#i know the families who lost their children that day and have taught their siblings
aonungyoufuck · 2 years
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Part: Two
Pairing: Ao’nung X Sully Fem!reader
Synopsis : You had Saved Neteyam’s life. Norm and Max Extracting the Bullet but Healing the way Ronal sought to. Being kept at her side to make sure as she put it ‘your recklessness doesn’t kill you’. This leaves you to bond not only with Tsireya a bit more. But Ao’nung as well. Much to Ronal’s dismay
“Breathe how you were taught. It will help ease the pain.” Ronal’s stern voice spoke as she bandaged you up. 
As much as she wanted to hate you and your family for putting not only her people But her children in the dead center of your family’s war. She couldn’t be more thankful that no lives were lost. Not yet if she had a say in it at least. 
“Now lay down Gently. You will stay here till i see you are better”
You nodded. Gulping down a groan as you could barely breathe without any pain. 
“Your Family is allowed to see you. But do not move” Ronal ordered as she stepped outside the Marui that was not far from her own. As your luck would have it. You were the only one severely injured. Which left you lonely but also relieved no one got to see you making faces. 
“My child” Neytiri spoke as she approached you. Gently caressing your face in a form of comfort. 
“Y/n How do you feel?” your father asked you. You barely could move but made an effort to turn to look at him.
“Like death itself”
Small laughter erupted and all you could do was smile. 
“Neteyam, How do you find yourself” you asked. 
“Well sister. Thank you for saving me”
You smiled nodding a bit as you looked up ahead. Your rather not suffer Ronal’s wrath if you move too much. 
“I am to stay here. Sorry i cant be with you all”
“It is alright my child. When our duties do not interfere we will come to talk with you” your mother spoke as you enjoyed her gently grazes on your forehead.
As the oldest daughter you suppose you could enjoy taking some time away from your siblings tho at the expense of some pain “Lo’ak, Kiri, Tuk! Please do not cause more Trouble to Neteyam while i am out of commission”
You didnt need to look to know the offended gasp Lo’ak was sure to wear. “I do not cause trouble”
“Oh Eywa take me now for that is the fattest lie anyone’s ever told” You commented back sarcastically. Making Neteyam laugh and Tuk giggle. 
“But please. Keep yourself safe for i am not there to beat some sense into you guys” you said a yawn escaping your lips as you grew tired after today’s events. 
“Dont Worry. I’ll be there to keep an eye on them” Spider commented. You had almost forgotten that he had joined in again. 
“Great mother have mercy on this clan” Its not that you didn’t trust Spider to keep an eye on them. The only problem was Spider wasn’t one to back down if it looked ‘fun’
“It looks like your tired. Come on now kids lets head out and let your sister rest. Its been a long day already” Jake said as he hurdled the kids out. Your mother stayed, kissing your head as she headed out as well. 
You stayed there. Listening to the waves crash below you and all around you as you sighed. No matter how tired you were. You couldn’t find sleep. Maybe it was the pain? The quietness that was the lack of your family? Perhaps all that happened today. You did not know why. 
“I see you are awake. Much better as mother brings me food to give you” 
Turning but regretting it immediately you saw who it was. Ao’nung. Not that you have gotten terribly close. But now his face didn't initiate some sort of anger like it use to. “Oh. I would have thought only Ronal and Tsireya would come by.”
“Are you unhappy it is me?”
“Not particularly but you know what i mean”
“I know its just fun that you dont have enough bite as before”
You couldn’t really watch but you heard him set stuff aside as he sat beside you and began to feed you. Perhaps if you had witnessed this before or known before you would have rather died. But now you appreciated the gesture. 
“Tsireya will come by later to reapply some of the paste and change your wraps”
You nodded as you finished your meal. 
“You know. Now that im here i cant really deny but i am glad you are well and alive”
“Really now?”
“Is that hard to believe?”
“Not really” you spoke turning to look at him. This time the pain came from the stiffness in your neck from laying down for so long. “We may not be the best of friends but im Glad all of you are safe too you know?”
“You are strange as you are reckless you know?”
“Would you rather i have died?”
“What? No!”
You smiled.  Extending you hand to him for him to take. And reluctantly he did. All you did was gently rub his hand with your thumb. This sight would have made him hiss in anger before. His normal hand against your ‘freak’ one. But it was comforting knowing you were warm and alive and not dead. Like how you felt before. 
“If it were any of you I would also do this, you know? Not Just my family”
“But why?”
“Well i cant speak for you or for anyone really. But when you tend to know the value of a life that is not yours. You do some crazy stuff”
“Do you not value your life?”
“I do. I am thankful i'm alive right now. But I value all your lives a lot too. You are the Future of this Clan along side your sister if not you. I am without a home, remember?”
“Wow you really are strange”
“Are you saying if it was Tsireya you wouldn’t take the fall for her?”
He was quiet. For he didnt need to answer because you already knew. 
“Being the oldest makes you think the least bit about yourself eh?”
“Shut up you Skxawng”
You smiled. Yawning as you finally felt sleep welcoming you. “If i pass in my sleep. Please do not make fun at anyone else who seeks Uturu. Tho i know you made plenty progress already”
You didn't get to see his face fall. The thought of you passing was hard enough on your family he couldn’t really place why. But he feels like he’d mourn a lot as well. 
Watching you sleep he stayed there. Watching your Chest rise and fall. Perhaps he grew paranoid? Perhaps it was the drilling that he was to ‘protect all he can in the clan’ that his father made sure he knew. But he stayed there. Still holding your hand as he listened to you sleep. 
Had Tsireya not come by at night to change your paste and wounds. You wouldn’t have believed that Ao’nung sat there asleep holding your hand. 
And you may have calmed your quickened heart. 
“It seems the Wounds will take much longer to heal. But its made progress during the night”
You nodded as you listened to Ronal speak as she inspected you. “Understandable. Na’vi bodies or humans are built to take a bullet to the chest” you reasoned as you lifted your arm for her to wrap better. “However, I am feeling much better. Thank you”
“You still cannot move too much alright? I'm Afraid a nerve May have been scrapped as your arm is pretty stiff” 
You could only nod. Taking in a breather as you lowered your arm. “I thank you Tsahik. Tho i ask you how is My family”
“Out doing their Assigned jobs. Even that. Human is helping with a hunt right now”
You smiled nodding to yourself in reassurance. Flicking your fingers as you watched her go. Perhaps one day you can talk more comfortably. But you knew how stressful it was. She was to prepare for a child soon. And here you were taking up time. 
So in the silence of the home you stood and thought. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two, if she allowed it. All to help her of course make a fast delivery. Perhaps you were also just making some excuse to stay a little longer. You didn’t know. 
Time moved painfully slow and all you could really do was rebraid your hair. You silently cursing for the thick amount of hair that had managed to grow in such a small state.
You turned a little to look at the small sheer veil of a ‘door’ being moved. Tsireya greeting you and you greeting her back. 
“I see you can move more than yesterday” she says with a smile. Placing down a bowl of fruit” 
“Ah yes. Still sore. Kinda hard to rebraid my hair with just one hand”
“Would you like me to help you?”
“If you do not mind”
And without much word. Tsireya nodded, stepping behind you. And began to work with what your last hair style was. 
“Actually just braid the ends together please? I feel like i cant stand the pressure of them all in braids”
“Thats perfectly reasonable” 
You smiled feeling the hair loosen and give your head a rest. 
“You know it was kinda of sweet that My brother stayed by your side”
You could only roll your eyes. “ i still cant believe it” 
“But you better believe it. If i hadnt have to wake you You wouldn’t have believed my word” 
“Oh Eywa, I know. But its odd as to why he would stay. I mean we aren’t particularly great friends. Or really friends to begin with. I spend most my time here with you or Roxto at the very least”
“I do know. I was there for most of it” Tsireya spoke, finishing up the ends gently rubbing your hair with an oil that would help protect against the sea. “But Brother isnt at all against you guys now. Im sure now of all you guys can become friends”
‘Perhaps even more’ you silently hoped as you could only lay back down. “Perhaps in this time we can. And perhaps not.”
Tsireya smiled. Scooting the bowl closer to you. “Well I’ll leave this here for when you are hungry. Ao’nung will come by later with some more food”
You bid her goodbye. Listening to the waves. The calming of Eywa all around you. It made you thankful. Thankful to be alive at this very moment.
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myokk · 3 months
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The Babbit siblings, Leonard & Eloise 🫶
Info about their dynamics/more about Leo:
This is also super dramatic😆 idk what sort of mood I was in when I made all of this up🙏
He’s one year older than Eloise. Ever since she was born, he’s been fiercely protective of her and loves her so much. His first year at Hogwarts, he kept sending her long letters about how amazing it was and how he was excited to show her everything the following year (even though it was all but assumed she was a squib, he still believed she would show magic & be admitted). Leonard was going to be such a proud big brother😭😭 not embarrassed about her at all but showing her off etc😭😭😭😭 The summer after his first year was the worst of his life. It was the summer Eloise was exiled from their family….he witnessed the whole thing…their mom completely lost it (á la Bellatrix) and would have killed Eloise if their father hadn’t intervened on time (but their father had watched and let it get to that point😔). Leo was left alone with a dying little sister and he didn’t know how to help her….he’d only JUST finished his first year of Hogwarts…and then she was taken away and their parents pretended like she had never existed. He had to as well…what else could a 12-year-old who’d been taught by birth to obey his parents do??
(it was IMPOSSIBLE to forget her…and yet he had to try bc the parents are really manipulative and emotionally abusive…and he was always raised to be the perfect son) And then when he returned to Hogwarts…he saw two twins who were also quiet and reminded him a lot of his sister. Their parents had just died and he kind of put his energy that he had been going to use to show Eloise everything etc into them and he became really close with them & Ominis. He and Ominis were also close because they have some experiences in common & honestly at the end of the day there isn’t that much difference in their ages) But then…after Anne was cursed Leo was DEVASTATED. He was going to lose another girl who was like a sister to him….bc of his parents he had never told them about Eloise (nobody except their family knew about her existence) and so he and Sebastian got into a HUGE fight. Because Sebastian had never heard of Eloise, when he saw that Leo was just as devastated as HE was… there was just no way that Leo could understand what he was going through, and Leo had no right to be affected as much as HE WAS😤
Like the dumb teenage boys they are, they couldn’t deal with their big emotions (Leo is also a lot like Eloise in that aspect probably bc of their parents…pushing away any uncomfortable emotions instead of dealing with them, until it builds and builds and he just explodes when they’re too much) and he and Sebastian took it out on each other and instead of talking they had a duel that almost killed each other😤😭😤😭 ever since then they’ve hated each other with a passion.
