#its given me a fever and a migraine and my neck is stiff
pessimisticprincess · 5 months
of course because i’m me i woke up this morning with mastoiditis which i’ve surprisingly never had before and it actually hurts so much wtf 🥲
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secretlysheikah · 4 years
Tower troubles: Darkness Looms
Another chapter down! I don’t think its as long as the others, but I think it’s pretty good. I hope you enjoy!
I don’t claim ownership of the Linked Universe. That honor belongs to @jojo56830
I’m just a humble gremlin tapping away at keys.
please enjoy!
Trigger warning: Vomiting and general misery
Start Here: 
Fever dreams Wild decided were the worst. It hadn’t taken him long after he laid down to fall asleep again but he hardly considered it restful. He dreamed of laughing shadows and tight strings as black as tar. Of phantom music boxes and the half remembered blue eyes of a little girl. Wild could hear her calling to him, but her calls always faded out quickly to mix with the faint tinkling of children’s music.
More than once he would surface from the dreams shivering with cold despite the blankets and the fire next to him. Wild always made an effort to stay awake, unwilling to fall back into the disorientation of dreams but it was a futile effort. His incessant shivering would always crescendo and his damaged body would send a fresh wave of agony in protest. By then he was more than happy to slip back under the black ocean of sleep, could almost forget about the dreams that made his heart race in fear and anxiety.
When Wild finally opened his eyes to the bright light of day he found he didn’t feel much better. He closed his eyes again feeling the earth dip and spin around him and he coughed as gently as he could in a vain attempt to not aggravate his ribs. After what felt like a long time he opened his eyes again and very slowly sat up. He felt stiff and his body sent out fresh waves of pain in protest. Wild also noted grimly that his stomach flipped with nausea and there was a dull throb of a headache that threatened to bloom into a full blown migraine. But despite it all however he was determined to not slow down the group. If anyone asked, and he knew they would, he would tell them he was just fine thanks. He would pretend to be okay, and maybe with enough convincing he could even make himself believe it too. It was a weak plan Wild knew but it was all he had, so he clung to it like a drowning man on a piece of drift wood.
“Hey cub, glad to see you awake.”
Wild looked around with bleary eyes and found Twilight sitting cross legged just behind him. He didn’t miss the dark circles that hung around Twilight’s eyes, and Wild had no doubt that he had kept his promise to stay with him all night. Twilight stretched and Wild could hear his joints popping with the effort.
“Here, drink some water,” Twilight said pushing a bottle of clear water across the dirt to him. The bottle was still corked but Wild still eyed it thoughtfully before he picked it up. Twilight gave him a knowing look.
“It hasn’t been tampered with, I bottled it myself.” Twilight reassured quietly so only Wild could hear him. Wild gave him a thankful nod and awkwardly worked the cork from the bottle. He gave the water a few slow sips savoring how it cooled his throat and lazily gazed around the camp. He gave a small start when he looked around him and found nothing familiar. They weren’t in a half destroyed room surrounded by malice anymore, in fact they were in a field, grass swaying gently in the breeze. Wild turned to Twilight quickly sloshing water out of the open bottle as he did so.
“What? Where are we, where is everyone?” Wild croaked feeling an alarming disorientation settling around him. Was he dreaming? No, it was impossible, you didn’t feel pain when you were asleep, right? Twilight raised his hands when he saw the alarm on Wild’s face and quickly explained.
“Everyone is fine, I suspect that they’re still out scouting as we speak. As for where we are and how we got here that’s a little more difficult.” Twilight said scanning the empty field around him before turning his attention back to Wild.
“We’re in my Hyrule, in the field just outside of Faron woods. We must have shifted sometime during the night but no one remembers when. One minute we were next to the tower and within a breath we were here.” Twilight explained, there was a tone of bewilderment in his voice. Twilight always had a sixth sense when it came to shifting from world to world so Wild assumed that not being able to tell when they shifted must be bothering him.
“We arrived just before sun up and we’ve been trying to get our bearings ever since then.” He finished with a sigh. Wild nodded thoughtfully, his heart still raced from the sudden burst of anxiety and he worked to distract himself in an attempt to quell the rapid beating of his heart. Wild supposed then that the shift must have been very smooth if it hadn’t had woken him. Or it was possible he was just that drained that he didn’t even notice.
