#but thats the thing. beauty is so subjective. we see it differently
thatbitchsimone · 1 year
How do you think you gain confidence? I was always that girl growing up that just didn't even know the concept of self-respect... </3
this is such a hard question that i really wish i had an answer for but tbh i dont really know how i gained my confidence bc its something that slowly developed and grew over time and i honestly dont know how i achieved it. my first guess is that my mom (and my dad tbh but i think my mom was more impactful since we r both women u know) instilled it in me from a very young age and that gave me a bit of a headstart in a way. i have been very insecure earlier tho like in my early teens i was very insecure about my looks but when i was about 16-17 i was starting to get more confident but that confidence wasnt even rooted in my looks it was more from my personality and me learning that ppl are very drawn to me just from my energy bc i do have a strong presence and once i leaned into that i found out that im very charming and naturally charismatic (idk if its genetic or just a result of my upbringing and my parents parenting style bc my brother has this too) and i think thats what lead me to also appreciate how i look bc i started liking and feel proud of who i am and my face and body is part of who i am.
i feel like ppl reading this will assume im especially physically beautiful or whatever but i think the interesting thing about this is that im actually not. like my physical features are kinda mid. like my features arent striking. im very girl next door facially. attractive but not head turningly so, just regular attractive. nothing special at all when u really boil it down to just my physical looks/face. what makes me stand out to a lot of ppl is the way i carry myself. the confidence in my walk, the look in my eye, my overall presence and the vibe about me etc. im more intrigueing than i am physically beautiful. idk how to explain it. all i can say is that just simply looking or appearing confident ascends physical looks and i know this from experience.
so anyways my confidence runs way deeper than just surface level/looks. i just appreciate and work with what i have. i dont aspire to be on the same level as models and celebrities bc i dont feel the need to be the prettiest girl in the room or look like an instagram model bc im very happy with who i am and when i look at myself in the mirror i do think im beautiful like just in my own personal opinion. i just love myself idk i just love her shes my baby im my baby
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smiling-stel · 1 month
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Speaking ab the cover art from a Design pov *aside frm the comments that Cale looks out of character in the lore standpoint of vol. 2 art
(spoiler free, dw)
◇ TLDR; vol. 2 cover is beautiful, but it couldve had better color synergy. I can see why the artists did what they did, its just not my fav.
. man I'm just happy to have an official English print lmao, ill take what I can get
At first I didn't like the red shirt cause it was too much the same color as his hair. (Like if it was a darker or desaturated maroon, I feel it would've looked better, at least so he isn't matching with his own hair-)
. But now taking a step back n looking at vol. 2 again, zoomed out, I actually think his Face is the most jarring part [more on that later ◇]
◇ . The bright red of the shirt being lit by a yellower light, altho matching w his hair, actually isn't so jarring to me anymore cause I noticed two things
◇ 1) his pants are also tinted red (if my eyes aren't deceiving me) meaning compared to the background and the other two characters, Cale *in his entirety* is a red-toned silhouette -> this is a illustrative design strategy where the artist assigns a group of colors to a specific subject n *Restrictvely* uses the Hue Differences to their advantage. In my opinion, its a good choice in making him contrast and stand out. You can definitely Tell he's the main character with just the cover art.
. BUT it can also give off an Outlandish or alien feeling because (in this case) Cale is the ONLY red in the scene. Theres no balancing of red tones from his character to the background At All (e.g. the artists doesnt add Any red to the surroundings so his character can "fit in" with the scene- like as if you photoshopped a guy in sunny lighting into a dark room, the lighting differences is jarring n you can tell the guy is just slapped on top [not saying the artist did that at all, but the way they painted Cale to stand out feels jarring in that sense). While this does an insanely good job at putting him in the spotlight, it perhaps does Too great of a job, making him feel isolated or strange compared to the rest of the piece.
. (Then again, you can justify that that was the goal. To isolate Cale n show hes alien from a lore standpoint as he's "not from this world" as an isekai story)
◇ 2) but we're forgetting this is a COVER art. It's not Just an illustration to be pretty. To break my earlier point, altho Cale IS the only red in the *Illustration,* this art piece is - fundamentally - a Cover Art. It has the Title thats a part of its design <-<-<- And if we looksey at the title, what do we see? Red and warm tones. Like what other thing thats only reds? Cale Henituse himself!
. The Title IS the balance I said was missing in point 1). My theory is thats Also why the artist tinted the lighting on Cale to be warmer n more yellow, so as to use the yellow orange in the title (and the contrast of cools n warms from the focal points to the rest of the art) to their advantage. It helps add reds to the lower half of of the piece where the only warm tones are Choi Han's hand (the other character) and the fleeting window curtain; both of those details being at the edges of the piece and Both very small so they hardly have an influence on the overall design.
. So the title, taking up the majority of the lower half of the piece, draws the warmth down n assists in balancing the overall cover design.
So the reds have now been explained, but why are the whites so white now?--
◇ . Earlier I had said Cale's face was the most jarring part of the cover. And I still fully stand by that sentiment. Its the same idea where the reds do Too great a job isolating Cale; the whites do Too great a job contrasting w the background n the two other characters - who are black n cool tones - to the point where it Heavily draws the eye, practically in a violent manner.
. The extreme paleness is quite lore accurate for Cale's character, who hes isekaied as, but the extreme lighting Highlighting just his face compared to Choi Han's face is an extremely bold design decision (again, not a bad thing as he IS the main focal point, but adding onto the Isolating Spotlight trait going on)
◇ Ok then, but why's his jacket also so freakishly bright white? I heard from a fellow lcf fan (love discussing w you dawg <3) that they think the jacket is the worst part of his cover design.
N I agree. The reds standing out can be justified as a design strat, his face is the focal point so thats why that stands out, but why the jacket??
. Here i am on my artist apologist era <3
◇ . The jacket being blindly white is (probably) to Dampen the Harshness of his face being so bright.
. Altho the guy looks great in white ☆°• with how extreme the lighting is in this cover art, I think the artist wanted to balance the laser beam that is Cale's face paleness by spreading it out to his jacket, specifically that left collar fold ( i think that's called the lapel?)
. Basically by making the jacket's collar also intensely white, the artist gives their best attempt at trying to make Cale's skin less jarring so as to not make it so ridgedly highlighted. Like black ink spilt onto fresh paper, they tried to spread it out so its not so condensed in high contrast. ...But that only made the jacket join in on the uncanniness- TTvTT
(Posting the pic again so yall don't gotta scroll far o7)
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Other notes I've noticed n wanted to just point out while I'm here looking through the Design Lense ☆°•
☆ The red of Cale's hair and the red of his shirt n neck scarf sandwiches his face, making it stand out even More. Ealier I said the contrast of the vibrant red to the paleness makes his face draw the eye, but thats also thanks to the *position* of the colors! Not just the colors themselves B) isn't that so cool (tell me yes even if you have to lie-)
☆ The lighting on Choi Han's cape, chest, to face -> the window arch -> to Cale's entire person being lit up + how he's wearing a long white jacket
. It all creates this general arch of light tones and highlighted features which surrounds and hugs the title! The artists really knows how to use their darks and lights !!
