#its about how to make her life worse. Sorry midge.
falltumn · 4 months
watched a hostess documentary. midge thoughts bwewing
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What did you think of the final episode of Mrs Maisel? My expectations were in the gutter due to being absolutely destroyed and demoralized after what ASP did to the Gilmore girls in Year in the Life, so I must say I was actually pleasantly surprised! I knew they weren’t going to give us a happy present day or future with MidgeLenny so I thought the flashback to the Chinese restaurant was nice.
hiiiiii, sorry for the delay, i needed all night to mentally prepare myself to answer this ask <3 i feel like there is no short answer, so i'll probably have to give a long one. my deepest apologies...
so. to be totally honest, i think the finale was about as good as it could be, given the structure of the season up to that point. do i wish they'd chosen to tell the story in real time, not using flashes forward to negate tension, solve problems off-screen, and shortcut emotionally impactful moments? yeah. yeah, i do.
i would have loved to see midge and susie fall out and actually make up in real time; that didn't need to happen in the future/off screen. that should've been the driving arc and the emotional core of the season.
i would have loved to see lenny's supreme court case and the start of his real decline—particularly to contrast it against midge's blossoming career, showing that while they care for each other fuck it, love each other deeply, they are also on paths that must inevitably diverge.
i would have loved for j*el not to be there at all, but that's because i am petty.
i would have loved mei to randomly show up for no narrative reason, because i love stephanie hsu.
i would have loved loved loved to see lenny's 'to is a preposition, come is a verb' bit immortalized on the show, and i will quite literally never forgive them for not including it. i deserve to hear luke kirby singing, "don't come in me, don't come in me, don't come in me me me me me..."
i would have loved to see midge squaring up with the actual consequences of her parenting, maybe trying to restore her relationship with her kids, if we had to do the time jumps. she could even fail! (i mean, i know she made a joke about forgetting their names in the final episode, but i don't think that means they should have been forgotten by the narrative.)
i would have loved to see susie actually with someone, maybe reunited with hedy—or they could have set up a love interest over the course of the season.
i would have loved to see midge and lenny ride off into the sunset, because i am a clown who doesn't care about historical accuracy. (jk, i care about it a lot. you should see the footnotes for the fic i'm writing.) at the very least, we should have seen her reaction to lenny's posthumous pardon.
anyway, i would have loved a lot of things.
as it is, when the finale came to an end, i literally out loud said, "oh. that was the end." gotta love the enthusiasm.
at least it didn't make a whole bunch of things demonstrably worse, which... considering AYITL, i suppose we should be grateful for.
the chinese food scene was lovely and sweet from start to finish. the whole gordon ford hijacking was good, and i was touched at susie's emotional reaction to seeing midge take the mic. i was delighted by how much effort midge put into making sure her mom got the message to come see her perform. i loved abe's enthusiasm about his daughter's success and i loved him reaching to touch her cheek. the return of imogene's beret was good, if i didn't hallucinate that bit.
all said, the finale had its moments, and i enjoyed them when they came. i'm just bummed it was built on, in my opinion, the shaky framework that is the entire rest of the season.
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A Donna Pinciotti character study (and how I write her on my stories)
I'm apologizing in advance, this is too big, I talk a lot.
Someone sent me an ask a week ago asking why I write Donna as a nice character, and that inspired me to make a specific post about my thoughts on the characters and how I choose to write them on my published stories, more specifically, in Rock You Like a Hurricane and When The Levee Breaks. So here we go.
I love all the main 6 characters, not equally, everyone has a favorite, but in the end, they all have a very special place in my heart.
Out of the six characters, Jackie and Eric are my favorites. I have trouble writing Eric, but I really love him, I don’t get why he gets so much hate, he’s such a good person. They are followed very closely by Hyde, I relate to Hyde a lot, and honestly I love writing him. I think Hyde and Jackie are deep characters, with lots and lots of layers, and I love exploring them.
They are all complex characters with distinct personalities, each one has their specific storyline, and they all have their little quirks. They are not perfect, they have defects and qualities just like any other human being.
This post is about Donna, but I plan on making separate posts for each character later. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts.
Let's start off, shall we?
Donna was my favorite character, until I started season 4. One of the things that bothered me the most on the show was how much Donna's character regressed after her first break up with Eric.
Donna is a very likeable character in the earlier seasons, she's independent, determined, passionate about the things she loves, cares deeply about her friends, among other things. What I particularly loved the most about Donna, was how progressive she was for a teenage girl living in the 70s.
She and Eric were a sweet couple, and their love was pure. Their break up at the end of season 3 was heartbreaking, but it was very in character for me. Donna always wanted to be a strong, independent woman, and Eric was trying to tie her down. And while I could understand Eric's reasons, Donna also had a pretty strong point. I do believe things could have been solved with proper communication, but they were teenagers and these things happen.
After their breakup, both Donna and Eric acted immature, but after Donna's mom left, she... well, she's changed. And not for better. There's this one episode from season 4 that really upsets me. Right after Midge left, Donna slept with Eric, and Eric was really happy afterwards, he thought they were back together, but Donna had absolutely no intention of getting back together with him, in fact, she said "she would've done it with anyone". She used Eric in that episode, she should’ve been clear to him about her intentions, I get that her mom left and that she was sad, but that was kind of cruel of her and I felt really bad for Eric.
That's one of Donna's flaws: whenever she's going through something, she becomes this selfish person, too wrapped up in herself to focus on anyone else's problems. She refuses help and she acts up, showing really self-destructive behaviors (like purposely failing school, smoking cigarettes, dating Casey Kelso, etc). Donna’s kind of a hypocrite, she doesn’t like when people tell her she’s wrong about something. She also doesn't care about anyone other than herself when she's angry or sad, a clear example of that was running away to California with her best friend's boyfriend, because she was feeling humiliated about being rejected by Eric. That was a pretty shitty thing to do, Jackie did not deserve that.
In fact, Jackie did not deserve many of the things Donna did to her, but to me, Donna’s worst offence was to side up with Kelso during all the times he was an asshole to Jackie (yes, that includes when Jackie started to date Hyde).
As a self-proclaimed feminist, Donna should’ve been more empathetic towards Jackie. She should’ve told Jackie about Kelso and Laurie, she should have discouraged Jackie to get back together with Kelso on season 3 (everyone knew how toxic they were, even Hyde tried to stop them from getting together again in his own way - by breaking that egg - but Donna actually encouraged Kelso and seemed rather amused with the situation), she shouldn’t have shown her boobs to her best friend’s boyfriend on episode 4x20, she shouldn’t have ran away with her best friend’s boyfriend without even thinking about Jackie’s feelings, she should’ve supported Hyde and Jackie’s relationship from the beginning, she should’ve called Kelso out on his hypocrisy towards Jackie and Hyde on season 5, she should’ve been there for Jackie - without judging her - when her mother came back. She should have been a better friend to Jackie in general, Jackie was bitchy and kind of annoying, but she was a good person, and she was always there for Donna when she needed it.
Jackie was supposed to be the bitchy one with a huge ego, but Donna slowly took her crown. To me, in later seasons, Donna was worse than Jackie from season one - season one Jackie was a bitch, but she was also innocent, and she didn't know better, Donna did, and she loved calling Jackie out on her behavior. I'll elaborate more on that when I write Jackie’s essay. 