“What time is it?” Wild finally asked and Twilight hummed as he shaded his eyes against the sun.
“By my guess I would say late morning,” he answered dropping his hand with a sigh.
“How are you feeling? And please don’t lie to me.” Twilight finally asked and looked over to Wild who stared at the half empty bottle in his hands.
“I’m okay, a little stiff if anything” Wild said, it wasn’t exactly a lie, he reasoned to himself, just not the full truth. He met eyes with his mentor and fought the urge to look away. After a moment Twilight nodded and Wild quietly let out the breath he was holding. Wild shifted cautiously, moving his legs slowly into a cross legged position and felt the familiar pull of stitches on his thigh. He grimaced at the feeling and decided to stretch that leg out in front of him instead to alleviate the uncomfortable pull.
“Are you in pain? Is there something I can do?” Twilight asked not missing the way Wild had grimaced. Wild just shook his head and ignored the throb in his chest and the dizzying ache of his head.
“I’m fine Twi, really.” Wild said putting his hands up on the air in supplication. Twilight didn’t look convinced but he didn’t say anything. There was an odd look on his face that Wild didn’t care for and he let his hands drop.
“What? What’s the matter?” Wild asked, it was clear Twilight wanted to say something and Wild just wanted him to say it already so they could get it out of the way.
“It’s just, I wanted to… Cub I’m sorry” Twilight started and Wild groaned and dropped his head in his hands.
“Oh not you too Twi. Please don’t apologize.” Wild said imploringly. He didn’t want to deal with this, he couldn’t deal with this. Wild could feel himself getting annoyed despite himself. All he wanted was to get away and not look at the poorly concealed guilt on his friend’s face.
“This wasn’t your fault, it was no one’s fault but that monster’s. It happened and now it’s done. I’m fine.” Wild said as he scrubbed his fingers through his hair and tried not to snap in frustration.
“But, cub…”
“No. Leave it be Twi. I’m not mad at any of you but if I hear one more ‘I’m sorry’ I’m going to loose it.” Wild growled harshly. He wouldn’t have another apology, not from one of his peers who were just as much of a victim as he was. Twilight bristled and it was clear he was going to continue his argument but thankfully they were both distracted by the sound of talking coming closer to camp.
“We aren’t done with this conversation” Twilight hissed to Wild as he stood to meet the oncoming group. Wild sighed dramatically and immediately regretted it when his ribs cried out in protest. He fought vainly against the rising coughing fit as the others finally came into view. There was a cry of relieved delight and Wild smiled faintly.
“WILD!” It was Wind and he was practically sprinting his way. Wild held up his hands and braced for an impact that didn’t come. Instead he heard the younger hero land on his knees and skid to a stop just in front of him.
“You’re alright! Im sor-” Wind began and Wild held up a hand to stop him.
“Please, don’t apologize. I’m happy to see you too.” Wild said offering the other a lopsided smile when he saw the crestfallen face Wind gave him.
“Oh, okay” Wind said quietly. He fidgeted his hands, seemingly not knowing what to do with them. Wild swallowed down his apprehension and reached out a hand to clasp Wind on the shoulder. Wind gave him a slightly watery smile before he cautiously leaned in and wrapped his arms around Wild’s neck.
Wild didn’t know what to do with his hands and he held his breath going suddenly ridged under the contact. His brain was screaming danger and his body was inclined to agree and he hated himself all the more for it. He could feel tears soaking into the neck of his shirt, felt soft shudders from Wind as he cried quietly.
“Hey, I’m okay, really I am.” Wild soothed as he very slowly moved to hug the other, ignoring how his heart raced with fear. After a another minute of awkward soothing Wind pulled away and wiped at his running nose. Wind took a deep breath and smiled at him.
“I was worried that I…” Wind trailed off and Wild shook his head.
“It will take a lot more than a hammer to the chest to keep me down, kid” Wild said with as much false cheer as he could muster. Wind laughed shakily and nodded.
“Oh, I found these in my pack. I wanted to give them to you, it might give you a boost,” Wind said quietly as he dug in his pack and pulled out a small bag. Wild took it carefully and opened it to find small honey colored candies.
