#its all posturing i promise hes not actually this much of a dick hfkdsjf
mudskip-muses · 2 years
@not-bcring​ liked for a biker boi uwu (X)
With all Gundham’s boasting of his motorcycle exploits, actual maintenance to his bike was something he did not excel at, an attempt to change a flat tire ending in a thrown wrench and a series of long, rather drawn out curses. He was supposed to meet up with his Hounds at one of their “spots”, and he very well could just walk there, but for the biker gang leader to show up on foot simply felt wrong. 
Snagging his helmet off his seat with a rather unnecessary kick to the already thrown tool, Gundham stomped off towards the dorms, phone already in hand to first text the Hounds that he may be late, and then to message his mechanic friend Sonia to see how quickly she could fix his tire. 
So focused on his texting, Gundham hadn't realized he had taken a wrong turn between the buildings, ending up in a sort of alley way between the dormitories and the main hall. With another muttered curse to himself, Gundham had just been about to turn back around when he heard a commotion from further down the alley, one that did not sound very kind...
Curiosity peaked by the words being shouted at whoever the unfortunate victim was, Gundham cautiously made his way further in to investigate, the scene he ended up stumbling upon making his blood boil. Two rather large boys had their target crowded up towards the wall, Gundham recognizing the much smaller man as one of his classmates, the prince, one that the biker tried to pay no mind to despite his eye being drawn to him on more than a few occasions. There was no doubt what the other man thought of him, they were so vastly different after all. The so called delinquent was probably seen as even lesser than the dirt the royal walked upon, but even so, he couldn’t just stand idly by and watch him get pummeled into the ground.
Besides, it could cause some sort of incident with the prince’s home country, and Gundham would rather not have the guilt of such on his shoulders with the chance to stop it here before him.
Hands flexing in the leather of his riding gloves, the studs pressed somewhat painfully against his knuckles as he clenched them into fists at his side, teeth grit and fingers digging tightly into the soft padding on the inside of his helmet as he approached. “I do not believe that is wise.” His voice had the boys startling, however only one of the pair seeming to recognize him as he jolted in fear with a look of apprehension, the biker’s reputation preceding him. The other was far more brave with not knowing who Gundham was, not even hesitating to get into the biker’s face in a threat for interfering. “Oh yeah, and what the fuck are you gonna do about it?”
Such a classic taunt, one that had Gundham rolling his eyes as he said as much. “Are you so inept that you cannot even fashion your own threats?” His own retort got the biker exactly what he wanted, his punch no longer being the first one thrown as he side stepped the clumsy blow. “Truly as sad display, what your friends over there must think, hm?” He said with a gesture of his head to Kazuichi and the other would-be assailant, it only spiking his attackers anger all the more. 
But thanks to his silver tongue, Gundham had the upper hand: control. Side stepping another blow, the biker used his helmet as a makeshift weapon, the hard outer coating connecting with a sickening crack to his wannabe attacker’s face. With that one now groaning on the ground in pain, Gundham turned his attention to the prince and the other boy, an eyebrow being raised in their direction in an unspoken question of if this would go any further. 
“If you could please release the prince, I would be ever so grateful.” Odd for a so called delinquent to speak in such proper, flowery prose, but the words hit their mark all the same. Quickly stepping away from Kaz, the other boy heaved his friend off the pavement before making off down the alley, leaving Gundham there inspecting his helmet with feigned indifference. “Do not thank me for saving your royal hide, it simply would have been a shame for such a pretty face to break into so many little pieces.” He said with a smirk, nothing but superiority dripping from his smug tone. 
“Though, I would not be opposed to a reward. I find myself in need of funds to repair my bike. Which is, coincidentally, the entire reason you find me here now. How fortunate for you I took a wrong turn on my way to the dormitories...”
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