shaking too. His feet twitched and tummy quivered, the latter even more now as Jackie’s fingers pinched his delicate waistline; this made Jamie cackle loudly and deeply as Anti and Jackie teased.
'Y'know I don’t think he can! Poor guy’s too ticklish for his own good!’
Jackie purred first, letting his lips and teeth drag over Jamie’s ticklish ears, making their owner squeal and toss his head sporadically. Jackie was having so much fun with this, for a righteous guy he sure enjoyed having someone at his mercy….as did Anti. It was Anti’s turn to taunt now, and he took his sweet, sweet time. Hogging the limelight, as always. He scratched at the balls of Jamie’s feet with an evil nonchalance as he growled.
'So ticklish and soooo helpless, knowing that all ya can do is try and take it. Take the scratching on your poor little feet, take the tracing at your waist, take the nips and nuzzles at your vulnerable little ears…..and even with your hands free…..’
Anti suddenly leant closer to Jamie, teeth gleaming in a feral smile, relishing in the man’s desperate screeches at his tickling techniques. Jamie had never imagined that tickling could…..tickle so badly; Anti’s cooing only made the torment of his skin feel even worse.
’…..you can’t fight back. There’s nothing you can do to save yourself…..it must be driving ya crazy.’
Even Jackie felt himself shiver at those words…..Anti always had something unique to bring to the party. However, Jamie’s whimpers and shudders spurred him to carry on his squeezing of soft flesh and nibbling of sweet nerves, and he ended up returning Anti’s wild smile as they both heard him wail with laughter and sign pleadingly.
“It tickles so bad! I can’t take it please, it’s so flustering please I’ll do anything! Please brothers please!!”
Jamie’s eyes were beginning to water as his laughter remained a loud, bubbly stream of mirth; Jamie was a mess. His cheeks a deep crimson, the hair atop his hair mussed beyond belief, and even his moustache was askew on his face! He was always jumping and trying to curl up as ticklish bolts shot through his torso and neck; all Jackie’s doing. On top of that, his feet felt alive and like they were being tormented by bugs or skittering monsters, endeavouring to make him squeal suddenly. So many nerves….so many ticklish spots being exploited….and yet, he was so happy; it was hard for him not to be.
'Awww, did ya hear that Jackie? He called us brothers, doesn’t it just melt yer heart?!’
Jackie chuckled at Anti dramatization, but he knew deep down that Anti was deeply touched…..because he was too, and he had a goofy grin in place rather than an evil one for a millisecond. Jackie buried his face into Jamie’s neck, grinning as he felt the extent of his blush, as well as his little hysterical hiccups. He mumbled gently.
'It sure does…..almost enough to make me wanna hand out some mercy, whaddaya think?’
Jackie looked to Anti who pursed his lips, humming playfully as he observed Jamie’s dishevelled state, before sighing dramatically with a snicker. His voice was drawled out in sync with him sliding crawling off of Jamie’s shins, his fingers being lifted away effortlessly.
'Ahhh, I guess yer right, it’s a bit soon to get him to unconsciousness I guess….’
Jamie’s wide eyes fluttered in relief as he felt them both retract their tickly touches, and he immediately covered his face with his hands and hid in Jackie’s warm chest, giggling residually as he tiredly signed.
“Thank you so much….oh goodness that was intense.”
Jamie felt his blush persist when he heard Jackie chuckle, feeling his chest shake beneath his cheek as Jamie let his hands and arms flop. Jackie had to fight the urge to coo giddily at how snuggly and utterly cute the mute man was, but he figured he’d save it for another time. Jackie carded one of his hands through Jamie’s unruly hair, whilst his other hand rubbed the man’s tummy to soothe away any tingles, all the while he mumbled quietly.
'That’s tradition for you, it has to be that way so that the special ones….the meaningful ones, are separated out from everyone else…’
Jamie shifted and looked up at Jackie, mouth agape in curiosity as he listened. Then he smiled warmly and embarrassedly when Jackie placed a kiss on his forehead, mumbling with a broad grin.
’….and you’re one of those people Jamie. Welcome to the family.’
Jamie felt a warmth shiver in his chest….and he couldn’t stop smiling. The sudden statement had taken him off guard, and that kinda made it even more special. He nestled into Jackie’s chest and relished in the comforting contact. However….there was something amiss. Anti. His smile was genuine as he observed them, head cocked to the side, but it dimmed a little as he started to sidle away from them quietly. Or, he tried. Before he’d even managed to move an inch, a hand had grasped his t-shirt and yanked him into the embrace, and Anti felt his cheeks get warm when Jamie smiled triumphantly, and Jackie chuckled amusedly. He pursed his lips as he wordlessly nestled in with them….although, maybe there was the odd mumble about a cheeky, delicate flower. Shrubbery aside….they embraced for a good while….but maybe with the odd poke or shove. Just like real brothers.
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