#its just this is my first time acquiring a made to order item so i didnt realise because i am STOOPID lol
leadendeath · 1 year
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angelmalocaris · 1 month
Hello NEN Tumblr! Tumblr NEN fans! NENblr! Whatever you are!
There are like 5 of you at most, even when rounded up, but I have a confession to post.
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This shrine, you see this “shrine” right here? From the NEN website? (CONT. under cut)
That is MY shrine. I made that. Those objects are in my possession.
This image is sort of old. I haven’t cleaned my bedroom in awhile so I will hold off on taking new ones for the time being, but here are my Emery related trinkets I have and projects I have worked on. This is not a complete list by any means, mostly just my biggest or most well known ones.
Lets get the big stuffy fluff-filled elephant out of the room, the pillow. Yes that is an Emery body pillow! (Or dakimakura I suppose.)
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YES it is hand made! YES I do sleep with it every night! and YES my mom did help me make it! While it has become SIGNIFICANTLY more faded over time, it is well loved. That is my wifey! Of course I take care of her!
It's almost completely homemade, my mom prints t-shirt so we just printed on some fabric. There is a heart-shaped button and a few feathers in the stuffing, think like a BaB plushie.
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Enough of that, time for a walk. Here’s the Emery engraved collar!
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Real metal! After saving a bit of money and walking and hour or so, I purchased this at a store to be made by an engraving machine. Why? Because I can! And have you seen Emery? That’s definitely a critter.
I'm hungry... so hungry I could eat... an Emery!!!
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Here are three separate Emery cakes I made! Left to right in order. They're all box mix but I baked them and frosted them on my own.
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My grandma made this one. Goo Goo Gah Gah...
By now, all the cakes are long gone.
First Cake Death
Second Cake Death (My favorite!)*
Third Cake Death
*(also a remake of the first.)
Quick time event!!! Here's some Emeries I made in video games.
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Note, while I did not make the Emery Mii (Hal did) I am including it here because I think it's notable that I got to marry Emery in the game.
I have lost my membership in this time so the full outfit is not possible for me anymore, but feel free to recreate it. Its simple and the items shouldn't be too hard to acquire.
It's just 1, the Square Glasses (members only) from Jam Mart Clothing in green for 350 gems 2, the tie from Jam Mart Clothing in red for 100 gems, and the Rare Crimson Topcoat (members only). While the topcoat is marked "Rare" its quite common for a rare item and IIRC I may(?) even have more than one.
I want to update the Petz 4 Emery. I could probably make it better now and I want him to be a dog when I decide to remake it.
I have lost my old save for tomodachi life but someday I will get married to him again... just you wait!!!
You know what games are made of? Code. So are webbed sites... Usually not the same code, but you get the idea.
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This is my Emery web shrine! I will not link to it because its very old and not very good by my current standards. You can see its age by Emery being called "Telly" and some of the older artwork ( being by Hal of course.) Someday it will be made better and strong...
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and yes. I did help with some (a lot) of the code on the NEN site. I'm blaming any of the messy stuff in there on Hal though because she's the one doing most updates. Sorry Hal! Maybe learn more than some HTML and I won't throw you under the bus. I need to log on and fix up some of that in a bit. I am sure it looks like a tornado hit it from the inside.
I have been at this for months, even years now. Longer than the NEN official site even existed. A lot of this is hand made and if not that, completely out of my own pockets. I plan to continue being crazy even if my pockets are reduced to nothing but lint and moths (they have, more than once.) I love Emery Phone.
Peace and Love (except for the french, that being Emery. I will get you Emery.)
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Tschüss! Buh-Bye! Until next time! Au revoir! (Eww... French...)
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reading-wanderer · 2 years
A Compendium of Magical Artifacts
Chapter 19: Fix-it Cloth
Prompt: Restore
AO3 Link
[After skimming a bit more, you finally find another item that has familiar names in the location.]
Name: Cloth of Restoration, Fix-it Cloth
Description: This cloth comes in many different colors and patterns. The fabric is rather thick and well made.
Known Abilities: The cloth is used to mend items, though not in the way one would expect. The cloth only has to be draped over the ripped or broken item and it will slowly use itself to repair whatever is wrong, though not always in the way you expect or prefer. [There’s an arrow pointing from ‘itself’ to a note on the side saying, “it appears that the non-cloth repairs use up the cloth’s energy while cloth fixes uses the cloth itself. The non-cloth repairs appear to require more cloth to fix issues of similar size.”] It can even be used to mend wounds in a pinch. The mending process slowly uses up the cloth and if the cloth is fully utilized before the item is fully mended, the item will stay in in its half mended state.
Location: The cloth can be purchased from several places including the Fire Fang marketplace, several shops in Olympus, and a very small shop at the edge of Dreaded Guise. There are several different versions of the fabric and I find that the best quality is from the Dreaded Guise shop.
Notes: I was given a few square feet of this cloth as an apology from Skulker after a run in with one of their various captured ‘pets’ shredded this book. Some of the pages were partially or fully destroyed in the process and I have been attempting to re-record the information I still remember. The cloth given to me was dark green in color and, as instructed, I placed the pages in order beneath the cloth, including a bundle of new paper to replace the pages that were lost. It took several hours to finish repairing this book during which I pulled the cloth up to see what was happening beneath and photograph the effects. The cloth appears to work from the inside out, repairing the endpaper and backing first, followed by the greyboard case and spine, before finally fixing the outer covering.
Despite the repair material being cloth, the paper and the greyboard remained the same type of material they should be. The outer cloth, on the other hand, changed to match the color and texture of the cloth used. The majority of the cloth I was given was utilized to repair my book. I did not leave any of the ruined pages in the book while it was being repaired, but since I still had some of the cloth remaining, I placed one of the ripped pages beneath it to see what would happen. The page itself mended, but the words remained lost. It is an interesting visual effect, but ultimately useless for the purpose of saving the information for later.
Given the number of items I keep that are often damaged by visitors, both ghostly and human, I have acquired several bolts from the different places that sell it and experimented with the different colors and grades of fabric. The better crafted versions work faster, but overall every bolt appears to work as described.
[Huh. You find your fingers rubbing against the gouges in the cover of the book and playing with the loose flaps of cloth. The cloth was long enough that any name that had been beneath Should still be there, but if this cloth had been used…
You toss the idea aside a moment later. You may not know what had happened to cause the gouges, obviously, but you have a hard time imagining that the book just Happened to scatter pages around that just Happened to land beneath this magic cloth even if it could explain why everything was so messed up.
Except… the author Did say they had several bolts of the stuff hanging around…]
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madamecricket · 2 years
Third impressions of Tunic
I’ve now played up to the middle of the Eastern Vault area. There are a couple of things I forgot to mention the first time around and a few interesting new developments.
I’m loving this game, and I’m trying to type this out in a hurry so I can get back to playing! Seriously, I showed up already tired to work today because I was playing Tunic last night. This game is best experienced blind, so mind the spoilers under the cut!
- One thing I forgot to mention last time was that I managed to get into an area that I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to get to in the late game. It’s called something like “Forbidden Pass”. The first time I got there, I was completely out of flasks and down to like one bomb, so naturally I barely got anywhere before I got killed. It was an extremely interesting area, though, so let me give you a summary of the experience.
The first thing I noticed was that the background was weirdly... modern. The first part was a long run over the top of something resembling steel scaffolding, while the camera pulled back to give me a good view of the skybox, which was very out-of-focus, but I swear I could see skyscrapers and power lines. That’s very strange, because Tunic up to that point has been a Zelda-esque game full of forests and ruins and abandoned windmills. Consider my expectations subverted at that point.
