#its all genshin im so sorry i have brainworms
wri0thesley · 1 year
Happy early valentines💕💖💕💖💕!!! Hope your day is going good!
Give you and your moots a blind date (with a yandere twist!)
ahh i love seeing other people do this but i fear i will suck at it so so bad!!! but i will try fgjnkbjngf. if we are moots and you are not included it is not because i Hate you it is either because i do not know how you feel about yan content or i am Scared and Afraid that we are not friendly or close enough or anything for me to actually tag you in a post!!! <3
anyway let me start with someone who i know will not give two hoots if i tag them, my beloved @hazgojo. they keep discovering little handmade chocolates on their windowsill in inazuma; and on valentines day, naturally, thoma asks for the day off to be able to take them around inazuma city, his arm around their waist tight and a warm smile on his face - and the reminder of everyone they meet that thoma is a much-beloved face around inazuma, and if somebody were to hurt his feelings . . . well. it would not end so well for them.
jade @daydreamslug is Accidentally spending valentine's day with tighnari. a trip out into the avidya forest in order for them to reference the plants growing there in their sketches and an hour spent far too close to a plant with hallucinogenic properties (for the art, you understand - they knew perfectly well what it was, but sometimes getting something right is more important than one's own health) . . . and a certain fox-eared forest ranger found them passed out and decided to take them home and take pity on them. a certain fox-eared forest ranger with a warm heart and a sharp tongue, who found himself growing very very fond of this artist he'd saved the life of, and all the more determined not to let them go when he discovered they didn't have a 'proper' home to go back to.
toast @bucciaratis-titty-window has caught the eye of a certain cavalry captain who always seems to know where she's going to be. he says it's just to do with his keen senses, but if one were to ask around the mondstadt taverns at night, they might find out that captain kaeya is always very very interested in her comings and goings, all carefully veiled in him being concerned for her as a citizen of mondstadt and nothing to do with any personal reasons. whilst he's here, though, in her favourite shop for imported liyue tea blends . . . perhaps she'd like to tell him all about them? tonight? at a restaurant he absolutely didn't already have booked for two?
gray @mydiluc is spending valentine's day with someone who really doesn't understand the buzz around the fourteenth of february. it's a day like any other, surely? but even though alhaitham thinks that there's nothing to be excited about, he'd be lying if he said that watching gray giggle and plan outfits and daydream about the colours pink and red didn't make that little beast he knows is jealousy rear up in his chest. so, despite the fact that he can't help but think that logically valentine's day is just another day . . . he makes up his mind to sweep her off her feet, just so nobody else can swoop in. and perhaps he already knows her favourite colour and her favourite foods and her favourite haunts in sumeru city, but . . . well. that's what a good boyfriend (future boyfriend) does, isn't it? in which case, he'll simply use valentine's day as an excuse to set his plans into motion.
lamb @nanamimizz is by their own admission, baby lambish . . . and there is one resident of liyue who feels it is his duty to guide those who might need a little help, to . . . fuss over them and coddle them and spoil them. this valentine's day, then, lamb finds that the wangsheng funeral parlour consultant zhongli is at their side and taking their arm and smiling, speaking to them in a soft low voice that he hopes they don't mind, but he's noticed them wandering liyue harbour these past few days (weeks. months. lamb doesn't need to know all of that), and he'd love to take them on a tour, if they're amenable to it? it's terribly hard to say no to zhongli, and before lamb knows it they are lost in his low sonorous voice and a near-perfect memory for recalling history and who knows how long it has been since this tour even began, because the sun is setting--
@scaranya naturally couldn't spend valentine's day with anyone other than wanderer, right? well - they could try, but they'd hardly fancy their chances. wanderer might not have very many ties to the world, but when he finds one - as he has in ada - he's not going to let them go. it's not a traditional valentine's day by any means - he won't spoil them with presents and gifts, he finds that kind of thing difficult to understand and fully commit to - but . . . ada will notice that he sticks close to them. that he speaks sharply to anyone else who seeks to engage them in conversation (this is a day for lovers, is it not? therefore, it is a day for them to spend together, and not any other human who has no right to monopolise ada's time). that he ends the night with a short sharp kiss with his cheeks reddened and his teeth grit - and that, to him, this is all as akin to a great romance as he can manage. whether they agree with it or not.
thats it im too shy to assign anyone else a yandere im sorry fgbnkjfgkjn
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aerisleis-fics · 1 month
For the asks :)
oh my god im so late answering this ><
What inspires you and your writing?
and the reason why is bc I saw this question and was like I need to think about it and then the notification was gone! and I forgot! and im so sorry! lol
but seriously this is SUCH a hard question because like the answer is... everything? like in some weird sense. Like, music sometimes (sometimes a song hits JUST write and the vibe makes me want to write Right Thing even if it's not actually related to the song but there's also the "Don't Remember Me" AU that I have here! that was like actually inspired by my interpretation of the song.
Otherwise obviously different fandoms inspire me-anything from HSR to Genshin Impact to Final Fantasy of various flavors and ATLA, Yuri On Ice, RWBY... if there's a story and it's well written there's almost always something left making me ask questions. I don't chase them all, I can't write them all down because any time I consume a media there is likely to be SOMETHING. but sometimes... sometimes I can't let them go. And even of the ones I can't let go, many of them haven't made it out of my project folders because I simply run across too many things I want to write and the adhd/creative brainworms combo just kind of tugs me along from one thing to the next.
Relationships drive me-not necessarily romantic ones but just the interplay between characters in general. Sibling dynamics, friends, and yes ofc romance. Sometimes you just want to take the dolls and put them in a Situation and find out how they'd react.
other writers inspire me! fics I read, complete and not inspire me. I have to be so careful all the time not to absorb too much from anyone because its very easy to do ><
so yeah ig that's the answer. Everything inspires me so it's hard to answer. there's a quote by a famous writer, which one it was I can't remember im sorry, but the essence of the quote is that we walk by a million story ideas every day, and a good writer will see a handful of them and honestly that's... very true, in my opinion.
but thank you for the ask! and im sorry for rambling AND for how long this took to get written
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