#v: ult biker
mudskip-muses · 2 years
Open RP - Ult. Biker Gundham Tanaka
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Though unseen on the other end of the crackling phone line, the biker’s voice was muffled as he attempted to hide behind his scarf as if it would save him from the possible ire on the other end of the call. “I...am aware this is of rather short notice, but I would appreciate it if you could come release me from this mortal jail...” Then, as a quick afterthought, “...Please?”
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
Open RP - Ult. Biker Gundham Tanaka
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The text was simple, short and sweet, the chaotic energy behind the words undeniable even through the phone. 
[txt:] I’m about to cause a scene, I’ll text you later
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@dxncingxqueen cont. from (X)
Gundham winced hard at how sleepy Naya sounded, already feeling the gnawings of guilt for having to wake her. He mused the thought of simply saying nevermind and letting her go back to sleep, but now that she knew where he was, she would no doubt worry until he was home. 
He...shouldn’t have called her in the first place...
“I...no, I am not far. You...recall the station down the road from the school? The one near the convenience store you frequent?” The convenience store that was getting robbed by his people when he had just stopped in to buy snacks for Naya on his way back to the dorms...
He had put a stop to it, of course, his Hounds standing down as soon as he made himself known from the back of the store. Of course, that didn’t mean the police hadn’t been called, and that Gundham hadn’t been taken in simply for being there. Luckily his boys, or former boys now, weren’t stupid enough to say he was anything more than a bystander, and the video footage for the store confirmed it. He...just didn’t want anyone to get hurt. 
“They...will not let me leave without a reliable escort. My...reputation precedes me...” A reputation that he was dragging Naya into now. “I would understand if you would have me wait until a more respectable time. “ And he would, the biker surprised Naya had put up with his shit for this long. 
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@ovelovelove did someone say troublemakers?? (X)
For someone who’s riding gear looked rather constrictive, Gundham was able to run impressively fast as he sprinted down an alley and away from a few shouting officers, pulling himself up and over a chain-link fence with a skill that spoke of how often he did such a thing. 
Darting down the road and back onto the school’s campus after his shortcut, Gundham originally planned to hide in the main hall, but ended up smacking right into someone as he rounded the far side of the building, a can of spray paint falling from his pocket to clatter to the ground with a slight hiss as it landed on the nozzle. Scrambling across the ground, Gundham repocketed the can and grabbed the one he had run into in a surprisingly gentle hold, all things considered, his hand being clamped over the smaller man’s mouth as he maneuvered them so his back was flat against the wall, listening intently for the sound of heavy boots in pursuit. 
Hearing none, the biker let out a sigh of relief, releasing his captive with a rather sheepish look for someone who very nearly just got himself arrested for vandalism. “Apologies, but I did not endeavor to spend yet another evening with the local law enforcement.” A pause to nervously clear his throat. “I...would appreciate it if you were to pretend you did not see me.” He said with a thin hope that his reputation would precede itself so he didn’t have to resort to threats, he hardly ever meant them, and it got so tiring coming up with new ones that didn’t sound like he ripped them straight from a terrible film.
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@not-bcring​ cont. from (X)
The more the prince lagged in taking his hand, the more nervous Gundham seemed to become, eyes turning towards the sound of boots thudding across the pavement from down the alley and the motorcycles revving not to far behind. His teeth grit as he held his hand out more insistently, wondering for a split second if it’s even worth waiting. Even as the thought hit his head, though, he already knew the answer, the biker finding himself annoyingly protective over the prince. He couldn’t explain it, the desire to keep him safe, it started that day in the alley and settled deeply into his chest, the urge now fighting to get out the longer Kazuichi took to make a decision. 
Gundham knew in that moment, even if Kazuichi turned him down, he wouldn’t leave him. He would fight the ones coming after them, after him, it was his fault they were here now, they wanted the biker’s crown, to try and show him that no matter what that school said, he was nothing. He wasn’t nothing, he worked hard to get where he was, he payed his dues a thousand times over, but that wasn’t special in his world, everyone had their hardships, all that mattered was what you could do in the moment.
In this moment, Gundham was very tempted to simply throw Kazuichi over his shoulder and end this stalemate, he would no doubt kick up a fuss, but it was better than the image his mind provided of the prince, beaten and bloody on the pavement just for knowing him...
