#its just pornbots and haters these days
cyndaquillt ยท 2 years
Inherited disorders aren't really saying anything about evolution being against boxes. Those chromosome disorders aren't different sex types or intentional outcomes to sex development, either. The OP of that post is in high school and apparently more eager to own the terfs than to offer accurate information about intersex disorders and the people behind them. Human sex is binary and chromosome issues don't change that anymore than an extra chromosome somewhere else would change that. Like, people with Down Syndrome have an extra chromosome too. Not a new sex. Intersex people are male or female and so far there's yet to be a biologist who hasn't been debunked who claims otherwise. Previous theories how some people with intersex disorders are better described as male or female pseudohermaphroditism was thrown out for both insensitivity and inaccuracy. Wish you guys would educate yourselves and stop mixing up sex and gender.
Yo anon, I get that you are using the OP of that one post's educational background to come at my tags but just for clarification, my tags are based on my professional and educational background. While I am not a professional biologist, I have a degree in the physical sciences and I am currently getting a PhD in astrophysics and do know something about trying to classify nature things into neat boxes. I will gladly write up a post about scientific modelling/classification or even statistical modelling for anyone who is genuinely curious to know how much scientific classification has evolved in the past few decades but I do not feel like arguing that with you or anyone who makes statements to deny anyone's personal identity and labels and uses Science to do it. Frankly speaking, this is the first terf-oriented ask I have gotten and the last I will answer because I am usually a non-confrontational person who rarely directly interacts with people on here. If you follow me, please unfollow because you will regularly see similar takes from me and they are clearly not meant for you and somehow upset you. If you don't follow me and still want to avoid me and my ramblings in tags feel free to block me, I do not care. I curate my own tumblr experience and so should you.
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