☆ Choi Han's entire person, Cale's pants, and our lovely Roan Miru (the dragon) are the only deepest dark black tones in the entire piece! The privilege of being the subjects <3
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☆ cale looks crossed eyed lel
. Im glad I'm not the only one who struggles with eyes still
. Or maybe this artist did it right n I just don't know how to draw eyes- (very plausible tbh)
Man I love artists
All in all, Im not a fan of vol. 2 cover art but I can see why the artists did what they did
◇ . One of the most important things of commercial art is that its visually pleasing, regardless of design, lore, or even logic. The design choices are golden but putting them all together couldve been done better. Not that the art is ugly in any way. Its still gorgeous af, there just couldve been more balance or overall color synergy.
This is just my opinion anyways :D! No hate anywhere <33
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
Beauty Blocks : Glamorous Spells; Casting Away Ugly Truths
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Have a problem with feeling beautiful? Well I want to start off by telling you that its all in the brain.
Maybe she's born with it, Maybe it's her ability to see beyond the universe and what people tell her.
All that is can be if you let it. So I made up a few glamour spells. One for casting away energies that block your inner beauty and ones that expand on it.
My belief is that anyone can be pretty, because beauty is subjective. It changes over time. So whats pretty and is the beauty standard of today can shift 20 years or so.
Anywho, I wanted to dive in on some energy blockages and how it can affect us.
So beauty blockages can come in through the form of illusions, as glamour and beauty are connected to that sort of thing, masking it self as the only true way when in retrospect beauty is skin deep.
It is a connection to the universe, and its a form of energy that masks itself and many different forms. One not being higher than the other.
So I say this to say that a lot of people are breaking their backs trying to be someones ideal version of beauty, when in reality it is a life force and not something that be contained, only realized from within.
You have to know it in yourself, before the vision of it can form into something much more grand.
But thats my sentiments on the matter. Here are affirmations, spells & chants on eliminating beauty blocks, and expanding on your beautiful qualities whenever wherever. <3
Getting rid of beauty blockages :
I cast away all spells, all jinxes, all curses that blocked my beautiful energies from fully expressing itself.
I cast away all darkness, envy, jealousy and shame around my looks, my beauty, my consciousness and my spirit.
I cast away ugliness, the spirit of ugliness and the energy tied to it.
I cast away blockages towards my creative potential (a symbol of beauty)
I cast away the spirit of desperation. The spirit of anxiety. and the spirit of guilt around my looks, appearance, expression and personality.
Gaining Attention :
I allow my personality to be in the spotlight.
I let go of fear of being seen & heard.
I allow my gifts to show itself and my appearance to be the center of attention.
My beauty is a highlight of my potential. I am gravitated to beautiful sceneries and connect to the energy that is around me.
I am beloved. I am whole. I am thankful.
My appearance is loved. My voice is beautiful, my energy is heighten when I feel prettier.
I am aware of my beautiful energy and I express it loudly.
Making this a short list for now, however I want to cover that while we can say the best things to ourselves in the mirror, we must also look into our shadow self and do the healing work to remove certain frequencies out of the body.
In another post, I'll talk about Mirror work and Shadow work connecting to beauty and how going into the ugly truths of society and yourself helps tie into why beauty may be a difficult for some.
Hope the affirmations help though, this is my fave thing to do. Be blessed <3
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kazumasougi · 1 month
i feel like theres something to be said about how i and many other poc ive spoken to had to take longer to come to terms with what gender means because theres such a western perception of gender thats been forced on us. every discussion on gender nonconformity we’re allowed to participate in has always been centered around white people and their standards for beauty; meanwhile those of us that aren’t white are meant to conform to their labels despite that gender means different things to people from different parts of the world.
this isn’t even exclusive to trans people of color: if youve ever been a south asian girl in a predominantly white country then i don’t doubt there’s been times where you’ve questioned what being a woman actually means. ive lived that. and despite the identity ive chosen for myself now there were still times where i felt like it wasnt even possible for me to be a woman because white beauty standards dictate that dark body hair on women is bad and women shouldnt have facial hair and big noses are unbecoming of women and so on and so forth.
and i think to make matters worse, the only form of trans representation we’re allowed is white trans people; even in communities where we’re supposed to be seen, we can’t see ourselves. its partly for this reason that i’ve always had stronger feelings about seeing people of color on the screen than i ever have about white trans people— even if the people of color in question are cishet, they understand my feelings on gender in ways that i dont think a lot of white trans people can even comprehend.
and further on that topic i’ve always found it fascinating that a lot of white trans people in this community feel like big noses, body hair, thicker eyebrows, etc on women is masculine, how men having longer hair or being soft spoken and polite is inherently feminine, and they’ll parade that as their form of being gnc— and i have to wonder how many of these people have considered that a lot of these features are far more prominent in people of all genders in certain ethnic groups, or is an inherent influence of culture in other countries. it feels almost like we’re being put up in an exhibit to be gawked at. i don’t think the features of the body i was born with make me inherently masculine, rather my chosen expression with it, but that’s not something a lot of white people seem to see. there is so much pressure on us to submit to their standards of what gender and gender non-conformity means to them, and i really wish that was a more frequent subject of discussion in the trans community.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 9 months
What do you think of aroace spectrum angela or like. any variant idk
like. ok ive definitely spoken abt it offhand sometime before so im just going to use this opportunity to aimlessly ramble ok? ok. hyperfixation trap card.
like yeah theres the whole 'only having rep thats robots and aliens and etc' thing which is very much a fair and appropriate response, but also like. at a point you Do just kinda have to go 'Man Just Look At Her.'
i certainly couldnt say it as well as other folks, but... Man Just Look At Her. theres so many threads that are Literally Right There, its kinda hard Not to. id have to study again n cite my sources or whatever but also this is my house. ok.
like theres the obvious 'i see you as a friend' interaction with her and roland sometime mid-to-late ruina, which is. again. Its Right There. but its also the way she looks in lobcorp, and the instant she gets any agency she immediately veers in a completely different direction. (as a reclamation of self, as another small rebellion, as an exploration of how She would like to present herself and be seen)
its that interaction with xiao, her genuine confusion towards the concept of lovers, what they are, what makes it so different from any other sort of person. (as a jab towards her own isolation, the values she was made to uphold, her unfamiliarity towards cityfolk and the ways they carry themselves-- and that seeming contradiction of that affection vs. the way she was told cityfolk Work.)
angela, to me, feels like the type of character to simply Be. for lack of a better term. its a difficult concept to Describe in a way that makes sense, (despite me being, how do you say, In The Same Boat.) its something i could see her toss around out of curiosity, but honestly just... not really care for. she has things to do.
like... angela is just. a very cut and dry character, to put it in a way. she just kinda states things as they are, sometimes rather bluntly. its hard to elaborate because things simply Are. plain and simple, no need to fuss over it. and thats what this feels like itd be, yknow?
