#its all just bloody scrummy soup and i live for these little slurps ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿฒ
thesherrinfordfacility ยท 10 months
Now that I think about it, does Aziraphale actually KNOW how Crowley fell. He didn't know his angel name so there was no way to check up on him, and in S1 Crowley just tells him that he "sauntered vaguely downwards"- all of his confessions about asking questions and hanging around the wrong people happen when Crowley is alone. Do you think Aziraphale even realizes that him telling angel Crowley about the end of creation was likely a direct catalyst for Crowley falling.
that's just it nonnie, idk!!!โœจ
this is bordering into hc/theory territory so please forgive me, but i don't think aziraphale wouldn't have been keeping tabs on him after the pre-fall scene we saw; he's shown as being caring and conscientious even at that early stage, so i think AWCW's (angel who crowley was) comments might have worried aziraphale slightly, and if aziraphale was as close to god as i now suspect he might have been, it would stand to reason that he'd know that AWCW at least fell for the very thing that he warned him against... because aziraphale told him about the death of his creation as you said. it does also make me wonder therefore if aziraphale stood up for crowley immediately before the fall, that it was his fault that AWCW was asking these questions? idk...
but the dialogue so far, as you said, would indicate that aziraphale doesn't know. aziraphale clearly remembers at least parts of the war (he said he hadn't thrown his frisbee halo since the war), he remembers AWCW (job comment and the comment in the bandstand in s1)... so maybe no, he doesn't know why crowley fell? and that's part of the reckoning that's coming for him in s3? that crowley will reveal that him? there's a huge focus on memory in s2 that im still trying to fully parse out - could bits of it concerning aziraphale's part in the fall/war have been wiped? idkkkkk!!!โœจ
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