#its been A FAT WHILE since i last used any of those tags wow
marstectomy · 3 years
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*comes bback from the grave*
omgg uuu guys where have you been locas?????
anyway trans man rarity because im a trans man myself so its just obvious, sorry i cant keep my hands from destroying everything, even after all these years....
i was gonna trans gender applejack too but i got tired.
some thoughts about the art since im here...
rarity OWNS his gender, no matter what. BUT. it takes him a while to reconcile with his own femininity once he finds out he wasnt a woman. It was a super confusing period for him. How can he not be a woman if he loves to be so feminine? he needs to reconceptualize and relearn a lot of shit,,,, once he finally reaches that point tho, its back to being hyper fem rara (he/him edition)
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
Let's go wide and predictable... Tell me about the different WoD incarnations for Shaw. :>
OK SO First thing I am glad you are also a nerd for this so I don’t don’t to explain all these terms. Secondly wow I need to be better about tagging/organizing, I couldn’t find all the other posts on this I was SURE I wrote. SO HERE’S A BIG FAT POST, RIP YOUR EYES
VAMPIRE Lasombra: This is the clan I typically default to in answers for him AS YOU HAVE NOTICED. I mean, they’re dark aristocrats who are all about Social Darwinish, preying on the weak, and the strong reigning. They primarily enforce this subtly through political games, but they have NO PROBLEM throwing an elegant Potence-backed punch. While one would think that these proud predators demanding sniveling obedience---and one would, in a way, be right---they certainly don’t RESPECT it, and it can even induce violent rage in them. Fits Shaw to a T. Sure, the Catholicism/Church control and Spanish origins and attraction to the sea and Abyss mysticism aren’t for him, but hey, he fits the outlook of the Clan perfectly aside from the religious aspects, and no one fits EVERY stereotype of a clan anyway.  Most Lasombra are Sabbat, and he could be too, but he would be in it for personal power, not true belief in being the Sword of Caine. I can equally easily see him going antitribu for the political power and stability of the Camarilla.  My other choices for him are VENTURE which is pretty obvious, but also Gangrel, which sounds counterintuitive but I HAVE A REALLY GOOD ARGUEMENT FOR IT! WEREWOLF Shadow Lord. Total Shadow Lord for pretty much all the same reasons as Lasombra. Like just LOOK AT THIS QUOTE: “ The Shadow Lords are a fictional tribe of Garou (werewolves) in White Wolf Game Studio’s Werewolf: The Apocalypse role-playing game.   […]  The Shadow Lords’ lives are like a daily game of chess and a constant struggle for power […] Shadow Lords respect power and condemn weakness, any cub who’s not strong enough in their eyes is banished from the tribe [… ] None of the other tribes like them very much, or at all, but even the ones who hate them most don’t question their ability to get things done. […] perhaps the largest camp, the Lords of the Summit tend to be the stereotypical Shadow Lords - power-hungry, manipulative, ambitious, and arrogant. This by no means makes them less dangerous foes.” And like. . . .they focus on political and intellectual power FIRST, and that sort of character is typically physically weak. But as with the Lasombra, nope, the Shadow Lords had bodily power too; they’re described as looking more like over-muscled pit bulls in lupine form than wolves. So....yeah, that’s perfect. Because Shaw does fight “smart” first, he ideally never touches his opponent, but when he has to? BOY CAN HE PULVERIZE. So, Shadow Lord Shaw is a Homid, probably an Ahroun but maybe a Philodox, and he has a lot of Glass Walkers following him as well as fellow Shadow Lords; he finds great use in their technological talents and ability to adapt to an urban environment and OWN it (rather than just SURVIVE in its fringes like a Bone Gnawer, as he sees it) and they organize themselves in a corporate-like structure where he takes a natural lead.  While the Shadow Lords are stereotypically/traditionally Eastern European, they can be of any race today. Shaw’s dad is English, but since we never see his mom in canon, for this version I’m saying his mom was a great big Eastern European Shadow Lord, and that’s why he never knew her, because the Garou aren’t typically raising their own young. He’s just. . . .big brutal wolf boy. And has like a billion puppies/Kinfolk kids. I DREW HIM FERA Ok, so I picked a BUNCH of Fera for Shaw, and you know why? I could. Literally just because I could. I don’t have a DM to tell me no! I even picked extinct ones, BECAUSE I WANTED TO! Cat-wise, I like him as a Khan or a Khara. Are the Khara extinct? Yes. Do they really suit him, the way they’re described less as warriors and more just secret-gatherers? Not at all. I picked them because I just like the idea of him turning into a massive, massive black smilodon. Because I think it’s cool and I don’t have to respect canon here. He can be the last of the Khara and not fit them at all if I say so. And hey, he LOOKS like a prehistoric man already! As for the Khan. . . .of the extant Bastet, the Simba and Khan fit him best. And if I am being honest? The Simba probably are a better fit for him. And I’m fine with that. I’m fine with Shaw as a big ol werelion with a black mane. But I also just really, really like the Khan. And as I have made clear, I am running this show. So my first choice for him that isn’t a Shadow Lord, is a Khan. They’re most typically Indian, Chinese, or (due to breeding with colonizers in India) English, so he could be one of the English Khan, and hey, fighting the Wyrm gives him a good outlet for. . . himself. Their human forms are also typically tall and HUGE, upwards of 300 lbs, and they’ve sired some of the most beautiful kittens and powerful bloodlines. T “ The Simba may declare themselves nobility, but the weretigers fit the title. Regal hunters and warriors, these Bastet evoke the respect the lions demand. From the snowy mountains of Asia to the cities of India, the weretigers hunt the spawn of Asura and defend the last of their Kin. They’re solid, dependable, smart and strong. Their weaknesses, such as they are, come from being too trusting or too sure of themselves. Khan are straightforward and action-oriented, not clever schemers. Whatever a Khan does, he does full-tilt — fighting, romancing, hunting, studying, even contemplating. These Bastet throw themselves into all tasks with vigor and passion, and their bodies, in any form, bristle with vitality. Most Khan love company; though few of them can stand the presence of another of their kind for long, they often enjoy companions. And who would deny a tiger’s friendship? It’s said the Khan were brought forth to battle demons, and many of them take that charge literally. Vampires, Asura and fomori have few enemies more relentless than a tiger. Perhaps that’s why the Khan have been brought to the verge of extinction: They made too many of the wrong kind of enemies.” “ The tribe’s traditional cultures stress honor and obedience. The treachery of Nagda was worsened by the stain it put on the tigers’ pride. While solitary in nature, most Khan establish protectorates where they defend a given family or land against corruption. The fact that ���defense” occasionally includes killing certain people doesn’t detract from the tribal purpose. The Kahn were created to war against demons. Those who court the darkness must die “ “ While many Khan tend to be bad-tempered and aggressive, others love company of all kinds (and are powerful enough to demand respect). “ So, is that ALL Shaw? No. He’d be a particularly nasty, scheming Khan, in fact, a little unusual for his breed. But that’s hardly unheard of. After all, the famous English Khan named Lord Clouster “had cobras for a heart; he tossed his own kuasha beneath the wheels of a train, fed his wife to a suttee fire by pretending to be dead, then killed his children when he found they did not carry the Changing Touch.” And another Khan, the Indian sultan Nagda, got into a feud with another Khan and “ taken over by his rage, the Sultan Nagda betrayed his race and used a tribal secret. During an eclipse, his assassins struck all over Asia, slaying nearly 100 Khan and many Kinfolk outright.” So, Khan can be bad too.  