Turning his attention back to Kaz as he spoke, Gundham felt a pang of hurt at his words, but he’s not surprised. Why would a prince trust him? He didn’t even like him, he was nothing but the ground Kaz walked upon, a simple stepping stool, or in this case a lever to pull him up. Still, it left a bad taste in his mouth, one that he wasn’t very keen on trying to identify at the moment, the sound of boots far too close now. “Give me your fucking hand you deplorable fool!”
As soon as Kaz’s hand met his, Gundham breathed a sigh of relief, reaching down with his other to hoist the prince upwards onto the roof with rather impressive strength, most of it born out of panic. “Use the wall as leverage- Good. Now, stay low, and keep as quiet as you can. We will circle back behind them, and make our escape. My bike is parked just down the street, we simply have to get to it.” He seemed rather serious as he spoke, pulling Kazuichi across the roof by the hand, crouched low in an effort to avoid any wandering eyes should anyone happen to look up. 
It didn’t take long before they reached the roof’s edge, Gundham stepping up onto the ledge, his hand slipping from Kaz’s as he dropped a few feet down to the next rooftop. Turning back to the prince, he held his arms out towards him, ready to catch him if he couldn't make it down on his own. “You must hurry.” Then, tone holding a bit more sincerity than what the biker would normally allow, “I will not allow you to fall, I promise you this.”
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@not-bcring​ liked for a biker boi uwu (X)
With all Gundham’s boasting of his motorcycle exploits, actual maintenance to his bike was something he did not excel at, an attempt to change a flat tire ending in a thrown wrench and a series of long, rather drawn out curses. He was supposed to meet up with his Hounds at one of their “spots”, and he very well could just walk there, but for the biker gang leader to show up on foot simply felt wrong. 
Snagging his helmet off his seat with a rather unnecessary kick to the already thrown tool, Gundham stomped off towards the dorms, phone already in hand to first text the Hounds that he may be late, and then to message his mechanic friend Sonia to see how quickly she could fix his tire. 
So focused on his texting, Gundham hadn't realized he had taken a wrong turn between the buildings, ending up in a sort of alley way between the dormitories and the main hall. With another muttered curse to himself, Gundham had just been about to turn back around when he heard a commotion from further down the alley, one that did not sound very kind...
Curiosity peaked by the words being shouted at whoever the unfortunate victim was, Gundham cautiously made his way further in to investigate, the scene he ended up stumbling upon making his blood boil. Two rather large boys had their target crowded up towards the wall, Gundham recognizing the much smaller man as one of his classmates, the prince, one that the biker tried to pay no mind to despite his eye being drawn to him on more than a few occasions. There was no doubt what the other man thought of him, they were so vastly different after all. The so called delinquent was probably seen as even lesser than the dirt the royal walked upon, but even so, he couldn’t just stand idly by and watch him get pummeled into the ground.
Besides, it could cause some sort of incident with the prince’s home country, and Gundham would rather not have the guilt of such on his shoulders with the chance to stop it here before him.
Hands flexing in the leather of his riding gloves, the studs pressed somewhat painfully against his knuckles as he clenched them into fists at his side, teeth grit and fingers digging tightly into the soft padding on the inside of his helmet as he approached. “I do not believe that is wise.” His voice had the boys startling, however only one of the pair seeming to recognize him as he jolted in fear with a look of apprehension, the biker’s reputation preceding him. The other was far more brave with not knowing who Gundham was, not even hesitating to get into the biker’s face in a threat for interfering. “Oh yeah, and what the fuck are you gonna do about it?”
Such a classic taunt, one that had Gundham rolling his eyes as he said as much. “Are you so inept that you cannot even fashion your own threats?” His own retort got the biker exactly what he wanted, his punch no longer being the first one thrown as he side stepped the clumsy blow. “Truly as sad display, what your friends over there must think, hm?” He said with a gesture of his head to Kazuichi and the other would-be assailant, it only spiking his attackers anger all the more. 
But thanks to his silver tongue, Gundham had the upper hand: control. Side stepping another blow, the biker used his helmet as a makeshift weapon, the hard outer coating connecting with a sickening crack to his wannabe attacker’s face. With that one now groaning on the ground in pain, Gundham turned his attention to the prince and the other boy, an eyebrow being raised in their direction in an unspoken question of if this would go any further. 