Wild recognized them, He had made these for Wind months ago when the younger had confided in him about how he missed home. Wild spent that afternoon cooking up the candy in the hopes that it would make Wind feel better. He was confused when Wild had given him the bag but his eyes had lit up after he popped one in his mouth. Wind subsequently ran around camp like a mad man and Wild joined in quickly having mock swashbuckling sword fights with sticks and singing sea shanties loudly and off key. The others suffered the commotion admirably for about two hours before Legend had told them that if he heard another song he would kill them. Then he made Wild promise not to make anymore candy for the small lunatic.
Of course Wild didn’t stick to that promise. He would make small batches of the candy whenever he could get spare ingredients and would secretly drop them in Wind’s pack when no one was looking. Wild didn’t even realize that Wind had squirreled some of the candies away, and the thought made him smile.
“I can’t take these, they’re yours.” Wild started as he made to push the bag back into Wind’s hands but he wouldn’t have any of it.
“You can always make more when you’re better! And anyways you need the boost more than me.” Wind said as he closed Wild’s fingers around the small bag. Wild huffed but accepted the offering, it was the least he could do to make Wind feel better.
“Thanks kiddo,” Wild said and tucked the small bag next to him on the bed roll. He would have to make a fresh batch for Wind when he had time and ingredients. Seemingly satisfied that Wild wasn’t going to try to give the candies back Wind stood and left with a grin and a happy wave to go talk with Warriors.
Alone for the moment Wild sagged tiredly. Just that small interaction had been draining and the day hadn’t even began. He rubbed at his bandaged leg absently when it gave a dull throb. Just another pain to add to his already impressive list of pains. The others had really done a number on him he thought distantly as he tugged at the wrapping around his thigh.
Not for the first time he cursed Dark for causing such mayhem. His little ‘game’ had not only gotten him beaten to a pulp, but it also seemed to have rattled everyone to their core. Wild could feel the subtle tension that hung around the group like a miasma. The guilty glances that were tossed his way when they thought he wasn’t looking, it was all so suffocating. It was clear that everyone blamed themselves for what happened even though it was completely ludicrous. It was also becoming increasingly clear that no matter how many times he told them to stop apologizing it wasn’t going to happen. Wild gritted his teeth in sudden agitation, he was going to make damn sure Dark paid for his little game ten fold.
With a sudden burst of energy Wild pulled the wrapping around his leg free to get a look at his leg. The stitches were raised slightly and the skin around them was a nice shade of purple bruising but there was no sign of infection. Wild sighed in relief, at least they didn’t have to cauterize it. He tossed the soiled covering into his slate to dispose of later and summoned a fresh bandage to dress the wound again. Wild was so focused on his leg he didn’t even realize he was being observed.
“Hey, let me help with that.” Someone called from just in front of him and Wild lifted tired eyes to meet Hyrule who had began to trot towards him.
“I’m fine ‘Rule, I can handle this” Wild said as he applied the bandage.
“Just let me take a look maybe I can…” Hyrule said reaching out to take the bandage away. Wild felt his tenuous hold on patience snap like a taught cord. Frustration settled thickly in the back of his throat and he snapped.
“I’m fine. Honestly do you think I’m incapable of tending to my own wounds?” Wild bit out and immediately wished he hadn’t. Hyrule had a shocked look on his face and he pulled away as if burned. Regret quickly replaced the short lived frustration and Wild wanted to snatch back everything he just said.
“I didn’t mean to suggest that you couldn’t,” Hyrule replied quietly eyes darting down to the ground in between them. Wild squinted his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was about to form an apology but drew up short when a harsh voice cut in.
“He was only trying to help, don’t be such an ass” Legend snarled apparently appearing out of nowhere to add his two cents. Wild felt rage burble in his chest. It began to spread through his body, and it was a shear force of will not to yell.
“Are you actually incapable of keeping your nose out of my business?” Wild hissed at Legend who just crossed his arms and glared down at him. Hyrule looked owlishly from Wild to Legend and back again.
“Will you two just leave me alone, I’m not a child.” Wild growled at the two of them. Couldn’t they see that he just wanted to be left alone for just a damn second?
