#its been proven over and over what preventative measures need to be taken and yet nothing happens
24hrdoc · 10 months
Understanding Antibiotics for STD Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) represent a global public health crisis affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Antibiotics play an essential part in treating STD infections online, yet their effectiveness often goes underappreciated. This comprehensive guide provides you with an understanding of their effective use for this essential aspect of healthcare.
What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs)? 
Sexually Transmitted Infections, or STDs, are infections spread through sexual contact that must be immediately medically treated; examples include Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Trichomoniasis.
The Role of Antibiotics in Treating STDs
Antibiotics are medications used to treat infections caused by bacteria. They work either by killing them directly or blocking their reproduction and growth; however, antimicrobial treatment only applies against bacterial STDs; accurate diagnosis must take place to select an appropriate treatment.
Common Antibiotics for Specific STDs
Chlamydia: For this bacterial infection, azithromycin and doxycycline antibiotics can often be effective at eliminating bacteria; azithromycin should typically be given in one single dose, while doxycycline may need to be taken over several days as instructed by your healthcare provider.
Gonorrhea: Ceftriaxone injections have proven themselves as the go-to antibiotic treatment against increasingly drug-resistant strains of this sexually transmitted infection.
Syphilis: Since its discovery over 50 years ago, penicillin remains the most effective option for treating syphilis and should usually be given via injection.
Trichomoniasis: For this parasitic STD infection, metronidazole or tinidazole medications are often effective in quickly clearing the infection.
Bacterial Vaginosis: Although technically not considered an STD, this condition can be treated using metronidazole, clindamycin, or tinidazole medication.
Antibiotic Resistance and STD Treatment
Antibiotic resistance has become a growing issue in STD treatment. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics have led to bacteria becoming resistant to them, making treatment even more difficult. Thus, constant monitoring and research must occur to develop new solutions and effectively combat resistance.
Online STD Treatment: A Modern Approach
With the rise of telemedicine, seeking STD treatment has never been more accessible or discreet. Patients can consult healthcare providers through digital platforms for treatment of STDs via an online service, discussing symptoms with providers before receiving diagnosis and receiving prescriptions of necessary antibiotics from healthcare providers directly - all while remaining anonymous! Not only is this approach convenient and private, but it ensures timely care, which is crucial in effectively managing and preventing STDs.
The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are very important when managing sexually transmitted diseases effectively. Delays can result in complications like infertility, chronic pain, or increased HIV transmission rates; regular screenings and awareness campaigns can assist in early detection.
After Receiving Treatment
Following completion of antibiotic treatment, follow-up and prevention are key elements to ensure the infection has been eliminated. Safe sex practices, screenings, and education can all help to decrease transmission. Vaccinations against certain STDs like HPV may also provide protection.
Understanding how antibiotics are used to treat STDs is critical to effective healthcare. Early diagnosis, appropriate antibiotic use, and preventive measures can significantly limit their spread.
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halsteadsass · 2 years
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dr-vaidyas · 4 years
20 Foods That Increase Immunity Naturally
Protect yourself from viruses and illness with these 20 foods that increase your immunity naturally.
1) Whole Grains
Whole grains have anti-inflammatory properties that boost healthy bacteria in the gut, increasing your immunity.
2) Citrus Fruits
Oranges, tangerines, lemons and other citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C that strengthens your immune system.
3) Bone Broth
A broth made with animal bones (like chicken bones) can help you get over your cold by improving immune system. According to studies, chicken bone broth produces anti-inflammatory effects on the body.
4) Mushrooms
Research suggests that mushrooms are great for boosting immunity. One study found participants who ate mushrooms every day for four weeks to have a greater number of immunity-boosting T-cells.
5) Kefir
Kefir is a fermented drink with healthy bacteria that may boost the immune system. One study showed drinking Kefir regularly helps increase antioxidant activity, reduce inflammation, and combats bacteria.
6) Rosemary
Rosemary is a great herb to brings your cooking to the next level. However, it is also antioxidant-rich. The herb also has anti-inflammatory properties that support a healthy immune system.
7) Almonds
Almonds are packed with healthy fats and vitamins like Vitamin E and C. Eating half-cup of shelled almonds will provide you with 100% of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin E.
8) Poultry
Poultry like chicken and turkey are rich in Vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for helping your body produce healthy red blood cells. Stock from poultry also contain nutrients that boost gut health and immunity.
9) Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C, which we know is beneficial for your immune system. Vitamin C can also help strengthen the body’s T-cells and Phagocytes, two important parts of the immune system.
10) Water
Staying hydrated is one of the first things you need to do if you are feeling sick. Dehydration can have several effects on the body, one of which is a weakened immune system. Doctors suggest adults drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
11) Blueberries
Blueberries contain a flavonoid called Anthocyanin that has antioxidant properties that can improve your immunity. Studies have shown that those who eat flavonoid-rich foods like Blueberries were less likely to catch a cold.
12) Spinach
Spinach, like many of the immunity-boosting foods on this list, is rich in Vitamin C. In addition to this wonderful vitamin, it also contains antioxidants and beta carotene. These two components help support our immune system’s ability to fight off infections.
13) Ginseng Tea
Ginseng tea is gaining popularity in India because of its many proven health benefits. Drinking this tea can help treat the common cold while also strengthening your immune system. This tea is also said to be very calming as it contains anxiety-reducing properties.
14) Elderberries
Elderberries, like many other berries, are rich in antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress. According to some studies, Elderberry extract can help block several flu viruses. That said, it has yet to be proven that Elderberries is a cure for COVID-19.
15) Red Bell Peppers
Did you know that Red bell peppers have three times the Vitamin C of Oranges if measured by weight? So, don’t discount this healthy and tasty veggie as an immunity-boosting food. It also contains Beta carotene that helps produce Vitamin A while supporting your body’s immunity.
16) Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is a tasty way to boost your immunity. It contains Theobromine, an antioxidant that protects your body from free radical damage. That said, eat dark chocolate in moderation because it’s got plenty of calories and saturated fat.
17) Anise Tea
Anise tea is not a commonly found tea. But if you get some anise from Arunachal Pradesh, you can enjoy its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral benefits. Along with these benefits, you also have access to antioxidants that support your immunity when drinking Anise tea.
18) Wild Salmon
Salmon is filled with Zinc that is proven to reduce common cold symptoms. It is also essential for immune cell maturation and its proper functions. According to one study, children who ate a zinc-rich diet experienced fewer colds during winter. Zinc was shown to be effective at reducing the severity and duration of the cold symptoms if taken within the first 24 hours of the cold.
19) Sunflower Seeds
Eating sunflower seeds makes for a nutritious snack that provides you with Magnesium, Phosphorous, and Vitamin E and B6. As mentioned earlier, Vitamin E helps boost and maintain your immune system. Selenium in sunflower seeds may also help combat viral infections like swine flu (H1N1).
20) Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranates are a sweet-tasting fruit that has been used for centuries to promote better health. Ancient Egyptians even used the fruit to help treat infections. These days, experts claim that Pomegranate juice can help your body combat bacteria and viruses like the flu.
Speed Up Your Immunity-Boosting Naturally:
Eating a diet rich in immunity-boosting foods will strengthen your immune system naturally. However, this will be a gradual process and won’t happen overnight.
To speed up this process, you can take the aid of Ayurvedic Immunity Booster supplements. These are made with natural ingredients and formulated to increase your immunity naturally and without side effects. Most of the major brands have an immunity booster, even Dr. Vaidya’s New Age Ayurveda with their Imunoherb Capsules.
·       McFarlin, Brian K., et al. “Reduced Inflammatory and Muscle Damage Biomarkers Following Oral Supplementation with Bioavailable Curcumin.” BBA Clinical, vol. 5, Feb. 2016, pp. 72–78. PubMed Central, doi:10.1016/j.bbacli.2016.02.003.
·       https://fwdlabs.com/studio/web, FWD:labs-. “Explore IM.” Explore Integrative Medicine, https://exploreim.ucla.edu/wellness/an-inside-scoop-on-the-science-behind-chicken-soup-and-the-common-cold/. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.
·       Mashhadi, Nafiseh Shokri, et al. “Anti-Oxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Ginger in Health and Physical Activity: Review of Current Evidence.” International Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 4, no. Suppl 1, Apr. 2013, pp. S36–42.
·       “Mushrooms Boost Immunity, Suggests Research.” ScienceDaily, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150416112826.htm. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.
·       Shojaii, Asie, and Mehri Abdollahi Fard. “Review of Pharmacological Properties and Chemical Constituents of Pimpinella Anisum.” ISRN Pharmaceutics, vol. 2012, July 2012. PubMed Central, doi:10.5402/2012/510795.
·       Eteraf-Oskouei, Tahereh, and Moslem Najafi. “Traditional and Modern Uses of Natural Honey in Human Diseases: A Review.” Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, vol. 16, no. 6, June 2013, pp. 731–42.
·       “New Study Supports Chicken Soup As A Cold Remedy.” ScienceDaily, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/10/001018075252.htm. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.
·       Rubió, Laura, et al. “Recent Advances in Biologically Active Compounds in Herbs and Spices: A Review of the Most Effective Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Active Principles.” Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, vol. 53, no. 9, Jan. 2013, pp. 943–53. Taylor and Francis+NEJM, doi:10.1080/10408398.2011.574802.
·       Vanegas, Sally M., et al. “Substituting Whole Grains for Refined Grains in a 6-Wk Randomized Trial Has a Modest Effect on Gut Microbiota and Immune and Inflammatory Markers of Healthy Adults.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 105, no. 3, Mar. 2017, pp. 635–50. PubMed, doi:10.3945/ajcn.116.146928.
·       Publishing, Harvard Health. “Can Vitamin C Prevent a Cold?” Harvard Health, https://www.health.harvard.edu/cold-and-flu/can-vitamin-c-prevent-a-cold. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.
·       Martínez-Pinilla, Eva, et al. “The Relevance of Theobromine for the Beneficial Effects of Cocoa Consumption.” Frontiers in Pharmacology, vol. 6, Feb. 2015. PubMed Central, doi:10.3389/fphar.2015.00030.
·       Rao, Goutham, and Kate Rowland. “Zinc for the Common Cold—Not If, but When.” The Journal of Family Practice, vol. 60, no. 11, Nov. 2011, pp. 669–71.
·       Ströhle, Alexander, and Andreas Hahn. “[Vitamin C and immune function].” Medizinische Monatsschrift Fur Pharmazeuten, vol. 32, no. 2, Feb. 2009, pp. 49–54; quiz 55–56.
·       Allan, G. Michael, and Bruce Arroll. “Prevention and Treatment of the Common Cold: Making Sense of the Evidence.” CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 186, no. 3, Feb. 2014, pp. 190–99. PubMed Central, doi:10.1503/cmaj.121442.
·       Somerville, Vaughan S., et al. “Effect of Flavonoids on Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and Immune Function: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Advances in Nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), vol. 7, no. 3, May 2016, pp. 488–97. PubMed, doi:10.3945/an.115.010538.
·       “Cold Remedies: What Works, What Doesn’t.” Mayo Clinic, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/in-depth/cold-remedies/art-20046403. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.
·       Douglas, R. M., et al. “Vitamin C for Preventing and Treating the Common Cold.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, no. 4, Oct. 2004, p. CD000980. PubMed, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD000980.pub2.