And (I’m afraid people are going to judge me for this one) Donna should’ve been a better girlfriend to Eric. People always say that Donna was too good for Eric, and well... I disagree.
In the first three seasons, Donna and Eric’s relationship was healthy, they were cute together, and you could see how much they loved each other. But they got back together in California and didn't even talk about why they broke up in the first place. They just ignored it and pretended it never happened. Like, wtf? And then out of nowhere Eric proposes and she says yes? She hadn't accepted his promise ring less than a year before, and now she accepted an engagement ring? I’m sorry, but that was very OOC to me. The reason why they broke up was that she didn’t want to make such a big promise because they were sill young, and then they just get engaged when they’re still in high school? That’s bad writing to me.
Their relationship in season 5 was okay, their engagement didn’t make any sense, but overall, they treated each other well and were in love.
Then Red had his heart attack and Donna decided to postpone college so she could be with Eric. Another thing that didn’t make sense to me. Donna basically threw away her whole future in order to be with Eric in season 6 and 7, and they broke up in season 3 because she didn't want that for herself. It’s just… well, shitty writing.
After she stayed for Eric, their relationship changed, at least from what I could tell. And then all the episodes had the same storyline for Eric and Donna: Eric does something stupid, Donna overreacts, Eric spends the day kissing her ass to make up for it, in the end she forgives him and it’s always the same thing “Donna, I’m a dumbass, you’re too good for me, I’m sorry” and bla bla bla. It’s a freaking cycle, and it only gets worse after Eric leaves her at the altar.
Eric was a good person and a good boyfriend, he had his flaws, but overall, he was a decent guy, he shouldn’t feel inferior to Donna. She mocked him for liking the things he did (Star Wars, Styx, roller disco), and often acted like she was too good for him, a good girlfriend is supposed to support her boyfriend in whatever makes him happy, not force him to quit something because she thought it was too girly.
(For example, when Hyde was going to work at the muffler shop with Red, Jackie didn’t like that idea, but she supported him anyways, she said “If it makes you happy then, I’m happy”. Donna wasn’t very supportive of Eric’s choices, the roller disco thing is a great example, I mean, yeah, it was girly, but he liked it, so she should’ve supported him).
In my opinion, Donna and Eric’s relationship on seasons 6 and 7 wasn’t a healthy one.
I’m not even going to mention Donna’s actions on season 8. To me, they were unforgivable, that’s why I totally understand why people write her like a bitch on post season 8 stories. But hey, everyone was acting OOC in season 8, that’s why I tend to ignore its existence most of the time.
In Donna’s defense though... That was mainly bad writing. I believe that the real Donna would’ve been more empathetic towards Jackie, she would’ve called Kelso on his crap, and she would’ve actually talked to Eric about their problems. She also would have gone to college, she and Eric could make distance work.
Up until season 4 we could see that the writers were actually developing a storyline for Donna. She was bitchy in season 4, but her parents had just got divorced, she and Eric had broken up, her mom left... Her life changed a lot, it’s understandable why she acted out, the writers knew what they were doing then, at least in the character development part, but then season 5 started and Donna was a whole different person.
I don’t know if I’m making any sense in this essay, I have trouble expressing myself sometimes because english is not my first language, but basically, to me, the writers stopped caring about Donna’s character development by season 5 and I’ll always be bitter about that. 
A clear example of character development is Jackie, Kelso and Hyde. They grew and matured over the seasons, Donna didn’t, not really, if compared to them. It's incredibly sad to see most of the characters growing and genuinely being better people, while Donna was just… being there.
Donna had her good moments, as I’ve mentioned before, Donna has qualities, plenty of them by the way. She’s passionate about the things she loves, she wants the best for her friends, she’s determined, she has a kind heart.
One of my favorite scenes from the show is when Jackie asked Donna to help her not to fall into Kelso’s “charm” again, when he was trying to grow a beard. Donna was an amazing friend in that episode, it really made me smile. Donna had some really good moments with Jackie. I wish she valued them more, but I blame that on the writers and their need to put women against each other for “comedy”.
The Donna I write on my stories is based on the Donna from the earlier seasons, it’s a Donna who still has her flaws, but she pushes her pride aside when she recognizes she's wrong and apologizes, she doesn't see Jackie as her competition, she sees her as a friend who she loves very much, and wants the best for her.
When The Levee Breaks Donna is the real Donna, at least how I think the real Donna actually is. After Eric sent her that letter, she recognized that she gave up too much for him during their relationship, and that she wasn't being herself by doing so, so she decided to no longer wait for him and be her own woman, that's why she moved to Chicago. No one is worth giving up her dreams for, not even the love of her life. 
She loves Jackie and wants the best for her, that's why she encourages Jackie to move to Chicago with her, and she also wants to make up for the times she wasn't the friend she deserved. Donna recognized how wrong she was by siding with Kelso, and admitted that she took Jackie's friendship for granted. 
This Donna lost all the respect she had for Hyde when he came back from Vegas, to her, that wasn't the same Hyde she grew up with (she wasn't wrong), and she wasn't going to stay quiet and let him destroy himself (and Jackie). She stepped up, and tried to shove some sense into Hyde's head before leaving with Jackie, but Hyde can really be an ass when he wants to, so she gave up and punched him, that was the last time she saw him until he got his head out of his ass and went to visit them at Chicago after New Years.
Donna was heartbroken, but she refused to dwell on it and tried her best to move on with her life. She's at the top of her class at college, she's trying to be there for Jackie (who wasn't doing so good when they first moved in) and she tried to date someone else. 
Turns out that you can't really date someone if you're still in love with your ex, so that didn't work out very well for her, but it helped her realize that what she felt for Eric was real, and that it wasn't going away anytime soon.
In Chicago, Donna and Jackie formed a strong bond, they were friends before, but Chicago kind of made them sisters. During those 6 months they've spent living together, Donna developed very strong protective instincts towards Jackie, especially after Jackie opened up about her childhood with her mother. She saw Jackie struggling every day, she saw how often Jackie cried over the things that happened in Point Place, and she started to understand her friend better.
Donna's protective instincts kicked in when Hyde and Eric showed up in Chicago, but they softened after she talked to Hyde and realized that he was being genuine. She was still pissed at him, but she could see that he was suffering a lot, so in the end, she just wanted to see Jackie and Hyde being happy again.
Her feelings with Eric were conflicting, she loved him very much, and she was aware of that, she got tired of denying to herself, but that didn't erase the hurt of their past. After a long talk, she and Eric agree to start things again, but she makes it very clear that she's not giving up her future for him anymore.
One of my favorite Donna quotes on my story is:
"Eric, I don't need you in my life. But I want you in my life, I really, really do."
So basically, that's how I write Donna in WTLB, she still has her flaws, but she's overall a good person and a good friend.
Rock You Like a Hurricane Donna is not so different from WTLB Donna, she's still protective of Jackie, but not for the reasons WTLB Donna is.
Donna and Jackie grew up together in RYLH, no Eric, no Hyde, no Kelso, just the two of them, and I believe that had a significant impact on both of their personalities.
Donna and Jackie first met in school, and became best friends after Donna beat up a kid who was trying to bully Jackie. Donna and Jackie both had no friends - Jackie was new in school, and Donna was new in town - so they started to play together and basically became glued by the hip.
The fact that she didn't grow up as "one of the boys'' changed Donna's personality a bit. Not too much, we still love a lumberjacky Donna thank you very much, but her behavior around Eric and the rest of the boys is sheepish if compared to her behavior around the entire gang on the show.
