#its fucking me up how kung lao is a different person
officialtokyosan · 1 year
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shang tsung's shit eating grin is the funniest thing ive ever fucking seen
nmk1's plot is actually really juicy its brand new but still has the elements of mk. the "liu king evil real?" plot, and shang tsung's scheming, shao's blood thirsty. the origin and fluences of these characters being the way they are really different but theyre still being selves that theyve always been
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escrupulo42o · 4 months
my name is antonio/pedro but you can also call me toño or tono. i use he/him but they and it are also fine. you can check out my pronouns page if you want too
list of random facts about me (i love making lists):
im bilingual, i speak english (duh) and spanish (my first language). i also know like a tad little bit of russian and ive been trying to learn guaraní (i have the language level of a 2 year old).
i have autism and adhd.
I LOVE GETTING ASKS‼️ also i am not the most creative person so if you have any ideas for drawings please drop them there!!
i go to a technical school so i might not be super active but i do try.
this blog supports palestine, if you in any way support the illegitimate state of israel, you are not fucking welcome here get tf out.
i like to treat my blog as a magazine or something similar to that, theres different segments n shit that i will list here:
the first segment being #toño's garbage wich is just the tag i use for my drawings
second segment is the #intellectual toño time wich is my tag for music analysis
and lastly #toño talks, pretty self explanatory, i talk (i dont use this one that much)
other tags i often use:
#ñ, this is just the tag for stuff in spanish or things that are somewhat related to my culture
#yeah/hell yeah/fuck yeah or any other variation of that is the tag i use when i reblog stuff i really like (idk how to express exitement like a human)
following this is a list of some of my special interests/hyperfixations:
MORTAL KOMBAT ‼️ the hyperfixation has being going strong for a few months now. i really like tomas, syzoth, raiden and kung lao (i also have my very own AU!)
STAR WARS‼️ it is not as strong as it was last year but i still really like it and will reblog stuff relating to it
ANIMALS N NATURE‼️ this one has been here since i was a kid. im bad at picking favourites but i do get really exited every time i see an aguará guazú, wombat or quokka lately (wich could be kinda obvious if you've seen any of my au stuff)
COMMUNITY‼️ the tv show i mean. i mainly like trobed and jeffbritta
MUSIC‼️ I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH DUDE I COULD TALK ABOUT IT FOR HOURS. i have a pretty wide music taste but i think my favourite bands/artists at the moment could be El mato a un policia motorizado, Gorillaz, Tyler the creator, Las ligas menores, Alex G Dillom n probably some other stuf that i am Too Lazy to write (you can check out my spotify account!)
SMILING FRIENDS‼️ this one is very recent but it has invaded my brain
BATMAN AND THE RIDDLER‼️ also the joker but whatever (the riddler is literally me but. more fucked up)
gif/blinkies/sticker collection (i have more but i picked the best ten (?):
i made the first one myself, i am very proud of it like this literally me if i was a gif
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
okay, i can't wait anymore, time to break down the new mortal kombat trailer
Putting my mad theories and obvious spoilers for the ending and dlc for MK11 under read more because i would never subject any of this to you all unwillingly.
So it looks like Netherrealm have fully committed to establishing a new setting for the Mortal Kombat universe, which probably means a lot of the canon is going to be rewritten or otherwise changed.
So far in this trailer: Fire/Time/Lightning God Liu Kang, Kitana, Mileena, Scorpion, Sub Zero and Shang Tsung are confirmed. Shang Tsung appears to be a preorder exclusive, which is shitty because this trailer makes him out to be one of, if not the big bad.
Two people who look like Kung Lao are seen with Liu Kang throughout the trailer, however they have different hats.
so first thing is we have this hat, remind you of anything?