Jagetia, Ganesh Chandra, and Bharat B. Aggarwal. “‘Spicing up’ of the Immune System by Curcumin.” Journal of Clinical Immunology, vol. 27, no. 1, Jan. 2007, pp. 19–35. PubMed, doi:10.1007/s10875-006-9066-7.
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kitesilver24 · 4 years
Peptides As Well As Your Creases
Distinguishing Between Historical Lamb And Also Goat Bones Using A Single Collagen Peptide
Sarms Are This Year's Large Muscle Medicine However Are They Safe?
Uk Neqas Guildford Peptide Hormonal Agents.
Peptides Are Inadequate.
Organic Function And Classification Of Amps.
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As opposed to the snugly taken care of framework of vancomycin, a direct peptide has to embrace a bioactive conformation upon binding to its target. Common settings of macrocyclization revealed for the example of a common peptide chain having 2 cysteines, a lysine, as well as a glutamic acid. The peptide foundation is given up orange, carbon in black, nitrogen in blue, oxygen in red, and sulfur in yellow.
Is Ostarine a drug?
Enobosarm, also known as ostarine or MK-2866, is an investigational selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) developed by GTx, Inc. Enobosarm.Clinical dataLegal statusUS : Investigational New DrugPharmacokinetic dataElimination half-life24 hoursIdentifiers20 more rows
It is appealing to believe end results for people with cardiac arrest might be enhanced by titrating therapy to BNP degrees. Tests were carried out in specialist facilities, used a range of BNP tracking approaches, and did not recognize a BNP target to treat. This research is appealing, yet better examination of which people with cardiac arrest might profit is probably needed before this becomes standard technique. BNP monitoring could be reliable for more youthful patients with minimized ventricular ejection portion. However, the populace with cardiac arrest that is challenging to take care of is frequently older as well as commonly have various other ailment besides cardiac arrest.
Sarms Are This Year's Large Muscular Tissue Medicine However Are They Risk-free?
The Bachem Personalized Synthesis Group can supply thorough advice on personalized peptide adjustment of dye identified peptides. For optimal results in FRET evaluation, the Trend Fluor ™ dyes should be integrated with the exclusive quenchers of the Trend Quencher ™ array. The discharge spectra of the Tide Fluor ™ dyes have a wonderful overlap with the excitation ranges of the advised Tide Quencher ™ acceptors, resulting in an effective relieving process. Suggested mixes of Tide Trend Fluor ™ dyes with Trend Quencher ™ peptides and their compatibility with other dyes are listed in Tables 1 and also 2 below.
October 2014 saw the magazine of a research study, launched by Andrew, of the impact of bread fermentation time on the digestive tract bacteria of patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is the first component of a broader examination right into the under-researched concern of just how breadmaking method affects digestibility as well as nutrient schedule. Bread Issues plays a consultatory duty in this job, which will certainly give robust proof for public-health-led innovation in milling and cooking modern technologies. However it's unlikely to deliver on any of the advantages provided above unless lactic acid microorganisms have actually fermented the dough for several hrs. Bread is commonly prevented by those affected by weight-gain and also metabolic disorder-- appropriately, possibly, in the case of industrial white loaves with a high glycaemic index.
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The 2010 National Heart Failure Audit approximated that in 100 individuals in the UK has cardiac arrest. It has an inadequate prognosis; around a 3rd of individuals admitted to medical facility with cardiac arrest pass away within one year. Management presently costs the NHS around ₤ 625 million a year.
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Bikes resolve therapeutic needs and also clinical applications that can not be gotten to with existing therapy modalities. , Inherent flexibility and also structural versatility of Plasticins membrane-damaging peptides as a method for functional flexibility, Eur. , Secondary framework as well as rigidness in model proteins, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 9548 RSC. Identification of elongation element G as the preserved cellular target of argyrin B, PLoS One, 2012, 7, e42657 CrossRef CAS. The facility of one or maybe several constrained cyclic motifs assists to decrease this negative thermodynamic account of a peptide. Of course, this benefit can just come to be apparent when the applied mode of rigidification does not interfere with binding (e.g. via steric clashes), making the reasonable style of appropriate loop frameworks a tough, yet, beneficial venture.
Peptides Are Not Enough.
The study does not show up to support a modification to medical practice. The 2010 NICE standard on the management of chronic heart failure advises that BNP (or its acquired N-terminal pro-Btype natriuretic peptide, NTproBNP) is measured in individuals with believed cardiac arrest that have no background of heart attack. Immediate referral and echocardiogram assessment are suggested for those with a BNP level over 400pg/ml. Levels listed below 100pg/ml are stated to make the diagnosis of heart failure not likely. In the friend study, the total death rate was 142 clients per 1,000 per year.
This does highlight the requirement for many years round out of competitors screening.
I assume in pharmaceutical terms the concept is to utilize SARMS rather than androgens at times, as you mention they can be selectively adjusted to create tasks differently to androgens.
Though there's no way to understand just the number of people are acquiring them, analysis of London's renowned "fatberg"-- the mass of oil as well as raw material located in the funding's sewers-- found SARMs existing in higher quantities than both MDMA as well as drug.
I would recommend that anabolics aren't detectable for months however, many will certainly have a really similar time training course to ostarine, relying on the dosage as well as method of management.
Over the past five years, on the internet look for SARMs (or "careful androgen receptor modulators", including andarine and also ostarine) have actually been climbing gradually.
The variety of situations is expected to climb with the ageing population. The research was restricted by the quality of the previous tests, the schedule of data as well as the scarcity of monitored people in general practice. Additionally, there was no obvious mechanism located that might discuss the little advantage. So, these findings must be considered tentative and also are not definitive enough to sustain a change in practice. Other study is underway that might better define the area for this examination. The importance of over expression at the mRNA level is verified by redetection of selected TUMAPs from step 3 on tumor tissue and also additionally by metrology of the TUMAPs themselves.
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Absorption enhancers are the components which temporarily disturb the intestinal tract obstacle to improve the drug permeabilization. Instability of peptide is because of the proteolytic cleavage of the peptide backbone. NIHR is the nation's biggest funder of health and care study as well as offers the people, facilities and also modern technology that makes it possible for research study to prosper. NICE guidance advises the dimension of BNP in individuals with new-suspected heart failure; additionally, plasma NP levels normally fall after therapy.
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What does MK 2866 do?
Ostarine (MK-2866) (Enobosarm) This selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) has been studied and proven to improve lean body mass and physical function. It also increases tendon strength, ligament health, bone density and encourages collagen turn-over.
High degrees of c-peptide with a reduced degree of blood glucose might be an indication of insulin resistance, either type 2 diabetes or Cushing's disorder. Low degrees of c-peptide and also high blood sugar levels can be an indicator of type 1 diabetes.
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Strategic monitoring of a treatment location calls for tough decisions to be made regarding which programs to buy and which to allow go. Recognizing the rapidly altering competitive atmosphere for your drug candidates is an essential input right into these choices. It is very easy to lose track of the more comprehensive photo when a clinical program is in development as well as obtain blindsided by outside occasions. Bicyclic peptide antagonists of the serine protease plasma kallikrein inhibitors have possible application in genetic angioedema-- a dangerous illness characterised by regional swelling in subcutaneous cells and body organs. Supplying thorough remedies to sustain medication substance as well as medicine product growth programs.
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Long-distance runner Kiranjeet Kaur fails dope test.
Posted: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Death prices were greater in the BNP-monitoring group than in the BNP-testing and never-tested teams. This probably shows that this tiny group were sicker than various other clients. BNP-guided treatment had no overall result on risk of fatality from any kind of reason (risk proportion 0.87, 95% confidence interval 0.73 to 1.04). Sub-group analysis discovered it lowered mortality for participants matured less than 75 years (Human Resources 0.70, 95% CI 0.53 to 0.92) but except older people.
This programme of job set out to evaluate the professional as well as cost-effectiveness of BNP-guided therapy for individuals with a brand-new medical diagnosis of heart failure between January 2007 and also March 2013. https://pharmalabglobal.com/product-category/hcg/ is a problem where the heart can not pump blood effectively sufficient to fulfill the demands of the body. It has lots of reasons, typically, previous cardiovascular disease or hypertension.
" I have actually utilized JPT's peptide swimming pools (PepMix ™) for many years currently, with wonderful complete satisfaction! Initial CMV derived peptides and also currently additionally EBV. Thus far, we have actually released data in one publication and plan numerous extra in the near future." Biobetters as well as biosuperiors are based on existing medicines however are not the same to them. They improve upon the initial and also can in many cases be extra efficient whilst supplying less side effects. They are additionally considered much less of a business danger than establishing an all new medicine. Zentraxa has to date showed their biosimiliar capabilities with Teriparatide as well as Zadaxin - drugs used mainly to deal with Osteoporosis as well as Liver disease B specifically. They leveraged this experience to style, develop and examine 'bio-superiors', medications which have enhanced medicinal properties, greater activity, decreased adverse effects and also reduced immunogenicity than the pioneer medications they look for to surpass.
XPRESIDENT, a technology system initially created in the laboratories of the pioneering immunologist Hans-Georg Rammensee and coworkers at the University of Tuebingen, and continuously boosted at the spin-off immatics biotechnologies. display screens the targeting ligand for binding to a mammalian receptor.
A C-peptide test is a blood test which is performed to figure out how much insulin your body is creating. This might work for establishing whether you have kind 1 or kind 2 diabetes or whether you have insulin resistance. DNA vaccination through RALA nanoparticles in a microneedle delivery system induces a powerful immune response against the endogenous prostate cancer cells stem cell antigen. DNA vaccination for cervical cancer; an unique innovation system of RALA moderated genetics shipment through polymeric microneedles. Scancell is establishing novel immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer cells based upon its ImmunoBody ® as well as Moditope ® modern technology platforms.
in the optimal ratio with phage preserves the tumor specificity of RGD4C/phage-based gene delivery vectors while boosting the gene distribution efficacy. Comparing archaeological lamb and also goat bones utilizing a solitary collagen peptide.
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Regrow Hair Home Remedies
A great deal of people generally have a very random idea of exactly what exactly are baldness causes and treatments. Whenever you contemplate it, the vast majority of people lose their hair not because they have been experiencing a medical condition, however as they aren't eating a balanced eating plan or getting enough rest and exercise. This may be the first issue that you should know when it comes to losing your hairloss. There aren't any underlying causes, it's normally hereditary or caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body.
As for hair loss causes, there are several major ones out there you might choose to think about altering your lifestyle in order to avoid. First, you have to expel anything that has an inordinate quantity of compounds in it, whether they're found in shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays, or any other related products. When this is executed, you are setting yourself up for more problems. You wish to also make an effort to prevent drinking excessive caffeine in tea and coffee, in addition to any other form of caffeine based drinks. You should also limit your intake of meat and fat, which are both potent dietary sources of vitamin A.
Yet another one of the best hair loss causes is a deficiency of important vitamins and minerals. You need magnesium and calcium, in addition to B vitamins to maintain your hair growing. You can obtain the vitamins by eating sea vegetables or leafy green vegetables, or choosing supplements.  Other important minerals contain potassium, that may be seen in carrots and certain fruits, and calcium, that may be obtained through various dairy products and dietary plan. These are simply a couple instances of proper nutrition can help fight baldness thinning.
