#its just something ive noticed becoming more and more frequent over the past months as my follower count has climbed
magioffire · 2 years
ive been meaning to make this psa but i keep forgetting so-- here goes.
i would like to remind everyone to please make sure you read bio pages before interacting with my characters! i know, they are often very long, particularly vali’s, and im still working on making the formatting more accessible/easy to read, but theres *a lot* of important information there you would likely not know otherwise. . i dont expect you to memorize every single tidbit of information, but you can always check back on the bio to confirm or deny something about my character before you make a flat out assumption. or even just ask me! i dont bite!
 i understand that my about pages for my characters can get quite long and detailed, and that can put people off. people can forget things, and its easy to stumble over things in a big bio, thats fine. theres no shame at all in forgetting something or making a mistake, but i do begin to notice sometimes when people havent been giving my bio a proper read. though perhaps not as easily as i can tell when someone has put the effort in to read it, and trust me, i do take notice someone does that, and i appreciate it greatly. so thank you for that if you have taken time out of your day to give my bio a look at, i appreciate you. ive put a lot of thought, time, and effort into creating my pages, and making sure people have more than enough information to work with. thank you!
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
How Day6 would react to overhearing you admit your crush on him to one of the other members
AN: a request from anon. i feel ive treated this more seriously (and focused perhaps more on the confessions themselves, bc i interpreted ‘crush’ subconsciously as ‘having long-term-feelings for’) than you meant in your request but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
“hyuuun, i’m in love please make it stop.” “only way that’s going to happen is if you go tell him.” “...i hate you.”
sungjin... i picture is going to date to marry (or an equivalent if marriage is not for you, as though i get the vibe he’s quite traditional, for the right person he would be very easily convinced), so he takes crushes and confessions quite seriously
probably would feel bad for eavesdropping
then would feel happy that you felt the same way
but then more serious issue of now having to confess would take over
would spend a long time thinking of the best way to do it
would probably settle on a classic walk or cinema/theatre depending on what’s showing
would make damn sure he and you would be alone while confessing—so to save both parties from pressure and embarrassment should things go wrong 
also he’s quite a private guy and would want to let others know on his own and your terms
ngl probably wouldn’t admit he’d overheard you until like... a long time later
it would be under the initial reasoning that he would wait until you were stable so it wouldn’t have too big of an effect
but then he would forget
until it randomly came up in conversation 
like we may even be talking years here
maybe when you live in your own place, just the two of you, and you’re hanging out with him and younghyun who is just refusing to go home bc the food is too good at yours who brings it up 
“i don’t understand how it took so long for you two to get together, like even wonpil was starting to find yn’s pining sickening.”
and you would be salty, because “excuse me i hid my desperation very well!”
and sungjin would just immediately come to support you because he’s a loyal motherfucker and would begin, without thinking “she did, i didn’t know until i—”
that would be when he stops himself bc hes like oh shit i didn’t tell her and now two very curious sets of eyes are like staring at him and he’s 98% sure he can’t backtrack at all 
“when you what?”
and he would just sigh “when i overheard you telling younghyun that you liked me”
and there’d be a moment of silence, followed by laughter 
youngk would be confused, probably, having a surprisingly better recollection that you perhaps would “wait i remember that—how did it take you two months to work out what to do next?!”
and you end up just laughing harder, before noticing the the mix of emotions on sungjins face and reassure him “it doesn’t matter how long it took, we’re together now”
anyway overall sungjin is probably quite serious about it, but it will have a happy ending, you’ve just got to be patient lmao 
“dowoon, what do i do?” 
jae would be playful about it
after hearing you ask dowoon for advice since hes good friends with him he would be ecstatic, but would try and keep it lowkey
he’d hide out of sight of the doorway he’d passed by to have his little moment
and then he wouldn’t be able to stop smiling
his eyes would keep glancing to you for the rest of the day, even more than usual
but i think he would want to make things more official as soon as possible, as he doesn’t want to waste any time when he could do it sooner and be with you
and so he’d ask if you had a spare moment on the day or so, and take you some place quiet
not necessarily his room, more likely just outside the front door in the warm summer air
and ngl i think he would totally pull the “i think you know why i summoned you here today”
of course, yall have no idea, but you’re used to his occasional crackheadery—otherwise why would you crush on him so hard? “not a bit, but if its a trip to get snacks you don’t even have to ask, i’m in”
“well, that is a plan for later... depending on how this goes”
that’s the point where you would get confused and begin to wonder if something is up, but hel’l continue “i found out something really cool today yn.”
“really? was it the pin to brian’s credit card?”
he would laugh but shake his head, “nah even better” and that would give you the heads up that this was serious, and it would occur to you that he might have overheard something
but it becomes obvious when he follows with “a little bird... told me that someone, likes someone else, in our group. our friendship group.”
you briefly consider panicking, as the whole thing could still be construed as him not liking you back, but you put on a brave face and push through, “oh really? who?”
“that’s the problem, i don’t know, but i was wondering if you did.”
the chance was clear for anyone to see, and seeing the glimmer of hope, you seize it “well, i know someone who likes you... but i’m not sure if its mutual, so that might be why they haven’t said”
“if it’s who i think it is, then it definitely is... mutual” he would admit
and that would be the closest the two of you ever got to literally word-for-word confessing, because out of nerves neither of you would probably be able to admit it at the crux of the moment
however, like in all the movies idc if its cliche you would gravitate towards each other, and that would be the moment where you both recognised your feelings as well as shared your first kiss together
ok i’m going to stop before i combust 
anyway as for whether he’d admit he’d overheard you, he would probably be quite quick to the chase on that one too, probably right after the kiss and you’ve spoken about it a bit more, he’ll probably just say “i kind of accidentally overheard you telling dowoon, please don’t be mad at me”
but how could you be, you’d gotten what you wanted after all
in conclusion, jae is lighthearted about it and woudn’t waste any time
“wonpil did i tell you how much i love his eyes?” “hmmm... perhaps... but tell me again, to just to make sure.”
god bless wonpil his emotional support would be A+
right off the bat our youngk is a songwriter
he probably finds a lot of inspiration out of love
and so his feelings for you coalesce to create love songs that he may or may not use in the future
anyhow, it means that to cope with his feelings he’s probably half composed something small where he admits them 
with little intention of you probably ever hearing it at all
or at least, not without big chunks edited and names changed/cut
but when he overhears you rambling to wonpil who doesn’t mind the sappiness a characteristic you probably got off our brian anyway with his occasional borderline emo-ness
he’s grateful to his past-self for starting it, and realises that maybe its time to finish it
so it’ll take a week or so for him to finally confess
bc even though hes a bit of a flirt, i don’t see him wanting to tarnish love, since he owes it so much and its not fun to play with someone’s heart, especially not yours
so it might take him a little longer, and when he gets round to it, it’ll be perfect, just like you in his eyes
so prepare to be serenaded
yes, that sort of serenaded
in dim evening light, with the sun’s glow beginning to fade and make way for the stars, flickering like the candles laid out for you
again, that classical vibe won’t be missed on him
as for whether he’d tell you, probably only if you asked, but he would add that he’d been writing the song beforehand
he just may not admit to not planning on ever performing it
overall? when it comes to romantic flair, kang younghyun is king 
“sungjin, uh, do you know where wonpil is? i can’t—” “isn’t he at your hip?” “as much as i kind of wish he was, he kind of isn’t.”
wonpil, my lovely sweetheart
probably wouldn’t be able to stop himself from just
walking straight in when he accidentally overhears you to ask right there and then
like, you’re probably pestering talking to sungjin in the kitchen or another equally frequented place, so it was likely that someone was going to overhear anyway 
and maybe that was part of sungjins plan dont put it past him
but also it meant wonpil got further into the room the hunt for sustenance spurring him on, you know how it is before he caught onto what was being said, thus making it harder to back out
thus sungjin knew he’d overheard, but you with your back to the door were still clueless
and would’ve stayed that way had wonpil not continued and straight up asked or sungjin not said anything, which lets face it by this point he was really considering doing
he would be really excited about hearing that the feelings were mutual, and you were right there so what harm was really being done if he did just straight up waltz in?
as soon as you heard his small “you like me too?” you would whip around 
aaand that would be sungjin’s cue to leave
“do you mean that?”
“it only feels right when you’re by my side, pillie.”
the words you would exchange would be in a soft flurry of emotion tbh, out of disbelief but excitement for the future
most likely ending with you embracing, foreheads resting against one another’s
fluff hours only in the house of pil, ok?
“jae, do you think dowoon will be free tomorrow?” “yea why?” “i want to take him to the cat cafe—” “oh my god is it happening?! is it really happening? are you finally going to tell him? plan ILU is underway?” “keep it down!” “oh god everybody stay calm, stay fucking calm—!”
my bean
my lovely bean
would feel guilty over accidentally eavesdropping, and this would reflect in his shyness later
however, he decides to run with the silver lining of having the chance to be prepared for tomorrow
and so he would not say a word and try and act natural
especially when you ask him if he wants to go out somewhere with you the next day
he’s not sure how he did, he tried to hide his ears as best he could but he was also well aware you knew him too well
when the next morning rolls around, he’s up early, getting ready in nice clothes that he hopes aren’t suspiciously too nice
and then he waits, trying to calm is nerves, before realising that maybe ignorance is bliss
when the time comes and you make your way to the cafe, he finds it difficult to act surprised, but also to try and keep his breath steady
finally, near the end, after asking if he had a good time and wanted to come back, you confess you liked him and it’s as if a weight lifts off his shoulders
he would kiss your cheek soon after, without much warning, out of relief and joy and nerves and a whole lot of else
and you’d probably pull him in for a proper kiss by his collar as soon as you’re sure he’s ok with it
and then the fact he eavesdropped would be a secret that he would die with
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liannyeong · 4 years
Things just work out (in the end)
Summary: Two close friends who decided to marry each other if they’re still single at the age of 30. What can happen, right?
Word count: 3181
Pairing: Jaebeom X OC
Warning(s): Fluff, Just a pinch of angst
A/N: Yay a new fic! And finally, I have gotten used to spelling Jaebeom’s name correctly. This idea is totally cliche lol but well, I just had to write it when ideas started popping in my head. Originally, I had other plans for this plot but I decided to condense it into just a short fic lol. I actually aimed for a 2k word count but well, I always end up writing more whoops ~
Long-time friends, that's what they really are, Not the best of friends but they're close enough to lean on each other and share about their problems. For example, failed relationships. None of their relationships ever last a year. Their friends wonder why, but not even they know the answer to the problem. In the end, they're labelled as the curse in any romantic relationship.
"You know," Jaebeom starts, after a night out with their mutual friends. He had just dropped off their friends who lived along the way, and is now left with her as always. They live the closest to each other anyway. "I'd say we should make a deal."
"A deal?" she echoes.
"Yeah. Let's get married if we're both single by the age of 30."
She snorts. "That's 5 years from now!"
Jaebeom shrugs. "Anything can happen in 5 years."
She keeps quiet, thinking it over before she speaks. "And if we're still single?"
"We marry," Jaebeom says so offhandedly, as if it's nothing serious.
She has a brow raised. "Just like that?"
"Yeah, why not?" Jaebeom retorts. "Nobody seems to want us. And even if they do, it never last more than a year. So why not we skip the basics and get married?"
She bursts out laughing. "You're mad," she says disapprovingly.
"Well, just think about it," Jaebeom insists. "I don't think we've got anything to lose. After all, how bad can it be if there are two 'cursed ones' in a relationship?"
Surprisingly, she agrees. In the year they both turn 30, they hold a small wedding. Then, she moves into Jaebeom's apartment because it is larger. As the months go on, nothing seems to change -- only that Jaebeom has become more gentlemanly towards her. Perhaps being married to someone, having another person to take care of has made him kinder, she doesn't really know. What she knows is that she doesn't hate it. It actually feels nice to have someone to be with at the end of the day. Jaebeom has been a spectacular husband: he listens to her rants about anything, helps her cook dinner. It has been really great.
But sometimes, she can't tell the difference between Jaebeom being chivalrous or... well... having feelings for her? It sounds as if she's too full of herself to think about it, but how can she not when he does things that are questionable?
For example, in one breezy day, Jaebeom took off his jacket just to tie it around her waist when she was wearing a dress that touched just above her knee.
"In case there are any perverts lurking around," he had said dismissively.
Or the few times when he noticed her shivering from the coldness of the air. Be it the air-conditioner of their car or the chilly air anywhere else, Jaebeom would drape his jacket over her body silently, and focus back on whatever he was doing.
Or that one time when they were stranded in the rain with no umbrella. The man threw his precious leather jacket over their heads, then pulled her by the waist with one hand as he led them across the street.
It doesn't seem anything, really. But that last incident is the last straw. Jaebeom has never held her without her permission. He has always made sure not to do anything physical to her, if she doesn't consent to it. The other part of her mind argues that it was just a one-time thing. She can't really comment much on it, can she?
The easiest way to figure this out is to ask him directly. But god, wouldn't it make her look like fool? Imagine Jaebeom saying that "No, I don't have feelings for you. What made you even think that?" Or "We married because of our promise, nothing else." Ugh, this seems like an unnecessary stress on her mind.
One thing's for sure though: even if Jaebeom doesn't harbour any feelings for her, the things he do certainly has an effect on her... She wonders what kind of feeling this is...
Jaebeom is an aspiring singer-songwriter. He has put his works out there to the world through his Soundcloud, which landed him a stable job at a local music company. She knows he's well-known in the music industry -- he's always got big projects to do, producing songs for popular idol groups out there. It's fascinating. Having known him for years, seeing him slowly gaining the recognition he deserves makes her happy.
But with bigger projects to tackle, that means longer working hours. And he will certainly bring his work home. It's frequent that Yugyeom, Jaebeom's partner, comes over to their shared apartment to continue with their projects. Usually, she would hear the same damn beat played a million times across the house. Today, it's more quiet. Perhaps, they're sourcing for inspiration? she wonders to herself. Well, it's not as if she minds the quiet ambience.
She heads to Jaebeom's room-slash-studio to call him for dinner but as she raises her hand to knock, she hears Yugyeom saying, "Hyung, you should tell her you like her--"
She freezes.
"Shut the hell up, Yugyeom. These walls are thin!" Jaebeom hisses.
"But hyung--"
"Drop it, Gyeom-ah. We're not talking about this now," Jaebeom cuts.