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i think this is our boy kung lao, its missing the iconic blade, but we might see that change in the game
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as for this guy ^, his hat reminded me an awful lot of Raiden's hat that we see at the end of MK 11 DLC
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if this is Raiden, then it's probably going to be a return of mortal Raiden who now acts as an advisor to Fire/Time God Liu Kang. But it'll be nice to see all three of them together if that's the case, and i can't wait to see how their personalities have adapted in the new power dynamic. now that im looking at the outfits, the hat diagnosis makes more sense
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Based on the Kitana and Mileena carriage scene, Outworld has a new oasis-esque look, or we might be getting a look at Edenia. But what is INTERESTING is the colour of the carriage! The carriage is PURPLE, which at first made me think that in this new timeline Mileena might be princess of Outworld instead of Kitana (Liu Kang maybe designed it that way to make their relationship less stressful?), BUT!
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THE PURPLE ON THE CARRIAGE DOESN'T MATCH MILEENA! You can just about see in this screenshot (you'll have to click for higher resolution cuz tumblr hates anything above 64 bits), but Mileena's theme is more magenta, whereas the inside of the carriage (which matches the outside) is PURPLE. Who do we know associated with Outworld and the colour purple?
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Our favourite retcon! This probably doesn't confirm Sindel showing up but it does strongly imply that Mileena and Kitana are riding in a carriage made for their mum! Which is a cute little nod to past canon and may indicate that Sindel has died again? or is otherwise not present, whether or not she might be a revenant is yet unknown.
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Scorpion and Sub Zero seem to be allies again, which means we should get more of the friendship they had in MK11. They also appear to be in a tea shop (new au fucking sorted), and possibly in the Shirai-Ryu base? they are very matchy-matchy so this may be a hint to them fully teaming up?
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also the eclipse/portal shit we see matches the fire portals we've already seen in the MK11 DLC, which implies that timeline fuckery is still occurring somehow and appears to be the main source of conflict in MK1.
phew, anyway that's all i have for now. if anyone wants to join me in theorising or mad speculation, please feel free to reblog and add on, im really interested in what other people think!
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mrstsung · 2 years
Like are people blind? Do people not watch other mk media and or understand that raiden absolutely has shown affection to mortals?
I mean he's not a heavy pda or show off. But he would at least put his hand or arm around your waist. And maybe a gentle kiss on the hand or something,like he will show it but subtly. By the elder gods people! Also raiden when comfy with someone would absolutely be playful,maybe cheeky banter. Honestly raiden still would be pda but again NOTHING HEAVY. (Unlike the likes of shang tsung who is a show off and proudly would display his beloved. Or kung lao whos like "fuck yeah! Im the man!" Or definitely the most pda guy in mk johnny cage. Because he's that proud and loving of his partner)
I swear you think gods are supposed to be fucking robots or some shit.
Especially raiden and fujin. They legit were put as protectors and gods of earthrealm for a reason. They were the closest to the mortals of earthrealm.
Like how many times do i need to repeat it? Mk9-Mk11 fucked up the whole damn timeline.
Raiden was never fucking emotionless,never stiff,and certain showed more fucking personality then we get currently.
Legit guy is wet cardboard now. And it sucks.
Like sometimes i wonder if people just cant fathom god characters being no damn different than us mortals? Y'all preach it sometimes but never show it in fics or writing.
Like i get such great content for other characters. But the second i get to the god characters in mk. Y'all lack.
The only damn difference between Mortals and gods in mk.
Is gods have bigger powers on a grander scale. Dont die. And yes some do have responsibilities but they dont have to be sticks in the mud with no personality to fucking do that. Good lord.
Yes im hella criticizing y'all writing raiden.
This character has been done so dirty. Same with kung lao but thats for a whole nother post entirely.
Raiden works his ass off and this is how you portray him?! This is how you repay him?! The fact he went thru legit hell and you have nothing to show but false grief.
Sorry its just this character is comfort character and also one of my og mk crushes and i just hate seeing him portrayed this way.
Because thats not the raiden i grew up with and remember.