Pffffffff Eloise had no idea….she was really getting along with Sebastian but also wasn’t saying her last name at all and so the two of them had already started to kind of be friends before Sebastian found out that she was LEO’S SISTER😫😤😤 then he hated her too!! Bc he thought that she was in with her brother and they had worked together to TRICK HIM like a little evil inside joke…playing with Sebastian and his emotions like the previous yesr😔😔😔 (Obviously wasn’t the case, Sebastian just jumps to conclusions without thinking which is ALSO what happened when he and Leo had their huge fight😤)
But yeah now that Eloise is back Leo doesn’t know what to do….he recognized her immediately when she walked in the Great Hall to be sorted…🤯🤯 but he isn’t good with feeling emotions and neither is she and neither of them know how to recreate the close relationship they had as children😫😫
Leo is serious, quiet, bad with emotions, but when he lets someone in they are a part of his life forever (yes even Sebastian the dumbass)
Some excerpts from my fic that involve Leo 💓 it’s Eloise/Sebastian alternating POV, so this is all Eloise’s perspective:
“Leo had changed since Eloise last saw him. Of course he had, she thought to herself. It had been five years, after all. The same unruly black curls, same eyes. And yet…he almost seemed a stranger to her. He was taller, face more angular and defined than it had been at thirteen. Voice deeper. But, the expression of vulnerability and guilt written all over his face was something she recognized well. It was the same expression that he had the last time he saw her, the face she sometimes saw before falling asleep. Just as quickly as it flashed across his face however, it was gone, hidden behind a stony exterior. His expression hardened and he sat down just as quickly as he had stood up, averting his eyes. The students sitting around him were looking between the two of them curiously but before Eloise could begin to process this new situation, she felt a gentle push on her shoulder.”
“Her relationship with her brother had always had an undercurrent of fear running through it. No matter how hard she tried as a child, there was always something she had done wrong, and Leo was always there to protect her. Or try to, anyway. The two of them had always lived under the shadow of their parents’ abuse and didn’t know any other way of relating to each other.
But here, with Anne, Leo was murmuring apologies into her hair as she cried, reassuring and comforting her in a way he had never been able to with his own sister.
Eloise felt sick. Sick at seeing them, sick at her own jealousy. Had Leo replaced her with Anne - that year when Eloise was supposed to join Hogwarts - to try and cover the bitter disappointment of not being able to proudly show off his younger sister? They had spent so many nights that summer before her Hogwarts letter never came, sneaking out to the garden late at night, Leo reassuring her that she would be fine and telling her about all of the magic and wonder at Hogwarts that was waiting for her. He promised her that she could sit with him on the train, that he wouldn’t be embarrassed by her.
And then…
Turning away from the two of them, Eloise headed towards the apples. She hated the emotions roiling around inside of her. She should be happy. She had saved Anne, and now things were going to go back to normal, how they were before she arrived. Eloise trailed her hand on the back of the couch, trying to focus on the feeling of soft velvet, calm her racing emotions.”
If you read all of this….You’re amazing & I love you🥹💓🥹💓 tbh I have MORE about the two of them & their family, but this was already getting so long😵‍💫
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starogeorgina · 2 years
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Killer queen
Warnings: Incest, sexual content
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen × Targaryen OC
Your earliest memories of Aemond are of him crying out of loneliness in his nursery. You don’t remember much from that time in your life given that you are only a year older than him, but you remember how desperate he was for love and attention.
Your parents, King Viserys and Queen Alicent, didn’t know how to treat you or your siblings. Your father never got over the death of his first wife, Aemma, your oldest sister Rhaenyra’s mother. He was destined to spend the rest of his life mourning her until the day he died, while your queen mother simply wasn’t connected to her children. She was fiercely protective of you all but wasn’t interested in really getting to know her children.
As a result, Aegon turned to drinking and whoring himself to find comfort. Helaena developed a very strong interest in insects, and although you found it peculiar, you were glad she seemed content to spend most of her time alone studying them. Over the years, your mother pushed for you to act like a "proper lady," but that was never who you were. Ser Criston Cole taught you how to fight; at first he refused, but you wore him down eventually by reminding him constantly that the Targaryens have many enemies and you should at least know how to defend yourself.
Aemond was different; he didn’t need interests or hobbies; he needed to be loved.
Not getting the affection he needed from either parent or his other siblings, Aemond often turned to you for comfort, and as a result, he became overly attached. At first, you found it annoying and tried hard to break the invisible string that seemed to bond you, but everything changed when he lost his eye. You’d never know the truth of what happened between Aemond and your nephews; all you care about is that he was hurt. And after seeing how crazed your mother behaved and how laid-back your father was, you finally realized how much Aemond needed you.
And how much you needed him.
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“I want to go north.”
Your mother continues to stare out of the window, uninterested in your conversation. “Why is that?”
“I want to experience what it is to be cold.”
She rolls her eyes and stands. She lets out a deep sigh while smoothing out the dark green material of her dress. “What is the real reason?”
“Father has invited Rhaenyra and Daemon to a grand feast to celebrate the arrival of their new son. I thought it would be best if Aemond wasn’t here when they arrived.”
Aemond’s anger towards Lucerys was unhealthy, and you didn’t want the festering resentment to explode and ruin the celebration.
“Maybe the children won’t accompany them. They might stay at Dragonstone.”
“Rhaenyra would never travel so far without her children.” Your mother presses her lips together into a tight, thin line. You didn’t mean to insult her, but it appears that your words have upset her, so you try to backtrack. “I just mean she will need to keep a close eye on them; they aren’t the type of children to be left unsupervised.”
Your mother nods in agreement. “Yes, bastards are known to be a little more wild.”
You feel guilty. Your nephews were better behaved than your own brothers and had shown their family nothing but respect. You’d never admit it out loud, but your dislike for them growing up wasn’t because they were bastards; it was because Rhaenyra was their mother, and you were jealous of how she treated them.
You clear your throat, “So?”
“Very well,” she looks you up and down, then frowns. You had not long arrived back from training, resulting in your clothes being covered in mud. “But you will arrive by carriage, wear proper dresses, and behave like a lady. You will be representing House Targaryen on your travels, and I don’t want any stories of inappropriate behavior getting back to me.”
She gives you a knowing look. Unlike your father, she wasn’t willingly blind; she was aware of all the rumors surrounding your relationship with your brother. Her only comment on the situation was “don’t bear a bastard child,” so whenever you made love with Aemond you made sure to drink moon tea afterwards. Personally, you didn’t see what the big deal was when you were going to be married to him one day.
“Thank you.”
You go to leave the room, but your mother calls to you, “Have you even asked Aemond if he would like to go north?”
“I don’t need to ask him.” You hold back a smirk. “I’ll just tell him I want to go, and he’ll invite himself.”
Your mother shakes her head and closes her eyes, indicating she doesn’t want to hear anymore on the subject.
Playfully, you splash the water on the end of your fingertips in Aemond’s face, hoping to make him smile, but he just remains the same, silent with a blank expression on his face while he continues to wash your back. His mood has been sour since you told him of your plans to travel, although you weren’t sure why. He usually enjoyed being your travel companion.
Most princesses got their baths drawn and their backs washed by handmaidens, but your mother put a stop to that as soon as you and Aemond hit puberty because he was always with you, including when you washed and changed. It was mainly innocent; he just liked spending the time talking to you when nobody else was there.
You take his free hand and kiss the back of it. “What’s wrong, my love? I thought you would be happy.”
“Do you think it will be so cold that we will need to bathe together to stay warm?”
He clicks his tongue and says, “I doubt that will happen. I’m sure all your suitors will be keeping you far too busy.”
The seriousness in his voice made you pause your movements. “My suitors?”
His eye widens slightly as you turn your head to look up at him. He studies your face for a moment before his features soften. Aemond kisses the tip of your nose. “It’s not important.”
A pressure builds in your chest. It takes you a second to recognise that to be the feeling of dread. The feeling as if you were an observer looking in hit you hard. Aemond was keeping something from you. “Aemond! Tell me!”
He snakes his arm across your chest and roughly grabs at your breast, rubbing his thumb over your hardened nipple. His lips brush against your ear. “It’s nothing; I’ve just missed you.”
“I saw you at breakfast this morning.”
“Yes,” he says, kissing your cheek. “And now it’s nighttime.”
He lets go of your breast and moves further around the side of you, his hand now stroking the side of your thigh. You knew he was holding back but decided not to push it; you’d wait until he was in a better mood before questioning him.
His fingers found their way to your core. Aemond rubs his thumb in circles over your clit. He smiles when your legs part, giving him more access. He was a master of your body and knew exactly where to touch you. He slips two fingers inside you while continuing the rubbing motion on your clit.
You grabbed Aemond by the jaw and pulled him down to kiss you. Your other hand tangled in his hair. You stay locked in a passionate kiss until you become a whimpering mess. Suddenly he pulls away, smirking, and says, “Show me how much I mean to you.”
You step out of the bath, being careful not to slip, and follow Aemond towards a chair. He pulls his trousers down to his knees and sits down on the chair, motioning for you to sit on him. You straddle either side of him, lining him up with your entrance, then sink down. You bury your head into his neck and say, “Oh god.”
He thrusts up sharply and smacks his hand against your backside hard enough for it to sting, but not so hard that it would be painful. “No, show me.”
You grip his shoulders tightly and start to ride him. Your wet body pressed against his dry clothes, leaving damp patches across them as you bounce up and down. He grabs your throat without squeezing, forcing you to look at him as his other hand starts to rub at your clit again.
“Aemond, please,” you beg as your legs start to shake.
He ceases his actions, saying, “Remind me, who gets to touch you?”
Your legs begin to ache, adding to your desperation to climb. “You! It's only you who gets to touch me, and it will only ever be you!”
“Good girl,” he kisses you roughly, letting you go of your neck and pulling you in as close as possible with one hand while the other touches you where you need it most. “You're always such a good girl for me.”
Hearing those words, the coil building inside your stomach snaps, “Fuck Aemond!”
You dig your nails into his shoulder, leaving red marks on his skin, and the feeling that you clench around him causes his own orgasm. After he’s cums, Aemond stays inside you while catching his breath. You fall forward, and he kisses your cheek.
Between pants, he asks, “When do we leave?”
“So are you coming with?”
“My sweet Ashara, there’s nowhere in this world I wouldn’t follow you.”
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
Tía Y/N (Madrigal triplets & Reader) part 2
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Part 1
Alma tried not to laugh and maintain a serious face, but it was quite difficult when her triplets, all 50 years old with their own families, ran as a soul that the devil carries to avoid what everyone is afraid of: la chancla.
She didn't really know what was happening, it had been a quiet and normal morning, with the whole family taking a day off to enjoy each other's company. She had been embroidering with Mirabel in the living room (she did it more and more often, in an attempt to fix the relationship with her younger granddaughter), when Isabela and Camilo had entered laughing out loud, with Felix and Luisa smiling behind them.
They did not even have time to ask what happened before three green, yellow and blue spots flew next to them, with a very angry Y/N yelling from upstairs.
Alma was no fool, she knew that you, her eldest daughter and the one who reminded her most of Pedro (at least in appearance), had long taken the role that corresponded to her in the life of the triplets. On the one hand, she was happy they had you, but on the other it hurt her heart and guilt consumed her for knowing that she was never really present in her children's life to the point where they had to turn to you for help.
She never knew when Bruno had told you that he didn't want to have his own family, that he was not interested in having a partner of any kind. She wasn't present when Pepa had run to you on the first day of her period, or in the long night talks about crushes when she met Félix. She didn't even know that Julieta liked women too.
Just a few months ago she had discovered that Pepa calmed down when she was caressed, that Bruno liked to play the guitar or that Julieta loved painting and that the beautiful pictures in your room were made by her. In truth, she didn't know her own children. But you did.
You had been with them on every step of the road, even when they took different paths, you had never let them be lost for a long time. A task that you later performed with the grandchildren as well. Isabela and Dolores had learned to walk with you, Luisa always looked up to you especially when she had a problem, Camilo told you the secrets that he could never tell his parents, Antonio still followed you around all day when he was feeling sad and Mirabel...for the girl you were the whole world. There was absolutely nothing that she didn't tell you.
