#fangs fogarty x y/n
themultifandomgal · 1 year
Fangs Fogarty
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2 Lines- YN finds out she’s pregnant and is worried to tell Fangs, her boyfriend.
Riot Night Pt1, Pt2, Pt3- YN and Fangs have to deal with riot night and the aftermath.
A New School- YN and Fangs arrive at Riverdale High from Southside high.
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fanfics4all · 2 months
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Fangs Fogarty x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 3747
Warnings: Bulimia, Self-harm, Starvation
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Fangs and I have lived together for about a month now, and in that month I’ve managed to hide the fact that I fucking hate my body. No one knew and I was too worried about being judged to tell anyone. I knew deep down that Fangs would never judge me, I mean we’ve been dating for three years now, but the voices always win in the end. So that’s why I spend a lot of time in the bathroom whenever Fangs goes out without me. 
“I’ll be back in a bit, babe!” Fangs called. He was going out with Pea for a job with the Serpents. 
“Okay! Be careful!” I called back. Ironic I’m telling him to be careful when I sit at home and throw everything up. 
“I will, love you!” He said. 
“Love you too!” I said and heard the door close behind him. I waited a bit to make sure Fangs wouldn’t walk back in because he forgot something. The last time that happened I pretended to shower so he wouldn’t hear me. Once I was sure he wouldn’t come back I got off our bed and walked into the bathroom. I pulled out the scale and took a deep breath before I stepped on it. I closed my eyes and tried my best not to shake. I took another calming breath and slowly peeled my eyes open to look at the horrid number. 130 pounds… I sighed, at least I lost two pounds since yesterday. I didn’t really eat anything yesterday. Or the day before. Or the day before that. In fact, I couldn’t really remember the last time I ate a proper meal in which I didn’t throw up a few hours later while Fangs was asleep. It was probably a year ago? Someone at school made a comment about me that I brushed off in the moment, but it was like a silent switch flipped in my brain. After that, I went home and stared at the mirror, noticing all the imperfections about myself. That was the day I decided to lose weight. When normal methods weren’t working, I turned to the extreme. It was the only thing that gave me results… It didn’t help that I started comparing myself to people Fangs talked to. The girls were way prettier than I am. The boys were skinnier than me. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that Fangs chose me out of everyone. I couldn’t think of any reasons that Fangs stayed with me all this time, or even why he asked me to move in with him after my trailer burnt down. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy with Fangs, but something in my head just isn’t on the same page as my heart. 
I sighed and looked down at the number once again. 130 pounds. It was below the average weight of my age group, but 120 or even 110 would be way better. I stepped off the scale and looked at myself in the mirror. 
Look at your thighs, they’re so fat. Don’t forget that huge stomach of yours. Did you see that girl he was talking to at the bar last week? Now she was perfectly skinny. The perfect body. 
I sighed and ran my fingers over my body. Fat. That was all I could feel. I was fucking fat. No matter how little I eat, or how much I worked out. I will always be fat. Fat and fucking ugly. I would never be perfect like those people Fangs talk to. I took off my clothes and looked in the mirror again. I stared at my stomach. Even though the scale says I got smaller, to me it looks like my stomach has grown another twenty pounds. My stomach growled as I lightly touched it. I hated the hunger pains, but the feeling of emptiness was too addictive. I love feeling like I finally was in control of my body. I moved my hands down to my thighs and felt the small scars that were slightly raised. When I first started that’s how I would punish myself when the workouts didn’t work, or if I gained another pound or two. That didn’t last long since Toni found out and told Fangs. I wasn’t too attached to the cutting, so that was easy to stop. The sharp pain as the razor glided through my skin, pulling beads of crimson up through the cut, wasn’t as good as the starving. It didn’t make me feel better like not eating. I shook my head and glanced over at the toilet. I’ve become very acquainted with it. My head was shoved inside it at least twice a day. Sure my stomach was empty, but I knew I could still get some stuff out of me. I kneeled down and gently lifted the lid. I stared down into the toilet and took a few breaths. Throwing up on an empty stomach always hurt, but it was worth it to lose those few pounds. I opened my mouth and took my pointer finger into my mouth. I slowly pushed it to the back of my throat and gagged once I found the spot. I was good at not pulling my finger out when I gagged now, so I just kept pushing on it. My stomach was screaming in pain as it tightened with each gag. It took a few minutes, but eventually, I felt the burning creep up my throat. I pulled my finger out and leaned over the toilet. I watched as the bile flew into the water and already felt a little lighter. It wasn’t much, but every little bit helps. I took a few breaths to recover and quickly pushed my finger back inside my mouth. Once again it took a bit, but I eventually threw up more bile. It still wasn’t enough though. I kept going and going until my head started to spin. I felt really dizzy and weak, but it was working. I felt lighter. I kept going until black dots invaded my vision. I fell back on my ass and held my head. 
“J-Jus-st a b-bi-it mo-ore…” I slurred to myself. I tried to get back up so I could finish, but I just fell to the floor more and my vision turned completely black… 
*Fangs POV* 
I walked back into the trailer with a smile as I carried some Pop’s for me and Y/N. I placed the bags and drinks on the coffee table and noticed Y/N wasn’t there. Must be in our room with her laptop or something. 
“Babe, I’m back! I brought Pop’s.” I called but got no answer. 
“Baby?” I called again, thinking she couldn’t hear me. Still nothing. 
“Y/N, you asleep or something?” I said as I walked towards our bedroom. She wasn’t there. I furrowed my brows and wondered if maybe she went out with Toni or something. I pulled out my phone and called her. I heard her phone ring and followed it to the bathroom. I quickly hung up and walked over to the bathroom. The shower wasn’t running so she should have heard me. 
“Y/N? Baby? You in there?” I asked as I gently knocked. No answer. My heart started pounding faster and I quickly opened the door. I stopped in shock as I stared inside the bathroom. Y/N was lying on the floor, looking unnaturally skinny and there was vomit in the toilet. I quickly rushed over to her and checked her pulse. The small thump from her neck made me sigh in relief. I carefully pushed my hands under her and lifted her up. I gasped when I felt how light she was. How did I not notice how much weight she lost? How did I not notice how her bones were starting to be visible through her skin. I shuddered and felt tears pushing themselves to the surface. How the hell could I be such a shitty boyfriend and not realize the love of my life was putting herself in so much danger. I carefully made my way to our room and gently laid her down. I grabbed one of my shirts and carefully put it on her, she was drowning in it. I tucked her in so she wouldn’t get cold and checked that she was breathing again. I sighed and left to deal with the bathroom. Once I was done cleaning I grabbed her some water and placed it on the nightstand. I pulled up a chair and sat next to her. I stoked her hair and tried my hardest to think of what could have made her do this, or even when she started. I blamed myself for not seeing anything different. I believed every smile Y/N always put on. Every laugh she made. How the hell did I not see anything!? I tried to calm myself down, but I was so angry with myself. Maybe even a very small part of me was mad at her for not coming to me, but I pushed that away. I shouldn’t be mad at her, she needs me more than ever. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Toni and see if she knew anything about this. 
“Hey Fangs, what’s up?” She answered after the second ring. 
“Did you notice anything off about Y/N lately?” I asked, getting right to the point. 
“Uh, no? Why? What’s up?” She asked, worry clear in her voice. 
“I came home and she was passed out in the bathroom with vomit in the toilet. She’s really fucking skinny Toni…” I said, feeling a tear involuntarily fall down my cheek. 
“What? How skinny?” She asked. 
“Like I can see her ribs starting to poke out.” I answered and she gasped. 
“W-What? H-How?” She asked and I sighed. 
“I don’t know, T. I didn’t notice anything different…” I said quietly. 
“How? Have you guys not… ya know?” She asked and my eyes widened. 
“We’ve both been busy, but every time she’s just wanted to ya know, please me…” I said and felt my stomach turn slightly. She’s been hiding this for so long… 
“Shit Fangs, are you at the hospital? Want me and Pea to come by?” She asked and I shook my head. 
“I just have my bike and I-I don’t know what the hell they’ll do to her. I’m scared to take her there. What if they say she’s dying, or they lock her up, or I don’t know…” I sighed. 
“Fangs if she’s really bad you’ve gotta take her to the hospital, they’ll help her.” She said, gently. 
“Toni I can’t, what if she never forgives me for that? Clearly, she’s been hiding this for a while I don’t want her to hate me…” I said, fully crying by now. 
“Listen, Fangs, you wanna help her, right?” She asked with a sigh. 
“Yes…” I whispered. 
“Then you gotta take her. I’ll call Pea and we can use his truck, okay?” She asked and I shook my head again. 
“Can’t I just wait till she wakes up? They’re gonna keep her there for who knows how long.” I said and she sighed. 
“I don’t think you should wait. What if this isn’t the first time she’s passed out?” She asked and my eyes widened. I didn’t think about that. 
“J-Just let me wait till she wakes up first. Let me talk to her.” I begged and she sighed. 
“Fine, but you call me after, you got it?” She asked. 
“I promise.” I said and she sighed again. 
“I’m still calling Pea and letting him know what’s going on.” She said and I sighed. 
“Fine, just keep him from barging in, I don’t wanna scare her.” I said and she agreed. We said our goodbyes and hung up. 
I sat there in silence as I just stared at Y/N. I couldn’t stop thinking about how awful I am for not noticing anything. She hid it really well, which hurt. I had stopped crying but didn’t bother wiping my face. I just held her hand and stared at her. That’s when she started shifting. She slowly opened her Y/E/C and looked around for a moment before they landed on my dark brown ones. Neither of us moved or made a sound, just stared at the other. 
“I’m sorry…” She mumbled after a moment. She looked down and a tear rolled down her cheek. 
“Never. I mean never, do that again.” I choked out as my tears returned. Y/N looked up silently and reached up with her other hand to wipe away my tears. 
“You shouldn’t cry over me, I’m not worth it…” She whispered as she continued to caress my cheek. I felt the anger return and pulled back from her. 
“No Y/N! Don’t you ever think that! You’re more than worth it, you’re my perfect girl. I don’t understand why you even thought you needed to lose weight in the first place, but you’ve always been perfect! You’re beautiful, funny, caring, and amazing! I love you, I always have. I can’t stand seeing you do this to yourself when you don’t need to. I saw what was in the toilet, when was the last time you ate?” I asked and she had more tears falling down her gorgeous face. 
“I-I don’t know. Yesterday at lunch? I don’t know. I-I…” She started crying harder. I pulled her in for a gentle hug and stroked her hair. 
“How long have you been doing this babe?” I whispered. 
“A-A ye-year…” She answered between sobs. My heart broke and I sighed. I held her for a bit longer and gently pulled her back once she calmed down a bit. 
“Baby, you need to eat and actually keep it down. You need to get better, Y/N. Please.” I said and she shook her head. 
“I-I can’t! Looking at all those people that you talk to, they’re so much prettier than me! They’re skinnier, hotter, cooler, everything! Those people at school made me realize that I’m never going to be like them. I’m never going to be good enough for you…” She said, sobbing into her hands. My eyes widened as I stared at her. Who the fuck said that to her? She’s always been perfect, my everything… I gently pulled her hands away and tried to catch her eyes, but she avoided me. 
“Y/N, look at me, please?” I asked quietly. She looked up and she looked so broken. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, I love you more than anything. I always have and I always will. No one in this damn world could ever compare to you, baby. You’ve always been my number one and I have never even thought of another person. Guy or girl. You don’t need to change yourself just because some jealous bitch said something to you. I will always love you no matter what.” I said and she sobbed. 
“Do you mean it?” She asked in a broken whisper. 
“Every word baby. I promise you that I love you with every piece of my heart. I just want you to get better right now. You passed out Y/N, do you know how scared I was?” I asked quietly. 
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” She cried and I pulled her into my chest. 
“Shhh, it’s okay baby. You don’t have to be sorry okay? We’re gonna get you some help and get you better, okay?” I asked and she nodded. 
“Now, I gotta call Toni and tell her you woke up before she and Pea come breaking down the door.” I said and her eyes widened. 
“Y-You told Toni and Pea?” She asked with more tears falling. 
“I called to see if Toni noticed anything with you, I was so worried Y/N.” I said, caressing her cheek and wiping the tears. She closed her eyes and leaned into my touch. 
“Toni wanted me to take you to the hospital and I know I should have, but I just didn’t want to lose you.” I admitted and she looked up at me. 
“I’m so sorry, Fangs…” She said and I shook my head. 
“You don’t need to be sorry, baby.” I said and kissed her forehead. 
“Now let me call Toni and maybe I can convince her to not take you to the hospital, but you have to eat a bit of the Pop’s I brought home, deal?” I asked and she nodded while taking a shaky breath. 
“I’m not gonna make you eat all of it, but you need to eat at least a little okay? We’ll work on this slowly.” I said and she nodded. 
“O-Okay…” She whispered. I smiled and kissed her head once more before I went to get the food. When I walked back in she was fiddling with her hands. She looked up and I saw her sniff the air subtly. Her stomach growled and I smiled slightly. I walked over and placed the food on her lap, but left the milkshake in the other room. It would be way too heavy for her right now, even if she did love them. 
“I got your favorite, but I think we’re gonna skip the milkshake today and just stick with water, alright?” I asked and she nodded. Her shaky hands took out the burger and fries and gently laid them on the blanket. 