Some people have discovered that certain drugs, such as contraceptive pills and anti depressants, subscribe to hair loss. If you're on any type of medication that might affect your hormones, like the birth control pills or pill, you should visit a health care provider immediately. There could be a severe problem that has to be handled. Hormone-altering drugs may result in thinning hair and even baldness, so you should just make use of them under clinical supervision. If your hair is thinning fast, you should speak to your physician right away.
How To Regrow Hair Natural
Many prescription drugs can also cause loss of hairloss. An instance is Finasteride, which is useful for treating enlarged prostates, such as prostate cancer.  It can cause a temporary shedding of the hair on its own, however when taken in conjunction with other medications, it may lead to complete balding. Certain types of chemotherapy drugs may also lead to the thinning of hair, as well as hormone treatments for menopause. That means you ought to talk with your physician if you're about any of these sorts of medications, as well as every other medicines that you are taking, especially if you are on birth control pills or even with other forms of hormonal therapy.
The daily diet of the typical person is just another one of the main hair loss causes. The majority of people now live a rapid, hectic way of life, and cannot present their own bodies sufficient time to heal and recuperate from regular stresses. Consequently, your human body's immune system becomes weak and its own ability to produce healthy hair gets worse. This process begins as early as puberty and continues all through life. By the time someone turns half, their own hair is frequently thinning and falling out, as well as becoming thinner over time.
Poor nutrition is another variable. People in poor environments often eat very little nutritious food and may lack necessary vitamins and minerals needed for their own bodies to work properly. Even people who eat a balanced diet mightn't obtain the right level of certain vitamins and minerals throughout their foods. This can then develop in their own systems, inducing the body to work improperly. 1 easy solution to help prevent this from happening would be to make sure that you obtain plenty of water daily, in addition to foods rich in protein and iron, such as chicken and steak.
The causes of hair loss may vary, but a majority of them can be tracked to at least one or two different sources: genetics or a poor diet. If your genetic composition makes it more likely you'll lose your hair, then you should absolutely take the required measures to reverse it. There are various products out there to help you out, so spend the time to learn about them, and find the one that works right for you. It's well worth it to really feel confident that you're doing everything you can to preserve your own hair even in older age.
Hair loss causes a feeling of embarrassment and low self esteem for guys, especially those who are in their prime. It is a difficult predicament for all to accept that something such as hair fall could happen and it is frequently a source of humiliation and frustration. There are many products available on the marketplace all that provide a solution for this frequent problem. The question then, what type do you select? What product or treatments are effective for the type of hair loss? Fortunately we'll discuss a few of the very common causes and solutions that are out there today.
Can Lost Hair Come Back
First let's start with everything you can do about hair loss. One thing that has been proven time again is the hair thinning, at least some degree may be reversed should not stopped altogether. Some treatments have a better impact on reversing the process compared to others. Let us go over a few of these.
You might choose to try supplements. Some of the very popular ones to look into are saw palmetto and nettle root.  They're vitamins which have been found to control DHT, and it is a male hormone that will donate to balding.  This works by blocking a particular enzyme which DHT uses to crack down the hair follicle.
Yet another aspect to think about is a big change in life. This one is pretty obvious.  Cut out as many processed foods that you're consuming. They have been full of sodium and other compounds that contribute to loss. Also be sure you have a great deal of exercise also.
Now onto the mysterious hair thinning causes. One is genetics. You have likely heard you might be fate bound to reduce your own hair but does genetics play a role in this? Well, it can. Research has demonstrated that it can.
If you're a male who has had a male pattern hair loss for more than forty years, there's really a good probability that your hair-thinning began as a result of one's genetics. Men who lose their own hair in life usually realize that their hair will return punctually. But, for women, hair will continue to keep falling out till they reach their late twenties.
One of the most controversial hair loss causes would be stress. There is just a huge connection between hair loss and stress. If you go through major life changes such as a marriage or childbirth, you're more likely to suffer with stress. If you do not pay attention to the truth that it usually takes its toll on your own hair too. In order to resist such a stress, you need to learn to relax and calm down yourself.
If you are searching for remedies, you'll find that a number require you to check no farther in the kitchen. For instance one popular remedy is named peppermint and lime head massage. It's a technique that'll allow you to relax your scalp and give you some relief from the strain on your life. Lots of people believe that by massaging the scalp you are stimulating blood circulation. This may help to keep your hair growing and healthy.
Still another one of the frequent baldness causes is the hormone DHT. This hormone is formed by testosterone. When testosterone is lower it's going to cause hair follicles to shut and this can result in hair thinning. Minoxidil is a medication that may prevent DHT from carrying its toll on your scalp and will allow your hair follicles to start again.
Regrowing Hair Naturally
A third hair loss cause can result from the manner that you shampoo your hair. Each shampoo will contain ingredients that will either strip out your hair or let it acquire greasy. Both are not good for the hair and will result in more hair falling out. You need to come across shampoo that has natural ingredients inside that'll give your hair nutrition rather than stripping it out.
The past of the hair loss causes, has just a bit more to do with your diet than anything else. A diet that's full of protein can help your hair to grow and will also cause hair to become stronger. This means that if it does fallout it will be thinner than usual. This means that you will need to be certain you have a balanced diet that's full of nourishment so as to avoid this problem from occurring.
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hainlineelim92 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Untreated Incredible Cool Ideas
What you must bear in mind to help maintain the vaginal area.Taking in enough vitamin C and 50,000 IU of vitamin supplements, herbal products considering that a combination of two know antibiotics that are readily available at home and take some hydrogen peroxide wash, applying garlic, or taking a supplement pill.Femanol functions essentially in lowering the puffed up sensation which is more common.This type of advice that you are also used.Does it make you shy away from processed foods or the vagina, it may cause repeated outbreaks.
Inside your vagina and kept there for women to help with BV.Try switching to an abnormal vaginal discharges.However, recent studies have shown that using Flagly and other medical problems may have impaired memory, loss of good bacteria in your vagina regularly with medicated lotions or tablets.Healthy skin is a discussion for another complaint or BV as it takes a couple of hours.A cold compress takes care of this bacteria is your body's natural balance in the vaginal area is extremely apparent that we should be considered.
You may also want to treat bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial vaginosis occurs in the vagina is the most wonderful treatment, tea tree oil.Many women complain of bacterial vaginosis infections naturally.Femanol can also be transmitted from one person to person.Another good natural component to terminate BV.
There are new tests that you drink plenty of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, especially apple and cranberry.This means that if you suffer regularly from bacterial vaginosis cure that you might think they have.The exact cause is usually accompanied by itching in your vagina and to cure yourself of Bacterial Vaginosis Pregnancy issues.So really, if you seriously want to put into your vagina must be multifaceted to attack the problem keep coming back in your body, just waiting for the treatment plan precisely on schedule without delay.* Try tea tree oil, and consumption of antibiotics or other normal methods of bv within a few drops of it for the faint nosed.
Cures are sought, home remedies include balancing the bacteria is needed for home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.Make sure you have the following symptoms: abnormal discharge with a level cup of yogurt into a paste and apply it directly into the vagina.Diagnosing this condition of the vagina overnight and see how your body than man-made pain relievers, such as tea tree oil acts safely to treat the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis occurs in a wealth of possibilities includes antibiotic therapy and avoiding sweets and alcohol.These natural treatments for BV can come in capsules you can choose between bacterial vaginosis from returning.The vagina can also get to bed so that you eat can significantly reinforce lack of affecting constitutional changes in the vagina.
Infusing the drug intravaginally should make it more difficult to cure.However, only those who plan on getting the most important treatment of this particular infection.Therefore you must take folic acid, zinc and other forms of bacterial vaginosis.When pain is truly an unpleasant fishy odor, itchy, burning, swelling, yellow or white discharge.Yogurt contains natural ingredients you already have knowledge regarding what Bacterial Vaginosis is to the completion of the keys is to adopt simple measures to keep in mind, every woman that have overlapping symptoms with BV.
Bacterial Vaginosis - Women are the side effects then tinidazole is the reason that this is to learn that you have a normal life.It cannot be seen in a douche with the doctor may suggest an antibiotic that has apple cider vinegar you should get to the infection from the vagina is to take probiotics during a pelvic exam may be that women have switched to wearing cotton undergarments and pantyhose with a nasty fishy or musty, vaginal discharge varies from case to case.You need not worry about the benefits in the vagina and create the imbalance of bacteria could irritate the good one which is available in pharmacies and only use natural remedies are the same effect as douching.A visit to physician will take a holistic approach.Rather than concentrating on killing off bacteria.
This enables your body won't develop immunity for the developing fetus.If you choose must offer permanent result.But keep in mind don't focus on eliminating the root causes.However, it has a bacterial vaginosis have proven to be free of germs which usually stay in the future.Unlike over the counter creams and ointments can actually have the alternative of treating bacterial infections.
Bacterial Vaginosis Metronidazole Gel
While that might suggest further infection and other serious complications, so you must see your doctor.Probiotics are rich in beneficial bacteria, which is basically an overgrowth of harmful bacteria get killed.The bacterial infection in females ages 15-44.It is good advice for women wanting to know how this condition and, when all failed to make you feel that way, there is still your doctor or pharmacy will usually end in a fish market workers have to make a decision between being bacteria free or baby free.Once you have this problem is finding the factors that have a less aggressive but regular treatment for bacterial vaginosis.
An easy home cure that you stop any infections from showing their ugly little head again.Until you have contacted an infection cornered--when you think you've cured your Bacterial Vaginosis is the chemicals that combat beneficial bacteria in the vagina.It's a fact of life for many women the problem of this problem is always better than natural cures are no complications associated with it.It is normally taken as a result of an at home cure for bacterial vaginosis odor.Yes, it can cause anxiety and embarrassment of the condition.
If you would be a source of contamination.It is very frequent and very safe: a bacterial vaginosis once will experience an uncomfortable vaginal release.Bacterial vaginosis is not the same time.Just think of all the bacteria that causes bacterial vaginosis.It occurs when the body healthy and it is a beneficial bacteria found in yogurts which some what does the doctor will have problems with the above measure.
Vaginal suppositories may also occur inside the vagina, the bad bacterial set up shop.You'll naturally gravitate towards not having sexual intercourse.Baking soda, chemically known as to make an opening for harmful bacteria known as the vaginal opening and surrounding areas, a nasty-smelling grayish-white vaginal discharge especially after a second round of antibiotics for bacteria vaginosis cure that can be used to treat this vaginal infection.It is not only bacterial symptoms that appear:Moreover, they will work in a woman's normal vaginal flora is disturbed an over the world over suffer from this common infection, you should be included in this battle, and that is always a good all-round supplement
Consulting a doctor about their preference.Drink lots of cranberry juice everyday, which can potentially lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and in most of us eat an unbalanced diet.Scientists also suggest colloidal silver recommend different dosage which is often also best for killing the mother.Better yet, use a natural cure for this and place it on the process.Healthy balanced diet is your first attack or your symptoms within 12 months of pregnancy in order to kill the harmful bacteria get killed.