But not as bad as the Simba. “ “The Lords of Sunlight.” That’s what they call themselves. Like the blazing mane around the heads of their kings, werelions liken themselves to the sun. All things have a place and an order and rebels must be reminded of this fact. The real fact, of course, is that the other tribes dislike the lions; the Simba may call themselves “Lords of Sunlight,” but many other cats give them another name: “The Dark Kings,” an unflattering comparison to the Khan. The Simba aren’t villains; they’re magnificent lords, slayers of demons. Things are simply out of order. When the balance is  restored, when the humans know their place and the cities become graveyards, the lions will be proven right. The demons of the modern age can be traced to the end of the Impergium and the laxity of the Changing Breeds. The Simba mean to put things in order, and if that requires bloodshed, so be it. Warfare is the sport of kings” “ Werelions value strength and order. Despite their bloody reputation, Simba adore their loved ones, and watch their Kinolk closely. Children and kittens are raised within the pride and must constantly prove themselves to survive. “ “ Each pride has one Mtolo (“father”), or dominant male, and several Kirii (“wives”) and Anwana (“young hunters”). Small prides defer to larger ones, and may owe allegiance to a Chakuva (“High King”) like Black Tooth. “ So, Simba are very patriarchal, very hierarchal, and want to run everyone else and feel they’re entitled to do so by birthright,  and the more I talk the LESS it sounds like Shaw actually? Like don’t get me wrong, he’s proud and power-hungry AS YOU KNOW, but what sets him apart from Apocalypse or Magneto or Xavier is that Shaw has never sought to have mutantkind follow him. He has his own ideologies, but he has never sought to lead others or enforce it on them. So really, the Simba mentality of “we should be in charge because it’s us” DOESN’T work for him, nor does the idea of being entitled to do so, as Shaw’s “power first” mentality is all about EARNING your position, not deserving it automatically. It’s all very Fabian though! So I’ll leave that here as a bonus for you instead of going back and deleting it lol. yEAH HE’S A BAD KHAN, BASICALLY And his Pyrio, no matter what cat type he is, would be Night.  Each Bastet has a “Pyrio” meaning a classification of their general personality and what fields they’re likely to pursue and be talented in. “Like the Dark Father Cahlash, the favor of the Night indicates a sinister or hidden nature. Most Bastet with this Pryio tend to withdraw from others, concentrating on their own business unless interrupted. Although they might not be actively malignant, they have short tempers and quiet ways, and fiercely guard their privacy. Night Bastet prefer occupations such as assassin, scholar, scientist and dark mystic. In the wilderness, the Night cats are hidden hunters and man-eaters, with nasty dispositions and an eerie reputations. These are the cats whose deeds are told around campfires for years to come. If you’ve got a disposition toward the Night, activities that cause others discomfort, reinforce your private space or protect some valuable secret from outsiders can refresh your Willpower.” So yeah. Shaw is a night kitty.  Rats are not the type that fit him the MOST, but I drew him as a RATKIN WARRIOR anyway. Because rats. Also while I drew him as a Warrior, he could also be an Engineer or a Plague Lord (specifically sylphyllis; every Plague Lord contracts with a disease spirit and embodies its most horrific symptoms and I just love the idea of this hideous terrifying syph-ridden Shaw) And hey, he can get into the “culling humanity” and “survive so that you may breed” deal! Most wererats also have very little kindness towards the weak either, despite being the underdogs of the Fera themselves. Likewise, hyenas aren’t the breed that fit him the most but I kinda dig the idea of him as an Ajaba? Their role was choosers of the slain, tasked with culling the sick, dying, and unfit. They were called rainmakers because of the tears their task brought to others, and they did not spare even their own. Then, the Simba came to their lands, and enacted genocide against them. They left Africa and spread across the globe, now breeding indiscriminately to survive and can be any race. What holds them together now first isn’t any duty, but the desire to simply stay alive. And both those things---culling weakness, and being knocked off his pedestal and now forced to fight for scraps in the shadows to survive---seem fitting for Shaw. The philosophy is obviously what he’s always had, and the degraded position reflects where he currently is in canon. He’s not usually the underdog, but he is here---but doubtlessly a brutal one, the Fera equivalent of a gang leader, recruiting  Also they’re matriarchal and I kinda like the idea of him having to deal with that, as....that kind of fits too? Shaw was the only MAN of note in the Hellfire Club. All the other most iconic, powerful, threatening members were women, and Shaw’s never really had a chance (or tried to fuck with) any of them. He’s USED to being around a ton of badass ladies who are calling the shots, that’s just TUESDAY for him.   Finally---FINALLY-- I could see him as the odd human-born Rokea. A Great White, of course. Again, it was probably his mother who was the Fera, some monstrous creature who came on land and mated with his human father, only to spawn this boy while still out of the water. All Rokea are ugly in their human state, but Shaw looks better than most due to being born on land and as a human, and he is also able to move through---and thrive---in human society. Since he is seen as a Betweener---one of the Rokea who “betrays” the Sea by living on land instead---stepping into what should be his natural habitat is always risky for him, as other Rokea WILL kill Betweeners on sight. And the single-minded nature of sharks leaves little room for explaining oneself.  Oh did I say finally SURPRISE I HAVE ONE MORE. The peaceful, matchmaking, extinct Apis don’t really fit SHAW aT ALL, and they’re EXTINCT, but I love the idea of him turning into a HUGE BLACK BULL. So here’s my explanation. The deal with the Apis is that when their numbers reached the single digits, a last handful of young Apis called Last Hope went into the Deep Umbra and haven’t been seen since. The “hook” in the 20th anniversary Changing Breeds book for their return is that maybe they finally came out the Umbra and back to the physical world. My idea is that he and HAVEN are mebers of Last Hope who have re-emerged in modern times to bring back their kind---something that rests entirely on SHAW’S shoulders, since Haven’s womb was cursed by the Wyrm. So it’s up to him to just breed with as many women and cows as possible. So he’s got an excuse! And as for why he’s so un-Apis, my explanation is that the trauma of their species being wiped out and the time that was allowed to fester in them during their long sleep in the Deep Umbra, drove Haven and Shaw to two extremes of Apis behavior. Haven took on the gentle caretaker side to the extreme, becoming so pacifistic she can’t fight or defend herself. Shaw went the other end, becoming so enraged and resentful that he’s become more like a bloodthirsty predator himself.  Eventually, they both fall to madness after re-emerging, but in the opposite ways that everyone expect. It’s the sweet gentle Haven who ends up Frenzying other of control in a berserker rage, rampaging across the city in massive bovine form, causing untold death and destruction until she’s put down. . . .while the cruel violent Shaw falls to a “cow version of Harano” sinking into a depression so profound he goes catatonic up until Haven’s own loss of sanity, at which point he throws himself on her horn. The story ends with the last of the Apis truly dead, but with a new hope for the species living on in Shaw’s children, who are showing signs of being Kinfolk or Apis themselves.