“No, you’re just being difficult, just let the man help you.” Legend said hotly and the burning rage in Wild’s stomach turned to sharp shards of ice. He turned cold blue eyes to Legend and glowered darkly. What gave Legend the right to tell him what he what he needed.
“Who do you think you are? My mother? Because you’re certainly bossing me around like you are. Contrary to popular belief, Legend, I am not some helpless child who needs someone else to make decisions for them.” Wild said lacing his words with angry barbs. Hyrule looked confused and his head appeared to be on a constant swivel as he looked between the two of them. Legend had an odd mix of frustration and guilt on his face. His jaw worked like he was thinking about just what to say next.
“I don’t understand what’s going on, but I can tell you need some time by yourself.” Hyrule said standing quickly and grabbing Legend around his upper arm before he could say anything else.
“Let me know when I can take a look at your wounds and I can see what I can do for you.” Hyrule called behind him as he drug a fuming Legend away.
Wild cursed quietly to himself as he angrily wrapped his leg again. He hadn’t meant to throw Hyrule in the middle of his spat with Legend. No doubt he would have to apologize for that later and he wanted to smack himself for not handling himself better. His head throbbed painfully again and Wild worked small circles into his temples in an attempt to alleviate the nauseating pain.
He was still mad with Legend about the night before. The more he thought about it, the simpler it became. It boiled down to a complete betrayal of trust. Sure, when Wild thought it through he could see why Legend had laced his tea, but it still didn’t make him any less angry. Legend hadn’t even talked to him, instead he had lied to Wild’s face and that was what really hurt the most. Wild sighed bitterly. This was just another thing he had to deal with and he simply didn’t have time to address it, not with everything else going on.
Shoving that train of thought to the side Wild worked at removing his shirt. After a few minutes of struggling and muttered curses, he finally got the shirt over his head and he sat there panting with the effort. He scratched at the bandage on his cheek and in a fit frustration tore it off and tossed it away and rubbed at the healing cut.
“Ow” Wild said quietly to himself, wincing at the pain that had flared in his chest in the wake of his struggle with his shirt and the sting of bandage that he just tore away. He glared at the splint on his arm next and without a second of thought tore it off too. He didn’t care if his arm was broken anymore, the splint was annoying and it limited his mobility too much for what he needed to do. He gave his arm a cursory look, much like everything else it was bruised badly. The discoloration spread from the back of his hand all the way down to his elbow and had somehow managed to wrap all the way around his forearm. When he moved his wrist he found it was very stiff and sore. The muscles throbbed and pulled painfully with the motion but he didn’t think anything was broken.
With the splint removed Wild turned his attention to his torso. It looked even worse in the daylight, all bruised skin and scratches that peeked out from underneath white bandages.
Tenderly Wild picked at the wrapping around his stomach and removed it. The edges of the covering looked spotted with blood and he hoped it was from the small scratches. When he removed the covering he was pleased to see that the fresh burn appeared to be healing quickly. There was pink healed skin mixed in with the red slightly burned skin where the stitches were removed and cauterized the night before. The majority of the black spider webbing infection was gone but there were still small veins of black still left behind. He scrunched up his brow and bit the inside of his cheek. He was going to have to keep a very close eye on this. Discarding the old covering again he pulled out another bandage and covered it again. Without hesitation he changed the bandages and covering on his ribs before he could run out of energy. He noted soberly that much like his stomach, the wound was well on the way towards healing but still had some small black veins that stubbornly remained.
Once the whole process was done he pulled the shirt back over his head. Wild hated to admit it, but he was worn out already. He could feel sweat bead his brow and just the simple practice of replacing bandages left him weak and shaky. He closed his eyes for a moment focusing on breathing and worked to quell the pain threatening to overwhelm his senses. He felt someone sit beside him but he didn’t open his eyes until he felt something cool and damp being pressed into his hands. He looked down and saw a wash cloth and turned his attention to the odd eyes of Four. Wild looked away quickly and occupied himself with wiping his face and neck with the wash cloth. The feeling of dirt and sweat from the previous day being wiped away was practically heavenly. Wild continued on to clean his arms and offered a quiet thank you as he worked. Four nodded and for the first time Wild noticed the bag in Four’s lap. Wild raised an eye brow but said nothing, and instead focused on cleaning himself.