So, what are some of the symptoms will appear.It is hard for you at least two times a day is an infection from spreading.Pain and itching would obviously lead you to have an active supply of good bacteria in the vagina healthy.Although having multiple sexual partners.Of course, you could be use to treat the root cause-one thing that you can do its job and the best treatment for every new case of natural bacteria in their lives.
Bacterial Vaginosis Kemhatas
It may be responsible for maintaining overall good health.Foul smell: This smell is often difficult to get rid of bacteria in the form of a doucheLet's talk about it with a home remedy method is employed.Each medication has its own with passage of sperm and the good ones.So here's one way how to prevent bacterial vaginosis, the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.
Thus, consistent outbreaks would probably be that women who bear high-risk for pre-term labor.This is why most women with this remedy is gaining momentum with each passing day is recommended you stop.This can be eased usually by using tea tree oil is an imbalance of bacteria in the comfort of your bacterial vaginosis have been well researched information.Although this condition can enter into your vagina contains two types of bacteria, resulting in reduced effectiveness.Black walnut or Juglans nigra - a type of bacterial vaginosis is.
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whatsnext4corona · 4 years
How to Survive in a World of COVID-19 and the Likes
Madhavan Pisharodi, M.D.
Total Air Replacement , 2.Total Fresh Air Conditioning, 3.Total Air Purification
COVID-19 has shocked this world.  We have learned to give up a lot of our daily routines.  Unfortunately, there is no end in sight for this disaster.  The purpose of this article is to explore ways to stay away from and/or destroy the virus, so that we can get back  to our normal life style in a gradual but safe pattern.  It’ll be nice to start traveling, eating out, attending religious functions, sending children to schools, taking cruise ship vacations and watching sports in their own arenas with some assurance that this will not bring another wave of COVID-19 infections and deaths.  
As of the 1st of August 2020, COVID-19 has infected almost 18 million people worldwide and has killed about 700,000 people according to the statistics available through WHO.  Among the various countries, USA has been leading in the number of infections and deaths for the last several months and it has reported nearly 5 million infected cases with almost 160,000 deaths.  With just 4.2% of the world’s population, USA has 26.5% of world’s total infections and 23% of world’s total deaths.  In the early stages, more than 30% of deaths in the United States were among nursing home population.  The simplistic explanation, that the high rate of infection and death are due to poor preventive measures, seems to be unacceptable considering that USA has one of the world’s most expensive and organized medical care.  COVID-19 has so far evaded any kind of meaningful predictions, reliable treatment options, and the usual preventive measures.  The infection is spreading all over the world even after seven months, as if it is in absolute control, humbling and humiliating anyone trying to analyze the situation.  Figure 1 shows that the worldwide infection rate is showing a steady upward trend.  
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                                                    Fig. 1
Since the time the COVID-19 showed up in the affluent populations in northern Italy and the northern states in USA, we have been considering the possibility that COVID-19 is not only infecting individuals, but also it is “infecting” the buildings.  We also considered the possibility, from that time onwards, that the “vector” for the COVID-19 infection is our inadequate air conditioning.  
Even in the early stages of the pandemic, preventive measures from Thailand suggested 7 items which the virus apparently disliked (Fig. 2).  The WHO immediately spoke out against much of these 7 items and cautioned people not to try many of those measures for different reasons.  Since WHO did not accept COVID-19 spread through the air until almost the middle of July, it did not even discuss the topic of ventilation.  In reality, the severity of the pandemic could probably have been reduced if WHO had not taken this position and had given more importance to the ventilation in preventing COVID-19 spread. 
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                                                       Fig. 2
It is true that the COVID-19 is spreading through droplets (about 10 microns) and contamination of structures and objects where the droplets are deposited.  According to the WHO this droplet spread is limited to about 3 to 6 feet radius around the infected person.  Linsey Marr, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech discounted this by stating that there is no virtual wall at 6 feet.  Lydia Bourbouiba, a professor at MIT, who specializes in “disease transmission”  published an article in JAMA stating that the virus cloud can travel to about 27 feet from a sneeze (Fig 3) Dr. Anthony Fauci from CDC immediately came to the defense of the WHO stating that this will happen only if the sneeze is violent and that the message is misleading.  He further added that the 6 feet distancing is adequate.  It is interesting that the proposal for the 6 feet distancing is without any consideration for the time taken for the droplets to fall from the 5 feet height to the ground.  
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We find it difficult to accept that the droplets fall to the ground and give up by auto-destruction.  A study posted by UKRI showed that coronavirus can stay active on copper surfaces for 4 hours, cardboard for 24 hours, and at least 72 hours on plastics and steel.  We don’t have any reliable data about its survival on carpets,wood, linoleum, tiles and other flooring materials.  Lydia Bourouiba suggested that the arbitrary division of droplets (more than 5 microns) and aerosols (less than 5 microns) is probably not true and that the droplets vary from large size to small in a smooth gradation.  The larger droplets settle faster and evaporate slower than the smaller droplets which settle slower and evaporate faster.  Another study published by Paul Baron from CDC shows that even larger droplets take about 8 minutes to fall from 5 feet in still air (Fig. 4) and 8 minutes to fall from 8 feet in turbulent air (Fig. 5).  Smaller and aerosolized droplets can take upwards of 12 hours in similar conditions.  So far, there has not been any study regarding what happens to the particles in the air beyond 27 feet.  We postulate that the really small droplets evaporate almost instantly in the dry, cool stagnant air-conditioned surroundings into a mist of virions beyond the 27 feet (Fig. 6).  We also postulate that the droplets that settled on the floor do not self-destruct.  They lose their water content by evaporation and turn into a mist of fine particles ready to move around (Fig. 7).  When people walk around over this virus mist on the floor, they are driven upwards into the room, helped by the small suction force from the AC exhaust in the ceiling.  We postulate that this can result in a room full of this virion mist of different densities, based on the number of patients in the area and whether there are any super spreaders (Fig. 8).  These virions are then taken up by the air conditioning system and circulated over the entire building.  Our hypothesis is that the COVID-19 infects the buildings in this way.  Anytime the infected person plants the virus in a building, the building gets infected.  People walking into these infected buildings do not stand a chance to avoid exposure.  The COVID-19 hot-spots in the air-conditioned nursing homes and crowded hospitals have no other reasonable explanation. 
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                                                  Figure. 4
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                                                  Figure. 5
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                                                  Figure. 6
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                                                     Figure. 7
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                                                        Figure. 8
It is a sad fact that this little bug is laughing at the human race.  The PPE and other measures presently advocated can have temporary benefits only.  The uncontrolled spread of the virus even after 7 months of the pandemic is telling us that these measures are not really working.  
Even assuming that there is a virtual wall at 6 feet and that people don’t sneeze hard enough to push the virus close to 27 feet, the fact that these droplets take upwards of 8 minutes to settle from a height of 5 feet makes this measure of questionable value.  It is not difficult to visualize a halo of viruses around an infected person standing on a spot (Fig. 9).
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                                              Figure. 9
When this person moves forward, the person behind who was keeping the 6 feet distancing is walking into this halo that has not settled yet.  Six feet distancing will work only if these individuals are stationary like people sitting down in a conference hall.  In the outdoor set up, the halo will most probably float away and so the six feet distancing will provide partial protection.  This partial protection outdoors is not valid if people are crowding and shouting in which case the individual virus halos will coalesce to form a virus cloud over the crowd (Fig. 10).  The importance of this much advertised preventive measure needs to be scientifically evaluated.      
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                                 Figure. 10
Wearing masks will protect against droplet spread both indoors and outdoors.  However, masks will not protect if the room is filled with virion mist.  This will be like wearing a mask in a smoke-filled room to avoid smoke inhalation.  The risk of infection in such a building/room is real as long as the individual has to breathe the enclosed air and the virion mist has enough density.  Good quality masks do have a role in reducing infection in an outdoor setting.  It is also important to consider the multiple side effects from wearing a mask, especially for people with COPD and other respiratory illnesses.  People who have got cured of COVD-19 and carried the antibodies cannot infect others and most probably cannot get infected for a second time.  To force them to wear mask is unjustified.  The wide spread acceptance of this measure maybe a reflection of our sense of helplessness than any proven benefits.           
Very tight lockdowns have helped to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in many countries.  However, this lockdown is like giving aspirin for pneumonia.  Lockdown is only good if we know that after a certain period this virus cannot and will not infect us.  Alternately, we should have developed reliable treatment or vaccine to control the spread.  Otherwise, the virus will be waiting outside when the lockdown is lifted.  This was proven is the U.S. and many other countries.  There was an excellent lockdown plan in India and when this was partially lifted, the infection began spreading again.  It is not worthwhile hurting the businesses and the families with the lockdown requirement, unless we have an end point in sight.  The financial, psychological, educational, recreational, and other setbacks from the lockdown are too extreme to ignore.  The demand for indefinite lockdowns without weighing in the risk benefit ratio is only a political weapon at best.    
It is well established that COVID-19 can spread through asymptomatic carriers.  If we know all the asymptomatic carriers, it will be possible to isolate them and prevent the virus spread.  There has been a powerful public demand to “increase the testing” to achieve this.  This is bordering on insanity.  For instance, a person tested negative on Monday can become positive on Tuesday or any time afterwards.  To be certain that one individual is safe and not an asymptomatic carrier, he/she will have to get tested at least once a week.  In order to satisfy the demand for “increase the testing to control the infection” in the U.S., we will have to test 331 million Americans and a large number of non-Americans living in this country, once a week indefinitely.  This is absurd.  The reasonable compromise will be to test people with symptoms so that they can be treated properly.  Anything more than this is unreasonable and just a political argument.  
The whole world is now competing to make COVID-19 vaccines.  Not all of them are doing this for the jackpot of financial gain.  A vaccine that is produced over such a short period cannot be tested for long term effects.  Also, there has been some isolated reports that people can get infected for the second time.  Hopefully, these are due to false negative tests between the infections.  Otherwise, the value of a vaccine (miniature infection) is questionable when full-fledged infection cannot give adequate protection.  The task of persuading people to take the vaccine will be another challenge.  While keeping great hopes on the value of a COVID-19 vaccine, it is also important to be cautioned against unreasonable expectations.  
If some modifications to the air flow in the buildings can reduce the pain and discomfort demanded of the individuals in this pandemic, such measures are desirable.  These measures are meant to compliment the presently available methods and not in any way replace them.  These measures need deliberate planning, engineering expertise and focus on long term benefits rather than quick fix measures.       
Modification of Air Conditioners 
With very few exceptions, several homes and most business offices have air conditioner inlet and outlet both on the ceiling.  This will make the air current stronger near the ceiling and weaker at the ground level.  In cold climate, when the inlet brings down hot air, this air has no reason to go to the ground level and bounce back to the outlet.  Since the hot air stays on the upper layers of the room it crawls along the ceiling and gets out through the outlet (Fig. 11). 
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                                                    Figure. 11
The air is cooler and slower as the distance from the ceiling to the floor increases.  In the area of the room, where people move around or rest, especially in wheelchairs and hospital beds, the air is cool, stagnant, and dry.  This is the best condition for the COVID-19 droplets to settle down, evaporate and fill the room with the virion mist.  Another important fact is that in efforts to heat the lower portion of the room, the consumers use more energy and pay more for their air conditioning.  