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chasethesun18 · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked
tagged by @goddess-clarke​ 🥰
What is the colour of your hairbrush? purple and black
Name a food you never eat? seafood and red meat
Are you typically too warm or too cold? i used to be too cold all the time and then i went through a time where i was too hot and now im back to somewhere in the middle but mostly cold. my fingers turn blue a lot lolol
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? mm so i just watched the premier of blindspot s5 and it is now dead to me and i will be forgetting this episode happened and not continuing the season. so ive spent the last hour trying to erase the ep from my memory and cheer myself up. its not working so now im answering 50 questions. as one does.
What is your favourite candy bar? oh i don't know. it changes. i really like peanut m&ms and york patties
Have you ever been to a professional sports event?  professional...maybe? i think i’ve possibly been to a pro baseball. im from the south and we dont do pro we only do college. ive been to..idk hundreds on hundreds of those
What is the last thing you said out loud? told my mom i loved her. cause im cute like that.
What is your favourite ice cream? i like vanilla with a lot of toppings. but also coffee and mint chocolate chip 
What was the last thing you had to drink? im drinking cherry vanilla coke zero. yes its 11:42pm. dont judge me.
Do you like your wallet? yeah its cute. its little and red 
What was the last thing you ate? salad with chicken (oo she healthy)
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? yeah no. i haven't bought new clothes in forever. actually got into an argument with my mom about that today
The last sporting event you watched? BEFORE SPORTS WERE CANCELLED YOU MEAN????? baseball. 
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? ....popcorn has flavors? idk salt?
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my sister. about said blindspot premier. she's writing a book and considering killing off one of the characters and i told her i didn't want someone to get to the end of her book and wish she hadn't read it which is how i feel about blindspot rn
Ever go camping? i do, my major is parks and rec so im a ~big outdoors girl~ but im actually more into the historical preservation side of things and i dont really like camping but i have been dragged into it bc of my major
Do you take vitamins? no but i take a shit ton of medication. y'all didnt need to know that srry.
Do you go to church every Sunday? yes. before that got cancelled too. its fine.
Do you have a tan? i do! super proud of it. its the beginning stages
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? pizza i hate chinese food
Do you drink your soda with a straw? yes
What colour socks do you usually wear? white
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? ....ok does anyone follow the exact speed limit? come on. ive never gotten a ticket tho
What terrifies you? a lot of things. small spaces. bugs. heights but only sometimes. losing a loved one. change. im an anxious person ok
Look to your left, what do you see? a wall (these are entertaining answers im serving yall)
What chore do you hate? vacuuming. GOSH I HATE IT. idk why but it pisses me off every time. i think its cause it makes me sweat and like why should i have to SWEAT from vacuuming? its so loud too i can't listen to music while i do it
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? g’day mate
What’s your favourite soda? coke zero or dr pepper
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? drive-thru unless the drive-thru is too long and then it defeats the purpose of going for fast food so i go in
Who’s the last person you talked to? my mom
Favourite cut of beef? i dont eat red meat :P
Last song you listened to? holding on and letting go - ross copperman (tvd forever)
Last book you read? my major is reading heavy and my minor (history) is even more reading heavy. i had a history class this semester where i had to read 6 books in their entirety so that's the last thing i read. i havent read for fun since i started college lol. but i do still read fanfic and that counts
Favourite day of the week? friday. its the anticipation of the weekend without the disappointment of the weekend
Can you say the alphabet backwards? lol no
How do you like your coffee? if i make it myself i like it with creamer and splenda. if i get it out i like sugar free vanilla lattes with nonfat milk (yes im a basic bitch I KNOW. i also take a sip and if it tastes wrong i go ‘um excuse me is this the nOn FaT MiLk’ like im literally that bitch)
Favourite pair of shoes? aesthetically ive got some bomb heels but i havent had the occasion to wear those in a long time
The time you normally go to bed? before all this 11-1. now idk time is just a construct 
The time you normally get up? ..before all this 8/9 depending on what time my class was. now i force myself to get up around 9/10. i dont naturally wake up. if i dont set an alarm i will sleep until 1pm
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? i like both but i havent seen many sunrises bc i dont wake up. so sunset
How many blankets on your bed? twooo
Describe your kitchen plates: the ones at my parents house are just plain white and the ones in my apartment are plain green. wow im plain.
Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? so ya girl just turned 21 !!!! and no, im not a big fan. it all tastes like cough syrup. help.
Do you play cards?. my family does sometimes. i think its boring
What colour is your car? dark grey. her name is the black pearl. shes not black tho....
Can you change a tire? no but ive never tried
Your favourite province? ok this question is gonna show my ignorant american side and i dont want it to soooo
Favourite job you’ve ever had? i used to work at this place that did mommy and me music classes. i taught the one that was a drop off class called school skills so it was like k5 for 3-4 yrs old
How did you get your biggest scar? i dont have many scars. i have one above my eye from falling backwards into a rocking chair lol
What did you do today that made someone else happy? i dont know, honestly. i feel like im barely interacting with people. i ran errands with my mom and i think that made her happy...but she was in a bad mood so hard to tell lolol
anyway, this was fun and now im not thinking about that show. crap now im thinking about it. UGH.
tagging: @hpfangirl13 @amazalina @dorisquinn @rebel-belles @vivianelynne20 @modernlifehistorian (i know you're there) @sherlolly-siya @fromiftowhen
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In My Head - Rafael x MC
Summary: A commentary of MC Jaya’s thoughts during the date with Rafael last chapter. 