Her mind reeling. Jaebeom has someone he likes...? What...?
She totally misses out the footsteps on the other side, until the door swings open suddenly. She jolts in surprise, her hand still raised up.
Jaebeom is looking at her, wide-eyed, as if caught doing a heinous act.
"How long have you been standing here?" he asks after clearing his throat and his face from any expression.
"Just. I was about to knock your door but you opened it," she lies smoothly. "Dinner's ready."
"Great! I'm hungry!" Yugyeom exclaims as he jumps out of his seat and brushes past the two of them like an excited puppy. He heads to the kitchen by himself, leaving the married couple in the hallway.
Jaebeom's voice is soft and cautious as he asks, "Did you hear anything?"
She blinks up at him, trying her best to put on a blank expression. "No? Was I supposed to hear something?"
Jaebeom actually flushes. "N-no. It's great you didn't hear anything," he mumbles.
She nods, eyeing the man. "Let's eat."
Jaebeom always lets her listen to his finished work before its official release to the public. One particular song is about wanting to get closer to another, but they can't because of certain circumstances. Another is about loving a person from afar. It bears a resemblance to Jaebeom's situation, if her thoughts are correct. And her curiosity only gets bigger.
"Your songs... It sounds real," she tries to start the topic in mind. "Do you... possibly... have feelings for someone?"
Jaebeom swivels his chair to look at her in surprise. He looks caught.
She lets out a gasp. She sputters, "You-- Wait, who is she-- Oh, wait, no--" She halts herself when her mind clicks. "Why did you agree to this marriage thing if you have someone you like?! Oh god-- What have I done??" she panics.
"Hey, relax," Jaebeom's calm voice cuts her panic. "It's nothing, don't worry."
"Don't worry?!" she repeats in anger. "How can I not worry?! You're-- Oh god, you could have been with the person you like right now, if not for this--" she gestures the space between them, "thing between us!" She buries her face into her hands, mumbling to herself, "What have I done..."
Jaebeom crouches before her, hands closing around her wrists delicately to pull them away from her face. He brushes her cheek with a knuckle, smiling softly. "It's fine, really. It's no big deal."
"How are you so calm about this?"
"It's because I don't regret anything."
"You don't regret anything?" she echoes his words. "Not even this marriage agreement between us?"
Jaebeom's smile falls just a little. There's a certain warmth in his gaze, a gentle expression on his face. It's one that she has never seen before. Well, not directed to her at the very least. "I don't."
"Because," he starts slowly, "you have been a great partner so far. I don't have any complaints about you."
She frowns, feeling that something is amiss. "There's something you're not telling me."
Jaebeom blinks. Then his shoulders slump. He settles on the floor, sitting cross-legged in front of her.
"You're right. There is something I haven't told you," he admits. He lets out a sigh. "But how can I, when I might risk losing everything I have?"
"What's going on--"
Jaebeom looks at her dead in the eye.
"I like you," he confesses.
She draws a deep breath.
"I don't know when it began. But after the wedding, after a few months into this marriage arrangement, I guess I developed a soft spot for you. Which gradually became real feelings. Perhaps the feelings have always been there, I don't know, but I only realized it through this marriage."
"I--" she gapes her mouth like a fish. "I thought you-- I thought you like someone else!"
Jaebeom shakes his head. "I don't. I like you."
She gasps.
"I--" Jaebeom reaches forward but she immediately rises, backing away. The man looks hurt but she can't wrap her mind around this new revelation.
"I'm sorry I need time to process this," she says hastily before striding out of his room.
Jaebeom seems to understand her position, so he minimizes any interaction or encounter between them. After all, she's still a little confused. It's not easy to accept the fact that Jaebeom has fallen for her when all they've ever been was close friends. Sure, she may have liked the chivalrous way Jaebeom treated her, but she doesn't think it's any indicator that she may harbour the same feelings toward her.
Anyway, Jaebeom doesn't been home for days. She doesn't even know how he's been. Is he eating alright? Is he stressed? Is he okay? She knows it's her fault -- it was her reaction to his confession that made them like this. Still, she can't help the uneasiness in her heart when Jaebeom disappears for days.
So when the man comes home in the wee hours of the night, she feels her heart pound. He looks so tired, so ragged, like a homeless person. He looks like his life got sucked out of his body.
"Jaebeom--" she calls softly.
He slowly turns, his eyes are heavy, dark circles and eye bags underneath. "Did I wake you? Sorry about that... Well, good night." He drags himself into his room and the door clicks shut.
She stands alone in the doorway of her own room. He looks horrible... She wonders if she could cheer him up. She realizes she actually misses his company. The way he would always be there for her at the end of a long day. The way he would listen to her attentively as she rants her heart out. When has she ever done the same for him? She reckons she has never.
With new determination, she pads over to his room silently, then sneaks in. Jaebeom is already fast asleep, not having changed out of his clothes. He's sprawled out on the bed, and she slowly makes her way to him. The bed dips under her weight, then she rests her head on his arm, snuggling close to him.
"Wha--?" he mumbles groggily, looking over at her.
She only shushes him, curling an arm around his waist as she joins him to sleep.
When she wakes, Jaebeom is still passed out. But his body is turned towards her, his breathing soft and slow. She's still got her head pillowed on his arm. Her eyes wander his face, from the two brows to the twin moles above his left eye, down to the two closed slits and to his round nose, until--
His lips, crafted perfectly like a cupid's bow. The soft pinkish color. She wonders what it feels like to kiss him.
K-kiss Jaebeom?
She jolts up, suddenly very awake. She glances back at Jaebeom and her eyes automatically lands on his lips again. Her heart pounds in her ears. Oh my god.
She stomps out, into the safe haven of her own room, her heart beating fast.
No way.
Does she actually like Jaebeom???
Things are still awkward between the two of them. She doesn't mention about the night she slept over at his room. Neither did Jaebeom. It's probably best to leave it for now. She wouldn't know how to face him when she's been having weird feelings since then.
Speaking of which, her mind is plagued with thoughts of Jaebeom and her newfound feelings. She has been trying to rationalize her emotions, but now, she wonders if she's in denial.
What's so bad about liking Jaebeom, anyway? she ponders. He has been a great husband. Hell, she hasn't felt this comfortable with any man before! Comparing to all the boys she has ever dated, she must admit that Jaebeom is the best among them. But wait, Jaebeom and her are not considered as dating, right? If Jaebeom is already this good, what more a real dating relationship? Or even better, a real marriage?
She blushes furiously, raising a hand to cover her face. At the same time, she accidentally knocks over a hot pot, letting out a yelp of pain. The first thing her body does is to put her hand under the running tap water. As she lets the burn cool, she looks over at the kitchen floor. The contents of the pot have spilled all over the tiled floor. She sighs. She shouldn't be this distracted while cooking.
The man who plagued her thoughts emerges from his room haphazardly, his face painted with worry. He glances over the floor before going back to her, especially on her hand.
"I'll grab the first aid kit," Jaebeom says. He comes back, calling her over with a hand held out for her to grab. He then leads her to the couch in the living room, sitting her down and opening the kit. He takes the seat next to her, their knees knocking.
Jaebeom helps to apply a burn cream onto her hand. She will never admit this, but his touch is more scalding than the heat of the pot. She flushes.
"What happened?" he asks gently as he rolls a bandage around her hand.
"I just--" She makes the mistake of looking up. She realizes how close they are. Jaebeom's face is just a few inches away. She can hear his soft breathing. She can even count his lashes. Embarrassed, she averts her eyes, mumbling, "I got distracted, that's all."
"You should be more careful," Jaebeom says, closing the kit and putting it away afterwards. "Just rest, okay? I'll clean the kitchen. We can just order in today."
She nods. Jaebeom heads to the kitchen and starts to clear the spill on the floor. She watches as he picks the soggy vegetables and dispose it into the bin. She slumps in her seat. All she wanted was to cook a simple soup for dinner. Now, Jaebeom who is busy has to clean the mess she made. She feels sorry.
So she turns on her phone and places an order on Jaebeom's favorite from his favorite restaurant.
After coming to terms with her own self, she decides that it's time for them to settle this awkwardness between them.
She knocks onto Jaebeom's door and the man lets her in. He looks a little worried, a little uncertain about what's happening.
"It's about us," she begins once she settled comfortably on his bed.
"Oh," he lets out.
"Look, I-- Um--" she stutters. She breathes out then starts again, "When you confessed to me, I just... I didn't know what to make sense of it. So I'm sorry with how I behaved afterwards. I just didn't know how to deal with it."
"It's fine, I understand," Jaebeom says softly.
"But I just can't stop thinking about it," she adds.
Jaebeom leans forward now, quick to assure her. "Hey, look... If you're uncomfortable living with me, I can move out. We can just sign the divorce papers. It's not a big deal."
She shakes her head. "It is a big deal--! I just--"
The man smiles weakly. "You don't have to force yourself to live with me. I'm not hurt if you don't return my feelings. I understand really. I have made you uncomfortable--"
"No, Jaebeom!!" she nearly shrieks. "What I mean to say is-- I think I-- I think I like you too..." Heat rises in her cheeks and she knows without doubt that her face is as red as a tomato.
Jaebeom stares blankly at her, stupefied.
"I've been thinking a lot about it," she continues. "Back then, I thought... It isn't a bad idea to marry you. But now..." Embarrassed, she's staring at her lap, afraid to look at Jaebeom's face. "I want you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you," she confesses.
Jaebeom moves forward, kneeling on the floor, a hand gently cupping her left cheek.
"Do you really mean that?"
She nods, blushing.
Jaebeom smiles, his eyes forming crescents. "Spending my life with you, I'd love that."
She looks at him, face gleaming with happiness. Her eyes accidentally look down to his lips and she turns redder. She looks away quickly, abashed.
Jaebeom must have noticed this as he follows her face, peering at her. His hand is still pressed against her cheek. "Can I kiss you?" he asks softly.
She gulps. What does it feel like? her mind wonders. She tilts her chin up, a silent agreement. She watches as Jaebeom moves closer and shuts her eyes when he's just a breath away. Their lips gently brush against each other, and it already feels otherworldly. The moment their lips connect... God, it feels so good. She feels how plump and soft his lips are. And god, the way he rolls his lips against hers... It's electric.
She swears that is the best kiss she has ever had. Reluctantly, they pull apart for air, both their chests heaving. Jaebeom doesn't move away though, he presses their foreheads together. Her eyes feel heavy as she opens them. Jaebeom is already staring back, as if he couldn't believe that they kissed.
"Is this real?" he whispers.
"Yes, it is," she answers before lunging forward. Jaebeom topples backwards, his head hitting the floor with a thud. She worries, but the man laughs it off, giddy with happiness, so she can't help but smile along. She leans down, pressing a quick kiss onto his lips. Jaebeom stares up at her fondly, tucking her hair behind her ear. That hand cups her neck, and he directs her for another kiss. His other arm tightens around her waist, pinning her close. They kiss like teenagers, when chemicals are high.
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As Dentist Doncaster east, we come across dental implant failure in lots of situations. A dental implant failure is when a dental implant fails to become fused to the bone, gets loose, and must be removed. When ANY dental implant is done, there is ALWAYS a chance of failure. It doesn't matter if it was done at a reputed implant institute in Melbourne or by a general Dentist Doncaster in a small town. This minor failure rate is worldwide. If you are thinking about getting dental implants, you will have to accept this small risk of a dental implant failure! And that is under ideal conditions!
SIGNS OF A FAILED Dental Implant
There are several pointers to a dental implant failure, all linked to the fact that the implant is not firmly embedded in the jawbone:
The Dental Implants will be loose. If it is supporting a single tooth, the movement will be obvious. If it is connected to part of a bridge, then you will probably not notice any movement at first, as it is being held in place by the rest of the bridge.
The gum may shrink back from around the Dental Implants, exposing the metal surface of the implant itself. Dental veneers and crown Melbourne
You may get some slight swelling of the gum over the Dental Implants, either a small bump or perhaps a more generalized puffy gum area.
You may have some discomfort around the implant. Frequently there is no pain. Just a sense of discomfort.
A dental Dental Implants can fail at almost any time. Generally, the risk is highest at the moment the implant is put in, and over the next 30 days. Then the risk declines as the months go by. If all is well after 12 months, the risk is much less, but it never goes to zero!
A dental implant may start to fail almost from the minute it is put in, OR ten years later! Here are a few situations that can occur;
1. The Dental Implants was not fitted tightly enough into the jawbone. Sometimes the bone can be relatively soft, and when the Dentist Doncaster gently screws the Dental Implants into place, it just keeps turning without getting a firm grip. The Dentist Doncaster may refer to it as a "spinner", because it spins around and around without becoming tight. There is not much the Dentist Doncaster can do to improve things.
2. A tightly fitted Dental Implants is a good start. However, during the healing phase, there are some other possible problems. As with any surgery, it is possible for infection to get in. Apart from causing some discomfort, any infection can prevent the bone cells from growing around the implant. It will not become "fused" to the bone. When the Dentist Doncaster inspects the Dental Implants after 3 to 4 months, he will find that it is slightly loose. It will wobble a bit.Leaving it any longer will not change anything; the Dental Implants should be removed, and either replaced by a slightly larger Dental Implants, or bone grafting added and allowed to heal for 6 months before trying again. 3. Once you get your new crown or bridge fitted to the Dental Implants, you may think you're home and dry. If you get past the first 12 months, then the chances of dental Dental Implants failure are very less.
Your Dentist Doncaster has a responsibility to explain this to you before treatment; and YOU have a responsibility to accept that risk if you want to have dental implants in Melbourne! At Doncaster Hill Dental in Melbourne will ensure that you have fully understood the possible risks involved with dental Dental Implants.
 We hope our website proves a useful tool in learning more about our practice, team, and services. Also if you would like to know more about our updates and latest activities, please do not hesitate to check out our
Doncaster Hill Dental’s
Facebook page and contact us with questions and schedule a convenient appointment.
Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Tooth Extraction
 Do you know those four extra teeth in your mouth that you always thought as a kid gave you extra knowledge? That's right, your Wisdom Teeth Removal. Well at some point, you will likely have to have them removed. But don't worry, they don't actually give you Wisdom Teeth. In fact, they can cause you quite a bit of pain and interfere with the positioning of your other teeth. Having teeth pulled or removed never sounds like something you want to experience, so if this surgery is in your near future, you are likely wondering what to expect.