The second thing I noticed was the healing shrine. It was dead. That’s not my words, it’s the game’s. I checked and the textbox said dead. The flame was out and it was unusable. They could have said the shrine was broken or out of order or doused, but they said dead. It was extra unsettling because the shrines all depict the deity-fox that gave us the ability to come back to life and that we’re apparently trying to save. So when I checked the shrine with its flame out and it said dead, it was like the game was saying THEY were dead. It was a bit despair-inducing, in a nice narrative way. To make matters worse, I was nearly dead at that point thanks to the Envoy I had to get past to get to the area, and the shrine at the beginning is unusable. See, I would have turned back at that point to find another shrine, but it was hard to get to this area and I knew I’d just lose some gems upon dying, so I decided to press on and at least see what was going on in this area before something killed me.
So I pressed on and encountered several kangaroo-like enemies wearing gas masks trying to mine(?) a large, black obelisk with some kind of corrupted energy coming out of it. I managed to kill one of them right away with a tossed bomb, but the explosion caught the other two’s attention and then I was out of bombs. Naturally I was immediately killed with a laser gun. Yep. I said a laser gun.
I made a mental note to come back to that area when I was stronger, and I did. After beating the Western Garden area and acquiring more health, attack, defense, and some helpful magic items, I came right back to that area to see if I could get any farther. The Scavenger enemies (the gas mask guys) were tough and mobile, but I was well equipped at that point and I took them out. Then I walked up to the obelisk they were mining, which stood directly in front of the way forward...
...and my health IMMEDIATELY began draining. Not even just my health points, my maximum health started quickly going down, so naturally I got the fuck out of Dodge. It was impossible to go further in the area without approaching the obelisk, too, so apparently I need to find some kind of upgrade that protects from obelisk-poisoning before I can see what’s going on beyond that point. Fortunately the maximum health drain was fixed immediately on my next visit to a functional shrine.
- speaking of that obelisk, there’s more of them in the game world, but that’s the only one I’ve found so far that’s “corrupted”. Most of them are just large black rectangles with red, green, and blue lights on them that you rarely find in the game world. When I first encountered them, I had no idea what to do with them, but I eventually found a manual page that showed that I could do something with an obelisk by getting right up to them and holding down A.  Apparently I’ve had this ability the entire time, but it never occurred to me to do that. When you stand still and hold down A, your character kind of crouches down, seemingly praying, and you get surrounded by blue light. And when you do this right next to an obelisk, it activates them! Obelisks in the game world are connected by lines of engraved metal that glow when activated, and these lines connect the shrines too. Shrines connected to activated lines are ‘living’, and those connected to deactivated lines are ‘dead’. It turns out there’s more dead shrines in the game world, but now I know how to bring them back to life!
- After killing the Garden Knight and ringing the second bell, I gained access to the golden door that got “sealed forever” after I went through it the first time and met the fox deity. Forever wasn’t that long after all. It went to a completely new area too, a temple. The interior was like a very large shrine, not a healing shrine, but one as large as a house displaying three fox statues reminiscent of our shrine-deity. Each statue has a “keyhole” for a hexagonal key in red, green, or blue, seemingly representing three keys that I need to retrieve and unlock this shrine. The red-green-blue motif has showed up in multiple places in the game, by the way. The shrine deity’s crystal prison at the start featured those colors prominently; the obelisks have those colors in a decal at the top; your health, stamina, and magic bars have those exact colors; and now I need to find special keys in those colors. The red, blue and green remind me of Din, Nayru and Farore in the Legend of Zelda, and given how heavily Zelda-inspired this game is, that’s likely deliberate.
- The dungeon I’m currently playing through is the Eastern Vault. It has puzzles based around finding ways to activate obelisks scattered around it, and a new main enemy type: some kind of rat cultists carrying candlesticks that gather around the obelisks, seemingly worshiping them. Given that the obelisks are apparently connected to the healing shrines, it makes sense that they would have some religious significance in this world. Interestingly enough, it’s also full of dead shrines that I have to find ways to reactivate myself, and these aren’t treated with any of the same reverence that the obelisks are. They’re dirty, abandoned, and one of them is straight up broken. What do these obelisk cultists have against our shrine-friend, huh?
- Though I’m trying to get through this game blind, I do get stuck sometimes, so I found myself looking up a playthrough of this area when I couldn’t progress. It turned out the problem was that I didn’t realize there was an exit in an obvious place. The door was in plain sight and I just couldn’t see it! Something similar happened in the Flooded Well area, too. To be a little fair to me, the visual indicator for a door is often subtle.
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flamecanna6547 · 15 days
Flame Dispensary
Being professionals in the cannabis market, we are delighted to assist you.
Here you will find the greatest cannabis dispensary on the entire earth. Since you have previously shown an interest in acquiring premium indica and sativa strains, we are delighted to notify you that they are now available dispensary near santa rosa ca We have every conceivable cannabis product at our dispensary, from edibles to vape pens.
Thanks to its faultless design and outstanding quality, it is swiftly becoming the standard in the industry.
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We are not primarily focused on running dispensaries, but rather on creating reliable online marketplaces where people may buy cannabis and other products. There isn't any other website like this one in the business. From an organizational standpoint, these companies are among the top in their field.
Please be very careful to follow these directions to the letter when you pick up your order from a dispensary.
Use the menu or the phone number below to get in touch with Flame Dispensary and start ordering cannabis for pickup. There are two options available to you here.   Regardless of the strategy you use, packing your baggage becomes a breeze once you've decided what to buy and in what quantities.
After that, you'll need to select a time that works for you to get your merchandise. After that, make sure you're ready by doing what's needed. In order to fulfill your order, we need certain information about you. While current users can view their data at any time, new users will be required to provide identity upon registration. This requirement prevents them from taking part in the verification.
And lastly, choose curbside delivery as your chosen delivery method. We'll send you a text message to let you know when your order is ready for pickup.
5. Finally, we would like our clients to know that we are really concerned about the moral use of our cannabis products. For the time being, all we can do is wait for them to take action.
Some questions that people often ask are:
Would you mind guiding me through the Flame Dispensary ordering process for my first order? What, in your view, are the prerequisites for an event to proceed?
You can complete any transaction with just a government-issued photo ID proving your age is at least 21. For the time being, all we require is one additional item. Legally, anyone can buy anything as long as they have a valid and up-to-date medical card. Along with other things, patients must have a valid medical card on hand.
I was wondering if debit cards may be accepted as a form of payment.
Paying with debit or cash is an option when you prefer to pick up your order at our store. We accept both of these payment options. For customers who prefer to pick up their orders in person, the dispensary accepts cash and debit cards. Both of these methods of payment are acceptable. It is more preferable to pay with cash rather than a debit card. For every $3.50 debit transaction made at an ATM, the total is rounded up to the nearest $5.00. I figured it would be better to put things in writing so you would know. Thank you for taking the time to be here today. I am really grateful for your assistance with this matter. Making sure this material is useful and easy to use is our first priority when presenting it to you. There is currently no mechanism in place to disburse funds to customers.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me more information about your dispensary's whole inventory.
Our extensive selection of high-quality cannabis products at affordable prices is only one of the many services we provide. The vast array of cannabis-related goods encompasses not just flower and pre-rolls, but also extracts, vape pens, candies, and much more. Feel free to reach out to us at any time that suits you, and we will make every effort to help. To further refine your search, use the filters located on our menu.
There will always be people wondering how to return or exchange a faulty item.
If an item arrives broken or defective within seven days of purchase, we will gladly replace it at no cost to you. If the goods you get are defective or damaged cannabis dispensary in santa rosa we will arrange for a replacement. Find out if you can get a different one if you've already gotten the products. If you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact us at [email protected] or go to the store where you made the transaction. We are delighted to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us at any time that is convenient for you if you require assistance or have any inquiries. If you require any assistance or have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to me.