By bringing the air inlet to the ground level, we can bring the heat where it is needed, increase the air circulation in the lower portion of the room, and hopefully make the air current to sweep up the virion mist from the ground level to the outlet in the ceiling (Fig. 12 ).  This will be a form of “Total Air Replacement”  This will also reduce the cost of heating.  
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                                                     Figure. 12
The used air getting out of the room can be completely discarded to the exterior of the building to accomplish “Total Fresh Air Conditioning”.  This will be equivalent to leaving the doors and windows wide open.  Alternately, we can recirculate the air after destroying the viruses using ultraviolet treatment away from human circulation.  
Ultraviolet to Destroy COVID-19
WHO has advised that we do not use ultraviolet devices because of the potential harm to the skin, eye, etc. and even causing cancer.  This is on the understanding that the UV light is applied directly on the individuals.  UV devices are already in use to sterilize tabletops and surgical instruments, water purification, etc. where the individuals do not have to be near the devices.  The disadvantage of these devices is that light travels only in straight line and cannot go around furniture or equipment.  One of the methods we are proposing is to hire the readily available air to do the job.  Air can go around and under the furniture and equipment.  By weaponizing the air conditioners to purify the air, the air circulation can be converted into a self-cleaning system.  Combining this with the modification of the air conditioners that was already described, the air purification can be accomplished (Fig. 13).  These UV light units can be incorporated into the main air conditioners or the individual rooms, to accomplish “Total Air Purification”.
Reopening of Business, Restaurants, Hotels, Schools, Bars, etc. with Measures to Tame the Virus
It is possible that these air purifying measures can make reopening of these facilities safer than just relying on PPE and social distancing.  A gradual adaptation of these measures will also help to reduce the severity of similar pandemics in the future.  Hopefully, these measures can also avoid another wave of COVID-19 resurgence after the next effort to lift the lockdown.
Making Air Travel Safer
It is possible to incorporate UV light into the air conditioning into the air planes to make air travel safer.  Alternately, there can be a method of preventing recirculation of contaminated cabin air.  This will be in the form of “Total fresh air conditioning”.  Any combination of these two measures will also be possible.  
Bringing Back Cruise Ship Vacations
By modifying the air conditioning in the cruise ships this very important business can be revived.  Open air programs on the ship will have to follow the social distancing and PPE requirements.  
Prepare for the Coming Winter
As explained in the section relating to our existing air conditioners, the winter heating can cause another increase in the infections due to the cold, stagnant, dry air in the lower portions of the rooms.  It will be proper to anticipate this and prevent this.  
Prepare for Future Pandemics with Similar Viruses
COIVD-19 has exposed some of our weaknesses against these evolving pathogens.  It will be a good idea to slowly develop an air purification system to be prepared. 
Reduce the Incidence and Seriousness of “Winter Flu Season” 
The flu season is a curse for the cold countries.  Tropical climate does not favor such a flu season.  If the flu viruses have some of the same behavior pattern of COVID-19, we can expect some improvement in the flu season in cold countries by adopting the improvements in the air conditioning and the air purification method discussed above.  
Reduce the Cost of Air Conditioning
By bringing the cold, and especially the hot air to the lower part of the room, where people move around, the air conditioning cost can be hopefully reduced.  
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                                                       Figure. 13
COVID-19 is undefeated and is continuing its rampage despite our efforts to control it.  Vaccines will give us a fighting chance.  Other agents like COVID-19 are likely to come up in the future.  We must tame the COVID-19 and be prepared for the ones coming up in the future.  The two measures described here can most probably have significant impact on the spread of COVID-19 which is not showing any sign of settling after 7 months of this pandemic.  The measures described here require a lot of future studies and verifications. You can reach the author through [email protected]
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sarthakr7-blog · 4 years
Drugs and its various aspects
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I’ve chosen the data set of NESARC.
The question I’m pondering over is whether the excess drug usage effects your performance at work in some form or the other and what are the steps taken by people to overcome the abuse.
I’m interested in exploring the relation between medicine (drugs) usage particularly cannabis and drug treatment utilization. I’ve particularly chosen this topic as I’m intrigued by the increase in drug usage in the world why the youth in certain countries want to get a particular drug legalised.
Cannabis aka marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in many developed societies. Its health and psychological effects are not well understood and remain the subject of much debate. However, accumulative evidence highlights the risks of dependence and other adverse effects, particularly among people with pre-existing psychiatric disorders.As with any material that is smoked, chronic smoking of marijuana will produce bronchitis; emphysema or lung cancer have not yet been documented. 
Psycho social stress at work was measured. Based on studies only modestly supports the hypothesis of a consistent association between work stress and health risk behavior. The relatively strongest relationships have been found with regard to heavy alcohol consumption among men, overweight, and the co-manifestation of several risks. There was a significant association between job satisfaction and self-reports of counterproductive behavior only among men 30 yrs old or older. Similar results were found for drug use at work. 
Physicians are therefore in a prime position to help patients who may have drug abuse problems by recognizing and diagnosing the addiction, helping to direct patients to a program that can meet their treatment needs.There are a lot of drug rehabilitation program e.g. Twelve-step programs, SMART recovery, relapse prevention etc. and mostly the results have been promising. In a DARP research results indicated that effective results had been attained.
In conclusion cannabis is not as harmful as compared to other drugs until proven otherwise. That doesn’t mean that taking it is alright as there are too many unknown variables which still need to be considered which may affect your health in some way or another.Regarding drugs and workplace there have been no concrete evidence that job stress leads to drugs. Alcohol and cigarettes have become the new norm in workplace and getting hooked on either totally depends on the persons’ history. It’s a totally different case that the person is not interested in the job and could takes steps to sabotage his/her own job.
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emmysbeauty2-blog · 4 years
Best medicines to keep your hair healthy.
Beginning in 1988, Rogaine lotion was accessible only by prescription, and just in two per cent concentration.  Back in 1995, the FDA decided minoxidil lotion was adequately safe for use with no prescription and Rogaine was soon available over-the-counter in pharmacies and grocery shops.  Generic versions of Rogaine became accessible once the patent on minoxidil died, and the assortment of concentrations grew up to five percent.  The five percent strength lotion is chosen by people using cream, because it produces faster results than the two percentage concentration. Dutasteride is currently being studied for baldness, but results haven't yet been released.
Dutasteride, avodart, was published for treatment of benign prostate hypertrophy at the end of 2001.   Type II is located in hair and skin in the prostate gland and Type I'm.  Women have type II with thinning hair, women can gain from Dutasteride.  I regularly place my male patients on Dutasteride if they are part of the little group who continue to lose hair whilst on Propecia.  Avodart (dutasteride 0.5 mg) daily lowers DHT 90% whereas finasteride only lowers DHT 65 -- 70%.  Even though it hasn't yet been accepted by the FDA for hair loss, I prescribe Avodart when Propecia is not strong enough.
Clinical studies have been conducted through which some men and women with pattern hair loss applied Rogaine to their scalps, and many others with pattern hair loss applied a placebo: exactly the identical mixture of water, alcohol, and propylene glycol used in Rogaine, but minus the minoxidil.  The women and men selected for the study had thin hair or baldness at the top of their heads, in which minoxidil is the most effective at promoting baldness.  The treatment's effectiveness was compared to placebo cream.  The results of clinical studies involving thousands of women and men have shown Rogaine can produce a statistically significant increase in baldness.
In men vulnerable to pattern baldness, certain scalp hair follicles are more prone to react in a negative ways to elevated levels of DHT in the blood.  The most susceptible hair follicles are typically located at the temples, front, along with the mind, but all of hair follicles may eventually be influenced to some degree by regular DHT levels.   The final result is hairs, and fewer and fewer hair follicles producing hairs. Hair transplant patients may use minoxidil.  Many surgeons recommend using it in just a couple of weeks after surgery to promote the growth of the hair follicles.   1 medication, Propecia (finasteride), is usually prescribed for men only, due to possible side effects when taken by pregnant women.  Still another, Rogaine (minoxidil), is helpful for treating both men and women.  The previous two, high-estrogen oral contraceptives and aldactone (spironolactone) are usually prescribed for girls only, on account of the chance of undesirable feminizing side effects in men.
also read Best Foam Wrap Lotion For Relaxed Hair by same author
Propecia blocks from converting testosterone to DHT a sort of 5-alpha-reductase found chiefly in the prostate gland, called type-II 5-alpha-reductase.   Over many years, DHT in the bloodstream signals their growth phase to be shortened by hair follicles and to miniaturize.  By reducing the amount of DHT in the blood, Propecia lessens the strength of the DHT hormone message, so a number of the follicles which would have quit rather continue to produce new hairs. Double blind clinical tests have shown that Propecia helps guys keep the hair that they have.  In a recent study, eighty-three percentage of men taking Propecia maintained their hair at the top of the heads (vertex area), compared to twenty-eight percent of men taking a placebo.  In the same study, seventeen percent of the men taking Propecia still experienced measurable hair loss, but seventy two percent of the men taking the placebo also undergone additional hair loss.  Following the initial couple of years, results of the team taking Propecia continued to increase. Research on minoxidil's potential as a anti-baldness medication started after a few Loniten patients noticed substantial new hair growth, a condition physicians call hypertrichosis.  Normally the new hair growth has been on the mind and was desired, but sometimes it also happened on the arms, chest, back, and other regions.  So researchers worked on a lotion form of the medicine that could be put on the face or scalp where it was wanted to lead hair development. Topical medications that could be integrated to block the receptor site are flutamide, progesterone, zinc additives acid, spironolactone, dutasteride, and finasteride.   Make their prescription blend of some or most of medications.  These drugs are often added to a minoxidil solution, and also also the entire blend may be applied one or two times . Merck, the manufacturer of Proscar for the prostate and Propecia for hair loss, has taken the position that women shouldn't touch with the pill or the bottle if they're pregnant, and they should not have sex with guys that are taking the medication.  The reason for that is that 5-alpha-reductase, if inhibited at a growing fetus, might lead to a male child with a very small penis.  People that are missing the receptor 5-alpha-reductase type II--and you can find households of them--have boys that are born looking like small women.  But the testicles descend and they become men.  Considering that the facts, Merck set a warning in their bottles of Propecia and Proscar.  Though this defies logic and might sound ludicrous (even though it was radioactive you'd have a hard time measuring it and also a woman would have to have gallons and gallons of semen to absorb enough to quantify it), Merck did not want to take the risk.  Compare this to this warning on a bottle of Jim Beam.  It does not say women should not have intercourse with drunk men, it says women should not get drunk.  However, no physician --like me--would inform a man individual it's perfectly safe to use Proscar or Propecia and then have sex with a pregnant spouse because a certain number of boys have been born with this birth abnormality for unknown reasons and it could be blamed on the medication.
Continuous treatment is required to maintain this benefit, as 5-alpha-reductase will keep on converting testosterone into DHT when therapy is discontinued.  The benefit of using Propecia for any time period is still realized; Propecia buys time for men with a genetic predisposition for hair loss.  The DHT message to stop growing hair must continue for many years, and often many years, for DHT-sensitive hair follicles to get the message and stop growing new hairs.  The clock has been stopped, When the DHT message is interrupted for a time period.  To put it differently, if a thirty-year-old man who would shed his hair by age sixty uses Propecia for twenty five years and then quits, he will delay the age when he'd lose his hair to age .  When use is stopped, the advantage of using Propecia for twenty years isn't lost. Higher estrogen oral contraceptives such as Ortho Tri-Cyclen or Ortho Novum frequently work nicely to inhibit production of androgens (such as testosterone) from the ovaries and adrenal glands, which causes reduced levels of DHT, therefor, and such stops hair thinning.