You were the only other family member besides her grandmother who didn't have a gift, you understood what it was to grow up with magical siblings when there was nothing special in you, you understood the looks of people's judgment, murmurs and teasing. That was why you had made your special mission to make the girl protected from all that.
Little by little, you wove a warm blanket of love and humility, you taught her that she did not need to have a gift to be a light, to shine and be a source of comfort. Mirabel could be identical to Julieta in appearance, but she was definitely a coal copy of you in everything else.
It took her too long to realize it, but now Alma understood that the miracle, the magic, was not what united them, that it was only a feature that most of them shared and nothing else. The answer was you. Really, you were the angel who kept the family together.
...And that's why no one should mess with you, unless they wanted all of heaven's strength chasing them. Or that it was one of the triplets. 50 years and they had not yet learned not to make you angry? Or perhaps it was their way of getting your attention when they felt you were abandoning them for the grandchildren.
A silly thought perhaps, but children will always be children, and the age did not matter, they would always need even if it was just a hug from their mother. And you were definitely the triplets' mother, no matter how much it hurt her.
"What do you think happened?" Mirabel whispered, taking her out of her thoughts
"I don't know" Alma smiled "but it must have been bad if your mother is running too"
It was true. Of the three, Julieta was usually the one that was spared from your fury. It was no secret to anyone that she was your favorite sister/daughter/family/person, despite Pepa and Bruno's anger, who would always get offended when her sister avoided your scolding.
"What about Julieta?! She also helped with the joke!" they would said
"Maybe, but she looks cute doing it" you'd shrug "besides, who could be mad at this precious face?" You would add while taking your sister by the cheeks
Your younger siblings would cross their arms and looked at you with an annoyed pout while a black cloud hovered on the redhead, and Julieta simply let you use her cheeks as a squishy and fill her face with kisses (something she took from you and did with her niece, nephews and daughters too), while she smirked at them. 
The only times she actually got scolded was when she wasn't taking care of her own health. So either Julieta just wanted to do exercise or whatever the hell they did was really stupid and dangerous.
"YOU'RE ALL SO GROUNDED!!" You growled when you managed to get to the first floor.
You cursed Casita for siding with the triplets and letting them run while it trapped you on the second floor, but that didn't mean they were safe. Nope, there was no escape. 
"What happened, mija?" Alma asked you walking up to you
"Your mocosos share the same fried brain cell and unfortunately for them, it wasn't Julieta's turn to have It" you growled 
Your mother laughed and rolled her eyes fondly. She knew that you loved your siblings more than anything and that any insult you might have for them would never come out of the heart, just from a motherly anger, and there was something she could think that this was about. 
"Did they try to test Julieta's gift with poisoned food again?" She asked 
"They tried to test my patience" you answered "they used arsenic, mom. ARSENIC!"
Okay, that was new. Alma felt bad for thinking it, but she could have expected something that stupid and irresponsible from Pepa and Bruno, but Julieta? She knew better than that, she wasn't a silly girl who didn't know what arsenic could do. She must have been really desperate to get your attention if she let her siblings drag her into that.
"How are they even alive?" She gasped
"Félix caught them before they could even finish the empanadas and ran to tell me" you sighed "and I'm glad he did"
"Of course, I don't want to thinking what could have happened to them"
"And because now I can kill them myself" 
Alma looked at you for a moment. You were frowning and looked ready to hit whoever stood in front of you, but she was still your mother and she could see the fear in your eyes, and honestly, she felt it too. She followed your gaze to see her younger children still running and she made a note to scold them right after you.
You felt your mom's aura changing and knew she was on your side, so you smirked and took your sandal with a single move, your eyes never leaving your adorably stupid siblings.
"Who do you want me to hit?" You asked, just for fun 
Alma thought about it for a second. Julieta would definitely get the worst scolding once they were back for letting the other two convince her to do something stupid, but you both knew it hadn't been her idea. It probably wasn't even Bruno's, but there was someone who had never feared death nor god. 
"The middle one" she told you 
You nodded and focused on your victim for a moment before your chance flew directly at her. Your smirk never left your face and grew even more when Pepa fell to the ground after it hit her right in the head. Bruno and Julieta didn't even look at their fallen sister, they just ran faster to save their lives. 
"AND YOU BETTER BRING IT BACK TO ME, YOUNG LADY" You yelled at the redhead while the whole family laughed behind you. 
These three would be the end of you one day, you were sure of that. But god knew you wouldn't have them any other way. Besides, they were your cute little babies, so you guessed that gave them some points too.
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alicentsultana · 6 months
Where do I even begin ?
Oh let’s start with the fact that your writing style was INSANE .I really love the way you describe things .Dark Alicent my beloved you were done justice in this .
And Alicent having Aegon to attend lessons ma then granting him so wine was such a goof bit and I do think that was in character for both of them .
Alicent played the dutiful way after Viserys died (“Let him rest!”) was such a delicious detail .I really felt for Aegon when he takes the throne and it’s such a nightmare but if he stays delusional his family (and any possibility of recognition)is dead .I SEE what you were doing with Helaena’s warnings and I love it .
The politics in this were all so delicious .Weird word for talking about politics but reading about the Black box and Corlys as hand and Lord Arryn and Rhaenyra’s pregnancy was so engaging .
Alicent losing three kids was a change that struck me ,and I find it interesting because a lot of women lost children in medieval times and now we don’t even know if they actually lost them or even had them so it was interesting in the historical sense .And really sad because the scene where she is caressing her empty belly really did something to me .I stared at the phone for like ten minutes .
Alicole in this was INSANE ,like wdym she literally said she wanted to have his babies ? What do you mean she’s PLANNING to make him hers ? Not that it makes me unhappy actually I was kicking my feet the entire time .
Alicent’s dream was such a haunting and good bit .Aemond being his cunty self my beloved .And you mentioning Daeron with Criston …the way you wiew Daeron is so heartwarming he is such a KID .
And ofc her last words to Viserys were so cunty and so hunting .The way she took his life and the only possibility to ease his guilt after what he did to Aemma was probably the best bit of the entire chapter .”See you in Hell” GODD
I’m so ready for the second chapter and I really thank you for this fic already because it made my day better .
Omg, thank you so much!
Lessons in exchange for wine is something that totally would happen, this is soft manipulation/motivation.
Alicent must be a cancer, I can feel it, it's in my blood. I have wondered for a long time what is a major manipulation feature one can express, and I totally would play dumb and heartbroken just to see the outcome and cover my actions, I gave her this to make her truly unhinged.
Aegon is doing it for his children and his siblings, this is the sole reason, wine also. I think he used Helaena's vision to justify his actions and feel less guilty about it, but don't worry, there will be no remorse coming.
I'm not a politics girl, like I don't understand anything about it, so in my head I always justify everything as "political undisclosed reasons", but then, Alicent is a politician, her father and life taught her the hard way, so she had, as queen mediator, to act. Including taking risks with helping Corlys raise to position - one snake + one snake = naja and coral. She must be suttle, must analyze everything, every step, no faux pas.
Corlys is playing for the winning team when is convenient, though don't ask me what he will tell his wife.
I also pondered who would be a major Lord who could prove himself against Rhaenyra, and who better than the brother of her mother. Throughout s1 she stroked me as being relapse and naive about the power of court women, while Alicent entertained them, Rhaenyra was mostly doing faces and throwing some tantrums. Who's to say she wouldn't offend, unknowingly, a member of her own extended family? The Arryns are a super important house, and are her relatives, losing them is losing the vale.
Let's not mention Viserys health deteriorating and her doing what? Thousands years of honeymoon? Alicent was pregnant and holding a child while the world was falling apart and pretty girl was doing what? This will be brought up again in the future. Viserys would 100% overlook and think nothing of it (as always).
I have an hc that she had at least three more pregnancies, though she would have lost them by natural causes, I decided to make her get rid of them herself, and lamenting it because obviously she wouldn't want to do it, but she couldn't bring herself to birth more children to an ungrateful crown. I believe after Aemond, she would often tell Criston like "oh, i wish they were yours" both because she lost faith in Viserys, but also because Criston was the dadTM and she's in love with him.
They are very much aware of their feelings, but my intention was to do it much more mature and heavy, more wild and on edge, they are certainly more touchy, more open, not that many notice or see it happening beyond some of her servants and Westerling (he have a keen eye).
But again, they would never be caught red handed (god I really want to post the second chapter, people will scream).
Even if he's already hers, Alicent doesn't content herself with halves, she wants the whole meal, the whole experience.
Daeron will always be a baby, he's not allowed to grow up, he stays in mini size, pocket size. Though she would want it, Alicent won't get pregnant again, she doesn't have the energy to do so, and she is Dowager Queen, she has an image to keep.
She hates Viserys, like, actively, fervently. Alicent wanted to say those words when he was alive but she couldn't risk him not dying.
I'm so glad this made your day better, this is always the major intent! Chapter 2 will come soon, I'll try to post it as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for reading and telling me what you thought of it!
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artcompany1 · 2 years
Random Afton family headcannons because I'm bored
Born in 1943
Was raised by abusive parents. Went to college in the US to get away from them.
Is a CSA survivor and will murder a pedophile in a heartbeat. (I literally only have this headcannon because I hate the "Will raped the missing children" headcannon with a passion).
Is terrified of rodents and bugs.
Developed a crush on queen Elizabeth after watching her crowning ceremony on tv. Still sorta does tbh
Has bunny teeth, is insecure about it.
Smiles when upset, giving everyone the impression that he's always happy.
Had bit of a fling turned relationship with Henry after Mrs. Afton died. And while she was alive towards the end.
Very good at performing (singing dancing etc.) and taught all of his kids how to as well. The whole family is very talented.
Made up a song as a kid that he'd sing whenever he was upset and needed comfort cuz you know his parents aren't doing it. He'd eventually turn it into a lullaby and sing it to his kids.
Workaholic. Spent very little time at home. Even then he was still in his office working.
Despite this he did truly love his family. Especially his children.
Was very loving with his kids on the few occasions he did spend time with them.
Very bad at showing genuine affection and emotion, comes of as awkward and stilted.
Called his kids his "bunnies".
Felt like his only source of happiness was his children.
Lost it after Evan died.
Constantly flipped between loving Michael and wanting to murder him after the bite.
Became an alcoholic.
Would get physically abusive with his kids while drunk. Mostly Michael tbh.
Would buy them expensive gifts afterwards to deal with the guilt.
Withdrew even more
Hit Charlie with his car while drunk driving, strangled her to avoid getting caught. Also to get back at Henry cuz fredbear is his suit.
The funtimes were already being made before the bite, but after Will saw Charlie and Evan possessing the animatronics he built in the child murder.
Started experimenting with remnant as a way to bring Evan back. And maybe also Charlie if he was feeling generous.
Didn't like murder at first but saw it as a necessary evil to "fix his family".
Eventually grew to like it.
Lost it even more after Elizabeth died.
Developed an abusive codependent relationship with Michael. (Not losing anymore family)
Never intended to murder Cassidy, just did it cause she walked in on him hiding Gabriel's corpse.
Did not intend for Michael to die when he sent him to circus baby's. (Tho he was "fine" with the possibility)
He was not actually fine when he found out Michael was murdered and had to suppress his guilt and grief with his hatred for Michael.
Sometimes has complete mental breakdowns over the fact that he outlived all of his children.