“Alright, I’m gonna sit right here and call Toni and you’re gonna start eating, okay?” I asked and she nodded. I pulled out my phone and called Toni as I watched Y/N slowly start to eat the cold fries. I watched as she put the first one in her mouth and she moaned slightly. I smiled as she continued eating them. 
“Fangs! Is she awake?” Toni answered. 
“Yeah, she’s awake.” I answered and I heard her sigh. 
“Perfect, I’m with Pea and Juggie right now and we have the truck so we’ll be over in a few and we can take her to the hospital.” She said as I heard movement from her side. 
“I don’t think we’re gonna need to take her to the hospital.” I said as I watched her pick up the burger. She took a bite and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I chuckled and smiled at her. 
“Fangs she passed out, she needs to go to the fucking hospital.” Toni said, slightly annoyed. 
“I think we can deal with this ourselves, T.” I said and she groaned. 
“Seriously? You agreed to take her to the hospital when she woke up.” She said and I sighed. 
“Just come over and see, I promise we got this.” I said and she sighed. 
“Fine, we’re already on our way.” She said and hung up. I hung up and saw Y/N was halfway done with the burger. 
“Slow down babe.” I said with a small chuckle. She blushed and looked over at me. 
“Sorry…” She mumbled and I smiled at her. 
“Don’t be, I know you’re hungry, but like I said we gotta take it slow.” I said and she nodded. 
A few minutes later, our front door was opening. We heard three sets of footsteps coming towards us and Y/N looked scared. I grabbed her hand and gently gave her a reassuring squeeze. The door opened and in walked Toni, Pea, and Jughead. They all looked at Y/N with wide eyes and Toni rushed over to her other side. She pulled her in for a hug, which Y/N returned. 
“Are you crazy? Starving yourself or throwing shit up, whichever. How long has this been going on, huh?” Toni asked and Y/N looked down in shame. 
“Toni, relax. We already talked about it and look she’s already eating.” I said and grabbed Y/N’s hand again. 
“I’m sorry…” Y/N said quietly again. 
“Babe I already told you, you don’t need to be sorry.” I said. 
“No Fangs is right, sorry Y/N/N, I’m just worried.” Toni said, taking a seat on the bed next to her. 
“We all are.” Jones said. She looked up at Pea and Jughead and they each smiled at her. 
“Yeah, so who ass do I need to beat for starting this shit?” Pea asked and Toni rolled her eyes. Y/N laughed and I smiled at her. 
“If I’m honest I don’t even remember who said something…” She said and blushed slightly. 
“I just know it was about a year ago and that’s when I started looking at myself differently. I just hate how I look and constantly compare myself to everyone else and…” She trailed off. 
“Wait, that’s when you started cutting, were you doing this too?” Toni asked and Y/N shook her head. 
“No, I started after you guys helped with that…” She said with a guilty tone. 
“Oh Y/N…” Toni said and pulled her in for another hug. 
“I’m so-” 
“Nope, don’t you dare apologize.” Toni said, cutting her off. 
“Yeah, we’re sorry for not noticing anything.” Jones said and Y/N shook her head. 
“I hid it, there was no way you guys could have known. I mean I was wearing clothes that were a bit too big for me so you guys wouldn’t see my weight change.” She said and we all looked at each other. That explains a bit. 
“We’ll that’s fucking over, let’s go get you some more food.” Pea said and she shook her head. 
“I’m kind of full.” She said and I placed the rest of the food on the nightstand. 
“That’s okay, like I said, slow.” I said and she nodded with a small smile. 
“Fangs is right, we gotta take this slow, but we’re all here for you and we’re gonna help every step of the way.” Toni said with a smile. Pea and Jones also nodded and Y/N teared up. 
“You guys are the best and I’m really so-” 
“Stop apologizing Y/N/N, or I’m gonna kick your ass.” Pea said and she laughed a real genuine happy laugh. We all smiled at her and I gently squeezed her hand. This might be a hard and long road ahead, but we would all support her every step. I think she finally realized that she’s amazing and if not we would all be here to remind her.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13 @fandom-princess-forevermore @liz-owl
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader x Fangs Fogarty
Requested by Anon​​
Valentine event
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Warnings: 18+ content, oral male receving, oral fem receving, hand job, implied sex, threesome, watching/voyeurism 
“You’re going to be in so much trouble with (Y/N)!” Fangs said as he grinned at Sweet Pea who frowned and shrugged. He had been about to say something when he turned and saw that you’d caught them. His eyes went wide and he slowly turned to glare at Fangs.
“What I said you’d be in trouble.” Fangs said with an amused tone as he looked between you and Sweet Pea.
“You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me.” You said with a sweet smile. Sweet Pea swallowed a little and gave you a sheepish smile.
“I wasn’t doing what you think I was I… I was totally doing it… you hoping to punish me?” He asked and grinned.
“Maybe.” You said with an air of disinterest.
“I probably need it… and deserve it. If I’m being honest.” Sweet Pea grinned at you and you huffed as you crossed your arms before smiling to yourself. They had broken into your room and were looking for the one thing that you’d told them not to. Or Sweet Pea had. You didn’t trust the overly innocent look that Fangs was giving you.
“Do you?” You asked as you walked around your bed and reached for Fangs. The three of you were alone and your roommates wouldn’t be back for a while. You knew exactly why they were hanging around your apartment. Fangs let you move him over to stand at the side of your bed while you wrapped your arms around his neck and started kissing. The kiss was soft at first but you turned up the heat as Sweet Pea watched carefully. When he tried to join you held out a finger and wagged it at him without breaking the kiss. Fangs let you unbuckle his belt and yank his jeans and boxers down. The three of you had hooked up a few times before. You were all comfortable with each other. Fangs gasped as you manoeuvred you both so that you could push him down onto your bed. Sweet Pea watched and fidgeted, wanting to share in the attention that Fangs was getting. Ignoring him you paused just long enough to undress before wrapping your hand around Fang's cock, twisting your hand as you pumped up and down. Fangs sighed and whined happily while Sweet Pea huffed and puffed. Pushing Fangs so he was laying down the length of the bed and stripped down to your underwear. You knew it was getting to Sweet Pea by now. He liked to take charge but you were going to drag it out as long as you could. Fangs gasped and his head hit the headboard loud enough to make a soft thunking noise as you took the tip of his cock into your mouth. His hips rose up off the bed as you bobbed your head up and down, taking more of him with each movement.
“This is unfair!” Sweet Pea whined as he crouched down. He was watching you intently as you tipped your head at an angle so that he could see. You locked eyes with him as you continued and he rested his head on the side of the bed.
“I’ve had enough.” Sweet Pea said as he stood and grabbed you. Fangs whined as he found himself suddenly unattended and quickly moved to grab himself as he watched Sweet Pea position his head between your legs. You groaned deeply and gutturally as Sweet Pea frantically kissed and devoured you. It egged Fangs on as he jerked himself off and moved close so he could watch. Your fingers dug into Sweet Pea's hair as he drove you closer and closer to the edge until you felt pleasure crash over your body. Fangs leaned down to kiss you as Sweet Pea kissed your inner thighs and pulled away.
“I think that was a very fair punishment.” Sweet Pea said smugly.
“Oh, this is far from over.” You said before you let out a wispy sigh as you took a moment to gather yourself and decide how you were going to win the upper hand again.
Fangs tags:
@the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @geekyandgay98 @isshecrazyorissheclever @savagemickey03
Sweet Pea tags:
@the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @geekyandgay98 @isshecrazyorissheclever @savagemickey03
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Summary: Sweet Pea/Reader/Fangs; You fail at joining the Serpents, but find out Fangs and Sweet Pea sabotaged it because they were concerned about you being in the gang
“I’m sorry Y/N; we can’t let you join..”
“But I did everything perfectly!!! I had Toni help me with the dance and even…” FP Jones and Jughead both shake their heads.
“Listen Y/N sometimes it happens; we have too many members to control; we still have half the Toledo gang down here.. Some people just aren’t cut out for the gang life; it takes a lot.. We’re a family; and you have one..” Jughead looks uncomfortable and you follow his eyes until you land on what he’s looking at; Sweet Pea and Fangs who are hunched in a corner trying to hide. You narrow your eyes.
“I understand.” You can see when Jughead realizes you’re looking at them.
“Y/N they had..”
“Nothing could be a good enough answer for why they don’t want me.” You snap and Jughead winces. You can see him wave his hand and you shove past the other Serpents not willing to have a conversation with Fangs and Sweet Pea in a crowded bar about how they made you fail out of the Serpents.
“Y/N we didn’t make you fail we just..”
“Convinced Jughead and his dad I wouldn’t fit in; that I’m not part of your family all for what reason exactly?”
“Being in the Serpents is dangerous! There’s so much risk and neither of us wanted to risk you getting hurt…”
“So that’s an excuse to not say anything to me and make me fail out of something you’re both part of?” You snap and both Fangs and Sweet Pea are smart enough to stay quiet for a moment.
“Y/N we just; we got scared; we weren’t thinking properly because of it..” Fangs tries to explain and you soften. Sweet Pea nods in agreement.
“Y/N we just want to keep you safe; and yeah maybe we went about it in the wrong way but…”
“You should have talked to me; I know the gang is dangerous! You didn’t even ask why I wanted to join!”
“Why did you want to join teh gang then?” Sweet Pea huffs and you scowl.
“Does it matter now?”
“Well yes! If we hear the reason maybe we’ll realize that we were being huge idiots!” Fangs nudges Sweet Pea and Sweet Pea rolls his eyes.
“Fangs yes I know we’re already well aware that Y/N should have joined the Serpents and we were being insecure and overprotective! But we had a right to be!!! We’ve almost died how many times in the gang???”
“Which is exactly why I wanted to join!!!”
“To die?!?!”
“To have the gangs protection!! To protect you two idiots from not dying!!!!”
“That’s the entire reason we asked Jones to not let you in!!”
“I know!!! It’s why we’re all idiots.” You can’t help but laugh and let `fangs and Sweet Pea pull you into a hug.
“How about tomorrow we go and talk to Jones about it.”
“Mhm; for now we need to have one more night before our girl becomes a snake with us.”
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Sweet Pea & Fangs//3..2..1
Request: Can you do a polymory imagine with fangs and Sweet Pea where the reader is pregnant and it's twins but one is fangs and the other is sweet peas or something please thanks.
hey! i hope you like this! it’s very sweet and domestic and cute! there’s like one mention of sex...because duh. there’s also excited/idiotic sweet pea and fangs and that’s my favourite kind of sweet pea and fangs! byeee ✌️
Sunshine warms your face while the cold glass of lemonade chills your hands. A small breeze shakes the leaves of the large oak tree providing some much needed shade to half of your body and you tip your head back against the wooden chair. 
Your eyes flutter closed and you place a hand over your stomach, your bump now ready to pop and you give it a small stroke, just to let your babies know that you’re still here. The world moves around you, cars go past, neighbours talk over fences and birds sing in trees. But you stay perfectly still, content with how you’re own little world is right now. 
You can hear Sweet Pea and Fangs in the spare bedroom. Their muffled voices singing along to some old song playing on the radio and every few seconds you hear a laugh making the smile grow on your lips. 
Yeah, life is pretty good right now. Nobody thought you’d get to this point, not even yourselves. You thought you’d be destined to remain in Riverdale for the rest of your life, after all, nothing good happens to Southside Scum. 
But here you are. Eight and a half months pregnant with twins and sat on the porch while your fiancé’s paint the nursery and sing. 
“Are you having a good day?” You ask and look down. Your wiggle your toes in an attempts to see them over your bump, but it’s no use and you let out a defeated sigh, sitting back again. You feel something move and you shift excitedly. “Hi! Are you guys awake in there?” You huff at the feeling of them kicking but force a smile onto your face anyway. 
They may be cute, but it doesn’t mean the kicking doesn’t hurt. And even though you’ve loved spending every day for almost 9 months with them, it is getting a little more difficult to carry them around now. You’ll miss them when they’re out and here in the real world, but a small part of you is looking forward to it. Just so when you do get twenty minutes to sleep in between feeds, you’ll be able to sleep comfortably. 
“Can you hear your dads?” You wonder and they move around, almost as if they’re answering. Sweet Pea belts out the last few words to Celine Dion and you smile softly. “They’re painting your room for you. Neither of them can settle on a colour so this is the third change they’re made. But everything else is ready for you. We’re just waiting on you to decide when you want to meet us. And whenever that is, we’ll be waiting for you.” You whisper the last part, resting your hand down flat and a foot kicks against it. “Do you want more lemonade?” You ask and there’s another kick. “Me too.” You nod and take a sip
“Y/n!” Sweet Pea shouts and making you throw the liquid over yourself. 
“Jesus Christ, are you trying to scare the babies out of her.” Fangs scolds, quickly following him and you roll your eyes at the two of them. You grab the napkins from the glass table and start dabbing at your now wet clothes. “Holy shit!” Fangs’ eyes widen as he pushes past Sweet Pea to get onto the porch. 
“What?” Sweet Pea follows, shoving him to stand in front of you and his eyes widen at the sight. “Fuck, I didn’t actually scare the babies out of you did I? Okay, Fangs get the bags, I’ll get the car. This is what we’ve been training for!” He rambles and Fangs nods frantically. Both of them rush off in different directions, before you get the chance to see anything and you pull a face.
“3..2..1.” You mumble and check your phone. When you look back up, they’re both stood in front of you. 