also iam just shrimply. forever an angela+roland qpr truther. tbh. like i dont know what the Hell those two have going on but you literally Cannot separate them. i hesitate to call it 'love,' because. well yes, but also no. but also kind of? but not quite. again, it just Is. they simply Are.
its one of those things that just feels Odd seeing her in any other context, in regards to romance or whatever. which is tied to a whole slew of other problems only tangentially related to the subject (shipping content bias, character simplification, and so on and so on,) but its just... man she would Not fucking say that. she would not Do that, she would not Act that way.
like i certainly believe it Is possible to have romantic interpretations with her, but its gonna be. Specific. with the way she carries herself, how she acts, and how she reacts to things. even with the romantic elements, itd still dip into aro experience territory, if you know what im saying. like whoever it is, this shit isnt going to fit into Roles and Archetypes, like how a lot of folks like to write ship content. for lack of a better descriptor, its gonna be Weird.
and thats honestly whats so frustrating about it! you Can have an interesting through-line and interpretation of that sort of thing, but a lot of the time whenever i (rarely) see it, its just... Typical Beauty Standards, Hot Secretary Lady, Scary Controlling Whatever the hell like... i hate t judge but cmon guys we can do so much better than that. ironically, wheres the Love? the respect for who she is, the curiosity on exploring that sort of thing with who she Is? guys come On...
which. grain of salt, because its not like i search out ship content, yknow. im not gonna speak like an authority for stumbling onto stuff sometimes. the fact that it isnt so popular and in-your-face is genuinely refreshing honestly, but. tangent.
anyway arospec angela agenda never sleeps and iam one of the strongest soldiers. the ace is Non Negotiable come back later with a warrant so i can Not Look At It. (<- this is a bit. (<- but im serious.)) thankyou. bows.
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glysaturn · 7 months
Your art has made me rethink the role of an "artist", because I don't use that word lightly and just art in general
Art is very subjective and I am just speaking about my own thoughts about it
Overwatch is a new fandom for me and finding your art and how I as a "viewer" interact with it made me think about how we perceive art in general
I think we take it as an objective thing, where theres "good" art and then theres "bad" art
But truth be told, I think all art is good as long as the right person is looking at it
I absolutely adore your artworks, they make me feel so happy and I keep coming back over and over again
Yet I see you doubting your arts worth
Which I entirely get as someone who used to create a lot
But it got me thinking about how something so meaningful to me, can to you as the artist seem very different as someone who actually creates it and judges it from an entirely different stand point
I never thought much about the "viewer" cuz I never had more than 30 eyes on any of my artworks
But thats all just to say
I haven't enjoyed creating art for a while now, so having taken the role of just a "viewer" and applying it to how I feel about my art
I may not like my art, but the thought of someone enjoying my artworks as much as I have enjoyed yours makes me believe that maybe my art isn't so worthless afterall
Because your art has not only inspired me to get back into drawing, but just in general has brightened up my days even if just a little bit
And my new definition of an artist I think is much healthier and forgiving
An artist is someone who creates from the heart
And if they manage to make someone feel with their art, especially if they manage to inspire or motivate them? Then thats art at it's finest
With all this AI talk and everything, I feel like we more than ever need to realize that art is the core of humanity
I believe theres nothing more beautiful than creating art and enjoying it, each person creating and interpreting art in their own unique ways
It's beautiful, it's why we are who and what we are
Nothing will ever be able to replace the joys of human creativity and passion, as horrible as the future looks I believe in a future where art is so much more than just another product, where it isn't so commercialized
And artworks like yours, with emotions, with depth and human touch, made from the heart, just fuel my hope even further
I hope your passion for art never extinguishes, favorite artist
i mean i know i do take art as an objective thing 😂 when i apply it to my own art, but not art made by others, strangely enough. or maybe not that strange at all actually. but anyway that's just my first thought, my second thought that comes next is that it isn't right at all and that i should apply same standards to myself as i do to others. and it gets a bit easier. especially after i was finally able to feel like i can stand alongside all the other artists as an equal. i never used the word artist (again, applied to myself only) lightly either, that's kind of a known thing about me i'd assume, but like i've expressed before, the recent years made me kind of rethink that position. and even now every once in a while i get an epiphany that further cements this new notion. it's still hard for me to call myself an artist but if others see me that way then they are correct and that's fine. so yes, i entirely agree with your definition of an artist. that is how i think of myself, and anyone else who creates. artists need to be more kind to themselves.
i have an overarching goal. to get to the people what is important to me. hopefully you will see when the time comes. but for now, reading the things that you've said, hearing that my works made you get back into art, that seems like a goal of its own that i've apparently already accomplished. i could not imagine a better outcome. i really, really hope you will get to get to the point where you are able to love your own works, too.
about a/i, it's nice to see whenever people do come together to support each other in these extremely hard times. but at the same time it's not exactly the same as it used to be like a decade ago. or maybe that's just my personal experience, i don't know. i feel like the way creators are treated online has changed, a lot. which kills me because people do need to stay united now more than ever, make connections that are stronger than ever before. if we want artists to remain viable and if we as viewers want to continue enjoying our favourite creators' works. that being said (negative rant incoming), the looming dread of capitalism! my god! we can stay together all we want yet companies still just go ahead and feed our stuff to a/i, without us even having a chance or an option or anything. it just happens. like what, were we supposed to predict that in 10 years t/umblr would sell our everything to a/i companies to save its own skin (allegedly) and we had to stop sharing stuff to prevent that from happening? but if you kept on sharing then your works can and should be scraped, because it's the internet! it's kind of in the same vein as "if you've put your art on the internet then people are free to talk shit about it", which is like no dude there's still rules and boundaries, why must you suddenly forget to be polite and decent just because it's "the internet", unless you're the exact same way in real life :/
but i've gotten stronger over the years. i am strong enough to believe in this better future that you're talking about. i believe because i want it to be that way. and my desire for the better will make me keep going, will drag me if it has to, despite everything. and i hope others find that strength, too, if they haven't already. the evil cannot win, i simply refuse.
thanks, i intend to preserve my passion at all costs. i've got comics to make after all 🤠
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pyr0cue · 2 months
Feel free to answer privately if you'd like- i know the Longlegs discussion is getting a bit muddled up in the notes and i'm actually really interested in people's takes on the film, especially when they bring up things i'd never consider, like Longlegs being a bit of a touchy subject when it comes to being potentially transgender, or just repeated (typically negative) stereotypes in horror in general. i find this type of stuff really fascinating!