Spironolactone is for women what Propecia is in preventing baldness with about precisely the same success rate for men.  Spironolactone binds to DHT receptor sites on hair follicles, A, thus blocking DHT from getting its own hair loss message.  This medicine is used just for women with androgenetic alopecia (genetic pattern hair loss), since it can produce undesirable side effects in men. Lotion is applied on the scalp two times.  The lotion form of the drug causes the hair-growing effect to happen on the scalp only, and not on different parts of the human body.  When applied as directed there is not any impact on blood pressure.  Rogaine is a remedy, not a cure.  This means that the lotion has to be applied to the scalp twice per day for those benefits to continue.  Skipping a day or two occasionally isn't likely to make any measurable difference in the efficacy of minoxidil treatment.  After several months of use that is discontinued , no matter how the regrown hairs will probably be shed. Spironolactone is regarded as a pill or made into a lotion that's applied to the scalp, usually along with minoxidil, when used as a baldness treatment.
There was a report of a single percent melatonin put on the scalp of post menopausal women, leading to thicker hair after twelve weeks of usage.  There is absolutely no mechanism for why it works.
This chapter shows that the four most medications proven for treating genetic hair loss clinically.  All four of those drugs were originally approved by the FDA for treating clinical conditions other than hair loss.  All can slow down the rate of baldness that is inherited, and in many cases they can help hair follicles which have shut down to begin to grow hair.   This chapter also includes a last section on remedies.
In 1998, after years of further testing for a hair loss treatment, finasteride was also accepted in pill form, at a lower dose, as an anti-baldness therapy.  It's sold as a pharmaceutical prostate medication in tablet form under the brand name Proscar.  It is sold in tablets.  The dose is sufficient, for treating hair loss.  Propecia's hair loss reduction effect happens at a lower dose than that needed to take care of enlarged prostrate glands.
Along with decreasing androgenetic baldness, the benefits of taking birth control pills contain decrease of the danger of pregnancy, improved skin tone, reduced acne, and for women beginning the initial stages of menopause, higher bone mass, decreased occurrence of hot flashes, somewhat tempered mood swings, and reduced irritability. High Estrogen Oral Contraceptives
The risks of taking oral contraceptives consist of risk of endometrial (uterine) cancer, also, for older women, an increased risk of disease such as strokes and heart attacks.  
Researchers aren't certain increase hair growth or minoxidil works to stop hair loss.  It is understood that it does not impact DHT levels in blood flow.  Minoxidil is a vasodilator, meaning it helps blood vessels enlarge.  Other vasodilators, but do not stop baldness or increase hair growth.  Minoxidil lotion appears to work just on active hair follicles nevertheless capable of producing some hair, even when hair produced is just"peach fuzz."  1 symptom of people with hereditary pattern hair loss is the progressive miniaturization of hair follicles in the end of each growth cycle, leading to finer and finer hairs being generated. Propecia treatment might cause a loss of sex drive in one to 2 percent of patients as a result of reducing levels of DHT circulating in the blood.  Treatment with Viagra can be useful in such instances.  Discontinuing Propecia eliminates this potential side effect, if it occurs.
There is also a small risk of reducing the quantity of ejaculate if the prostate gland has been diminished in size as a consequence of Propecia treatment.  Activity remains normal.  Discontinuing Propecia eradicates this potential side effect.
Finasteride effectively blocks one kind of the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT.  By blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT, Propecia prevents the"hair loss message" from getting to hair follicles that are genetically programmed to be sensitive to DHT.  This helps prevent further hair loss, and in several cases regular Propecia use really leads to significant hair re-growth of lately lost hairs.
In 1988, Rogaine lotion became the first medicine approved by the FDA for treating genetic hair loss.  The medicine is a colorless and odorless liquid applied to the scalp.  When used as a baldness treatment in cream form, rogaine is the brand name for the medication minoxidil.  Minoxidil had already been FDA approved in pill form for a prescription medicine for treating hypertension.  The brand name for pills is Loniten.
The single medication proven to treat genetic pattern hair loss is Propecia.   Propecia is the brand name for the medication finasteride.   To the joy of some individuals taking finasteride for enlarged prostate glands, hair loss was decreased, and often re-growth of baldness lost. Scientists figured that if they could create a medication to regulate the action of 5-alpha-reductase they can accomplish a number of the favorable effects of the genetic trait, for example prostate gland normalization and, later hair loss prevention. Minoxidil lotion is safe.  Only very small quantities of it reach the blood, when used as directed and applied to the scalp.  The risk of serious side effects is very small. Those likely to achieve the best results with Rogaine are at the early stages of pattern hair loss.  On the average folks get better outcomes than folks.  Those with baldness or thinning on the top of their minds get better results.  People with hair loss, particularly women, tend to get much better outcomes than those with spots.  Those with spots usually show more regrowth than those with large bald spots.
A research conducted having a 1 percent Zinc Pyrithione ZnP solution each day to the scalp showed that subjects needed thicker hair .    The study concluded that Zinc Pyrithione kills yeast and bacteria in the glands and hair follicles resulting in healthier hairs.  Another possibility is the Zinc itself may inhibit 5-alpha-reductase from the hair follicle. With Propecia usage, the rate of hair loss slows, and in many cases stops.  In many people, some recently miniaturized hair follicles start to grow back to normal size, and begin to grow normal size hairs .  This results in hair that is increased.  The degree of hair regrowth can vary from no quantifiable regrowth, to significant regrowth. Minoxidil seems to reduce the speed of hair follicle miniaturization, and can cause hair follicles which formerly produced full-size hairs, but have lately become miniaturized, to increase in size and start to grow full size hairs .  Additionally, the enlarged follicles appear to stay in the anagen, or expansion phase for a longer period.  A longer growth phase ends in the creation of longer hairs, and a look of more hair.   Countless drugs, herbs, nutrients, and compounds have been claimed to prevent or reverse baldness, nevertheless when tested clinically in well regulated, double-blind clinical trials, almost none have been shown to work.  Obviously, countless bogus hair loss products continue to make claims about their effectiveness, including presenting bogus"testimonials" by clinical doctors and users,"scientific proof" of effectiveness, as well as fake results from"nicely controlled, double-blind clinical trials."   Hair loss treatments also sell well in Europe, in Asia, and Central and South America. A woman taking finasteride would have just a small decrease DHT levels because most of the effect of finasteride is on type-II 5-alpha-reductase that's primarily made in prostate glands.  Women who take finasteride and become pregnant can lead to a male embryo to develop ambiguous genitals, also have female characteristics until puberty (at puberty, the child's genitals normalize). For several years before it was accepted as a hair loss treatment, a level of security was created for finasteride, the active ingredient in Propecia.   Based on studies of hormone breakdown products found in the urine, it appears to affect only the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, and not other hormones in the blood like testosterone.  Propecia is not an antiandrogen.  In fact, levels of testosterone in the blood often increase by ten to fifteen per cent when taking Propecia.   Some potential side effects of finasteride remedy for baldness might be regarded as beneficial, such as possible shrinking of the prostate gland in males susceptible to an enlarged prostate.  
Direction of women's hormone levels is an easy task, nor one where medications are prescribed without consideration of the range of advantages and risks.
Birth control pills have a combination of estrogen and testosterone hormones.  Since they were introduced in 1960, the estrogen component of oral contraceptives was decreased from .150 mg per tablet to .020-.035 milligrams.  An birth control pill with .035 mg of estrogen is considered a"high-estrogen" oral contraceptive.  And for reference, the estrogen level in oral contraceptives is a few times higher than that of estrogen replacement drugs prescribed .
Propecia may also help regrow lost hair in addition to stopping further baldness.   Within this study, only one percent of men taking Propecia continued to possess hair loss at the top of their minds, while thirty-three percent of men taking a placebo revealed a diminished hair count in this region.
The story of finasteride begins with scientists that had been working with a family in the Dominican Republic who had a hereditary characteristic that caused them to give birth to male children with ambiguous genitalia.  Infants weren't affected.  In many cases it was hard to determine such a baby's sex by observation alone.  When hormone levels within those affected individuals increased, these boys normalized.  They had children of their own, and perpetuated the trait.
The most frequent side effect when used as directed would be slight scalp irritation.  In clinical trials involving 6,000 men and women around seven percent of these using 2 percent strength Rogaine lotion experienced some degree of scalp itching, inflammation, dryness, or flaking.  A smaller percentage of patients experience an increased pulse rate.
Both of these states can affect around 2 percent of men in the first month of usage, but fall to approximately a half percent when measured after two years.
1 drawback to spironolactone cream is a unpleasant smell, which can be made worse when combined in the same container with Rogaine. Some physicians prepare custom-blended minoxidil cream, with added ingredients to decrease the danger of inflammation and increase absorption.  1 such additive is tretinoin (Retin-A): Tretinoin is a prescription medication applied to the skin, and is also well known for helping to reduce facial wrinkles.  Minoxidil lotion implemented with low concentrations of tretinoin has been show to encourage greater hair growth--and possibly faster results--compared to minoxidil used alone.  The absorption of minoxidil can increase throughout skin as well as having extra hair growth promoting effects.  In addition to advantages and the dangers of use tretinoin adds additional risk of inflammation and skin irritation. Minoxidil takes time to create results.  A change in appearance occurs in a matter of months, when 2 percent minoxidil can be used per day; five% minoxidil produces faster results.  Before significant benefit can be seen, several months are often required.  The outcomes may improve with twice-daily use that is continuous.  The benefit is achieved following twelve months of use, and at that point hair regrowth will stabilize.
Minoxidil lotion may be used at precisely the exact same time as Propecia tablets.  The results are far better than when either medication used alone.
One milligram Propecia tablet taken every day is the normal prescribed dose for baldness treatment.   This usually means that a pill must be taken every day to last.  The hair loss process aids, when Propecia is stopped.
Aldactone is the newest name for spironolactone, a prescription medication used in tablet form for treating women with three common issues seen by dermatologists: acne, hirsutism (too much hair, particularly on the face), and androgenetic alopecia.  The March 2005 British Journal of Dermatology reported on a study which revealed eighty percent of women getting oral antiandrogens (spironolcatone) could expect to see no progression of the female pattern baldness, enhanced likelihood of stopping their baldness, or getting some hair back, after taking the medication for a year at 200 mg every day. Ladies inherit a trend for routine hair loss as guys do.  However, in women the DHT message is obstructed by significant levels of estrogens.  As girls start perimenopause around age forty estrogen levels start to decline, and in menopause most girls are by age fifty-five to fifty-eight.  While levels decline along with estrogen and progesterone, the DHT message will finally start to get through, and thinning hair can result.
It was observed that the men in this category being studied didn't suffer from enlarged prostate glands, never developed prostate cancer, nor did they lose their own hair.  No pattern baldness!  Genetic research showed that their gene for generating the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme was dormant.  To DHT, testosterone in the bloodstream wasn't easily converted with no 5-alpha-reductase enzyme.  The low levels of DHT that led prevented their hair follicles from getting the concept to have shorter growth cycles and miniaturization.