A/N: My brain - and by extension Jaya’s - is weird. Sorry. You have been warned. This is kinda bad but idc
Tags:  @chantelle-x0x , @choicessa, @mariamulroney , @drakewalkerwhipped , @thewolvesss ,  @mfackenthal , @srawesleyghuewrites , @topsyturvy-dream , @enmchoices , @gardeningourmet @debramcg1106 , @alesana45 , @meladoridarcy, @blackcatkita , @tmarie82 , @annekebbphotography , @lizk77 , @jayjay879 , @tornbetween2loves , @akrenich , @theroyalweisme , @likethetailofacomet , @sleepwalkingelite , @littleblossom-18 , @ooo-barff-ooo , @drakewalker04 , @mkatschoicesblog , 
Rafael Aveiro: @kennaloverofdragons , @ifyouseekheart , @brightpinkpeppercorn
Jaya FC: Pooja Hegde
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Shower? Done. Deep condition? Done. Moisturise? Done. Shave? Goddamn Jaya its the first date, nothing’s gonna happen. Rafael Aveiro is not that kind of guy… And I am not that kind of girl.. 
Standards. Yep totally got those. 
Okay okay, time for the most important part of date prep. Picking the outfit.
What did he say again? Dress comfy.. Comfy, Mr Aveiro, means my panda onesie and Ugg boots. I hardly think thats first date material right there. Unless it was a movie date, and we got to build the PERFECT outfit. 
Think casual but cute. Classy but not like we’re trying too hard. Yep okay lets go. Ooo this dress is cute and it could pair it with those cream wedges... Where are they - NOOO. That stupid chocolate stain from my going away party is STILL there? 
So scrapping that idea. What about that leather skirt… Found it. Okay nope. I look like a hoe in that. We’re going for wholesome not HOEsome here. 
 What do I feel casual in? Pencil skirt? Dress? Jeans? Ugh Raf could you be anymore ambiguous in your description? Don’t you know that girls require a detailed agenda of what we will be doing on the date so we can plan our outfit accordingly??
Oh my god why do I not have anything nice to wear?? 
Ughhhhh I just wanna throw out my whole wardrobe and start again.. I wish Asos had instant delivery like you payed the the thing and it would just magically show up in your closet. I could put together a killer outfit in minutes.. 
Too plain… too boring… I’m pretty sure that should be in my laundry pile… That’s my lab coat.. 
Oh that’s a cute skirt… I’m pretty sure I wore that to the concert with Bryce… I don’t wanna outfit repeat though… 
Does this match.. 
Everything I have makes me look too short, too fat or like I’m trying too hard. I just wanted jeans and a nice top but evidently that’s too much to ask.. 
 What would Lois Lane wear? Wait how cold is it going to be tonight? 
 …Okay no skirts then. Alright he said dinner so that means no white or light colours coz we don’t know where we’re going so lets just go with jeans and maybe I could go with that burgundy off shoulder top I got last week? Huh.. that actually doesn’t look too bad. 
 Damn I actually look kinda good… Lets hope he thinks so too.
Alright now to give this mane a quick blow dry. Ugh why do I have my hair so long again? I literally do nothing with it but chuck it up in a pony tail… I should chop it off, do a new year, new me thing for spring or something.. 
Okay done. 
Now make up. Think classy and cute. Lets put on some music…. Hmmm.. Bollywood Jams… What haven’t I listened to in a while.. Got it.
Panghat pe aake saiyyan marode baiyaan And everybody blames it on Radha Chhedde hai humka daiyaan, bairi Kanhaiya And everybody blames it on Radha
*Twenty minutes of singing and dancing later* 
 Okay Jaya focus. Focus like your life depends on it.
 Time for *deep breath* Eyeliner.. 
Don’t… make… a…move… Okay that actually looks good. Time for the other one. Don’t… make… a…move… Fuck they don’t match… I’ll just make the other one thicker… Not that thick! Maybe I can use some concealer and make fix… Nope now that one’s too short.. Maybe… okay that looks worse… 
Fuck eye makeup I’m just gonna skip it
Are hoops too much for a first date? Do I subscribe to that ‘the bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe’ thing…? Maybe… 
Nows not the time for experimenting Jaya. Focus. Now lipstick.. I cooooould go with red.. Who am I? Priyanka Chopra? Oh wait even Priyanka doesn’t wear red… Ok PC don’t let me down, I’m going with nude.. 
Shit is that the bell?! Okay okay, wallet, phone, shoes, I haven’t picked shoes yet! Ugh okay lets hope he doesn’t notice the chocolate stain.
Coming, coming. Oh wow he looks hot. I mean how does he make just a green jacket and t-shirt look good. Remember to speak Jaya. Say hi. Keep it cool. Goddamn Superman, you’ve got one adorable smile. Huh this old thing? Its just something I threw on… in pure desperation and defeat. 
 Omg guys pls don’t make a huge deal of this… I am so getting a roasting when this is over. 
 Please let’s go. Hang on where are we going? This is true. He can’t show me the city from indoors. Guess we’re doing an outdoor thing then...Apparently its a surprise. I can do this whole spontaneous thing.. Yep easy peasy.. so not still wondering if I’ve over dressed but if his outfit is anything to go off I think I should be fine? 
Umm do you know where we’re going? Coz i have no idea. And I hope you’re not taking me some place to get mugged. DONT say that out loud Jaya. Focus on the conversation.. He’s asking you if you like Boston..
God he’s gorgeous. And humble too. So different from any other guy I’ve dated. From any other guy I’ve met actually… They don’t make em like they made you Rafael Aveiro. 
He claims he’s not Superman but this is totally a Clark Kent outfit.. just missing some glasses. I bet he’d look hot in glasses. Does he wear glasses? I need to know immediately. Nope he doesn’t. 20-20 vision… Just like Superman.
I would have totally missed this place if I hadn’t known it was here… or hadn’t had my own personal Superman showing me around. Heh. 
Okay enough superman jokes. 
I don’t even know where to look, the food, the smells, the sounds, the people, its kinda like the night markets back home. And oh my god what is that smell? Best street food in Boston… Yep I don’t doubt that for a second...