“You’re not actually in labour are you?” Fangs asks and you shake your head. 
“Nope. I just got a fright and split my drink.” You explain. 
“Oh thank god. We are not ready for actually labour yet.” Sweet Pea lets out a relieved sigh and you and Fangs stare at him, alarm evident on both of your faces. 
“Well that’s not concerning at all.” You say and Sweet Pea forces a smile. 
“Anyway.” He sits down beside you. “What’s new with you?” 
“Since you saw me an hour ago?” You ask and he nods. Fangs rolls his eyes playfully and sits on the other side as you. “Well, your children decided to kick me for a little bit.” You shrug and they smile down at your stomach. Both of them reach forward and place a hand on the rounded bump and warmth floods your chest. 
You place your own over the two of them and the three of you sit in silence for a few minutes, basking in the peace while you still have it. This is one of the last times it’s just going to be the three of you. 
Soon you’re family will grow to five and that excites and terrifies the life out of you. But knowing Sweet Pea and Fangs are here for it too and are just as terrified as you are, reassures you that no matter what happens, you’ll be okay. 
They’ve never let you down before, you don’t think they could if they tried. 
“Okay. I have a theory.” Fangs starts and Sweet Pea groans in annoyance. You look at him amused before switching your attention to Fangs. 
“Not this theory again.” Sweet Pea shakes his head and Fangs tuts, before grinning at you. 
“What theory?” 
“Do you think there’s a possibility that one of those is mine and the other is Sweet Pea’s?” He asks and glances at your stomach. Your eyebrows furrow as you look between the two of them. 
“Are you being serious?” 
“Unfortunately he is.” Sweet Pea shakes his head. “He’s been convinced. I think the looming threat of fatherhood is making him go slightly crazy.” He adds and Fangs throws a balled up napkin at him. 
“I’m being serious. Think about it, the logistics make it feasible.” 
“Did he just liken our sex lives to a logistic?” You ask Sweet Pea and he nods, letting his head drop into his hands. 
“I’m just saying.” Fangs throws his hands up defensively. “It could happen.” 
“I think that’s very unlikely.” You shake your head. 
“Ah, but it does happen though.” Fangs replies and pulls his phone from the front pocket of his overalls. 
He looks absolutely ridiculous in them, well at least that’s what you and Sweet Pea have been telling him ever since he put them on. But he doesn’t seem to care, he’s just been strutting around the house in them and posing in every mirror he passes. 
“See, look. There’s tons of articles about it happening.” Fangs says, throwing you his phone. Sweet Pea catches it before it hits you in the face and you lean over his shoulder to read.  
“Yeah, but what are the actual odds. You’d need a miracle for that.” You say, rolling your eyes while shifting.
“Don’t doubt the universe. It works in mysterious ways, we all know that.” Fangs replies, downing the rest of his water. You and Sweet Pea share a look, a look reserved only for Fangs, but a sharp pain through your stomach changes your slightly bemused expression to one of pure pain. 
“Shit.” Sweet Pea stands up and frantically looks around. 
“What? What is it?” Fangs asks, now also panicked as he looks from Sweet Pea to you. His eyes widen as he slowly realizes what’s happening and within seconds he’s running into the house to grab your bags. 
Sweet Pea helps you stand and you grab his hand, squeezing hard as a contraction comes. Fangs stumbles back through the door, three bags hanging off his arms as he struggles to lock the door and then he’s rushing down the porch steps and chucking the bags in the trunk of the car. 
“Careful!” Sweet Pea shouts at him and then he looks back at you and his expression softens. Fangs runs back up the stairs and stands on the other side of you, wrapping an arm around your waist and the three of you struggle down the stairs. 
“Fuck!” You shout, gaining the attention of a few neighbours and Sweet Pea and Fangs smile apologetically to them. “Forget about them, I’m about to push your giant babies out me.” You groan and the two of them share a look. 
“We really are going to need a miracle.” Sweet Pea mumbles and Fangs nods quickly. 
“I heard that.” You seethe and squeeze his hand again. A high pitched yelp escapes his lips and he looks at you surprised. 
“Contraction?” He asks.
“No.” You glare at him and he gulps. 
It turns out the universe does work in mysterious ways and getting to this point in your lives wasn’t the only miracle it was working on. 
Because after you and Sweet Pea caved about a DNA test just to shut Fangs up, it was proved that he was in fact right. Which was definitely a miracle. 
Right now though, as Sweet Pea and Fangs stare down at new lives they created, you know you’ll never doubt the universe ever again. 
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Two Player Game
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Request: Yes or No
You watched him. Watched him as he shared glances with the girl. Shared smiles. You couldn't care less. Even if Fangs was your boyfriend, you weren't gonna stop him from seeing her. But you sure as hell were gonna destroy him for thinking he could play you, (Y/N) Peabody.
Did you want to stab him?
Were you going to?
No. Not yet anyway.
You didn't need another assault charge on your record. You chose to play a familiar game. If he wanted to cheat, he could do so with as many people he wanted. You were gonna do the same while making the guilt eat him alive. Playing the oblivious boyfriend was easy. Almost too easy.
"Do you think Fangs would like a movie date?" You asked Toni, giving her a smile. Guilt flashed in her and Pea's eyes. She nodded, smiling.
"He'd love that." She replied.
You nodded, let out a soft hum. Fangs walked over, sitting down beside you.
"Hey, babe." You cooed, kissing his cheek. Fangs gave you a smile.
"You're not gonna eat?" He asked. You shook your head, running your fingers through his hair. Fangs started to eat, eyes flickering over to the girl multiple times. You wanted to grab his neck and just choke him but held back.
"Do you wanna go to the movies tonight? Or do you have another study group thing?" You asked. Fangs frowned.
"Sorry, baby, I really wanna get my grades up. As soon as the next report card comes in, I'll take you out." You almost laughed. Almost. You sighed.
"Feels like we haven't gone on a date in forever." You rested your head on your fist, looking away from him. Fangs immediately reached for your hand and held it.
"I know, I'm sorry." He apologized. You squeezed his hand, giving him a smile.
"I'm glad you're focusing on your grades, babe." You said, giving him a proper kiss. You almost recoiled. He tasted like gloss. Fangs gave a bright smile, going back to eating. You couldn't wait to tell your sister.
Penny cracked up.
"Gloss? Like lipgloss?"
"Yeah! You know that sheer lipgloss chicks smear over their lips? That type of shit." Penny laughed, shaking her head. You rolled your eyes.
"He's so.. Stupid. They both make it so obvious. I can't wait to see his face when he realizes that I know." You grinned. Penny faced you, placing a plate of food infront of you.
"And you're not hurt at all?" She asked. You cleared your throat, shaking your head.
"I already punched and broke something." You said, glancing at the doorway when someone walked in. You started eating, watching Malachai. Penny stepped off to answer a phone call.
"What brings you here?" Malachai asked.
"Telling my sister about my dick of a boyfriend. What's new with you?" You asked. Malachai raised his brows.
"The shortie? What did he do?"
"Cheat." You were comfortable with Malachai. Especially after he took your sister in.
"Must have some big ass balls." Malachai crossed his arms. You snorted.
"Barely." You two chuckled. You looked at Malachai, realizing he was perfect for your game. You finished up eating, taking the plate to the sink and starting to wash it.
"You know... I could use a friend." You started, glancing at him. Malachai cocked an eyebrow, watching you dry your hands and look at him.
"Oh?" He stepped closer, hand coming up to your hip. You nodded, staring up at him. Malachai quickly pinned you to the counter, face close to yours. Your phone vibrated and you took it out, looking down at the text from Fangs, saying he was gonna stay at Kevin's for the night. Your jaw clenched. Maybe you were a little hurt. Malachai gently took the phone out of your hand and began to kiss the side of your face. You let out a laugh, turning your head to capture his lips.
"Seriously?" Penny huffed. You chuckled, looking at her while Malachai ignored her, hands wondering. You knew Fangs had done more than kiss the chick, so you planned to do more than that with Malachai.
It felt nice. It was nice to wake up to a handsome face. It was nice hearing his gruff voice, asking if he wanted pancakes or eggs. It was nice to finally feel loved again.
"Am I gonna see you again?" Malachai asked, leaning against his doorway. You laughed softly, shrugging.
"Maybe.." You cooed. Malachai sucked his teeth, watching you with soft yet predatory eyes.
"If I have nothing to do, I'll stop by tomorrow." You said. Malachai grinned.
"You better. You know I'll show up at the Northside and show that dumbass I'm better than him." You wouldn't mind that.
"One day, you will." You cooed, leaning up and kissing him. Malachai hummed, arms wrapping around you and attempting to pull you back inside but you pulled back and shook your head. You went over to your motorcycle, getting on. You drove back onto the Northside, pulling up at the school.
"Hey, where were you?" Toni asked. You licked your lips, turning off your bike.
"At my sisters place." You replied. Toni and Sweet Pea shared an uneasy look.
"What? I can't be with family?" You questioned.
"It's not like that, (N/N)." Toni placed a hand on your arm. Her eyes flickered to your neck but she stayed silent. You watched her, offering a small smile. You looked over at Fangs who was talking with the girl. You played with your keys, watching as she laughed and touched his arm. She got closer to him, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. You decided to throw the plan out the window. He wasn't gonna make a fool of you. You took out your phone, sending Malachai and Penny a text.
Your day had gone by so slow. Kissing, hugging, and just plain out touching someone who stunk of perfume sucked. But the day was over and a grin stretched out on your face when you saw the red car pull up. You quickly approached it, tossing your bike keys to your sister. You didn't even have time to talk before Malachai had scooped you up into his arms and kissed you. Penny snorted and you could feel the Serpents intense gazes burning into your back. You were probably gonna be exiled, but did you give a shit? Not really.
Is this bullshit? Absolutely. Was I halfasleep writing this? Absolutely.
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Requested: @wayward-river​ lynz write me 15 and 38 with my bb boi Fangs 🥰😘 “I refuse to have a 👶 on Christmas” 38. “One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted”
A/N: this is short but I decided to make you a moodboard too <3
Warnings: None
Word Count: about 1190
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Let's be honest you never had a normal Christmas, something always went wrong. So much so that you never expected Christmas to go the way you wanted it to, that stopped years ago when you realized you were just cursed during the Christmas season. This year you knew once you got through the holidays that everything would be alright, your baby would come and though you knew there would be some hard times your baby girl would finally be here. You wanted Christmas to be normal. To wake up and open presents with Fangs and than go to his grandmothers and pig out on the amazing meal you were absolutely craving. It started two days before Christmas cramps you couldn’t explain, you thought something was wrong but the doctor assured you everything was alright and it was probably just the baby moving around too much. Christmas night Fangs sat talking to the baby girl that would soon be out of your belly, rubbing his hand along your stomach as you nodded off in and out of sleep. But you felt your baby girl kick to her daddy's voice. He always had such an effect on her.
“Baby, you okay?”
“Yeah, she’s just kicking” He leaned down pressing his lips gently to the skin your daughter kicking right in the spot
“baby girl you need to calm down so mama can get some sleep, okay, I can’t wait till your out and we get to hang out baby. Okay I love you, let mama get some rest and we can talk in the morning”
You fell asleep that night, everything as normal as it could be. Waking up was just the same, you actually slept in a little late, til 10:15 when usually your baby would be kicking at 7am. Fangs came in with breakfast made.
“Merry Christmas mama, merry Christmas baby girl”
“Thanks for the breakfast Fangsy”
“No problem, figured you finally get to sleep in mine as well take advantage, and when you are done we can go down and open some gifts” You smiled up at him as his lips pressed against your own and then to your forehead and down to your stomach. You finished your breakfast and carefully got up waddling over to the stairs as Fangs helped you down. Even being pregnant for 9 months did not make you used to the belly that you dawned, making your already clumsiness considerably worse.
Sitting down on the couch Fangs handed you your first gift. A necklace that had your baby's sonogram on it. It was funny considering you got him something quite similar which he opened soon after. You had got him a keychain that was cut out along the lines of your baby's heartbeat. You remember the first time he heard it, his eyes lit up in a way you could never explain unless you saw it again. It was like the love was pouring out of him. The both of you were enamored with each other and this pregnancy after trying for years this was your baby girl finally close to being born, a few more weeks and she would be here and you both couldn’t be happier.
While in your own head you didn’t even realize the wet spot that had been made underneath of you.
“Sorry Fangsy was just thinkin”
“No... baby, the couch.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god, fuck, fuck, oh my god Fangs” He grabbed your arms standing you up.
“Does it hurt? Do you feel bad?” you just stared at the couch. “Baby c’mon you gotta talk to me. You need to look at me.”
“I refuse to have a baby on Christmas”
“Well baby, the baby kinda decides that…”
“Not funny Fangs”
“Look, mama,  everything is going to be alright okay. We have the bag packed we are going to breathe, and we are going to drive to the hospital okay” you nodded your head. “I want you to stay right here I’m gonna grab you a change of pants, and the hospital bag and we’ll go okay. Before you could say anything he ran up the stairs, coming back down and helping you change before grabbing you and walking outside. You looked over at Fangs trailing your eyes down to the sidewalk to pay attention to the ice when you realized he had no pants on.
“Uhm fangs…”
“What’s wrong baby!”
“You, you forgot your pants…” Fangs stood next to you dawned in boxers.