So plz write him better. Screw trying to be "canon", Canon to NRS is a mere suggestion at this point. They dont even care. Im tired of people being afraid to write some damn emotion with characters. Like actually make me feel damn it!
But plz for the love of god,actually give raiden some personality again!
I only have been able to find a few that actually show rai really good.
And it hurts.
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thetrueweaveroffate · 3 years
The Matter of Kuai Liang’s Name
First of all I would like to say that I feel I am somewhat qualified to talk about the issue given that I speak (albeit limited) Chinese myself and is “somewhat” familiar with the culture. If you are familiar with me in the discord, you probably already know everything that I am going to say. If you are not, whew boy, I’ve been thinking about the absolute fuckery that is Kuai Liang’s name, and I have been even after I already shared this information once. And hey, subscorp week is coming up real soon, so now might be a good time to share this info here once again?
In the Mortal Kombat wiki, Kuai Liang’s name is supposed to mean “Quick Cooling”, but in some varying wikis, there have been generally two names attributed to Kuai Liang. “快凉“ and “奎良“。
快 (Kuai - meaning fast, or quick) and 凉 (Liang - meaning cold, cool, etc) sounds like it should be the canon name right? It means Quick Cooling, and it fits. But the thing I couldn’t get over is how if you reverse his name to Liang Kuai (凉快), things get weird. Because Liang Kuai is a term used to describe a cold room temperature. Describe a room’s temperature. Describe a room’s temperature. 
Describe a room’s temperature.
Also, I might mention, Kuai Liang and Bi-Han don’t have a surname in this instance. I’ve heard fics where Kuai Liang was referred to as Mr. Liang (Hah, Mister Cold), but if that was the case, it should no longer be Kuai Liang, but Liang Kuai (the fucking room temperature) and Bi-Han’s name should be Liang Bi-Han, and that has never been the case. 
Still though, I feel like I should give this name some credit. There is a rather popular name that I have known as 冰玉 (Bing Yu), which means Ice Jade. It is an allusion of sorts to a popular phrase/poem/saying/idk, saying that I am “Clean as ice, valuable as jade”, or “Clear as ice, precious as jade”, or even whatever Kuai Liang said in his intro dialogue with Jade, which I believe a reference to the saying, even if the meaning is different than what I’ve heard. So, whatever. In terms of Chinese names I figure it could be a lot more weird (and it can, if you have the time to google all the unfortunate people who have their name be a euphemism for something much worse), but for an assassin, uh... 
Now onto the matter of the other name: 奎良. This is a much more normal name for someone of Chinese descent and there is even evidence that this is Kuai Liang’s real name, given that in the Chinese translation of intro dialogues from the recent Mortal Kombat game, this is the name used for Kuai Liang. In Injustice 2, 奎 can be seen on Sub-Zero’s belt if you pay close enough attention. Which makes sense. There is a Chinese assassin known as Absolute Zero, feared across the realm, and chances are his real name isn’t going to be something stupid and could be used to describe the fucking room temperature if you happen to reverse it. (Not to mention the possibly of not confusing new Chinese fans to Mortal Kombat, although I’m not too sure about that myself.)
The problem with this name is, first of all, it’s no longer Kuai Liang now. It’s Kui Liang. And “Kui” is commonly used as a surname rather than a first name, so theoretically speaking, Bi-Han’s name should be Kui Bi-Han.  
Secondly, Kui Liang doesn’t have a the cold connotation to its name anymore. Kui (奎) is a surname, and technically doesn’t mean anything (although the dictionary I am using says a more obscure translation is crotch, which, uh...Take that with a grain of salt). And Liang (良) means “good”, “docile”, “auspicious”, and “desirable”. It can even be a surname for some people, but I don’t think that is the case here. Point being, it looses the “Quick Cooling” meaning, and I find that sad when there is evidence pointing to the fact that this is his real name. Although, then again, the alternative is only somewhat better.
