#its been a while since i drew sumn
motheryves · 11 months
flame princess, but i drew it in class and can't keep a single face
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piccolos-bigtoe · 8 months
Scout driving Sniper's Van
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Haiiiiii yeas I still do take reqs :33 if they interest me enough anyways!!! I couldn't get this one off my mind <3 so thank you for requesting this pisslord. I never draw vehicles tho lol so it was a challenge!!! Drew this sorta quick to wind down from school work They're listening to Jane Child's Don't Wanna Fall in love song.... Headcanons/writings below... Sorrey for cringe, is posting writings cringe or is it in now? Obvi just a quick thang and unedited
Sniper is an extreme lightweight. It doesn't take much for him to get buzzed, one or two pale ales do him in easily. Being an honorary old man at the ripe age of 26 (or was it 27? 28? He forgets) he just falls asleep wherever he can manage. This being the case, he avoids drinking when he goes out (which is rare on its own) and sticks to doing it by himself in his camper. It wasn't until a while after he and Scout became friends that he drank in any company.
Scout had one day mentioned off-handedly that he never really learned how to drive. Growing up with a handful of brothers and in a poorer part of Boston, as the youngest of them a car wasn't going to be given to him anytime soon. It felt odd to Sniper that something so integral to his being, the ability to freely travel whenever wherever, was something that the runner had never really experienced.
"I'll teach ya." Though of course the only car he had to teach in was his precious camper that has been with him through thick and thin, he didn't have to give much thought to the offer. Scout was smarter than people gave him credit for, he couldn't mess it up too much. And a more dramatic part of him felt bad that someone as free-spirited and independent as Scout didn't have (what Sniper considered anyways) a basic necessity to freedom.
"Aw for real man? Hell Snipes you barely even let people look at the friggen' van, you sure about this?"
"yep. I'll let you take a crack at it, sure."
And so Sniper taught Scout how to drive, and he took to it fairly quickly. Though the runner doesn't have his license, he is 'Sniper Approved. The few times he's gotten pulled over, he pulls out his approval badge and they let him go (he pulls out his bat and smacks their shit up).
And this leads into Scout being Snipers designated driver. Since Sniper has someone he trusts enough to drive the van, he's safe to drink whenever they all go out. Scout is not the biggest fan of drinking himself ('what's the point of drinking sumn' nasty just to get all sick n' dizzy?'), plus being sober means he has an advantage in pool and any card games.
Whenever Sniper asks for him to drive them back he typically goes "ah fine whateva! I'll drive, AGAIN." It means more to him than he lets on that Sniper trusts him enough to have broken his unspoken never drinking out rule and let him drive his camper. Though that's not something he would ever openly admit.
The same way Sniper would never admit that half the time he doesn't drink enough to get tired. He just pretends to sleep so he can sneak looks at Scout as the scenery of the New Mexico night passes by the window.
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osaemu · 7 months
SABRI !! hi its been awhile since i've dropped by <3 how r u doing? i hope you've been well (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) i've got sumn to show u as you are a dazai lover, look !! i drew dazai's stage actor last night after doing sumn notes in anatomy and physio hihi
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NIKI HI !! omg ur right it's been a while :,) i'm mostly doing good, but i have a pretty important event on the weekend so i'm a bit stressed about that ... but when i tell u my jaw DROPPED when i saw ur art style. IT'S SO ...... i can't even think of an adjective to describe how gorgeous ur art is I WANNA EAT IT (not just bc it's dazai LMAO)
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himbo-kuto · 4 years
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i saw this screencap from the manga and knew IMMEDIATELY that i would have to write a lil headcanon of aone and his turtle. he is literally the most precious person who deserves the whole entire world.
i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it!
genre: fluff, wholesomeness, a whole baked bean, college!au pairing: aone x gn!reader word count: 2k warning: language
okay so you ended up being roommates with aone, futakuchi, and mai when you ended up transferring colleges last minute and needed housing
you saw that they had an empty spot and with time not being on your side, you decided to take the opportunity!! apt 205 squad!!