That changes after a while, she starts to get comfortable around everyone after a few months.
Growing up with Jackie had an impact on her, not a bad one. Donna's way less judgemental, and she's not a hypocrite, at least not like she was portrayed on the show. Jackie calls Donna out on her bullshit, and Donna does the same for her, they make each other better and they would kill for each other.
Donna's also not afraid of showing her girly side every once in a while, and she and Jackie support each other on their interests. As shown in some chapters, Donna sometimes even watches Jackie's cheerleading practices, and she's always there to support her in the games.
Jackie encourages Donna to write on a daily basis. She always loved reading Donna's short stories, she claims that if Donna ever writes a book, she has to write a character based on her, preferably, a princess.
They have a healthy friendship in both of my stories, it's how it should've been on the show.
That’s all, I guess. If you actually read this, please feel free to give me your opinion about Donna too, I would love to hear it!
I’m posting Jackie’s character study sometime soon. Thanks for reading my ramblings.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
From Under Liquid Glass (1)(Branjie)- Ortega
a/n: in the words of Malcolm Tucker, i’m on turbo! i’m sorry to disappoint u all and say that no, this is not part 3 to Your Move, although the good news is that a) re-reading it when i had to resubmit gave me all the feels and made me fall in love with the universe all over again and b) i finish work for 6 weeks so so soon, so i’ll soon have lots of time to get a part 3 constructed. yay! in the meantime, please enjoy this. as always…of course it’s a lesbian au. what else would u expect from me. it’s a completely self-indulgent almost-autobiographical thing that i began a while ago and i never submitted, so if people enjoy it then i’ll write some more. lots of love, bye!
p.s. the pin number line is stolen from a film. i think it’s called Employee of the Month. i watched it so long ago that i cannot remember.
p.p.s. i promise i’ll make my author’s notes short one day
Trigger Warning: lots of discussion around anxiety so avoid if u don’t want to face that
Summary: Brooke Lynn Hytes was always told she’d have it all. She was never told that “all” would include crippling anxiety. Signed off from work at 27, Brooke moves back to her childhood home and has to get her head around her fall from grace.
Vanessa “Vanjie” Mateo has no job, no degree, and -£32.65 to her name, but she prides herself on keeping a level head. That all changes when a certain high school crush moves back into town and back into her life.
Brooke’s eyes sharply darted up to her colleague, her friend, and the only person she could trust in this godforsaken hellscape of a workplace. She felt like a small, trapped animal.
Nina’s eyes were kind, but worried. “Should you even be here today?”
Brooke blinked one, twice, three times. In an effort to keep her breathing steady she took a big gulp of air, which was restricted somewhat by the pressure on her ribcage. Was she about to have a panic attack? No, she could reign it in. She wished she could stop crying, though, the tears falling in a steady stream from her eyes which hadn’t stopped since Nina had entered the dance studio and asked her how she was. It wasn’t a secret that Brooke was having a tough time of it at work- the pressure of a chaotic management to get as many children as possible into the most prestigious dance schools in the country was tearing her mental health apart, but she’d always been able to cope with tough things, been able to push on and get through it. Although now, it was looking increasingly difficult.
Remembering Nina’s question, Brooke looked up at her. She tried to push a smile onto her mouth as she shook her head, more tears rolling down her cheeks in the process. Brooke almost wanted to laugh. She must have looked horrifying.
“Oh, baby. It’s okay. I think you just need some time away,” Nina sighed, putting a comforting hand on Brooke’s arm and letting it rest there. Brooke’s heart broke when she realised that Nina’s own eyes were tearful. “God, this is all my fault. I shouldn’t have asked you how you were, it’s just made things worse-”
“Nina, the wind blows and I cry,” Brooke deadpanned, rolling her eyes at herself and causing her friend to laugh. She took a deep breath. “But no. Yeah. I…can’t be here just now.”
Nina nodded. “Do you want me to go and tell Michelle?”
Brooke exhaled loudly. She didn’t want to have to actively seek out her head of department in the state she was currently in. She thought about it for roughly three seconds, but in that time about fifty thoughts managed to run through her head like the end credits of a film played at double speed. “Yes please.”
Nina said some other vaguely comforting things. Brooke couldn’t process them. Her mind was replaying the scene from only four days ago over and over in her head- she had been at the doctor’s, sitting all scrunched up in the chair in front of her.
“I would really like to sign you off, because it’s your work that’s causing you stress. But if you’d rather give it a couple of weeks to see how you feel and make another appointment then we can definitely do that.”
Brooke wanted to laugh at the memory. Even in the fucking doctor’s surgery, a shell of her former self, in a literal appointment she’d made to try and repair her fractured mind, she had still been too afraid to say the words- yes, do it, sign me off- as that would have meant it really was completely over. Instead, she was here at work, hands shaking, mouth bone dry, and she was still typing at her computer in an attempt to get her reports finished.
Eventually, Michelle appeared. They spoke, and Brooke still hadn’t been able to stop her tears falling. Michelle had been supportive if not sympathetic, and Brooke had apologised for causing them all inconvenience once, twice, three times. Eventually, Michelle told her to phone her doctor and go home, and took her into her office to make the necessary calls. Brooke had taken some deep, shuddery breaths that felt as if she was trapped under ice.
She hit call seven consecutive times before there was any answer.
“Hey, Mum. Um. Can you come and pick me up from work?”
It was sort of entirely ridiculous, the fact that Brooke had reached the age of twenty seven and had never learnt to drive, but the moment that she saw her Mum’s white, midge-splattered family car roll up outside reception she had never been so glad of having not had a license. It had taken roughly 45 minutes for her to reach the school that Brooke taught in, and on the drive back to her house Brooke listened to her chatting away about how she’d had to take her cat to the vet’s for his injections that morning so she’d had to drop him off back home before she could come for Brooke. Brooke had been worried about phoning her Mum, and she knew she worried about her, but she reasoned that she was probably just glad Brooke was coming to be at home with her.
Brooke had thought about going back to her own flat and resting up there, but she knew all she had waiting for her there were some slightly withered potted plants. She needed to spend at least a day back home with her parents, be treated as if she was back in high school all over again. As pathetic as it sounded, she just needed looked after.
As the cars sped by on the motorway, Brooke looked at her reflection in the wing mirror, running her fingers through her hair and noticing her dark roots coming through in dismay. Brooke had always had a long, thick head of platinum hair, but various escapades in highlights and lowlights over the years had cause roots to begin to appear every so often. She’d always been organised enough to get it sorted before it ever got too bad, however as she looked at herself now she realised she must have slipped up. She noticed her Mum looking over at her from her position behind the wheel.
“I’ll treat you to a haircut while you’re off,” she said quietly, her tone cheerful and making Brooke’s heart hurt more. “And we can make a nice dinner tonight. How does fajitas sound?”
“If you’re nice to me I’ll cry,” Brooke said dryly, sighing deeply and sinking further down into her seat. She saw the sides of her Mum’s mouth jerk up quickly into a suppressed smile, the corners of her eyes crinkle and deepening her crows’ feet.
“I think there’s some bubble bath in the bathroom cupboard, and I’ve still got some of that Liz Earle face mask your Dad got me at Christmas. You can get a nice relax when we get home.”
“You are queen of serotonin,” Brooke gave a small smile, rubbing at her tired eyes.