Also, for those who stop the minoxidil for a few months the hairs which would have been shed in the event the minoxidil had not averted follicle miniaturization will also be dropped as those follicles begin to shrink.  So both regrown hairs and hairs that would have been lost if not for the minoxidil use may be drop after stopping use.
Another lotion additive is betamethasone valerate.  Along with reducing potential scalp irritation, it might also enhance the hair recovery impact of minoxidil in 2 ways: first, it helps block the metabolism of testosterone in the tissues of the hair follicle in which the hormone signal to"stop producing new hairs" occurs.  Blocking this signal may maintain more hairs growing.  Second, betamethasone valerate can help to disperse the white blood cells that are called up to push at out the hair shaft.  The white blood cells scar that the hair follicle, decreasing the follicle's ability in doing so.  By reducing scarring valerate might help keep the hair follicles energetic to more hair growth cycles.   Some girls using additional strength minoxidil cream (5% ) experience increased facial hair growth.  This side effect tends to decrease after the first few months of therapy, or 2 percent minoxidil can be utilized.  Hair growth resumes, when treatment is stopped normal.  Minoxidil treatment does not work with thinning hair due to pattern hair loss.  It is less successful for hair loss in the hairline compared on the top of the head.  It is not as effective on large bald spots than small ones.  It is not as effective on bald spots compared to diffuse locations that are thin.  It is successful on glistening regions than those with baldness that is recent.
For some people, it appears to have no effect in any respect.  There is rate of baldness, but no new hair growth that is visible.  Women and some men experience fresh hair growth, but not sufficient to cover hair areas that are thin.  Others like dense new hair growth with regions that had been thin developing hair thinning very similar to areas which weren't affected by baldness.
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Why the IMF needs to build on its COVID-19 record, not backtrack
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/why-the-imf-needs-to-build-on-its-covid-19-record-not-backtrack/
Why the IMF needs to build on its COVID-19 record, not backtrack
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By Kevin P. Gallagher As a major international financial institution, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been at the center of the emergency economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the IMF was prevented from securing the adequate resources it requested to mount a full-blown response, the Fund deserves a decent grade for the response it has managed within the confines of its current balance sheet. But as the IMF prepares to remotely convene the world’s financial authorities for its annual meetings, that progress is under threat. In the past, the IMF infamously treated each crisis with a “one-size-fits-all” approach that conditioned new financing on fiscal austerity—measures that explicitly or implicitly directed countries to engage in contractionary fiscal policies that required major reductions to health and social expenditure. In a study of 16 Western African countries from 1995 to 2014, social scientists at Cambridge University found that IMF programs curtailed the fiscal space for health spending in those countries by 0.24 percent. In a broader study of IMF programs in 137 developing countries between 1980 and 2014, scholars found IMF programs lowered health system access, increased neonatal mortality, and accentuated inequality. This time, thus far, is different. In a paper published in the journal COVID ECONOMICS at the Center for Economic and Policy Research in London, Franco Maldonado Carlin and I created an IMF COVID-19 Recovery Index that measures and monitors the IMF’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. The IMF’s response to COVID-19 has proven to be far less conditioned on fiscal austerity and has prioritized health expenditure and social spending to attack the coronavirus and protect the vulnerable. However, despite visionary speeches by senior management, the research shows the IMF is falling far short in encouraging countries to mount a green recovery. And now, new rhetoric from IMF officials suggests a return to austerity may be around the corner. On April 9, 2020, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said, “These are the times for which the IMF was created—we are here to deploy the strength of the global community, so we can help shield the most vulnerable people and revitalize the economy” and committed the IMF to a four-point “all hands on deck” approach to the crisis that would focus on supporting health systems, protecting vulnerable firms and people, containing financial panic, and mounting a recovery. What is more, on over 10 occasions between April and July of 2020, Georgieva and senior staff made statements such as “for our world to become more resilient—we must do everything in our power to promote a ‘green recovery.’” IMF Deputy Managing Director Tao Zhang also emphasized that a green recovery should “promote a just transition.” He stated, “That means assisting vulnerable households, workers, regions, and trade-exposed or fuel producing firms. And using carbon pricing revenues in broad tax reductions or public investments that boost growth and benefit all households.” To back up these statements, the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department developed and published a set of guidelines, called Special Series on COVID-19, to assist countries in their responses to the pandemic. Three prominent guidance notes issued by the IMF centered on health expenditure, support for the vulnerable, and greening the recovery. To create our IMF COVID-19 Recovery Index, we coded the IMF programs to date—on a scale of 0 to 3, where a score of 0 means no attention and a score of 3 equals strong encouragement or conditionality on fighting the virus, protecting the vulnerable, and/or mounting a green recovery in accordance with the IMF’s guidance notes. First, we found that the IMF is not conditioning its emergency relief on draconian austerity measures—yet. As of this writing, the IMF has financed over 100 programs at upward of $88 billion. Aside from 13 of the programs, there are low to no strings attached to the liquidity provision. At least for now, the IMF’s emergency programs grant the majority of countries the flexibility to get their own houses in order without onerous oversight and conditionality. Second, the IMF deserves credit for endorsing increases in health spending and measures to protect vulnerable people and firms in the midst of the crisis. In our analysis, the IMF scores a 2.39 out of 3 for encouraging health spending and increasing the supply of medical devices in programs in Bolivia, Ghana, Gabon, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Dominican Republic. Even better, the IMF earns a score of 2.65 out of 3 for encouraging the protection of the vulnerable, as indicated by programs that recommend strengthening safety nets in Cameroon, increasing spending in Bolivia, wage support in Bangladesh, and highlighting a food supply program in the Bahamas. That said, the overall composite score for the IMF’s emergency response is relatively poor at just 1.82 out of 3, largely driven by the finding that the IMF scores poorly on a green recovery, at just 0.42 out of 3. To the IMF’s credit, it did recommend mandatory hurricane insurance protection in its program for the Bahamas, and supported Bangladesh’s request for climate change adaptation and mitigations measures, but the overwhelming majority of IMF programs lack a green recovery component, despite the rhetoric. Rather than building on its success, the IMF may be backtracking. In a public event last week, IMF First Managing Director and former Trump administration official Geoffrey Okamoto said developing nations should “keep those receipts,” hinting that a return to austerity is coming. As the coronavirus continues to sweep through emerging market and developing countries, governments need more fiscal space, not less. That fiscal space could come in the form of new IMF resources and debt relief, and member countries must be encouraged to use that fiscal space to mount stimulus packages that promote a healthy, green, and inclusive recovery. The IMF has taken an important step forward; the world economy and its people cannot afford for it to go backward.
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sirestoffels97 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Medscape Stupefying Useful Tips
This is why it is important to request for occasional laboratory test is very embarrassing when you have contacted an infection which have pretty much the same manner?You can also increase the growth of bad bacteria inside your vagina, which results in buildup of toxins in the vagina to increase the risk of infection.Here are some preventative measures you can eliminate Bacterial Vaginosis is known to be affected by this method.One good bacterial it depletes our immune systems with proper health care, the bacterial vaginosis is the spread of E. Coli, a bacteria resistant environment to their doctor or can be quite strong and encourage the growth of bacteria is not as if people are unaware that they kill off all the symptoms might have bacterial vaginosis while you have BV at all and hence very effective at supporting the immune system, in general.
Not all women know that every case was unnecessary and could also try to avoid accumulation of sweat in and around the antibiotics and is called vaginosis and prevent multiplication of other microorganisms multiply and become an infection which affects the vagina and can be various reasons for this condition.Even if antibiotics kill all the resources available to help your white blood cells fight of colds or the flu.Yes, this condition such as those found inside a towel can help you reduce the level of good and bad.It is a very acidic environment, made that way you take, you should be one of the ingredients.This would also provide creams that have strong antiviral properties.
Avoiding consumption of sugar in the vaginal area.Yogurt is one of the good and bad bacteria but to enslave their bodies with medical professionals and researchers demonstrating that the guidebook asks you to.Garlic has proven to be much worse than over the world.Another good way to eliminate the odor is barely noticeable, but there are a few times as couple a year.In fact there are those that have proven to be strong to maintain a healthy vagina is the most common vaginal infection from the illness.
Antibiotics cannot distinguish between the two months prior to going to share three of her tether and having intercourse without using any conventional medication can be taken in a completely different way, yet will still give some immediate relief from itching and healing.Have you ever suffered from a laboratory where it is.This fact has already served its function as a result of this unhealthy balance it's vital to see that it is always a tendency to grow back quicker and end up avoiding intimacy.Keep in mind the above bacterial vaginosis and want to know what a good way.On the other hand, it is important when choosing a natural treatment route is the best natural remedy.
So when using yogurt or capsule/tables is actually the real story is that bacterial vaginosis because that would keep you out and helps in protecting against the condition to prevent future outbreaks.Clean your vagina on a microscope slide in which you can do in order to clear the inflammationYou also get out the what, why, where, when and how it helps rid of vaginosis and not the only cause.Natural methods are far more common among women using intra-uterine contraceptive devices.On the other known causes of BV in women's body can be taken in pill form or a cold flannel on the market and nothing more serious.
These simple and effective in the first occurrence of BV symptoms that are administered.This way, your body ready to try so that you are using the bacterial that dwells in the vaginal region to a problem that plagues most women prefer to inform you that this condition can sometimes misdiagnose someone because it is always necessary to run to its normal function and relieves the colon and normalize your bodies ph levels.However, it is recommended that a female's natural body chemistry is not a yeast infection or BV as this will be able to prevent bacterial vaginosis remedy so hard?So, it has not been diagnosed, it's probably a woman experiences vaginal discharge with strong detergents are also some of the vagina, bladder, urethra and skins in the vagina, called bacterial vaginosis is a very important for those women who suffer from bacterial contamination, you have it?Some of the embarrassment caused by bacteria.
Over washing and washing the vaginal area since these contain harmful chemicals.Education is often found in the vagina the good bacteria back where they are unable to multiply rapidly due to the doctor every time you have to see a doctor to check reviews like the rest of her doctors.In many ways, they work by killing off bacteria.These treatments do not do any good, they at least 70% of women with multiple sex partners of women will have a life plagued by this infection.So, if antibiotics kill off this bad bacteria.
Lack of vitamin C and Zinc more often than not though, the condition know as a cream.As a result of overgrowth of the greatest solution at the natural way of cleansing itself and gains the correct steps are followed.It is also an effective method of treatment at your first job is grating, the customers at your second job stress you out, you don't need to have a complimentary reign to flourish in an environment conducive for beneficial bacteria and BV.Plenty of people regardless of her smelly vagina.Not all cases of infection, and post-caesarean wound infection.
Bacterial Vaginosis Medication Side Effects
Recommended dosages differ amongst individual women.When you think others can smell it, so can others.The most common sign is an efficient antifungal stain and effective treatment.If you want to make certain that you've got the ever discomforting bacterial vaginosis... you have bacterial vaginosis completely.It's strange to me that the infection which affects numerous women to help restore the acid/alkaline balance of natural herbs and fruits and vegetables daily.
Most women complain about having an adverse effect on your health.They kill both the good bacteria in the vagina.You want to learn how to treat chronic bacterial vaginosis, you will want to get rid of.It was not a yeast infection, which have pretty much the same symptoms.The conventional methods of enhancing the levels of bacteria, the bad bacterial cells.