This isn’t even mentioning the fact that Kuai Liang has a third name. Yes. You read that right. A third possible name. And that name is 蒯良.
Granted, this name is nowhere as popular as the first two, and to be fair, on some pages on Chinese forums and wikis they admit that this name is “generally translated”. So take it with a grain of salt because it has little chance of becoming canon. But there is a few things I like with this name.
First 蒯 has the pinyin of Kuai, so Kuai Liang’s name remains Kuai Liang instead of Kui Liang now. Although, Kuai in this case is still a surname, which means that theoretically speaking, his brother would be Kuai Bi-Han, which I still refuse to believe. 
Secondly, 蒯良 was a real historical figure during the Battle of the Three Kingdoms. He, along with his younger brother Kuai Yue, were considered legendary advisors to the warlord Liu Biao, and I think that’s cute. Obviously a drawback is that this name still does not mean anything, and doesn’t have the cold annotation a cryomancer should have.  
Of course, if there’s anyone reading this who understands Chinese or Chinese culture better than me and I overlooked anything important, feel free to comment. This is all just from my understanding, and Chinese is hard, man.
Some bonus stuff at the end:
This is a personal headcanon, but if Kuai Liang adopted a surname, I imagine it would be Lin from the Lin Kuei (林鬼/ pronounced lin gui). Lin means forest and is a rather popular surname in real life. It is also the Lin in ShaoLin. The reason I don’t believe in gui is because gui means demon or ghost, and I don’t think that fits his character.
Bi-Han (避寒)’s name is fine I guess? The thing about his name is that I’m not a competent enough Chinese speaker to sense anything was wrong in the first place, but given how weird his brother’s name is, I’m a bit wary. Luckily for him, he doesn’t have the issue of having multiple fucking names like his brother, so in Chinese translations, his name has always remained 避寒. 避 means to avoid. 寒 likely means winter, the cold, etc. so his name means to avoid the cold, or shelter from the cold. Depending on your perspective, the name may or may not fit his character. 
Liu Kang (刘康)’s name is rather generic for a main protagonist? Before the Mortal Kombat Movie was released, if you were to search up his name, chances are there would have been several people who had that name show up within the results because it was a rather popular name. Nowadays all the search results refer to the movie though, so I can’t exactly prove this point to anyone.
Kung Lao (空佬/ Kong Lao) and Kung Jin (空阵/ Kong Zhen)’s names are fine, although their surname means empty, and is rather unique. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone with that sort of last name, but whatever. From a first glance, nothing is too out of the ordinary.
Shang Tsung(尚宗/Shang Zong)’s name is also fine. It doesn’t mean anything to my knowledge. I have read on a forum somewhere that his name is weird? But my understanding of his argument is practically non-existent, so who knows.
Quan Chi (拳痴)’s name is hilarious. But first I would suggest pasting this into Google Translate to take a listen because the way it is pronounced in the games is very wrong. Anyway, Quan means fist, and Chi - I kid you not - means idiot. His name means Idiot Fist. He’s an idiot fighter.
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shaolin-spin-doctor · 3 years
a Very Heated Battle of The Realms review
No spoilers:
It was bad. Really bad.
Scorpion's Revenge wasn't a masterpiece by any means, but it was good enough to get me hyped for this movie. Eye-catching style, outstanding animation and an interesting enough story to get you hooked despite its overall lack of depth - if the first installment could have all these things, surely the sequel would improve on them and be even better, right? Right????
This movie sucks. Sure, the first few minutes are entertaining, if pretty uninspired, CageBlade is cute, and the Subzero / Scorpion subplot in and of itself is actually pretty decent, but it fails in pretty much every other aspect - most of the characters are barely even... well, characters, the plot feels all over the place, the fights are short and uninteresting, the animation is lackluster... And the ending. Oh my god, the ending. I want to know who in their right mind looked at that and said "yep, seems about right!". The rest of the movie had been whatever-ish, but it completely lost me at that point. Some Annihilation level bullshit, I'm telling you.