(i apologize if i get a little lengthy in this lol)
while i don't particularly see Longlegs as trans, with the idea of Buffalo Bill being in a lot of peoples heads as a reference for Longlegs can definitely nudge them in that direction, and ill never fault anyone on their interpretation on a character in a film, it's kinda what makes films art to begin with. tho i also think (personally) that it may be a bit unfair to a character who, throughout the movie, is not a Buffalo Bill character other than the fact that Bill and Longlegs are both murderers. Bill is regarded as feminine because of who he kills and why he does it, where as Longlegs is sort of guided more towards the 'epitome of evil', to the point where Longlegs isn't even killing anyone directly, because its simply his influence with Ruth, the orbs, and the dolls. the through-lines are surely there, especially in terms of the ambiguity of gender, the cliches, and the harmful stereotypes associated with them. i'm just under the impression that the more you pick at it, the more the similarities kinda dissolve- but that's just me!
not to get long winded and annoying but i perceived Longlegs as not a human at all, but a rendition of the "Beast" itself, with Ruth being the other, forming the triangle that Longlegs seemed to be obsessed with, or less satanically accurate (i guess?? im no where close to religious so hoo boy if im wrong consider me a silly goose) , maybe a portrayal of the Antichrist itself. Longlegs is unnerving to look at and listen to because its desperately trying to be something that it perceives as 'beautiful,' when in actuality, is horrifying, like a 'demon' would present itself (if we want to pretend we know what a demon would do, but its fiction, so wooooo!) there is of course issues that are going to spike up with that- the 'feminine' presentation can set off alarm bells for a demographic that's already viewed in an (unfair, of course) 'evil' sense. but i think that unfortunately makes things more interesting- Longlegs can be perceived as anything, but at the end of the day, is evil, nearly on a cosmic level because we truly dont know what the hell Longlegs even is.
i super apologize for this being long and probably obnoxious but i personally love having discussions when it comes to interpretations of films, ESPECIALLY horror. Longlegs is bringing up a lot of different ideas and concepts for things that i havent seen in quite a while and i think thats really neat.
thank you again for humoring this ask! :) one thing i will fight you on is saw 5 being picked over saw 6, how dare you! the shotgun carousel was a masterpiece!
You are all good!! I also love discussing film and don’t mind long asks at all!! In fact this made my day!!! I just didn’t want to answer rude anons lol) I…also just typed a giant response so I’m sorry for not knowing how to be concise
I actually love your analysis! It’s a lot of things I hadn’t really considered! I think my personal gripe with the movie is that I just don’t find satanic motivations in film scary, I was so much more frightened and intrigued when longlegs was just a killer with an odd obsession with the 14th, when he was untraceable by his own power and not ‘the devil.’ Longlegs wanted you to be scared of both longlegs (the killer) and supernatural aspects, and I just lost all fear of the killer when he started being all ‘hail satan,’ it immediately made the character and their motivation entirely uninteresting and overdone. I spend a lot of time watching bad horror movies just to see if the reviews were wrong (sometimes horror gems were so poorly received and written off), and maybe I’ve just seen more horror about the devil than other people and I’m too jaded about it to find longlegs refreshing or new :/
I do love the idea of longlegs not being human and I can totally see that in the film, it could recontextualize the scene where he smashes his face and his nose falls off as an inhumanity rather than like…hey look at how bad plastic surgery is, which is what it came off as to me at first!! I love that line of thought actually!!
I like the idea that longlegs is portrayed as someone who lacks a gender is less with interpretations like yours which are so fun and interesting to examine is there’s JUST as much, if not more room for bad faith interpretations about trans people. I think my gut reaction of ‘oh no this is about a trans coded killer,’ comes from, both the actor confirming they were portraying a character who doesn’t follow traditional gender roles, and also the social climate rn that is SO violent towards trans people. While I love the idea of a killer who embodies evil, I just think a lot of people are going to walk away with the image of another ‘androgynous’ devil worshipping child killer in their heads, which I think was a dangerous choice on Oz and Cage’s parts. I wish they’d gone in a different direction to show inhumanity, maybe make the killers limbs unnaturally long, get rid of the lipstick and make his lips barely visible, instead of big cheeks have bulging eyes. There’s so many directions they could’ve gone that would’ve led me to immediately think “inhuman” and not “trans stereotype,” on my first watch, but I definitely think there’s a lot of room for interpretation and I loveee the idea of longlegs potentially being infected or changed internally/externally due to close contact with evil and the devil, it’s something to think about!
Ok forgive me for yapping about things you didn’t even mention because my other issue with the film was that it dedicated like 5 whole mins to explain, in depth, exactly how the dolls and Lee’s mom work with longlegs. Like. Ok I can give them the devil worshipping, I wish they’d been more creative but that’s not the ultimate sin, I just WISH they’d let me decide how that supernatural element worked for myself, I don’t want you to explain it to me. Same with Lee’s psychic abilities: you just dedicated a pretty creepy scene to showing that Lee could perceive things others can’t, I don’t then need you to tell me ‼️she’s psychic‼️‼️don’t forget‼️just in case you forgot in the last 2 mins ‼️ our main character is a psychic. This is a movie that held my hand because they were so obsessed with what they wrote that it ruined the horror of the unknown, at least for me. But on the other hand, there’s so many plot holes and issues with the story that don’t really fit in the ‘crime horror’ genre. Idk, this movie left a lot of contradictory thoughts in my brain and I think a lot of why I didn’t like was that I’ve just seen so many better horror movies that do all the things this movie does and more. I don’t think it’s bad but…it didn’t live up to the hype. Whoever was in charge of marketing for this movie needs the biggest raise possible lol
(Ok look the traps in saw 6 are so much better but I love Hoffman and Strahms dynamic in 5 they’re so silly goofy…glass coffin…but ur so right shotgun carousel is one of the best traps in the entire franchise)
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
(SPOILER FILLED) alrighty, time for some more cohesive thoughts on prime for me (since my last one was written directly after finishing it and now its had time to sit in my brain) (long post btw, i ramble @w@)
overall, i very much enjoyed it! the animation had me positively salivating over the fact that its /actually/ using animation techniques and not just. moving characters from A to B without the time for proper stylization. the overall plot was enjoyable and i am excited to see what the rest of the season will offer.
the fact that it is only one-third of the whole season also makes me a lot more forgiving about certain flaws i found at first, like only showing three worlds and not giving the characters a lot of time to breathe. theres the very high likelihood that such a thing actually will happen, and we might even see more places and worlds, which is an exciting thought! nonetheless, going in i did not know this as i was sleep deprived and had forgotten how many episodes the season has, so i felt a little bit salty, ngl.
Devon Mack does a very good job as sonic, and it makes me feel warm inside hearing his portrayal! every actor does a great job honestly, and it truly feels like they all understand the respective character they voice act(especially considering they have to acclimate the character /and/ voice for each new world. very talented!). the eggman voice actor could use some rerecords at times honestly;; but he does a good enough job that i only notice it sometimes; and he is fun to listen to regardless, and is just a subjective thought of mine.
the different universes also intrigue me! :D i really enjoyed the first one the jungle one was interesting and had beautiful flora models, but it is with this one that a problem of mine arises (but ill get to that later). the waterworld was also interesting, but kind of boring worldwise, since its just. water. (i get that its a pirate world and thats fine! i just cant give a good description of my feelings besides just. water. yknow?)
ive seen that a lot of people think rouge shouldve been the captain in the third world and. honestly. yeah. i think we might get to see why later on? but idk. i hope they have a reason that makes sense as to why she isnt, like if the worlds stick around and dont fuse back, shed be the next captain? weh! (i do love knuckles in a captains outfit though, so bonus points for that!)
now. i only have a few “criticisms”, and although some can be attributed to not being intended for me(and i will therefore not include cus. duh), there is one thing i just cannot let slip by.