….Is it too cliche if I say Indian food? Coz I have been dying for some Aloo gobi since I came to Boston and — THEY HAVE CHANA MASALA!?!? IM TAKING IT ALL SORRY NOT SORRY Subhanu you’ll be out of business by the time Jaya Da Silva is done with you. 
 Wait he knows everyone here? And they know him? Did he like… save everyone in this city or something? 
 Okay wow this is getting a bit crowded, is it too cliche if I grab his hand? Almost… there… Oh were at our seats… Bummer. 
Did he just… pull out the chair for me? Homeboy is earning some major points over here… I am impressed.
Damn he really does know everyone. If that wasn’t so impressed, I’ve be suspicious. Oh wait he’s grown up with these people. That explains it.
Community man.. Family man. Good match.. God I sound like the aunties back in Chennai. 
He’s way too adorable to be single. A sweet guy, who cares about the community and is genuinely kind and smart? Guys like him do NOT pop out of no where… What are the chances he’s got some crazy dark secret.. 
Goddamn Jaya calm down with the analysing. Just relax. 
Crap he just asked me about my community? What part should I tell him? The crazy expectations, the insane reputations to uphold or the life ruining rumours? Lie Jaya. You gotta lie. You can’t dump the truth on him this early on. He’s a nice guy but even he will turn tail and run if you tell him about your m-
Oh our foods here. OMG I apologise in advance but this has got to be one of the best chana masala’s I’ve ever seen. Patti would feel threatened. Let’s see how it tastes. SO FLIPPING GOOD. OH MAH GAAAHH 
Raf I hope you don’t mind if I pig out coz I’ve been dying for Patti’s food and this is the closest I’m probably gonna get and this is pretty damn close.
Is he looking at me enough? Omg is he looking at me too much? Don’t have something on my face? Okay lets subtly move your hand up and.. okay that was subtle enough right? Holy crap I had gravy on my mouth and he didn’t say anything… Maybe it wasn’t noticeable?
Do I prefer a community or my own space? Hmmm… How do I answer this tactfully…
Oh this is nice. We’re picking up a rhythm here. Just casual chatting… He is actually really funny… 
Okay Rafael Aveiro I see you. You’ve got that hidden sass in you that I sure as hell am going to bring out… 
Oh damn I stand corrected, we are already at the roasting phase — more like a slight toasting really but he’s bring up The Grand Bathrobe Incident of two weeks ago. Oh great, I am never going to live that down. But hey if it landed me here I have no regrets...
Wow he’s actually got a bit of green in his eyes. I never noticed that. Why have I never noticed that? Probably because I’ve never been this close to see it…? 
Oh wait I need a mint. All this chicken tikka and garlic I am gonna to do a major refresh if we’re going to do any kissing… or whatever. 
Wait he just gave me a look. What does that mean? Are we going to… no it can’t be. Omg I did NOT wear my cute underwear.. what if we have sex? Nope Jaya nope. No sex on the first date. No matter how cute the green in Superman’s eyes are. 
 Hmm guess not… Anyways
No way he likes the same flavour of Skittles as me! He’s already planning a movie night for us? Wait is that a hint at another date? Or was it just a general thing? 
 Wait where is everyone else? Are we the last ones here? Hang on a second how did he pay without me noticing?? Nope I can’t let him pay, I- He’s not hearing any of it. Okay fine I won’t argue but next time I’m paying.
Did he just… ask to walk me home? Can this man get any more precious??? Of course honey you can. Gosh I’m melting right now, this is so adorable… 
Oh my god, our fingers brushed. They brushed again.. And again… Please take my hand, please take my hand. I really wanna hold yours but I’m too socially awkward to do that.. Thank god he got the hint. This is nice… real nice…
Okay that walk was way too short for anything to happen. We’e stopped outside my porch. I am SO happy I ran into you Raf. you made my shitty day so much better. Oh god this is like one of those movies where they stand outside the door for ages not wanting to say anything… I really wanna kiss him. Goddamn he’s dreamy as hell… 
How do I tell him I want him to kiss the life out of me without… you know.. telling him I want him to kiss the life out of me?
He’s gonna say goodnight? Wait THATS it? Just a goodnight and go? Wait I think he got the hint, he’s taking a step closer. Wow he’s tall, I’ve always liked them tall dark an handsome.. His eyes… wow..
Oh my god is this really happening? Does he want to kiss me? Of course he wants to kiss you, you dolt, he’s leaning in closer. Can’t you see the look in his eyes? Why is he waiting… Crap he’s waiting for me.. What if I’ve misjudged this whole — Oh fuck it here goes. 
Abshhgkl… can’t… articulate… kiss... too good… 
Breathe Jaya breathe. All tingly now. His arms are so strong… He can leave them around me… He doesn’t have to let go just yet… God he has the most amazing shy smile.. I could kiss him again… and again… and never stop… Do we have to stop? 
Oh yep he wants to stop. Thats…not unexpected… He wants to take it slow remember? Its probably a good thing. I don’t know what I’d do if I managed to sneak him upstairs — out of sight to all my roommates of course — get him pinned up against the wall, inch my fingers up that nice but totally unnecessary shirt of his — I bet he’s got amazing abs too — and just — 
Jaya! Stop it. Stop perving on the nice boy! This is your first date, he already wants to take it slow, lets not ruin this by not being able to keep it in your pants. Now pull yourself together and say goodnight. 
This is like a freaking rom com. Am I in Love Actually right now? He’s actually waiting for me to get in the house before leaving. Chivalry is obviously not dead everyone. Rafael Aveiro alone is keeping it alive. 
Oh fuck my keys, where are they where are they, shit hurry up he’s waiting for you to get in, don’t ruin the moment for me stupid k— Ah finally. 
He looks too adorable to leave out on the front porch. Smile and say goodnight Jaya like a grown ass adult. I really want run over and kiss him. And from the way he’s looking at me, I think he wants to too? 
Nope self control Jaya. This is what we practice in this household. Close the door and go upstair— Oh my god he’s whistling as he walks away. Ahhh does that mean he had a good time? Because I sure as hell did. I hope he asks me out again. Or I could ask him out this time. 
Either way I hope we can see a lot more of each other soon because you are something else Superman. Something else indeed. 
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so-flashtastic · 7 years
038: “Rock Paper Scissors to see who has to go talk to the neighbors upstairs for being too loud.” 