Suppresses a lot of guilt for making the things that killed his children.
Despite everything that happened he just wants to spend his afterlife with his children.
Mrs Afton
Laura Schmitt
Born 1941
Married William after becoming pregnant with Michael.
Was abused as a child, her and William bonded over it.
Loved to dance, her favorite being ballet.
Had dreams of being a professional dancer but had to quit after an injury kept her from going pro.
Stay at home mother.
Taught Michael how to dance.
Very calm and reserved most of the time but had a temper worse then hell.
Liked to kill rats and rodents.
Had a sadistic streak.
The only religious member of the family.
Loved soap operas
The only person who was able to put William in his place.
Her favorite was Michael.
Got postpartum depression after having Elizabeth.
Died shortly after Evan was born.
Born March 13 1969. Friday the 13th lol
Mama's boy. Spent all day with her.
Takes alot from his mom in regards to personality.
Got his love of dance from his mom.
Sucks at history, had good grades in everything else.
Did reckless shit with his friends and siblings constantly.
Adrenaline junkie.
Always had a love of fire. Started developing his pyromania early on.
Has one really sharp canine, inspired foxy to have a gold tooth.
Foxy was based on one of his drawings.
Sucks at drawing humans, gives up halfway through and makes them stick figures.
Laugh sounds like a fox.
Was very close with Elizabeth. They hung out a bunch.
Loves his siblings to hell and back, though he would rather die then tell them that.
Felt that because he looked so much like his dad he had to be like him too. Everyone expected him to as well.
Tried to rebel to establish his own sense of self.
Grew Jealous of Evan not having those expectations, this was the cause of the bullying.
Was forced to be the man of the house after Laura died, resents his siblings for being able to be children while he had to be the adult.
Secretly overprotective of his siblings, only he's allowed to tease them.
Didn't constantly bully Evan, they got along sometimes.
Became suicidal after Evan died, only held out for Elizabeth's sake.
Was homeschooled after the bite.
Became severely depressed and closed off.
Only talked to Elizabeth and William.
Had a failed attempt after Elizabeth died.
Formed an abusive relationship with William.
Did whatever William wanted him to do, felt like it was the only way for him not to screw everything up again.
Became a shell of his former self.
Has constant nightmare about what he did to his brother.
Was in denial over William being the killer, suspected Henry. Will encouraged it.
Moved in with Henry after William went into hiding, was constantly paranoid about Henry's every move.
Dated Jeremy before his bite. They broke up after the bite :(
Chose not to move out of the way of the scooper
Felt like it was his punishment for what he did to Evan and his failure to protect Elizabeth.
Rats started to live in his corpse, Michael kept them as pets.
Despite how many times they've tried and succeeded to kill him he holds no ill will towards the children.
Blames himself for William's mental decline and the murders.
Born 1975
Daddy's girl
Was William's favorite
Looks just like her mom
Took after her dad personally wise
Very smart. Perfect grades.
Favorite subject is math.
Had lots of friends but was only really ever close with her best friend.
Her and Charlie were besties.
Would cry if you killed a bug in front of her.
Loved playing in the woods.
Generally was outside or thinking of being outside. Outdoor girl.
Forced her brothers to have tea parties with her.
Great actor.
Would make mini plays and force her brothers to help.
Had a bunch of blackmail on her brothers.
Got away with basically everything.
Loved playing video games.
Liked contact sports and fighting but would denie it if asked.
Would bite someone if she could get away with it.
Went through a clown phase after her family went to the circus.
Would burn down the house if left alone in the kitchen for too long.
Thought her dad was the coolest for making animatronics.
Wanted to be just like her dad.
Would sit with her dad for hours and watch him work on animatronics.
Occasionally allowed to help. Not that he let that happen often, it is dangerous after all.
Would have taken over the company when she was older.
Favorite brother was Michael.
They bonded over their expectations.
Helped Mike play pranks on their dad.
Sometimes joined in on pranking Evan but mostly stayed out of it.
Occasionally defended her little bro.
Had a good relationship with Evan.
They would play with dolls/plushies.
Was both of her brothers' favorite sibling.
People pleaser. Feels she needs to be perfect or no one will like her.
Has a complex about being the only girl in the family. Wants to be the perfect little girl.
Has a lot of repressed rage.
Doesn't remember her mother but feels she needs to be just like her.
Tried to keep her family together after Evan died.
Got scared when William drank, went Michael for protection.
Still loved Michael but they weren't as close as they Used to be.
Wanted her dad's attention to make sure he didn't abandon them.
Saw circus baby as proof that everything would turn out okay.
Cried for her father and brothers for help when she first possed baby.
Lost her mind due to prolonged isolation.
Stopped being able to tell where she ended and baby's programming began.
Developed identity issues.
Was experimented on the least out of the fun times.
Freaked out when she realized she killed Michael and not William.
Came to the conclusion that William would be the only one could love her after doing something like that.
Wanted to make him proud so she would have one person still like her.
Eventually the rest of ennard found out about her feelings towards William and kicked her out.
Feels like Michael hates her for what she did to him. (He doesn't even blame her for it.)
Born in 1976
Cries for basically every emotion not just sadness.
Very emotional and sensitive.
Feels like the odd child out for not looking just like one of his parents, is a perfect blend of the two.
Elizabeth and Michael would gang up on him for it.
Doesn't have any friends.
Avoids getting physically bullied due to Michael threatening to beat them up.
Very quite.
Whispers when he talks.
Comes off as creepy to those outside of his family.
Snores like a bear.
Thought Michael was really cool, tried to copy him.
Doesn't remember his mother.
Always chewing on one of his plushies ears.
Bit off foxy plush's head in a fit of rage after getting bullied by Michael one too many times that day. Cried for an hour afterwards.
Really likes bears.
Saw Charlie as a second sister.
Has moments where he gets sassy, immediately gets embarrassed afterward.
Socially awkward.
Liked to read.
Constantly feels like he is being forgotten.
Started haunting Michael's nightmares after the bite.
Stuck in suit mode and couldn't move.
Had his "being forgotten" complex increase after the company pretended that he and his death never existed.
Was horrified when he found out what happened to Charlie.
Watched the mci murders, tried and failed to stop it.
Used what little control he had to stop Cassidy from getting spring locked.
Made friends with the missing children.
Didn't tell the missing children that William was his father until after he got spring trapped.
Became really close with Cassidy.
Developed a crush on her. Lol
Him and Cassidy formed a William hate loop.
Needs to work with Cassidy to move/teleport the suit.
Forgave Michael after the fazbear frights fire.
Helps Cassidy make and maintain the infinite death loop.
Hates William the most out of the Afton kids.
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edriayanieb · 7 months
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“A Childhood Filled with Wonder”
As I look back at my early years here in Lapu-Lapu City, I’ll always remember every part of my childhood that brought joy and care and was filled with bundles of love. I am glad my family has accepted and supported me since the day I was born, allowing me to freely express myself without fear or hesitation. As a child, I discovered my love for dancing and doing recreational activities. The rhythm of the music would ignite a fire within me, and I would lose myself in the joy of movement. Whether it was dancing in my living room or participating in family gatherings, I found a place and happiness in the art of dance. My home provided the perfect backdrop for my childhood adventures. Cebu provided its beautiful beaches and vibrant parks where I would run, jump, and play until my heart was content.
I remember the day when my sister-in-law brought me to the market to buy some ingredients, but suddenly I saw a bunch of toys around the place and found a small doll. I really wanted it because it was so cute, and I wanted to play with it. Without a second thought, I turned to my sister and pleaded for her to buy it for me. In that moment, I didn't care about the opinions of others or how they might perceive me. All I wanted was to hold that precious doll and play with it. Little did I know that this innocent desire would reveal a part of me that would shape my journey.
Years later, I mustered the courage to ask my sisters about that incident, curious to know how they felt when I proudly carried that doll home. Their response was filled with surprise and amusement. They couldn't believe their eyes, seeing their little sibling embrace their own unique sense of self unapologetically. It was a moment that not only revealed my true nature but also deepened the bond between us, as they embraced and celebrated my authenticity.
As a kid, I really loved going outside and traveling around the city, going to beaches, and playing with the sand with the other children. I am an imaginative kid who loves to do something, a kid who wants to explore and experience. I really love riding horses and skating on the ice rink. The first day I tried skating, it was really hard for me and I stumbled every minute, but I had the courage to learn it so I wouldn't stumble again. The feeling of freedom as I rode on cute horses or glided across the ice was exhilarating. I would spend hours building sandcastles with other children, laughing and chasing each other along the shore. As I grew up and saw my nephews and nieces doing what I loved, I felt nostalgic. Those carefree moments taught me the importance of embracing the present and finding happiness in the simplest of pleasures.
In my teenage days, socializing and fitting in with other children were quite challenging for me. I remember feeling a bit lost and unsure of where I belonged. Making new friends seemed like an uphill battle, but as luck would have it, I stumbled upon some amazing individuals who turned out to be amazing friends. It all happened accidentally, as if the universe had a hand in bringing us together. We would explore the city, try new activities, and support each other through the ups and downs of teenage life. These friendships became the anchor that helped me navigate the challenges of adolescence.
When I was 15, I joined a church ministry, and it changed my life. Being a part of a church ministry offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, spiritual development, and connecting with a community of like-minded individuals. It's a place where we can learn, serve, and find support in our faith journey.
Besides, that teenage year was a grateful memory. I discovered new hobbies and a new favorite movie, whether it was painting, playing an instrument, or even joining a sports team. Each new hobby allowed me to express myself and tap into my creativity. Through these experiences, I learned the importance of seeking out what truly brings me happiness and fulfillment. It taught me to embrace my individuality and to never be afraid of exploring new interests. Self-discovery is a beautiful journey, and my teenage years were instrumental in shaping who I am today. My favorite music was my soundtrack in my teenage years, and it was my best friend. Discovering music is my favorite thing to do. I got to discover new genres and music. Watching movies is also my favorite hobby, and I’ve always loved to see new plots. It inspired me to film movies and create different stories, which brought joy to my life.
As I turn 18, I’ve matured and realized that life is not always perfect. We come to understand that achieving our goals and dreams requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It's no longer about waiting for things to magically fall into place, but rather taking initiative and actively pursuing what we want. This newfound maturity brings with it a sense of responsibility and independence. We start to make our own decisions and face the consequences of those choices. It can be both exciting and daunting, but it's all part of the journey of growing up. It made me become independent and strong when choosing a path that we wanted, growing up taught us to be mature and grow stronger. It will help us develop new learning and leadership skills. Speaking of leadership, I really wanted to the person who can help and serve other people and be a good influence. So that's why I joined the SSG organization so that I could learn more about leadership skills. It's not all about doing it for yourself, but doing it for our community. Joining this organization taught us to be independent, both physically and emotionally.
So every day, I hope God will give us more blessings and provide us with bundles of love. I am very grateful because God has given us more lives to live. I am praying for the safety of my family and friends.