(CRITIQUE START) the issue i have is that it feels so empty. new yolk (i refuse the yoke) is populated, but later episodes only really reuse the same five models roughly multiple times and i think had at most like 30? of them at the same time, and obviously could not have had more due to budget and such (which is understandable, but that still doesnt mean i cant point it out).
the jungle episodes! THE JUNGLE EPISODES?? ONLY HAD 5?? CHARACTERS MINUS SONIC (froggy counts) AT ALL TIMES?? and even the flashbacks only show those, probably so as not to imply death but like. come on. not even a few background characters at all? am i meant to believe they will all die out anyway simply by being the last people on this earth? im sorry i just cant get over this. you can make sean mcloughlin, mr jacksepticeye, get a cameo and his own personal character model, BUT CANNOT EVEN FILL A JUNGLE WITH PEOPLE?? did i miss something? if theyd shown even /one/ bg character once in a single frame in the flashbacks, id forgive it but i. cannot. im sorry. im nitpicking but come on! this is like the only issue i have. you only have 11 of the original characters in the first place (sonic. tails. knuckles. amy. rouge. big. froggy. shadow. eggman. orbot. cubot.), and then half of them are pretty much gone most of the time.
i just. its so empty? DO NOT GET ME WRONG I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS. I DEEPLY ENJOY THIS SHOW! I LOVE THE CHARACTERS WEVE GOTTEN TO SEE !!! THAT DOES NOT MEAN I CANNOT COMPLAIN ABOUT SOMETHING I HAD TROUBLE PROCESSING. if its gonna be a show about sonic and his friendships. where the fuck are the rest of them? is all we’re gonna get homages to their characters? (jungle knuckles was just sticks. come on now. just put her in shes already canon to the mainline games now) sega, if youre going to make a show about his friendships, why wont you let his friends be there? why can you only license 11 of your characters to the show? please make me eat my words.
and yeah you could say that the reasons others arent there (in-canon, not because of legal issues) is because they werent hit close-up with the prism shatter, but neither was big? he was shown to be down by the hills when it exploded, and i dont know if that counts considering that orbot and cubot arent even in any episode besides the first one, and they werent visible in the blast, i do not know what the blast radius would be to affect anything else. eugh. idk man. this is like the ONE issue i have, and its so small it feels meaningless. yeah yeah the budget the tight grip on characters yadda yadda i get the reasons behind it but it still affects the endgoal and i should be allowed to point it out.                                                                                                                     (CRITIQUE OVER)
that being said. i am in love with the character designs! especially a big fan of sonics gloves and shoes in the pirate world. i fuck w/ that very much <3
anyway, thats it. show good. binge it if possible! we need netflix to know that we like this. and maybe theyll realize that one episode per week for this show would be perfect (im looking at you episode recaps)
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natsmagi · 1 year
I'm a fandom old, so I'd also say there's a strand of entitlement that's always been around fandom, but it's so much more normal now (for both artists and writers) since fandom's become less of a haven for weirdos and more mainstream. Fan writers and artists create FOR FREE and share with us, so complaining or being an arsehole about it is frankly shit.
YEAH....... ive been in online fandoms for like a decade now myself so 😭
if i were to guess id say its probably because nowadays people grow up online and have their whole identities and social circles online too, and its usually very young people who act this entitled towards creatives. it seems a majority of them believe that what you consume and how you consume it reflects your character because theyve made what they consume such a heavy feature of their identity but thats just. not true? you cannot get an accurate understanding of another person based solely off you stalking their page. it sucks too because young people tend to be more reactionary and react based off emotion so their judgement will be even further clouded. not to mention since theyre so judgmental of anyone who disagrees with this they end up forming an echo chamber which just. oh man.
alot of the arguments i see can basically be reduced to "this makes me uncomfortable so that means its immoral and should be eradicated" and thats just. a Really bad mindset to have..... if you cant handle certain things youre much better off muting/blocking and curating your online experience appropriately. this isnt the real world after all, our creative art and writing does not involve reality, its often an escape from it. it is not us creatives responsibility to ensure your online experience is full of sunshine and rainbows. most you can criticize us for is if we tagged the posts appropriately. and then making sure those tags are muted is YOUR responsibility. please take care of yourselves. we dont want you hurting, but we are our own individuals with our own life stories and we should be allowed to express those
the internet will never be a safe haven for everyone. what you may deem immoral might be another persons way of expressing emotions that are killing them inside, and i think thats the beauty of art. it is a purely subjective medium that can mean something completely different depending on the person viewing it. like fuck man theres so many things i find deeply upsetting so i just do my best in blocking it out of my sight. am i still gonna stumble upon those upsetting things in the wild? of COURSE i am, especially since some of what i find upsetting may not be that big of a deal to a majority of the population, and thats unfortunately the reality we have to live with. all we can really do is ask those close to us to be mindful and choose who we engage with carefully
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
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Hey ! So I wanted to share my thoughts on being more magnetic with your persona and growing into your most photogenic self. As someone who didn't like taking pictures, and was always stuck with the same selfie pics being shot from my left angle I had decided to put myself into different boxes until I eventually stuck my foot out of them. At some point, I felt rather estranged to photography, not liking how I looked or felt and my my my did it show on camera. I had a vision of me being my most picturesque, most striking, beautiful self, and knew that if my mind could see it then it meant it we're possible. And I mean, to be honest, I had done it so many times before I was just unaware of it. And for me, even when your unaware of it the potential is there, it just needs more work.
So now, I'm ready to share what I've learned with obtaining a more photogenic persona. If you've had dreams of being a supermodel, a star or someone who just likes to be photographed a lot then this is for you. I'll try to make this super sweet and easy for you guys and give some tips on how to manifest your best photogenic self.
First tip : Start small. Get that camera phone and start taking pictures from unusual angles.
Sometimes it hurts to see ourselves in a way that doesnt match the vision we see for ourselves and thats okay. It takes work and practice but don't give up..
Now if you didn't like some of the pictures, what emotion do you feel? Shame? embarassed? cringey? I ask because our emotions play heavily into our reflection, and a lot of how you feel can reflect back to you on the photo.
When you're looking straight into the mirror, you gotta feel it. Feel allll of it. And leave no crumbs.
If you're not use to feeling like your 'that girl' then baby you gotta make it that way. I aint never said it would be easy, but I never said it could get difficult. Be a star! DONT BE AFRAID TO SHIT ON EM!!!!
Now when focusing on trying to manifest this desire, who are some super models, ig babes, or people who inspire you to be more photogenic look like? Vision boards are a great way to create a space for your vision to come to light because the focus is on the energy and less on the individual of liking.
When meditating on your desire, affirmations around photoshoots, feeling beautiful, and being a model work to the t. It's even best to program your mind into believing them while doing the thing.
So when your practicing, challenge your mind while focusing on some new poses. Your mind will begin to follow divine instruction through intuitive based thinking and you'll flow deeper into the subject at hand. No need to control every aspect, this is simply watering a plant. We got to plant the seed just to see it through babies.
