#its always TH x reader stuff clogging up the PP x reader tag
Here's your monthly reminder to NOT tag your fic as ["Character A] x reader" if it's actually "[Character B] x reader"!
This goes extra for if the fic is RPF (real person fiction)!
With tumblr's followed tag system, people are occasionally presented a "followed tag" post on their dash. Now if I follow the Peter Parker x reader tag, I don't want my one followed tag post in a blue moon to pop up with Tom Holland x reader!
Just stop it! It alienates and frustrates readers, especially in the case of RPF, since many find it creepy and are uncomfortable with it.
If you're a new writer on Tumblr, the best advice is to only tag the character your fic is for. That's it, other than maybe simply tagging all iterations of their name. You'll attract the fans of that character specifically and you won't alienate fans of other characters by cross tagging.
And if you're purposefully cross tagging with the intent to get more viewership, stop that! It's rude!
This turned out longer than the one-sentence "don't cross tag" post I was planning. Seems I got carried away. Anyways, just please don't cross tag, out of respect for readers.
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