“If you could please release the prince, I would be ever so grateful.” Odd for a so called delinquent to speak in such proper, flowery prose, but the words hit their mark all the same. Quickly stepping away from Kaz, the other boy heaved his friend off the pavement before making off down the alley, leaving Gundham there inspecting his helmet with feigned indifference. “Do not thank me for saving your royal hide, it simply would have been a shame for such a pretty face to break into so many little pieces.” He said with a smirk, nothing but superiority dripping from his smug tone. 
“Though, I would not be opposed to a reward. I find myself in need of funds to repair my bike. Which is, coincidentally, the entire reason you find me here now. How fortunate for you I took a wrong turn on my way to the dormitories...”
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@not-bcring​ :3c
Gundham had once again managed to stumble upon the violent scene, the biker having just returned from an evening ride with his Hounds. Upon parking his bike he was met with the loud clang of a body hitting the side of a car a short ways down the lot, his head swiveling up as he killed the ignition to be met with Kazuichi in a rather familiar situation, along with the pair that now taunted him. 
Despite nearly falling off his bike in his haste to get to the prince, Gundham was the picture of control as he sauntered up to the trio, the biker removing his helmet before he shot a smirk their way with a patronizing tut. “My my, but we never learn, do we?” He taunted as he stepped closer, helmet gripped tight in his fist as each step of his boots echoed about the lot. 
The boys bristled at his presence, but both seemed undeterred this time, something that put a caution in the biker’s step. What were they planning? Why did the one who refused to fight before look so smug?
Gundham would soon find his answer in the worst ways, catching the glint of a knife as the other man made a clumsy lunge at him, the biker only just able to move out of the way from this sudden turn in events, blade catching at his jacket to cut into his ribs with a hiss of pain from his lips. He was met with some rather ugly words after his dodge, insults of the worst kind, ones that cut much deeper than that knife ever could... 
With grit teeth, Gundham pressed a hand to his new wound, only to be forced to side step once again at the next attempt of an attack. He was ready this time, though, helmet once again being repurposed as a makeshift weapon to meet the boy’s face with a crack, the knife clattering to the pavement along with the helmet as it slipped from the biker’s hand on impact. The now splintered visor caught the light of the streetlamp overhead as it skid to a stop just in front of the prince and his attacker, it having been kicked when Gundham made a grab for the knife-wielder's shirt, the fabric tearing in his grip as his fist met the other’s face to send him to the ground. 
The once braver of the pair looked rather reluctant now with the sight of how ineffective the knife had been, the biker unfortunately used to such dirty plays from brawls with rival gangs. Had it not been for his jacket, though, he knew he would have gotten much worse than a simple knick to the ribs...
Still, the brute was undeterred in his violence, picking up the biker’s discarded helmet to swing it at him, only for Gundham to duck, the hunk of plastic swinging uselessly over his head to smash into the adjacent car with a shatter of glass. Using the attacker’s momentum against him, Gundham tackled him to the ground, hitting him once, twice, three times over after an initial scuffle that rolled them about, the metal studs adorning the knuckles of his riding gloves now tinged a shiny red. 
With one more hit for good measure, Gundham rose off the now unconscious man, spitting blood from one of the lucky hits as they had rolled about out to the side as his gaze darted over to the other attacker, still writhing on the ground after failing in his assault. Chest heaving, Gundham wiped the blood from his split lip as he stepped over the unconscious man, the biker only really succeeding in smearing the sticky red substance across his cheek and the slick leather of his gloves. “Damndable fools...” 
Using the nearby car for support as his adrenaline faded, Gundham stumbled his way over to the prince, his hands meeting Kaz’s face in a rather gentle hold despite the violence they had just wrought. “...Are you alright?” He asked, tone low and soft as he searched the prince over for injury. “Kazuichi, are you alright?”
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
Open RP - Ult. Biker Gundham Tanaka
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“If you do not wish to be caught, you will have to trust me.” A pretty tall order, coming from someone like him. “Now, are you going to give me your hand, or shall I leave you here to dogs of a less kind variety?” He asks this from his perch atop the roof of a small storefront, having used a dumpster as a stepping stool to pull himself up by the ledge. “I will not ask again.”