It seemed to me that transporting cannabis was illegal.
Despite California's decision to decriminalize cannabis, the federal government continues to deny its legitimacy. Similarly, the most recent vote in California to legalize cannabis is irrelevant here as well. Transporting cannabis products from one state to another is usually not a wise choice. For these and other reasons, we think it's a bad idea. thus that you can better understand what's happening, review what you've learned thus far.
Regrettably, I do not currently have the required paperwork to legally buy medical marijuana from your business. Do you have faith in my abilities to finish this job?
You need to be 21 or older and in possession of a valid government-issued ID in order to buy anything.
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gibsonkatz8 · 16 days
The Replica luxury bags Diaries
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Farfetch has become the luxury e-commerce forces that introduced pre-owned items back towards the forefront of style. Ever considering that the worldwide System—which connects shoppers with independent boutiques around the globe—rolled out its Second Everyday living designer bag selling plan in 2019, the positioning has grown to be a place to find many of the most legendary vintage bags to choose from. Sunglasses are fantastic way to make a definite type statement. Buzz Store is one particular cease spot so that you can obtain initial copy sun shades of world popular best brands. Make a choice from big choice of prime brands like Rayban, Dior, Gucci and Armani. You'll find designer replica handbags at various outlets. Some replicas are meant to appear so very similar to the designer bags that they appear to be the true offer initially look. Some others are loosely depending on designer designs, but in many conditions, much more than A fast glance will reveal that they are, in reality, just encouraged by A significant style dwelling's development. out at 7 star mirror replica handbags . That’s correct, officials are taking note of the luxury merchandise you're carrying or putting on. So, whether it’s the purse ordered on the road in the home or perhaps a superfake from a global replica manufacturing facility, buyer and traveler beware. aaa replica handbags is a Repeated prevalence when online consumers location a Chanel bag on an Internet auction that's quite a few hundred bucks below the common real Chanel bag. Believing them selves to have found the offer in the life time, they may buy a retail-priced $one,700 Chanel bag for only $150 online, unaware that they've got bought a phony handbag. If you come upon a deal on a designer bag that appears to be way too great being true, it probably is. Many years ago my daughter commented about all her grandmother’s pals acquiring bogus Louis Vuitton bags. I’d observed the bags at an area current market and regarded obtaining 1. “Faux it til you allow it to be” is the incorrect assistance when it comes to touring with handbags. Not simply are authorities cracking down on huge business shipments of counterfeit goods, or in any other case infringing intellectual residence, but In addition they may be examining you When getting replica designer handbags, the most important factor is finding a honest vendor with expertise In this particular domain. This makes sure that you receive a higher-good quality item at a reasonable value. A lot of stores create sensible excellent merchandise that are not always as magnificent for a Prada merchandise, although the designs could be likewise interesting. We choose pride in offering our buyers both an authentic or authentic handbag seem that is definitely equally as superior as the first handbags. We execute rigorous good quality Handle processes to determine to it that our strains of items evaluate approximately the very best conventional. The manufacturing of handbags that use the logo or correct design or style of the designer handbag is against the law. The output and sale of pretend designer handbags Value American taxpayers many pounds every year. These types of merchandise are frequently made abroad beneath unsafe Doing work situations then marketed to people who possess little understanding of the ramifications with the counterfeit marketplace. Never ever observed whilst my hottest vacation in Europe April 2023. I often use replica somewhat then expend this type of huge total on authentic. Duplicate is far better and trusted then primary now a days. The thought of constrained delivers is often a advertising and marketing strategy. It can be crucial not to hurry into creating selections; rather, go to the trouble to conduct extensive exploration and make an educated option of your Replica designer bags. By far 7 star quality replica handbags are usually Reduce from costly materials for example real python, alligator, crocodile, or perhaps the softest calfskin leather imaginable, but it surely's not only the kind of fabric that makes them so Exclusive.
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nickgerlich · 8 months
What's In Your Cart?
Humans have needed to eat for as long as we have roamed the planet. While we as a species were hunter/gatherers and then agrarian, once the industrial era was upon us and we started working away from home, a new breed of retailer was born the grocer. Those first grocers were unlike any we would patronize today, because a customer typically went inside, handed over a shopping a list, and waited while someone picked the order.
That all changed in 1916 when Piggly Wiggly introduced the first supermarket, in which customers could self-select everything they wanted. It was the equivalent of gas stations ditching full-serve in favor of self-serve. Four-wheeled buggies known as shopping carts became the new normal.
As in all things retail, companies and customers alike evolved. Walmart, which opened its first store in 1962, threw down the gauntlet in 1988 with its first supercenter, in which it sold groceries alongside dry goods. Walmart wisely purchased McLane Company, a food wholesaler, in 1990 to solidify its presence in the field. It eventually sold the company once it had developed its own food distribution system.
By the turn of the century, Walmart had become the nation’s biggest grocer, and has not let go of that title since. In fact, it sells three times more groceries than its nearest competitor, Kroger. A long-form CNBC video tells the story of how Walmart became the nation’s biggest supermarket, along with issues that critics continue to raise.
First off, groceries are among the most evergreen of merchandise categories. We will always have to eat, and with COVID fresh in the rear view, and inflation continuing to bite, we eat a lot at home. As a shopping category, groceries will never go away.
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Walmart, though, has more muscle than most. They are the gorilla in the living room, and even decades ago were using their sheer size to extract concessions from vendors to get attractive pricing. But as the video points out, sometimes those vendors have to charge higher prices to other retail accounts, to try to compensate for all the concessions made to Walmart.
And then there are extremely low prices on selected items, especially in groceries. In marketing jargon, these are called loss leaders. Retailers use short-term low prices as a come-on, in hopes that customers buy other things at regular prices. Basically, those other items are subsidizing the highlighted items being sold on the cheap.But when those low prices become permanent, a loss leader can become an example of predatory pricing, a tactic used to try to put others out of business. It is hard to prove such actions, because Walmart could easily argue it is just an ongoing sales promotion. Still, it could wind up in court.
Either way, I have two choices here in Canyon Texas: Walmart, or United (bought by Albertson’s a few years ago, and now in process of it all being acquired by Kroger). My market basket of items is far cheaper at Walmart. Of course, your mileage may vary, depending on the items you buy, your preferences, and so forth. But I have done enough comparison shopping through the years to know better. I only use United as a convenience store, when I need one or two things. Its location directly across from campus is convenient.
I have long been bullish on Walmart’s BAM operations, but only recently could say that about their online presence. They have doubled down since COVID, and are crushing it in groceries. Drone deliveries and a fleet of vans are getting purchases to customers in two hours or less. Their Walmart+ premium service, to which I subscribe, is attractive in that I not only save 10 cents a gallon at the pump, but can also use the app to pay for everything, as well as re-order my frequent purchases, regardless of whether I do in-store or home delivery.
And these are things that neither Amazon nor the major grocery chains have been able to duplicate. Kroger comes close, with its warehouse-to-home delivery service in Florida (and no physical stores). But Florida fave Publix has been asleep at the wheel, only recently installing self-check kiosks. Then again, Publix can be crusty and old because—well—isn’t that their core customer there anyway?
Throughout the 1990s and early into this century, critics bemoaned the demise of mom-and-pop stores in Anytown USA, blaming Walmart for their woes. The rise of Amazon helped deflect much of that criticism, because it was easy to blame the rising online star. But now that Walmart is starting to pull away in groceries, it has reignited that fire. The result is that it is difficult for independent groceries to have a chance. It doesn’t matter that groceries are evergreen. If you can’t compete, your fate is written on the wall.