“Shit, okay. I’ll get you in the car and then go grab a pair” You couldn’t stop laughing, that was until you felt one of the worst pains of your life. You reached over beeping the horn until you saw Fangs stumbling out of the house one pant leg on as he was running to the car.
“What! What’s Wrong!”
“Put your damn pants on and let’s go have a baby, Fogarty”
“Wooo, now drive, this kinda hurts you know”
He peeled out of the driveway, and on the main road as you made your way to the hospital. You got put into a maternity room hooked up to a bunch of machines, and you were ready to push. You grabbed Fang’s hand as another contraction coursed through you.
“One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted!”
“It’s your fault, Fogarty, you just had to fuckin knock me up when you did, I mean I love you, and I love her but fuck” You loved the man holding your hand, Fangs was your number one, well maybe your number two now with this little baby taking up first place. You loved him and this baby with all your heart, but you just wanted a normal Christmas. One with your families, that was relaxing and calm like most people had, but of course, that is not what happened, and no You wouldn’t trade it for the world because your baby girl was finally here but you wished she had come either sooner or later, not on Christmas morning.
After breastfeeding the baby you were super tired, you nodded off as Fangs was holding the baby. When you woke you were met with a small Christmas tree in the corner, presents all around, lights and garland strung across the ceiling, and your family sitting around you.
“What..?” he handed the baby to you with a little red Santa had on her head.
“Well… I know we can’t have the “normal” Christmas like you wanted, but I think normal is vastly overrated and having this little peanut here with us is way better than any normal Christmas, but I know you wanted that, and I know we can't have Christmas at home like we planned but I hope this makes up for it”
“You brought Christmas to me…”
“I hope you like it”
“I love it, and I love you, and our little baby girl, thank you Fangsy. Best present ever”
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stattic-writes · 5 years
25 Lives
Support My Writing?
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anninhiliation · 6 years
Not Good Enough Part 1
A/N me again :) so yea I'm babysitting an elderly lady so why not put out imagines and smut of my men (Sweet Pea and Fangs) (Thirsty bitch for both) In addition, I own nothing except for my words. Gif belongs to the rightful owner.
Part 2
Y/N = Your Name
Warnings: cursing, sad precious baby Fangs, blood, mention of anxiety.
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"(Y/N), I am so fucked." Fangs dolefully said.
You and Fangs met because of the merger. Since there were so many new students, Riverdale Highschool literally copied your schedule to make his. Being in all the same classes had made you two to become friends. In fact, you had even developed feelings for him but never said anything because of how positive you were that he only saw you as a friend. Yet, in your defense, he never showed you any signs that he was interested in you.
"Fangs, you are not going down for the murder of Midge! There is no way I will let that happen." You cheerfully said hoping to lift his spirits.
His saddened, and scared expressions killed you inside.
"(Y/N) I don't expect you to understand cause of how privileged you are, but people like me always go down for shit we didn't do." Fangs replied coldly. “And people like you get to do whatever the fuck you want, and Daddy's always there to fix whatever fucked up shit you decided to do.”
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"Listen, Fogarty," you snap back hurt that he would ever snap at you. His usual friendly smiles and flirtatious comments had been destroyed lately due to all the stress. "My privileged ass will not allow you to go down for anything. I may not be a serpent, but I fucking know loyalty. I am loyal as hell to the people I care about."
You snapped back at him with full sass inches away from his face. If it weren't for the bars separating the two of you, Fangs might have kissed you from all the sexual tension that was building up. The sassy comeback made Fangs regret snapping at you. Softening his features he leaned against the bars, fingers curling around the bars and almost whispered,
"Sorry (Y/N). It's just stressful cause I got one of those free lawyers and he's shit. Doesn't care how long I rot in jail or why I am even here in the first place. And I can't afford a good lawyer, which leaves me with a moron."
Seeing Fangs regretting snapping at you, you softly smile and reply, "That's why I came to visit you during school! I hired McCoy to represent you! Shes really good and will have you out in no time!"
With that, you waved Fangs good-bye strutting away in your maroon mid-thigh skirt. Fangs was left shocked, as attorney McCoy appeared from the hallway ready to take over.
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Attorney McCoy had worked her magic, making Fangs once again a free man.
"I don't want to die." Fangs spoke scaredly. 
You hear the serpents speaking trying to form a plan to safely get Fangs back home safely. The mob outside had grown dangerously large and the police seemed to not care. For they only saw it as one less gang members permanently off the streets. As you walk up to the core four serpents, Sweet Pea noticed you first and growls
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"What are you doing here North Sider? Lost? This is none of your business so turn around and walk away."
Being 5ft and having a 6ft 3inch man growl at you while staring you down did frighten you, however, you could not let that show if you wanted to help Fangs.
"I am here to help Fogarty." You state confidently. Standing up straighter as if you were going to match his height.
"Why should we trust you?" Sweet Pea lashed out.
Sweet Pea looked like if he was given the chance, he would murder you in a split second. Fangs steps in before things get more out of hand. The tension outside was bad enough, but Fangs` friends fighting only made him feel worse. 
"Dude shes the reason why I get to leave and I'm not rotting in prison right now." Fangs says as he pulls Sweet Pea back.
Jughead, being the leader of the younger serpents formulates a plan to leave the building with everyone surrounding Fangs. Before leaving everyone forms a huddle and chants
"In unity, there is strength!"
Being the short girl you are, forces you to protect Fangs' back. The riot that had formed outside was petrifying. No matter how many people Sweet Pea would push away they kept coming. Like a swarm of angry bees. You were really grateful that the Serpents were just a huge family and that more joined in as you walked through the irate crowd. People had been pulling your hair, spitting at you, screaming in your face, yet all you could focus on was protecting the boy you secretly loved. Yet, Fangs never safely made it home. Everything happened in what felt like slow motion. You saw from the corner of your eye Reggie Mantle with a gun. Sending you into a panic, as you think to fast you push yourself in front of Fangs but its no use because he just shoves you to the ground as the sound of a gun goes off.
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Fangs fell to the ground next to you with a pool of blood forming around his upper abdomen. Sweet Pea began to yell for someone to call 911. Tears form around your face as you apply pressure against the wound. You were outright petrified, you felt your heart break into millions of pieces.
"Fangs stay with me!" You sob "You are going to be okay."
You sob so hard your makeup runs down cheeks making Fangs weekly smile.
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"I'm not dead yet." Fangs choked out as paramedics came and took over. Pushing you out of the way.
In all the stress you push your hair back with Fangs' blood all over your hands. Watching the love of your life being placed in an ambulance. You pull out your car keys ready to follow the paramedics, still crying when suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder. You turn around and its Sweet Pea, with Jughead and Toni behind him.
"I'm driving you're a mess right now." Sweet Pea states prying the keys out of your hands.
Toni gives you a weak smile as she gets into the car sitting next to Jughead in the backseat. The drive is silent minus the sounds of your weak sobs. Until of course, Sweet Pea breaks the silence.
"You know you should just tell Fangs you like him more as a friend." Sweet Pea states bluntly.
You suddenly stop sobbing to choke out, "I don't like him like that! Why would you even think that?"
"Oh, yea?" Sweet Pea answers in amusement. "Than why did you pay for his lawyer? Put yourself in danger by coming here to help escort him out of an angry mob, and freak the fuck out the second he gets hurt but not even notice the grab marks, bruises, and cuts that have formed around your skin? Oh, and you couldn't even drive because of how emotionally wrecked you are."
Shocked you quickly answer "Yea well- uh- well ya know you- hmmm- I- that's what friends do?" You finish with more of a question than a thought.
"Thought so." Sweet Pea says as Toni cuts in before he can add anything else "Sweet Pea leave the poor girl alone. Feelings for Fangs or not, nows not the time."
You turn your head slightly back to mouth "Thank you."
As Toni nods with a soft smile. The car suddenly parks as Sweet Pea gets out. Everyone else follows as you are at the hospital, but you stay back to take a deep breath. You are the last one to enter the hospital emergency waiting room, as Fangs suddenly appears on a gurney.
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Seeing Fangs in what looked like a worse condition made your tears pile up all over again. You sit in the waiting room, leg shaking and your anxiety has clearly risen up. You got up from the chair you sat at with your purse to go outside to smoke. The fresh air always helped you calm down. Mixed with the tobacco from the cigarettes was a way you copped with your mental illness. It was a way for you to clear your head.
It doesn't take long for, you feel a presence behind you. 
“If you are here to talk to me about feelings and Fangs I will punch you. I might be small but I can pack a punch.” You threaten already knowing its Sweet Pea. 
“Can I have a cig?” Sweet Pea asks. 
You were taken back a bit, but nod as you open your camel menthols and offered your lighter along with a cigarette. After what felt like an eternity of awkward silence, Sweet Pea speaks up once again.
“Fangs likes you too.”
You looked up staring at Sweet Pea in the eyes trying to see if he was joking or not. But to your surprise, he was not kidding. 
"I'm going to ask you a question and I expect you to cut the bullshit and answer me." You replied. "Fangs is dying. We don't know if he is going to make it through the night. So why the hell do you think its okay to bring up feelings you know nothing about. Even if I did have feelings for Fangs it's not like I can do anything with them. So whats your game? Butter me up with shit like "Fangs likes you." An-" you didn't get to finish as Sweet Pea cut in,
"Fuck you." While throwing his cigarette butt by your feet and storming away with your car.
You threw your cigarette butt by his, and gingerly walked back into the hospital. You sat back down in your seat. By the time you made it back, FP had sent everyone home. However, luckily for you, FP didn't know you, so you got to stay After all the serpents had left, you deemed it safe to fall asleep, without anyone messing with you. It was around 9am when Toni woke you up with a cup of coffee. 
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serpent-squad · 7 years
Mutual Attraction |Part 2| Fangs Fogarty
Part 1 | Part 3 
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Pairing: Fangs Fogarty x Reader
Summary: As the merger of the two high schools in Riverdale commence, the serpents are determined to take full advantage of this opportunity. Fangs in particular has decided to dive head first into a ‘normal’ lifestyle. As he sees Y/N around Riverdale High School, he’s instantly intrigued. Will she feel the same? Will it progress past glances in the hallway? Will their love be deemed star crossed before it even begins?
Word count: 4535. If this is too long, let me know?
A/N: I’m really loving writing this fic. I hope you all are loving it too. Any feedback or critique is welcomed. Please! I’m trying to grow as a writer so it’s all appreciated! @sweet-fogarty-topaz requested a prompt from this list and I turned it into a short fic. The prompt part is coming soon :) I promise. 
*If anyone wants to be tagged in the other parts, let me know! Or if you just want to be added to a tag list in general, as I plan on writing other fics and such for Riverdale after I finish this one!
Fangs is working at Pop’s but why? What could this serpent possibly want to do at Pop’s? Y/N couldn’t wrap her mind around it, she was speechless. As Fangs emerged from the back in the white Pop’s uniform, Y/N couldn’t help but notice how devilishly handsome he looked. The white button up shirt hugged close to his toned body, causing his biceps to bulge around the too tight sleeves. Even that ridiculous hat couldn’t make him look bad, Y/N rolled her eyes as she laughed to herself at the thought.
“Enjoying the view, Princess?”, the lengthy serpent mocked with a smirk.
“Excuse m-”, Y/N was cut off before she could defend herself.
“I’m Sweet Pea. Fangs’ best friend.”, Sweet Pea extended a hand.
“Uhm one of his best friends”, coughed the pink haired serpent, “I’m Toni.”
“Do you guys need anything?”, Y/N asked obviously confused as to why they were speaking to her.
“Calm down Northie. We won’t hurt you.”, Sweet Pea replied knowing it would make her nervous.
“Don’t call me that!”, sneered Y/N shooting the lengthy serpent a glare.
“Well maybe if we knew your name we could call you something else?”, smiled Toni trying to make Sweet Pea back off.
“I’m Y/N. I’m sorry…. I don’t mean to come off rude. Just most people don’t care to get to know me”, Y/N stared blankly as Fangs approaches the group.
“Guys can you stop bugging my coworker please. Eat or leave.”, he explains.
Sweet Pea and Toni take the hint and head back to their booth.
“I’m really sorry about them. they mean well. I promise.”, he says.
“It’s okay. They weren’t bugging me,” Y/N smiles nervously.
Why does he do this to me? Just being near him makes my heart beat two times faster than normal. Pop Tate approaches the two.
“Alight. Fangs you will be training back in the kitchen for a while. You two will be working the same shift, mostly six pm to two am. So later tonight once we slow down, Y/N I want you to show Fangs the ropes for cleaning the tables and the lobby. He’s going to be your new bus boy, so you don’t have to wait tables and clean up afterwards by yourself. ”
Great. Just when you thought you were going to make it through this, Pop drops another bomb on you. Fangs would be the busboy assigned to help clean your tables. You would be alone with Fangs (along with one cook in the back) when things slowed down around one am. Your chest began to tighten at the thought of what could happen, but you shook those thoughts from your brain.
First thing about Pop’s: these uniforms absolutely suck. I feel like a complete idiot and Sweet Pea didn’t miss the opportunity to make sure I knew it.
“Dude what the actual hell is that on your head?”, Pea stated before busting out laughing. Toni slaps Pea across the back of the head.
“Stop bothering him. He’s our working boy! He’s growing up, Pea!”, Toni stated over dramatizing the reaction.