The Procedure
Contrary to most surgeries, Wisdom Teeth Extractions are quite common and generally don't take more than 45 minutes. Depending on your doctor and the extent of your surgery, you will either be given local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or an IV sedation. Regardless though, you won't feel a thing. Upon waking up or coming off of the anesthesia, you will notice some pain, swelling, and tenderness. You will also have a mouth full of gauze to help with bleeding. The extent of your surgery will determine if your doctor will stitch the wounds shut. Stitches are very common and typically dissolve after a few days. From this point, it is all about your post-operative care. Wisdom teeth removal Melbourne
Post-Operation Instructions
Now that you have withstood the wisdom teeth extraction, it is time to begin the healing process. The post-operative time period is vital to your overall wisdom tooth extraction experience - it can make it or break it. At least minor pain is unavoidable, considering you had someone pulling your teeth out. However, unnecessary pain, infections, and other complications can easily be avoided as long as you are diligent about your post-operative care.
Pain Expectations
Everyone experiences a different level of pain, but some discomfort is to be expected. Your gums and mouth will be tender and swollen. But with proper care and pain medication, the pain is only minor.
Here are a few vital recovery tips to follow:
1. Take advantage of ice packs. As with most operations, you will notice a little swelling as you start to heal. While it can be frustrating and painful, an ice pack can help eliviate some of that. Apply a cold ice pack to either or both sides for intermittent 20-minute periods.
2. Rinse with warm, salty water. We recommend that you rinse your mouth with warm, salty water for 24 hours after the Wisdom Teeth Removal surgery to help your mouth to heal.
3. Restrict your activities and allow yourself as much time to rest as needed. You will naturally be tired from the anesthesia, but you will also need extra rest as your body recovers.
4. Eat soft foods. No, mashed potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner might not sound the most appetising, but your mouth will thank you. Between the swelling and the stitches, anything more than minimal chewing of soft foods will cause irritation. Avoid drinking and chewing on the surgical side for at least 24 hours.
Rather you are having one wisdom tooth removed or all four, surgery is surgery. Ultimately, everyone has a different experience and recovery time, but the best thing you can do is be prepared and diligently take care of yourself following surgery. Wisdom Teeth Removal
While the anticipation leading up to the day of surgery is scary, it will all be over before you know it and it will be far better than the pain you would endure keeping your wisdom teeth in.
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Best Things to Do in Paris
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/best-things-to-do-in-paris/
Best Things to Do in Paris
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As the world once again becomes our playground, many of us feel compelled to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. Here in Paris, that is a good impetus to follow, since most indoor venues now require you to show a vaccine passport in order to enter. This is true of museums, cafes, restaurants, theaters, cinemas…well, you get the picture. Lucky for us, Paris remains one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Beyond the obvious splendors of the Eiffel Tower and the Sacre-Cœur Basilica, Paris has a wealth of sites and experiences to offer. 
And others, like Le Village St.-Paul, and the nearby basketball courts, the Terrain de Sport des Jardins St.-Paul, both in the Marais, make you feel like you’ve discovered a hidden nook of Paris all your own each time you stumble upon them.  The Village St. Paul is recently renovated and is now an exquisite labyrinth of quaint shops, casual restaurants and bars and simply just quiet spaces where you can catch your breath underneath the shade of a tree. It was once the private gardens of King Charles V, but that was centuries ago.  Likewise historical, and not to miss noticing, is the original old wall of Paris built in the 12th and 13th centuries by France’s then King, Philip Augustus. Today, it still fortifies one side of well-used open-air basketball courts of the Marais. In other words, you can both shoot hoops (or jump rope or stretch or do open-air calisthenics) while taking in one of the oldest exposed monuments of historical Paris. 
The Parc Rives de Seine is another popular destination for families and sporty types, or even just people looking for a nice outdoor walk along the Seine or a place to picnic by the river. On warm spring, summer and fall evenings, you’ll find groups of friends enjoying bottles of wine or beer al fresco or ordering a beer at one of the many food stalls there. 
New to the Parisian façade is La Samaritaine. Or, I should accurately denote, all things old become new again since this iconic department store in the Chatelet district of the 1st arrondissement is now fully refurbished and open again for business. It’s the LVMH group who undertook this project, which lasted for nearly a decade, and the architecture shows its modern bent. For architecture buffs and shopping enthusiasts, it’s a must-see. 
In Paris, it pays to just wander because many Parisian gems and treasures can be found along a meandering path. Some of these treasures, such as the covered passage of Galerie Vivienne, are found right under your nose as you walk the city’s charming streets. Its main entrance is tucked in just behind the Palais Royal and once you enter into this covered passage, you feel yourself instantly transported through time. 
One last reassurance when exploring the city: When your feet get tired of walking, there is a boat-bus service, the Batobus, that you can hop on and off. It motors you from the Eiffel Tower to just past the Ile St. Louis by riverway, and back again, if you so choose. 
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Getting outside these days can feel like something of a privilege. Who would have thought? But here we are. So, in honor of maximizing that privilege, these are outdoor basketball courts open to the public where you can shoot hoops and otherwise do open-air calisthenics. The kids from the high school across the street are often here playing on their sports hour, but there are many hours when there isn’t a single soul inside this expansive sports terrain. It’s a great place to bring your yoga mat and do some stretches, or a jump rope and get a vigorous workout. If you have some buddies you can shoot hoops with, go for it. The baskets are yours for the playing. While you’re here, don’t forget to notice the 12th century wall that holds up one side of the encircling façade.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: The great outdoors! Even in the heart of the Marais, you find these hidden oases where you can play, sweat and absorb some culture, too.
Paige’s expert tip: Come here for the outdoor exercise venue, stay for the history lesson… Right here on an ancient street in the Marais are these fabulous outdoor basketball courts. The playing field is large enough that if you want to do calisthenics like jump rope there’s plenty of room off to the side without getting in the way of the game. Be sure to notice the ancient wall to your right as you enter. It is one of the only remnants of the historic Paris city wall that once encircled what was then the outer limits of the city. It dates back to the end of the 12th c., beginning of the 13th c and was built by King Philip Augustus to protect against the threat of a pending Richard The Lionheart invasion.
Read more about Terrain de Sport des Jardins St-Paul →
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Though not strictly an attraction, the Batobus is more than just river transportation along the Seine. A hop-on, hop-off shuttle between the major Paris monuments that’s easily accessible from the Seine, it’s nice to ride the Batobus for the sheer pleasure of seeing the city from a different perspective. And while the Bateaux-Mouches and the other wonderful dinner and cocktail Seine river cruises are experiences many rave about (rightly so), this little Batobus-that-could offers the same views at a fraction of the price – dinner and cocktails not included, of course. It’s a family friendly transportation option for getting around the city. Its stops are all along the river, of course. These strategic stops are at areas which make visiting the Louvre, St.-Germain des Pres, the Marais and Latin Quarter and the Eiffel Tower/Trocadero areas very convenient by foot.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: Paris, when seen from the river Seine, is even more beautiful. And that goes for day and night.
Paige’s expert tip: Hop on and hop off all day long. Or buy the 2-day pass and make the River Seine your main method of transportation to see many of Paris’s landmark sights.
Read more about Batobus – Louvre Stop →
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The area along the Rive Droite (right bank) riverfront that was once a thoroughfare for cars, stretching from the Tuileries tunnel to the Henri IV tunnel, is now a pedestrian zone. You can either start at Hôtel de Ville and head east toward the Bastille, which is a shorter walk but will take you along the stretch where the eateries are, often packed with people on the weekends. Or you can head west, still along the Seine, towards the Pont des Arts which will take you along some of Paris’ most beautiful sites such as the Conciergerie, the Pont Neuf and Île de la Cité. It’s a win-win and, either way, will leave you refreshed. An equally beautiful walk awaits you on the Left Bank side of the Seine. Optimally, start from the Pont Alexandre III and walk towards the Eiffel Tower, allowing for plenty of pauses along the way.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: These green spaces and pedestrian areas along the riverbanks are well-loved, especially by the kids. They get packed in the warmer months with fun-loving crowds.
Paige’s expert tip: After big meals and sugary treats, the best thing to do to maintain equilibrium is to take a nice long walk outdoors. Start just under the Hotel de Ville (Paris’ City Hall) where you’ll find a children’s playground, a swing set, some water fountains and the Batobus ticket kiosk. From this point, you can walk West towards the Pont des Arts, or East towards Pont Sully. Either way, you’ll encounter eateries, refreshments, shady places to sit and picnic tables. No cars, the gorgeous River Seine, and some of Paris’ most beautiful landmarks await you on this walk.
Read more about Parc Rives de Seine →
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Founded originally in 1870 by Ernest Cognacq and Louise Jay (namesakes of the famous Cognacq-Jay Museum) this Parisian landmark is once again alive. Fully refurbished top-to-bottom, its entire 70,000 square meter, 10 floors of luxury goods, French culinary treats, artistic installations and beauty day-escapes are now all yours for the taking. One of the façades, the most modern one, fronts onto the rue de Rivoli, giving this little Pont-Neuf neighborhood of Paris the sleek LVMH imprint. But other parts of the building were maintained to preserve its Belle Epoque appeal. The building takes up a whole city block and then some. There is also the Cheval Blanc hotel that is adjacent to this department store (also LVMH owned). This department store is well-equipped to deliver whatever you might need for person or home. Clean-lined furnishings are for sale, along with china, kitchen appliances, and bedding. Men’s and women’s fashions guarantee something stylish to wear, and cosmetics let you put your best face forward. Sportswear, a bookstore, a pet department, and children’s clothing, toys, and accessories are available as well. METRO: Pont Neuf
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: Beauty day-escapes, including one devoted solely to reshaping your eyebrows, gourmet cafes and, of course, luxury shopping are all here. Paris at its finest!
Paige’s expert tip: This is Le Shopping destination now in Paris. Closed in 2005 as a safety hazard, Parisians have waited over a decade to be able to once again frequent this Belle Epoque, beloved department store. And LVMH, the new owner and instigator of the renovations, certainly has delivered. The splendor of the interior is barely grasped by its exterior, so, by all means, go inside and enjoy!
Read more about La Samaritaine →
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The Sacré-Coeur Basilica, also known as the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, is blessed with its location in Paris. At the top of a huge hill in Montmartre overlooking the city, large steps cascade down the hill on one side, the basilica’s white domes looming up in magnificence behind them. Head inside the Sacré-Coeur to experience this sacred Catholic cathedral, built in 1876. With its high point at the top of the Montmartre hill, plus its gleaming white stone exterior, Sacré-Coeur Basilica is an amazing sight to behold from a distance as well, and views of it can be seen from many different points in Paris.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: The Sacré-Coeur sits like a majestic white lady, regal and pure, at the top of the Montmartre Hill, otherwise called the Butte Montmartre.
Paige’s expert tip: The steps are great for sitting on with a loved one or friends. Music performers are often playing and you’ll have an impressive view of the city spreading out below.
Read more about Basilique du Sacré-Coeur →
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Named for Louis XIV’s confessor, who once lived in the vicinity, this cemetery was established in 1804. It was planned as a repository for human remains when authorities sought to improve sanitation by moving graves from the center of the city to its outskirts. Now park-like in its appeal, Pére Lachaise is a much-desired place to be buried. Within its bounds are the graves of Moliére, Oscar Wilde, Heloise & Abelard, Jim Morrison, Frédéric Chopin, Edith Piaf, Sarah Bernhardt, Marcel Proust and other famous figures. Stately trees and beautiful memorials add to the cemetery’s present-day calm. The area surrounding the cemetery is also something of a budding bohemia. Many young families have flocked to the 20th arrondissement in recent years for its wider streets and bigger, more affordable apartments.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: Can you really come all the way to Paris and not pay tribute to Jim Morrison’s grave?
Paige’s expert tip: Schedule a whole day if you want to explore the entire cemetery. There are a whole 110 acres to cover and many famous tombstones to hunt down, in addition to Jim Morrison’s and Oscar Wilde’s.
Read more about Cimetiére du Pére Lachaise →
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This gorgeous architectural gem, completed in the 17th century, is located in the city’s Faubourg Saint-Germain region. It was created by Louis XIV, the Sun King, as a home for aged soldiers and disabled/injured veterans. Among its prominent features are a sweeping esplanade, a series of gardens, and a striking domed church, where Napoleon I and other military heroes are interred. One of those military heroes is Turenne, one of the most famous marshals of France, whose tomb was installed in 1800 under the Dome. It wasn’t until 1840 that Napoleon I’s body was transferred to this site under the direction of King Louis-Philippe. Also at this location is the Musée de l’Armée: an outstanding art and military history museum, with extensive armament collections.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s body was interred in the tomb at Hôtel National des Invalides in 1840.
Paige’s expert tip: In the summer months, catch the evening light and sound show. It’s an exhilarating romp through Paris history from the perspective of battles fought and wars won.
Read more about Hôtel National des Invalides →
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This Roman-style arena was built between the first and the 2nd century A.D. Named after the city when it was still under the Gallo-Roman rule, the Arènes de Lutèce are one of only two monuments that are still standing from that early historic time of the city, nearly 2,000 years ago. It had been completely covered over and only in 1883, after the demolition of the Daughters of Jesus Christ Convent, was a third of the amphitheater uncovered. Today, you can still see the stage and wings where the actors stood when performing in front of the assembled crowd. It’s a huge monument but not seen from the street. So you literally have to go and unearth it yourself by following the little street that leads to the entrance. It’s a breathtaking venue. It’s also very close to rue Mouffetard, so plenty of fun cafes, bars and restaurants nearby!
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: This arena dates back to the early Roman times when Paris was called Lutèce.
Paige’s expert tip: This amphitheater, originally used as a stage, was later a cemetery. It was later filled in following the building of the wall of Philippe Auguste in 1210. Les Arenes were rediscovered between 1860-1869 when the Compagnie Generale des Omnibus sought to build a tram stop on the site.
Read more about Arènes de Lutèce →
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First built in 1780, the Parc du Champ-de-Mars is a large green space that stretches from the Eiffel Tower all the way down to the École Militaire to the southeast. It is a favored place for leisurely strolls, rain or shine. It is also one of the best places in the city to stretch out a picnic blanket and while the afternoon hours away over a shared baguette, some French cheese and other treats. Now that there is a glass protective shield around the bottom of the Eiffel Tower, approaching from the great monument from the Champ de Mars affords you a magnificent perspective onto the Iron Lady. Here, you can still lay out a blanket and picnic goodies and simply enjoy some time spent in the shadow of a one-of-a-kind view.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: The Eiffel Tower is among the ten most recognized landmarks in the world.