It was hard feeling like she’d let people down. She’d forever been seen as a success in her family- the hard-working, quiet, well-behaved little girl, the head girl of her high school with straight As, a solo seal ballet dancer with an offer from Cambridge and eventually a First Class Honours degree in Education. A well-respected dance teacher at the last school she’d worked at, with staff who all loved her and children who respected her. The move to her current school should have been a great development opportunity- a private, fee-paying secondary school well-known for its excellence in the expressive arts. Instead all that had come with it was pressure, scrutiny, and absolutely zero support from any member of management. It was hard for Brooke to admit she was struggling, and it was even harder to accept that she’d lost her battle with work- she was going home. She wouldn’t be returning for weeks. She knew that several of the girls she taught had exams coming up in the near future, and her competition group had finals in a month. The thought of all of this made her stomach sink and her heart thud deeply, fight-or-flight impulse kicking in although instead of telling her to run away, it was telling her to run back. But she couldn’t of course- she was trapped in her Mum’s car rolling down the motorway back to the house she grew up in, back to the town she grew up in, and back to mundanity and quiet.        
Eventually, Brooke arrived home. She shuffled, numb and dazed, through the doorway, being brought back to earth with a bump by her family pet Henry, still a little tired from his vaccines and rubbing against her legs. She tuned in and out as she listened to her Mum explain that she’d have to go back to work until the evening (despite being sixty-eight, her Mum insisted she would never be able to retire) so Brooke had to be in the house on her own for a while. She had looked worriedly at her as she broke the news, as if Brooke had been about to break down sobbing, but she was strangely comforted in the fact that it would just be her and the cat and her house full of memories. It would be like spending time with an old friend.
So once her Mum left for work, Brooke tried to push her own work out of her mind. She took a long, hot bath and then found some cosy sweatpants and a huge black hoodie in one of the closets in her old bedroom, mixed up with old clothes she’d brought back from uni before she’d started her first job. It was funny to be back in her little pink-painted microcosm that she’d spent so many years in, really where she first began her struggle with anxiety. Brooke frowned at herself as she thought. She shouldn’t use the word struggle- she should use the word relationship, or battle, or coping, but if the very fact that she was back living with her Mum after a complete work-related mental breakdown didn’t indicate a fucking struggle, then what did?
Brooke then knelt down on her old white carpet and opened her wardrobe, the bottom of which contained a bunch of sentimental items that she had never gotten round to throwing away- old programmes from dance shows, certificates from exams, photos, her old high school yearbook. Opening it, she found the photos from her leavers’ prom and her eyes fell on one of her and her friends all standing lined up on Brooke’s staircase. She smiled as she remembered her girlfriends- Plastique, who she hadn’t spoken to in months, now working as an air hostess for Emirates. Yvie, who had moved to New York and was touring with some acrobatics company- she exchanged the odd half-arsed catchup Facebook messenger message with her now and again. Scarlet, who she’d fallen out with before uni over some childish thing- she couldn’t remember what, but they hadn’t spoken since. Bianca, who only lived then next town over but could never make their schedules match up for a coffee, so busy was she with her job at a fashion editorial. Detox, who she’d fallen out of contact with. It was so fucking sad. Everybody else seemed to have a little group of school friends they still spoke to, at least if she went by what instagram showed. Looking at the photo, Brooke felt a million miles away from the girl with her hair swept up in a bun wearing a blue satin ballgown, and she couldn’t quite believe it had once been her.
Pushing the yearbook to one side, she finally found what she was looking for- some mindfulness colouring-in book her Mum had once bought her for Christmas full of different patterns. At the time, Brooke had wanted to make some comment about how it was cheaper than therapy, and the memory made her snort an ironic laugh. She sat gently on her old bed, all freshly made up with white sheets and pillowslips although still with its old mattress that sagged in the middle. She coloured for an hour or so, and then decided to listen to some relaxation tape she’d found through an anti-anxiety app she’d once downloaded in a vain attempt at self-care. It was hard to switch off. Every time she finally felt as if her mind was clear, some thought from work would hit her out of nowhere with a start, like a car crashing into her. So it was a welcome relief when she eventually drifted off into a nap, her mind finally at peace from its self-inflicted torture.
Brooke woke to find it was still light outside, her Mum perched gently on the edge of the bed and her eyes crinkled up in a smile.
“Good sleep?” she asked, her voice quiet. Brooke stretched in response. “I need to take a walk to the shop to grab stuff to make fajitas. You want to come with me?”
Every fibre of Brooke’s being wanted to stay curled up in the bed, but she found herself saying yes.
That was how twenty minutes later she found herself staring with glazed eyes at a crate full of red onions, as her Mum tried to find the one that was the least bashed. Brooke took a deep breath and tried not to grow irritated with her as she watched her pick up and put down onion after onion.
“Mum, you’re not quality control. Just get one in there,” she said weakly, reaching over herself and putting one in the shopping basket her Mum had slung over her arm. As they traipsed the aisles, Brooke found her heart hammering in her chest as she realised- here she was in her home town, wearing black baggy sweatpants and a black shapeless hoodie, Birkenstocks on her feet, with black roots poking out through her hair. She was a complete sight, but her saving grace was that most of the people she’d known from school had moved out, and that it was a relatively big town. She wasn’t really likely to bump into anyone she knew. At least, that’s what the logical part of her brain told her. The part captained by anxiety had convinced herself that the supermarket was a front and that the aisles were all about to peel away to reveal her standing on stage as part of Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway in front of an audience of millions.
Eventually, they had completed their circuit of the shop and Brooke was helping load everything onto the conveyor belt when her Mum suddenly gave a small cry. “Shit! I need cat food.”
“I’ll get it,” Brooke said, trying her best not to sound downtrodden as she strode slowly away from the checkout desks. On the rare occasions she’d spoken today she’d either been on the brink of tears or she’d given her best impression of Eeyore on beta blockers, and it was a million miles away from the voice she knew she was able to speak with. It frustrated her.
Reaching the pet food aisle a couple of metres away, she marvelled at the astronomical price of ground up pieces of animals that humans didn’t want in sauce, picked up four little gold foil trays and was about to turn around when the unthinkable happened.
She heard her name.
At least, she thought she had. It sounded as if it was being said in a girls’ voice, perhaps her age or slightly younger. Either way, that wasn’t good news. Frozen in place, she decided to turn back to the tills when the voice stopped her again. This time, it was clearer, distinctive, and it hit her like a ton of bricks.
“Brooke Lynn?”
Brooke slowly turned around, trying to mask the confusion on her face when she locked eyes with the girl who had spoken her name. She was small, with tanned caramel skin, dark hair and perfect makeup, and Brooke didn’t recognise her at all. What she did recognise, however, was the voice.
The girl took a couple more steps towards her, putting down her bags full of stuff from other shops and giving an awkward wave. “Hey! It is Brooke Lynn, right? Shit, sorry, you just really look like a girl I knew in high school-”
“No, yeah, it’s me…” Brooke began, then trailed off, embarrassed because she looked exactly like someone that was failing at life and because she still had no idea who the fuck this girl was. “Um sorry, this is embarrassing, I actually don’t remember you.”
To her credit, the girl gave a blush and a loud laugh. “Aw no, shit, no, of course you don’t. I mean, why would you, right? I’m Vanjie, remember? We went to the same high school? When you were in sixth form you helped out with the Year 7 dance club? I went to that.”