All in all... Only watch this movie if you want some background noise, are drunk with a couple of friends, want to see some mindless violence for an hour and 20 minutes, or are a subscorp shipper and can ignore everything else in favor of their scenes. If you aren't in any of those categories, please spare yourself the headache and don't even look at it. Forget it exists. It's not worth it, not one bit.
As a side note that has nothing to do with the base movie itself, if you're a Spanish speaker and are thinking of watching the Latin American dub... Don't. Please don't. The audio mixing is disgusting and whoever directed the voice actors didn't even try, so everyone's bored and unenthusiastic all the time and it really just makes an already unimpressive experience worse. If you really need to watch this, do it in English for your own sake.
LISTEN. I swear this has nothing to do with Lao getting murdered. Y'all know I was fully prepared for it to happen, and was not surprised at all when his was the most brutal death in the entire movie. In fact, I was actually kind of excited (sad, too. but still excited), since the whole thing up until that point had been a complete drag and I was sincerely hoping we'd get some actual action from it. Sadly, it was not the case, and instead Liu Kang got a Dragon Ball Super level powerup... and whatever the FUCK the ending was. Legitimately, I screamed when he turned into a dragon - I wanted it to happen, but in a BADASS way, like the games, y'know? Instead we got... that, and I think my father said it best when he described his presence as a "dying asthmatic shrimp". aND SHINNOK?? WHAT THE FUCK?? I fully believed his appearance was gonna be setup for a subsequent movie, ESPECIALLY when Shao Kahn grabbed Kitana - i thought he was gonna kill her at first, and then we'd have the main group of revenants (sans Liu Kang) for Shinnok to call upon, and I was kind of hopeful that perhaps they would explore them better in the future and give us the Legends version of mkx or something like that - but he ended up just. being a Big Evil Monster. His defeat was so stupid, too?? Idek man I can't even begin to describe how dumb and nonsensical and pathetic the whole ending was. Legitimately one of the worst endings for any movie I've ever seen in my entire life, not even kidding.
L/iutana came out of NOWHERE. I adore this ship with my life, but it was so poorly set up i was left absolutely flabbergasted when they kissed. What the fuck? Cageblade was okay because of the setup in the previous movie and the little development the two had in this one, but L/iutana was just. God. Legitimately. If you aren't even going to bother writing a romance in a slightly believable way or give it any development, why bother writing it at all????
Speaking of Liu, I don't know about you, but I didn't connect with him at all here???? See, he's supposed to be the protagonist, but he gets barely any development and his spotlight is constantly being stolen by Scorpion and Subzero. Yes, I know he's just as flat in the original games and he's only began developing his own personality fairly recently, but you had so much potential for him, both as a person and with the potential lore attached to him. Why did the Tarkatans kill his family? Why did he get a random powerup and managed to lift Shang Tsung's "curse" (which, by the way, was completely pointless), which only Raiden was supposed to be able to heal? The only thing I liked about him was his chemistry with Raiden, who is also one of the only few highlights of this movie for me, and everything else... Nothing, really. Hell, he doesn't even talk to Kung Lao ONCE. For a man he's supposed to consider his brother, you'd think they'd have at least a single scene of them together - at least as a way to display their bond, if the writers really didn't want to give them any real character traits aside from "good guys with pure hearts" - but no. That's partly why Lao's death didn't carry any weight - yes, it didn't lead to anything, but it hadn't been set up at all, either. Same with Stryker. He was just a guy who happened to get involved, said two lines, and then died. He had no real relationship with anyone in the group, so his death was completely unimportant, and really, if he had just vanished, just like those rain clouds that appeared to soak Liu after Raiden's death for like 2 seconds before going away without a trace right in the next sequence, I probably wouldn't have even noticed.