Pairing: Barry Allen x reader Warnings: won’t be long bc of lack of time, reader’s aware of Barry being Flash Words: 983
A/N: Don’t remember who requested this..:/ But if you’re reading this, and you wanna be tagged, DM me;) AND just a little FYI: This will be a little mix with falling in love and living together B) LASTLY, an anon wanted to get Barry’s reaction when reader called him baby Barr, well here ya go;))
‘I swear to God if they don’t stop soon…’ Y/N walked around in her apartment. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that the time was 2:30 AM, and she wasn’t in bed yet: Because of the loud thumps coming from upstairs, she had given up on sleeping a long time ago.   “You’re frickin’ eight years old, why aren’t you asleep yet!” The cereal in her mouth caused her to spit milk while letting her frustration out. Unfortunately, it also woke Y/N’s roommate up, who joined her party seconds later.
“Why are you yelling this early, Y/N?” Barry’s bed hair worsened when he raised his hand to ruffle it more up. If it wasn’t for the fact that Y/N had gotten used to weak knees for seeing Barry all the time, her jelly-legs would have collapsed right then and there. “Why am I yelling? Why are those kids ruining my- no, go get your own!” She had to interrupt herself to prevent Barry from eating her food. “They are two years younger than us, Y/N,» It was as if he knew he was provoking her – Barry and his never-ending logic. "Wow, some party going on up there,” Barry continued, making Y/N sigh in frustration.  “Oh is it? I didn’t know!!” The last part directed to the ceiling made Barry laugh. “You think this is funny?!”
“A bit,” he said, taking his own spoon full of cereals in his mouth, looking at Y/N. Not many guys his age could count themselves lucky to live with their crush and see them both at their best and worst times. Strange thing is that for Barry, there really weren’t any bad ones when it came to Y/N. He simply liked everything about her. From her grumpy mood in the mornings to her ecstatic self when talking about her biggest passion – his favorite moments being when she would show him cute videos of baby animals.
“Whooo!!” “What are they even doing up there?! Who can be this happy this late at a Wednesday!?” Barry was starting to like this more and more, his on growing smile made Y/N snap: “Stop being so sadistic, will you? Tomorrow is important! I need my beauty sleep, and I need to be focused on important days!” “You don’t need beauty sleep,” “Well of course I do! Kids will be fleeing the streets by the look of me!” Barry shook his head at Y/N’s nonsense. “Rock Paper Scissors to see who has to go talk to the neighbors upstairs for being too loud,”  “What?” Barry hopped off the counter he had been seated on for their whole chat and walked over to his confused roommate.
“Well, your lack of sleep is making you delusional, so we need to shut the kids up, now shall mommy or daddy do that,” he made a fist, preparing, though by the look on Y/N’s face, he continued with a smile: “Well, you clearly don’t want to do it, considering you haven’t walked up there yet, and I’m not exactly decently dressed…” He referred to his uncovered torso and bare legs. “Alright,” Y/N laughed, “but get ready to throw on some clothes, Flash,”
“I don’t want to do this. I don’t, and this is unfair, they woke me first!” Y/N lost against her metahuman crush. “Now, come on, be the good, big girl I know you are,” Barry nudged into Y/N with that little spark in his eyes she could die for. Changing the subject, Y/N instantly nudged a bit harder in a jokingly matter.  “Are you calling me fat?!” Taking her by surprise, Barry embraced Y/N in a hug before she could get away from him. His chin rested on her head while chills were running down Y/N’s back as she felt each breath he took as his chest moved. “You know that’s not true, Y/N/N,”
“Please, baby Barr, come and join me at least?” Barry’s body seemed to stiffen for a couple of seconds. “Uh-uhm, s-sure,” When his cool took its break, Y/N decided to be the bold one, and turned around to face the boy she had grown to love so much. “Well let’s go then, speedster, so we soon can get to bed already,” it didn’t take long for Y/N’s smirk to falter when she realized what she had just said. So turning around in her walk towards the door, her cheeks had changed their color to a more red tone. “Uhm, well, uh- you know what I meant,” Barry just laughed it off, and followed his girl out the door. It was time to play family. Though he didn't know this would just be the very first of the many rest to come. 
A/N: I know it's a crappy ending, and you don't deserve crappy endings – especially since y'all have been so patient with me being just horribly inactive!! Well, exams are starting next week, but I'll see what I can do untill then;)
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Homestuck High - Chapter 3
Homestuck high Chapter 3: Dark magick and a lemon, a homestuck fanfic | FanFiction
this chapter contains ADULT CONTENT between john and rose!
~The author is either a child or a master of irony. I can't really tell
if u do not like it plz skip over it. im really enjoying riting this story but ill upload more 2morrow this is the last update for now I WANT REVIEWS
John and Rose were in a field holding hands and kissing.
~Check out this ADULT CONTENT YO!!!!!111!!
They were alone and the sun was high in the sky. Rose was in a long white dress and a sun hat and John was chasing her through corn and sunflowers.
~But weren't they holding hands? You can't hold hands with someone and be chasing them at the same time
He felt happy. She spun around and her silken gown brushed against the corn as she ran backwards in slow motion.
~How is that possible in real life
John went to grab her, but she moved out of the way and he stumbled over a giant cliff and fell into darkness.
~Woah what the hell. If the bottom is dark, that means it's a ravine, otherwise the sun would light it up. Why is there a giant ravine in a cornfield?
"John" a voice boomed as he hit the floor "I am the dark genie of precipice Araida!"
Thunder boomed.
"You are yur frends are in GRAEVE DANGER" she said
"What do you mean!" John said he didnt want any harm to come to Rose so he was worried since they handnt had sex yet.
~Why is THIS your incentive to protect her?
~Hey! Just because Dave has red eyes doesn't make him the Devil!
Aradia bombed
~Aradia bombed
as more thunder struck loudly "And Rose is NEXT"
"O M G" John giggled
~That is not the right reaction buddy
"you must destroy the dammed
incubes on a nigth when the moon is full and spill his blod onto Jade and make her drink it so it kills the baba!" Ariada proclaimed
~What the shit
"But WHO IS THE INUCUBS!" John demolished
~Why does the author always use really weird exclamation words?
as he clentched his fists.
She handed him two plastic horns
~If they're Kanaya's horns and he uses them to flirt with Rose I will die happy
"When you put these on you will turn into my faithful demon sslayer ERIDAN"
she magistrated "He will serve you well"
"Ok" John said and he woke up
"Oh your ok" Rose said and she hugged John
"What happened" John elaborated
~That's not what elaborate means
as Dave hugged him next.
Dave raged
~Every time the author uses a weird word to describe how someone says something an angel loses it's wings
"Dark magick came out of your mcdonnaldss burger and FOUND ITS WAY TO YOUR SOUL"
~What the hell
"How!" John demanded
~Through the power of TRANS FATS!!!