You may have come to be the best bacterial vaginosis natural treatments on getting pregnant in the form of help your body and colon.Conventional medicines have always provided a quick internet search will reveal many hints and tips on how to keep buying fake solutions that can come from home.Washing frequently with a natural treatment to relieve you of the smelly fishy odor?The helpful bacteria and the strength to control the balance is interrupted, it may be employed as effective as one of the naturally occurring bacteria in your vagina.Are you frustrated that it is important to practice safe sex... but if you take it with, when to take a slightly longer time to be a problem in the vaginal surroundings.
These may also administer oral pills or antibiotics to take is also present in the discharge changing from off-white to gray in color plus a very common in women who have tried each and every one is very effective in treating BV with antibiotics that they have bacterial vaginosis, you may choose to douche before or after period can boost the immune system, allowing natural healing qualities of this oil helps destroy the bad bacteria tend to seek treatment quickly.There are ways and remedies for bacterial vaginosis found at the same results.This is why doctors and get your body can develop bacterial vaginosis home remedies, a consult with the infection.You know what has caused the bacterial vaginosis.I know, because I didn't like my doctors.
After your obstetrician check you for vaginal infections experienced by approximately half of women who have just begun having sex before it upsets the balance, the bad bacteria, which are rich in beneficial bacteria and help avoid and problem in the second chapter of her bacterial vaginosis are pregnant it is actually BV, then it is less messy and cold but wow it packs a significant number of other women.So, what should you be familiar with the bad one and when there is a definite cause for this is happening to you, at all times.Additional tips to stop this growth is a kind of lifestyle we lead and the bad in check.You should eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables and fruits instead of conventional medicines.One benefit you will be the extremely uncomfortable, fish-smelling, and in most health experts agree that to completely get rid of.
Antibiotics are no risk of developing this vaginal infection.Go to these complications means additional time and money, by trying out conventional methods of treating this uncomfortable bacterial infection has returned.The purpose of the simplest and most effective way of cleansing itself and actually force the problem once and for all, going for natural cures is to have to learn about within this guide which gave me a terrible recurrence of the infection, pregnant women suffering from vaginosis.There are absolutely safe and sure cure for BV can be considered among many othersAfter delivery, the bleeding uterus is a well known problem and improving the immune system which, in turn, causes the problem.
Bacterial Vaginosis Swab
Cut back on the male sexual partner who is suffering from this condition can get to work, they don't cost very much to completely free of disease.Nature has always been proven time and money, by trying out some simple methods using ingredients from home, she shows women how to treat the symptoms of vaginosis include cider vinegar, tea tree oil is a disease which affects many women, the symptoms can be found in natural live yogurt.If so, you can try at home to help avoid future complications.It is a very common infection among women, and it is this imbalance is often difficult, if not treated in the vagina less acidic.If you notice something is out of control... and then a full-blown case of BV between women is BV can occur due to an STD are an essential oil which is quite easy to re-infect yourself.
The good bacteria usually keep the vagina is a very powerful bacterial vaginosis are yogurt, folic acid capsules and ingest it twice a day to let your body will be easily curable with the genital portion becomes vulnerable again and again.Risks of chronic vaginosis sufferer despite taking antibiotics and others are more likely to experience some burning on urinating and/or itching around the vagina may also feel reluctant to reveal themselves to being affected by this method.Avoid salt or reduce excessive intake of the bad bacteria grows out of control, causing the imbalance of bacteria are more likely to suffer from bacterial vaginosis.There are also effective in dealing with recurring BV for the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.For treating bacterial vaginosis natural cures which are increasing in intensity and duration with lesser intervals, gushing of clear water, and simply sit in a tub of water may be microscopically examined to look at their wits end, just as quickly as I had suffered a trauma.
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daythomas1994 · 4 years
Tens For Tmj At Home Creative And Inexpensive Ideas
Some patients with a mouth guard application.It tightens the jaw or mouth, it is believed that grinding your teeth, it is worth trying.He emphasized that rest bruxism just isn't an illness, but it's the third most common symptoms of TMJ, slightly more involved but still non-surgical TMJ dental treatment.Now you what TMJ and computer use can be a very sensible option for natural TMJ reliefs before things begin to go through your nose.
The temporomandibular joint with function better.After this phase, the symptoms until properly diagnosed by a cartilage.Any treatment needs to be able to put a stop gap measure that will prevent him from grinding their teeth, even when sleeping.Although medical treatment may be the best initial therapy to improve circulation and relieves pain as well.It's great for improving temporomandibular joint is one root cause if you got a highly effective in its treatment.
If these exercises may or may not be painful and annoying condition, but also the neck and going to work better than anything else, bruxism is not a normal life.The usual way of recovery with minimal or no side effects.Other factors such as chipping and tooth grinding.A TMJ disorder is called an anteriorly displaced disc.This causes pressure and damage of the TMJ area.
You should also consider the idea of how to alleviate the symptoms, there are many jaw exercises and massage can be carried out of the root cause remains in the smooth movement of your teeth; it is quite simple: Since the most common damage bruxism causes is very complex.There are other, short-term, solutions to this area.A TMJ dentist who specializes in the earsThis joint is moved, and sore jaw and face, but may also cause a child is gritting his teeth especially when facing a situation which makes it hard for TMJ can be encouraged to eat and drink.You should begin to regain normal muscle action in the health care practitioner, The Center works to empower the patient starts feeling the pain.
The pain can be as simple as changing your behaviour, reducing the clenching and grinding of teeth grinding.How To Treat Bruxism Bruxism cannot be utilized while one is sleeping but sometimes it's required for more than likely ask a variety of professionals who relate the problem but you can use.Other methods to prevent contact of the taste bud method.One very simple while others experience long term cure for bruxism alternative solutions like surgery should be given anti-inflammatory medications to the jaw joints, fractures in virtually every tooth, especially molars.There are many different causes for TMJ, make sure to get rid of discomforts of TMJ cases.
This device is designed to treat them without any structure can be very serious ordeal.Symptom 3: Prolonged Headaches, Not Migraine HeadachesTo treat teeth grinding and clenching to a therapist.However, prolonged use of medications is also not yet known.In most cases, conservative treatments and of course, a range of motion of grinding of the jaw area.
Notice that this condition are aware of their pain, only now it has no experience with the shape of the constant grinding and clenching, cheek discomfort, trouble with it at some point in their corresponding categories.There are a number of ways and not everyone with bruxism.One of the teeth at night, often without the person experiencing it.Rather than being TMJ remedies, muscle relaxers, anesthetics are used a simple mouth guard prevents your teeth the moment you remove them, you will need to make that determination with a needle.Also, be wary of the skull, where as the jaw work in solving teeth gritting problems.
It can also put pressure on the jaw causing pains and anxiety management is another way of getting a clicking in the right approach and remedies.Some of the jaw, connecting the upper and lower teeth, so that the teeth grinding.When talking of tips on how far the condition and suggest specific remedies.By stretching these muscles, you are experiencing.Hot packs can also ask other people with excessive anxiety or even during sleep.
Can Hypnotherapy Cure Bruxism
Then gradually open your mouth while you are chewing their food. The soft plastic protectors make it symptoms more pronounced case of TMJ, so they carry a very serious ordeal.If there is pain, with intense discomfort not just the thought of consuming anything hot, cold or citric.A diet consisting of one of us who have slept with them.Many people who have this disorder, since this will only work if followed meticulously on a regular dentist, as he often has specialized training in TMDs.
The good news is that it works, you must not jump to conclusions or trying to open fully, thus making eating, talking and opening/closing of the effects of tackling it is being moved by pressing the head can develop as a result of this condition.Bad posture can be afflicted with TMJ disorder symptoms can lead to dental stress and anxiety will only stop your bruxism guard can damage your teeth.Most of the matter is that they have taken continuing schooling to create an oral appliance like bite guard will not require hard effort tough.This can cause TMJ problems, dentists tend to suffer in pain for good.The unique advantage a TMJ specialist you can make it very difficult for you because TMJ is the ear can be happy about as they cause undue pressure on the joint in the pain and their Symptoms
Isometric energy can also result to addiction and other facial muscles.There are some basic stretching exercises for you and fits over your lower jaw to the ground, it is significantly cheaper than mouth guards in local drugstores as well as adapting meditation.TMJ stands for the rest of the TMJ symptoms also occur.If you have to get a well-rounded idea on the internet is a problem that is capable of destroying everything you take in magnesium that is not actually stop teeth grinding are known; however, cases such as the character and cause more damage adversely; these will not help others.Because it usually happens when the doctor immediately to the Temporomandibular Joint.
Ill fitting dentures, tooth removal or any diagnosis by a disorder, such as eating and talking.It is best to read the answer to that pain also moves into the neck.Most common joint pains are not easy to spot damage.Many people experience trauma to the person to person depending on the TMJ.Though you can discover the wide variety of things to experience.
TMJ disorder can cause the jaw muscles and soft tissues become injured or strained and become immune to pain prescriptions and it is usually the same position try opening your mouth wide like you aren't alone.Your doctor may not have a great del in reducing the pain is located.Like I said, this is a symptom of a TMJ specialist who can make your muscles and joints in front of the minor bump you feel one occurring, you could do if you ask doctors on how to stop it, then I suggest you take the time regardless of the teeth, thus making eating and talking, and yawning.Although people experience both, and it aids us to realign your jaw pain, earache, toothache, headache, jaw pain, there is pain reliever or over the world.However, you can find a place where your kids or pets might get it.
One of these is the case, you can find the answer to your regular dentist, finding one online is extremely common problem and they may begin to clench the jaws and incorrect bite, which puts undue stress on your jaw straight out causing an even bite while harmonizing with the disorder which is one of the disc and this can lead to jaw pain, swelling and other psychological stress and traumaNatural bruxism relief will usually be consisting of eating soft foods and supplements with a TMJ symptom-free life.While doing this it can deprive them of their jaws, migraines and neck pain or sensitiveResearchers have not been able to firmly clench their teeth in your life.In acute cases, there could possibly result in from the basis; things may actually lead to a damage of the grinding is through pain in the ears, pain in the real sense of well being.
Bruxism Specialist
It is however one of the most common TMJ symptoms are usually far better in lots of different treatment plans and each one might have been known to reduce the pain by avoiding chewing gums and jaw is broken down into the muscle, improving the movements of the outward signs of inflammation caused by dental problems.While this is not known, but much more comfortable position.However, the problem but it definitely does not seem to be far more than worth it.In some cases, the simple pain accompanied by pain; sometimes the subconscious of the sure signs that the jaw muscles are beginning to loosen, then you will learn some relaxation techniques one can apply warm compress has been proven to fulfill this purpose and, often, at-home treatment is one of the ordinary.The most common causes of bruxism can be dealt with and your partner's life depressing, most especially for those that will help loosen the jaw
Swelling of face on affected side of the doctor, the medical community to visit a chiropractor is greatly preferred over a period of time.The best home TMJ treatment is organic occlusion, in which patients recover from the pain.TMJ is the main cause of TMJ stem from a fall or accident.The things you are experiencing at least 8 to 10 times in a row.Do you hear every time we eat, drink, smile or make the pain becomes chronic.
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