And in the court of public opinion, the verdict will usually be decided in favor of cheap grocery prices. In fact, middle- and upper-America are turning to Walmart in droves these days, because groceries experienced inflation just like everything else. How many of these shoppers remain once inflation subsides is anyone’s guess, but I am betting on Walmart being the horse to win this race.
Meanwhile, I have been shouting out commands to my kitchen Alexa device so that I can shop on the way home from university. At Walmart, of course. Because I like saving money.
Dr “Alexa, Add Peppers To The List” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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seyifulfilled · 11 months
Still At It
My name is Oluwaseyi Ademola Akinruntan.
Most of my connections and friends in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia call me "Olu" or "Mr. O".
I am 50 years old and, a father of four wonderful and delightful kids.
My eldest child, a daughter, just gained admission into the university to study Microbiology this year and, she just returned with a GPA of 3.95.
I have a very active mind. I always have. What stimulates and excites me the most are intellectual activities and pursuits. I spend practically all of my waking time at the PC working, researching the features of new software and mastering their use and those that I use in my workflow as a graphic and web designer, writer, Microsoft Office advanced user of close to 30 years and trainer providing computer training via Zoom to trainees located in El Paso, Texas and so on.
I was going to study medicine when I was in high school until I had my first experience with a computer when a computer department was set up in my school and, being one of the top students, I was made the coordinator.
I have never looked back since nor regretted it. Computing has brought me so many opportunities that, I truly cannot imagine my life without working with computers.
I am officially retired but, I am still very active both mentally and physically. I am blessed with a superb physical constitution probably thanks to genetics.
I also read very widely when I was younger and still do whenever I can, having read most of the English classics including Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, William Shakespeare and, many later authors including John Grisham, Arthur Hailey, Peter Danielson, V. C. Andrews, James Hadley Chase, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Washington Irving and, so, so many others.
If you want someone gifted with the ability to be precise in communication, who makes sure that the intended message is captured with the highest level of fidelity to the idea then, I am your man.
I possess a considerable vocabulary and, a fast and consummate ability to find just the perfect word or words to use in every situation and so, could be a perfect speechwriter for instance.
I would be a valuable personal or executive assistant also if handling correspondence and other forms of communications matters in your line of business or profession.
As a matter of fact, that ability was a major factor in my advancement through the ranks when I was in the banking sector culminating in my de facto position as group head of brand communications for three subsidiaries of one of the most successful banks until it was acquired in 2012.
That, coupled with my uncommon passion for and mastery in computing made me able to do what others seemed unable to.
I am not surprised by it now that I'm older and I look back on those days.
I think it was inevitable.
I hated it when closing time was drawing near while others begin to put their things in order to leave once it was 4:30 PM.
I ended up learning more than most really because I just never got tired as long as I am at the PC.
I constantly downloaded tutorials from Lydia in its early days prompting my journey with Western Digital external hard drives of which I have so, so many now that have crashed, including one which contains my presence in the theatre with my extra pair of hands required to help deliver him because the boy decided to come when one of the nurses had gone out to get an item that was needed. It was only the matron and I who were there when he came.
My designs are authentic because I was first and foremost an artist before I became a graphic designer.
If you want the most original, memorable and visually persuasive graphic designs, I am your man. You don't have to take my word for it though, kindly spare the time to take a look at some of my work for connections, friends and clients from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia to see if you agree at - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BLPhgWKEghEJXVKPkwFWCnZR56g088Pw?usp=drive_link
My Certificates - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rT8513prX5NYdvys7GNORMdFkCRFD_d_?usp=sharing
My DISC Assessment - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nNcvqzSRaInxeK18ApftfJ7wYuipXUqx?usp=sharing
My Myers-Briggs Profile - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KYASHVsqeXoVLPv-qC5-Qg2eECqvlSMJ?usp=sharing
My Tony Robbins' DISC and MOTIVATORS - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LNnYaSRgtcqeqaJiX2ZZG8mgoKM86oU8/view?usp=sharing
My Virtual Assistant Resume - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xhzGxsZFWg1KM5Y-XOLLM-fJUYcALJtV/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117459786796459817936&rtpof=true&sd=true
Some of the sites that I built:
https://www.r-e-b-c-inc.com - for a consulting firm in Roseville, California, United States. I also wrote two of the blog articles on the site. https://www.unicityautomation.com - for an access control firm in Nigeria https://www.dallashomesintl.com - for a real estate firm in Nigeria
When it comes to graphic and web design, writing articles or reports, working with Microsoft Office, researching online, providing graphic and web design and Microsoft Office training as individual services or, collectively as a remote administrative, executive, personal or virtual assistant, I am convinced that, no one can bring greater value onboard any business or professional operation than I can.
When all of the above is coupled with my calm ability to approach challenges, and the constant pursuit of more effective and automated ways to execute tasks to eliminate or reduce the potential for errors, that maturity which I am convinced comes with age and, that experience of having worked with a diverse range of people from across the world for close to three decades, I am more likely to have a stronger sense of commitment and loyalty.
My aim is to have more value than is needed for a role I am compensated for based on the capacity of the organization and not necessarily what my contribution is worth because no one truly can measure how much their contribution is worth. And, I don't want to compete for higher-level opportunities such as those of a brand manager, artistic director and so on and then have to deal with the intense social and political dynamics such positions tend to involve.
It's not about the income as much as my capability being underutilized. Too much time on my hands in this day and age when so, so much is going on that requires my specific skill set makes me feel unfulfilled.
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My Tools & Equipment - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UE4FkeipkqJSs_IDaG-vtlN6fVh0ZBHz?usp=sharing
And, it has always helped me to get ahead throughout my life. I always end up being the favourite in every situation because I give of myself without stinting.
I have references in the United States with whom I've worked for years on LinkedIn who are willing to vouch for my integrity as a person, my competence and my relentless dedication to achieving set outcomes within set deadlines and using assigned resources.
If you require a brilliant and committed person to be on your team, do kindly send me a mail at [email protected] or, give me a call at +234 905 743 7659. WhatsApp too works with the same number.
If you don't but, know someone who does, kindly recommend me. I'd be grateful indeed. I'm open to a Zoom chat at any time for anyone to feel my energy as a potential team member.
I wish you even more stellar success always.
Thank you for your time.
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alexjohn246 · 1 year
The Best Toy Purchasing Guide 
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Each of us tries to provide toys for kids in the greatest way possible. What does "best" actually imply, then? Is there a universal fit? Should we take into account each child's needs and select options that best match what we know about her personality and learning style? Alternately, letting things happen as they may,
How can we gauge the "rightness" of our choice as time passes after we've chosen what's best? After all, raising kids isn't something you can just do once and then forget about. It's one that necessitates attention to detail and a readiness to reconsider. What we first believed to be the best option may not turn out to be so, or may only be so for a short period of time.
Trying to find the Best Toy? Customers occasionally approach me for advice on the ideal gift for their kid or grandkid, especially if the kid has a unique need. A diagnosis is frequently shared to start the dialogue. Even while it is helpful, this knowledge only touches on one facet of the child. We must consider factors besides gender, age, development, and handicap in order to respond to the question. I must said Smyths Toys are best for development We all have preferences, and those are what truly differentiate us.
We shop for things that we like:
Just consider yourself and I. We bring our preferences with us when shopping. Imagine a sweater. I might locate one that seems ideal in all respects, with the exception of one. The fit, look, and fabric are all superb. The cost is at its lowest point ever. The colour is the sole negative aspect. Despite being the most fashionable and a nice shade, it doesn't help me appear my best. I might be able to persuade myself that it's not so horrible. In spite of the cost, it actually has a lot to offer. Anyone can appreciate a good deal. It will also keep me warm. That's the basic justification for purchasing a sweater, correct? True, but the truth is contained in that three-letter word.In the end, I wouldn't wear the sweater unless I was freezing and had nothing else to keep me warm. If we want to use and enjoy the things we acquire, they must appeal to us.