Paige’s expert tip: The Champ de Mars is the favored spot for picnics and afternoons spent with a book stretched out on a blanket under the sunshine and the Eiffel Tower. It is open both day and night, so star-gazing is also a popular pastime here.
Read more about Champ de Mars →
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Fresh from a complete refurbish, this little village within the heart of the Marais district of Paris is now fully re-opened for business, browsing, antiquing and simply enjoying peace & quiet within secluded, interconnected courtyards. Collectors of art and antiques will know this little village well, as many of the shops are oriented towards antiques and other fine collectibles. But not all. Other shops include Venus sur Cour, a shop specializing in erotic collectibles. The network of interconnected courtyards also houses many artist ateliers including photographers, ceramic workshops and even a hatmaker. Le Village St. Paul, now that it is once again fully open and in pristine condition, is also a very popular spot with the locals for lunch/dinner. Restaurants range from casual Italian to casual French to a bar aptly called Dad’s Den. As you meander it’s easy to imagine that King Charles V himself once walked here.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: The City of Paris spent heaps of Euros and several years refurbishing these ancient gardens once owned by King Charles V. They are now re-opened.
Paige’s expert tip: Once upon a time this was the private gardens of King Charles V.Today, it is known as Le Village St. Paul. A labyrinth of interconnected courtyards filled with quaint shops, artists’ ateliers and restaurants/bars, few places in the Marais offer such a charming oasis from the hustle and bustle of the main streets as Le Village St. Paul.
Read more about Le Village St Paul →
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kayetaz · 7 years
You Be the Anchor that Keeps My Feet on the Ground (Ch. 2) | Newt x Reader
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Summary: Newt is recovering and the reader is afraid he no longer needs her anymore. Another Glader takes advantage of their distance from each other but Newt is there to help her like she helped him.
 Warnings: Sexual assault/mention Word count: 3,017
 A/N: This chapter was a little difficult for me to write and I apologize if it upsets anyone. I’m estimating this imagine will have about three more chapters but we’ll see where we can take this. Again, any comments/suggestions for future chapters and imagines are greatly encouraged and I really hope you enjoy this chapter!
Ch. 1 | Ch. 3
The next few weeks go by in a blur. I spend pretty much every day in the Med-jack office with Newt, where we teach each other how to play card games that we had learned in our old lives before the Glade. I win almost every hand, but Newt just laughs and swears he lets me.
As we’re finishing up our sixth or seventh round of a game Newt calls ‘Black Jack’, the blonde groans in frustration.
“I really need to get out of this room.”
It has been a little over two months since the incident, and Newt’s ankle has set, albeit at a slightly awkward angle because I couldn’t tie the splint tight enough. We have been talking about letting Newt start being on his own, but, truth be told, I’ve gotten really selfish with my one-on-one time with him. I’ve been reluctant to give it up.
However, I can tell he’s getting anxious, and I’m more afraid of him returning to that dark place that caused him to jump than spending less time with him.
“Okay,” I say, getting up to grab the crutches Gally had made for when this day came. “Remember how to hold them?”
“Yes, love. I broke my ankle, not my head.”
I smile at the name again, even though it has become a much more frequent occurrence.
“I’ll help you down the stairs and then maybe you could go for lunch?”
Newt frowns. “You’re not going to come with me?”
I laugh at his child-like expression. “Well, the point of you getting around on your own is that you don’t have to be stuck with me all the time.”
“Stuck with you?” he exclaims. “(Y/N), these past two months with you have been the most fun I’ve had in the Glade. Ever.”
I feel my cheeks go pink as I smile wide. “Likewise, Newt.”
“So, join me for lunch?”
“I’d love to,” I answer as I hold out the crutches to help him get situated.
Newt jumps to his feet, smiling, and settles onto his crutches. He keeps most of his weight on them as he walks on both feet with a very noticeable limp from the new unnatural curve of his ankle.
I’m slightly amazed but a little disappointed at how well he does on his own. He doesn’t need my help getting down the stairs or even opening the front door of the Homestead. I should have known though. He’s a stubborn one.
The Gladers all seem genuinely thrilled to see him out and about again. Many come up to him, slapping him on the back or shaking his hand when it’s not being used for holding the crutches. Newt beams at them all in return, easily engaging in conversation as if he had just seen them yesterday. It was easy to forget how popular he was while we were living in our own little bubble.
We finally make it to the kitchen and despite his protests, I get him to sit down while I grab the trays.
By the time I make it back with the food, Newt is surrounded by people on all sides. As unwilling as I was to be sharing him only a few minutes ago, the sight really warms my heart as I see how many people really care about him. Hopefully he sees that now too.
I place his tray in front of him and he smiles up at me in thanks.
“I’m going to go eat in the Med-jack office,” I tell him and his smile fades.
“No! Sit, love!”
I laugh in response as there is no longer a free space within ten feet of him.
“I’ve hogged you for over two months, Newt. Spend some time with your other friends.”
Before he can answer, I turn and retreat out the door into the Glade.
“(Y/N)!” I hear an unfamiliar voice call and turn to see Ivan, the second newest Greenie whose party is what got Newt and I talking again.
“Hi, Ivan,” I say politely as he jogs over to me. “How have you been getting on?”
“Pretty good. Except there’s this one girl I never get to talk to because she spends all her time locked in a tower,” he laughs.
“Speaking of, I was just on my way back,” I reply and begin heading toward the Homestead.
“Mind if I join you, actually? It’s not a huge deal, but I kind of almost cut off my finger while working on one of the chickens this morning.”
“Sure,” I say, looking down sadly at my lunch after being reminded it was running around its pen only a few hours ago.
We reach the Homestead and climb the stairs, entering the room that now seems too empty without Newt.
I set my tray down and take a look at the cut, which is pretty bad and almost down to the bone. I first wrap it in some tiger grass so it doesn’t get infected, and then wrap it in a clean bandage instead of the dirty rag he had used previously.
“Good as new,” I smile at him, as he flexes his fingers and beams back at me.
He looks briefly around the room, taking in the surroundings. “I don’t get the allure of this place that makes you want to spend all your time up here.”
“Well, it is my job,” I snort. “Plus, someone had to keep Newt company or he probably would’ve went mad and ju-“ I stop abruptly. I almost said, ‘jumped out the window’ until I was quickly reminded of why he was here in the first place.
Ivan just smiles like he wasn’t listening anyway. “Well, remind me to trip and break my ankle then if it means I get your hospitality.”
I continue to smile at him but I’m definitely forcing it at this point. I have been flirted with countless numbers of times, being that I am the only girl in the Glade, but this just felt a lot more uncomfortable than any of those times. Not to mention, we are all alone in a room of a building that no one else is occupying at the moment.
“Well, I really should get back to work. I’ve got inventory and other stuff to do,” I finally say to break the awkward silence that ensues while he continues to stare at me.
“Aw, you can’t take a break?”
“Rule number one: no freeloading,” I remind him as I turn and grab for my logbook to break our eye contact.
I only feel him scoot closer to me in his chair. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”
“Ivan-“ I begin to say but my voice fails me when his hand touches my thigh.
He shushes me and leans closer and closer. My face stays pointed directly at my book, so his lips connect to my neck.
“Ivan!” I yell, trying to push him off but it has no effect, except that when I turn towards him he collides his lips with mine.
I try to stand and back away but his hand moves up to my waist and the other snakes along my back, holding me in place.
I turn my head away and his lips reattach on my neck. After another unsuccessful attempt at trying to push him away, I ball my hand into a fist and aim it directly at his crotch. He yelps and his hands go slack enough for me to get up and run. I don’t even make it to the door before he grabs a hold of my hair and pulls me to a stop.
“Help!” I scream as loudly as I can, and his hand comes up to cover my mouth as the other pushes me down onto the cot next to where Newt’s was.
Tears pool in my eyes as I realize what’s happening. I remember vague stories about this kind of thing from before the Glade, but I never thought it would happen to me. Especially not in the Glade.
He straddles me to keep me down on the cot, and with one hand still covering my mouth, his other goes to the button of my pants. With one last shred of hope, I bite down on his hand and scream as loud as I possibly can once it’s removed.
The last thing I remember is a hard punch to the side of my head and everything goes black.
 When I wake up, I see stars and faceless blobs surrounding me. I hear noises that feel so loud but I can’t make out a single word. I immediately remember what happened and I feel completely dirty in my body.
I spring up into a sitting position so fast that it makes me nauseous. Hands go to touch me, but I just scream even though I can’t hear if anything comes out. I never want to be touched by anyone ever again.
When the world finally comes into focus, I see that Jeff and Clint were the ones who were trying to stabilize me. Alby is to my left, with his brow furrowed and his arms crossed, staring at me with almost paternal concern. And to my right, I see Newt with the same hopeless expression I saw on his face the day he jumped.
There is a blanket draped over me, and when I take it off I can see that the straps of my tank top have been cut with a knife or something like it, and the first two buttons of my pants are undone. Otherwise, it doesn’t seem like Iv-
I can’t even think of his entire name before I lean over the side of the bed and vomit into the trash can placed there for exactly this reason.
A hand finds it way on my back but I shriek at the contact and it is removed.
When I finally sit up again, I can’t meet anyone’s eyes.
“What happened?” I ask no one in particular.
“Nothing, (Y/N). Newt got here before…,” I hear Alby’s voice next to me say. I almost sigh in relief but at the same time I feel so disgusted with myself. With what they know happened, or almost did. “Ivan-“
“Don’t say that name!” I yell.
“That bloody shank is in the pit,” Newt says angrily, and when I look at him his eyes are black with rage. “Until tomorrow when we banish him to the maze.”
“(Y/N),” Alby says and I turn to look at him again. “All of your stuff has been brought up. You’re going to sleep in the Med-jack office so you can lock the door and no one can get in at night. Clint, Jeff, Ben, Minho, Newt and I are also going to sleep on the first floor to keep a look out. And I want you to start working in the gardens, so you’re safe in the public eye.”
I want to be angry at the demands, because it somewhat feels like I am getting punished. But then I think of how his hands felt on my skin and I never want to feel that way again, so I just nod my head, staring at the floor.
“Okay, guys. Let’s give her some space,” Alby says and everyone heads to the door, including Newt using only one crutch.
“Newt,” I call but it only comes out in a shaky whisper.
He turns to me and his eyes are back to being his usual kind and caring ones. “Yes, love?”
“I don’t want to be alone.”
My voice breaks on the last word and tears finally begin pouring down my cheeks. He’s back in his chair to my right in a split second with his hands lying cautiously on the cot near my hand.
“It’s okay, love. I’m right here, yeah? I’m not going anywhere.”
I want to grab his hand. I want to hug him and cry into his chest like I did the night of the bonfire. But I can’t because every touch feels like knives on my skin.
So, I just sit there and cry while Newt sits closely but not close enough to touch and whispers reassuring words every few seconds.
When I finally calm down enough, Newt stands and hobbles on one crutch again to pour a glass of water from a pitcher on the side table. I take a huge gulp. I didn’t realize how thirsty I was and I vaguely wonder how long I was knocked out for.
“What happened to your other crutch?” I ask him once I drink almost all of the water.
He fills my glass again and returns to his chair. “Broke.”
His eyes look at the floor for a moment and I see anger flash in them before glancing back up to me. “Smashed it into a bloody Slinthead.”
“Good,” I respond with a small smile, which he returns.
After a few seconds, a sad expression graces his features. “God, (Y/N), I am so sorry.”
“You are the last person in the world I need to hear that from, Newt.”
“I shouldn’t have let you leave Frypan’s. I should’ve followed you back sooner,” he says and I see tears line his chocolate eyes.
“Sooner?” I ask quizzically.
“Yeah. I only stuck around like ten minutes after you left and then came back to find you. I heard you screaming as soon as I opened the Homestead door and bolted up the stairs, not even bothering to use the crutches and I saw…” he looks away with his eyes closed, shaking his head at the memory. “I smashed one into that shank so hard his ears bled.”
“Thank you,” I say quietly, absorbing his words.
“You don’t need to thank me. Beating the klunk out of him was the easiest decision I’ve ever made.”
“Regardless, I’m thankful. For being there then and for being here now.”
“Anytime, love,” he responds, beaming at me. “Really. Anytime.”
A comfortable silence follows as we just look at each other, grinning. Newt eventually gazes out the window and his smile falters slightly.
“It’s getting late. You should get some sleep,” he says.
My heart drops. Even though I’m exhausted, the thought of being alone in this room, especially after what happened, is extremely unsettling.
“Could you-“ I glance at the cot he’d been sleeping on the past nine weeks, and then back at him, wanting to ask him to stay the night but not having the courage to do so.
Luckily, I didn’t have to finish.
“Of course, love,” he says, first taking the glass of water from me and putting it on the table, and then standing and getting onto the cot to the right of mine.
We both lie down, facing each other, and eventually I drift off with his gentle eyes as the last image in my mind.
 “(Y/N),” a British voice whispers and my eyes flutter open.
Newt is still lying on the cot next to mine, watching me with a small smile.
“Hi,” I say.
“Hi,” he responds. “Alby just came up to tell me there is going to be a Gathering in an hour. He would like you to come, but you don’t have to if you’re not up for it.”
As much as I don’t want to, I know Newt will have to because he’s second-in-command, and I’d rather go than be stuck here alone.
“Okay,” I say and sit up, wincing a little when I feel some pain on my left hip.
I lift up my shirt to see fingerprints from where I was being held down. Newt sees and I hear a low growl escape his throat. I look to see his eyes as black and angry and they were last night, but when our eyes meet, they soften again.
“Here,” he says and offers me his sweatshirt.
I’m confused at first until I go to put it on and see more fingerprints lining my arms, and I’m thankful for being able to cover them. I’m also grateful that once it’s on, I inhale and smell Newt. Everything about the boy is comforting, even his scent.
We make our way to the council room and I sit in the back with the crowd while Newt joins Alby and the Keepers in the center. I get a lot of weird looks from the boys which makes me self-conscious and I hold on tighter to Newt’s jacket.
After a minute or so, Alby tells everyone to be quiet and stands in the very center, gesturing to me.
“I’m just going to be blunt. The rumor about Ivan-” I flinch at the name, “-is not a rumor. He attacked (Y/N) last night, in such a way that even banishment does not seem like a fair enough punishment.”