at first you kind of felt left out since they all knew each other from date tech but you soon warmed up to futakuchi since you had a few classes with him and mai because well-- you guys shared a room
HOWEVER!! one person you couldn’t seem to get close to was a man by the name of takanobu aone-- lemme tell u sumn about this Baked Bean
whenever you tried to interact with him, all he would do is 👁 👄 👁  or just Grunt in response
you were a bit discouraged because you thought he didn’t like you so you shied away from talking to him again :(
but futakuchi was quick to ensure you that was just his way of communicating and that he was actually really engaged in the conversation 
“oh yeah, he’s a great listener-- i talk to him for hours and he just sits and listens”
“ok futakuchi-san, but have you considered that you talk Too much for your own good?”
he gave you the finger for that one
but omg the first time aone Spoke to you????? rocked ur mf world-- what the Heck!!
you were in the mood to bake some cookies and were looking for the big mixing bowls but you just remembered that futakuchi used it to try and make a baking soda volcano 
why??? who knows but all you do know is that he put it ALL the way on the top shelf-- and for what????
but u know-- bein dumb as dirt u tried to use a swivel chair to try and reach for them
and of course it was all the way in the back like wtf curse these tall men-- 
and so you got on your tippy toes and right as you were about to reach it, Of Course the chair decided to turn 
and u were 🤏🏼 this close to eating shit but thanks to the one-- the only-- tol angel baby aone, he stopped the chair dead in its tracks just in time for you to regain your balance
“are you okay?”
you were so shook (one from almost breaking your face and two-- AONE JUST SPOKE AND SAVED YOU!!!) 
at first you just stood there blinking down at him with the bowls in your arms like hinata season 4, episode 15 - 15:37
he held up his arms to you and you blushed so hard because was he really about to carry you down????
but before your mind had anytime to roam, he pointed to the bowls and you realized with your real eyes that you were not the one to whom he was referring to 
it wasn’t long until you got over your initial iron wall with aone (…. 😏)  and he actually ended up being someone you hung out with on a regular basis
mai was always out studying for her practicals in the library while futakuchi… well.. who even knows what the heck that man is up to..
but ANYWAYS!! you guys would hang out mostly in the living room to watch TV, do homework and eat meals-- he always helped you with your math homework and you helped him with his architecture models!! 
you didn’t really know what he liked to watch but he didn’t seem to oppose whatever you had on-- however, you Did notice that whenever you put on volleyball he stared very intensely at the TV only stopping when commercials came on
aone Always ate your home cooked meals without fail
literally such a sweet and appreciative boy as opposed to futakuchi who would complain but one time aone gave him That Look™️ and he shut right the fuck up
that day forward futakuchi ate all your meals like a good boy
aone has also become very protective of you-- in high school, he may have locked onto the aces of the other teams, but in college he locked onto his close friends to make sure they were safe
one time you guys got onto a cramped bus to go grocery shopping and all it took was this creepo man to just Look at you the wrong way for aone to stand right in front of you and shoot this man a death glare that said “if you even think about touching her i’ll put you into the ground” 
but know this ladies, gents and my non-binary friends, we MOST DEFINITELY sit next to aone on the bus and engage in the best of conversations because tHATS WHAT THIS MAN DESERVES!!!!!!!!! 
not to mention all the times he has saved you due to your clumsiness and overall single brain cell fueled activities 
one fateful day you were sitting in the living room as you saw aone come home with a whole bag of groceries
he didn’t put them into the communal fridge so you were a bit confused as to why he took them straight into his room
you weren’t one to just bust in there to try and find out so later when you guys were eating dinner you asked him what he bought at the store
he listed off a bunch of produce and then said that they were for his turtle!!!!
you were all !!?!?!??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 TURTLE?????? WHERE??? HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN HERE??? CAN I SEE THEM?
he goes on to tell you that he’s had the turtle ever since they all moved in!! but it never came up in conversation so you never knew until now
him and futakuchi rescued the turtle but when they tried to let them go, they didn’t go anywhere so they kept them!! 
so after dinner you both quickly washed the dishes, and he brought you into their room to show you his turtle
you were honestly a bit nervous going into their room-- like what were you to expect??? was it going to be messy?? stinky?? clean??? were there any secrets????