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@dxncingxqueen cont. from (X)
Reflexively pulling his phone away from his ear at Naya’s exclamation, Gundham could hear the snickers from the observing officers at his wince, no doubt reveling in the gang leader misery. “I...yes, I did...” Oh he was so in trouble now. Maybe it would be better if he just stayed the night in jail...
“I am well, yes. They bind wounds surprisingly well here.” Then, realizing what he had said, he quickly tries to downplay. “Not that they were severe, my attire protected me from the worst of the crash-” He was only digging himself in worse now, his panic clear on his face as he tried to backpedal even more. “It was a minor one, however! The other police cruiser suffered the most damage-” He...should really stop talking now...
A deep sigh as the biker leaned against the wall, his free hand pinching at his brow. “I am at the police department located on the other side of town, you will have to take the bus, but I will be able to give you a ride back, so please bring your helmet.” A pause. “Also, they do not believe you are real, I am rather looking forward to seeing the look on these deplorable cretin's faces when they are proved wrong.” One could almost hear the smirk in his voice. Maybe it was a bad idea to taunt the officers, but could one really blame him?
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@dxncingxqueen liked for a biker gunnie starter uwu (X)
Perhaps it was lucky for the biker that he was only showing off to Naya at the far end of Hope's Peak parking lot when the front tire of his bike decided to pop, the sound near deafening in its echo across the lot as he tried to keep the vehicle in control with one foot uselessly attempting to brake with only the back tire.
With a screech of metal across the pavement, the motorcycle was sent shooting ahead of the biker as he was thrown off the back after hitting a particularly aggressive bump in the asphalt, almost having the thing under control and near to a stop before he was sent rolling across the ground, bike now idling on its side several feet ahead. With the leather of his riding gear scuffed and the visor of his helmet cracked where he had hit the ground near face first, Gundham lay still for several moments as he tried to regain the breathe that had been knocked out of him. 
Chest heaving with shuddering gasps of air, Gundham’s shaky finger’s tried to unlatch his helmet with very little success, the biker giving up after a moment and simply opting to fight his now broken visor up with a creaky snap of the plastic into place. He lay almost motionless on his side, watching as Naya’s shoes came into his narrow view with a wheezy cough that shook his body. “I...am alright, Naya. I promise...” He spoke slowly, trying to push himself upright with a scrape of leather against pavement despite his body’s protests. “Help me...get...get my h-helmet off, p-please...” 
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@dxncingxqueen trespassing, how romantic.... (X)
It...may not have been his best idea, to suggest this park as a date spot, with the fact that it was closed at night, the lush expanse of nature being in a richer, gated community rife with curfews and regulations enough to make the bikers head spin. But it meant it was safe, and despite the gates being locked, Gundham knew very well there were no patrols after a certain hour, the residents here taking stock in their lack luster neighborhood watch. So long as they kept to a relative quiet, no one would be the wiser. 
With picking the lock to the gate being a touch too obvious should anyone happen to walk by, it was simpler to just climb over the fence separating them from the far end of the neighborhood to the park, the pair having entered through the woods from a back road where Gundham’s bike was parked. Hiking up the chain-link fence with little difficultly, showing that he had perhaps done this a time or two, Gundham paused at the top to make sure Naya was fairing well, smiling when she had made it up to his level. Pulling himself over the fence, he climbed down a few rungs before letting himself drop, his gaze set back on the dancer with arms raised to help her down. 
Setting her to the ground, he couldn’t help but press a kiss to her lips, so very pleased that she had agreed to do such a thing with him. “What would our classmates say, if they could see you now, hm?” He teased with a chuckle, his fingers interlocking with hers as he started a slow meander through the trees, sights set on a swing set in the distance. “You will let me know when you are ready to depart, yes?” As much as it sparked a bit of pride getting Naya to misbehave like this, he still worried about her wellbeing, knowing very well that rule breaking was not typically something she indulged in, at least in this capacity.
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
[care] – sender provides physical care for receiver’s bruises (ice pack, wrapping them up, etc) (dxncingxqueen) ((for biker gunnie because hhhhhh))
Bruises and Bruising (X) @dxncingxqueen
Seated on a bench in the courtyard of the school, Gundham looked absolutly miserable, body hunched forwards with his elbows on his knees, knuckles bruised and lip bleeding, he watched the people pass him by with an ever growing sneer whenever one looked his way. He was silent as Naya sat down beside him, simply turning his hand over to accept the icepack in her hands.