Everyone is looking at me now, many with their mouths open. Some people start yelling out suggested punishments, like torture and dismembering. It makes my stomach twist.
Alby shushes them. “We need to stick to the Glader code. Ivan will be banished at sunset tonight. However, I wanted to gather everyone so we could go over a new rule that will hopefully stop something like this from ever happening again.”
Everyone is quiet now. Even Newt and the Keepers look shockingly inquisitive. For the two years most of us have been here, there has only been three rules. Adding another is not something anyone seems to take lightly, especially because breaking those rules results in banishment.
“No one is to have a relationship with (Y/N) that is anything more than friendship.”
I feel eyes on me all over the room. Many of the guys don’t seem to be phased but there are some with disappointed expressions which freaks me out a little.
I turn away from their gazes and my eyes find Newt’s, which look almost a little sad. And that’s when it hits me. I’m sad too because I was really starting to like Newt. As more than a friend.
And it just became illegal.
Next chapter.
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bloo-the-dragon · 7 years
Geno and Sparks - Hospital Visit
Been a while since i posted a written thing huh!
Sorry about that.
So this is a short(ish) fic that started out as just an experiment for some character developments and ideas that ended up going a bit further than i intended.
So basic overview, Sparks ends up at the hospital and Geno goes to visit him and during the visit an unexpected turn of events happen! (Warningfeelsahead) ;w;
MommaCQ/Worldview belongs to @alainaprana ~
Geno belongs to @loverofpiggies ~
Sparks and Bloo(persona) belong to me. ~
Geno’s nerves were shooting through the roof as the nurse led him to the room Sparks was currently staying in.
There had been quite the scare when the child suddenly passed out yesterday morning. Geno hadn’t been there, but Bloo had rung him to let him know what happened after she had gotten him to the hospital. Thankfully it hadn’t been as bad as first thought – his magical energy had suddenly dropped almost dangerously low, and while he was now out of the danger zone the doctors said they wanted to keep him for a few nights to keep an eye on his soul as it was showing signs of instability and there was a chance it might suddenly give out at any moment.
The news had terrified Geno. He had been babysitting Sparks for a few months now and had grown very attached to the child. He had wanted to come up to see him, but unfortunately his own health had taken a bit of a downhill and he was unable to come up to visit little Sparks. Bloo kept him up to date with phone calls, and reassured him that Sparks would be alright, though he could hear the worry in her own voice which made him even more anxious.
Today though Geno was thankfully well enough to come up to visit Sparks himself. The nurse had been expecting him, as he had phoned Bloo to let her know he was coming and she in turn had let the doctors know. The nurse told him Bloo was away to handle some errands, but she would be happy to take him to Sparks room to which he agreed.
Geno fidgeted with his hands. He was getting increasingly anxious as it felt as though it was taking forever for him and the nurse to reach the room Sparks was staying in. He glanced around, taking in all the sights and sounds. They were all familiar to him, given the number of times he had to stay at hospitals while growing up. He felt his soul pang in sympathy and sadness as he realised it was most likely the same for little Sparks.
“Here we are” The nurse stopped outside of a room, snapping Geno out of his thoughts. “You know what to do if something happens. Just push the red button and help will come” The nurse told him.
“Yes, thankyou” Geno replied, as he stepped past the nurse and into the room. The doctors here knew him well enough. He had been here more than a few times in the past, or at least enough times for them to not forget about him.
Geno saw Sparks sitting semi upright on the bed, being supported by the back rest. There was an IV tube connected to the child’s hand that ran up to a bag filled with magical substance. Geno sighed.
Poor kid.
As he approached, he instantly noticed how quiet the child was which made him feel very worried. Usually Sparks was a lot more active than this. Even bedridden, he would be looking around curiously, playing with any nearby toys or scribbling on some paper. And he would have most certainly heard Geno and the nurse approaching, even before seeing them. The kid had pretty good hearing.
However, this time Sparks was near motionless, head slightly bowed and staring off into space. His little colouring book and pencils were on the drawers next to the bed, but it didn’t look as though they had been touched. He didn’t even seem to be aware that Geno was even in the room.
This wasn’t good.
“Sparks?” Geno called gently.
That seemed to do the trick. Sparks head suddenly snapped up and his eyes brightened once he caught sight of Geno. A big smile spread across the child’s face.
“Gigi! You’re here!”
Geno let out a sigh of relief and smiled back as he sat down in a chair next to the bed before the excited Sparks had a chance to leap out of the bed as he had done once before. He had tripped, but thankfully didn’t fall over though he didn’t seem to faze him at all. Certainly gave Geno and Bloo a bit of a scare, and he preferred to not have a repeat incident. However, he was very happy to see Sparks back to his usual self.
“I knew you’d come! I really missed you! Ma said you couldn’t come to visit yesterday cos’ you were feelin’ sick. Are you feelin’ better now? Are-“
“Whoa hey slow down kiddo! Breathing! Kinda need to do that, remember?” Geno laughed slightly as he cut off Sparks excited rambling. He was relived to see Sparks still had that “spark” of energy of his.
“Oh! Oh yeah that!” Sparks took a short moment to catch his breath, but before he could continue, Geno spoke up again.
“Besides I’m the one who should be asking if your alright. You… certainly gave me and Bloo quite the scare yesterday” Geno said, his smile fading just a little. Sparks seemed to have gone a little quiet again. His big grin faltered slightly, and his eyes cast off to the side.
“So…How do you feel in yourself?” Geno asked.
Sparks shrugged, and the smile widened again “Mm doin ok! Doctors said I had to stay in bed though. Sucks” Sparks pouted.
Geno laughed, “Haha ah well I know it sucks but it’s for the best. Wouldn’t want anything happening, now would we?”
“Mm guess not” Sparks replied, a little less enthusiastic than before.
“Uh.. everything alright kiddo? Your lookin a lil sombre there” Geno’s happy smile quickly shifted into a worried one.
“Mmhmm” Sparks mumbled a bit as he stared off into the distance again, causing Geno to frown.
Geno was starting to become increasingly worried. Something was going on here. Sparks was usually so peppy and outgoing but today he seemed… off. Geno had become aware of the child’s distaste for staying in bed all day not long after starting to babysit. However, the kid always seemed to find ways to entertain himself, with his toys, watching cartoons, drawing in his colouring book and even making up little stories and personalities for his toys. Seemed almost impossible for the kid to be bored.
But then that was when he was at home. Having to make frequent visits to the hospital and stay for long periods of time confined to the beds here would have a negative effect on even the most positive of people over time no doubt. At the hospital things are different. You’re not surrounded by the familiarity of being home, nor having all the things that bring you joy around you. Perhaps that was the reason for his sudden change in attitude. Geno felt a twang of sympathy for the child. He knew that feeling all too well.
“Wha-huh?” Geno snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at Sparks who was now looking back up at Geno, though all traces of a smile had left the kids face. He didn’t look sad though just… blank. And possibly a bit confused but Geno wasn’t sure. He couldn’t tell what the child was thinking.
“Yeah wassup kiddo?”
“I heard the doctors talking with ma today”
Geno felt a chill run up his spine. “Oh, you did?” He tried to keep his voice light hearted.
Sparks nodded, “I was bored an’ my legs were feelin’ funny so I left the bed to walk around a bit. They were talkin’ about me. I don’t think I was supposed to hear em”
Geno wasn’t sure how to respond. He was feeling very conflicted and very worried as to where this was leading too. He noticed Sparks seemed to be a little troubled as a small frown had formed on the childs face. Geno suddenly felt half a mind to stop Sparks from continuing, especially if it was bothering the child but at the same time he felt that maybe it would be good for the child to talk about it. Then again, he was so young, and he didn’t want Sparks worrying.
“Well, uhh..”
“They said I wasn’t doing well” Sparks continued, cutting Geno off.
Geno felt a sharp pang in his soul.
“Somethin’ about my soul not doing good. I have ta’ stay here for a while they said. Ma didn’t sound so happy either” Sparks carried on. Their expression was still blank, as was the tone in their voice. He didn’t sound sad though, nor did he sound happy.
Geno was struggling. He couldn’t tell if Sparks knew what was going on, or if he didn’t and was trying to make sense of what he heard by voicing it to Geno. Either way it wasn’t looking good, and it was starting to bring back some de ja vu memories for Geno.
Before Geno could respond, Sparks suddenly perked up look up towards Geno with a big bright smile. “Don’t worry! Ma said the doctors here are the best and that I won’t be here for too long! She said if I’m good I can leave the bed n’ perhaps wander around the halls and visit the play area and stuff. And she’s gonna bring me some books for story times! Which is great cos’ I wanna tell her a good story tonight so she’ll feel better”
“Oh? Is she not feeling too well?” Geno asked.
Sparks shook his head, “No. I told her that if its my time to go then not to be sad because I would be going to a happy place and I’ll be ok! It made her sad and I felt bad…” Sparks told him.
Whatever Sparks said next, Geno didn’t hear him. Every bone in his body froze up and his soul twinged almost painfully. Everything seemed to come to an instant standstill, and the room suddenly felt a lot colder than it had before.
Sparks had said that sentence so casually it had left Geno feeling utterly shocked, to the point where all trains of thought just halted to a stop as he slowly processed what he had just heard.
It felt like hours had passed by the time Geno regained his senses, though it had only been a few seconds and he suddenly felt very very distraught, as all his emotions came crashing down on him like a tidal wave. Sparks didn’t seem to have noticed. He had carried on talking, despite Geno’s current state.
“It’s like going to sleep they told me” Sparks continued.
“W-Wha..” Geno could barely manage a response.
“Whenever I go to sleep, I always dream of going to these new places!” Sparks carried on, “And there’s all these really cool people who are super nice and always like to play and tell stories. But when I wake up back here it’s all gone. So, when I go to sleep and don’t wake up it will be ok because I’ll be there in the happy place with all the nice people.”
Geno couldn’t stop himself rom covering his mouth with a shaky hand as he realised what was going on in the child’s mind. This was… so much worse than he had thought. He should have known. Why had he not seen the signs before? He should have KNOWN!
“But… I only get to the nice place if I’m happy you see.” Sparks continued. He seemed to become more and more downcast as he kept talking. “That’s why I always do my best to stay as happy as I can. Because if I’m feeling really... really scared… and I go to sleep… I go to a scary place with… scary p-people. So, if I’m going to sleep I want t-to be happy s-so I can go to the h-happy place.”
Sparks had startled to tremble slightly, and his little hands had gripped the sheets more tightly. The reality of his situation seemed to be fully dawning on the child, as his defences began to drop, and now Geno could no longer see the happy cheery child before. Now all he saw was a frightened small child who had now come to the full realisation of his condition, and the internal conflict they were still so desperately trying to hide. Geno felt tears begin to well up in his eyes.
Sparks had always seemed like such a happy and positive child. Geno had never noticed the signs and he felt so angry at himself for failing to do so. He had gone through such a similar thing himself when he was just a child, it should have been so obvious! Doing what he could to hide his pain from his brothers and mother, despite the fact they all knew. Trying to stay positive and happy, trying to not make everyone worry, and the intense guilt he would feel whenever they worried over him and how badly he wanted to just see them all happy.
Trying to reassure them he would be alright.
Not wanting them to know he was dying.
Geno clenched his eyes shut. How had he missed this…?
Sparks looked up at Geno and he gasped slightly, “Gigi? W-why are you sad? Are you crying? Don’t cry p-please! D-don’t be sad! I don’t w-want you to be sad!” Tears had started welling up in the child’s eyes as well, and Geno decided enough was enough.
Geno briskly rubbed his eyes before reaching over and very gently pulled the child into a hug. Sparks tensed slightly at the sudden embrace, but he didn’t resist nor try to pull away. He felt the shudders in the bigger skeletons chest as Geno breathed shakily, trying to hold it together. Sparks looked up slightly, but he couldn’t see Geno’s face.
“I know.”
Sparks froze. “H-huh?”
Geno held the child a little closer, “It’s going to be alright Sparks. You’re... you’re not going to d- hgn. You’re not going to go to sleep. You’re g-going to be alright. Everything will be a-alright. I know your scared and I understand. But its ok to be scared. Just stay strong. Please… stay strong for your guardian kiddo… stay strong for me… ok?”
Sparks didn’t respond, and for a moment Geno almost internally panicked thinking he had said the wrong thing. After a short moment though, Sparks buried his face into Geno’s chest, and Geno felt a pair of small trembling arms wrap around his side.
“O..okay…” came the small muffled response.
By the time Bloo came back to the room after running a few quick errands and talking with the doctor about certain treatments, she found both Sparks and Geno lying on the hospital bed sound asleep. Geno was laid on his side with an arm around little Sparks who was curled next to him. She smiled and sighed tiredly before settling down in the chair, not wanting to disturb either of them. She pulled out a sketch pad and began some quiet sketching until they woke up.
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No, You Are NOT Going Too Far in Pursuit of Financial Independence
I was talking to my buddy and co-worker Craig Curelop recently. It was about 7:00 p.m., and we were having one of our not-infrequent discussions about financial freedom late after work. As usual, Craig was cooking dinner at the office after his workout. I suspect that he was cooking here in an effort to save money on electricity that hed otherwise have to use to cook at home (I cant even tell if Im joking about that or not). I was just here late, trying to catch up on emails. For some time, wed been having a debate about his approach to attaining early financial freedom. I was claiming that Craig goes too far in his pursuit of financial freedom. Craig was politely dismissing my claim and insisting that he was perfectly happy with his situation. Craigs Obsession with Financial Freedom Now, I think I have some good reasons to think that Craig is going pretty hardcore in pursuit of early financial freedom. He does a LOT. Craig house hacksin a house that is eerily similar to the property I first bought back in 2014my first house hack. His home is just a few blocks away from my property, but a bit newer and nicer. Craig, however, gets a far better financial return from his investment than I did and will likely do better with his investment than me over time, even though I bought an investment that has better numbers as a traditional rental property. How does he do this? Simplehe rents out his bedroom on Airbnb and sleeps on the futon in the living room! Craig bikes to workevery day. Thirty degrees and snowing like it is on the day I write this? Craig is still on his bike. Craig rents out his car on Turo, netting positive every month on vehicle expenses. Craig does not eat sugar. Craig does not consume alcohol. Craig is involved in extra-curriculars like Toastmasters in an effort to constantly improve himself. Craig reads incessantly. Craig hang-dries his clothes to save money on electricity. Craig gets up at 5:30 a.m. each morning to pursue his goals. Craig meets investors and potential contacts multiple times per week. Craig has literally optimized almost every part of his life in pursuit of early financial freedom. Is this too much? I certainly thought so at firstand I told him so. I thought so until our conversation the other night, when I suddenly remembered what I did to jumpstart my journey to financial freedom.