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umi-adxhira · 1 year
Idk if it’ll make sense but like tragic HCs👁️👁️
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍ ʀᴇx, ʜᴀʀʀɪꜱᴏɴ ɢʀᴀʏ, ʟɪᴀᴍ ᴇᴠᴀɴꜱ, ᴇʟʙᴇʀᴛ ɢʀᴇᴇᴛɪᴀ, ᴀʟꜰᴏɴꜱᴇ ꜱʏʟᴠᴀᴛɪᴄᴀ, ʀᴏɢᴇʀ ʙᴀʀᴇʟ, ᴊᴜᴅᴇ ᴊᴀᴢᴢᴀ, ᴇʟʟɪꜱ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ, ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀ
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: These are gonna be hella short because I don't know a lot of the game's lore. These headcanons are not accurate in any way shape or form
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He's claimed to be living by his own rules, which means a lot of rule breaking, like laws or customs. I feel like he had a close friend just like himself, who lost his life to a mistake William made. Since he died, he never once talked about him but occasionally visits his grave and apologises
He used to be an honest man, but it had to take losing his own sister to realise that the world is a cruel place, so he lies to protect others he cares about, something he should have done for his sister
Maybe when he was young, his mother forced him to become a woman so she could sell him off as a bride for some extra money. He didn't want to live in this lifestyle so he ran away and started living life on his own terms
Always in competitions with his siblings to see who was the prettiest. (Maybe his father married multiple women, and they gave birth to many children, so Elbert had a lot of half siblings) When one child couldn't make the cut, they were killed. Sometimes, even Elbert had to kill his own siblings
His father was a detective as well, how was killed in a crossfire. Only a few years after his desth did he realise it was intentional. So every day, Alfonse vows to find his father's killer
He was found in the rain just outside of the city, cold, hungry, and alone by a travelling doctor who took him in. He taught him everything he knew until he went insane and almost tried to kill Roger
Tears falls out of his eyes when he coughs due to his condition. He smokes to cause himself pain, which hurts him mostly late at night. He thinks he deserves this pain, and from causing his family so much hurt, he thinks they will never forgive him
Was part of a noble family who had to be "picture-perfect," so he was forced to be the perfect little boy when behind the scenes his father would abuse him for the tiniest mistake
He found a kid on the streets and took care of him but neglected him for some time, not realising his corpse was rotting away in his bedroom from malnutrition until it was too late
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©️umi-adxhira [25/06/2023]
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fenandfield · 2 years
I am 21 years old and I am the product of cultural genocide.
Or the attempt of, so to speak.
My fathers mother was one of thousands who were taught to relearn who they were. Made to be right handed. Made to speak English alone. Made to hate where they came from. Made to hide who they were.
And the teachings of our grandfathers were never passed down.
I have never had to suffer the transition of assimilation. I was born into a line of trees with notches in their trunks. Doomed from the start to slant away from my elders. My culture. The life I should have led.
And it feels strange. To know that there was a life you were supposed to have, but never got, because of the violent actions of those who believe themselves to be better.
Stranger, perhaps, to have grown up blissfully unaware of your own heritage. My own father never acknowledging that he was any different apart from the shade of his skin, teaching me, and my siblings, that there was nothing special about being Anishnaabe.
It is special.
I am special.
I carry the scars of the past. I am the voice of those who were forced to stay quiet. I am relearning what was lost and reigniting the flame of a culture nearly destroyed by those who oppress.
Today, we mourn for those lost in the fight that should have never happened. The babies who never got to go home, laid to rest in unfamiliar dirt. The children shunned from their families because their hair had been cut. Unrecognizable. The families stripped of their names. The people without an identity.
Take up your cedar and your tobacco. Offer your thoughts to those still suffering. Listen to the teachings of those who still remember, and give your thanks to the ones standing above all the noise.
And of course, if you can, wear orange on this day of truth and reconciliation.
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aikoiya · 11 months
LoZ - The Twili & the Sols
The Interlopers were a splinter cell within the Sheikah Tribe that betrayed the Royal Family before OoT took place.
We all know of the Hylian Royal Family's bloody history. So, it's unsurprising that many of those who were tasked with the role of interrogator or executioner may have eventually decided that too much was too much.
However, in rebelling against the king, they assassinated his wife. Thus began the Hyrulean Civil War that spawned the Era of Time. A war that eventually ended in the near extinction of the Sheikah Tribe as a whole.
Eventually, the Interlopers were captured & banished to the Twilight Realm.
The Sols were created when the leader of the Interlopers cried out in despair for their first god. The one that brought them into being. That brought the Sheikah to life. So many millennia ago. The one that they'd abandoned so long ago in favor of Hylia & then later, the Aureliad.
Not Hylia, but Sheikaku, the Fierce Deity & the dark mirror to Hylia's light.
It was the first time in centuries that anyone had called out to him even in search of aid.
So, having a strong connection to twilight as a god of the moon, one of the bunshin that he left behind before giving up his godhood appeared in the form of a great, silvery-white & abyssal black wolf. The colors swirled together in the half-light, dark & light. And even the darkness shimmered faintly while the light was not so obtrusive that it hurt to look at.
Its eyes shone a blueish silvery-white like twin moons. And upon its forehead was a peculiar mark.
The beast was hazy & mist-like, but still present. If it'd not been a literal world of twilight, then the bunshin would've been unable.
The Sheikah traitor fell to his knees & begged for his help.
Then the blue-eyed beast spoke into his mind.
"Though you have strayed, I still see a capacity for good in my children, so I will do what I am able. I will not take revenge upon your enemies for they are as your siblings & I do not forsake my children even ones in spirit. However, I can teach you how to survive in this world."
"The nature of twilight is that light blends with shadow. It is dusk, but it is also dawn. For too long have your people tarried entirely in the darkness & that is partially how you've been led astray. As Sheikah, your nature is that of both, so you must learn to find a balance. I have lost much power since I was last called upon. It is therefore fortuitous that you do not need my power, merely my tutelage."
"You already have the tools by which you can survive within yourselves, neglected though they are. I shall then instruct you on how to draw it out. It is time to re-embrace your own inner light while not turning away from the shadow for it is as much a part of you as that light. This will allow you & your brethren to adapt to this half-light world that you've been banished to, thus allowing you to survive."
So, he first taught the Interlopers how to adapt their shadow magic to flow through them so that they would not be destroyed by the realm around them. Thus, they became the Twili.
Then, once they were no longer in immediate danger, he taught them how to draw out the light inside, something that no Sheikah had done since long before the Era of the Picori.
Finally, as things began to become dire once more, the leader manifested an orb of light. A Sol.
And thus the Sheikah, forsaken by the light, learned to find light within themselves & survive in a place of pervading darkness.
Before disappearing, the blue-eyed beast prophesied that 2 other Divine Beasts would one day appear before them. One of gold to watch over them & one with eyes so blue they pierce the murk of the twilight. This blue-eyed beast would save them from another disaster should they show themselves to be once more willing to work for that aid.
Thus was the first Divine Beast.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist 2
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Legend of Lightning Chapter 66: Family, Found and Real
Vajra was apprehensive about going down memory lane, given his nightmares were populated by phantoms from his past. And yet, he also felt a deep relief, like he was acknowledging a portion of himself.
“Tell me about your family, your direct family. Start with your parents and… second mothers.”
“My mother was Anagha. I was her only child. She taught me a lot herself. How to stalk and hunt game, swim, fish, climb, wrestle, and how to cook. Jamuna taught me how to use the spear and sword. Not that it got very far; I just learned the basics. Shruthi was one of the women who watched over all the tribe’s children. She taught us all how to sing and dance. I loved dancing especially. My father Sanjaya was mute, but he was the strongest man in the village. He taught me how to listen, in addition to sign language. Our version, that is. It’s very practical, but limited. He also took me on a few excursions sometimes, to show me how to find my way through rough terrain. He let me ride the yaks sometimes.” Vajra chuckled. “They were hairy and smelly, but loyal and kind. They could and would drive away predators, but never attacked us.”
“Tell me about your siblings.”
“I had six half-sisters. Trilochana, Kali, Kamakshi, and Shreya were Shruthi’s daughters. Bhuvana and Swathi were Jamuna’s. Shreya was a year younger than me, Swathi was a month older. Trilochana was twelve. They were getting ready to put her through the first rite of passage, to prove that she was ready to be an apprentice.”
Unbidden, images formed in his head. Images of their corpses. Swathi’s mouth had been burned all through, probably a sign that Bellicose had fed her his Lightsaber. Trilochana had been sliced into fourths. He had found her with her face down, recognizable only by her favorite ornament; a pretty rock set in a hairpin. Shreya had been squashed under a rock, her bones crushed under the force. He hadn’t found the others before happening upon his mother’s body.
The memories did not raise much emotion within, other than a righteous anger against the Sith’s callous disregard for life. And a disgust at seeing innocent children dead.
“I can see where your mind went just by looking at your eyes,” the doctor sighed. “You remembered their deaths, didn’t you?”
Vajra nodded and told her what had come to him just now, and she shook her head in disgust.
“You may be relieved to not feel any torment, the way you do for Uphrades. But do you feel any sense of loss? Of longing?”
“A little.”
For the first time, Doctor Row looked angry with him. She rose out of her seat and began pacing the room. “Tell me. Imagine for a moment that you know you’ll lose your emotions again one day, including your feelings for Jasme and Kira. How would you react to that knowledge? Are you willing to let your love for your friends be excised?”
Vajra shivered. He could not answer.
“Now think about this; based on what you told me, you loved your family a great deal more than you do the girls in your life today. Imagine that. Imagine what you have lost, in exchange for that peace of mind. Was it worth it?”
Again, Vajra could not bring himself to answer.
Row sat back down and massaged her temples. “I shouldn’t be so mad at you. From your perspective, not having more souls crying out in your nightmares must be a huge plus, am I correct?”
“I can’t take any more of them,” he answered weakly.
“I understand. But if you were in a better place, mentally, you might be horrified. In fact, knowing what kind of person you are, I’d bet half a year’s salary on it.”
“What kind of person am I?”
“A warm, soft child who is horrified by violence. One who revels in the presence of his loved ones. But I’m afraid ethics and sentiment aren’t the only reason I’ve filed a formal complaint against Master Oteg.”
“You’ve filed a report against Master Oteg?”
“Yes. You see, his actions have left you vulnerable to your emotions. You will always be a lot less emotionally mature than you would have been, had he allowed more conventional means of helping you.”
“What?” Vajra sat up straighter. “But I’m not that immature, emotionally… am I?”
“Perhaps not. Uupa WenSuul’s lessons have sprouted deep roots in your heart. Patience and even-temperedness will always be your hallmarks, I think. It took some real doing for Angral to break your calm. But you take in guilt like a sponge. Have you noticed that?”
“I don’t…”
“Perhaps you haven’t, but can you deny what I said? You felt guilty about the Khrayii and Power Guards you killed. You feel guilty about Uphrades. You feel guilty about letting Tarnis and the defectors of Havoc Squad escape. You feel responsible for every life you couldn’t save. How much faster can you be? How many places can you be in at the same time? Can the Raudra create clones of themselves?”
“Then why do you believe you should have been able to reach Uphrades in time? We’ve already established that visions are iffy.”
Vajra swallowed. “What I’m about to tell you stays with us. Don’t put this in your notes. Don’t tell Master Satele, don’t tell anyone.”
She looked at him slowly. He told her slowly about his special gift, the Shattersense.
He then opened his third eye. “This eye of mine is blind. It happened when I was young. Since I can’t use it for natural sight, I trained myself to separate mundane sight and Force sight between my eyes. My lower two see the real world. My third sees the tapestry that is the Force. I can See it. The flows, the cracks, the breaks. I can see it all. But as I am, I can’t comprehend it. Do you understand? If I had practised my Sight instead of my swordsmanship—”
“Then you’d have been able to reach Angral, but not stop him. You’d be in his grasp, the way he’s in ours. And Uphrades would still be dead, as would everyone on Tython. Including Jasme. Sight is good, but not that great.”