"This is not necessary, I have faired much worst in past battles." Then, a moment of silence. "...Something you know better than most." A blurry memory of being stabbed in the back of his head, the only reason he knew it to be real being Naya's panic afterwards and the bloody shirt long since thrown in the trash. "I am more concerned for the ones who saw it fit to try and harm you. Perhaps we should visit them at the medical facilities?" He was smug at that, trying to joke to diffuse the tension, but...
"...I apologize you are always left to pick up the pieces. I...imagine it is not a pleasant ordeal..." Any manner of joking was gone in a matter of moments, expression falling as his gaze hit the pavement. Did he sound...scared?
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@loveleftbehind liked for biker gunnie uwu (X)
The scene was familiar, with Gundham leaned up against his bike parked out in the lot, a cigarette alight between his lips in an effort to find a moment of peace after the impromptu brawl he had found himself a part of a few hours before. Bagel had come out of nowhere yet again, but this time his owner was in tow instead of being dragged behind. So caught up in his own head, Gundham didn’t notice them until the dog’s nose was in his palm, his riding gloves having been shed to asses his bloodied knuckles before his smoke break. 
The biker jumped at the wet nose against his skin, cigarette nearly falling from his lips as he jolted. He relaxed, though, at the familiar faces, hand at first hesitant to pet the dog with the blood sticking to his skin. “...I see you were able to keep hold of your great beast this eve.” His voice was low as he spoke, tired in the worst ways. Fingertips lightly stoking the dogs head, Gundham’s free hand dug about in his pockets, the biker giving a wince as his battered knuckles rubbed against the edge of the leather. 
Wordlessly, he offered Ennie a smoke with a raised brow, the streetlight overhead lighting up his now blackened eye as he turned, the red contact having been taken out when it had begun to swell to remove the illusion of an injury in the left. His eyes were naturally grey, even though his scar may tell another story with the contact pair. “I do not have a lighter, I’m afraid. Mine, ah...exploded after I lit this one...” Meaning that the time he had run it over finally did it in, it managing to light his one smoke almost at the expense of his eyebrows as it exploded in a unruly flame. “You may use the end of mine, if you wish.” No flirtation about the statement to be hand as he tilted his head down, the biker not in the mood to put on airs. 
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@lovesiicknurse liked for some trouble >:3c (X)
It was rather hard not to hear the crying as Gundham cut in between the buildings of the school, helmet in hand and geared up for a night ride despite it almost being curfew. At first he thought the noise to be someone come to drag him back to the dorms, his back pressing against the wall as he waited and listened, but it was less talking and more uncontrollable tears, something that had the biker’s curiosity peaked in a matter of seconds. 
Any manner of sneakiness forgotten, Gundham made his way further between the buildings, ending up around the back entrance of the school to see someone seated there in the darkness, only lit up by the outside light over the doorway. Hesitating for just a moment, the biker debated if he should even get involved. He recognized the woman from his class, the princess, one that he was sure would think of him as nothing but dirt, so he tended to avoid her. But...he couldn’t just leave her like this, that would just be cruel. 
Slowly making his way towards her, Gundham knelt down in front of Mikan, making sure to make his presence known and keep his movements deliberate as to not possibly upset her more. “Are...you alright, ah...miss?” He asked with a wince, realizing in that moment he had no idea how to converse with royalty. 
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@loveleftbehind liked for a vroom vroom boi (X)
Had he not recognized the woman as she made her way down the street, Gundham wouldn’t have bothered stopping, not one to throw whistles and rev engines just to get a pretty girl’s attention. That being said, the biker pulled up beside Takara as she walked, making a show of playfully jerking his bike as he repeatedly let the clutch out, face unseen behind the dark visor of his helmet but his lips no doubt pulled into a smirk. 
After a moment of this, he set the bike to idle, leaning the weight of it onto one leg before pulling his helmet off, his hair that was usually done up in a curl now let down under the weight of his helmet. “Would it be too bold as to offer you a ride?” His words held a flirtatious edge as he leaned forwards onto his helmet now resting against the gas tank, a smirk on his lips and eyes tinted with mischief. “As repayment for your assistance that short time ago, of course...” In reference to when he had crashed his bike in front of her. He’s still surprised he managed to walk away from that one. Or well, be carried away, but the fact that he was still able to ride was a blessing. 
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