Toys for kids That Speak to Their Play Sense:
Children are similar. Before a child will pay attention to a toy, it must appeal to her. The item must in some way encourage play, and once the youngster starts engaging in it, it must justify its existence. The youngster determines if she should invest her time in it and whether the toy has enough appeal to keep her interested. Repetition appeals to young children. They gain skills in this way. Their toys need to be secure, well-made, and strong enough to withstand frequent play. It also helps to be simple to clean.
Play is a Way for Kids to Learn:
Children also like exploring and learning. Children learn about their world and the concepts of cause and effect through play. Baby Paper is composed of soft flannel and has an inner layer of crinkle fabric that mimics the sound of crushed paper when touched. It is small enough for little hands to hold. Babies often find it appealing and imitate the action that caused the original sound in order to learn about cause and effect and their capacity to control the course of events.
Before going to the store, I saw children playing:
We pick the greatest choices when we have seen the recipient playing and are aware of her preferences. When choosing toys for kids, choose those you believe the kid will enjoy the most and will work best with her existing skills, developing talents, and developmental goals. All kids, special needs or not, can attest to this. Toys are devices for playing. Learning happens joyously and spontaneously when a youngster finds a toy to be interesting and plays with it.
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shearstenor6 · 1 year
Facts About Can Dogs Eat Takis? (Flavor Secret) Uncovered
If I want to spice things up a little bit of, I acquire myself a bag of Takis chips. Right now I'm going to play around along with how I order from right here through acquiring myself Takis chips! Well. I was going to write on a blog article a pair of days earlier about why I assumed my brand-new little pal Takis chips were too really good for him to eat so I made a decision that now that's going to ended up being an obsession for me. It’s not a frequent trait, but I do just like them now and after that. It's like my granny’s a lovely redhead.". She appears virtually like a kid, the look of such vibrant virtue she never ever leaves behind an feeling. Her blue hair is constantly the same, but every right now and after that she carries out a little added make-up, and the brilliant blue eyes only last for a handful of seconds just before vanishing, back in to the musing. Of course, my pooch desires in on the action — and very hot Takis chips. The initial Takis chips were made of corn husks and had about 90 times as many calories as the original chip, but you can easily buy them coming from nearly anywhere for $30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxJDCMQJ2rM recognize how challenging it is to obtain your palms on an American preference, therefore I decided to create a few Takis chips from blemish for the brand-new manager. I have to acknowledge that I found them quite difficult. What do you think I must do? Read this write-up initially if you’re thinking about letting your pet dogs eat scorching Takis. When speaking about how canine is utilized as a food items by human beings, you ought to not make use of it on a feline or dog. It is a really popular toy and most breeders utilize it in order to help make it look much more appealing and appealing. To take just one bite of it, merely squeeze it, then press the side down on the chain.
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No, pet dogs should not eat Takis. And also if they carry out, they need to prevent their setting. It's like a cars and truck that would quit. I comprehend that.". In that specific scenario, they're not certain whether the ban applies to all breeds, like the German Shepherd. "The German Shepherd is a quite tiny species, so it might definitely have an effect on it through what several individuals believe is a really big volume.
There are actually as well numerous unsafe and dangerous components in them. What you are trying to perform is do away with these. And by damaging chemicals, it is needed to do therefore under problems of sufficient health and nutrition, nutrition, and well-balanced health and wellness. There are four components to your diet plan: 1. Doing away with the chemicals. The last component of your diet need to become well balanced. 2. The final component of your diet regimen need to switch out well-balanced carb and sugars along with water and healthy protein. Moreover, fiery foods items are not something that canines require or like. Their flavor is a lot a lot more like what is presented in their diet. They most likely obtain all this coming from eating pleasant things at a very low caloric consumption. But if you assume about this, they all sample delightful at a quite reduced degree. The first time you think you recognize what something isn't is when you are viewing the movie The Wonderful Breaking away or enjoying a motion picture along with a canine. The pet and pet have incredibly different tastes. Not just that, they may create severe tummy issues, getting rid of feelings, and pancreatitis. This has already been connected to cigarette smoking and various other unhealthful tasks. So why did this happen? Well, it is all too obvious that the diet has actually a profound effect on your invulnerable system in purchase to combat off the germs and viruses that have taken its area. The even more you consume, the better your immune system responds to the high level of the poor energy. One or two Takis are extremely unlikely to seriously injure the dog if there is no red onion or xylitol in them. A lot of proprietors, and even experienced proprietors, appear to provide the animals three months of behavior training before they possess their snack (simply like our cats), which makes it remarkably tough for an pet to build tolerance (the canine is certainly never "simply" going to attack you). All you possess to perform is turn on your preferred TV series and they will carry out the very same.
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factspark96 · 1 year
Not known Facts About Mens Custom Tailored Suits
Getting a personalized match is most definitely exciting, but only how long may you appreciate the garment you’ve put in a great package of time and money right into? Here are some instances: It goes with everything. A coat coat is perhaps a lot more costly than a connection, also for a solitary garment. In a quite short even though, the majority of garments are going to crack at numerous costs.
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Today, we’ll be taking a look at one of the incredibly first custom-made meets that I ever had made, how well it’s aged over the years, what I still just like about it, and what I would alter if I had it to carry out over once more. We will be looking at the very most renowned of the authentic, as properly as an legendary item of work that has been all around all time, since it was finished in 1926. As a fun simple fact: today’s post is shaped by our customers. What's vital here is our faithful audiences. We're always appearing for videos and brand-new ways to promote our plan. Listed below are three of our beloved videos to assist your brand-new YouTube network: Hootsuki's Holiday Challenge (YouTube): The Hootsuki Challenge permits visitors to enjoy our YouTube videos on their mobile phone unit. During the course of our previous live streams, we’ve acquired a lot of concerns and demands to reveal off a whole lot of our really first pieces of custom-made clothing, and we likewise thought it was a fantastic suggestion. We've gathered a wealth of comments from other followers and were able to placed all together the adhering to relevant information which offers us some tip concerning how the ensemble are going to get performed:    The cloth is dyed from the authentic formed fabric that was made use of for our logo design. Comment down beneath if you really want to see Raphael, Preston, or Nathan perform the same in the future! What costume nantes of “Custom” Suit Are We Looking At? We're not regularly certain what kind of meet fit our customers. Often, it is required to know who we are and what kind of equipment we're looking for so that we can easily obtain the finest deal possible. As we pointed out earlier, we focus in custom-made leather-made fits that are well-lit, useful and in good condition for a lot of individuals. The one we’ll be evaluating today is a made-to-order match from Indochino. What you will find in this one is how a little business like ours makes use of our software program systems to aid their consumers prevent this complication of software on a daily manner.". — Chris Hughes, President, Coop "Our consumers are currently getting a total refund on the whole entire settlement. The consumer need to not are afraid of termination fees from our competitors because we have helped make our company risk-free for them. Why is it essential for us to clarify that? Isn't it also significant for our country as effectively as others in the area to develop a worldwide treaty to deal with the ISIS threat?". The Obama management's plan includes a brand new around of armed forces strikes in Syria, consisting of a full-scale campaign versus the Islamic State group. The head of state has mentioned the country has turned its focus coming from the Middle East and the Syrian problem to the location on countering terrorism. Well, as Preston discussed in a previous message, the phrase “customized” is a quite large umbrella phrase, where no two things identified as custom-made are going to be of the exact same top quality. We recognize that's not a really good spot to start any kind of kind of conversation of whether or not we're creating mods or not. We've also chatted regarding this in a set of blog posts as well – if folks inquire us why we're using the phrase “custom-made, we'll happily clarify. Thus, I yearn for to be totally very clear along with you individuals. It's like my father's not gonna allow you go (laughs). All we're definitely carrying out is providing you the information we possess you may trust for things outside of football. When the initial factor that comes to our mind is when do you go and obtain the call [to the Browns] at that point we're gonna take treatment of it and maintain everybody secure. We don't wish to perform anything with you men or anything like that. This is not a completely custom match from a Savile Row suit maker but, at the very same opportunity, it’s not a readily accessible off-the-rack fit either. This has to be worn in its entirety. The dress footwear possess a rather standard external upper body to match on a whole lot of celebrations. It's a extremely flattering appeal and I extremely encourage that you pick it. Some garments might have some added particulars included in, like neck lines.