“If I had seen, I could have gotten them to evacuate. The Masters would have been waiting for Angral. He’d have walked into a trap.”
“Perhaps. What are the odds you could have managed it though? From what you described, your Sight sounds like something that would take many lifetimes to master. You’re working on ‘maybes’ with this line of thought. Look instead at what happened. You saved Master Satele and Jasme. You saved Ranna.”
Vajra felt a stone sinking into the pit of his stomach. Another person he hadn’t thought about in days. Whose feelings he’d ignored when he tried to end his own life. Had she heard about his suicide attempt yet? How badly had she taken it?
“Tell me more about your feelings for Satele.”
“Eh?” He wondered why she’d gone there all of a sudden.
“She’s quite popular, you know.”
“Can’t imagine why. Anyway, the first time I saw her, my eyes almost popped out of my skull. I thought she was among the beautiful women I’d ever seen, and Jasme was sitting in the room with me at the time!”
Doctor Row chuckled.
“I… I was honored to have the Lightsabers she loaned me. They felt even more special when I found out—” he almost kicked himself for nearly blurting it out, but Row waved her hand.
“I know that she’s Jasme’s mother. In fact, I know who the father is. I am her therapist to this day. Rest assured, there are few secrets she hasn’t shared with me.”
“She still needs therapy?”
“Yes. I’m sure you noticed, but she’s rather isolated and alone. Therapy is where she gets things off her chest. She has talked about you quite often, usually in conjunction with Jasme.”
“Are you allowed to tell me that?”
“This level of detail? Of course. Satele is quite fond of you. I’m sure she’s told you that herself. And so has Jasme, by now. Satele cares more about you than any other Jedi. Or most people at all, except for Theron, Jasme, and their father. It’s not entirely for Jasme’s sake either. You’ve been asked to take on so much, and you always pull through. She feels guilty about it. And yet, proud. She takes your mental health as her personal failing. She wishes with all her heart that she could have kept you on easier missions after Tython. But you just got thrown into the Angral situation.”
“She’s definitely like a m—a m-m-mother to me. Just like Jasme’s a sister…” He had a sudden mental image of Master Satele and Jasme on Raudraksha, as a second mother and half-sister respectively. The picture felt… like it should have been real. Like it was the most beautiful what-if that would never exist. “I love her just like Jasme,” he admitted. “Maybe not as strong, but it’s there.”
“Know that it’s mutual. And know that she doesn’t give it freely. That you won her love means that you’re a good child.”
“Or lucky. Jasme’s the one she really loves. I just got a fast pass.”
“She didn’t love Tomas Vance. Barely gave him a second glance. Nor has she loved anyone else who Jasme befriended.”
“What does all this mean?”
“It means, that you also saved someone who sees you as a son. In a way, you saved your family from the deranged Sith Lord this time. Think on that, okay?”
Satele sat in her chambers, enjoying a rare moment of solitude. For reasons she didn’t quite know yet, she was taking Doctor Row’s advice. She was composing a letter to Vajra, to tell him what his struggles truly meant to her. For her own sake, and Jasme’s, but mostly for his.
“My Dear Son,” she had begun. The opener still made her blush hot crimson. “We’ve not really talked in any capacity too far outside our roles as Jedi Master and Knight until today. But there’s some things I absolutely need to tell you about.”
Her intake of breath was very shaky, owing to the fact that her heart seemed to have jumped into her throat.
“Moving on for now, why don’t you tell me about your upbringing by Uupa?”
“My first memory of her is when my basic was still bad. We relied on a droid to translate. And teach. KV-220F. He was assigned to take care of Master WenSuul, who was already getting old. One of the droids assigned to Master Oteg gave him the files on my language. I didn’t know how she expected to behave with her at first, so I treated her as one of the elders I was often assigned to accompany. Like Parijatha, especially. I stayed as close to her as I could, took care of her chores and stuff. But at the time, she was still able to do most of it, albeit slowly, so she didn’t appreciate it. She did approve of the attitude, however. She set me on helping others instead. Most of the people there were alright humoring the cantankerous Jedi, even if it meant accepting the help of a small alien child few could understand. They started to appreciate having an extra pair of hands.”
“Or two,” Row chuckled.
“Some of them were mechanics and repair shop owners. These were happiest with my help, since they were almost always overburdened. They asked Master WenSuul to send me over two afternoons a week, in exchange for some extra credits. She was living off her stipend, but thought it would be a good way to teach me how money worked. I also helped some of the poorer or older farmers during planting and harvest season. Again, I was paid a fair wage. Uphradeans weren’t big fans of exploitation.”
“What about your training?”
“Master WenSuul trained me for an hour at dawn, and two at dusk. Sometimes she trained me late at night, when she had certain lessons that were better taught when most people were asleep. She was constantly frustrated by my short range. She insisted that the problem was in my head. But I’m still limited to around fifteen meters. She gave me my first training Lightsabers a couple of weeks after I arrived. She made me take it apart and put it back together every night after I got the hang of technology. It was good practice. But mostly, she worked on making me patient and compassionate, as you’ve noticed.”
“I’m good at my work.”
“She gave me her Holocron to study the Lightsaber Forms. I started on the footwork drills within the first week of apprenticeship, and incorporated Lightsabers as soon as I got them. I would train before and after my morning sessions with her. It was a good way to start my day.”
“I’ll bet it was.”
“I also trained during the day, whenever I had ten minutes of break time.”
“Your skill had to come from somewhere.”
“There were other Jedi who came to teach me from time to time. Friends of Master WenSuul who dropped by to visit. They trained me, corrected my forms.”
“Can you tell me about them?”
“There were four of them. Rosavi Birch was a tall, serious Zabrak Jedi with tattoos on her skin. She had a Padawan named Tau, the last time she came, four years ago. Tau was silent but kind. An orphan, like me. I didn’t pry, because she was clearly still dealing with her traumatic life. She was nine, I think. Rosavi had long hair that she was proud of. Apparently, it was the only trait she inherited from her father. I made her a clasp, the last time I saw her. That was the only time I saw her beam like that.”
“Tau…” Doctor Row pressed keys on her datapad. “Rosavi Birch… ah, yes, here we go! Rosavi’s currently serving as an ambassador to the Akaza. It’s a conflict-ridden world, so Rosavi serves as an impartial judge and arbiter. You’ll be pleased to hear that Tau seems to be doing better. She has the makings of a fine Jedi Knight. She helped raid a small bandit camp two weeks ago. Her full name is Tau Idair. Maybe you’ll meet her again someday.”
“Then there’s Kresham Juure. He was a middle-aged Sephi Arkanian with a cybernetic hand, the first one I ever saw.”
“Serving on Thustra as part of the defense force. A General, I believe.”
“The Echani Jedi Germaine Hext. He’s the one who taught me Echani and Mandalorian unarmed combat, which I honed along with what my family taught me.”
“Germaine, eh?” Vajra thought he saw a hint of sorrow on her face. “He was KIA on Balmorra, fighting Lady Riiyavi Rooks. While she was the victor, she was too wounded to defeat his partner, Aryn Leneer.”
“I mourned his death. And finally, there was Harunobu Yukimura.”
“A blademaster.”
“Yes. He’s from Akaza. He was a great swordsman, better than anyone else I’ve ever faced. It was through sparring with him that I became what I am today. His Padawan, Maia Ibari, was my age. She didn’t have his knack for swordsmanship, but she was a great huntress.”
“I see… on special assignment for the Jedi Council.” She looked disappointed. “I was hoping that at least one of your old trainers would be able to come and meet you.��
“What? Why? They can’t see me like this! You want them to see me like this?!”
“Yes. You need all the support we can get you. Kira, Jasme, and your T7 aren’t enough. I’m going to ask Satele to be another you can lean on. Be sure to accept her help. Okay?”
“…” Vajra was reluctant, but in the end, all he could say was, “Okay.”
“Please forgive me for writing, instead of saying all of this in person. I’ve always had difficulty being open about my feelings, but I’ve become even more isolated in the years since being given my title. Maybe you can imagine. She’s a little awkward in her personal life, so try to make her feel comfortable.”
“She’s awkward?”
“I know, right? With her refined manner and impeccable taste, she just might be one of the most charming people in the galaxy! But she’s got her own weaknesses, the same as anyone else.”
“I’ll be mindful.”
“Good. I’ll go talk to her right now. Go back to your room. I’ll come there with her when we’re ready.”
“That day, when you saved so many lives on Tython, including your closest friend’s… you saved mine too.”
Satele reflected on that feeling. Never had she known such raw gratitude before. It was the sort of overwhelming emotion that typically saw maidens offer themselves to someone who’d just saved them.
“I’m not used to that anymore, or to Jasme being in danger at all. She may have already told you how I barely let her out of my sight in those dread hours, as if I could have protected her myself from what was coming. What’s more, the entire Jedi leadership was in peril of being wiped out. Their deaths alone would have been a more devastating and lasting blow than the Sacking of Coruscant had been. And then there are the archives. Pure luck was all that spared them the last time. This time, they’d have been lost for sure. If things had gone differently, my final thoughts would have been how the Jedi suffered such a mortal blow under my leadership. About how utterly I had failed at my entire life’s work. You spared me that. You spared all of us. The Council, High Command, the Senate, the Supreme Chancellor. People all over the Republic don’t realize just how much you saved that day. I’m sorry if this seems to lack humility, but I do not deserve to die with a regret that large. I may have been a poor mother, lover, and friend. But I gave my life to serving the Jedi and the Republic. I have dedicated every breath to that service. Seeing the Jedi survive such a threat was vindication of a sort.
“There are only twelve people who have saved me from the jaws of death, Vajra. Fewer still, who have saved everything I have fought for. And that is why I can no longer ignore what you have become to me; a second son. I can never fully adopt you, as my daughter has. But know that I will love and support you as best I can. There is a place for you in my heart.
I’ll see you soon, Satele.”
As she considered her words, her doorbell began to ring. Rather insistently too. She knew that the embarrassed part of her would stand a better chance at prevailing upon her to scrap this message, so she hit ‘send’ before answering the door. She only hoped there were no mistakes in her wording, or grammar. That would be terribly embarrassing for the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.
Vajra returned to find an extra occupant in his room.
“Ah, look who’s back!” Bengel smiled. “How was the session?”
“Not bad,” Vajra returned the smile. “We talked a lot about Master WenSuul.” He turned to the newcomer. “Who’re you?”
“Who am I?” The handsome man voiced a disappointed huff. He rounded on Kira with a flourish of his green robes, which Vajra noted, were the same color of his eyes. “Kira, I see you haven’t shown your former master any of the portraits I sent you! Have you even told him anything yet?”
“The timing’s a little bad, alright?” Kira had a half-exasperated, half-embarrassed. “I don’t think we need to talk about this now. Why are you even here?”
“Why am I here? Why am I here?” He drew himself up theatrically. “Oh, my dear! I’m here to help my sweet little warhead.” Kira blushed at that last word. Was that what he called her? Did that mean…
The man who could only be Kira’s boyfriend turned back to Vajra. His bow was worthy of the Alderaanian noble houses. “My name is Seraphim Abbot. Freshly returned from another terribly daring mission!”