“I thought I already told the both of you to leave?”, Fangs said before leaving his two best friends behind.
Sweet Pea and Toni had already bothered everyone in Pop’s enough, including Y/N. I apologized on behalf of my friends but she claims they didn’t bother her.
“But still, they’re my friends so I know how they can be.”, I tell her.
“No, they actually seemed nice.”, Y/N uttered under her breath.
“Nice? Sweet Pea? You sure you aren’t sick or something? You need to see a doctor?”, I explain as I lean the back of my hand on her forehead.
Y/N lets out a minuscule giggle as a genuine smile spreads across her lips and her nose crinkles in response. God that smile really takes my breath away.
Y/N seems to catch herself, and slips back into a more serious manner.
“No but really Fangs. Your friends were nothing but nice to me. You don’t have to go beat them up, no worries.”, Y/N smiled.
“Oh, I will. Anyone messes with you let me know! Even if it is that string bean.”, I joked hoping to see that smile again.
Y/N just laughs before walking away. I can tell Y/N still seems extremely uncomfortable, I know we’ve never hung out or aren’t what you’d call ‘friends’, but I hope she isn’t distressed or scared that I’ll be working here. I’ll have to show her I mean well.
Once I talked to Pop and figured out my schedule, I was elated to learn I’d be working the same shifts as Y/N. After adoringly glancing at her for months, I would truly get the chance to get to know her and I had an excuse to now.  After going through the ropes in the kitchen, the cook instructed me that I was done for tonight. I checked my phone, 12:07 am and the diner was dead, before going to find Y/N.  She was leaned against the diner’s windows, looking out into the dark streets.  
“Waiting for your knight in shining armor to come sweep his princess off her feet?”, I chuckled at my joke. Y/N spun around and threw the dish towel she had been holding towards me before glaring in my direction.
“Hey! I’m only joking! Please have mercy your highness.” Y/N finally let a smile crack her glaring expression.
“No more or that’ll be off with your head!”, Y/N declared with a smirk spreading across her face.
I couldn’t contain myself and hunched over with laughter at the sight of her going along with my joke.
“Alright that’s enough. I’m supposed to be teaching you how to clean. Let’s get to it.”, Y/N explained.
I’ve not even spent a whole shift with Fangs and he has me laughing and blabbering on like an idiot. Showing him how to bus a table and clean the lobby was nothing. Collectively it would probably take about thirty minutes, after all it’s not rocket science. Which only meant—we’d have at least two hours to kill together in this diner, with the few late-night stragglers that come in. Usually a certain dark-haired boy wearing a beanie, and as of lately a similar serpent jacket to Fangs’. Not many people would be out this late, seeing as Riverdale isn’t considered the safest place anymore. Trying to make small talk is painful for me to do usually, but with Fangs talking just comes so easy. After showing him what to do I went behind the counter to check my phone. 12:46 am. A few minutes later, I didn’t notice Fangs slip onto the stool across me.
“There’s no one in here. Is it usually this way after the rush?”, he asks.
“Yeah pretty much. We have our busy nights, the weekend, of course.  But the weeks we only usually get the regular few.”
“So, we have a while until two. Tell me your story, Y/N.”, Fangs said.
“My story?”, I asked quizzically.
“Yeah. I want to know about you, I mean only if you’re comfortable telling me. We’re going to be coworkers and it seems like we’ll be spending a lot of time together… Here, how about you ask me anything you want to know first?”, Fangs crossed his arms and leaned forward on the counter top.
Why does he want to know about me? I’ve had questions about this mysterious serpent since the first day I saw him at school, but I never thought I’d get the opportunity to ask him.
“I have things I’m curious about…” I trailed off, “but I don’t want to offend you.”, I murmured
“Sweetheart. I doubt you could offend me. For you? I’m an open book. Ask away!”, Fangs smiled sweetly at me.
“Why’d you join the serpents?”, I blurt it out before I can even give it another thought. “If that questions off limits I understand, it might be too personal.”
“No! The more personal the questions the better. I told you I want to get to know you. Not just some superficial front you put on for everyone, the real you. So, it’s only fair you know the real me.”, Fangs smiled before he started.
How does he know that? We’re strangers, yet he can tell that I put on a front with everyone.
“It all started back in eighth grade, believe it or not. I moved to Riverdale that year and into Sunnyside trailer park. I was super bummed about a new school with new people. I was going to be ‘the new kid’ and I knew what that came with. And exactly what I expected happened. I was bullied on the regular just because I was a new kid, no one wanted to get to know me. I was alone…”, Fangs said through his downcast gaze.
“Don’t feel ashamed. You were just a kid and they were jerks. But what does that have to do with the serpents?”, I ask.
“It has everything to do with it. Being alone on the southside of town practically puts a target on your back. I’m embarrassed that I let myself be a victim of bullying, but it helped build me into who I am today. And I may not be perfect but I wouldn’t have my life any other way Y/N. The serpents are a gang yes, but they’re my family. One day I was ganged up on by a bunch of kids in an older grade. I didn’t know at the time but a certain tall string bean saw what happened that day, and he got a group of his friends to go find those guys. The next day at school Sweet Pea approached me and we’ve been best friends ever since. All he told me was that he got some friends to take care of those guys. Sweet pea couldn’t hide that he was in a gang, I knew but I didn’t want to assume. He told me about him being a part of the serpents and we talked about it, and he told me that they could provide me with what I was looking for.”, he said.
I just watched Fangs as he broke down and told me about his past. I could tell he felt vulnerable telling me this, although I was glad he trusted me to let his guard down.
“Sweet Pea? He has feelings? He cared about some innocent boy being bullied?” I mocked Fangs earlier expression of disbelief when I told him Sweet Pea was nice to me.
“Yeah yeah yeah, make all the fun you want. But Sweet Pea knew I wanted the sense of loyalty that came with the serpents. My family life at home has never been great, don’t get me wrong my parents are there, but they aren’t super invested in my life and they don’t even pretend to care.”, Fangs said, “The day before I started initiation Toni told me ‘You join us, you gotta be willing to die for us. Because we will for you.’ And I realized right there that’s what I wanted. This was going to be my life, this would be my family.”, Fangs finished nodding his head as he stared waiting for my reaction.
“Wow… I-I don’t know what to say Fangs”, was all I could say.
This guy had just poured so much heart and true feelings out in front of me. Maybe he wasn’t at all like what I expected.
“Disappointed that it’s not some badass fighting story?”, Fangs chuckled.
“No, not at all. I’m just surprised, that’s all. I wasn’t expecting you to reveal all this.”
“Like I said Y/N, I want to get to know you. It’s only fair you know the real me.”, Fangs said as he reached his hand across the table to grab mine. “But don’t go telling anyone, I have a bad ass reputation to keep up!”, Fangs smirked.
“Of course. Anything you tell me stays with me. My lips are sealed.”, I smiled as I zipped my lips shut.
I was utterly surprised. This guy who I saw to be this bad ass serpent had opened up to me and told me about his past.
“Well how about you?”, Fangs interrupted my thoughts.
“Compared to you, I’m boring. What you see is what you get mostly. I have my secrets and my demons just like any normal person.”, I shrugged.
“What about your family? What are they like?”, he asked.
I hesitated before deciding it was only right. I wanted to get to know him too whether I would admit it or not. And besides it was nice to have someone to talk to.
“They try, but most nights it’s constant fighting. Yelling, throwing things, and breaking stuff around the house. That’s actually why I prefer to work these shifts. By the time I’m home, they’re both usually asleep. And that’s the only time they aren’t at each other’s throats.”, I said. Before Fangs could reply I start again, “they like to act like everything is perfect to an outsider looking in. Just like most typical ‘northside’ families. It makes me sick to even be out in public with them and see them put on the act.”
And just like that I had told this practical stranger about something I’ve never told anyone else in Riverdale. But yet it felt good to tell him, it wasn’t forced. The words just flooded out.
“Damn. I’m sorry about them fighting and stuff. I know how it feels to be around all the time.”, he said.
“It was harder when I was younger. Now I try to avoid it mostly, and that’s working pretty well for me.”, I shrug.
“But what about friends? You’re from the northside, but I never see you with Betty or Cheryl or any of them..”
As I hear him say those names, I can’t help but laugh a little causing fangs puzzled expression.
“I try to steer clear of that crowd all together. I talk to Jughead from time to time here and we say hello in passing at school, but that’s pretty much it. I try to be cordial with everyone I come across though. And I may live on the northside but I prefer not to identify with sides. I’m just Y/N Y/L/N, an average girl that just blends into the background.”, I say.
“Don’t sell yourself short. From the first day I was at Riverdale I noticed you. You are anything but average Y/N”, Fangs smiles sheepishly.
I felt my face flush red. He noticed me and had remembered it. Was he flirting with me? No way. No way. He’s just being nice. Reaching out to the loner girl with no friends. Don’t get your hopes up Y/N.
The conversation pretty much winded down from there as it was almost time for us to leave. Both of you had revealed information about your past to each other. You felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. You had finally opened up to someone and it was a person you least expected, but you felt like you were on cloud nine.
Fangs and I started sharing more with each other as we got to spend additional time together. Weeks had past and I cherished our nights together and would look forward to them everyday at school. Watching the clock tick by until finally it was time to leave school and then shortly I could be heading towards Pop’s to see the guy I was falling head over heels for.
At first our communication started and ended at work, saying our goodbyes as we left the diner when the next shift came to release us, with an unspoken promise of seeing each other the next night. Until one day at school Fangs flashed me that striking smile as we exchanged glances and he started walking towards where I stood at my locker.
“You aren’t worried about what being seen with me would do for your bad boy reputation?”, I snicker.
“I couldn’t care less what these idiots think about me. I’ll still be a bad boy, just a bad boy that missed you Y/N.”, Fangs grinned as he leaned back against the locker next to mine.
Am I hearing correctly? Fangs just said he missed me. I’m freaking out on the inside, but I have to keep it together. Play it cool.
“You can’t resist me huh?”, I wiggled my eyebrows at the serpent while closing my locker.
“Not in the slightest bit.”
And with that I left Fangs leaning against the lockers in the hallway as I walked towards my next class. Looking over my shoulder I see Fangs seemingly beaming face with smiling eyes. Could I possible have this effect on him?
Leaning against the lockers I caught myself smiling like an idiot. Man was I in deep with this one. Y/N isn’t like the other girls in Riverdale. These last few weeks we’ve really gotten a chance to get close and I love the nights we share together, just talking about any and everything. At first, I thought I was in control, I figured this was some stupid crush and it would pass. But as I sit here smiling to myself over the simple conversation we just shared I realized she was what I needed. Someone who could make me forget where I came from and someone who could make me love before I ever realized I was falling. I was interrupted from my reflection by a loud banging ringing through my ear.
“Holy shit Pea. What’s your problem?”, I shout.
“Nothing, just waking lover boy from his day dream.”, Pea laughed.
“Hey, knock it off Sweet pea. Don’t be jealous.”, Toni poked.
“Guys there’s nothing to be jealous of. I was just waiting for you and saw her, decided to say hello. It’s not a crime to talk to other people, ya know.”, I grimace.
“Okay cut the shit Fangs. We know you better than anyone in this school, hell better than anyone in this town. You’ve got it bad for Y/N.”, Toni states crossing her arms, “Why can’t you just admit it?”
“Seriously dude. We’ve seen the way you guys have looked at each other since day one at Pop’s. What are you waiting on? Better hurry fast, before one of these bulldogs finally pounce.”, Pea teased.
“She would never go for any of those imbeciles. “, I mutter in a hush tone as I twist my ring.  
“Fangs we’re telling you because we care about you. And besides, we like Y/N. We’ve seen you two together at Pop’s and she’d be good for you. Anyone that’s good to our boy is a friend of ours.”, Toni reassures as she pats Pea on the back as if to get him to agree. He nods his head in agreement.
“Okay I’ll tell her tonight once things slow down. I just don’t want to scare her anyway. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a connection like this with someone and I don’t want to fuck shit up.”, I confess
“Take it from another girl, I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Besides you can’t hold this kind of stuff in, you’ll be left thinking ‘what if’ for the rest of your life, and that’s just not a way to live. And like Pea said, I know it would kill you to see Y/N with someone else.”, Toni stated.
“Plus, you’re a damn smoke show dude.”, Sweet Pea winked at me through laughter.
“Stop flirting with me you string bean. I’m flattered but I’m off the market.”, I said as we erupted with laughter and headed down the hallway to class.
This day seemed to drag on perpetually. I tried to pay attention in class but all I could think about was Y/N. I found myself daydreaming of her mesmerizing eyes, the way she bites her bottom lip when she’s nervous or confused, and the enticing curves of her body. But most importantly the way her nose wrinkles when she smiles or laughs, the way she even snorts sometimes when she laughs too hard, or how she can just blabber on for hours about the things she’s most passionate about. Never did I expect to fall so suddenly like this.
As the school day finally comes to an end, it was time to head over to Pop’s. I waited outside in the parking lot for Toni and Sweet Pea like I do every day as I saw Y/N walking towards me.
“Hey Fangs! Waiting on the other two parts of the trio?”, Y/N smiled as she held her notebook to her chest.
“Yep, waiting on my serpents in crime.”, I chimed as a smirk spread across my lips. Just then Sweet Pea and Toni come up behind Y/N.
“Hello loveb-”, Sweet Pea starts before Toni cuts him off, “Hey guys! How are you Y/N?”, Toni says as she stares daggers into Sweet Pea.