but to your surprise it was fairly clean and simple-- even futakuchi’s side (which you assumed was aone’s doing)
you looked around his room to find all these old pictures of date tech on the wall, many of them with futakuchi and mai
there was even a photo of all the third years clinging to aone like koalas on a tree and though his expression was faint, you could tell that he was happy
it warmed your heart to see that he got along with his teammates and held these memories close to him-- they accepted him for who he was and that was more than enough for you
he also had plethora of architecture books on his shelves which made you wonder why he picked that major in the first place
but you shrugged it off as you looked over to his desk
there was a table next to it with an enclosure and a cute little turtle sunbathing underneath a lamp inside
you scurried over to the tank, getting down on your knees to get eye level with the animal while you slowly brought your face to the glass  
the turtle was half curled into its shell, looking up at you as he gave you a slow blink
you could’ve sworn you felt your heart explode and melt all at once in that Exact moment
you looked up at aone with 🥺 eyes before looking back to reptile to see them poking their head out to fully greet you 
you squealed internally as you wiggled your finger as your salutations
“do they have a name?” 🥺 
“ichigo-desu...” (strawberry)
you thought your heart exploded before?????????????
oh bitch you felt like you were about to go into full blown cARDIAC ARREST MY G O D!!!!!!
“did futakuchi name them?”
“no i did…”
you literally hunched over, and leaned onto the desk for support as your heart was filled with his soft boy energy because there was no wAY!!! DID AONE JUST NAME THIS TURTLE ICHHHIGOOOO BITCHHH AHHH
but lowkey aone was also being filled with your soft energy and got all blushy-- but thank god you were too occupied by his turtle to notice
“do you want to feed him a strawberry? it’s his dinner time too”
you could not have said yes faster to this man 
he went into his personal fridge and there you saw all the groceries he had earlier that day!! he pulled out a single strawberry before handing it over to you
he walked over to the tank and cautiously pulled out ichigo before placing them on the ground
HOWEVERRRRRR!! what came next you didn’t expect at all
he walked around so that he was behind you, gingerly reached for your hand and guided you to hold the strawberry out for ichigo 
ichigo craned their neck in the sight of the fruit and started chowing down
and by God you hoped that aone could not hear your loud ass heartbeat and see your red ass face-- (you were surprised that ichigo wasn’t going after you since your face might as well have been a strawberry)
you two sat in a comfortable silence as you watched the little reptile enjoy his dinner 
as ichigo drew closer to the leafy bit, you wanted to ask aone if he was allowed to eat that part 
so you turned your head to the side to speak but immediately closed your mouth as aone’s face was only centimeters away from yours 
you thought you were red back then???? bitch buckle up cause we’re reaching a new LEVEL of red
at that moment you were no think, no thought, head EMPTY as you just stared at his profile 
all of his features were strong... the bridge of his nose, his jawline, his expression-- he himself was a strong man and you just wondered how all this soft, fluffy, wholesomeness was packed into this 192cm man
and just as you relaxed into this position
at first he’s so absorbed into his own conversation that he doesn’t even notice you guys in that position
but when he does??? it’s like those moments in animes where you’re all chibitized and you just have circle eyes and a blank expression o_o
you IMMEDIATELY come to your senses, releasing the rest of the strawberry and aone’s hand
if you could peace fade in this moment, you would’ve definitely flashed futakuchi a duces
but alas, you could not..
so you scrambled to your feet-- but not before thanking aone for letting you meet his turtle-- and RAN out TF of that room heart a BEEATTINN
from that day on, you visited aone and his turtle a lot more-- even going so far as buying things for ichigo!!
“hey aone-san, did ichigo like the squash i cooked?”
“hey aone-san, does ichigo like the new hide?”
“look aone-san! he can’t grip onto the cherry tomato!! it keeps rolling around!”
many of your conversations went along like that and he always appreciated the amount of effort you put into them
he wasn’t a man of many words but did his best to make sure you knew that he was listening and engaged
at one point mai and futakuchi said that “he has spoken more words to you in these past few months than he has with us in 3 years”
you were surprised but also flattered by the fact that aone was comfortable enough to open up and have conversation with you 
although it was a bit of a rough patch in the beginning, you were glad that you became a part of the 205 squad! it was you, aone, futakuchi, mai and ichigo against the world!!
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