“Ohhh, it’s nice to meet you at last,” Vajra offered him a hand uncertainly. “I’m sorry for not meeting you sooner. You’re a very important person to one of my closest friends after all.”
“Indeed,” Abbot raised his head. “It’s a travesty, a shame! To think she did her best to keep us from meeting! The lengths she took, the threats she made!”
“The drama classes she skipped,” Jasme giggled. She seemed to be bursting with amusement and happiness. “Just tell him already!”
“Oh, as you wish, Madam. You see, shortly after the two of you were hailed Heroes of Tython, I asked Kira to marry me. And she said yes.”
“Huh?!” Vajra’s jaw dropped. Kira buried her face in Seraphim’s back. Jasme began bouncing and making high pitched, squealing noises like a bird that had just seen her fledgelings take flight for the first time. “Th-this-this is…” Vajra giggled and sputtered uncontrollably. “Kira, can you come out so I can congratulate you?”
Kira poked her head out from behind Seraphim’s back. Her eyes were mortified and embarrassed. Her cheeks were bright pink. “You’re not angry?” she asked. “That I said ‘yes’ when you were missing?”
“How long can you keep your life on hold?” Seraphim boomed, pulling her around him. His dark arms held her firmly as she squirmed. “He’s happy you didn’t stop living, yes?”
“I am,” Vajra confirmed. He seized Kira’s hand and wrung it tightly. “Have you picked a date? A venue?”
“It’ll be a long engagement.” Kira’s answer was forced. “Aren’t you annoyed he chose now to spring it?”
“What better time?” Jasme choked. “He needs the mood lift! Just look at him; that’s the first smile I’ve seen on his face in years! The first smile in years!”
“Well, I haven’t seen you smile since you left for Nar Shaddaa.”
“Ah, yes. The Power Guard Project,” Seraphim snorted in disgust. “Yes, I’m in the loop. So anyway. Kira told me of your troubles. Confessed, more like. She didn’t admit it easily. So, I thought I’d come over and offer you my support. You’re the second most important person in her life, after all.”
“But… but… but… you’re getting married?” Vajra stared at Kira, feeling warm and giddy.
“It will be a long engagement,” she repeated with a slightly pleading expression. “Damn, I knew it felt weird! I’m still just twenty! I never expected to get married before my twenty-fifth…”
“And we can leave it that long!” Abbot promised her. “Or longer.”
“What will you do once you marry?” Vajra pressed. “Will you stay in the Order? Will you try to get a permanent assignment together? Do you want to have children?” He gasped. “Would I be… like their uncle?”
“Only if you live,” Abbot said, turning sombre. “Although this is the first time we’re meeting, I’ve heard so much about you already… I feel like I was right there when you stopped Tarnis. Or saved Alderaan.”
Vajra did his best not to look at Kira. She’d never talked to him about Abbot, not in all those months on Alderaan. Whenever he’d pressed her for details after a furtive date, she’d told him about what they did, but refused to talk about the man himself. He figured she simply didn’t want her lives to overlap. Perhaps that had changed since he ran away.
“I want you there. At our official engagement—which is set a few months from now, our wedding, and every other event in between. Come, sit down. I want to get to know you better.”
Satele was not used to such a crude summons from the Council. Normally, it was done by emergency comms, not a messenger. But Oteg had returned with his team, and the news was apparently explosive.
It was almost enough to make her forgive unauthorized access to the Temple.
Almost. She would bring it up with him later. Couldn’t he have used the comms? Did he have to maintain his façade to this degree?
What did it matter? The Empire knew where Tython was now. But still…
I will bring it up with him after his report, she promised herself.
The second she emerged into the Temple proper, she felt a powerful presence wash over her. It was beyond anything she had ever felt before, both in power, and place in the Force. She had seen powerful Neutral Jedi and Sith before, but this… it felt equal parts powerful in Light and Dark Side. Like she and Darth Malgus were both standing in the same square meter. In harmony, no less. Yet it was one person, she was sure of it! Was such an incongruity even possible?
She met Jaric and Bela lingering outside the chamber, sharing in her incredulity.
“Grand Master,” Jaric bowed stiffly. “This day is… unfolding in an irregular manner, isn’t it?”
“We will discuss it after Master Oteg’s briefing,” Satele agreed. She entered the Council chamber to find an odd assortment of people inside. Oteg sat at his seat near the door. About fifteen soldiers, three of whom in Republic Special Forces armor, whose insignia she was all too familiar with. There were a few irregulars there too. The man with the pink hair looked familiar somehow. He was speaking to Oteg’s former Padawan, Nariel Pridence, who seemed oblivious to the man’s obvious interest. There were three other Jedi there; Karita Shalan, Rucja Barruq, and Harunobu Yukimura.
And there, in the center of the hall, was a tall man in battered robes. He was the Source of the Disturbance. He turned to face her, his face covered in the shadows of his hood.
“Good day, everyone. Welcome to Tython.” Though I see Oteg has already told you to make yourselves at home. “I hope we didn’t keep you waiting.” She passed by the hooded… Force user… on her way to her seat, but didn’t manage to get a good look at him. Once all the present Councillors were seated, she turned to Oteg. “I suppose you’ve finally decided that it’s time you told us what this is all about?”
“I believe that question is for me to answer,” the robed Force user spoke in a sonorous voice. Satele felt her blood run cold when the man revealed his face, but Jaric and a few others gave her a puzzled look which they shifted to Oteg.
“Am I supposed to know who this is?” Jaric grunted.
Revan smiled ruefully, and held up the mask which had served as his persona for so many years.
The result was instantaneous.
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rubylarkspur22 · 7 months
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Questions and answers below the cut. Manga spoilers. I will not be answering question 6, as I feel that that is too many people(and therefore too many characters to type.) Sincerest apologies! Also, question 9 already has an answer, right here.
1: To Kanao and Tanjirou in Sunlit Blossoms, How do you feel about each other?
*Happy humming*
Tanjirou is very nice. I never expected such kindness from a demon. And I can't explain it, but I've felt strange around him ever since he gave me that note... Perhaps I just came down with something?
2: To Douma and Kotoha in Mirrored Sunset, How did you meet and get married? Who was at your wedding?
Kotoha: Oh! Well, I had run away from my previous husband, and stumbled across the Eternal Paradise Faith. I managed to slip inside, and was introduced to the leader, Douma. He was very kind to me, and he took such good care of Inosuke. Something in his eyes, and my gut, told me he would be a perfect father for him. Then we ran away, the three of us, and Douma and I got married after he became a Demon Slayer. So the Kibutsuji family and Lord Tsugikuni were in attendance. Come to think of it, I never did find out what happened to my first husband. Oh, well, nothing to fuss over, I suppose!
Douma: It had just been an average day running that silly cult my parents forced me into leading. At least, until Kotoha arrived. Poor girl, beaten to a pulp with her infant son in her arms, begging for refuge from her husband. That... thing that was a disgrace to humanity tried to break in, and I did meet him and his mother. I never told Kotoha what I had the guards do. She only knew she was free, and that's what mattered. I don't even know how to explain what happened after. Ever since I was made a cult leader, I had lost all sense of emotion. Yet, just seeing Kotoha's smile while she played with Inosuke, hearing her laughter and Inosuke's babbling. It was like all my emotions woke up little by little, then all slammed into me when I played with Inosuke. But I doubted the Eternal Paradise Faith would accept their "blessed" leader marrying, so we ran away. I proposed to her the night before, and we had our wedding after I passed Final Selection. Now I... I do my best to honour her life and what's been left since those monsters killed her. And I promised to make those b******s pay...
3: To Kotoha in Burning Ribbons, Who was your mentor, and how do you meet them? What's your relationship like?
I met Urokodaki on Mount Sagiri. That Tengu mask can give you quite the scare! I had just been wandering between towns with Inosuke. He actually tried to bite Urokodaki, which I'm thankful he was understanding about. He's like a father to me, and I'm grateful he was willing to take us in and train someone like me. I just didn't want to be too weak to protect Inosuke again. Douma nearly killed us both, and I never wanted that to happen again.
4: For Shizu in Burning Ribbons, What's your relationship with your kids like, and how do you feel about the Shabana siblings?
Well, most of my children are dead. They... They were killed by a demon... I don't like to think about it too much, especially considering what I said to Sanemi when it was all over. We haven't spoken in eight years, and I feel like such a horrible mother for what I said. He needed support, and all he got was his mother cursing at him and... I said things I never should have said to any of my children, much less Sanemi... I hope I can make it up to him.
The Shabana siblings are lovely. Gyutaro reminds me of Genya and Sanemi, and Ume reminds me of my little girls. With a bit of my oldest two boys mixed in. I want them to be happy, they deserve it.
5: To Shizu and Kotoha, What are your hobbies and Breathing Styles?
Kotoha: I use a self-taught style called Bell Breathing. I could never truly pick up Water Breathing, so I had to improvise. I sometimes sing to myself and Inosuke. Not so much around others. Not anymore. I also quite like stargazing, even if it's usually inside.
Shizu: I've picked up Insect Breathing, thanks to Shinobu. I don't really have the strength for a full katana. Unless I use a certain... digestive ability I learned about while on my own.
6: N/A
7: Uta and Ranhime in both AMSG and MPCS, What are your Breathing Styles? (These answers apply to both AUs)
Uta: I use Flower Breathing!
Ranhime: Water Breathing.
8: To the Kochou sisters in SE&BH, How did you get taken in?
Kanae: Kanao and Aoi saved us, and took us in after a demon killed our parents.
Shinobu: They always insisted it was the least they could do. I think they felt bad for not being able to save our parents.
9: N/A
10: Tengen in Sunlit Blossoms, How did you feel after the Entertainment District?
Like crap, initially. Adrenaline fades, and all the pain hits ya like a damn rock! But, thanks to those Kamado kids, it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Rengoku's made an excellent tsuguko out of Kamado Nezuko, and I believe she will go quite far in life. In the most flashy way, of course!
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caesarflickermans · 2 years
Childhood in Panem
With Panem's hosting annual Hunger Games, what/when do you think children being taught about it across Capitol and The Districts?
What kind of childhood stories do you think were told in each districts and Capitol: specific books, fairy tales, legends, or folklore?
Example : District 4 (fishing district) = The Little Mermaid.