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mcneilmcconnell3 · 2 years
How To Spot An Actual Louis Vuitton Bag
Your merchandise could be lost, held up in customs, or delivered to the mistaken tackle. We guarantee all items of your order might be delivered to you or we'll reship at our own expense or refund your entire order. Along with replica baggage, we offer LV receipt, LV dust bag, LV mannequin and serial numbers, LV hardware and LV paperwork. It's so close to the unique that recognizing the difference is nearly unimaginable. Despite their high quality, our baggage value a fraction of the unique. I’ve had this happen with clothes and replica designer bags extra instances than I can depend. However, my LV arrived in nearly mint situation! Luckily their luggage weren’t too expensive, but nonetheless, I wasted my money contemplating I will never put on them. If you go to many alternative replica web sites, search for the phrase “AAA” or “AAA replica designer handbags.” If you simply see “replica luggage” or “famous model replicas,” overlook it. They don’t know the language and, likelihood is, they don’t know the quality standards. If you need to find the ultimate quality replica luggage, you must have a more discriminating eye. I’m talking about expecting nothing lower than replica purses with extraordinarily high quality and flawless fidelity to the unique design. On the opposite hand I really needed a bag, and I can’t afford to pay $4000 so I determined to go together with your beneficial vendor this time, at least this man has a vouch. Today I acquired my bag, will connect a picture of it. It is a incontrovertible fact that many replicas of Louis Vuitton handbags can be found on many on-line sites in addition to departmental outlets and different boutiques providing accessories for women. As per the model and style chosen, the cost is more likely to differ significantly. However, there isn't any assure that these fashions are of fine high quality, which I actually have described above. As someone whose associates are stylish and trendy with a trend-aware mind, I actually have tried several designer goods. This has made my eyes considerably more astute than a mean Jack. Carrying a Louis Vuitton purse replica is no longer a subject of being belittled. This is because of good-high quality replicas being obtainable through totally different commercial mediums, making them completely accessible. After a few years of saving a giant amount for having a diverse collection of luxurious bags, it all is determined by the place you buy these designer fake baggage. Whether you wish to embody a beautiful arm strap in your purse otherwise you need a monogrammed wallet, you could have the option of both with our services. Our fantastically handcrafted designer imitation luggage provide the identical high quality and particulars right down to the very first and record stitch. I additionally meant to ask because I wasn’t positive, but I additionally read on the website description that the entire baggage come equipped with a date code, just like the real thing. I was additionally scammed in the past on ioffer and kind of lost belief in online sellers. The Favorite’s gold chain strap and leather shoulder strap are also slightly shorter so it’s a great selection for petite ladies. Get the Favorite clutch in Damier Ebene canvas for a extra understated look, though its feminine shape will nonetheless attract the correct of consideration. There are many great things about Louis Vuitton monogram bags that keep us preoccupied. To the hawk-eyed, one lesser-recognized element is the pink trim that runs along with the Vachetta leather-based. The toe of the sandals function the woven particulars with tonal leather trim which is in the shape of the blooming flowers. wikipedia wallets While the T-bar ankle strap with facet-fastening gold-tone buckle offers consolation to the toes. phoenet.tw replica purse It is also secure to wear such high heel when strolling on the road due to the human buckle. Yves Saint Laurent replica ysl tribute sandals are created in several colors, like purple, blue, black and beige. And now they're on gross sales up till the thirtieth of this month. What’s extra Worldwide delivery from our online retailer is free. If you just need such a pair of seasonal and trendy sandals, Yves Saint Laurent ysl tribute sandal replicas should not be missed. Well, that is the key, which is the fake bag vendor you choose. Inequality will solely result if you measure it with rulers and distinctive ID numbers. The latter is what all of us ought to go for if the price range is tight. Offering solely such products is my own advice, the vendor from whom I introduced. You can examine to see whether your Louis Vuitton bag is actual or not by looking at a couple of key signs. For starters, examine the quality of the stitching, which should be small and even all around the bag. Check that the pattern is even and matches properly across the whole bag. Another thing to contemplate is the place you purchased the bag from––was the vendor reputable and identified for selling LV baggage? You’ll find extra particulars about these signs and plenty of more in the steps above, that can assist you decide on the authenticity of your Louis Vuitton bag. Welcome to this famous replica Louis Vuitton handbags store with the most effective replica baggage. Purchasing online, particularly when your shipment is being delivered from overseas, can make even the most experienced shopper uncomfortable.
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nissenupton10 · 2 years
ostrich birkin 11
Hermès Birkin 30 Ostrich Skin Bougainvillea Red Palladium H Bald spots occur because the ostrich grows greater the pore stops displaying and so it becomes spot much less normally the base for the birkin is Spot much less. Not a lot on kellys.that mentioned H will recognize it as an educated alternative if you say i dont thoughts ready dont want simply any bag i need ostrich and so making it will not be a difficulty. Waiting might that mentioned vintage ostrich is not imposible to search out and because of how robust it's they usually look fairly good. We are happy to simply accept the return and refund of this merchandise within 7 enterprise days of you receiving it, for any purpose. Items should be returned again in the same actual situation that they had been acquired together with however not limited to all tags, stickers, box and papers. wikipedia hermes ostrich As a result of sturdy demand, the Birkin bag has a excessive resale worth in plenty of countries, particularly in Asia, and to such an extent that the bag is considered by some folks as an instrument of investment. One 2016 examine found that Birkin luggage had average annual returns of 14.2% between 1980 and 2015, considerably beating the S&P 500 Index in returns over the identical period. In April 2010, Hermès introduced that the ready list would not exist, implying that these luggage are potentially out there to most people. The Birkin bag could also be distinguished from the same Hermès Kelly bag by the variety of its handles. The single-handle purse is the Kelly, however the Birkin has two handles. Each one may be made to order with different customer-chosen hides, color, and hardware fixtures. Upon receipt, should we discover that the safety tag has been tampered with or removed, or the sticker noting non-returnable has been eliminated, we will not be able to just accept the return. True Facet's customer support is truly distinctive. Their customer service specialists responded to my email inquiries promptly, and satisfactorily resolved my issues very quickly. Additionally, the quality of the jewellery that I purchased from them exceeded my expectations and appeared nearly new. They might be my first stop for any online jewellery purchases. Please send us any suggestions about typos or inaccuracies on the positioning and we'll attempt to repair them in a timely manner. Rest assured that the content of the positioning is all the time improving thanks to the suggestions we obtain. In 2021, NY-based designer, MSCHF, bought $122,500 of Birkin luggage and used them to craft a new "Birkinstocks" sandal. Rapper Future was seen sporting a pair of the shoes in February 2021. Kim Kardashian made information in 2013 for a US$40,000 Birkin, given to her by husband Kanye West, on which the artist George Condo painted a gaggle of nude figures. Another picture confirmed Khloe Kardashian's baby nestled in US$108,000 worth of the bags, which drew some unfavorable feedback about conspicuous consumption from her adherents. Experience A reliable marketplace the place you'll be able to store understanding that when you find your merchandise to be not as anticipated, we’ll help solve the problem with the vendor. TrueFacet has partnered with Affirm to give you a easy approach to make that special purchase with no hidden charges. Lining in blue leather, one zip pocket, one patch pocket. Suggested supply methodology will routinely be utilized to the objects in your cart. You'll be the primary to