“I figured you’d appreciate it” Four said leaning back on his arms and turning his face to the sun. Still Wild said nothing and worked at the dirt caked under his fingernails.
“We decided to stay here for the day, I wanted to let you know so you didn’t feel like you had to rush.” Four continued and Wild hummed dispassionately. Wild guessed that was going to be the case and for some reason he didn't care one way or the other. It’s not like any of his protests would sway the group any way and there was no point in forcing the issue.
“You’re taking the news rather well,” Four remarked with a raised eye brow and Wild shrugged.
“Not like anything I say would matter at this point.”
“You’ve got a point, they’re just being cautious.” Four said as he began to dig in his bag. Wild didn’t offer a reply, just scrutinized his hands looking for spots he missed with the cloth. For some reason he always felt calmer when Four was around, like his very presence demanded tranquility. The pair stayed like that for a long time, Four rummaging though his bag and Wild working dirt from underneath his nails.
“Here, these are yours” Four said without ceremony as he handed the bag over to Wild and took the dirtied wash cloth away. Perplexed Wild scrutinized the bag before opening it and pulling out leather straps. Wild shot Four a quizzical look and Four smiled.
“They’re your bandoliers and leather armor. After… uh… I helped take them off you and I cleaned them up and repaired them where I could. I’m not the best with leather working, but I managed.” Four said suddenly interested in turning the wash cloth over in his hands. Wild didn’t know what to say, to be honest he didn’t even realize they were missing. He grabbed one of his gauntlets and examined it. It was definitely cleaner than it had been in years and there were small neat stitches showing where Four had mended them.
“Wow Four, they look brand new!” Wild gasped in awe as he examined the rest of his armor. A small flush washed across Four’s face at the praise and Wild pretended not to notice.
“It was the least I could do” Four said quietly as he continued to worry at the edges of the wash cloth clearly not knowing how to properly respond to Wild’s praise.
“How are you doing?” Wild asked suddenly, making sure not to look away from the straps he held in hands. He felt Four start at the sudden change in topic, and he could feel Four’s odd eyes boring into the side of his head.
“Me? Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Four asked in return and Wild gave a noncommittal shrug.
“I’m pretty sure you know how I’m feeling, and I didn’t mean to throw you into a tree.” Wild said as he finally looked at Four. Four’s mouth was hanging open in apparent disbelief.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Are you trying to apologize for stopping me from literally killing you?” Four asked his voice dripping with indignation.
“Well, not in so many words” Wild said in a poor attempt at humor.
“I’m fine Wild.” Four said and added a ‘sweet Hylia above’ under his breath for good measure.
“I know you said you didn’t want any apologies from us, but you should also hold yourself to that. You did what you had to do and we don’t blame you for it, so why would we want your apologies if you don’t want ours?” Four said sternly and Wild could feel heat flood his face. Four was right of course, he was being a hypocrite and that knowledge left a bad taste in his mouth.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Wild said and winced as his ribs gave a particular strong throb. Four’s brow furrowed and made to say something but Wild waved him off.
“It’s okay, I’m just a bit sore is all.” Wild answered, and Four just hummed and pressed his mouth into a thin line.
“Have you eaten anything yet?” Four asked choosing to change the subject and for that Wild was grateful. Wild shook his head slightly, he still felt nauseous.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea, my stomach is feeling off,” Wild said as he placed a hand on his abdomen for emphasis. Four nodded in thought.
“Could it be due to the fact that you’ve hadn’t eaten for a good twelve hours? I know for me, sometimes hunger can make me feel sick.” Four pondered his eyes seemed to flicker purple for a second in the sunlight.
“That seems kind of backwards.” Wild said eye brow quirking up in skepticism.
“Eh, it’s just what I’ve experienced.” Four said with a shrug. Wild nodded and gave Four a shrug of his own.
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try to eat something.” Wild finally conceded as he grabbed his slate and gave it a few cursory taps. There was a flash of blue and suddenly there was a pristine apple in his hand. Four raised his eye brow.
“Don’t trust our cooking?” He asked and Wild gave him a flat look.
“Not as far as I could throw a fully grown Goron.” Wild said with a small chuckle and Four nodded again.