Play with yourself, baby you gotta have fun! I wan't yall to shake off those insecurities because I promise you the roots of them aren't from your own tree. So weed them out and start all over. You deserve to see yourself in a new, beautiful light. This is your world, we just livin' in it.
It all starts off with the poses, make them worth it! Whenever you feel uncomfortable thats when you keep going because THAT'S what starts this train up until we get ready to go into the finish line. Like I said before, this doesn't come easy if you're not use to allowing yourself to freely pose and feeling good as hell while doing it.
You manifest it by forcing yourself into this new formation. When you look into the camera, you need to feel that you are the supermodel of the moment. Even if it doesn't feel real, even if you have to fight with yourself. The thing is. We are born with a certain ability to manifest the desires of our reality. Everything can be ours, if you just see it through.
Mirror Magic should be one of the main focus for practicing and developing your skill. Because the camera is reflecting back to you what you see. You ever took a picture of yourself and just hated it, but other people did? It starts with how your mind reacts to certain things based of emotion. So when I say try focusing on poses and doing affirmations in the mirror I want you to appreciate your beauty and also understand that your beauty is indescribable and can't be duplicated. I want more of y'all to understand that your thoughts can sometimes play tricks on you... so if you feel like you're not photogenic than your commiting to downplaying yourself and thats the lowest frequency to be on. You get what I mean?
Being confident puts you in a neutral/higher frequency than most, so you always gotta stand ten toes on your magic, your beauty, your essence, and your light. I hope this message can help a babe be her most photogenic self. Have fun, and be yourself! Bye babies.
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catholicjinx · 2 years
who is joan wjy is she of arc ? why is she significant to mike chemical romance. sits down grabsmy notepad
ok so. joan of arc was a patron saint of france during the early to mid 15th century. she played a Major part in the hundred years war and even led france to victory during their siege of the orléans in 1429. and we dont actually know her real name so she is just st joan!!! she ks commonly called jeanne de ark/arc tho. french things 👍
anywho. poor girl was only 19 when she died. around 12/13 years of age she started having "visions" from god telling her that she had to make a dent jn the war and serve as a soldier. however, since france had little to know rights for women at the time, the voices in her visjons told her to cut her hair short and she declared that the angels speaking to her were archangel michael (MIKEY FUCKING WAY), saint catherine and saint margaret. she did not know how to read or write, and she was burned at the stake for heresy - basically opposing the bible and orthodox catholic teachings that france was built upon. she died under unfair circumstances and did her absolute best to live up to the visions she was given and what she thought was the right thing to do. most importantly, she was a peasant. a helpless peasant girl that died at the hands of people that believed she was a danger to their religion but she was so pure and untouched on the inside she was above even the most decorated army veterans because she Stayed Human.
SO. this ties into michael romance a few different ways. firstly, gerard wrote a song called maya the psychic and i swear to god it just belongs to joan
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and also! shes. shes really similar to gerard. he talks a lot about having this deep feeling inside him to start up mcr right after he witnessed 9/11 (kind of like her visions). but he also felt that he would die young, alone, and unloved by everyone, similar to what joan Knew she would die with. she knew, that as a woman going into a very, very dangerous war she was barely equipped for, that she was going to die young and seen as unfaithful and unloved but atleast she would have gone through with her visions. and That. that. that is mostly the theme of danger days itself. tbh. its about running face first into a fight knowing youre going to lose in the end but still going because atleast you didnt just stand around waiting for something to happen. its about taking the hands of the people around you and promising them a better life while knowing that atleast half of you - including yourself - are not going to make it, but still doing it because you cannot let yourself be subject to evil. its about seeing the love and the beauty in the world even through the toughest shit you have Ever gone through. and thats what joan was about!!
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sobredunia · 1 year
Y’know as much as I may be a school hater I gotta hand it to them for teaching me something very strangely beautiful (they didnt teach it to me directly like in a class sort of deal tho. i refuse to give them that big of a W)
uhh tw mentions of ass fucking and giving premature birth for like. a single line. it literally does not matter. oh and also anime as a currency and maybe just maybe slight traumadump
you know presentations, right? you do a thing then show the class the thing and explain your thing and shit
mostly as a kid they’d have us buy this giant colored cardboard paper thing and put info about a certain topic in it. the very first one that i remember doing was with this one girl named Mar about penguins. later as we got older shit got more competitive bc the class would vote on which cardboard presentation was the best and the winner would get the cardboard hanging in the school walls for all to see. and idk i guess it hurt spending a decent amount of time in a cardboard only for another one to get voted as if your efforts werent worth anything
so yea school started with cardboards and then around 13-14 we started doing like. powerpoint presentation things. and depending on the topic and if the group project i ended up with were cool friends i got to add a lot of little gags and memes and overall have a lot of fun. and it was because these things were fun that i actually managed to remember a lot of things that we agreed to talk about during the presentation! who knew that having fun made learning better! wish they’d implement that to the school system!
over time teachers started to get more stern on not copypasting shit into the slides and then just reading it aloud for the presentation, and although having notes to read was allowed you definitely looked a lot more preofessional if you didnt have any. also with time I started to get more opportunities to do my presentations alone which i definitely enjoyed more than group ones because i could put whatever shit however i wanted and didnt have to meet up with anyone else and waste time trying to agree on what to do
which then leads into the wonderful tale of this one time in 2018-19 (cant rember) where our english teacher asked us to do a presentation. i dont know if it could be about whatever we wanted or if it had to be about money or whatever. but i chose to make it about anime as a currency. and i got a 10 of course because my english fucks severely and absolutely no one else did a presentation with as much slides and detail as mine did and honestly i think the teacher was just scared on what I’d do if i got a bad grade
but thats not the point of the story, just a highlight
then a couple months ago, since the class i was in was the Art Class, a teacher from a different subject asked us to illustrate one of the many poems that this one book had. I had different vague ideas going around in my brain but the deadline was so far away and i just didnt bother
until the deadline wasnt far away
it was very close, actually
(can you tell i write fanfiction)
so anyways adhd fucked me raw in the ass once again and i was still not done getting fucked by other things so fucking. supreme. deadline was close as shit and all the vague ideas took long ass time so I winged it as always and just read one of the poems at the end and got another idea then made the dollar store version of it and speedran that shit
and then time of presentation came and of course i was last and a buncha days passed with people just presenting their illustrations and all that wonderful time i could have spent making this shit more presentable but instead i had my cringe ass nae nae baby in my hands that i gave birth to too fucking soon for it to look more than just a sad fetus. literally any time its presenting time i either offer to go first or second or i get elected last i dont know how the fuck it happens but it happens. so anyways
instead in all those classes of classmates explaining shit with dead voices (we’re teenagers) i didnt listen in to what they said (i wouldn’t have even if i tried lmao) and instead just thought of how to present my work. i didnt have a powerpoint so through words alone it is
and then i just started coming up with beautiful tings to say about my work. How i used the most cheap materials i could find to not mock the author, who wrote in misery and made poetry out of misery, and it was now my turn to take those words engraved in pain and shape them around into something beautiful, over the ruins that got left behind, with resources available to the lowest of the low like library printers and cheap glue stick. make poetry from ruin to ruin, instead of the aristocrats noble poets of the past had focused on pleasing
and yall. i got the highest grade i’d ever gotten in anything from that class up until then. it still is
I’ve always been the goddess of just. making shit up as i go. a guy came up to me asking shit and i just lied on the fucking spot. no hesitation
and this has been a reoccurring thing, especially this past year, where i would have to present drawings (actual drawings) I’ve made and I just said some fancy cheesy shit and the teachers were swooned
and I don’t think it’s just me, either. I think this can extend to all people. the ability to look at the ugly, the neutral, the mundane, the devastation, and just make it into art. not by altering it per se, but simply talking about it. talking about things in a way that, although you might be winging every word not really believing what you say to be true, can make other people find them beautiful
i dunno, just my little thoughts
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transgenderer · 2 years
i dont go to therapy anymore so heres my therapyposting at 1230 on a thursday: i was thinking abt this post kat made, about her hamartia being the desire for things to last forever. and when i was a kid, i was so so so terrified of death (i thought about it like, all the time), and of impermanence. i went to this thing once, where these buddhist monks made a beautiful mandala out of sand, and then at the end blew it away. and it really really distressed me, it felt so viscerally WRONG.