“Uh I’m okay.”, Y/N replies as she narrows her eyes towards me as if to ask what’s up with those two. “How about you guys?”, Y/N continues.
“We’re great.”, Toni smiles.
“Alright well I have to be going. Gotta get ready for work tonight. It was nice seeing you guys again. I’ll see you tonight Fangs!”, Y/N says as she walks towards her car.
“Oh yes you will!”, Sweet Pea calls out to her, luckily his words fell on deaf ears.
“Sweet Pea so help me, if you don’t drop it. I told you I’m telling her tonight and I’d like it if you didn’t tell her before I got the chance.”, I sneered.
“He’s done. Good luck tonight Fangs. You have to come see us tonight at the Whyte worm after your shift and tell us more about how in love you two are.”, Toni pats my back before heading to her motorcycle. Sweet Pea is making kissy faces at me as I got on my motorcycle to head home so I could get ready for tonight.
The night went by as usual, same customers, same food, and same dead diner by about one thirty. I decide now was time, we had thirty minutes left and I needed to suck it up and tell her. As I swallow the lump that had formed in my throat, I cough in attempt to clear it and get Y/N’s attention.
“Can I talk to you about something, Y/N?”, I asked fidgeting with the pen in my hand.
“Yeah! Of course. You should know by now you can talk to me about anything Fangs.”, Y/N replies with that warm inviting smile plastered on her lips as she continued cleaning the counter.
“It’s a little more complicated than that. Can we sit down?”, I asked shuffling over to her side and avoiding eye contact.
“Yeah, yeah of course.”, She nods before pointing me towards a booth in the empty diner.
We sit there in complete silence for a moment as I try to gather my words. Fidgeting with the ring on my finger as my gaze is fixed on anything but her. Being this nervous wasn’t me, I didn’t know how to deal with it. But telling Y/N how I truly feel terrifies me, because she has all the power to destroy me.
“Okay… I’m just going to start because if I don’t do this now, I’ll be a mess. Look I like you Y/N, and not in like a best friends’ way, in like a I want you to be mine way. You’re absolutely breathtakingly beautiful but it’s more than that. These last few weeks you’ve really showed me what it’s feels like to be alive. You ignite something inside of me that I’ve never felt, you give me these stupid butterflies that I’m not used to, and you just make happier than I’ve ever been. I love talking to you, spending long nights alone with you, and just being around you makes me feel like some giddy boy. I’ve thought of you to be something special since I saw you in the halls the first day of the merger, and these last few weeks have confirmed that. I just want you to know these feelings are real, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I want this, I want us.”, I said as I stumbled over my words. Just hoping I could convey my feelings appropriately.
As I ran my fingers through my hair, I tried to think of what to say. All I could come up with was a barely audible, “Fangs…”.
Fangs just told me what I had wanted for so long. For months I had been longingly admiring this gorgeous guy, and now he’s right in front of me confessing his feelings. I should be overwhelmed with happiness right now, but why does this feel wrong? The little demon inside my head screams ‘C'mon, this could never work. I mean sure, you can talk and be yourselves in Pop’s when no one’s around. But you two wouldn’t work. You’d be fine a few months tops, but then shortly meet your crippling doom. You’d be left heart broken and be all alone again’ As much as it breaks my heart too admit it, I think my insecurities and doubt in the back of my mind are right. I must protect this friendship if I want to keep Fangs in my life for the long run. No matter how much it hurts me to admit it, I’d rather him stay my friend if that meant I could keep him in my life.
“Fangs you really have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that. I’ve been crushing over you since the day you stepped foot into Riverdale high, and these last few weeks have been incredible. I love spending time with you, and I’ve never had such a genuine connection with anyone. I’m really grateful for you… because if it wasn’t for you I’d still be alone. I was alone before you came into my life and now I finally have someone. Someone I can be myself around, someone I feel comfortable around, someone that knows all my darkness but likes me anyways. But we’d never work…”, I say struggling to get each word out.
“What do you mean?”, he asked through his now clenched jaw.
“Us. We can talk and be ourselves inside Pop’s when we’re alone, but that world out there would never accept us. We’re from two separate worlds and that would ultimately destroy any chance we had together. I want you more than anything, but I can’t lose you in the long run Fangs.”, I say blinking back tears.
“Y/N that’s not true. We would make it work, I want to do that, for you–”, I cut him off before he can finish.
“Fangs I’m sorry… I care about you too much to ever lose you. I’m doing this for our friendship…I-I’m sorry”, I struggle through the words before getting up and walking towards the back.
I couldn’t let him see me cry. I had to do this. I had to put our friendship before my selfish feelings. No matter how much I wanted to just wrap Fangs in my arms and kiss his lips after he confessed his feelings to me, I just couldn’t. As I heard the bell above the diner’s door ring, I peered out the kitchen window and into the lobby. I saw the door sway shut and scanned the lobby, no sign of Fangs. All that was left was his apron and hat placed on the booth.
Tagged: @theyouthfulmoon  &&  @veeandpea
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Sweet Pea, Fangs- My Boys
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“Ok come on YN tell us who the lucky guy is” Veronica pouts
“Im not saying, no one will approve”
“Is not a Ghoulie is it?” Betty laughs
“No of course not, but still. I want to keep it private”
“Come on guys leave the girl alone. YN will tell us when she’s ready” Toni speaks. I smile at Toni to say thanks. Toni is the only person who knows that I’m dating Fangs and Sweet Pea. I notice Fangs stood at the door of the lounge. He nods at me to follow him
“I’ll catch up with you guys later” I say grabbing my bag
“Where are you going?” Betty frowns
“She’s going to meet her lover boy” Cheryl smirks tangled up in Toni’s arms
“Whatever Cher. I’ll see you later” I walk out of the student lounge and see Fangs leaning against the wall. Once he spots me he walks out of the school, me following him.
Outside I follow Fangs to a secluded area near a tree where Sweet Pea is
“Hey” I walk up to him and kiss his cheek, doing the same to Fangs
“I think we need to tell people about us” Pea suddenly says making me practically choke on air
“What?” Fangs frowns
“Josie has come on to me again today”
“Right so you just tell her no” I cross my arms
“I did.. many times. Why would it be so bad for everyone to know about us?”
“Errr have you forgotten that we’re in a three way relationship? babe we’re going to get a hell of a lot of hate” I sigh sitting down next to the tree
“But if our friends are our true friends then they won’t give us hate” Pea sits next to me taking my hand
“But what if they do?”
“Well then we know they aren’t our true friends. When Toni found out she was confused but she’s kept our secret and even covered for us on multiple occasions”
“Pea you do realise that if we tell everyone, we will also be telling everyone your bisexual. Are you ready for that?” Fangs now sits in front of us
“If that mean I get to hold both of your hands, kiss both of you and hug both of you then yeah I am. We’ve kept this a secret for a year now and it’s getting tiring”
“Im just scared that we will loose our friends” tears prick my eyes
“I don’t think we will” Fangs tells me
“And if they do you’ve still got us and Toni”
“I guess….”
Bettys POV
“I’ll catch up with you guys later” YN says grabbing her bag off the floor
“Where are you going?” I ask frowning
“Just….” YN looks nervous like she doesn’t know what to tell us, until Cheryl interrupts her smirking
“She’s going to meet her lover boy”
“Whatever Cher. I’ll see you later” I watch YN walk out of the student lounge
“Let’s go find out who this boy is” Cheryl sits up and unravels herself from Toni
“Babe just leave her” Toni tells her girlfriend
“Come on TT don’t you know want to know who YN is dating?”
“Why don’t you wait until she tell you? there’s obviously a reason why she doesn’t want us to know”
“Well I’m going to find out, anyone coming?” Cheryl gets up
“I’m kinda curious” I say standing up “why does she need to hide this person from us?”
“Guys seriously leave her”
“Do you know?” Cheryl point to Toni
“Yes, but don’t ask me who because it’s not my place to say”
“Come on cousin let’s go and find YN and her mysterious boy” Cheryl and I both leave the group and wonder around looking in the empty class rooms
“Where else could she have gone?” I ask
“Behind the school maybe?” Cheryl shrugs. I follow her out of the school and behind the school where there’s a large tree. YN, Sweet Pea and Fangs are. YN is sat down
“But if our friends are our true friends then they won’t give us hate” I hear Sweet Pea as he sat down
“But what if they do?”
“What’s wrong with her?” I ask Cheryl who shrugs
“Well then we know they aren’t our true friends. When Toni found out she was confused but she’s kept our secret and even covered for us on multiple occasions”
“Pea you do realise that if we tell everyone, we will also be telling everyone your bisexual. Are you ready for that?” Fangs now sits in front YN and Sweet Pea
“If that mean I get to hold both of your hands, kiss both of you and hug both of you then yeah I am. We’ve kept this a secret for a year now and it’s getting tiring”
“Come on, I don’t think we should be listening to this” I tell Cheryl and we head back inside to the student lounge
“So did you find out the mystery man?” Veronica asks
“Err yeah, but I think it’s up to YN to talk to us. Look she’s scared to tell us, think we will hate her. Just… keep an open mind guys ok?”
Pea Fangs and I walk into the student lounge. I nervously chip at my finger nails
“You ready?” Pea asks me
“Yeah” I breathe out “guys I have something I’d like to tell you, well I say I, we… guys errm…. Fangs, Pea and I are… well we’re dating. Al of us” suddenly Betty is hugging me
“We’re happy for you, aren’t we?” Betty looks back to the rest of the room
“Yeah course we are” Jughead says looking confused
“Yeah, so errm how does it work. Like Fangs and Sweet Pea, you guys…”
“Yes. We are all together” Fangs tells everyone
“I’m sorry we’ve kept it a secret, but it’s not your typical relationship”
“As long as your all happy that’s what matters” Archie smiles.
Things went a lot better than I expected. Let’s just hope others are just as understanding.
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chloe-skywalker · 3 years
Angel - Sweetpea
Sweetpea x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 957
Summary: Y/n’s close with pretty much everyone in her little group. Jughead and she haven’t officially met. Well, they do now and Jugheads in for a surprise.
Authors Note: Maybe a series done like this imagine? What do ya’ll think? Leave a comment
Riverdale Masterlist
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“Hey, Angel!” Sweet Pea waved over Y/n once he saw her enter the Wyrm. Y/n headed to her friends with a smile forming on her face. Sweet Pea immediately pulled her into a big hug, squeezing her tight.
“You made it.” Toni greet her with a smile and the two hugged once Sweet Pea let go of the y/h/c-ed girl.
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss hanging out with you guys for the world.” She smiled letting go of Toni to also hug Fangs.
“Angel?” Jughead questioned after watching the mystery girl greet the group of young Serpents.
“That’s what they call me.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders with a bashful smile on her face. Obviously a little shy about the name.
“Angel, can I have a minute?” FP asked coming up to them, Y/n nodded to the older man and walked over to him. FP placed a hand across her lower back, leading her over to a more secluded spot to talk Serpent business.
“Sure. Sweet’s, when I get back pool?” Y/n called over her shoulder with a smile.
“You’re on.” Sweet Pea smirked her way before continuing on with his game of pool against Fangs.
“What’s up, Jones?” Toni asked noticing the look on his face.
“Is her name really Angel? An she’s a Serpent?” Jughead questioned. The girl seemed way to nice to be a Serpent in Jug’s eyes.
“Well, no and yes.” Fangs answered after taking a shot only to miss the pocket.
“She is a Serpent.” Sweet Pea states his voice close to a growl.  All the Serpent’s are very protective of Y/n after all she’s their Angel. But Sweet’s more so, so Jughead questioning her Serpent status really irked him.
“But her names really y/n.” Toni elboraoted since the boys were being very vague.
“Then why do you all call her Angel? An a Serpent named Angel is a little ironic since we’re not known to be nice and Sweet.” Jughead crossed his arms narrowing his eyes as he asked another question.
“True, but her nickname is part of a inside joke.” Toni smirked thinking about their reasons for the nickname.
It was clear by the look on Jugheads face that he still didn’t get it. This made Toni sigh and Fangs shove his head.
“Seriously Jones, you really can’t put it together?” Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. The Jones kid could solve a murder but not a nickname?
“Y/n/n can be an Angel but don’t piss her off.” Fangs told Jug taking pity on him.
“Then she becomes the devil in disguise or Serpent if you will.” Sweet’s smirked leaning against the pool queue.
Jughead rolled his eyes at Sweet Pea’s words, he crossed his arms turning towards Toni. “Why haven’t I seen her before?”
Toni shrugged, not really knowing why the two hadn’t met yet. “She’s in the same grade and school as us. But she has been a Serpent longer.”
“An she’s really close to your dad.” Fangs added while lining up a shot.
Jughead squinted, all their answers kept confusing him more. “She knows more Serpent business than most of us.” Toni explained but it was all to vague still.
“She’s very trusted around here. For good reason. Probably knows more than you do.” Sweet Pea snarked moving around the pool table.
“Sweet Pea” Toni smacked is arm for the comment.
“No Toni it’s fine. He’s probably right I’m still new.” Jug nodded agreeing with Sweet Pea’s words although still wary of Sweet behavior.
“Hey! Everything ok here?” Y/n asked as she came back over to the group of young Serpents, and she could sense the tension.