A brief flash of memory shattered through Brooke’s already very crowded mind- Vanessa Mateo, a small, slightly chubby girl with braces and a big attitude, who answered her dance teacher, her friends and Brooke back, who had a lot of potential and a fiery temper. Brooke did remember her. She was very different to the girl in front of her just now.
“Oh, God, yeah, no, I remember you,” Brooke stammered out, trying and failing to cover up her disbelief. “No, yeah, shit. I didn’t recognise you at all, you look so different!”
“How so?” Vanessa raised an eyebrow, as if she was daring Brooke to start digging.
“Well, um, obviously everyone looks so different back in high school. You got the braces off, obviously. And you lost weight, right? You look so good. Not that you were needing to lose weight, I mean you were what, fourteen? And there’s nothing wrong with being bigger, obviously. I’m not saying you were big at any point, just-”
“Jesus, are you havin’ a stroke?” Vanessa suddenly let out a peal of laughter, her eyes at once mocking but kind. It was a funny gaze to be regarded under, but not an altogether unpleasant one. Brooke found herself letting out the first genuine laugh she’d omitted in days. “Girl, it’s fine. I was ugly. We all were in high school. Except you. You always looked fine.”
Brooke gave a humourless laugh, gesturing down at her clothes. “‘Looked’ being the operative word. I usually don’t go out like this, honestly.”
Vanessa gave her a once-over with her eyes and shrugged. “You don’t look so bad. Could wear a bin bag and your face’d still look the same.”
Brooke felt a sting of blush prick at her cheeks, not used to being flattered. Vanessa frowned, clearly sensing Brooke’s embarrassment and quickly changing the subject.
“So what brings you back here? I know you didn’t stay when you left high school. What’re you up to now?”
“Oh, uh,” Brooke felt her heart tightening. It would be so easy to lie- it’s not like she’d ever see this girl again after their chance meeting in a supermarket cat food aisle- but if she was being honest, Brooke didn’t even have the energy to come up with a simple lie. So she felt herself jumping straight into deep, freezing cold conversational waters, and her heart froze up as she spoke. “I’m just back home for a visit. I actually got signed off work today. So. Yeah. I was a dance teacher at one of the private schools through in the city. I mean, I guess I still am, I’ll have to go back at some point. But, yeah. That’s where I’ve ended up. I bet that’s the glamorous life you would have expected the head girl to end up living when you were sat in assembly all those years ago.”
Vanessa gave a sympathetic smile. “Damn, that sucks. I’m sorry. Still, it’s good you’re taking time out and being open about it and stuff.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t go around telling every fucker all my problems. You just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Here’s all my emotional baggage. Hope you enjoy it.”
Vanessa’s face lit up as she laughed again, and Brooke felt something in her heart warm up. Maybe it was because Vanessa’s reaction had been so blissfully unremarkable, as if Brooke had told her it was going to rain tomorrow. Maybe it was the way they were talking like old friends, despite the fact that Brooke’s only claim to knowing this girl was through teaching at a dance club she went to twice a week ten years ago. Brooke often forgot, however, that she’d always been under the spotlight being head girl in sixth form. The year sevens, straight out of primary school, had all looked up to her, and that was exactly the year group Vanessa had been in. It felt weird seeing her as an adult, quickly working out in her head that she had to be twenty-something by now.
“So, uh. What did you end up doing yourself? Do you still dance?”
“Dance? God, no, I can barely even walk in a straight line these days. Uh, no, I do nothing. I’m professionally unemployed at the minute,” Vanessa’s foghorn voice grew quieter, rubbing her neck as she spoke. “I apply for jobs, they reject me because I have no experience and no A Levels, the cycle begins again. It’s a great job. I’m lovin’ life.”
Brooke smiled at her and shook her head. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it. Job hunting is a full-time job in itself, you need to be kind to yourself about it.”
Vanessa smiled shyly as Brooke spoke, which made a little bubble inside Brooke pop. She’d so rarely seen Vanessa smile before, since most things she’d said to her in dance club had been met with a defiant scowl or a frown. She looked nice when she smiled.
Brooke was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts by her Mum shouting over from the till. “Brooke! What’s my pin number?”
“5280, Mum. Now we’ve gotta change it again,” Brooke shouted back, delighting as she turned back round and saw Vanessa laughing at the exchange. Brooke realised she was still holding the cat food. “Well, I’d better go before my Mum gets frauded. But it was nice seeing you, Vanjie.”
“You too, Brooke Lynn. Take care, okay? Hey,” she said suddenly, reaching into her shopping bag and holding out a bouquet of pink lilies. "Here. I bought them to brighten my flat up, but I think you need ‘em more than me.”
Brooke blushed in spite of herself, and she watched as Vanessa smiled shyly back at her. “Oh. Thank you, that’s sweet.”
Brooke could’ve sworn Vanessa blushed back at her as she shrugged. “Well. I’ll maybe see you around.”
“Yeah, see you,” Brooke stuttered out, as Vanessa picked up her shopping bags and passed by her with a little wave. Dazed and confused, almost as if she’d felt something land on her but couldn’t feel what it was, she made her way back to her Mum and handed over the cat food to the girl at the till wordlessly. Her Mum raised an eyebrow.
“Ooh, who was that? A gorgeous girl giving you flowers?”
Brooke rolled her eyes. “Mum that’s not…no. It was a girl from high school, we were just catching up.”
“Oh, yes, of course. I know I always give flowers to whoever I catch up with from high school,” her Mum said dryly, avoiding Brooke’s eyes as she packed up her bags. “Come on, then. These fajitas won’t cook themselves!”
Brooke nodded and absent-mindedly sniffed the flowers in her arms, a smile forming on her face that she wasn’t aware of until it was firmly planted there.
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anninhiliation · 6 years
Not Good Enough Part 1
A/N me again :) so yea I'm babysitting an elderly lady so why not put out imagines and smut of my men (Sweet Pea and Fangs) (Thirsty bitch for both) In addition, I own nothing except for my words. Gif belongs to the rightful owner.
Part 2
Y/N = Your Name
Warnings: cursing, sad precious baby Fangs, blood, mention of anxiety.
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"(Y/N), I am so fucked." Fangs dolefully said.
You and Fangs met because of the merger. Since there were so many new students, Riverdale Highschool literally copied your schedule to make his. Being in all the same classes had made you two to become friends. In fact, you had even developed feelings for him but never said anything because of how positive you were that he only saw you as a friend. Yet, in your defense, he never showed you any signs that he was interested in you.
"Fangs, you are not going down for the murder of Midge! There is no way I will let that happen." You cheerfully said hoping to lift his spirits.
His saddened, and scared expressions killed you inside.
"(Y/N) I don't expect you to understand cause of how privileged you are, but people like me always go down for shit we didn't do." Fangs replied coldly. “And people like you get to do whatever the fuck you want, and Daddy's always there to fix whatever fucked up shit you decided to do.”
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"Listen, Fogarty," you snap back hurt that he would ever snap at you. His usual friendly smiles and flirtatious comments had been destroyed lately due to all the stress. "My privileged ass will not allow you to go down for anything. I may not be a serpent, but I fucking know loyalty. I am loyal as hell to the people I care about."
