#its just a month n a half no one cry including me πŸ˜”
thedevilliers Β· 2 years
See its stuff like this that makes me root for Emilia and Christopher. Like they been years together, had conversations about future. He was into it. Sure his not royal material but he is or was boyfriend and husband material as in "starting a family" which now days you can't find that. Imagine in 2060s πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. That's why i can't see Emi and Barty connect. He can be bringing roses and sugar cubes and apples for her horses all he wants. He can't beat Christopher. Even if Christopher was a 6ish out of 10. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ You know what i wanna see tho. Alex's story. And not the one post once in a while. Like a good consistent story. You did that to many times to me. Harry got a gf, fell of a bike and now boom he's married with kids. You can't do that to me. And especially with Theo and Theresa! I wanna know the dirt on those 3 too. Sure Emi and Chris are cute. But what about the other ones. Idc if Barty changed since high-school. I wanna see Alexander changed now that he's about to marry. Enemies to Lovers. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣😍❀️I really Love your story πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‚
SDFJKSDFHDSFJKS HELHLEPHLEPHLEHP yes i agree. i like chris !! now who said bartemi is real ?!?! not me. thats YAOW !!!!!!!!!!! just u wait 😀😀😀
omg why are u exposing me like this πŸ›Œ i cant thats so embarrassing for me LKJSDFKLJDSLFKSJF but yes u are absolutely correct !! i agree with u . i promi i will try my bestest πŸ˜” the whole devillussy will be put into this other half πŸ˜” I SWEAR !!!!!!!! alex <3 theresa <3 theo πŸ¦–
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