“Yeah. Everythings fine.” Sweet Pea answered her all the while squinting his eyes at the beanie wearing boy.
“Your Jughead right? We haven’t officially met. I’m Y/n, Y/n y/l/n but pretty much everyone calls me Angel.” y/h/c-ed girl introduced herself once she came back from the talk with FP that seemed to be about some serious Serpent business.
“Jughead Jones nice to meet you.” Jug shook her hand with a friendly smile on his face. She seemed way to nice to be a Serpent. Jughead leaned in closer as the two got aquentied. Of course with the watchful eyes of Sweet Pea. Who did not like how close Jones was to his girl.
“Son.” FP called over Jughead after seeing how Sweet Pea was ready to burst at the sems at how close Jug was to his girlfriend.
“It was nice to meet you Jughead.” Y/n smiled at him before heading over to Sweets, letting Jug head over to see what his father wanted.
“Yeah?” Jughead asked as he approached his dad.
“Pice of advice.” FP gave a tight lipped smile, resting a hand on his sons shoulder.
“Hmmm?” Jughead hummed.
“Don’t do anything even resembles flirting with Y/n till you’ve known her for a while.” he patted his back smiling at him.
“Ok. Wanna explain to me why?” Jug asked with a furrowed brow.
FP smirked, his son was truly new around here. “All the Serpents- me included are very protective of her. And she’s Sweet Pea’s girl.”
Jug suddenly understood a lot more why Sweet’s had been giving him the stinkeye and if looks could kill Jughead would’ve been dead and 6 feet under. “That’s why he’s been staring at me like he wants to kill me.”
“Sweet Pea doesn’t have much, but he has her.” FP smiled looking at the couple by the pool table and as did Jughead. “Do get to know her Jug, the relationship I have with her she’s practically like a daughter to me. Gain a new sister out of this Juggie. She’s a great girl, more loyal than you know.”
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Fangs Fogarty x Reader
Requested by Anon
December event
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The serpent's meeting was going on and on. You tried to not complain but the room they’d gathered in was freezing and you’d dressed to go to Cheryl’s Christmas party. Not for Jughead to call an emergency meeting in the coldest room in Riverdale.
You felt your skin tingle as goosebumps spread over your skin. You shuffled closer to Fangs who glanced away from whoever was speaking loudly at the front of the room and down at you. "Could we. . .cuddle? I’m a little cold." You whispered. Fangs chuckled and took his jacket off, putting it over your shoulders and pulling you under his arm. When you glanced out the window you realised that it had started to snow. A heavy blur of snow distorted the view outside. Once the meeting finished you headed outside with Fangs and Sweet pea, who whistled and held out a hand to catch a few flakes that fell onto his hand. You were about to thank Fangs for his jacket when your phone rang. Fangs and Sweet Pea watched as you spoke to whoever was on the phone and then hung up.
“What’s going on?” Fangs asked.
“Everyone at Cheryl’s party is snowed in and trapped. Do you think we can get up there?” You asked. They gleaned at their bikes and shrugged.
“We can try but we might get stuck too. Sweet Pea. Go tell Jug. (Y/N) and I will go ahead and see if we can help.” Fangs said as he got onto his bike and handed you his helmet.
Fangs tags:
@savagemickey03 @zoomdeathknight @pheonix4269 @bloodrose @sarahbullet235 @lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @theletterhart @boardstomymood @greekktragedyy @daughterofthenight117 @sarcasm-n-insomnia @justice-for-the-kaldorei @kaylantus @ssa--holmes @salemsnothere @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @devilslilbabysblog @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @gillybear17 @Kaitieskidmore1 @jamie-c-bower-simp @boardstomymood @heeheehoohoohahahihi @elenavampire21
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statticscribbles · 2 years
*Fangs Fogarty/reader 🌙werewolf AU sorry I typed fast 😅
Aw no worries!
Fangs Fogarty/Reader 🌙 werewolf AU
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Fangs glares and you can't help but laugh.
"Babe; it's not your fault..."
"I feel bad.. I didn't know it was like; a thing..."
"It's not like you called me a filthy mutt or anything; you jsut said I was a lap dog; that's not that bad."
"Betty said it was.."
"Betty gets prissy when someone says her fur is dirty blonde; she's one of those werewolves that's waaayyyyy too concerned with apperance."
"Oh, and you're not?"
"Well I am; but you called me your lap dog; that's a big difference to say lap dog."
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Fangs//i bet you're real sweet with her
Request: You my friend are the queeen 👑 of songfics. Any chance you would want to write a fic for the song Bitter by Fletcher? With any of my boys Malachai/Reggie/Fangs/Pea you can choose 😘
hey! brit! @wayward-river this is for you, my love! enjoy! also, this is the last request i have! i did it!! well done me!! requests will be open soon, so keep your eyes peeled! 
The world may have moved on and evolved, but when you’re stuck in Riverdale, it feels like you’re still in the same unknown decade, no matter how long you stay for. 
Four years after graduation, you’re still waiting tables at Pop’s, despite the rest of your friends moving on. The only people left behind is you, Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs. But what was once known the four musketeers, now has a huge divide between them. 
You still talk to Toni, but she talks more with Fangs. You and Fangs don’t talk to each other anymore due to a very messy ending of an almost six year relationship. Sweet Pea and Fangs only really talk to each other when they have to. Sweet Pea’s pissed because of what Fangs did to you, despite you telling him that you don’t want to be the reason they fall out, but he still sticks by your side. And Fangs is pissed at him for taking your side. 
Toni and Sweet Pea are still close but not as much as they used to be. The only plus side is the fact that you and Sweet Pea are closer than before, but that comes at a cost, because he’s stuck in between the messiest breakup in Riverdale history, and there’s nothing he can really do except sit and listen to you complain. 
Not that he minds though, as long as you keep giving him secret staff discount on his food, he’s fine listening to you mope about Fangs. 
“I just-” You sigh, your head dropping to rest on the table. The clock ticks above you and you can feel some of the other waitresses glaring at you, as they will time to move quicker so they can have their own breaks. “Do you know when you’re on the outside of an inside joke? And everyone else knows it but you have no idea what they’re talking about and it makes you feel really lonely.” 
“Lime.” He chuckles and you stare at him confused. “Sorry, you weren’t there.” 
“That doesn’t help Sweet Pea.” You slump in the stool and stare out of the coffee machine.
In the reflection you see a group of teenagers sat at the far end of the diner and you’re taken back to when that used to be you. You and the rest of the serpents would sit for hours, just talking and eating. Now those days are far gone, the only time you would ever be in the same place as Fangs would be to fight him. 
“Hey. Sorry to interrupt.” An older woman invades your thoughts and casts a shadow over you. You pull your gaze away from the shiny metal and stare up at her. “I really wanted Coke but you guys only seem to have Pepsi.” 
“I’m on my break sorry.” You force a smile. The rehearsed customer service voice coming out naturally. “But I’m sure one of my colleagues would be more than happy to help.” You add and point to the various members of staff trying to look busy. You glare at the newest member, Emma, who has the coldest eyes and fakest smile you have ever seen. She’s been a pain in your ass since she got here, and she hasn’t stopped since. You’re just hoping the new girl starting today is going to be a lot nicer. 
“Ughhh.” You groan and lean your head on the counter again. “I just remembered I’m training a new girl today.” 
“I thought you’d just done that.” 
“I have.” You grumble and look up at him. “But because I’m the most experienced member of staff, apparently it’s also my job to make sure they don’t put tea in the coffee machine and to keep the condiments separate.” You add and fiddle with the salt packet lying in front of you. 
“Well, I’m gonna be here for a little bit longer. I don’t start till three, so I can keep you company.” 
“Thanks.” You smile. “Where are you going today?” 
“Just to Greendale and back.” 
“Come round when you finish...we can drink what will be left of the night away.” 
“Deal.” He smiles and grabs your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Sweet Pea’s phone lights up beside you and you peer over his arm to see who it is. 
“Don’t bother.” You say when he reaches for it. “It’s just your mom.” You add when he looks at you confused and his face soon falls. 
“Oh.” He grumbles. “I told her to leave me alone.” 
“I’m sure she’ll get the message soon.” You try your best to sound convincing. But you’ve been repeating that sentence for seven years and she still doesn’t seem to get it. No matter how many times Sweet Pea tells her that he’s better off without her. 
For a while you thought it had worked. Nobody had heard from her in almost 6 months, but then she popped back up and ruined the progress that Sweet Pea had been making of having a stable life. 
“And if not. I’ll make sure she does.” You add making him snort a laugh. A soft smile twitches at your own lips as you watch him laugh and then shove a few fries in his mouth. Your hand reaches out to steal some but he catches it and shoves you away making you pout. “Hey! Technically I paid for those. The least you can do is share.” 
“What?” He asks through a mouthful of food and you pull a face. “I can’t hear you over the chewing.” He adds and shoves the rest of them in his mouth.
“You’re disgusting.” You shake you head making him laugh loudly. For a good minute, everything feels normal. It feels like you’re just sat with your friend and praying for time to slow down so you don’t have to go back to work. 
But eventually time does catch up with you, and as soon as the clock strikes quarter past you have to haul yourself back up, grab your rag and get on. The song on the jukebox flips and you’re suddenly hit with a wave of nostalgia. 
The opening notes float through the air, and all of sudden you can see you and Fangs dancing right in front of you. 
3am in December during a snowstorm. The worst Riverdale had seen for years and the two of you were hiding in the warmth of Pop’s until it went away. You were the only ones in and so Fangs decided to make the most out of the empty diner, and the two of you danced stupidity around the entire place, much to the amusement of the very bored and very tired workers. 
Tears spring to your eyes and you let out a shaky breath before fiddling with your fingers. 
“Y/n?” Sweet Pea asks. “You okay?” You nod and Sweet Pea stares back at you. Your shiny eyes and wobbly lip really doesn’t help your case of ‘i’m over it!’, but for now he decides to leave it. In the three months since you broke up, you’ve already cried more times than he can count, and that’s just at work. He doesn’t want to see you cry again. If he had his way, you’d never cry again. Not ever. 
“I’m fine. I know you think I’m stupid but it’s just how I feel.” You shrug and his expression softens. He grabs your hand, stopping you from walking away and you look at your intwined fingers. 
“I have never once thought you were stupid.” He says seriously and you swallow thickly. “Well, apart from the time I dared you to steal FP’s bike and you actually did it.” He adds, the atmosphere being too serious for the two of you. 
“I never got caught though.” You point your pen at him, a smile curling the corners of your lips and Sweet Pea smiles back at you. 
“It was still stupid.” He replies and you roll your eyes. 
“Hey, Pea?” You ask. “Do you know if Fangs is with anybody. I just, I can’t shake the feeling that somebody else is in my shoes right now. You know, doing all of the stuff we used to do.”  
“I don’t think so.” He shrugs and you nod slowly. 
“Good.” You nod and hold your head higher. “I’m the best he’s ever going to have anyway.” You add making him chuckle. 
“Very true.” He laughs. “Y/n? Do you think you might be-I dunno, maybe just a bit bi-” 
“I’m not bitter.” You defend and he sends you a look. 
“Sure you’re not.” He sips his coffee. “You are dressed in yellow though. And what fruit is yellow?” 
“A le-” 
“A lemon!” He interrupts, a stupid grin taking over his expression as waits for you to answer. 
“Okay.” You nod and grab your notepad from the table. “I’m walking away now. There you go Emma, you can sneak out the back to text a man that is definitely not your husband. 
“Oh, hi.” Someone taps your shoulder as you’re walking away making you quickly spin around. The girls almost walks into you and a string of apologies fall from her mouth as she quickly looks around to make sure no one saw. 
Her brown hair stops at her waist and curls a little bit near the end. Her bright blue eyes sparkle under the florescent lighting, and her pink lips curl into a nervous smile as she looks around. You glance at Sweet Pea and roll your eyes when you see him not so subtly checking her out. 
“Can I help?” You ask and she quickly looks back at you, a bright red blush creeping up her cheeks. 
“Yes. Hi, sorry. I’m Olivia. I start today.” She says and sticks her hand out in front of you. You shake it and send a glare to Sweet Pea who is still checking her out and he rolls his eyes at you before scrolling through his phone. 
“Lovely to meet you Olivia.” You smile. “Follow me and I’ll show you the ropes.” 
“I would so not mind seeing either of you with ropes.” Sweet Pea mumbles and you grit your teeth. 
“Would you excuse me for just a second?” She nods, eyes wide as she watches you slap Sweet Pea over the head with the rag. He jumps and yelps from the sudden attack before rubbing his head and scowling at you. “Okay, where were we?” You ask, a smile returning to her lips as she just stares at you in disbelief. “It’s fine. We’re friends.” You shrug and walk her to the counter. 
“It doesn’t make it okay!” Sweet Pea shouts. 
“Do you want your bill yet...your full one?” You add and he slumps back in his seat, his arms crossed in defeat. 
“Okay, so do you have any waitressing experience?” 
“Yes!” She smiles. “I used to work in a diner like this one back in New York.” She says and your eyes widen at the mention of New York.
“Oh, so you’re an out of towner?” You ask while showing her around. “This is the kitchen. Basically you get an order, you clip it on there and then the food will come through here. The only time we ever really need to go into the kitchen is if there is a mistake or it’s your turn to put the bins out. There’s a rota in the office but I’ll show you that later.” 
