#its insane to me that someone would describe salma as just meh
thatbitchsimone · 1 year
How do you think you gain confidence? I was always that girl growing up that just didn't even know the concept of self-respect... </3
this is such a hard question that i really wish i had an answer for but tbh i dont really know how i gained my confidence bc its something that slowly developed and grew over time and i honestly dont know how i achieved it. my first guess is that my mom (and my dad tbh but i think my mom was more impactful since we r both women u know) instilled it in me from a very young age and that gave me a bit of a headstart in a way. i have been very insecure earlier tho like in my early teens i was very insecure about my looks but when i was about 16-17 i was starting to get more confident but that confidence wasnt even rooted in my looks it was more from my personality and me learning that ppl are very drawn to me just from my energy bc i do have a strong presence and once i leaned into that i found out that im very charming and naturally charismatic (idk if its genetic or just a result of my upbringing and my parents parenting style bc my brother has this too) and i think thats what lead me to also appreciate how i look bc i started liking and feel proud of who i am and my face and body is part of who i am.
i feel like ppl reading this will assume im especially physically beautiful or whatever but i think the interesting thing about this is that im actually not. like my physical features are kinda mid. like my features arent striking. im very girl next door facially. attractive but not head turningly so, just regular attractive. nothing special at all when u really boil it down to just my physical looks/face. what makes me stand out to a lot of ppl is the way i carry myself. the confidence in my walk, the look in my eye, my overall presence and the vibe about me etc. im more intrigueing than i am physically beautiful. idk how to explain it. all i can say is that just simply looking or appearing confident ascends physical looks and i know this from experience.
so anyways my confidence runs way deeper than just surface level/looks. i just appreciate and work with what i have. i dont aspire to be on the same level as models and celebrities bc i dont feel the need to be the prettiest girl in the room or look like an instagram model bc im very happy with who i am and when i look at myself in the mirror i do think im beautiful like just in my own personal opinion. i just love myself idk i just love her shes my baby im my baby
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