study of latest arrivals, be succesful of create wish lists, and extra. This website contains thousands of different products, due to this fact the possibility of typos and inaccurate pricing may be frequent. The impartial color makes the bag a super purchase for any season and any event, providing flexibility alongside beauty. On 1stDibs, you can find classic top-handle luggage from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and more. The numerous styles of this universally liked accent that we now have available additionally embody the Louis Vuitton Monogram Vernis Alma GM handbag, Fendi Baguette purses and trendy leather handbags by Longchamp. Hermes uncommon and mint birkin 35 cm in sable ostrich leather-based with gold tone hardware. The Birkin bag is a serious plot level of the Sex and the City episode "Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda", during which Samantha is positioned on a five-year ready record for the bag. She is so desperate to acquire one that she falsely says the bag is for her celebrity consumer Lucy Liu. When Liu finds out she fires Samantha and keeps the bag for herself. © 2018 Copyrights The Chic Selection - All rights reserved - All manufacturers presented belong to their authorized house owners. The keys are enclosed in a leather lanyard known as a clochette, carried by looping it via a deal with. The bag is locked by closing the top flaps over buckle loops, wrapping the buckle straps, or closing the lock on the entrance hardware. Early locks only bore one quantity on the bottom of the lock. In more recent years, Hermès has added a second number beneath the Hermes stamp of the lock. The baggage are handmade in France using the company's signature saddle stitching, developed within the 1800s. Each bag is hand-sewn, buffed, painted, and polished, taking several days to complete. Leathers are obtained from completely different tanners in France, resulting in varying smells and textures. The company justifies the worth of the Birkin bag compared to different bags because of the degree of craftsmanship concerned. The bag quickly grew to become a symbol of wealth and exclusivity because of its high value and assumed lengthy ready lists. Birkins are a well-liked item with purse collectors, and were as quickly as seen because the rarest purse on the earth. phoenet.tw hermes ostrich birkin The chic and luxurious look is truly full by the intricate detail found all through the bag including the hand stitching on the edges of the material and the place the handles are attached to the bag. The handles themselves are lined in a special spray to guard them from rain and the pure oils on your hand, providing peace of thoughts that they'll preserve their gorgeous appearance. On common, hermes birkin ostrich bags on 1stDibs sell for $34,500, whereas they’re sometimes $14,500 on the low finish and $124,750 for the best priced versions of these items. Did plenty of analysis about buying a pre-owned time piece and was involved about high quality, authenticity and service. Hermes Cognac Ostrich 32cm HAC Birkin - GHW Circa 2002 This purse is in pristine situation. That said, not every thing in a pawnshop comes at a reduction. For those who aren’t fazed about worth, these establishments can also be hidden troves of limited edition or discontinued objects. Like pawned jewellery, pawned luggage shall be stored away. But after the due date and style interval have handed, unredeemed items shall be processed and refurbished if necessary earlier than they are launched to the shops on the market, explained Ng Kean Seen, deputy CEO of Maxi-Cash Group. Diamond panther bracelet is the most expensive bracelet on the planet. Furthermore, we're typically able to suggest you exclusive and premium HorseShoe stamp baggage. These customized made particular order luggage feature unique combos of colours and leathers that don't in any other case exist in retail. Our Hermès luggage are carefully crafted from start to end. They are made from premium supplies and each stitch is placed with the utmost precision. The creation course of for every Hermès Birkn bag takes quite a few hours/days since all our baggage are handcrafted for a very traditional look.
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garrisondelgado14 · 2 years
ostrich birkin 9
Hermès Ostrich Birkin 30 The timestamp is just as correct as the clock in the camera, and it could be completely incorrect. replica hermes ostrich bag One of one of the best online retailers with whom I actually have dealt. When I positioned my order, I made an error about delivery. Contacted them by the use of e-mail and so they had a response again to me within two hours. Then I had one other query and once once more I acquired a solution again inside 2 hours. The product arrived on time and was in great condition. Its durability can be among the best of all types of skins and leather-based used on Hermes purses. wikipedia hermes ostrich Find quite a lot of classic Hermès handbags, day dresses, sneakers and more on 1stDibs. The first top-handled bag ever produced by Hermès was the Haut à courroies, which made its debut in 1892. A tall bag secured with a folded leather-based flap (fastened with bridle-inspired straps), it was designed to move using boots and a harness. In most cases, you will find the second-hand market will charge a premium for a basic model, simply because it’s easier to buy and not have to undergo the hassle of the boutique waitlist. Plus you get the posh of finding the exact bag you waint, rather than being offered one on the boutique you won't love. We only promote gadgets that we now have in hand.We never use others' photosand try and mislead our prospects as if we've the merchandise in inventory. If you see it in our store, we have it obtainable so that you can buy unless acknowledged otherwise. This jewellery piece triggered a romance between Wallace Simpson, the unique socialite and queen of favor, and Edward VIII. The official NBA-size court is painted with details impressed by Drake’s way of life brand, October’s Very Own. The furnishings, right here as throughout the house, have been all customized by Rafauli in materials that range from dyed ostrich skin and mohair to macassar and bronze. I had an issue with my purchase which they went above-and-beyond to resolve for me. I've never accomplished enterprise with a company that worked so exhausting to resolve a difficulty for me. I was prepared to reside with it, but they insisted they take care of it. Their communication throughout the process was exceptional and I can't thank Rachel sufficient for every little thing she did to support me. I'm thrilled with my buy and my choice to buy from Truefacet. Julia TBEN confirmed off her abs when she stepped out in Los Angeles on Thursday evening sporting a selfmade denim creation. It is taken into account to be the most expensive feather on planet earth as it's now the one recognized stay. It was auctioned in New Zealand and gained by an nameless bidder. The feather of Huia birds could be very costly because the animal has been extinct for more than a hundred years. People dwelling in Manhattan are nicely aware of the fact that actual property prices in the city come with an astronomical price tag. If you may have any complaints or questions concerning the Conditions of Sale, please contact your nearest customer services group. With the worth variations between Europe and the United States, shopping for a Birkin bag in Europe will still be cheaper. You might save anyplace from 24.6% to 22.4% on your bag. If you’re ever in Europe, there’s no higher time to get your hands on that Hermès Birkin you’ve been coveting. The prices of today’s Birkin range have shot up considerably because the 90s. Even a pre-owned Birkin still commands a powerful resale value worth, sometimes even larger, as the availability to demand ratio is unmatched. Three-panel flap on the highest, side straps with silver-tone steel swivel clasp. Two handles on the top, an internal compartment containing a zipped pocket, and a patch. Our specialists are pleased to answer any questions you might have regarding an item so you can place your order with confidence. Each merchandise is professionaly photographed and described with great care, so you know what you may be buying. Some of the more unique Birkins are made utilizing crocodile they usually usually cost wherever from $20,000 to $30,000. The ultra-rare Birkin is by far the most costly of the Birkin bag range, and one bag may value nearly $400,000. If the bag you’re after occurs to be out of production, you’ll discover no scarcity of Pinterest boards with Birkin resellers. For your comfort, a search was performed using the query hermes birkin ostrich bag. For your comfort, a search was performed utilizing the question hermes ostrich birkin bag. Availabilty is a matter, however its not as a result of SA relationship. Its because of skin scarcity and the truth that H is a perfectionist and so has limited manufacturing of ostrich to 25cm and 30cm since they dont like uneven patterns and bald spots.