“Got it.” She nods. “Yeah. I moved here a few months ago. I’ve been trying to find a job since I moved but there’s only so much you can do in a small town.” She explains and you nod knowingly. 
“Why would you ever leave New York for Riverdale. Did you get lost or something?” You tease and she rolls her eyes playfully. 
“No.” She shakes her head. “I came here just as a little break to get away from the city, and then I met a guy and I haven’t been back.” She says and your eyes widen. 
“You stayed for a boy?” You ask in disbelief and she nods, with an embarrassed smile. “Wow.” You add. “This is the main eating area as you can see. We all have our sections, again, the rota, but you’ll be paired with me for today so you won’t need to know where you are until your next shift. And be warned, if you see him-” You point at Sweet Pea and he waves in return. “Ignore everything he says.” You finish and his face falls. 
“I’m gonna stop keeping you company if you’re not careful.” He huffs and you roll your eyes. 
“How else are you going to spend your free time if not here?” He shrugs and spins around the chair. When you had more friends, you used to need a booth to fit all of you in and even then you had to steal chairs from other tables. Now Sweet Pea just sits on the stools by the till so he can chat to you. 
Sometimes when it’s late and you’re nearing the end of a long shift, you’re sure you can see the ghosts of past versions of yourselves sat in the corner booth. Their laugher filling the air and reminding you of a happier time. 
“You guys are a cute couple.” Olivia coos and you and Sweet Pea stare at each other in disgust. 
“We are not a couple.” You say quickly and distance yourself away from him. 
“You would be lucky to be called my girlfriend.” He says and making you laugh. 
“Yeah, I’m really missing out.” You reply. “We’re not a couple.” You repeat, looking at Olivia this time and she nods while trying to suppress a smile. 
“Got it. Not a couple.” 
“Anyway, tell us about this man that seemingly turned your world upside down.”  
“He’s amazing!” She starts and you suddenly start to regret asking. This is definitely not going to help the ever growing feeling that you’re going to be alone forever. “He recently got a new job as a truck driver. At the minute he’s just doing to make some money, but it’s not what he wants to do. And he got a new little flat with his friend and it’s great. He’s an amazing cook...like the best. And he’s so handsome. Sometimes I look at him and I seriously wonder if he was crafted by God himself. He is that good, he has made me believe in God.”
“...wow.” You choke a little. 
“Yeah...wow.” Sweet Pea adds and the two of you share an impressed look. She chuckles shyly and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. 
“He sounds sweet.” You smile and a blush creeps up her neck as she fiddles with her apron. “Who is he? Maybe I know him.” 
“Fangs. Fangs Fogarty.” She replies and your jaw drops. The cup in your hand wobbles and you scramble to catch it before it smashes on the floor. Olivia quickly moves forward to help you, but you stand up before she has the chance and she’s left awkwardly standing just a bit too close to you. 
Sweet Pea coughs and coffee dribbles down his chin, making both of you look at him and he forces a smile until Olivia is called away. You and Sweet Pea stare at each other for a few seconds, your eyes wide and jaws slack and then you both start an incoherent flow of words as you try and figure out what the hell is going on. 
“I thought you said Fangs wasn’t seeing anyone!” You start and slap him over the head with your rag again. He ducks and catches it, but his face crinkles when he comes in to contact with the soggy fabric and he quickly drops it. 
“He said he wasn’t!” He argues. “I asked him the other day if he was seeing anyone and he said no. It’s not my fault he lied.” He adds and you huff at him, crossing your arms while staring at the door. 
From your peripheral, you watch him roll his eyes and sigh before mumbling a quiet sorry. 
“It’s fine.” You sigh. “It’s not your fault.” The two of you watch her make her wander around the restaurant and talking to a few of the other servers, the smile never leaving her lips and a scowl slowly makes its way onto your own. “If I were her I would start packing my bags already because we all know Fangs does not do commitment. It doesn’t matter if its two months or six years, one day he will just up and leave, turning your whole life upside down because he’s a selfish di-” 
“Okayyyy.” He says and grabs your arm pulling you over the counter. “Y/n, listen to me.” He grabs your cheeks. “You have got to pull yourself together. One. you are much hotter than her. Seriously, I only checked her out once and that was when she first got here. But I check you out literally every time you walk into a room.” 
“Two. Now that it’s official that Fangs has moved on, it means that you can too and you don’t look like the bad person because he did it first. So Friday night, you’re going to get dressed up and then we’re gonna go to Greendale and go to that club, Brightstars and then you’re gonna get bu-” 
“You don’t need to finish that sentence.” You reply and he nods proudly before letting go. You drop back onto the floor and smooth your uniform out. 
It’s fine, you got this. You can be the bigger person and you can put any petty differences aside for an easy working environment. Fangs has already ruined enough of your life, he doesn’t need to ruin this to. 
Apparently he does though, because not two seconds after you’ve had that life-altering thought, does he walk through the doors of Pop’s. The bell rings to announce his presence and everyone turns to look at him. 
Sweet Pea buries his head in a menu, despite having already eaten. You frantically look around the place to try and find somewhere to hide, but instead you just watch as Olivia’s face lights up as she greets her boyfriend. The two of them kiss, his hands grip her waist and there is far too much tongue involved to be doing it in public. 
Before you can stop yourself, a disgusted expression has already settled on your face and when Olivia turns around to introduce you to him, you try your best to smile through it. 
“Do you guys know each other?” She asks while leading him over to the counter. Sweet Pea shuffles further away and grabs another menu to cover his face. You mumble a few curse words at him and vow than the next break you’re not just going to hit him with the rag, you’re going to choke him with it before you muster the politest smile you possibly can. 
“Yeah. We went to school together!” You say before Fangs can say anything. He looks at you surprised and you narrow your eyes at him before looking back at Olivia. “We all did. Didn’t we Pea.” You add and snatch the menu’s from him. 
He sits up straighter, forcing an awkward smile before nodding slowly. 
“Yeah, we-er. We used to hang out.” He adds and Olivia looks at Fangs surprised. 
“You never mentioned a Y/n and a-” 
“Sweet Pea.” He says and you grab the empty plate and glass from in front of him. 
“Wait, is it because they’re friends with that crazy ex you told me about?” She wonders and you freeze. You raise an eyebrow at him and he gulps. “Fangs used to date this girl and they were together for a really long time, but then he broke up with her because well, I guess he just wanted other things. She was crying and begging him to stay and it was a whole mess. Funny story we met when he was throwing away all her old furniture. I asked him what the smoke was about and he told me he was just burning some bad memories.” She laughs and the glass breaks under your grip. The noise causes you all to jump and suddenly it’s all too much. 
Tears spring to your eyes and you quickly dump the apron on the counter. 
“I’m gonna go clean this, can you cover for me Pea?” You ask and he stands, his face full of concern as he watches you disappear out the back. 
Olivia grabs a dustpan and brush and starts cleaning up while Fangs just stares at the floor. Guilt burrows further into his chest as he stares at the broken glass and his new girlfriend cleaning it up. 
“I didn’t mean to upset her.” She says. “Where they friends or something?” She asks and Sweet Pea shrugs. 
“Yeah, something like that.” He sends Fangs a glare. 
“I’ll go see if she’s okay.” He says suddenly and Sweet Pea’s glare only worsens. 
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” He asks. 
“Nope.” He takes a deep breath before following you through the kitchen and into the office. The door swings open and you sigh, too busy trying to pick glass from your hand to look up at it. 
“I’m fine Sweet Pea. Could you just pass me the first aid box?” 
“Here.” Fangs says and you quickly look up, your eyes widen at the dark haired boy standing in front of you. They soon darken once you snatch the box from him and place it on the desk. 
“What do you want Fangs?” 
“I’m sorry.” He kneels in front of you, forcing you to look at him. The already small office feels suddenly a lot smaller once you look into his eyes and suddenly you feel like you can’t breathe. 
“For what? For breaking my heart, betraying my trust or for telling your new girlfriend, which you found after just a month, that I’m somehow the bad guy in this story?”
“You know what Fangs.” You stand and slam the box on the table. “I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear about you or your new life or how sorry you are. I don’t give a fuck.” You shout and back him into a corner. 
His eyes drop to your lips and your breath hitches under his stare. Was he really thinking about kissing you after everything? But even worse, were you really thinking about letting him? His hands grip your hips, pulling you even closer to him and your lips ghost over his own. 
“Do you think about me when you kiss her?” You whisper in his ear and he nods slowly. “Do you think she can taste me when you kiss her?” You add and his eyes flutter closed. The grip on your hips tighten and he leans in, but the door swings open and he quickly jumps away from you. 
“Sorry to interrupt.” Olivia apologises awkwardly. “Are you guys okay?” 
“Just arguing.” You reply and force a smile. “We’re good now though aren’t we Fangs?” 
“Yeah.” He nods. “Just fine.” 
“Come on Olivia. Tell your boyfriend to get out because we have work to do.” You say and smile at the two of them. They share a look and a short kiss before Fangs disappears back through the kitchen. 
You follow closely and watch from the kitchen door as he looks back one last time before leaving. Olivia forces a tight lipped smile at you before busying herself with cleaning some of the booths down. 
“Sweet Pea?” You ask and he hums in reply. “You’re right...I am bitter.” 
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Accidents Happen
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Sweet Pea had urged Toni and Fangs to go with him to volleyball practice because there apparently was a cute volleyball player that he wanted to see. Fangs thought nothing of it until he got smacked in the face by a volleyball.
"Shit, sorry!" He blinked away tears, locating the voice. You jogged over, picking up the volleyball.
"My bad." You headed back towards the others who were snickering.
"Accidents happen, Fangs." Toni said. Fangs shook his head. You probably did it on purpose. His pride was badly injured and his face hurt. He kept his eye on you for the rest of practice, staying behind once it was over. Toni shot him a disapproving look but left with Sweet Pea. He waited for you to be the only one left in the lockeroom before entering. You were zipping up your bag when you looked up and Fangs fist collided with your face. You fell back, groaning and covered your head when Fangs kept punching you. He finally got a grip of your collar but stopped abruptly, hearing whimpers. Fangs let your collar go, realizing that you were crying and not fighting back at all. You were fit but you weren't muscular like him or the other boys on your team.
You took the opportunity, grabbing your bag and getting the hell out of there. You spotted your brother and practically fell into his arms.
"(N/N)? What's wrong?" He asked. Chuck and Moose frowned. You were the angel in everyone's eyes. The sweetest person that they had ever met. Your body shook from the sobs you were letting out. Reggie wrapped his arms tightly around you, taking you to Chuck's car. You cried on the way home, both from pain and fear. The three boys tried to get an answer out of their angelic friend but you didn't reply. Luckily, your parents weren't home. Reggie promised to tell the guys what happened while you went straight to your room.
"(N/N), let me see your face." You sniffled but uncovered your face. Reggie's face fell. Your lip was busted and bleeding while half of your cheek was swollen.
"Who the fuck did this to you?!" He stood up. Who the hell had the balls to fuck with his little brother?
"Reg.." You sniffled. Reggie swallowed his anger and went to get a first aid kit and frozen peas.
When you showed up to school with a bruised lip, everyone was concerned. You tried brushing it off, saying it was nothing but your brother was out for blood. Even Jughead had asked if you were okay.
"I can't believe someone punched (Y/N)." Jughead said, sitting down infront of Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea.
"Who?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Reggie's brother who's on the boys volleyball team." Jug replied. Toni shot Fangs a look that Jug noticed.
"Fangs.." Jug stared at him. Fangs frowned, already feeling guilty enough.
"What's the big deal?" Sweet Pea asked.
"First, he's Reggie's brother and second, he can't even harm a fly. Everyone loves him." Fangs felt even more bad. He looked over at you, watching you shake your head at something your brother said.
"He tried to blame it on him being clumsy bit Reggie is out to kill. If he finds out-"
"Mantle knows better than to mess with a Serpent."
"No, he doesn't." Toni rolled her eyes. Fangs swallowed. He wanted to apologize but when you looked at him, you quickly looked away and got closer to your brother. You were scared of him.
"I wanna apologize." Fangs said, looking at his friends.
"Good luck with that." Jughead unwrapped his cheeseburger.
"I need to get him alone."
"Poor kid will pee his pants."
"It's worth a try, Pea." Fangs looked back over at you. The fact that you hadn't outed him to Reggie was evidence enough that you didn't want trouble.
"I have a plan."
His plan was interesting. Jughead convinced Archie to distract Reggie and the bulldogs while he kept lookout. Toni and Sweet Pea searched for you afterschool, finding you pretty easily.
"Um.." You swallowed as the tall Serpent blocked the exit of the bathroom.
"Can I help you?" You squeaked out. Sweet Pea's gaze softened. You were like a little Corgi puppy. Fangs entered the bathroom and they both saw fear flash in your eyes. Sweet Pea left to give you privacy.
"I wanna apologize. What I did was fucked up and uncalled for." Fangs started, playing with his rings.
"I'm sorry, I should've spoken with you before reacting like that." Fangs apologized. You stared at him, sighing quietly.
"Okay." Fangs perked up and smiled.
"Do you, uh, wanna go on a date?" You blinked, brows furrowing.
"You can't just beat me up and ask me on a date. I'm sorry but.. I don't trust you and... If Reggie finds out, he'll cause hell for you and your friends." You said. Fangs frowned.
"I wanna make it up to you, please." You shook your head, quickly leaving the bathroom.
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