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Related: 7 Daily Habits of Real Estate Investors Who Seek Financial Freedom My Obsession with Financial Freedom See, when I got started on this journey, the term house hacking (but certainly not the concept, which has been around forever) had just been invented by Brandon Turner in this article. The concept of biking to work was completely foreign to me. In fact, every single person I had ever even heard of (excluding the 40-year-old virgin) drove to work or took public transit. Riding a bike had just had not presented itself as an option until I began reading a blog called Mr. Money Mustache (one of my favorite blogs of all time). In spite of friends and family who thought I was crazy, I bought a house hack. I took this Mr. Money Mustache guys advice and biked to work. I read over 100 personal finance, business, psychology, and career-related books. I quit a stable, hard-earned job with middling corporate opportunity to pursue a highly risky job at a startup. I networked with investors all over the city. I tried to get up early to pursue a version of the Miracle Morning even though I hated it and am a night owl. I cooked all of my own meals and almost never consumed anything that even approached unhealthy. I kept a daily log. I even hung dry my laundry instead of installing a dryer. I did this for years. I still do much of this. I dont regret it one bit. In fact, looking back, I wish Id been more like Craigmore obsessed, more (not less) productive. You Dont Have to Be Perfect Forever! The reason I initially thought that Craig was doing too much was that I am currently growing soft. Nowadays, I still house hack. I bike to work, but much less frequently, and often on a custom built e-bike that I put together over the summer that is pretty awesome. This is partly due to a nasty foot injuryI suspect I will resume with biking more regularly on the road bike as the foot continues to improve and the weather gets nicer in the spring of 2018. I cook less and eat out a few times per month. I love Chinese food and am willing to splurge on it now a bit. I enjoy dates at casual restaurants with my girlfriend. I have a dryer. I still spend very little compared with your average American, but its creeping up a bit. I sometimes forget that Ineeded to do the hardcore things that Craig is currently doing to get where I am. Are they things that I want to do for the next 50 years? Are they things that Im even still doing today? No, not all of them. Am I proud that I did them and happy that they contributed to my current position? Absolutely. But the point of all of this is that I can afford to bring some luxuries back into my life now. I have enough passive income to purchase some of these things and still get ahead. And while my passive income more than pays for my lifestyle as things stand, it is not yet enough to comfortably fund the life I could see myself wanting in the futurea life that will involve fewer still of these optimizations. As my portfolio continues to grow over the next few years, I see a more permanent house in my future. I see potential pets. I see a very nice, large kitchen and a significantly improved bathroom in a future residence compared to my present situation. I see some luxuries that Id truly enjoy, like maybe a backyard or garage filled with home gym equipment (purchased second-hand via Craigslist, of course). I see myself gradually approaching a lifestyle that anyone would call middle or upper-middle class. But Ill be able to live that lifestyle at extremely low cost, with minimal waste, and fund it entirely with a surplus from real estate cash flow. This result will unfold gradually, as I consistently increase my passive income in the coming years. And this is possible solely because of the optimization that I implemented in the past and am continuing to ride in the present. Im starting to get soft, and I may well continue to soften in the future. To plan on living an entire life of perfect optimization would defeat the purpose of pursuing financial freedom. I seek bit by bit to build the exact life I wantand to only increase my standard of living in proportion to my passive incomeand never in excess to the point where I will grow fat and lazy. Im willing to go without some of the things I eventually aspire to in order to make that dream a reality. Craig has a similar vision. Craig will not be living on a futon forever. As his wealth grows, as he eliminates his student loans, and as these choices become less and less meaningful to his financial position, I am certain that Craig will cool it a bit. Related: The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Financial Freedom Most 9 to 5-ers Overlook Once you are at a point where you feel that you can ease off the gas pedal, do it. Do it in certain areas that are most meaningful to you. As your passive income increases and covers your living expenses you can stop making the sacrifices that everyone thinks Craig and I are making! But What About Living in the Present? Notice, however, that neither Craig nor I give up or gave up certain things that are universally accepted as important to a well-lived life. Like travel. Like nights out with friends. Like attending sporting events. Like visiting family. Like attending life events of those we are close with. Like volunteering in the community. Those are the things we associate with living. Craig does not go too far in his pursuit of early financial freedom. Craig is one of the healthiest, most well-adjusted folks I know. In spite of his unforgivable love of Boston sports teams, including the New England Patriots, he is a genuinely funny guy, a hard worker, and has friends who come to visit him from all over the country. Craig is doing this whole thing exactly right and will enjoy experiences comparable to every other 20-something in Denver over the next few years, based on his interests. The only real differences between him and the rest of the pack are that he will arrive where he is going on his bicycle, and he will rest his head at night on a futon instead of in a bedroom. He says these things do not affect his happiness. And I believe him. How could they? I believe that Craig has some of the highest odds of anyone I know of achieving a $1,000,000 net worth by the age of 30. You might look at Craig and think, Thats crazy I could never do what he does and sleep on the couch while renting out my bed! But I challenge you to see things from the other perspectivefrom Craigs perspective and mine. Is it crazy to build that much wealth that early in life? Is it crazy to enjoy the same recreational activities as your peers, yet come out way ahead financially? Is it crazy to create a life that is healthier, more fun, costs less, and sets you up for greater career success or income generation? Is Craig crazy? Am I crazy? Or is everyone else crazy?
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You Need to Get Obsessed with Optimizing Your Life, Too! Almost every day since I started optimizing my life, my life has gotten better. Ive become healthier, wealthier, stronger, happier, a better skier, a better rugby player, and more in tune with my family. Ive experienced career accomplishments. Ive since met a wonderful girl who Ive dated for a year and half and love very much, and I have what I consider to be a pretty good, fun-filled life. I believe that this progression of events is not unique to Craig and me. Almost everyone I know who has gone on to achieve financial freedom at an extremely early age, who has accumulated a large amount of wealth in a short period of time, or who has started a successful business has done some version of aggressive, all-out optimization in pursuit of their goals. Maybe successful folks didnt sleep on a futon or even house hack. But you can be sure that they devote outsized time, in the beginning, to getting some kind of venture off the ground. You can be sure that they earn more than they spendby a lot. You can be sure that they become obsessed with the success of the venture theyre involved in. Every blogger on this site is obsessed with their craft. They study it relentlessly for years. You need to develop the same healthy obsession with your goals as well. No one has come to me and said they regret these types of choices. No one regrets giving a worthy goal their best efforts. And even if they do, in most cases, choices like these are easily reversible. You can always stop reading, stop networking, stop biking, and stop house hacking if you decide its not for you. Craig can simply stop listing his room on Airbnb tomorrow if he wants and live at a lower cost than almost every American, in the heart of an expensive city at that! Yes, folks can build a million-dollar net worth as middle-class wage earners over a period of decades. Thats not hard and can be achieved automatically, with merely sane spending habits, buying a reasonable home, and contributing to a 401(k). Im not talking about achieving this result. I dont write for folks looking to achieve this result. I seek to help people trying to achieve early financial freedom in a fraction of that time. And to do that, you need to become obsessed. And if you truly want to give yourself the best chance at achieving this goal rapidly, you need to optimize with a passion and zeal. The part of the journey that Craig is currently in is the part that so many more of you readers need to undergo to truly jumpstart your journey to financial freedom. This should be the fun part. Its where you really make the changes necessary to become successful. Ive met dozens of people who are undertaking this journey and house hacking (yes, with kids) in the bottom units of up/down duplexes. Ive met people who have begun biking to work. Ive met people who read relentlessly or who take action day after day in pursuit of success with their career or side hustle. For the first time in years, many of them are excited to take on life. They identify the correct opportunity, the opportunity that offers them a real shot at achieving their goals, and they pursue it 100 percent, with their best efforts, for years. Dont mistake these folks for the outliers. The folks who achieve financial freedom rapidly without making optimized choices in almost every area of lifechoices that increase their wealth, productivity, and happinessare the exception, not the rule. Conclusion Look, I totally understand that Craigs approachor even my approachmay not be something that you want for your entire life. Frankly, I DO NOT plan to house hack in perpetuity, and I am reasonably sure that at some point Craig will move on from his futon to a bed, then a house that he eventually wants to reside in semi-permanently. The whole point of this is not to live like this forever. It is to do it as long as necessary to achieve your goals. The point is to create and execute a plan to create the life you want and then live that life exactly as you want, as the person in nearly complete control, forever after. And along the way, youll probably find that many of these sacrifices are actually all-around improvements in your day and lifestyle! Im not trying to convince you to live on a futon. Im trying to tell you that doing so will not impact your happiness if you go in with the right mindset. And that it is not and should not be a permanent state of affairs. Im trying to tell you that choices like that are the ones that increase your odds of accumulating money and freeing up time with which to pursue big income and investment opportunities unavailable to folks with tiny savings rates and no free time. You may think that Im strange for biking to work, making my own meals, and living in a house hack. You may think Craig is strange for renting out his bed and car, sleeping on a futon, and biking to work. But to us, this life is better than an alternative that involves long commutes, being handcuffed to a mortgage, and engaging in unhealthy or unproductive behaviors that dont produce results or fond memories! And in five, 10, or 20 years, the folks who make choices like this are more likely than not to be multimillionaires with multiple properties and multiple sources of income. Dave Ramsey famously says, Live like no else now so later you can live like no one else. The implication of this is that you have to give up happiness and sacrifice now to live the life of your dreams later. This is not how I have experienced things. Life was better immediately after making the choice to optimize my lifestyle around my goals, AND it continually improves as I reap the financial, career, health, and relationship results of those choices. I feel good about where Ive been, where I am, and where Im going. You can live better than everyone else now, in an extraordinarily low-cost, productive, and impactful manner, AND live like no one else later. I made the mistake of thinking that Craig was going too far in pursuit of financial freedom. But he can and should go farther and faster if he can and will continue to love his life. Let me state it all again: He enjoys it. And he should enjoy it. He is becoming healthier, wealthier, happier, and more self-confident with each passing day, week, month, and year. I too have enjoyed it and will continue to enjoy it. You should enjoy it, too. I honestly believe that those of us who pursue early financial freedom and make the optimizations necessary to make that a reality experience a better life in the interim while pursuing it, a better life approaching Financial Freedom, and a better life after achieving financial freedom. There is no sacrifice in this way of life. The improvements you make to your life may have positive effects immediately and will likely only continue to grow. I give you permission to choose the healthy, wealthy, happy path that you know will leave you better off when its all said and done. And once you decide to go for it, optimize for happiness, health, and wealth without apology. Were republishing this article to help out our newer readers.
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What lengths do you go to in your pursuit of financial freedom? Have you ever encountered criticism for living the way you do? Share below! https://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/pursue-financial-freedom-unapologetically
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tappity-tap · 8 years
<< PART III || PART V >> Story Rating: M Chapter Warnings: Some sexual content, medical stuff, and illness. [This chapter has a little nsfw bit at the beginning but is otherwise sfw]
Nearly a month had passed since he and Rukia were officially confirmed as a married couple, and for Renji life had never been better.
 Waking up next to Rukia the morning after their wedding ceremony almost made him question the reality of it all. Not that this was the first time he’d woken up next to her…they slept side-by-side almost every night when they lived in the Rukongai, even huddled together under the same blankets on the nights the temperatures dropped below freezing.
 But they’d never woken up next to each other like this, naked and disheveled within their bed linens after spending the night joined together in a passionate physical affirmation of their love, until that day. Watching the sleeping form of his wife stir and give a peaceful sigh felt like a wonderful dream, and even more so when she opened her eyes and kissed him with a smile before they made love again in the glow of dawn.
 If this were a dream, he thought, holding her close while she softly moaned his name, he’d gladly remain asleep for the rest of time.
 He was still riding high on a heightened state of euphoria when he came back to work the following week and it was enough to endure the constant barrage of waggling eyebrows and sniggering comments directed at him, the most popular choice being the question of how Captain Kuchiki felt “now that his lieutenant was shacking up with his little sister.”  Whenever the topic came about, Renji would give a shrug and reply “Can’t say. Why dontcha ask him?”
 That usually shut them up.
 Speaking of the captain, being his superior’s brother-in-law was actually going better than anticipated. Even after the marriage was registered two weeks before the wedding their working relationship stayed pretty much the same as ever, though Renji did notice Byakuya now tended to shed a little more of his aloof persona once the door of the office closed and no one else was around to see. It wasn’t much but he would take it over nothing at all. That, and they saw more of each other outside the workplace.
 While Byakuya’s company wasn’t entirely unpleasant, it was the company of another that Renji truly yearned for, but as they were enlisted in different divisions they didn’t see each other much. He missed Rukia terribly during the days he was on duty and frequently found his thoughts turning to her, wondering things like what was she doing at the moment? Was she thinking about him, too? Should he seek her out during their lunch break? Maybe leave work early to pick her up and take her out to a nice (albeit budget-friendly) dinner? What should they plan on doing tomorrow for their day off? Train together?
 But then there were those other thoughts he had to quickly suppress before anyone noticed the hue of his face was coming dangerously close to matching that of his hair.
 It wasn’t that Renji only saw her in that way now, no, not at all.  It was more the newness of actually getting to explore this different facet of intimacy in their relationship after an eternity of celibacy that had him thinking about it more than he’d care to admit to anyone else.
 Once she was used to navigating the vast difference in their sizes, Rukia’s proficiency in the bedroom had quickly flourished. Soon their activities moved out of the bed and onto other places, like the floor. Or the wall. Or the bathtub (that, as it turned out, did indeed comfortably fit two people).
 And there was that one time their evening had started with making dinner together but ended with Rukia flung over the table screaming for more as he grasped her hips and furiously pounded her from behind.
 “Oh god, harder, Renji! Fuck me HARDER! YES! YES!” She threw her head back and moaned louder with each powerful thrust, even giving a cry of delight when he finally gave in to her multiple demands and planted a few quick open palm slaps on her ass. He was glad he relented on that one. The faint red marks they left behind were pretty hot for sure, but honestly, it would’ve been unfair of him to deny the birthday girl her special request.