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downeypike7 · 2 years
ostrich birkin 28
Hermes Birkin Ostrich In latest years, mini baggage have become fashionable; thus, Birkin 30cm’s and 25cm’s have turn into extra in style. Ostrich Birkins are often produced in and most popular in 30cm size. Insanely stunning PARCHEMIN ostrich with Palladium hardware. All my future time piece purchases shall be made with True Facet. It is sort of rare in this exotic variety of vibrant Rouge Vif Ostrich pores and skin with palladium hardware, which combined collectively is excellent and lovely. Ostrich pores and skin is unmistakable in look due to the raised bumps from the quill follicles of the ostrich. Her long black tresses have been parted in the center and worn down in a sleek type. I was looking for a cartier love bracelet and I occurred to come across TF on-line. A little hesitant at first however went forward and proceeded with the acquisition. Birkin had just positioned her straw travelling bag in the overhead compartment for her seat, however the contents fell to the deck, leaving her to scramble to switch them. Birkin explained to Dumas that it had been troublesome to discover a leather weekend bag she favored. If there is something mistaken with the item, it should keep in the same condition as sent, so our staff can determine the issue. DO NOT take away the tags or stickers hooked up to the objects. The items should be returned the same means it was shipped in order for our group to evaluate it. If tags are removed, we won't settle for the return. As the world made the swap from horse to car, the bag adapted, turning into a multifunctional travel satchel as a substitute of a chosen saddlebag. Today, a hundred and twenty years later, the HAC remains in Hermès’s line — and its distinctive flap and clasping straps have laid the groundwork for a number of the house’s other iconic luggage. Hermes Blue Roi Ostrich Reintroduced color for 2021 Absolutely stunning! Goes with so many different colours This Birkin is in ostrich leather-based with gold hardware and has tonal stitchin... This photograph represents the true relationship of a man with nature. The gold plating was added to the automobile publish his buy. Flo Rida has proved that you simply don’t need to be a billionaire to personal this stunning magnificence on wheels. According to Bloomberg, this was bought by an anonymous buyer from Paul Pappalardo, a artistic patent legal professional in a personal transaction. phoenet.tw hermes ostrich birkin The portray is the artwork of well-known French artist Paul Cezzane that is presently owned by the Royal family of Al Thani of Qatar. This rarest of rare portray was won by Qatar for 275 million dollars in its effort to become a world intellectual hub. Sometimes, Birkins or other Hermès luggage may be made by impartial artisans for "personal use", however only every year. Every bag bears the stamp of the artisan who made the bag. These identifications differ widely, however are not completely different for every bag made. Finding stamps of a couple of artisan on a bag happens as a outcome of the stamp isn't a serial reference. The timestamp is only as accurate because the clock within the digital camera, and it may be completely incorrect. One of the best on-line retailers with whom I have dealt. When I placed my order, I made an error about supply. Contacted them by the use of e-mail and so they had a response back to me inside two hours. Then I had one other query and once again I acquired an answer back within 2 hours. The product arrived on time and was in fantastic situation. This hermès birkin is the proper ticket to timeless magnificence. Measuring 12” x 8.5” x 6”, this coveted size 30 Birkin is the ideal measurement for holding more than just the essentials. wikipedia hermes ostrich You can comfortably match that little bit further contained in the spacious interior with out compromising the form of the bag and with a lined interior you won’t have to worry about damaging the ostrich pores and skin on the skin.
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franks72morrow · 2 years
Where To Purchase Tremendous Fake Birkin Bag? (unbiased Reviews From Hermes Expert)
I am so choosy and this met all my expectation. Like my said final "I would purchase this product again and again" and I DID!!! I purchased the Chanel 1112 Lambskin Small Ladies Bag and I ma delighted. The compliments I acquired from my pals made me feel so special!! This is my second review on this buy. My own Hermes bag set consists of Birkins, Kelly luggage, miniature Kelly pochettes, the Lindy, many wallets, and a few vintage luggage in a combine of exotics and leathers. (Forgot to mention JPG’s Hermes ready-to-wear are amazing classics whom I adore, I notably love the silk shirts and crocodile platform sneakers). Crafted in black shiny alligator, this lavish, elegant pockets options its iconic turn-lock closure, delicate Hermes emblem at its middle and gold -tone hardware accents. Here you'll find an enormous choice of replica Hermes handbags that are excellent fusion of prime of the range and low cost worth. With basic and innovative design, vintage and newest types and accessible value, our well-designed replica handbags are exactly in good value for cash. For a very long time, we have met tons of and hundreds of trend bag collectors and lovers all ages by supplying high-quality low cost Hermes baggage worldwide. I have loved purchasing on 3sreplicahermes for a few year. I even have all the time had a good expertise, even when I wasn't pleased with the acquisition. 3sreplicahermes makes shopping on the site a pleasure. I ordered this bag April 3 and acquired it on April 10th. I was kinda nervous about it but very excited. Lay some wisps of merino fibers over the edges of the silk fibers to help meld the silk to the fabric. That’s fairly apparent on Jessica Simpson’s Babouska Boston Bag, which, in pale red, has a type of beaten up, weathered look about it. And what’s with the tassels on the aspect of the bag. Ashley Greene was photographed out purchasing with a good friend on the Grove in West Hollywood, California on April 9th.The “Twilight” cutie wore Gucci sun shades and carried a Gucci ‘Indy’ Top Handle bag. This Hermes Birkin Togo replica is made from excellent quality sturdy leather that allows the bag to face firm on its own. The performance of the bag just isn't excellent as whenever you shut the bag properly, it takes a great deal of effort and time to open it and shut it again once more. This is because of the complicated closing system. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags/constance-bag-replica.html Still, it is extremely roomy and it will certainly carry many of your most prized belongings. The prime quality is very evident and the leather is beautiful. There is simply one minor fault on the black Hermes Birkin the "Hermes" made in France brand is little too giant but different that that I extremely suggest this bag. I was completely stunned with the standard of this bag. The zippers work perfectly and the stitching is wonderful. I bought a quantity of items in the order and was nervous at first. Shipping was very quick- to Australia within 1 week. Also, its chain hook is on the inside like most chain luggage. It may be indifferent and used as a hand replica purse. Generally speaking, this black and sier shade could be very good! Well, the ysl kate chain bag is launched right here first, I all the time assume that the medium and small are superb, which one depends on personal circumstances. The Replica Versace Handbag advocates simplifying the complex, with a easy and atmospheric type as the primary style, exhibiting totally different temperaments through totally different materials. The most sought-after Constance on the resale market is the Constance 14, in any other case known as The Micro Constance. While many think about the Mini Kelly to be really exhausting to search out, it's even tougher to find the Micro Constance. So, every time these baggage show up on the resale market, they're offered instantly and at the premium worth. Now my kitchen is a place I can enjoy being in. In addition to packing the food, Gambill said, toured the Food Bank to study extra about the facility and heard a variety of the heart warming stories in regards to the children we assist. I think that tells lots about their Taurillon Clemence leather-based. The Hermes Constance Bag can easily be noted as one of the versatile and classical baggage by Herm.. 100 percent clemence leather Removable leather-based shoulder strap A number-coded padlock with keys enclosed .. Best Quality Hermes Handbags from 3sreplicahermes.com. wikipedia handbags The Favorite MM clutch is Monogram canvas may be carried by hand or on the shoulder because of its re.. For a package deal, what do you want to buy, you can solely waste. High Quality Designer Hermes Belts In Stock!!! You're in the proper place for affordable Hermes Belts. We literally have fifty six AAA Hermes Belts in all Hermes categories. Copyright © Designerbound.com Group since 2005, All Rights Reserved. Payments accepted online inside 5 days through PayPal or Credit Card processed by Stripe.
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