and ive had a lot of different ways of dealing with that over the years, dealing with impernanence. so for a while i was suicidally depressed, which simplified things, it was okay that i was going to die, it was good even, i wanted it. and then i wasnt suicidally depressed, and i had to go back to dealing with it.
for years in high school i had this quasi-religion i called "the path". imagine for a moment that quantum stuff isnt true, its just billiard balls. so every moment can be determined perfectly from every other moment. time is just this massive crystal, one solid thing. everything is "happening" all at once, now is yesterday is tomorrow. and your life isnt a bunch of nows, its like a path in space. and then when facing misfortune i would (and still sometimes do) say "such is the nature of the path". like, yknow, this misfortune is literally logically equivalent with every fortune. theyre not different things, theyre two parts of the same thing.
ANYWAY i gradually lost my faith in the path. my comfort mostly came from the idea that the path was optimal. which is silly of course. the path is clearly suboptimal. but i told myself it was, and this calmed me down a lot. like yknow, best of all possible worlds. which i mean. maybe it is, when you zoom out far enough, altho we have no reason to think so. and i still have this attachment to optimality, when things are clearly suboptimal i get this little...itch, or like...almost a headache? like a pressure in my head. havent solved that one yet. had it for ages.
anyway so since i lost the path ive come up with other coping methods. and the latest stuff has to do with hedonism and probaility. basically, were trying to maximize the expected value for all sorts of quantities. but there are two problems: one, our data is shit, we dont have enough of it and the uncertainty bars are huge and those uncertainty bars are subject to unquantifiable knightian uncertainty. and 2) were not running a big statistical trial, youre one person. you can make choices that maximize your expected value and still end up with a shit life cuz of bad luck or bad data. so like, how do you deal with that. well, one thing is that our uncertainty gets much smaller in the short term. so okay, what if we value things that are only summed at the moment. well, sure, great. lets, value the integral of hedons. which was sort of always my tendency, but now its more endorsed i guess. i want to maximize my (and others, but thats even harder to influence) hedons, but anything past the very near term is like 80% shooting in the dark. so i follow some rough best-behavior heuristics, get what i need to get done done, and otherwise just try to enjoy myself in the immediate. and try to be skeptical of yknow, stuff that doesnt look like doing that. well see if it works out. and then we'll wonder whether i was foolish or just unlucky
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wheelercore · 2 years
Not to talk about ST-bible associations again but. The Book of Revelation has some interesting quotes about the New Heaven and New Earth:
The Apostle John surely didn’t understand everything he saw in his visions recorded in the Book of Revelation, but the vision of the New Jerusalem coming out of heaven must have been overwhelming. He writes where he “saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more” (Rev 21:1)
Then Jesus declares, “Behold, I am making all things new” (Rev 21:5), including the fact that “the sea was no more” (Rev 21:1)
The quote particularly mentioning that in this New Heaven and New Earth there is no sea. Many times we are shown that the UD is dry and water-less. In fact when Barbara is taken from on top of the pool by the demogorgon, she is transported to the same pool in the UD- this time it is soggy, but empty nonetheless. All the water is gone.
The UD is a world with "no sea". And as we see with the UD spreading into the right side up at the end of s4, Henry could be trying to create a "New Heaven and New Earth". I've already mentioned Henry being the antithesis of Christ (but in a weird parody way in which the contents of the Bible are taken literally at some points, case in point) and it's particularly interesting that in the Book of Revelations it mentions that in creating a new better world, Jesus makes "all things new" in part by removing bodies of water. To think of Henry's goal of destroying "unnatural (Christian) structures", I'm curious about how this fits into it. So let's discuss it:
We see other body of water associations in ST: Nancy in the pool in s1 before she goes to have sex with Steve, rejected Barbara above the pool, Mike jumping off the cliff into the quarry, Will's fake body being found in the quarry, Karen in her bathtub before Billy knocks on the door, Karen jumping in the pool before going to flirt with Billy, El in her sensory deprivation tanks/pools, etc. I'm sure theres much more but thats what I can remember off the top of my head. Water symbolism is a complicated subject because water has multiple associations in the Bible including rebirth and rejuvenation. Bodies of water, however, are often associated with chaos, death and perhaps evil in the Book of Revelation:
R.C Sproul explains: A hint of the quality of the new heaven and new earth is found in the somewhat cryptic words, “Also there was no more sea” (Rev. 21:1). For people who have a love for the seashore and all that it represents in terms of beauty and recreation, it may seem strange to contemplate a new earth without any sea. But to the ancient Jew, it was a different matter. In Jewish literature, the sea was often used as a symbol for that which was ominous, sinister, and threatening. Earlier in the Revelation of John, we see the Beast emerging from the sea (Rev. 13). Likewise, in ancient Semitic mythology, there is frequent reference to the primordial sea monster that represents the shadowy chaos. The Babylonian goddess Tiamat is a case in point.”
"onimous, sinister, and threatening". This idea that the depths of the water hide sea monsters and "shadowy chaos". When Will's (who we know was in the UD) fake body was found, it was underneath the water and taken out from above it. When Barbara was taken, she was above the pool and woke up in the bottom of it. When El uses her abilites to psychically connect to people/things in the UD it is represented by her either suspended in or above the water, in a black "dimension" treading/ walking on water.
If bodies of water symbolize death, evil, chaos, and all the other things which are not natural to God’s original creation, then for Jesus to walk on the stormy waters seems to symbolically reveal the reality that Jesus conquers death, evil, and brings the order creation groans for (Romans 8:22).
The UD exists under the water, representing what is "not natural to Gods original creation", the right side up exists above the water, representing order and creation. When El uses her abilites, she treads on the water. Which makes my brain itch because Henry has a very specific grudge against the order humanity imposes with it's creation, someone the UD is the opposite of- which certainly explains his goal to "open gates" in between the dimensions to create a New Heaven and New Earth.