“Yeah that’s fair, you got a spare apple in that thing?” Four asked with a light chuckle of his own and Wild tossed him the apple and got one for himself. They sat there quietly for a long time and crunched on their apples. It was sweet and tart and it sat like a rock in the pit of Wild’s stomach. Wild grimaced at the feeling and tossed the core away.
“No good?” Four asked as he eyed Wild’s suddenly pale face.
“No good.” Wild agreed and he fought down a stab of nausea that made his stomach twist painfully.
“Are you gonna…” Four started and leaned subtly away.
“Nah, I think I’m…” Wild started and immediately stopped hand flying to his mouth as he felt a lurch in his stomach. Four was suddenly gone and he could hear voices raised in alarm but Wild didn’t have time to think too long on it. In one swift movement he twisted to his knees and brought his meager meal back up to land on the ground next to his bed roll. His whole body shook with the effort, his ribs screamed in agony and it was all he could do to stay upright. Tears dripped out of his eyes and little whimpers forced themselves out of his mouth in between the painful heaves of his stomach and the subsequent coughing that followed. His head felt like it was splitting open, making him gag and heave all over again in a vicious cycle of misery.
Wild felt someone drop down next him on his bed roll, their hand rubbed small circles on his back as their other hand grasped his upper arm to keep him upright. The person called for Hyrule and leaned in closer to his ear.
“It’s alright cub, just breathe” it was Twilight and Wild could feel himself lean into him as he gasped and shook. He could hear other voices, Four explaining what happened in an urgent ramble. Hyrule answering in kind and falling to place on his other side. Twilight’s arm snaked across his shoulders and pulled him close and Wild let himself fall into him. He was getting a hold of his breathing again, but he still shuddered and shook from the unpleasantness that just came to pass and the sudden cold that flooded his body. His teeth chattered despite the warmth of the quickly setting sun on his back and his head continued its incessant pounding.
“Are you alright? Twilight asked, no doubt he could feel Wild shivering next to him.
“I’m cold, and everything hurts. So needless to say I’ve been better,” Wild forced out between chattering teeth. Without a seconds thought and trying not to jostle Wild too much, Twilight worked the pelt off of his shoulders and wrapped it around Wild. The warmth and weight of the pelt soothed him, and slowly his chattering teeth subsided and Wild relaxed further into his mentor and allowed his eyes to close.
“Alright, now I know not to eat for a little while,” Wild croaked out tiredly and he felt Twilight’s arm hug him tighter. Wild heard Hyrule hum next to him and felt his cool hand come to rest against his forehead for a beat.
“He still has a fever, not as bad as this morning but it’s still there. Wild would you mind if I took a look at your wounds? I know you already took care of them but I would like to see what’s happening.” Hyrule asked calmly as he removed his hand. Wild groaned unhappily but nodded slowly and flipped the edge of the pelt off his side.
“Thank you, I’ll make this quick.” Hyrule promised as he lifted Wild’s shirt and pulled the bandages aside. Wild peeled his eyes open again and looked towards Hyrule. He was biting his lip in concentration and his lithe fingers prodded gently against the bruised skin on Wild’s side. Wild for his part, tried not to wince at the contact but failed miserably.
“What do think ‘Rule?” Twilight asked after a moment of silence.
“It looks like it’s healing, I still see some veins of black infection running through though. But from what you’ve told me it’s not nearly as bad as before.” There was a pause as Hyrule pondered over the conundrum.
“So what does that mean?” Twilight asked and Hyrule only shook his head clearly at a loss for what to do.
“I could try to heal what’s left of the burns here, but other than that there’s not much I can do besides keeping an eye on these veins here.” Hyrule said as he traced one of the thin black lines. Wild shivered again and desperately wanted to pull the pelt back over himself and hide.
“Are you sure ‘Rule? I don’t want you to wear yourself out again on my behalf.” Wild said with an edge of warning in his voice. If Wild even thought Hyrule was using too much magic he would make damn sure Hyrule would stop before he keeled over from exhaustion again. Hyrule didn’t miss the warning and he nodded grimly.
“I’m sure, and it’s not a problem, really,” Hyrule soothed as he clapped his hands together and summoned his magic. Wild squinted at him but relented lifting his arm away so Hyrule would have a better angle.