Really, he, Lao and Smoke might as well have been cut, and it wouldn't have made any difference. It's sad.
All in all... I didn't like this movie at all, except for a very few things here and there. I know it's supposed to be Mortal Kombat, and people are always gonna defend it by saying the story doesn't matter, but... Why shouldn't it? Why can't we have a good Mortal Kombat story with better thought out plotlines and characters? And if we can't have that, why can't we at least have coherent fights? This movie had a lot of potential, and it was just tossed out the window. I'll be salty about this for a while.
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OH OH. That one ask totally makes me want love confession headcannons for the Kombat Krew. Even if its super short/lightning ones GIVE ME THAT FLUFF YO
Back from my hiatus. I had to take a break after the drama unfolded. Sorry about that guys, will get around to responding to asks/messages ASAP! These are pretty trashy and not that great, but quick lightening headcanons! They are under the cut because long post!
·        Kabal; Pre-Burns; Very confident and suave. He’s very open and to the point about it. If he likesyou he likes you. It’s all relaxed. He tries to make you laugh and smilebeforehand, it’s what attracted to him to you in the first place. He’s sorelaxed and laid back. Will playfully toy with anything on your desk. He iridatesconfidence. But not so much in an arrogant way that it’s off putting. Post-Burns; He’s a nervous wreck. He’s more awkward and almost feels guilty for askingyou out. He’s not confident at all. All of the confidence burnt away when theaccident happened. He’ll fiddle and tear up a receipt, looking down at thefloor and not making too much eye contact. He’s glad you cannot see under hismask so that brings him some solace. When you say yes, he swears he’s hearingshit. So, he’ll ask you to repeat just to make sure his hearing isn’t fucked.He’s over the moon bless him.
·        Sub Zero(Kuai Liang); Windows error noise starts playing. That’s how you know. Because he has no ideawhat the fuck to do or say. On a serious note, it’s a very formal confession,with him pointing out what attracts him to you. Such as your tenacity,strength, loyality… your eyes. What did he just say? Nothing. It’s very sweetbut very formal and awkward. Bless him, he is fucking trying!
·        Smoke;Will use a book quote or something. It worked in his novel, so it can work inreal life! He’s shy but that doesn’t translate to Kuai Liang level awkwardness.He plants it out and he’s a nervous wreck come the day he actually confesses. Alot of smiling, him trying to get his words out and stumbling. But with thequote to describe his feelings, it comes out so naturally. Not as cheesy as you’dhave expected either.
·        Scorpion(Hanzo Hasashi);He’s done this once before. So why does he feel so nervous. He feels guiltyand torn. But he knows he cannot allow these feelings to creep up on him.
·        Bi-Han; ‘I’m hot, you’re hot. I’m smart, you’re smart. Together we are Hort.’ Theperfect match. He basically butchered the English language and confirmed loveis actually dead. On a serious note, he would be very forward about hisattraction and feelings towards you. He isn’t as shy and as reserved as hisbrother. But it will be done in privacy.
·        Rain; Another smug piece of shit. He will literally confess his attraction toyou, by mentioning himself and how he deserves someone beautiful and smart, andhow he see’s that in you. So, sort of a compliment, whilst also stroking hisego. Will ask you to be his queen. How could you say no to a demi-god. Willremind you that he is a demi-god in case you missed the last one thousand timeshe said it.
·        Raiden;Speaking of gods. Raiden is very shy and unsure about what he is saying. Hewas in two minds about taking Johnny and Kung Lao’s ideas and tips to heart. Inthe end, he confesses that he wasn’t sure gods could fall in love with wellanyone. Well, not on a romantic level anyway. But once more, mortals have surprisedhim, and he has fallen hard for you. It’s actually very sweet and well spoken.