You snapped back at him with full sass inches away from his face. If it weren't for the bars separating the two of you, Fangs might have kissed you from all the sexual tension that was building up. The sassy comeback made Fangs regret snapping at you. Softening his features he leaned against the bars, fingers curling around the bars and almost whispered,
"Sorry (Y/N). It's just stressful cause I got one of those free lawyers and he's shit. Doesn't care how long I rot in jail or why I am even here in the first place. And I can't afford a good lawyer, which leaves me with a moron."
Seeing Fangs regretting snapping at you, you softly smile and reply, "That's why I came to visit you during school! I hired McCoy to represent you! Shes really good and will have you out in no time!"
With that, you waved Fangs good-bye strutting away in your maroon mid-thigh skirt. Fangs was left shocked, as attorney McCoy appeared from the hallway ready to take over.
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Attorney McCoy had worked her magic, making Fangs once again a free man.
"I don't want to die." Fangs spoke scaredly. 
You hear the serpents speaking trying to form a plan to safely get Fangs back home safely. The mob outside had grown dangerously large and the police seemed to not care. For they only saw it as one less gang members permanently off the streets. As you walk up to the core four serpents, Sweet Pea noticed you first and growls
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"What are you doing here North Sider? Lost? This is none of your business so turn around and walk away."
Being 5ft and having a 6ft 3inch man growl at you while staring you down did frighten you, however, you could not let that show if you wanted to help Fangs.
"I am here to help Fogarty." You state confidently. Standing up straighter as if you were going to match his height.
"Why should we trust you?" Sweet Pea lashed out.
Sweet Pea looked like if he was given the chance, he would murder you in a split second. Fangs steps in before things get more out of hand. The tension outside was bad enough, but Fangs` friends fighting only made him feel worse. 
"Dude shes the reason why I get to leave and I'm not rotting in prison right now." Fangs says as he pulls Sweet Pea back.
Jughead, being the leader of the younger serpents formulates a plan to leave the building with everyone surrounding Fangs. Before leaving everyone forms a huddle and chants
"In unity, there is strength!"
Being the short girl you are, forces you to protect Fangs' back. The riot that had formed outside was petrifying. No matter how many people Sweet Pea would push away they kept coming. Like a swarm of angry bees. You were really grateful that the Serpents were just a huge family and that more joined in as you walked through the irate crowd. People had been pulling your hair, spitting at you, screaming in your face, yet all you could focus on was protecting the boy you secretly loved. Yet, Fangs never safely made it home. Everything happened in what felt like slow motion. You saw from the corner of your eye Reggie Mantle with a gun. Sending you into a panic, as you think to fast you push yourself in front of Fangs but its no use because he just shoves you to the ground as the sound of a gun goes off.
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Fangs fell to the ground next to you with a pool of blood forming around his upper abdomen. Sweet Pea began to yell for someone to call 911. Tears form around your face as you apply pressure against the wound. You were outright petrified, you felt your heart break into millions of pieces.
"Fangs stay with me!" You sob "You are going to be okay."
You sob so hard your makeup runs down cheeks making Fangs weekly smile.
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"I'm not dead yet." Fangs choked out as paramedics came and took over. Pushing you out of the way.
In all the stress you push your hair back with Fangs' blood all over your hands. Watching the love of your life being placed in an ambulance. You pull out your car keys ready to follow the paramedics, still crying when suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder. You turn around and its Sweet Pea, with Jughead and Toni behind him.
"I'm driving you're a mess right now." Sweet Pea states prying the keys out of your hands.
Toni gives you a weak smile as she gets into the car sitting next to Jughead in the backseat. The drive is silent minus the sounds of your weak sobs. Until of course, Sweet Pea breaks the silence.
"You know you should just tell Fangs you like him more as a friend." Sweet Pea states bluntly.
You suddenly stop sobbing to choke out, "I don't like him like that! Why would you even think that?"
"Oh, yea?" Sweet Pea answers in amusement. "Than why did you pay for his lawyer? Put yourself in danger by coming here to help escort him out of an angry mob, and freak the fuck out the second he gets hurt but not even notice the grab marks, bruises, and cuts that have formed around your skin? Oh, and you couldn't even drive because of how emotionally wrecked you are."
Shocked you quickly answer "Yea well- uh- well ya know you- hmmm- I- that's what friends do?" You finish with more of a question than a thought.
"Thought so." Sweet Pea says as Toni cuts in before he can add anything else "Sweet Pea leave the poor girl alone. Feelings for Fangs or not, nows not the time."
You turn your head slightly back to mouth "Thank you."
As Toni nods with a soft smile. The car suddenly parks as Sweet Pea gets out. Everyone else follows as you are at the hospital, but you stay back to take a deep breath. You are the last one to enter the hospital emergency waiting room, as Fangs suddenly appears on a gurney.
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Seeing Fangs in what looked like a worse condition made your tears pile up all over again. You sit in the waiting room, leg shaking and your anxiety has clearly risen up. You got up from the chair you sat at with your purse to go outside to smoke. The fresh air always helped you calm down. Mixed with the tobacco from the cigarettes was a way you copped with your mental illness. It was a way for you to clear your head.
It doesn't take long for, you feel a presence behind you. 
“If you are here to talk to me about feelings and Fangs I will punch you. I might be small but I can pack a punch.” You threaten already knowing its Sweet Pea. 
“Can I have a cig?” Sweet Pea asks. 
You were taken back a bit, but nod as you open your camel menthols and offered your lighter along with a cigarette. After what felt like an eternity of awkward silence, Sweet Pea speaks up once again.
“Fangs likes you too.”
You looked up staring at Sweet Pea in the eyes trying to see if he was joking or not. But to your surprise, he was not kidding. 
"I'm going to ask you a question and I expect you to cut the bullshit and answer me." You replied. "Fangs is dying. We don't know if he is going to make it through the night. So why the hell do you think its okay to bring up feelings you know nothing about. Even if I did have feelings for Fangs it's not like I can do anything with them. So whats your game? Butter me up with shit like "Fangs likes you." An-" you didn't get to finish as Sweet Pea cut in,
"Fuck you." While throwing his cigarette butt by your feet and storming away with your car.
You threw your cigarette butt by his, and gingerly walked back into the hospital. You sat back down in your seat. By the time you made it back, FP had sent everyone home. However, luckily for you, FP didn't know you, so you got to stay After all the serpents had left, you deemed it safe to fall asleep, without anyone messing with you. It was around 9am when Toni woke you up with a cup of coffee. 
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That 70s Slasher
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Chapter Three: Good times bad times.
Eric Forman’s Bedroom.
Eric stared at the ceiling of his bedroom tears still fresh on his cheeks, Laurie’s body had been found eight hours ago by fez, Eric didn’t sleep a single second of those long horrible hours. Instead he cried, curled up under his covers. He never expected this much emotion for his sister, but how could he not feel this way. She was dead, actually dead and that was tearing him apart, it should have never happened this way, if only he had offered her a ride or just not been selfish and let her have the car completely. 
He didn’t wanna get out of bed. He didn’t wanna walk in to the world that was now his reality. He didn’t wanna face the sad faces of his friends, or hear the sobs coming from his mother’s room. He didn’t wanna face Red. He wanted to go to sleep and never wake up, but he couldn’t. Another hour passed of pure silence as he stared upwards, sometimes he’d turn his head. Maybe even look at the tear stained family photo that he had gotten out the night before and cried over, seeing Laurie’s face. He didn’t actually see her body like Fez did, not that he wanted to. His last memory of her being alive was fine. He might not ever feel an ounce of happiness again if he saw her lifeless face.