 Renji eventually lost count of how many times he made her come that night (it was a lot) but he did at least learn she liked when he twisted his fingers through her hair and pulled her head back to kiss her, and if he bit down on just the right spot near the base of her neck as she was about to climax he could make her orgasm last nearly twice as long. Rukia learned how embarrassingly easy it was for her husband to become fully aroused and insatiably horny if she handled cucumbers a certain way.
 “Is something the matter, Renji?”
 “Ah NO! Not at all, Captain! All good here!” Renji cheerfully shuffled the papers in his hands and put on what he hoped wasn’t a grin that said “I was just thinking about how much your sister enjoys it when we get rough.”
 Byakuya’s eyebrow quirked up slightly but he said nothing else and went back to his forms.
 They continued their work in silence until a series of frantic knocks sounded on the office door, followed closely by an equally frantic, but still professional, voice. “Excuse me, Lieutenant Abarai! Captain Kuchiki! I have an urgent message from the 4th Division!”
 Renji froze. 4th Division messages like this only came if one of their subordinates had sustained critical or life-threatening injuries. A few deaths had even been reported to him during his tenure as lieutenant. He tried to rack his brain for any current dangerous missions that involved members of their division but came up empty.
 Byakuya glanced at him, then back at the door. “Enter.”
 The door opened and a young Shinigami with silvery blonde curls and tortoise shell glasses darted in. She knelt on the floor and proceeded to read from an unfurled scroll in her hands.
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“From Captain Kotetsu Isane of the 4th Division: This dispatch is to inform Lieutenant Abarai Renji and Captain Kuchiki Byakuya of the 6th Division that Lieutenant Kuchiki Rukia, acting captain of the 13th Division, has been admitted to the our medical facilities for treatment of injuries sustained during morning training exercises-”
 The papers scattered noisily. Renji’s stomach lurched and he leapt to his feet with a roar, “WHAT? RUKIA? IS SHE ALRIGHT? WHAT HAPPENED?”
 He’d practically blown his voice with that outburst and his knuckles turned white and numb from how hard he gripped the edge of his desk but he didn’t care. If something bad happened to her…he couldn’t even finish that thought.
 The messenger flinched and nearly dropped her scroll. “I-I’m sorry, Lieutenant Abarai, I do not know the details of what happened.” She cleared her throat and finished relaying the memo to them in summary, “Lieutenant Kuchiki is in stable condition and we can confidently say her life is not in any danger. However, the captain detected some abnormalities in her reiatsu that made her very concerned. She is running tests as we speak.”
 There was some relief that came with knowing she wasn’t in a life-or-death state, but Renji still felt like he was going to simultaneously throw up and pass out from worry. His rapidly weakening legs may have very well given out from under him had a hand not reached out and firmly grasped his shoulder to steady him. Renji whipped his head around, startled.
 Byakuya’s expression was blank but Renji knew his captain was silently telling him to pull himself together, for both his sake and Rukia’s. He gave a terse nod once Renji managed to suppress most of the shaking. “Go. I will finish things here and meet you later.”
 Though he’d regained enough command over his major motor functions to keep himself upright, Renji’s voice still faltered. “Thank you, Captain,” he choked out, his tongue dry and stuck to the roof of his mouth. Byakuya’s grip briefly flexed in imitation of a reassuring squeeze before letting go.
Renji skirted around his desk, all the while yanking off his lieutenant badge and stuffing it inside his uniform since he was technically now off-duty. Thanks to a new law enacted shortly after the war with the Quincies, any Shinigami attending to an immediate family emergency was automatically relieved from their post, though because so few of them even had immediate families this regulation had seldom been invoked since its conception.
 The messenger scrambled to her feet and followed as he brushed past with a clipped “Let’s go.” She managed to stay even with his hastened stride until they got outside where she was swiftly left in the dust of his shunpo.
 Thanks to the extraordinary speed he’d developed from years of dedicated training, it took less than 20 seconds for him to make the journey to the 4th Division’s campus entrance, though he probably could’ve done it in half that time had it not been for his preoccupied thoughts siphoning away at his concentration. In terms of speed among the current group of higher ranked officers of the Gotei 13 Renji was confident he most likely fell within the top five. He couldn’t say this with absolute certainty, however, as he’d never had the opportunity to confirm if anyone besides Captain Soi Fon and his own captain could outpace him. Rankings accuracy aside, he was among the elite Shinigami who were regarded as “exceptionally fast.”
 So, understandably, he was amazed when the girl materialized next to him before he could even attempt to catch his breath. Even in the midst of such a critical situation the drill instructor side of him couldn’t help but be impressed whenever a young recruit showed promising talent.
 “You’re pretty quick,” he commented approvingly as she moved to unlatch the gate.
 She blinked up at him in surprise. “Ah…thank you, sir! It’s an honor to hear that from a ranked officer of your caliber!” Her bespectacled eyes shone with admiration.
 “Yeah,” Renji responded absently, now filling with an uneasy dread as the door groaned open.
 She beamed at him as they hurried inside and made haste towards the main medical building. “Don’t worry, Lieutenant Abarai! Lieutenant Kuchiki is in good hands. I’m sure she’s going to be fine!”
 “Yeah,” he repeated with even less certainty than before.
 By the time she dropped him off at the front entrance Renji was so on edge he barreled through the doors as nothing more than a black and red blur and charged straight past the terrified 4th Division staffers without a word. He didn’t bother stopping at the reception desk to ask which room Rukia was in. Not that it was necessary since he could just seek her out by reiatsu, anyway, and it didn’t take him long to pinpoint her location. With a little more focus, he was even able to pick up on the anomalies the messenger had mentioned.
 He immediately understood why Captain Kotetsu had been worried; he’d never felt anything like that from Rukia’s spiritual pressure before, or anyone else’s for that matter. It was definitely hers but at the same time, somehow, it wasn’t, as if someone was constantly adjusting a radio tuning dial so while the output and volume were the same, the frequencies were crossing and fading in and out. At one point, just for a split second, he even thought he felt a flicker that resembled his own reiatsu, though that was probably just his imagination playing tricks on his frantic brain.
 The door to her room had been left ajar so he slipped inside without a sound and almost collapsed from relief at the sight that greeted him. Next to the window Rukia lay in bed propped up by a fluffy white pillow, inert but fully conscious. The outer layer of her uniform had been removed and placed neatly folded on a chair in the corner. With her hands haphazardly draped across her lap and her head bowed, she painted the perfect picture of a droopy wilting plant until she sensed his presence and perked up instantly.
 “Oh, Renji. You’re here.” She gave a weary smile and automatically reached out to him.
 “Rukia,” his voiced cracked as he knelt by the bed and grasped her small hand in his,  “are ya hurt? What happened?” Trying his best to remain calm, he did a quick visual once-over. There weren’t any visible cuts or bruises on her skin nor was any part of her wrapped in bandages or covered in gauze. She did appear slightly paler than usual but as far as he could tell she was uninjured.
 Rukia bit her lip. “I must have over-exerted myself during training,” she admitted reluctantly. Seeing his eyes widen, she quickly added, “Don’t worry, Renji, I’m alright. Just tired. And nauseous.”
 His heart ached for her. Employing the only method he could think to help her feel better, he lifted her slender hand to his lips. Each knuckle in turn was garnished with a sympathetic kiss. “You got sick?” he murmured into the back of her palm.
 A soft finger stroking over his cheek let him know his sentiments had been received. “Once on the field and twice after coming here,” Rukia grimaced,  “but it wasn’t too bad. I didn’t feel like eating this morning, thankfully.”
 Renji was about to gently scold her for skipping breakfast when the cracked door flew wide open. Their joined hands dropped back onto the bed as the 4th Division’s lieutenant, Kotetsu Kiyone, waltzed in.  Kiyone happened to be the former co-3rd seat of the 13th Division, serving as Rukia’s superior at first, then later her subordinate when she received the promotion to lieutenant. They remained friends even after Kiyone’s transfer to the 4th to serve under her older sister, Captain Kotetsu Isane.
 “Kotetsu-dono!” Caught off guard as she was, Rukia looked genuinely pleased to see her and made to sit up straight.
 Kiyone waved a hand to signal that wasn’t necessary. “Kuchiki-san! How are you feeling?” she asked in an overly chipper tone that gave Renji the odd feeling something was going on that he wasn’t privy to.
 “Um…better. I still feel queasy though,” Rukia informed her.
 “Oh, yes. That’s to be expected.” Kiyone bounced around on the balls of her feet, looking back and forth between Renji and Rukia eagerly.
 Something was definitely up. Renji raised one eyebrow at her. “You look…happy.”
 “Mmhmm!” Kiyone clasped her gloved hands together and beamed as Captain Kotetsu entered the room and stood beside her sister. In her arms she held a clipboard, which she gave a quick once-over before greeting them warmly.
 “Abarai. Kuchiki.”
 They nodded respectfully as best they could given their current positions. “Captain.”
 “Well.” The captain lowered her clipboard. “The good news is, this is not an illness.”
 “So she’s fine? This’ll go away soon?” Renji demanded.
 Instead of giving him a straight affirmative answer, Captain Kotetsu looked to the side and drew in a deep breath. “Not…exactly,” she smiled, more to herself than them, ��I’m afraid this will be very long-term.”
 Next to her, Kiyone was practically vibrating.
 Renji was thoroughly confused by everything that was currently going on around him. “Uh…Captain…I don’t understand…if she’s not sick…’an hang on, waddaya mean ‘long-term’?” he fumbled through each stilted question to the captain with a strained frown. Talking clearly while attempting to rationalize why the heads of the 4th Division were acting in such a bizarre manner was far more difficult than it looked.
 At that point, the suspense was too much for Kiyone to take anymore. With a squeak of excitement, she threw her hands up in the air and blurted out at him, “You’re having a baby! Isn’t it wonderful?”
 Rukia’s mouth fell open in shock.
 Renji stared at the gleefully bobbing girl before them. No, that couldn’t be…he was sure he hadn’t heard her right. Desperate to stay grounded in reality, he rubbed his eyes with his free hand and gave a rough clear of his throat. Twice. Then calmly, so he wouldn’t mishear anything this time, he lowered his hand to his knee, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. “I’m sorry, what…?”
 The hopping faltered momentarily as Kiyone burst out laughing while waving her hand in front of her face. “Oh, I wasn’t very clear was I? Abarai-kun, you’re not having the baby, Kuchiki-san is!” She frowned and tapped her chin. “Hmmm…although I guess that sort of means you are, too, now that I think about it…”
 A bunch of asinine stuttering sounds warbled out of Renji’s gaping mouth. Everything in his vision was going fuzzy and a faint ringing noise started plaguing both ears. His head stiffly cranked itself to the taller of the two blurred shapes in front of him. “C-Captain…?” he croaked at it feebly.
 Captain Kotetsu nodded and stepped in front of Kiyone with a sheepish laugh. “I’m afraid it’s just as she said. Kuchiki is, without a doubt, carrying a child.” She raised her clipboard and produced a thick black pen from somewhere on her person to skim down the top page. “Mm, yes. We did run every test twice to make absolutely sure.  Though I must admit, at first the abnormal patterns to Kuchiki’s reiatsu made me think she might be…”
 Renji tried to listen to what the captain was saying but kept getting distracted by the slight problem of having trouble remembering how to breathe air. Meanwhile, Rukia’s wide violet eyes were steadily growing wider and she looked more and more like she was dangerously close to becoming ill again.
 “…and from what we’ve been able to determine, the fetus was likely conceived shortly before or around the time of your wedding,” Captain Kotetsu rambled on, oblivious to the fact that neither of the people she was addressing had absorbed a single word of what she previously said. The pen tapped several times on the clipboard before she gave them an apologetic glance. “Ah, it would help if you could give specific dates…?
 “Er…d-definitely…not…before…” Renji stammered and he was suddenly too mortified to look anyone in the eye. Rukia’s head thrashed rapidly from side to side in confirmation.
 “Oh, a wedding night baby! How nice.” The captain let out a laugh as silvery as her hair and jotted something down. Behind her, Kiyone flashed them an impressed thumbs up and mouthed Good job!
 For a while, the only sound in the room came from the scratching of Captain Kotetsu’s pen. Renji took the opportunity to glance sidelong at Rukia again. If he thought she looked pale before, she was now a shade whiter than the sheets she clutched to her trembling chin.
 “So…what now?” Renji asked uncertainly once the pen was lifted for good. He was trying his best to keep calm and collected, mainly for Rukia’s sake, but this was getting progressively more difficult as his head spun and his hand numbed from her tightening grip.
 “Well…once she feels better you can take her home. And…we will monitor her condition closely. Have her come in every few weeks or so. Oh, and Kuchiki, please don’t use your zanpakuto for a while or stress your reiatsu too much. Hmm…while you could still lead your division in the administrative sense, you should probably be taken off the active duty roster…” Captain Kotetsu sounded more like she was rattling off vague ideas than relaying a clear set of instructions.
 The couple’s rapidly increasing doubt must have been conveyed in their expressions for she quickly held up her hand in what she clearly thought was a confident gesture. “Now, I don’t want either of you to worry. It has been a while since we’ve dealt with a pregnancy, but…I’m sure we can handle it!” With a quick nod for emphasis and a gesture for her sister to follow, both captain and lieutenant exited the room.
 Unsurprisingly, they did not leave behind the most reassured of parents-to-be.
 “Renji…” Rukia breathed out once the door had clicked shut. It was the first time she’d spoken since Kiyone broke the news. “Are we…really having a baby?”
 Renji blew out a breath of his own. He didn’t know Captain Kotetsu as well as her sister (which was to say, not very) but he knew enough to be certain that she wasn’t the type for practical jokes.
 After briefly contemplating this, he sighed again. “Yeah…looks like it.” He ran his hand over his head and accidentally knocked his bandanas askew. There was no point in fixing them when he was shaking too much to tie a proper knot, not to mention his other hand was already currently occupied, so he didn’t even bother. They came off easily with one solid yank.
 Rukia watched the discarded fabrics drop noiselessly onto the bed beside her and nodded slowly.  “I see,” was all she said. One by one, her fingers unclenched and she lowered the now badly crimped sheet back into her lap. The feeling in Renji’s hand returned as her hold on him slackened as well.