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However theres the other less literal angle of being under the water as mentioned before: Nancy in the pool in s1 before she goes to have sex with Steve, Mike jumping off the cliff into the quarry, Karen in her bathtub before Billy knocks on the door, and Karen jumping in the pool before going to flirt with Billy.
All of these being sin. Premarital sex (Nancy), suicide (Mike), and adultery (Karen). All of them indulging in what is declared "illegal" by the presiding order, symbolized by them going under or almost under the water.
In a world where there are no bodies of water, like the UD, could it be said that there is no concept of sin? As in there is no more boundary between "holy" and "sin"? In Henry's New Heaven and New Earth, will these rules -that boundary- that he views as oppressive no longer exist? Most likely.
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angelcasendgame · 2 years
omg renu finally someone else who appreciates dean and amara!!! i need to stop being so shocked that you and i share the same opinions so much alskflfl;f but literally i feel like fandom always writes them off as a "weird noncon thing with no chemistry" but like.... regardless of how it started i just think they ended up truly caring about each other in the end!!! and i actually do think it's interesting how they could never really hurt each other and the nature of their bond and what it truly meant. because it's not something as simple as "amara forced a connection onto him" when even in season 15 she thought it was something chuck did to them!! anyway sorry for rambling but i just love them <3
Hello Moogs beloved!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜
I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING!! We are literally one I love that for us 💜💜 yes exactly to what you said!! Like she's this ancient being from before creation whose brother locked her away for the universe to be born!!!! It's more complicated than that which makes it all the harder to figure out!! GOD THE S15 THING AHH. Okay ideally I wish Dean and Amara after the Mary talk would be on better terms and instead of destroying her, they'd recruit her but thats spn for you. Also you have unleashed a beast bc I have so many emotions about Dean and Amara and I'm gonna subject you to them under the cut because you just Get Me <3333
Okay so idk if you're aware of the story, the ones who walk away from omelas but the general premise is this beautiful perfect town, Omelas where people are happy. But then it turns out there's this one single child locked away under the town and as long as they're miserable, the town continues to be okay (and most people, once they find out, can't handle the guilt and walk away, hence the title but that's besides the point)
I can't help but think of both Amara and Dean in this way. Like Amara was literally locked away for creation to exist, all of this, the entire world is here because she was imprisoned and miserable. And Dean was locked to his family to keep all these strangers and his dad and his brother happy. And obviously Sam was abused by John too, this is not Sam crit at all, but from Dean pov, he always felt obligated to stay imprisoned to this life out of wanting to make John happy and Sam happy and these strangers that he saves happy. So we have two beings locked away in their own way for the happiness of others. But the difference here is that their respective "towns" weren't happy. Dean was never enough for John and always made him feel inadequate. Sam literally ran away even though Dean had the opportunity to dip with Sonny but chose to come back for Sam (not Sam crit, I 100% support his decision to gtfo) but he feels that betrayal. Even though Dean keeps killing monsters, there's always more, by season TWO the life was too much for him. Like all this happiness he sacrificed and for what?? The people he loves always leave and he keeps failing the people he can't save. And Amara was literally imprisoned for all of creation, she finally gets to see the world and all she sees is the bad. This is what she was locked up for?? All this misery and hatred? I would also destroy the world the FUCK
This isn't saying that the child in the book doesn't deserve to tear the world up, but I'm just looking at their dynamic
But Dean without John around is learning to have a better place in the world. He's farrrr from perfect (see: the entirety of the show) but like Cas said, Dean has so much love for the world and people. And this is what Amara learns from him too by the end--the thing that stopped her from destroying the world was the literal power of love despite the horribleness that exists in the world
And I think this is the connection she was looking for. Dean and Amara were linked from the moc but I think she latched onto him bc she saw herself in Dean. And all the consumption of souls was yes for power but part of me thinks she was looking for something to fill the void (uh darkness pun not intended). And then yeah, she understood after speaking to the woman feeding the birds and understood what she was missing from Dean which was love for the world
She got her closure with Chuck and then bounced to explore the world (you go girl) and I do think Dean got closure from John in Lebanon when he truly put the idea behind him uh see this post lmao, where he just wants the idea of John but not John himself . And I just WISH s15 would have been them coming together after healing and taking Chuck down together who implemented the whole fucked up system to begin with!!
There's just so much to explore in their relationship and like this doesn't even TOUCH Amara bringing Mary back to life and saying she did that to give Dean the opportunity to know the real her and not the false one John made up (also ahhh Chuck and John as gods and authors, I could go on about this forever too fhskhdkshs)
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Today i went to the farm and met a friend of a friend. They spoke in a gentle tone. I like how their laughter sounded. They are very cute. Theyre a Capricorn. I guessed taurus, call it wishful thinking. They explained about tomatoes and which weeds to weed. Its not that im interested-interested. I just met them. But i think its that, im curious and my interest has been piqued lol. Idk , maybe its cuz they remind me of someone or an archetype with their carabiner and gray cargo(?) pants. Perhaps i just admire a fellow queer and love the gentle/ mellow ness of a first impression. I wonder wtf i gave off. Im self conscious cuz i dont feel desirable or interesting in that way. God i need help with my self image/ self worth. But its the truth. I halfway second guessed some of my interactions cuz i was like “am i flirting?” Nah , maybe i lingered a smile too long but idk i thought they were pretty neat in the moment, sue me. But then i wonder, do i even know how to flirt? Is it giving compliments and undivided attention? Idk but thats besides the point. The farm was beautiful, the sky was beautiful, i felt so good to be in the dirt. They happen to be part of this day, this moment. It was a sweet time. Theyre an artist and make them blue chemical sun cloths prints. They use plants from the farm as the subjects casting light shadows on the cloth. They seemed sheepish or shy or humble about their art or like they were surprised that people liked their art. They said it started as a way to catalog the farm. And thats so beautiful. Very thoughtful and cool way to archive the plants. One could write and photos and keep a log (which im sure the farm does), but these prints hold the physical form of the different plants and flowers, imprints of the seeds and leaves and shapes. Those plants existed and theyve now long dried up and perhaps returned to the earth or are hanging upside on a wall or in a glass jar, who knows. But their light shadows, their imprints forever cast upon the blue, a memory , moment in time, the physical shape captured for as long as that cloth remains intact. They also said that its the moon in gemini and that they like to check in with the moon. I love moon loving queers. I said i wished i had night vision and could see in the night. They were like that they wouldn’t wanna see whats out there, that maybe is best kept in the mystery. I said i would wanna see anyway , i wanma see it all. And they asked if id accept the consequences of it. And i said yeah, tho it wouldnt stop me from crying or complaining about the consequences lol. They had thoughtful answers to things. Like the thing with mirrors, people didnt need to see what they looked like, i dont remember how we got on the topic and its 2:13am so i need to finish this bath. Anyway, a very good evening at the farm. And i thought they were very interesting and nice to listen to and cute smile.
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