He knew breakfast wouldn’t be ready when he came downstairs, and Hyde would still be in the basement so he didn’t see much point. If no one else was gonna get up and do something than why should he? It was pointless, going out there just to live a life where his sister was dead.
Suddenly not getting up wasn’t an option when he heard Kelso’s voice echo from downstairs, he blinked and wiped tears from his cheeks, getting up and pulling jeans on. This was not what he wanted to deal with and he hoped Kelso knew the situation and wouldn’t act foolish. Once down the stairs he saw his father talking to Kelso and Jackie. His friends looked up at him, tears in their eyes. Eric scratched the back of his neck, he didn’t know what to say, none of them did. Red looked as emotionless as always , Eric knew his Dad was hurting even if he didn’t show it.  Red left the room, heading back upstairs to try to help calm kitty down. The three friends instantly started to talk. “Eric oh I am so sorry about Laurie.” Jackie managed to force out, hugging Eric, an odd gesture from the one friend in his group that he wasn’t that close to, but it was welcomed, he hugged her back for a few seconds before they pulled from the hug, Jackie was far from his favorite person but any affection at all helped him feel better than he had the night before.
Kelso grabbed Eric next and squeezed him, pulling away sooner than Jackie, his hug was tight and quick while Jackie’s was an embrace, not too hard or tight, but comforting. After the friends had gotten all of the physical apologies out they made their way to the basement, they wanted to check on Hyde and see how he was doing, though he hadn’t cared for Laurie nearly as much as Eric, he had still known her, and still cared about her. When they arrived in the basement they could hear The Rolling Stones playing loudly from Hyde’s room. Kelso and Jackie sat down while Eric went to get Hyde. Right before Eric got to the door, Hyde emerged. He looked fine, aside from a single wet spot on his cheek where he had forgotten to wipe off. “Hey… Kelso and Jackie are here.” Eric motioned back at the two dark haired teens sitting on the couch. Hyde nodded, putting on his sunglasses and walking over to his seat. After they had all sat down it was quiet, there was nothing to talk about, the events of last night were too serious for the group to make any jokes, or burn each other. Everyone was on edge and that made the entire group stay quiet. They didn’t wanna make things worse for the others.
It was Kelso that spoke first. “I… can’t believe Laurie is gone” he gulped, his Adams apple bobbing. No one spoke, not at first, it was a moment before Jackie joined in. “I was just starting to like her… we had so much to do” she sniffled. This was truly hard for all of them.
“Yeah, Laurie and I were just starting to-“ Kelso didn’t finish.
“Starting to what Michael?” Jackie turned to her boyfriend and glared, it wasn’t her normal glare but it got the point across.
“Starting to get along- yeah. We were starting to get along and- damn Jackie this is a trying time for me!” Kelso crossed his arms and turned away from her slightly.
“Man, don’t be a dick.” Hyde threw an empty Cream soda can at Kelso.
“Ow!” Kelso rubbed his head, this brought a small smile to Eric’s face, He wasn’t completely happy, but seeing his friends bicker and throw stuff at each other reminded him of the days before his life became hell. While the four friends argued and tried to hide their depression, Donna was a house over with her parents and a cop, the murder had happened right next to their house so the cops had decided that was the best place to start.
“Mr. and Mrs. Pinciotti” the officer addressed the adults. “We are so sorry to have to bring up Laurie Forman; she was your Neighbor and friend.” He turned his head to look at Donna, then turned back to her parents. “But because it happened so close to your house, its mandatory that we talk to you about the events of last night, in case of finding out even the smallest of details that could help us bring the killer to justice” the adults nodded and Donna sat back in her seat, paying just enough attention to get information from him, but not enough to let it get to her.
“Did the three of you see or hear anything the night of Laurie’s passing?” the officer asked his first question, readying his note pad to write down whatever the family had to answer.
“Bob and I heard a scream.” Midge spoke, huddling against her husband. “We thought it was just some of the local Kids playing, there was a party on Chicago so we assumed it came from there.”
The officer nodded and scribbled on to the notepad. “The event happened in the woods around your house, did the proximity of the scream not concern you?” “Oh it did, I made bob go check it out.” Midge nodded quickly, holding Bobs arm.
The officer perked up at hearing this. “So you did go to check on where the scream came from?”
Bob nodded. “Yup, I got up and walked right over there, didn’t see nothin.” Bob was telling the truth, when he had walked over to the woods, there was no body to be found.
“Did you know that Laurie was outside alone at such a late hour?” the officer glanced at all of them.
“No, we had no idea. We were in the back yard and couldn’t see the street.” Midge answered for both her and Bob. The officer turned his attention towards the girl sitting to his right. “What about you, Donna, did you know anything about why Laurie was out that late on her own?”  It was a simple question that she should be able to answer truthfully but she didn’t say anything at first. Could this get Eric in trouble? She didn’t wanna rat Eric out, and she definitely didn’t wanna add more stress in to his life, there was enough already from what had happened. “the night this happened… we were going to the bowling alley, and Laurie wanted to take the car but because the party she was going to was just a few blocks away we told her to walk.” She was telling the truth, for the most part, Laurie was told to walk, but only by Eric. She wasn’t gonna hand her boyfriend over to the cops, not for this, not for anything.
“So you told her to walk, alone, at night?” the officer wrote this down. “Did you ever think that might not have been the best idea?”
Donna wanted to punch the cop in the face. “No, we didn’t. Point Place isn’t a dangerous town we had no reason to suspect that Laurie would be killed that night” said Donna, with an annoyed tone in her voice.
“Thank you, all of you for taking time to answer these questions.” The officer flipped the notepad shut and made his way to the door. “Everything you have said today may help to find a lead in the case” he nodded at the three and let himself out. As he was walking out he noticed something, a dried red foot print on the patio. He didn’t know what to make of it, were the Pinciottis covering for their wrong doings? They both said they were in the backyard at the time of killing, but were they lying? He turned and walked back to the door, knocking.
Bob answered. “Something else officer?” he cocked his head slightly.
“Yes, may I see the bottom of the left shoe that you were wearing that night?” the officer asked.
“Well, I don’t quite remember what shoe I had on” Bob scratched his head.
“Let me jog your memory.” The officer stepped aside and showed Bob the red footprint. Bob stared at it, realizing what he had stepped in that night, it wasn’t beer or water. It was blood. He took a step back. “Can you tell me how this got here Mr. Pinciotti?”
Bob nodded. He knew exactly where it came from. “When I went to check on the scream I stepped in something… I thought it was a spilled beverage… it was dark after all”
The officer nodded, he could tell the emotion bob was showing was genuine. “Thank you Mr. Pinciotti, would you please bring me the shoe?”
“Of course, but why do ya need it?” Bob asked and looked at the man standing in front of him.
“It’s evidence in the case.” That was all that needed to be said, he didn’t say anything else until Bob had gone to get his shoe. When Bob returned he handed the shoe to the officer, they talked about some extra things for a moment then he went back inside, sitting down at the table next to his wife and looking across at Donna. “You knew that Laurie was out there?” Bob asked his daughter.
“Yes, I did… like I said, Point Place is boring and peaceful, Eric and I have walked all over town and nothing has happened” Donna was fed up with the way adults were treating her on this subject, yeah they shouldn’t have made Laurie walk, but there was nothing to worry about, her parents and everyone was acting as if their small town was just the worst most crime filled town in the state, but it wasn’t.