"we do not yet know" Tarvos clemenced "We think that by eating it it distrupted the forces within your purities"
~Or that
"oh my gog" John said seriously
~How do you say "oh my gog" seriously?
The next day at school the group sat in a dark corner away from everoyne else as hey tried to think what happened to Jonn. But John knew that deep down there was an demon after Rose's ovaries.
~That is one of the weirdest sentences I have ever read
He couldnt bare the thought of his love falling to such a trap.
"Maybe it was just food poisoning" Feferi helped
"No my legs began to shake with a need i have long forgotten when i saw the black aroma!" Tarvos said
"Where are Jade?" Rose asked
Dave began to cry into Tarvos shoulder. John had a feeling in his gut that this was not a god sign.
~Quite the opposite, a demon sign
"She cheated on me with a college guy" he moaned into Tarvos. he was so upset.
~I only just realized that this entire setting of the trolls being on Earth and no one finding it at all weird makes no fucking sense
"OMG Dave" Vriska purred as she pulled his face into her boobs. Dave cried into them instead.
~What the fuck
"John we need to talk" Rose announced
"Ok" John said
They got up and went to a private part of the school where no one could see or hear them. John had a feeling that he would be getting lucky as some people call it but he knew he had to be carful. He couldnt risk getting his rose pregnant or the conseqences would be FATALITY.
"John" Rose moaned "Will u be my boyfriend?"
~Wait, you weren't already? Even after Out-of-character!Rose tried to have sex with you?
"Ok" John said
~Not "of course" or "I'd love to" or "absolutely", just "ok"
"So you will have sex with me then since thats what people do when they go out" Rose said
~That's quite a leap from "hey let's get to know each other better" to "hey let's fuck" but what do I know
John could not resist those gigantic bosoms in that tight school top were begging him to rip it off right here and plant his seed DEEP inside of her. but he had to control himself or things would get bad.
~This entire paragraph. Just. What. The. Fuck.
"I do not know Rose" John manifested "Maybe we should wait!"
~Rose, stop, this is sexual harassment
Rose did not need to say more. John teared open the girls school shirt and her boobies came springing out in a wave of bouncyness. They were like those bouncy balls, only they were softer. He ripped off her skirt and looked at her panties. there was water already dripping from her patnies and her thighs were wet.
~Oh dear god, it's getting worse
He took off his trousers and then ripped her panties into too feeling how wet they were between his hands. More water began leaking out of her flower while she moaned. She took off her bra and then pulled out Johns hard member and pressed it to her sacred area.
~Why do I do this to myself
"Put it in me Johnny!" she cried loudly.
~Wow, John, you sure have a way with words!
John said and he put his shaft into her tight hole. It was hot and wet inside. She began orgasming and making sexual animal like noises.
~I did not expect this kind of thing to be in this story. This puts The Star Within's weird, overly-sexual make out scenes to shame
"Oh oh oh! Oh John! Pull it in a little deeper! Ooooooh yeah!" Rose exclamated.
~I can see why GeekToSpeak never made a part 3 to their reading
She clawed his back like a tigeress in heat and John contiued to deflower his sweet rose. He already felt close to consumating their love with his seed.
~John stop it now this is going to end badly
He could feel the water flowing out of her and onto the floor beneath them. It made him want to drink it all up and feed it to her.
~I have no words
he could not control himsellf any longer and they came together in one giiant orgasm.
~Does this mean it's over?
"JOOOOOOOOHN!" she moaned as he came deep within her carven, her flower oozing with the white liquid as he pulled out of her.
~This entire segment is fucked up on so many levels
"NO! John! Rose!" Jade's loud cry mewled.
They turned their sweaty heads
~I imagine some creepy scene of them with unchanging smiles slowly turning to her in sync
to see Jade struggling in the grasp of a man who looked more evil than ANY other man they had seen.
~I mean, you fought Lord Emglish, so I doubt that
His aura admitted a dark energy that made the clouds come together and boom lightening.
~That's not how science
"Sollux, it hath been a while!"
~That's some Caliborn-level shitty twist
Tarvos trembled as he, Feferi, Dave, Vriska and Gamzee all came running up to the area.
"John, use the power of my demon slayer to help Jade!" John heard aradia's voice call.
He reached into his pockets and pulled out the plastic horns and stuck them into his head. He felt himself morphing into a different being until he was no longer John but a purple capped man with thick rimmed glasses.
~the names ampora
~eridan ampora
~FUCK that sounded stupid, nevvermind
"Sollux" John's now deep Eridan voice boomed "It's time to duel.
john has transformed into eridan and sollux wants to plant his spawn! who will win! plz review and then u will find out!
~Was this story written by Karkat? Because it's CANCEROUS
~*badum, tchhhhhhhh*
~I’m not sure if I should tag this NSFW or not
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A review by Todd Wilson
So I got a text on July 20th from my friend Fred Farrell. The point of his contact was to ask if I would consider publishing a review of Crossroads' fourth CD release, How Can I Keep from Singing.
Before Fred, Jim, Brandon and Mike came together from other notable champion quartets to form Crossroads, and quickly won the International Quartet Championship in 2009. I have appreciated their friendship and admired their individual musicianship. As I pondered Fred's request for a hot minute, the first word that came to my mind was "Wow!" Like my own championship foursome ACOUSTIX, Crossroads sings a wide variety of musical styles including vocal jazz, blues, gospel, pop classics, and classic American standards. While I have served as a judge at a number of singing events, and for the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards over a span of almost 20 years, I have never been asked to review a new CD, so I am looking forward to this new journey in my music-filled life. LISTENING ENVIRONMENTS: I listened to these tracks in my car, on my Bose Sound Dock, and using my Fostex T20RP studio headphones. I enjoyed this recording the best in my car, as I could get more gain. My next favorite was the headphones as I could diminish background noise. The Bose speakers were last, but are portable and convenient. DISCLAIMER: Reviews are so very subjective. What I will share are my candid, personal opinions. I do not expect everyone to agree with my assessment.
