#its hard cause I can't always save the exact shot and I always try and pose the shot to the angle so I dont wanna fiddle around with adds
menphinaswhitemage · 5 months
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Shine and Radiance
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jacktheabsoluteass · 5 years
[GB&U] No.1 The Wealthy
Summary of experiment:
Before conducting this survey, I had the impression that the wealthy were as bad as the media tells you they are. Five individuals within the span of three hours were questioned, ages varying between twenty four, twenty nine, thirty six and all appeared to be male. Two questionees were quickly discarded as the gentlemen had intentions far beyond what I had asked of them thus no further inquiries were made. What asked these men was: when they realized they were well off? These were their responses...
Subject A: Subject A stated that at the age of thirty six, they had hired their first stay-in nanny, who resided in the guest house. After this response, Subject A stopped replying during the three hour window and thus concluded their part of the survey. Much after the time frame had closed, Subject A did respond.
Subject B: Similar to Subject A, Subject B realized they were well off later in life, however Subject B had this moment when they had paid off a villa in five years. I had asked what kind of occupation they were affiliated with and the subject stated they had a "simple job not worth mentioning" and proceeded by saying though they had paid off a house, most of the money was given and/or paid by the subject parents.
Subject C: Subjecr C seemed to have had many experiences throughout his life that added great value to the research conducted. The subject had come to terms with the fact he was well off when his father took a year off work and nothing from what they were used to had changed. The subject also said it could have been at the purchase of the third house. I asked weather or not the subjects father had saved a lot of money, enough for a whole year. The subject appeared to be frusturated, as though I had just insulted them. Little did I know I did. The subject replied with, "It's not the saving alone that makes you wealthy. It's busting your ass. My dads worked 40 years of his life. Minus the one he took off. So 39. He wakes up at 3:30. And comes home at 5, 5 days a week, sometimes 6. For 39 years with no excuses." Continuing on to say "Most people arent willing to pay that price" and proceeded to state various activities everyone indulges in such as, watching Netflix or YouTube, working out, investing in hobbies and such. After this I expressed that, this was all wonderful and I too would one day want to live such a life but first I would have to finish my studies and then I'd give it a shot. Subject C then went on to say his father had not completed anything above a sixth grade level and that he stopped attending school when he couldn't afford school clothing. I wanted to know what his father worked in, since my whole life, I've been told; without an education, you won't amount to anything, so all of this seemed surreal. The subject said his father was a contractor and that his job wasn't an easy feat. The subjects father had worked along side his employees for forty years. After going off on a tangent, I asked the subject how they are now, regarding his financial situation. Asking if they rely on what their father had made. From which the subject replied with, "Yeah. Always will. It's an addition to my lifestyle. It's whatever I make + whatever he gives me every month that determines how I live. All rich parents do this. You don't want to live a lavish life and see your kids suffer regardless of why they're suffering... a parent with excess in their lifestyle will always do what's in their power to not let their kids drive shitty cars, or live in a less than nice area or in a shitty apartment. Everyone who I know who's parents have more than 7 figures do the same exact shit." This all came as a surprise to me, however it was at the same time, it was to be expected. Of cource parents with more on their plate would give some to their kids, especially if their kids didn't have much on theirs. The surprise was from the way everything felt so similar. Meaning that no matter how much your parents make, if you have less, I'd even go as far as to say: Even if you have more than your parents. They'd still do anything to at least give you a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Not only did Subject C give me more than enough to work with, the subject directly gave me the bad that I can easily just quote without further explanation needed. It's currently two fifty one AM, demons hour is in nine minutes and I'm trying to be asleep by then so here it goes. "It has ups and downs just like anything. You can't make legit friends with broke people because you can't invite em anywhere. You can't date far below your lifestyle because you can't relate really, you plan to insult your futur qife with a prenup, successful parents are mostly never around because they're busy. Other family become leeches. You end up fighting siblings over land and inheritances and property and family jewlery. You hope your kids learn how to work hard and not be total bums by too much privilege. Just as high as the highs are, the lows are equally as low when you find out your family's backstabbed you over some money. I like my life... but it's my life... and if I had another life I would like it just the same. They all have ups and downs but people only want to see the ups. Like for example my dads probably not gunna make it to 59 because the doctor told him he's worked so much his hearts gonna give out before that. He's 53 rn and I would trade this life for a lesser one if I knew he was gunna make it to 80. To be at the top, the price has to be paid. People forget or don't want to see it. But success and wealth come at an expense. Imagine your father dying. Younger than he should have, just so when he died he could leave you with enough that your own kids wouldn't have to worry. It's hard for me to swallow that shit because if I had the choice I wouldn't have chosen all this money. We could have had less and been good. Idk man. No money can replace someone who loves you like that. When people are wealthy it means someone in their ancestral past made the decision to exchange their time and hours and body and life and made the decision that they were no longer gunna let their proceeding family suffer even if it means them not fully living their life. For me it was my dad. It would be different if it was his dad or his fathers dad. I know people who inherited a lot of money when one of their parents died. And believe me, the would give that money right back if it ment they could have them back. It's sad to see someone who's worked all their life to have shit, and see them dying fast not having even taken a real break from it to the point where you'd say it was worth it. A point where he knows how to reuely enjoy all he has because it's not even in the person. I'm not saying there isnt people I know without these problems. But you'd be surprised the things success can bring. Siblings who haven't spoken in 25 years, early deaths or Alzheimer's caused by over working. Disconnection from lack of time spent together. Deep drug habits fueled by easy money to cope with a lost loved one. Aimlessly shooting through life because parents are so busy to do anything but throw money at their kid hoping that's the solution. The thing is. It doesn't matter if its 1,000 or a 100,000, the true colors will show and that's what sucka. It's the act more than the amount. Some siblings won't mind splitting it 50/50. Others try to snake the whole 100 from you. You lose a lot of family having more money. It's just the way it goes. Uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers, tou name it. So if you know you're going to make it ar least until 30 still having your pops man, I suggest you value the small things in life. Because to someone else that might not be within their power. Not even with money."
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