·        Fujin; Windows has crashed, clippy the paperclip is here to help! He has no ideawhat he’s doing. He takes some advice to heart. Such as using a line, but heinstead will reference something a little less cheesy. He admits he neverreally had time to fall in love, but you came along and literally knocked himoff his feet… that and you like to play with his hair, he loves that. He’ll usea LOT of metaphors. He’s fucking trying okay.
·        Havik;He’s very forward with his feelings and confessing his attraction right offthe bat. ‘Hi there are you…’ ‘You are water’ It’s a compliment don’t worry. Hewill explain it in time. He’s very much a judge of character, if he thinksyou’re attractive and he has feelings for you, you are in for a rollercoasterof a fucking ride. Expect odd gestures, non-conventional displays of love. Andflowers. They aren’t the best and you’re sure their actually weeds, but he didtry to understand your courting rituals. In Chaosrrealm things are differentand he realises that won’t fly up here. He’s fucking trying, the funky chaoticman.
·        Baraka; I am so unsure if I have done this before. But I have mentioned that I HCthat Tarkatan displays of affection and attraction, are extremely physical andan event. He will show you he is attracted to you and has feelings, by takingpart in a tournament. Trying to impress you and show you he is worthy of you. Whenhe admits it, it’s not very mushy and feely. It’s kind of blunt and to thepoint. He doesn’t do sweet gestures, but he does do things is own way.
·        Hotaru;Had to fill out a form to be able to confess his attraction to you. But ona serious note, I did read that Seidan’s have to request to have relationships.So, he’s filled in forms to be with you and confess said love to you. He wentthrough a bureaucratic nightmare for you. If that isn’t love, then I don’t knowwhat is… then again, he probably liked it. Expect a lot of frilly words, a lotof comparing you to things like ‘Neatly stacked paper’ Which happens to be hisfav smell and sight. Before moving onto nicer things like flowers.
·        Cassie; She isn’t very open with her feelings at first. She has no idea what to door say. Johnny is cheesy, and Sonya has the emotional capacity of a teaspoon.She goes with just admitting how she feels, a little begrudgingly and straightto the point. When she sees you smiling and being relaxed, she relaxes andstarts confessing more. Like how she likes how you can have a laugh and relaxtogether. How she loves your eyes and your personality. She becomes softer asshe opens up.
·        Geras;Actually, surprisingly sweet, to say he hasn’t had much interaction besideKronkia and Frost. Who, lets face it, aren’t the best at emotions. He instead,takes a leaf (Bad pun) out of Cetrion’s book, and uses lovely flower and naturemetaphors to assist him… before figuring that isn’t the best way to do so.Instead, he’s very open and to the point. He always thought he would beeternally alone, but you came along and now he does not fear that. He looksforward to exploring the future with you at his side.
·        Sonya; At first, she comes up to you very serious. It’ll be just the two of you,in a meeting room alone. She then lightens up and says she’s joking, beforepulling out a beer and telling you you’re both off duty. She’ll open up to you,admitting that after Johnny she never really thought about the concept of‘love’. But you changed that. She honestly wants to try and make things workwith you, because she feels its time to move on and accept, that she actuallyhas emotions.  
·        JohnnyCage; He will use his movie quotes at first, but if that doesn’t work he’ll turn onhis charm and charisma. Since he’s matured a lot over the years, he feels he’sready to have a full-blown relationship. He’ll pull you to the side and slowlystart confessing how after his first marriage, he never really thought aboutmoving on. But now you’re making him question that decision. He’ll ask you ifyou fancy dodging the paparazzi and making his fans jealous together. He’llalso ask if you fancy being Hollywood royalty.
·        ErronBlack; Let’s face it Erron is the smoothest talking one here. He’ll be very sweetwhen confessing his attraction to you. He’ll be also smooth and suave andfluent with his words. He’ll elude confidence, not so much that it’soff-putting. He’ll use a lot of pet-names, mainly using ‘Sugar’ and ‘Darlin’He’ll talk about how he’s lived a long life before asking if you fancy beingapart of the rest of it.
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