01 - Just One of Those Things This refreshing new Aaron Dale arrangement opens with a scat solo by bass singer Dr. Jim Henry, and includes a wide variety of musical elements to keep things interesting. While I have no critique of the singing, Crossroads never disappoints in that category - the dynamic range felt a bit too compressed. The mix throughout this project does seem a bit dry for my personal taste but does allow Crossroads to better replicate what you might hear in an an up close and personal live performance in someone's living room at an after, afterglow. The tag was a nice musical surprise, but did not have the climactic feel you might expect. Regardless, this track showcases the amazing skills of these four singers quite well. 02 - Butter Outta Cream I've never heard this composition before and am grateful to Crossroads for expanding my horizons with this one. Great storytelling exhibited with this performance throughout. The melodic line of this song is not easy, but Mike Slamka makes difficult passages sound so effortless. Jim's solo was equally masterful and expressive, but I'd love to hear him showcased a bit more by diminishing the gain of the BGVs a wee bit and adding a touch more verb. The dry mix worked better for me on this track, than the first, however, the compressed dynamic range still left me wanting more of what we might experience from a live performance. And YES, these guys do look like they enjoy butter and cream. : ) 03 - This Heart of Mine This song grabbed me from the first word and held my attention to the very end. That statement defines emotional engagement. On the first two tracks, my ears were drawn more to (lead and bass) Mike and Jim. Fred and Brandon did nothing to call attention to what they were doing or distract me in any way. This ballad was a great vehicle to demonstrate the mood you can create when four gifted voices come together to tell a powerful story. But, it really showcased the vocal prowess of Brandon on baritone and Freddie on tenor. All four singers OWNED this performance. Hearing this made me want to reach out to arranger Brent Graham to request the sheet music so I could perform this song with my brothers in the Nashville Singers. My favorite track so far. Well done gents. 04 - A Wonderful Time Up There Intros can be a chance to capture the attention of the listener, get you in the right mood, and set the tone for the rest of the song. That said, I could have done without the first 10 seconds of this track. With the Blackwood Brothers, this southern Gospel classic showcased their bass singer, J.D. Sumner. David Wright's arrangement, while dominated by the dulcet tones of bass singer Dr. Jim Henry, also included solos by lead singer Mike Slamka and baritone Brandon Guyton. When it comes to nailing the soulfulness you often hear in great gospel quartet soloist, Brandon Guyton won the authenticity award in this mini version of the "Sing-Off." Jim's mastery of his voice through a huge range is very impressive. The over use of the off beat "dots" from the BGVs got a bit tedious for my taste. In a coaching session, I would encourage an alternative of some kind. 
05 - St. Louis Blues A song/arrangement like this was meant for Crossroads. Mike has such a soulful, expressive interpretation of this W.C. Handy masterpiece, arranged by David Wright. The rest of his quartet mates add the icing to the cake. They have fun with the dissonance and occasional bending of the pitch to blues it up a bit, but not too much. Jim drops a low C a few times and I could almost envision him winking as he does it. The guys exhibit a tasteful and appropriate contrast in dynamics. 06 - The Devil Ain't Lazy This chart opens with Dr. Jim and again, he does not disappoint. All four singers generate a great deal of vocal excitement, executing close jazzy chords and tricky rhythms like pros. These guys are consummate storytellers. 07 - Not Like This Wow. Just wow. OK, that's not much of a review. Let me elaborate. Take Crossroads, add the the international mixed quartet champion, Double Date, throw in a killer arrangement by Dr. Jim Henry and a soulful solo by Brandon Guyton and what you get with this track is both magical and beautiful at the same time. I have listened to this track over and over again and do not tire of it. No critique necessary. It's marvelous, and worth the price of the CD on its own. 08 - Get On Board I think you'll enjoy this catchy, uptempo toe-tapper originally popularized by The Isaacs, and arranged by Mike's son-in-law Nathan Johnson. I loved the key changes and solos. 09 - They Could Not I really like this Steve Armstrong arrangement, Mike's treatment on the melody and of course the message. These guys came together to present a majestic performance of this Sandi Patty song written by Ron Harris and Claire Cloninger. 10 - Hello Young Lovers Rodgers and Hammerstein collaborated on this composition for "The King and I."  Arranged by David Wright, this is a huge departure from the original interpretation. Kudos to David for his creativity and vision and to the guys in Crossroads for  bringing it to life. I really enjoyed this jazzy uptempo treatment, the wacky chords, and Dr. Jim's walking bass lines. 11 - How Can I Keep From Singing The lush, fat, and warm chords in the intro set the tone for this gorgeous hymn quite nicely. This David Wright arrangement showcases the sweet, tenderness in Mike's lead voice. He makes it sound so effortless. Jim Henry has many solo sections on this project, but his delivery on this song is my favorite of the bunch. That said, from a mixing point of view, I would have pulled the fader bar down a bit on the BGVs to let Jim's warmth and resonance wrap around me (the listener) even more. The tenderness, dynamics and reverence complemented the message perfectly. Bravo guys!
12 - You're My Best Friend The final cut on this project has Crossroads performing a Queen song arranged by Aaron Dale, includes Vocal Spectrum, solos by Mike Slamka and Tim Waurick, and vocal percussion by Nick Gerard. As with track 7, when you bring that much talent to the table, expectations are going to be huge. Were they met? Almost. But when your expectations are that lofty, "almost" is still very, very impressive. The singing by both quartets (as expected) was superb. The VP wasn't as distracting as I thought it might be. The arrangement kept things interesting, captured the essence of the original Queen score and introduced some new elements to boot. When you record a rock classic like this, comparisons to the original are unavoidable. The solos were stellar, but none of them delivered the sometimes "over the top" edge and passion delivered by the late Freddie Mercury. But then again, not many singers are born with those kinds of pipes? Still, this track left me wanting more. Pardon the minutia again, but similar to one of my observations in track 4, I was a bit distracted by the repeated "dah" on the tonic C note. I probably would have modified this to a "doo" and/or lower the gain a wee bit on that particular element. I liked the sweet and tender treatment at the beginning, but as the arrangement unfolded, I was hoping to hear some more edgy expressiveness to complement what was happening in the arrangement. Speaking of comparisons, when you include a contemporary a cappella chart in your project, my musical brain could not help but wonder what a few of the best collegiate a cappella groups, like the Tufts Beelzebubs or On the Rocks might have done with this chart? To end this review on a night note, (excuse the pun) another thing this track has going for it is a four-octave spread on the last chord. Nice!
In closing, this is a very fine, quality recording project with something for everyone. I encourage you to order your CD or digital download today. It's been nine years since Crossroads won the International Quartet Championship of the Barbershop Harmony Society and these four guys continue to raise the bar musically. It's an honor to have them as my friends and brothers in the Association of International Champions. They have been and will continue to be outstanding ambassadors for the a cappella community. It is no surprise that Crossroads was awarded "Quartet of the Year" in May 2018 by the inaugural A Cappella Music Awards program.
Order a copy of this or other CDs by Crossroads by clicking this link https://www.crossroadsquartet.com/cds/
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