Hyrule slowly pulled his hands apart, yellowish white sparks dancing between his palms as he did so. He hovered his hands over the healing burns, fingers twitching as he slowly fed healing magic into Wild’s bruised skin. It felt pleasantly warm and soothing with a little zing that would make Wild twitch slightly. The whole while Wild watched side long as the skin slowly turned from red to pink and finally the pale white of a new scar. When Hyrule kept going spreading his fingers wide hands glowing brighter Wild made to stop him but was brought up short when Hyrule gave a surprised yelp and whipped his hands away.
“I just got shocked!” Hyrule exclaimed in disbelief as he rubbed at his finger tips and took a closer look Wild’s side. The burns were gone, just a long white scar showing where the burns once were. Wild noticed that most of the bruising was gone from the area as well but the black lines remained like veins of obsidian running through marble.
“Are you okay?” Twilight asked shifting to get a better look at Hyrule’s hands. Hyrule nodded still rubbing at his fingertips.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just surprised. I guess healing whatever infection those veins are is out of the question.” He said thoughtfully as he removed the bandages that wrapped around Wild’s torso.
“Well, shit.” Wild said as he made to tug down his shirt. “I guess we’ll have to figure out a different way to deal with them.” He finished though he was already fairly certain that it was going to be up to him to solve that particular problem. How he was supposed to do that, he still had no idea. Hyrule stopped him from tugging his shirt down.
“Let me heal the burns on your stomach while I’m at it” Hyrule insisted but Wild shook his head.
“No, it's fine. I don’t want to wear you out.” Wild said firmly pulling the shirt down stubbornly.
“But I’m fine, I barely even got started,” Hyrule protested but Wild stared him down.
“Later ‘Rule, I’m fine for now.”
Hyrule gave a snort and rolled his eyes.
“You’re worse than Legend, I’m telling you I can handle it,” but Wild said nothing instead opting to send Hyrule a glare and pulled the pelt back over himself with finality. He felt Twilight chuckle next to him.
“I guess that’s your answer,” Twilight rumbled out and Hyrule rubbed at his eyes and sighed.
“Fine, at least drink some water. You need to keep hydrated.” He said as he dug through his pack to find a bottle of water. Twilight beat him to it, grabbing the half empty bottle from the ground where it was left abandoned and pressed it into Wild’s hands. Wild poked his nose out from the pelt and made a show of sipping the water.
“There, happy?” Wild snarked and stifled a yawn. He felt exhaustion like a heavy weight on his chest despite the pain that nagged for his attention like a needy child. He attributed his sudden exhaustion to the healing Hyrule had given as well as from throwing up earlier. He felt himself sag into Twilight and his head nodded as he felt the pull of sleep. Twilight jostled him slightly to keep him awake.
“Hey let’s move your bed roll before you go to sleep.” He said softly and Wild groaned.
“Who said anything about sleep? I’m fine.”
Twilight snorted “yeah, you’re brimming with energy.”
Wild murmured in agreement and buried his head under the warmth of the pelt again.
“Hey, no, we’re moving you first.” Twilight admonished lightly as he tugged the pelt away. Wild huffed out a protest but it fell on deaf ears.
“Come on, it won’t take two minutes.” Twilight said as he rose to his feet and pulled Wild after him. Hyrule sprang up next to him and helped support Wild’s other side. Wild gritted his teeth at the movement but said nothing.
Once they were upright Twilight and Hyrule helped Wild hobble closer to the fire and sat him down as gently as they could and replaced the pelt over his shoulders again. Wild leaned in close to the fire and warmed his hands. He could feel a chill settling over him again even with Twilight’s pelt hanging around his shoulders. He heard Twilight and Hyrule shuffling around behind him gathering up his bed roll and muttering about something. Wild sighed and winced as a small cough forced itself out from his mouth. Gods he missed not feeling like a burden, Hell he missed not feeling like death warmed over. He felt another yawn pull at his chest and tears beaded at the corners of his eyes. He knew sleep wasn’t too far behind and he both welcomed it and feared it. Something in his gut told him that it wasn’t going to be the restful nothingness he craved.
And he was right.
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