Thank you 😊
i would think this, at times, is something children know before they learn at school about. the games are mandatory to watch for the citizens in the districts, and they occur throughout the day. this isn't a late night movie, it's something that happens to siblings, to older kids already going to school, it's something that people talk about, it's people that are missing in families because they have been taken by the capitol. the reaping is an event that people gather to see because they have to. responsible parents don't leave their children alone at home; you'd have to take your kid with you, because presence at the reaping is mandatory.
as soon as you are conscious of the world around you, you will inevitably be aware of the games.
at least in district twelve, children also learn about panem's history at school:
Somehow it all comes back to coal at school. Besides basic reading and math most of our instruction is coal-related. Except for the weekly lecture on the history of Panem. It’s mostly a lot of blather about what we owe the Capitol. I know there must be more than they’re telling us, an actual account of what happened during the rebellion.
at least to me, that reads like the hunger games are part of the education system. the history of panem has to cover the games, an event that happened as a form of punishment because the district people owe the capitol.
even if it's not confirmed whether viewing is mandatory in the capitol, how could a child not notice the hype and those events? the games are everywhere, they are celebrated everywhere. it's so normalised that the death is something necessary and such a strong part of entertainment, that, to capitol citizens, this isn't something harmful. capitol citizens have been indoctrinated for generations to view the district people as something lesser. it will be part of children's upbringing to teach them that as well. even if they initially might only watch the colourful parade, they will learn about panem's history and why the "punishment" is just.
tw nazi germany
as a german person, we often learn about the nazis in elementary school. not necessarily about the holocaust--that comes later--but we are starting to be introduced to such a dark part of history. and mind you, we are those who didn't suffer. a jewish german author, laura cazés, mentioned that she doesn't remember when she first heard of the holocaust; that it always had been in the dna of her family. that she, in contrast to non-jewish germans, didn't have the comfort of having no knowledge.
within my own family history (i only know my mother's family), my grandfather left germany early on, and my grandmother was seven years old by the time that germany lost the war. yet, despite being so young, she was confronted with the ideology of the nazis, such as learning songs the nazis had changed to fit to their ideology.
i don't think it is any different in fictionalised totalitarian regimes, namely that children learn about the regime early on as to become model citizens in the future.
end tw nazi germany
i am a big defender of panem not having had such obvious ties to the past. i would like to refer to george orwell and the erasing of history in 1984, which, likely, was also inspired by the book burning of the nazis.
collins has been very adamant in the books about the characters not using any references to religion. no one swears by saying oh my god or damn.
the erasure of history, of language, of culture. that's such a vital aspect of totalitarian regimes. folklore in north korea is about how the kim family was born as gods.
i can see panem and specific districts developing their own phrases and their own folklore, but i don't think anything significant would have ever survived.
the little mermaid, just to continue your example, might seem innocent, but it's uncontrolled history. it's references to another time and place. it doesn't matter what story content it has. if the nazis changed traditonal german songs just to create a culture of their own, why bother to keep the little mermaid?
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theace03 · 2 years
can you write a fic about how lo'ak would act after neteyam's death. how jake and the sullys would talk and heal each others cause of the loss. and tuk! please cause she didn't get to see her big brother for the last time.
Warning this will be sad, mention of Neteyam's death
3rd pov:
After Neteyam died, Lo'ak wouldn't talk to anyone for days after that because he feels as if it's his fault that his brother died. Lo'aks parents tried to talk to him, but he barely ever responded, they only got small noises like 'mhm' or 'no thanks'.
After a couple weeks he finally started talking about how he feels. "Dad, I feel at fault because of his death. . .I feel as if I'm the one who got him killed. . ." He told his father as he looked into the water, "Son, it was not your fault, you were saving your sisters and that is what I taught you to do and you did that, you helped them live so did Neteyam." Jake said with a slight sad smile on his face as he brought his son closer to his side.
"But we are here to heal one another, Tuk is very sad because she didn't even get to say goodbye, but she has you and you are to protect her and Kiri like you did before." He looked down at his son as he soon got up and walked off. "Lo'ak!" Tuk yelled as he ran over to Lo'ak with a slight sad smile. "Do you want to go finishing with me? And get food for dinner?" She asked him.
"Yes, I would like taht very much." And with that he picked her up and walked out of there hut and went to a fishing spot that only there parents knew of. "Ok so all you have to do is pull back and let go, aim for the heart and make sure your elbow is up to your head." Lo'ak instructed the young girl and she let go of the arrow and hit it in the heart just like he said, "Look! I did it!" Sh3 smiled up at him brother as she picked it up.
What they didn't know was taht their parents were watching them from behind the trees with a smile. "He will make an amazing big brother." Jake said smiling at his wife, "We may have lost someone very important to our family, but he is with Eywa and he will leave at piece watching down on us." Ney'tiri said looking at Jake with a sad smiling.
Kiri soon walked up to Lo'ak and Tuk, "Kiri! Look what I caught!" Tuk yelled and showed her the fish, "Wow, that's one big fish." She smiled at her younger sister. "Yeah! I hope mom and dad will like it!" She smiled and when she mentioned the parents they jumped down from the tree and walked up to their children.
"That is a big fish." Jake said as he gently took it from the young girl, "We are very proud of you, Tuk. We are proud of all you." Ney'tiri said looking at all her children with a smile. "This family is a fortress that no one can brake, we will heal again and become what we were, Neteyam died saving you guys, he would want us to be happy, he died knowing that his siblings were alive and breathing." Jake said as they all started tearing up, then they hugged and smiled at each other. "He will always be here with us, this family is our fortress, wherever we go, this family is our home." Jake smiled at his family and hugged them tightly.
I'm not crying ur crying! This was so sad to make, but there is ur request!!
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jcdas-a · 1 year
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hamish linklater. cis man. he/him. ⸻ i saw JUDAH PREAKER around THE FOREST, you know? the FORTY-FIVE year old that was driving from HARLAN, KENTUCKY when they saw the tree on the road. JUDE has been here for FIFTEEN YEARS and i think they were A GRIFTER before they got stuck in the town. with the way things are now, they are struggling to maintain a sense of normalcy and seek a way out without losing themselves or dying. lets hope you at least survive the night on their own.
full name    judah caelan preaker nickname(s)    jude, judd, father ( per his priesthood ) age   forty-five gender identity    cis man orientation    repressed bisexual place of birth    harlan, kentucky date of birth   september 14 faceclaim    hamish linklater
former occupation career grifter positive traits   benevolent, cogent, steadfast negative traits   pious, headstrong, misguided moral alignment  chaotic neutral parallels preston teagardin (the devil all the time), the priest (fleabag), john pruitt (midnight mass), sam foster (stay) current residency    the town current occupation priest ( some meld between catholic with evangelical christian tendencies )
BIOGRAPHY tw for the following content: religious trauma, forced drowning, child abuse/abandonment, mentions of alcohol & mental illness.
you were an odd child, born to a peculiar family that lived in a little yellow house on the edge of a bluebonnet field. for years, these hues of pallid yellow and lavender paint your life━though they only paled as the years marched onward. your hometown is one that’s never felt quite new, rather, there’s always been a tinge of the past. like that old mining town, you were run down sooner than you knew.
the sacred walls of your little yellow house are where you’d tell your first lies. crosses nailed in each room, wallpaper cracking with temperature and peeling away at the edges. you spent your childhood wondering if it was always like this. soil-covered hands pressed together, you would pray for the unfortunate children down the road who’d just lost their gran. god, you would say, but you knew you were speaking to your father. the shadow in the door frame that stood in that small creak of light, a lean figure stretches out as if you did not see him there. oh, please bring them good graces in this time. let you take the pain from their shoulders. learning to be a ghost in your own home.
taught to behave like a young man ought to, taught to take the deer by the antlers but not to look it in the eyes. you knew only to pray for others, only to care for the world around you, rather than the bruises on your back, or the grazes on your knees━or you mother who left when you were too young to know. the woman who since lived with her new husband, and kids━leaving you and your siblings with him.
you're just a child that first time pa takes you and you watched him wash the sinners clean. you watched them cry out hallelujah and praise jesus, praise your pa. it was your pa’s hands on them, not god’s. pa tells you that god is in you too, and this will be the first and last time a reflection you recognize ripples across the water. 
god is in you, boy. so you let your father take you to the water’s edge again once you were a bit older. you can still hear the hum of the hymnals even now. do you hear the word of god? have you believed another gospel? pa plunged you, washes you of the sins not committed at your hand, but rather, those of your mother. because if she could not be there, you would take her place. shoved beneath the frigid surface by the hands of your pa, under the guise that god made him do it, sending his own son thrashing like some wild thing your pa once claimed he could tame.
your father considers it only a miracle of god that you hadn’t drowned that day. you returned to your siblings, sopping wet on the porch of the little yellow house with the peeling wallpaper. you begin to pick at it when no one was looking, chipping away the watery gray floral print to unveil the wood paneling beneath it. life is stripped of its color but at least you're not alone in this suffering. not that it makes it any better that your siblings are subject to your father’s delusions. it stays like this for a long while. seeing your little sister off to the schoolhouse each morning, and making a point of not eyeing the brown and green glass bottles that she would string up on the tree in the front yard like liquor store wind chimes.
now ... your father wasn’t the man you thought him to be. when you're alone you consider that maybe he was always like this and that you were the last to realize, the last one to find complacency in your disillusionment. and while you very well make it out of harlan alive, you only last a short while before you find yourself betwixt in what you've only known to refer to as purgatory. you look a whole lot like pa these days, wearing black & looking like death incarnate, yet you’ve always got a hymnal tucked into the side of your cheek.  through all the wretchedness,  you are still holy;  from where you’re standing at least.  after all no monster would ever deem itself as such,  this town has turned you inside out,  sure,  but it has also granted you something your life before couldn't: freedom. 
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hellsurvivr · 1 year
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... › ⁽ ⁶ ⁾ for, @razorfst closed & plotted starter .....
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         SOME DAYS,    living in the red keep was okay. she felt at home within its magnificent walls and surrounded by royalty. but other days cassandra was reminded, of how different it truly was then the castle she'd called home. she was a stormlander, born as the second child, and only daughter to house declerq. (    and loyal to storms ends!    )  or at least she had been for the first ten years of her life. after that she was loyal to her queen only.   and housed in kings landing.    deep within the keep and on hand to serve the queen at her beck and call. as that's all she was now. a glorified lady-in-waiting, for the hightower queen.
        her only repieve came    ━   when she'd struck up a friendship with harwin strong.   the knight having taught cassandra, all she needed to survive after an unfortunate situation. with an overly handsy lord almost a year after she'd arrived. the lord not caring that she was just a child, nor that her father had been in the hall supping with the other lords of the kingdom.     (    he'd just wanted her!    )    thus from that moment, the knight had become her true friend. someone who didn't just her attempts to survive. or the way in which she wished to be trained to do such a thing. as she did not just him for his loyalty to the princess, OR THE BASTARDS HE'D FATHERED. but since he had left with the princess to dragonstone, as well as his children who had been like younger siblings to her, she was alone. alone in a pit of vipers.
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        shaking her head softly, she twirls the sword in her hands once more. bringing herself out of the memories it had lost itself in. and back to the squire who was currently shaking in front of her. praying he didn't up on the dangerous side of her sword, and in need of the maesters help.    (    she had no sympathy for them!    )    the squires wished to spar with her. and it was their fault for whatever happened, it was not her fault that harwin made her better than most. and it shows in how she smirks softly, before moving forward. her steps light and dangerous just as harwin taught her. and soon leaving the squire crying in the dirt. attention to the side calls her glance, and her head tilts as she sees the looming figure cutting across the training yard like a dark specter. and it has the smirk upturning further upon the edge of her red-painted lips. as she drops into a small bow of greeting.           ❛   ser bulwer, please do a lady the courtesy of being a challenge. i fear i've grown bored of making squires cry .....   ❜    THE SQUIRE IN QUESTION,   was indeed still on the floor crying. his tears falling into the dirt over the small cut she had given him. no bigger than her little finger.
        she ignores him and instead    ━   focuses on the knight she had slowly been getting to know.   via each instance, they spent sparring. the first having been at her own prompting. before he'd even learned that she was a lady-in-waiting for the queen. or that by right she was a lady via her birth.     (    but he was intriguing!    )    and she wished to know the new face that was inhabiting the red keep. NOTHING MORE. even if most thought there was. due to her stance as a lady, an unmarried one at that, and his as a knight and heir to his family's lands and titles. the politics of the red keep once more coming out. in hopes of controlling her life. but she wouldn't let it stop her. from getting to know him.
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