“What about Tina, Donna this isn’t the first time something bad has happened in this town”
“Really, dad? You’re gonna bring Tina in to this? That happened four years ago and was a totally different scenario!” she stood up from the table. “We had no idea that this was gonna happen, I would have made Eric give her a ride if I thought it would be dangerous”
“Donna all we are trying to say, is that maybe putting all of your trust in how quiet this town is, from this point on may not be a very good idea” Bob spoke and midge agreed. Donna frowned. “Sure because making the same mistake again was on my agenda” she stomped out of the room, leaving her parents alone. She was so tired of all of this, maybe they did care. She knew they did, but right now they were being huge assholes, acting as if she was dumb, she wasn’t. She knew the details of her sister’s disappearance; it wasn’t like Laurie’s death. She was murdered and left for someone to find. Tina wasn’t, no she had disappeared, and 4 years later they still hadn’t found her. Tina was a child; Laurie was an adult. That also had to mean something right? Donna was so busy trying to come up with any connections or disconnections that she hadn’t even noticed where she was heading, Eric’s house. She was at the basement door when she noticed. She went ahead and went down the stairs meeting up with her friends and sitting next to her boyfriend. “A cop was at my house.” She said, causing the group to look at her. “Cops are no good man, they probably know something we don’t like who the killer is, they just don’t want us to know” the events that had happened didn’t affect Hyde much; he was still himself, distrust in authority and all.
“What’d they say?” “did they ask you any questions?” Jackie and Eric asked almost at the same time, glaring at each other for talking over them. Donna smiled at how normal the basement felt. “A bunch of random crap, they asked me if I knew why Laurie was walking at night” she rolled her eyes.
“What’d you tell them?” Eric sat up a bit.
“The truth, I covered for you though, told them it was a group decision, no names” she was replying to Eric but gave a look to the entire group implying that she meant she covered for all of them.
“Those cops don’t know what they’re doing, they didn’t know Laurie like I- we did” Kelso blurted out, getting a confused look from everyone except for Jackie, who was glaring at him. “Michael, why are you talking about Laurie like you had something with her?” she was still glaring and clearly upset now.
“I didn’t I- she was my friend, and I’m just upset that she’s gone.” replied Kelso.
“You’ve been acting this way before she went missing, Michael” Jackie was clearly not happy with him and she could see how much he was lying. “Just tell me the truth Michael”
“I- I am Jackie! Nothing was going on I swear!” Kelso stood up and looked at Jackie. “If you wanna be that way, fine! Accusing me of something I didn’t do!” he had done it, he had been sleeping with Laurie and even catching feelings for her behind Jackie’s back, but he wouldn’t admit to it.
“What are you saying Michael?” Jackie stood up also. “You know what, Michael We’re over… I can’t trust you, I gave you a second chance but maybe I shouldn’t have.”
“Fine!” Kelso yelled.
“Fine!” Jackie yelled back and watched as Michael turned and stomped up the basement stairs.
Jackie slowly turned to look at her friends, tears welling up in her eyes, she brought her hand up to her mouth and looked at the group, her eyes landing on Donna, then Eric, then Hyde, where they stayed. She slowly made her way over to Hyde and hugged him for a moment before taking a seat between Eric and Donna. “I’m such an idiot.” She sniffled. “I knew there were signs of him cheating… and I should have broken it off sooner… and He’s probably more upset now…” Eric and Donna laid their hands on her shoulders and rubbed softly.
“don’t worry Jackie, Kelso will come back, beg you for forgiveness, admit to his really shitty behavior and you two will get back together, until he cheats again… because you know he will, he’s Kelso” Donna tried to comfort her friend But didn’t do too good of a job based on the crying from the rich girl beside her.
“Yeah, man. Kelso is an idiot but he’ll get over this, like he always does, and maybe he will come to terms that cheating on you does not ever end the way he wants” when Jackie heard what Hyde said, it calmed her down a little, she was still upset, but her friends were helping.
“And if you ever need anyone to talk to…” Eric smiled caringly. “I’ll be right here, ready to listen” Jackie looked at Eric, who was being much nicer than normal and smiled softly. “Thank you.”  She looked at Donna and Hyde also. “Thank you all for being here… Michael is such a jerk, I’m glad t-things are o-over” she choked up and began crying again, falling against Donna. Hyde stood up and stretched. “I’m gonna head to work, Leo is probably asleep or something”
“Can I come with you?” Jackie said and looked up at Hyde who shrugged and made his way to the door. “Yeah, come on” Jackie followed him out, leaving Donna and Eric alone. “You okay?” Donna asked, looking at the scrawny boy beside her.
Eric didn’t speak right away; he just stared at the blank T.V thinking of how to reply. “I uh… I’m fine” he pursed his lips and turned his attention to Donna.  “I mean, My life is never gonna be the same and now My family is gonna be the big story on the news” he shrugged slightly, he still hadn’t shaved and he had been wearing a white Tee-shirt the entire morning, showing that he still wasn’t okay, not at all.
“I know this is rough, Eric. That’s why I’m gonna be here for you the entire time.” Donna gave him a kiss, feeling his light scruff brush against her face. “And all this time I thought you couldn’t grow any facial hair” she laughed and it brought a smile to Eric’s face. “Oh, I can. But this world isn’t ready for the Eric Forman beard” He joked and they both laughed. “Are you sure it’s not because this is all you can grow?”
“Well, yeah it might be that too. The world still isn’t ready though” he softly punched her arm and she punched his arm back a bit harder. They leaned in to each other and laughed, thinking about how even in a dark situation like this they still found happiness together.
“Have you seen Fez?” Donna sat up and blinked a few times, their foreign friend was nowhere to be found, yeah it was only morning but fez was often one of the first to show up and he wasn’t there.
“Now that you mention it, no… not since last night” Eric sat up also, a small amount of dread sinking inside of him. “We should go check on him, right? Make sure he’s okay, he was the one that found her after all.” Eric stood up and waited for a response from Donna. She nodded and stood up and they headed outside to the vista Cruiser. They got in and headed for Fez’s house.  They soon arrived and got out, going up to the door and knocking.
Fez’s Host mother answered and gasped. “I saw both of you on the news. They were talking about that girl that was murdered.” She didn’t give them time to say hello or anything. “What are you doing here?” She didn’t seem very happy that they were there.
“We were just here to see if Fez was okay-“ Donna was cut off when Fez’s host father stepped in. “yes, he is perfectly fine, and he will stay fine without you.” He huffed and glared at them. “He doesn’t need to be around such negativity, a girl being murdered, a place like that is no place he should be.” Eric felt anger boiling up, how could this man stand here telling them they couldn’t talk to fez because of what happened? “We didn’t do anything wrong, seriously?”
“Someone was murdered, for all we know, he could be next if he goes anywhere near your house.”  Fez’s host father spoke sternly.
“You think this is our fault? My fault? It was my sister that was killed- I would never- none of my friends would ever hurt her- it wasn’t us, I’m not a threat to him!” Eric stepped forward but Donna grabbed him and looked at him. “Come on, it’s clear we are unwanted here, we will find another way to contact him.” Eric sighed and nodded. The couple walked back to their car and got in, looking back at the house as the rude man shut the door. Eric’s life was falling apart one piece at a time and he couldn’t stop it.
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