 They were given approximately half an hour to digest this bombshell before Byakuya arrived. Most of that time was spent in reflective silence, broken only when an orderly came in to give Rukia a light meal and a tonic for her upset stomach, and again when the division’s third seat and their good friend, Yamada Hanataro, briefly poked his head in the room to voice his congratulations. Apparently, word had spread fast in the 4th Division.
 When Byakuya swept in, he was composed and calm as ever with only a small fluctuation to his normally steady reiatsu giving away how worried he actually was. “Rukia. You appear to be doing well,” he surmised after his eyes skimmed over her briefly. He didn’t even bother to acknowledge Renji. (Renji found this understandable; he wasn’t the one in the hospital bed after all.)
 “I am, Nii-sama, thank you,” Rukia answered a pitch higher than usual.
 Byakuya noticed, of course. His brow furrowed by the tiniest of fractions. “Have they determined anything?”
 “U-um…well…that is…” she hesitated. Renji could see the cogs working furiously in her head. He knew she most likely wanted to tell Byakuya as she respected him too much to keep anything this big secret but the shock of the unexpected diagnosis was throwing her for a loop.
 Not to mention, this was basically a flat-out admission to her own brother that they were sleeping together (which definitely wouldn’t be news to him seeing as he had been married once himself and knew exactly what activities were routinely practiced within a healthy marriage) but ever the easily embarrassed introvert, Rukia tended to keep a tight lid on every aspect of their private life together, even when it came to close friends. He doubted she’d said anything to Inoue yet or was ever planning on doing so in the future.
 Feeling just as apprehensive as she looked, Renji squeezed her hand and sighed reluctantly, “Might as well tell ‘im now, Rukia. It’s gonna come out eventually, anyways.”
 Renji’s presence was finally acknowledged by his captain looking at him in a way that made him very fearful of losing a good number of things attached to his body. “What does he mean by that?” Byakuya asked Rukia sharply while eyeing Renji’s uncharacteristically bared forehead with a mixture of suspicion and disapproval.
 Reassured by Renji’s prompting, Rukia took a deep breath and adjusted herself off the pillow to sit up straight to answer her brother. “Nii-sama…” she began, confidently as possible. Her voice held steady as she glanced at Renji, who gave her the most encouraging smile he could muster despite growing increasingly tense and more fidgety with each passing second. “It appears I am…with child.” Having said that, she looked back at Byakuya a little more reluctantly and bit her lip, a slight flush coming back to her colorless cheeks.
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 Byakuya stilled. Slowly, his scrutinizing gaze left Renji and settled on his sister. Then for the first time that Renji could recall since the day he met him, his captain’s face softened completely and a tiny flicker of something akin to joy shone in his eyes. “You are with child?” he repeated in a hushed voice.
 If they’d been waiting for a sign from the universe, that was definitely it. At those four small words, all the tension in Renji’s shoulders instantly slid right off and evaporated into nothing. He knew by the small sigh Rukia let out that she had fully relaxed as well. The air itself even felt easier to breathe and move about in.
 It was apparent that, much like when they first got engaged, the majority of their anxieties had stemmed from the uncertainty of how Byakuya would take the news. But with that heartfelt response (for him at least), once again, they realized they had worried for naught. Of course he would be elated, even proud. True, the baby wouldn’t carry on the Kuchiki name, but seeing his beloved younger sister and trusted subordinate, whose union he had wholeheartedly (though somewhat ambiguously) blessed, content and thriving to the point of producing a child would certainly bring him at least some happiness.
 Now that the mental blockades barricading in their own feelings were lifted, nothing was left suppress them and they swiftly spilled over.
 “Yes.” Rukia looked back at Renji, her eyes starting to fill with moisture. From the pricking sensation in his own, Renji suspected he was on the verge of tearing up as well. “Renji and I…we’re having a baby,” she declared, her thumb absentmindedly caressing his knuckles. Excitement radiated from her, warm and bright, and it filled him completely until he felt like he would burst.
 Forgetting his captain, forgetting all the fear and worry that overtook them at first, forgetting Rukia had spent the morning throwing up, Renji leaned forward with a choking sob of a laugh and kissed her fiercely with everything he had. He couldn’t help himself. He had never loved her more than he did right at that moment.
 They became a family born from friendship as children, and now, as a man and woman united in love, they were creating an entirely new one. Everything in their lives, every hardship they’d endured and obstacle they’d faced and overcome, had led to this one thing: A single precious entity brought into existence by the bonds they shared.
 Rukia initially baulked in surprise at the action but soon let go of his hand and returned it with full fervor. Adoration, heartache, joy, pain, gratitude. All those feelings and more, they poured into that one kiss. Words alone could never be enough.
 Renji started and broke away from Rukia with a wet smack! They both turned towards the source of the cough with eyes half-lidded and hands still tangled through each other’s tresses.
 Byakuya stood awkwardly over them, shoulders rigid and eyes deliberately averted.
 “I believe…I am needed elsewhere,” he told them flatly, still refusing to grace them with his gaze, “Rukia, see to it you get your rest. Renji…” his eyes closed and his voice dropped slightly in warning, “…make sure you don’t disturb her.” Without further ado, Byakuya turned on his heel with a quiet “Congratulations” and headed for the door.
 Renji winced guiltily and let go of Rukia. “Understood, Captain. Thank you.” he replied stiffly with his hands folded obediently in front of him, while a thoroughly reddened Rukia lay back on her pillow with a respectful “Yes, Nii-sama.”
 After Byakuya left the room, however, they were somewhat less compliant.
Author’s Notes: Anything Byakuya does is my second favorite part of WDkALY and now he’s becoming one of my favorite characters to write little snippets for.
Normally I’m not one for featuring non-canon characters but Hanataro just didn’t quite fit in the role of someone Renji would have any sort of affectionate mentor/parent-like feelings towards so the messenger ended up being some random 4th Division newbie. We don’t know her name though because Renji forgot to ask. lol
Also remember how I mentioned in the notes for Part II that this title is like a mega pun? Go look up all the meanings of “issue” and you’ll see what I’m talking about. XD
Continued in [PART V- THE DENIAL]
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junker-town · 7 years
Monster Energy proving to be ideal title sponsor for NASCAR Cup Series
The first few months of Monster Energy’s entitlement sponsorship of NASCAR have seemed positive for all involved.
NFL superstar and professional partier Rob Gronkowski celebrating in victory lane at the Daytona 500. Events in the fan zone featuring MMA fights and stunt motorcycle riders enclosed inside a steel structure coined the “ball of death.” A planned world-record motorcycle jump on Talladega Superspeedway’s frontstretch just minutes before the start of the race, only scrapped because the stuntman injured himself practicing.
A dramatic departure from what one normally would associate with NASCAR, a sport whose roots may be traced to bootleggers outrunning federal agents, but over the past two decades has become more corporatized to better cater to the Fortune 500 businesses injecting vast sums of dollars into stock car racing at the highest rung.
But while Monster Energy represents a seismic shift from how NASCAR typically engaged consumers -- new and old alike -- the company’s approach to marketing is also precisely what NASCAR sought when it entered into a two-year agreement with Monster to serve as its Cup Series title sponsor, Steve Phelps, NASCAR’s executive vice president and chief global sales and marketing officer, told SB Nation. That deal is now reaching the halfway point of its first season.
“The first half has exceeded our expectations,” Phelps said. “I think it’s been an extraordinary relationship for us and I think for them as well.
“We brought them on board because of who they are, that was a very conscious decision we made. We would take this high energy, a little edgier, maverick brand and bring in as our top sponsor. … The marriage is working quite well for us both and I believe the big winner is the fans.”
Two prevailing themes have emerged thus far in the partnership between a company whose approach is outside-the box and tends to do the opposite of conventional wisdom, and an image- conscious sanctioning body that often skews conservative.
Photo by Jonathan Ferrey/Getty Images
The Ives Brothers performed in the “Ball of Steel” prior to the Daytona 500 in February.
Monster is acclimating itself nicely to a fan base with a deserved reputation for looking at outsiders skeptically.
If there is one universal characteristic among the majority of NASCAR fans, it’s their collective love to have a good time. And on that front, Monster is delivering, while also admittedly still learning what works and doesn’t in how to best promote its energy drinks.
“We’ve delivered in spades on our end of the deal to bring a lot of fun and excitement and bringing new fans out to the track.” — Mitch Covington, Monster Energy VP
Under Sprint, which had the role of entitlement sponsor for the previous 13 years, fan promotions frequently were more muted and buttoned up. Such a mentality one would never confuse with the one possessed by Monster, whose mantra is “girls, parties, and motorsports.” Both Phelps and Mitch Covington, Monster’s vice president of sports marketing, say none of the ideas Monster has presented to NASCAR in trying to position itself as the fun and different alternative have faced any pushback.
“That’s us doing our part and I think we’ve delivered in spades on our end of the deal to bring a lot of fun and excitement and bringing new fans out to the track,” Covington told SB Nation.
As NASCAR prepares to revisit many tracks for a second time this season, Covington says to expect much the same with a new wrinkle or two along the way. “We may have a surprise to make things even more fun,” he said. Although he wouldn’t delve into specifics beyond hinting at additional concerts like the one Monster brought rapper Machine Gun Kelly to play following the May 20 All-Star Race at Charlotte Motor Speedway.
“We didn’t know how NASCAR fans would react to him,” Covington said. “We were really nervous about it because he’s not a country music guy, but it ended being an overwhelming success. We’re going to continue looking for opportunities to bring in artists we work with to do more of that.”
Photo by Brian Lawdermilk/Getty Images
A Monster Energy truck performs in the Fan Zone prior to Cup Series race at Atlanta Motor Speedway last March.
On the business side of things both parties are achieving their stated goals.
Thanks in part to its own marketing initiatives accompanied with Monster’s distinctive methods, Phelps said NASCAR is successfully transforming itself into a sports entity more appealing to a younger demographic. (NASCAR would not share data with SB Nation supporting this.)
At the same time, NASCAR and Monster both have worked to ensure long-time fans don’t feel alienated by the noticeable push to entice millennials to attend races. During its zenith in the early- to mid-2000s as the sport flourished, ratings and attendance skyrocketed, and expanded to new tracks well beyond its southeast base, NASCAR often struggled to keep its core followers content while courting new fans.
“The core fans have embraced Monster really well and are very pleased that there are new options and opportunity to see something unique.” — Steve Phelps, NASCAR VP
“When you go out to their display area at the racetrack, you certainly see a youthful crowd that is there; a different looking crowd,” Phelps said. “That said, you also see what I would call our ‘core fan.’ So it’s been this mix of a millennial fan and older fans.
“And the core fans have embraced Monster really well and are very pleased that there are new options and opportunity to see something unique, different and fun at the racetrack.”
Monster is accomplishing its agenda by leveraging its affiliation with NASCAR to enhance its brand awareness. Among the particulars of an agreement struck with Kroger, the United States’ largest supermarket chain by revenue, $115.34 billion for fiscal year 2016 with almost 2,800 supermarkets throughout the country, Monster gets greater shelf space in return for Kroger being allowed to have signage on the race-winning car in victory lane.
In a promotion between Monster and Pocono Raceway earlier this month, any fan who came to the track with an empty can of Monster on the Friday of the race weekend was given a free ticket for that day’s activities, which included Cup Series qualifying, Xfinity Series practice, and a 200-mile ARCA race. The concept is something Monster has done at motocross races and Pocono president and CEO Brandon Igdalsky thought it could benefit his track.
“How they message their fan base is different from how we’ve done it in this sport, but it’s a great way for us to look into the future and how engagement needs to happen,” Igdalsky told SB Nation. “It’s a different day and age now, and I think Monster is a great partner looking forward and how we need to market and brand.”
NASCAR may not have been directly involved in what Monster and Pocono formalized, but the sanctioning body certainly benefited from the marketing campaign that saw significant exposure in stores across Pennsylvania and into New Jersey and Upstate New York. “Several thousand” cans were collected on a day that otherwise would’ve been sparsely attended, Igdalsky said.
“There were fans here that otherwise might not have come,” Igdalsky said. “Watching people come in, you had normal race fans but a lot of people who were at their first race and a much younger crowd coming in.”
“We’re definitely getting the exposure and return on our investment.” — Covington
Coinciding with its foray as Cup Series entitlement sponsor, Monster had a first-quarter net sales increase of 9.1 percent, improving from $680.2 million to $742.1 million, compared to the same period last year: strong indication its contract with NASCAR valued at $20 to $25 million annually isn’t negatively impacting its bottom-line.
“With the deal not coming together until the waning moments of 2016, so we’re still ramping up and learning about this very large and complex property,” Covington said. “But we’re definitely getting the exposure and return on our investment.”
Despite the positivity, there have been challenges.
With NASCAR having Coca-Cola as its “official soft drink,” Monster is restricted from advertising its Mutant citrus brand drink under the terms of its entitlement sponsorship of the Cup Series, as the product is considered a soda.
And with some teams -- most notably PepsiCo-backed Hendrick Motorsports featuring popular drivers Chase Elliott, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Jimmie Johnson and Kasey Kahne -- having contracts in place with companies that compete against Monster in the marketplace, there’s been some rebuffing to display Monster logos on its cars outside the track. NASCAR only requires teams to display series sponsorship logos at the track during race weekends.
“When you see our cars at the track, they'll have the Monster logo on the windshield, on the side of the car, guys will have it on their uniform,” team owner Rick Hendrick said two days before the Daytona 500.
There is also the matter of Monster only signing on for two years (with options), creating the impression it may not be the long-standing partner NASCAR needs as it attempts to rejuvenate itself in the face of declining television ratings and subpar attendance. Monster’s reluctance to embrace traditional forms of marketing like media buys adds to the consternation that the company may not be committed beyond 2018.
These issues aren’t all entirely new, however. Nextel (which was later purchased by Sprint) experienced similar conflicts with competitors, especially in the early years after it took over from R.J. Reynolds’ Winston cigarette brand when many teams already had existing contracts with telecommunication companies. And Covington says Monster is considering airing national television commercials, something the energy drink maker normally shies away from.
Industry sources don’t deem any of this as potential deal breakers. The expectation is Monster and NASCAR will eventually broker an extension when the time comes to open renegotiations.
“I think this will live past this existing contract and go to a future contract,” Phelps said. “The numbers thus far in terms of acceptance, awareness, the way fans are embracing [Monster’s] product in terms of consumption and the retail success Monster has achieved, it would make sense for both NASCAR the sport and Monster Energy the company to continue well into the future.”
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